Assessment and Analysis of Consumers' Demand for Financial

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Assessment and Analysis of Consumers' Demand for Financial Joint Project of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus and the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) “Developing Regional Cooperation in Promoting Access to Finance in Eastern Europe and CIS” Assessment and Analysis of Consumers’ Demand for Financial Services in Belarus National Survey Report (8000 respondents) National Bank of the Republic of Belarus Institute of Sociology of NAS Belarus Minsk, 2016 CONTENTS 1 Basic conclusions 1.1National survey: profile of Belarus ...................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Further steps ........................................................................................................................................ 7 2 Methodology of survey ............................................................................................................................. 8 3 Cash processing services 3.1 Use of a bank account ....................................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Conducting bank account transactions ............................................................................................. 19 3.3 Use of a debit and credit card, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, overdraft services, and a credit card ................................................................................................................................................................. 25 4 Loans and borrowings 4.1 Use of loans ....................................................................................................................................... 36 4.2 Use of borrowed funds ...................................................................................................................... 41 5 Savings 5.1 Keeping savings with financial institutions ...................................................................................... 43 5.2 Use of savings accounts ..................................................................................................................... 46 5.3 Operations on savings account………………………………………………………………… ……49 6 Insurance .................................................................................................................................................. 51 7 Bills payment ........................................................................................................................................... 56 Figures Figure 1. Use of bank accounts in 2012 and 2016 .......................................................................................... 13 Figure 2. Use of bank accounts in regions of Belarus .................................................................................... 14 Figure 3. Use of bank accounts in districts of Belarus .................................................................................... 15 Figure 4. Reasons and objectives for using bank accounts in 2016 ................................................................ 16 Figure 5. Reasons and objectives for using bank accounts in 2012 and 2016 ................................................. 17 Figure 6. Reasons for refusal to use bank accounts in 2012 and 2016……………………… . ...................... 18 Figure 7. Frequency of depositing funds into a personal bank account in 2016 ............................................. 19 Figure 8. Frequency of depositing funds into a personal bank account in regions of Belarus………….. .... 20 Figure 9. Methods of depositing funds into a personal bank account in 2016………………………… …….20 Figure 10. Methods of depositing funds into a personal bank account in regions of Belarus……………….. 21 Figure 11. Frequency of withdrawals from a personal bank account in 2016 ................................................ 22 Figure 12. Frequency of withdrawals from a personal bank account in regions of Belarus ............................ 23 Figure 13. Frequency of transfers from a personal bank account in 2016 ................................................. …..23 Figure 14. Frequency of transfers from a personal bank account in regions of Belarus…………….. ............ 24 Figure 15. Use of a debit card in 2012 and 2016 ............................................................................................ 25 Figure 16. Use of a debit card in regions of Belarus....................................................................................... 26 Figure 17. Use of Internet Banking in 2012 and 2016 .................................................................................... 26 Figure 18. Use of Internet Banking in regions of Belarus .............................................................................. 27 Figure 19. Frequency of online payments in 2012 and 2016 .......................................................................... 28 Figure 20. Use of Mobile Banking service in 2012 and 2016 ........................................................................ 28 Figure 21. Use of Internet Banking in regions of Belarus .............................................................................. 29 Figure 22. Use of Mobile Banking in regions of Belarus ............................................................................... 30 Figure 23. Frequency of payment through a mobile phone in 2012 and 2016………………………….…… 31 2 Figure 24. Use of overdraft in 2012 and 2016 ................................................................................................ 31 Figure 25. Use of overdraft in regions of Belarus ........................................................................................... 32 Figure 26. Use of overdraft in districts of Belarus .......................................................................................... 33 Figure 27. Frequency of using an overdraft in 2012 and 2016 ....................................................................... 33 Figure 28. Use of a credit card in 2016 ........................................................................................................... 34 Figure 29. Methods of getting cash in 2012 and 2016 .................................................................................... 35 Figure 30. Share of respondents using lending services in regions of Belarus…….. ............ ………………. 36 Figure 31. Share of respondents using lending services in districts of Belarus .......... ……………………… 37 Figure 32. Market shares covered with each loan type in the common segment of lending services in 2012 and 2016. ............................................................................................................ …………………………… 38 Figure 33. Market shares covered by each loan type in the common segment of lending services in regions of Belarus… ............................................................................................................................................. .. 39 Figure 34. Reasons for refusal to use lending services in 2012 and 2016 ...................................................... 40 Figure 35. Use of borrowed funds in 2012 and 2016...................................................................................... 41 Figure 36. Borrowed funds usage frequency in 2012 and2016 ...................................................................... 42 Figure 37. Keeping savings with financial institutions in 2012 and 2016. ... .................................................. 43 Figure 38. Keeping savings with financial institutions in regions of Belarus ................................................. 44 Figure 39. Share of respondents keeping savings with financial institutions in regions of Belarus ............... 45 Figure 40. Share of savings kept with financial institutions in 2012 and 2016 .............................................. 46 Figure 41. Market shares covered by savings accounts of each type in the common segment of savings account in 2012 and 2016 ............................................................................................................................................. 47 Figure 42. Market shares covered by savings accounts of each type in the common segment of savings accounts services in regions of Belarus ................................................................................................................. 48 Figure 43. Reasons for using savings accounts in 2012 and 2016 ................................................................... 49 Figure 44. Frequency of deposits into personal savings account in 2016 ........................................................ 50 Figure 45. Frequency of withdrawals from personal savings account in 2016 ................................................ 50 Figure 46. Share of respondents using insurance services in regions of Belarus ........................................... 51 Figure 47. Share of respondents using insurance services in districts of Belarus ........................................... 52 Figure 48. Market share covered by each insurance type in the common insurance services segment in 2012 and 2016 .................................................................................................................................................. 53 Figure 49. Market shares covered by each type of insurance services in the common insurance services segment in regions of Belarus .............................................................................................................................. 54 Figure 50. Reasons for refusal to use
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