Angelika Brandt
PUBLICATION LIST: DR. ANGELIKA BRANDT Research papers (peer reviewed) Wägele, J. W. & Brandt, A. (1985): New West Atlantic localities for the stygobiont paranthurid Curassanthura (Crustacea, Isopoda, Anthuridea) with description of C. bermudensis n. sp. Bijdr. tot de Dierkd. 55 (2): 324- 330. Brandt, A. (1988):k Morphology and ultrastructure of the sensory spine, a presumed mechanoreceptor of the isopod Sphaeroma hookeri (Crustacea, Isopoda) and remarks on similar spines in other peracarids. J. Morphol. 198: 219-229. Brandt, A. & Wägele, J. W. (1988): Antarbbbcturus bovinus n. sp., a new Weddell Sea isopod of the family Arcturidae (Isopoda, Valvifera) Polar Biology 8: 411-419. Wägele, J. W. & Brandt, A. (1988): Protognathia n. gen. bathypelagica (Schultz, 1978) rediscovered in the Weddell Sea: A missing link between the Gnathiidae and the Cirolanidae (Crustacea, Isopoda). Polar Biology 8: 359-365. Brandt, A. & Wägele, J. W. (1989): Redescriptions of Cymodocella tubicauda Pfeffer, 1878 and Exosphaeroma gigas (Leach, 1818) (Crustacea, Isopoda, Sphaeromatidae). Antarctic Science 1(3): 205-214. Brandt, A. & Wägele, J. W. (1990): Redescription of Pseudidothea scutata (Stephensen, 1947) (Crustacea, Isopoda, Valvifera) and adaptations to a microphagous nutrition. Crustaceana 58 (1): 97-105. Brandt, A. & Wägele, J. W. (1990): Isopoda (Asseln). In: Sieg, J. & Wägele, J. W. (Hrsg.) Fauna der Antarktis. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin und Hamburg, S. 152-160. Brandt, A. (1990): The Deep Sea Genus Echinozone Sars, 1897 and its Occurrence on the Continental shelf of Antarctica (Ilyarachnidae, Munnopsidae, Isopoda, Crustacea). Antarctic Science 2(3): 215-219. Brandt, A. (1991): Revision of the Acanthaspididae Menzies, 1962 (Asellota, Isopoda, Crustacea). Journal of the Linnean Society of London 102: 203-252.
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