City University of New York (CUNY) CUNY Academic Works Dissertations and Theses City College of New York 2012 Strategies for Engagement; A Case Study for the Detroit Institute of Arts and its Relationship to the Detroit Arab Community 2001-2010 Sarah Katherine Jorgensen CUNY City College How does access to this work benefit ou?y Let us know! More information about this work at: Discover additional works at: This work is made publicly available by the City University of New York (CUNY). Contact:
[email protected] !"#$"%&'%()*+#),-&$&%.%-") /)0$(%)("123)+*)"4%)5%"#+'")6-("'"1"%)+*)"4%)/#"()$-2)'"() #%7$"'+-(4'8)"+)"4%)5%"#+'")/#$9:/.%#'0$-)0+..1-'"3);<<=: ;<=<) !$#$4)>$"4%#'-%)?+#&%-(%-) FOR MY FATHER, JOSEPH GILBERT JORGENSEN (1934-2008), WHO INSPIRED ME TO FORMULATE QUESTIONS, TO LEAD AN ANALYTICAL LIFE AND TO ENGAGE IN COMMUNITY ISSUES. Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION 1. THE DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ART 2. RENOVATION 3. MUSEUM EDUCATION AND OUTREACH SINCE REINSTALLATION 4. DETROIT AND ARAB AMERICAN IMMIGRANTS 5. STRATEGIC THINKING AND PLANNING ABOUT OUTREACH 6. MUSEUMS AND ARAB AND ISLAMIC ATTITUDES TOWARDS ART 7. OPPORTUNITIES TO BRING ABOUT CHANGE CONCLUSION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Harriet Senie of the City University of New York and my thesis reader Curtiss Rooks of Loyola Marymount University for their invaluable insight and editorial help. I would also like to thank Janice Freij at the Arab American National Museum for her review. I interviewed many museum professionals and some in the academy. Those individuals helped me to better understand the culture of museums and those institutions where they worked.