The European Council as a crisis driven ‘gouvernement économique’ by Wolfgang Wessels Jean Monnet Chair University of Cologne
[email protected] Paper for the 14th EUSA Conference, Boston Friday 18 March 2015, 1:45-3:15 p.m. Please do not quote without the author’s permission Based on a preliminary version of the chapter “Economic Governance: Towards a ‘gouvernement économique’?” In: Wessels, W. (forthcoming 2015): The European Council Houndsmill: Palgrave Macmillian. Prepared within the framework of the project: „EU-GLOBAL: Transatlantic Perspectives in a Changing Global Context: Multilateralism Through Regionalism” The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Content Economic Governance: Crisis driven and institutional .............................................................. 3 The European Council as constitutional architect ............................................................................... 5 Managing the Economic and Financial Crisis: A Reinforced Leadership Role ..................................... 8 At the Institutional Centre of the Multi-Pillar Architecture: Treaty Rules and Actual Practices ....... 12 Conclusion: Towards a Crisis-Driven ‘Gouvernement Économique’ .................................................. 15 2 Economic Governance: Crisis driven and institutional High on the agenda of the European Council as the key institution within the EU’s architecture are issues of economic governance. The various policies that form part of economic governance – monetary, fiscal, and other economic and social policies – are usually regarded as the most important or at least the most often discussed areas of the European Council’s policy-making (see for example Van Rompuy 2010).