A Report on ‘Domestic Tourism Expenditure’ In Uttar Pradesh Based on Pooled Data (Central and State Sample) of 72nd Round NSS Schedule 21.1 (July 2014 to June 2015) ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS DIVISION PLANNING DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF UTTAR PRADESH LUCKNOW Website: http://updes.up.nic.in Email:
[email protected] PREFACE The Seventy second round of NSSO (July 2014 to June 2015) was devoted exclusively for collection of data on 'Domestic Tourism Expenditure'. Uttar Pradesh State is a partner in NSS surveys since 9th round (1955), generally on equal matching basis of samples. The present report on "A Report on ‘Domestic Tourism Expenditure’ In Uttar Pradesh" is based on the result of pooled data of central and state sample of Uttar Pradesh. National Statistical Commission constituted a professional committee under the Chairmanship of Prof. R.Radhakrishna, to identify the preconditions for pooling of Central and State Sample NSS data, to suggest appropriate methodology for pooling the data and to bridge the data gaps and in turn strengthen the database for decentralized planning and governance. The necessity for pooling the Central and State sample data arose due to the growing need for improving the precision of estimates of policy parameters such as the labour force participation, level of living and well being, incidence of poverty, State Domestic Product (SDP), District Domestic Product(DDP) etc., and for strengthening the database at district level required for decentralized governance. Accordingly the NSC professional committee has recommended certain poolability tests and the methodologies for pooling of Central and State sample data of NSS. In the workshop which was held on 19th and 20thSeptember 2018 at Kolkata, it was demonstrated about the poolability tests and pooling the two sets of data and estimating the parameters based on two methods- (1) Matching ratio method and (2) Inverse Weight of the Variance of estimates method.