Pride in Place: Investigating the Cultural Roots of Texoma Artists A
Pride in Place: Investigating the Cultural Roots of Texoma Artists A Unit of Instruction Prepared for The Wichita Falls Museum of Art at Midwestern State University by Wichita Falls Art Teachers Pam Stodghill Day, Audra Miller, Carol Rose, and Claire Walker Ross, and the North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts Department of Art Education and Art History, College of Visual Arts and Design University of North Texas, Denton, Texas 2013 Supported by the Priddy Foundation, Wichita Falls, Texas Curriculum Developers Pam Stodghill Day, Burgess Elementary School, Wichita Falls Audra Miller, Fain Elementary School, Wichita Falls Carol Rose, Wichita Falls High School, Wichita Falls Claire Walker Ross, Southern Hills Elementary School, Wichita Falls Mary Helen Maskill, Wichita Falls Museum of Art Jennifer Hartman, Graduate Assistant, University of North Texas Elizabeth Langdon, Doctoral Candidate, University of North Texas Curriculum Consultant Nancy Walkup, Director, North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, University of North Texas This unit is contains lessons for grades K-12. Teachers are encouraged to adapt lessons for use with other grade levels. No part of this unit may be reproduced without the written permission of The Wichita Falls Museum of Art at Midwestern State University and/or The North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts Pride in Place: Investigating the Cultural Roots of Texoma Artists 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Pride In Place: Investigating The Cultural Roots Of Texoma Artists ..............
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