Seventh Rehearsal and Concert

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Seventh Rehearsal and Concert SYMPHONY HALL, BOSTON HUNTINGTON <S-MASSACHUSETTS AVENUES , , Ticket Office, 1492 1 „ , Telephones^ I ^ack Bay„ j Administration Offices, 3200 ) THIRTIETH SEASON, 1910 AND 1911 MAX FIEDLER, Conductor Programme 0f % Seventh Rehearsal and Concert WITH HISTORICAL AND DESCRIP- TIVE NOTES BY PHILIP HALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 25 AT 2.30 O'CLOCK SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 26 AT 8.00 O'CLOCK COPYRIGHT, 1910, BY C. A. ELLIS PUBLISHED BY C. A.ELLIS, MANAGER 457 OPERA AMERICA AND ABROAD Mr. H. WINFRED GOFF Frau CLARA WALLENTHIN- Miss EDITH DE LYS London Covent Garden STRANDBERG Stockholm London Covent Garden two seasons America Savage Grand Opera Royal Opera and Dresden Milan Florence Brussels Rome etc. Mrs. CLARA SEXTON- At present singing in Germany Mr. earl W. MARSHALL CROWLEY Italy Florence Milan Miss LAURA VAN KURAN Italy Florence etc. Barcelona Now singing in America Italy Florence Now in America Now in Italy Mrs. ALICE KRAFT BENSON Mrs. LOUISE HOMER Mr. MYRON W. WHITNEY France Nantes At present with Aborn Grand Opera Co. New York Paris London Brussels Now with Concert and Opera Boston Chicago Now singing in New York Metropolitan Opera Co. Lilian Nordica Co. Italy Mme. LENA ABARBANELL Miss FANNY B. LOTT Miss BLANCH FOX (VOLPINI) Austria Hungary Germany etc. Italy Palermo Rimini Pisa etc. Italy Venice Milan Vercelli etc. Metropolitan Opera Co. New York Now singing in Italy American Grand Opera Cos. New Now singing "Madam Sherry" N.Y. Miss EDITH FROST STEWART York Chicago San Francisco etc. Mr. henry GORRELL To create title role in Victor Her- Miss MARY CARSON (KIDD) Italy Florence Genoa Torino etc. bert's new opera " When Sweet Six- Italy Milan etc. Now singing in Italy teen" now rehearsing in New York Now singing in Italy Mr. FLETCHER NORTON Miss BERNICE FISHER Miss ROSINA SIDNA Now singing in New York With the Boston Opera Co. Italy Spain "The Deacon and the Lady" Now singing in Australia Miss FLORA ZABELLE Mr. CHARLES BARRON Mr. STANLEY FORD (Mrs. Raymond Hitchcock) Aborn Grand Opera Co. Of the Woodland, Raymond Hitch- With Raymond Hitchcock Co. Now singing in Italy cock and other companies America-Concert Recital Oratorio Lecture Etc.-Abroad Miss EDITH CASTLE Miss CHRISTINE MILLER Mrs. ETTA BURGESS NOBBES U.S.A. Canada England Italy New York, Chicago, Pittsburg, New York Boston Montreal etc. Miss VIOLA VAN ORDEN Worcester leading societies Instructor Int. School N.Y. Instructor Int. School Boston Miss BERTHA CARLOTTA Miss GRACE L. BAUM Pacific Coast New England etc. KING New England New England Miss LUCY ALLEN Miss LOUISE ORMSBY Principal soprano soloist two years Paris London New York Miss MAUD REESE Sousa's Band Now singing in England Two years principal soprano soloist Miss CHRISTINE LABAR- Mrs. ALICE HUESTON Sousa's Band RAQUE Lawyer linguist singer STEVENS Mrs. CHARLOTTE WILLIAMS lecturer teacher (blind) Italy New York New England HILLS Miss EDITH STERLING Miss JEWEL GERALDINE Italy New York New England etc. NICHOLS Who has made a spe- McCUNE Miss cial study under most favorable con- Of the Cleveland Detroit and St. ROSE TYLER England etc. ditions of Neapolitan dialect songs Clair Popular Concerts New York New Mrs. EDWIN J. DREYFUS So- Miss SARAH MAE RAYNOLDS Mrs. JESSIE MORSE BEREN- loist Max Heinrich, Gideon French Italy France U.S.A. SON and German Lecture Recitals Now in Italy Italy New England Miss ELMA IGELMANN Mrs. LAURA BRADFORD Mrs. ETHEL FRANK- New England New York Middle THOMPSON Of the Denman BRIGHAM West Thompson Old Homestead Co. Italy New England Miss PHYLLIS WOLFE Mrs. PARSON GOODRICH Miss THEO GOODRICH Florence and Concert recital Milan New York church etc. New Concert Recital Entertainer Middle West England Miss NORAH FRANCES BURNS Miss KATHARINE MELLEY Mrs. FELLX FOX Contralto Church of the Immacu- Second season Staats Sextette Now of the Faculty of the Fox- late Conception Fo.rmerly instructor Int. School Buonamici Pianoforte School Miss ALMEDA ADAMS Singer Miss VERA CURTIS Memberof Miss ERNESTINE HARDING teacher lecturer director (blind) Victor Maurel Opera Co. New York Soprano Tremont Temple Miss ALENA G. EMERSON Miss S. MAUDE THOMPSON Instructor Penn. College Pittsburg Instructor N.E. Conservatory In- N.E. Conservatory of Music ternational School Florence Boston Wm. L. Whitney International School Now Phila. and N.Y. representative Mr. a. R. FRANK Mr. FRANCIS ROGERS Mr. HARRY F. MERRILL Italy, New England Music Festivals With the Sembrich Concert Co. Maine and Church Choir Festivals Commonwealth Ave. Baptist Church Mr. PAUL HASTINGS ALLEN England Italy New York New Eng. Mr. WALTER KNOWLES Paderewski Symphony Prize award Mr. SOKICHI KUZUOKA Italy New England HENRY H. HALL Japan New York New England etc. Mr. FREDERICK BANCROFT Instructor of Halifax Conservatory Mr. S. graham NOBBES Recital lectures, Songs of Scotland of Music Nova Scotia Chief voice instructor at the Ireland England Italy etc. Emma Willard College Troy N.Yf Rabbi CHARLES FLEISCHER Mr. RICHARD (Dick) GRANT Mr. WALTER JACKSON Instructor University of Minnesota RICHARD GRANT CALTHROP Mr. EDWARD ROYCE One of the chief exponents of the Mr. LOUIS BENNETT Director of Music at the Bryan Old Italian Method in New York Soloist with Pittsburg Orchestra Academy Texas Formerly Syracuse Univ. Fine Arts and other Orchestral Concerts Mr. LOUIS BLACK Mr. ARMAND FORTIN Mr. GEORGE YATES KELLS Director of Music W. Virginia Instructor (voice) N.E. Conser- Voice teacher W. L. W. Inter- University vatory national School *A REPRESENTATIVE LIST YORK HART- %AfRil I % Af l_l I -f Kl C BOSTON NEW OF PUPILS OF WM. L. WHITNE Y FORD PORTLAND OF THE BOSTON INTERNATIONAL AND HARTFORD SCHOOLS OF MUSIC • From time to time lists of professional singers, pupils of Mr. Whitney, will be published in this programme 458 Boston Symphony Orchestra PERSONNEL iSMjM fiA M fin fm fiA rm fui Perfection m Piano Making 5 feet long THE -0Miimxm Quarter Grancl Style V, m figured Makogany, price ^650 It IS but five reet long ana m Tonal Proportions a Masterpiece or piano building. It IS CnicKering & Sons most recent triumph, tke exponent of EIGHTY-SEVEN YEARS experience m artistic piano building, and tne heir to all tne qualities tnat the name of its makers implies. CHICKERING ^ SONS Established 1823 791 TREMONT STREET. Corner Northampton Street, near Mass. Ave. BOSTON laxTtTTrnT i Y iiirrrrrrrrri^^ 460 THIRTIETH SEASON^ NINETEEN HUNDRED TEN AND ELEVEN g>^it0ntlf S^tj^araal anh Qlonr^rt FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 25, at 2.30 o*clock SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 26, at 8 o'clock His Honor, the Mayor, has notified the Management of Symphony Hall that, unless the law relating to the wearing of hats by ladies at public entertainments is obeyed at the Symphony rehearsals and concerts, he may be forced to revoke the license of Symphony Hall. This would mean an end of the Boston Symphony concerts. It is hoped that the ladies who patronize these con- certs will come to the aid of the Management in this matter. THE LAW WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED The doors of the hall will be closed during rne pvrjfji m,„^.v^^ ^, each number on the programme. Those who wish to leave before the end of the concert are requested to do so in an interval be' tween the numbers. ^ City of Boston, Revised Regulation of August j5, 1898.— Chapter 3, relating to the covering of the head In places of public Amusement. Every licensee shall not, in his place of amusement, allow any person to wear upon the head a covering which obstructs the view of the exhibition or performance in such place of any person seated in anyseat therein provided for spectators, it being understood that a low head covering without projection, which does not such view, be worn. obstruct may . , ,, ^.T,T-r»T ^-^ ^i i Attest: J. M. GALVIN, City Clerk. 461 iSMfui fin M^A fm fuifui fm I ^C3X!XEI3X2Xy*lJLJXU^ Perfection m Piano Making w^^w^x^xiiww xu diLisLic pianu ouiiaing, and the heir to all the qualities tnat tne name or its makers implies. CHICKERING ^ SONS Established 1823 791 TREMONT STREET. Comer Northampton Street, near Mass. Ave. BOSTON 460 THIRTIETH SEASON, NINETEEN HUNDRED TEN AND ELEVEN g'^umf If IJ^tf^arsal anh (Hantnt FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 25, at 2.30 o'clock SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 26, at 8 o'clock PROGRAMME Mozart Adagio and Fugue for Strings (K. 546) First time in Boston major, for Violin and Brahms . ... Concerto in D Orchestra, Op. 77 I. Allegro non troppo. II. Adagio. III. Allegro giocoso, ma non troppo vivace. Debussy "Rondesde Printemps: Images" pour Orchestra, No. 3. First time in Boston Strauss Tone-Poem, "Tod und Verklarung" (" Death and Transfiguration"), Op. 24 SOLOIST Mr. FELIX BERBER There will fae an intermission of ten minutes after the concerto The doors of the hall will be closed during the performance of each number on the programme. TJiose who wish to leave before the end of the concert are requested to do so in an interval be- tween the numbers. ' City of Boston, Revised Regulation of August p. 1898.— Chapter 3, relatinii to the covering of the head In places of public amusement. Every licensee shall not, in his place of amusement, allow any person to wear upon the head a covering which obstructs the view of the exhibition or performance in such place of any person seated in anyseat therein provided for spectators, it being understood that a low head covering without projection, which does not obstruct such view, may be worn. , ,, ^.r-..^^ ^. ^, , Attest: J. M. GALVIN, City Clerk. 461 L. P. Hollander & Co. MILLINERY New Paris Models in Hats for all occasions arriving every week Also a complete stock of FUR AND FUR.
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