Occasional Paper #156, Part I
OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES No. 156: Part I February 12, 2009 CATALOGUE OF DIATOM NAMES PART I: INTRODUCTION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Elisabeth Fourtanier and J. Patrick Kociolek Cover image Ehrenberg Plate 18, fig. A. “Massen-Ansicht im Mikroskop bei 300 ma- liger Vergrösserung im Druchmesser.” Sample from Richmond, Virginia. (Ehrenberg C.G. 1854. Zur Mikrogeologie. Atlas. Monats- berichte. Berliner Akademie.) Catalogue of Diatom Names Part I: Introduction and Bibliography Elisabeth Fourtanier and J. Patrick Kociolek California Academy of Sciences and University of Colorado Museum of Natural History California Academy of Sciences San Francisco, California, USA 2009 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Alan E. Leviton, Ph.D., Editor Hallie Brignall, M.A., Managing Editor Gary C. Williams, Ph.D., Associate Editor Michael T. Ghiselin, Ph.D., Associate Editor Michele L. Aldrich, Ph.D., Consulting Editor Copyright © 2009 by the California Academy of Sciences, 55 Concourse Drive, San Francisco, California 94118 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writ- ing from the publisher. ISSN 0068-5461 Printed in the United States of America Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 Table of Contents Introduction Aims of the catalogue . .v History of catalogues of diatom names . .v Approaches to developing this compilation . .viii The making of this catalogue . .viii Bibliography . .ix Acknowledgments . .ix References for the Introduction . .x Dedication . .x Bibliography . .1 A. Prichard: Plate 9, Diatoms. In: A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G.
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