The Grammaticalization of the Copula Verb Red in Tibetic Languages

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The Grammaticalization of the Copula Verb Red in Tibetic Languages Article * Language and Linguistics ♀⦝⃅↙Ւ⥱ ᱿⦝ᘍջ 17(5) 679–715 red © The Author(s) 2016 Reprints and permissions: DOI: 10.1177/1606822X16645742 ⴳᆙߤ ㈪ⵣో῅ञણ ᢞقωऱृהٻ।ሒψאشᢀ೯ဲ redΔڇژຝ፿Ⴧ֗ࣟতຝ፿Ⴧխཏሙק፿ิխຝ፿ჇΕࣟ៲ ऄΔᆠ੡شኔᆠ೯ဲऱڶ፿խ red ׽៲ײΖمኙګݺωრᆠऱ yin ݮ۞ٻࡉൣኪრᆠΔൕۖፖ।ሒψ ೴բᆖࣔᒔ፿ऄ֏੡ᢀ೯ဲࡉچࣟত፿Ⴧऱֵႁڇլඡ࣍ 14 ׈ધऱ֮᣸ᇙΔڇωΔࠡ৵܂᧢Εګ᧢ψ Δyinم౨ऱኙפΩൣኪωشψ፿ڇژ o- ဲܗᢀ೯ဲ yin ࡉึז፿ழ៲ײ೯ဲΖፖհઌᚨऱਢΔܗ᧯ழ o ।ሒऱऴຫ፿- ဲܗឰΕ׌ᨠൎᓳऱ፿௛Δൕۖፖึܒ׌ᨠڍԱለڶࠠڼڂխΔ؁ࡳܡ࣍ش੡ᆖൄڂ ᆜࠀၞۖፖۯԱࠡזo ऱ௣ՋΔred ດዬ࠷- ဲܗᙈլඡ࣍ 14 ׈ધऱՑ፿խΔᙟထึ۟ڇΖۖم௛ઌኙ ωრᆠऱߓอ೴ܑΖृהٻݺωࡉψ۞ٻ࿇୶Աለ੡ᣤ௑ऱ।ሒψޡΔൕۖດمኙګyin ݮ ݺ۞ٻᢞᒤᡱΔقᣂ᝶ဲΚ៲፿ิ፿ߢΔᢀ೯ဲΔ፿ऄ֏Δ 1. ℨ⧄ ౨ΰ८ᣛ 1958, 1979, 1981Ι᝔ᐖဎʳפᢞࡉൣኪऱقᢀ೯ဲ।ሒڇژ፿ิ፿ߢཏሙ៲ז෼ 1982ΙDeLancey 1985ΙHaller 2000ΙBielmeier 2000ΙHongladarom 2007:17–44ΙZeisler 2000, ৰנ౨Ղথ।෼פ࿨ዌࡉڇ܀Δٵଡ፿ߢࠡᢀ೯ဲဲნݮኪլٺ2012Ι३ࣔႼ 2014αΔឈྥ ຝ៲፿ჇΕࣟতຝ៲፿Ⴧխऱᢀ೯ဲ red ࡉ yinק࣍խຝ៲፿ჇΕࣟڇژՕԫીࢤΖࠡխᐖऑ ༓ଡ៲፿Ⴧ࿪הΔۖࠡڤਢॺൄ᧩᎒ऱݮܛ࿨ዌ yin-ba-redΕyin-ni-red ࢨ yod-red ࿛ٽࠡิ֗ ;Bielmeier 2000; Zeisler 2000; Tournadre & Jiatso 2001; Kelly 2004:237–238) ܉red ऱ։ ڶ֟ ԳՑऱشHildebrandt 2004:87–89; Tournadre et al. 2008)ΖՂ૪Կଡ፿ჇԳՑ׭Ա៲፿ิ፿ߢࠌ ’᠏ᐊֱூ (Wylieئڗᢅ್ܓऄۖ໌๻ऱ৖ڗإഗ࣍ᑑᄷ஼૿៲፿شᓵ૪ຝ։֗٨ᜰࠏᢞழ஼૿៲፿݁ආ֮ء * ψ˂ωΔۖᠨিฤګ੡ vΖ៲֮ႚอᑑរฤᇆ໢িฤψăω᠏ᐊޏΔലࠡխऱϗޏଥ܂Romanization system)Δࠀฃ ψ.ωᑑشΖ᠏ᐊ஼૿፿ଃᆏ੺ૻقΞΞ।ףॵأ؁՗Δঞ؁ࠐऱנխ࣫࠷؁ψ˂˂ωΖኙ࣍ൕԫଡ९ګψăăω᠏ᐊ խ֮إՑ፿ᦰଃזଃᆏฤᇆΖ෼شᜢᓳऱՑ፿ᦰଃՈլڶଃᆏฤᇆΔ׼؆شঞլဲټڶ࿛റټ஼ټچټಖΔۖԳ Ζ֮مګլ؁ᇠق՗ছ।؁ڇழʽ࣋ٵʽᑑಖΔشආڤIPA ᑑಖΖዌᚵݮ شΔᜰࠏழঞऴ൷قψ˂˂ωࠐᑑڇIPA ࣋ ش ࢭ፞ᄐஃრ۫პ៳Θॳᙑඒ඄ਐᖄΔ׼؆তၲՕᖂ܂ᐊ֮ء࿝ृᓳ਷ࢬ൓ΖڶՑ፿፿றೈ௽ܑᎅࣔ؆Δᄗזխ෼ 墿ऱଥڶॺൄڍԱ壆נ༼ᐉᒚറ୮ٍټ໑ՓΕ૴ໃ֬۫໑ՓΕࡌਞᄇ໑ՓᐉᔹԱॣᒚࡉ፿றΖೳףࢮޥᖂೃ࣓֮ ᓰᠲ࠹ࠩতၲՕᖂॳᙑඒ඄׌਍ऱء࿝ृ૤ຂΖ׼؆Δطᇨᐱ᝔რΜ֮խլݔհ๠ᄗאૡრߠΖ᠃ኙՂ૪ஃ֖ી ᖂڣॹټۍഏ୮षᄎઝᖂഗ८ૹរറூψ៲፿ֱߢऱૹଃ֗ઌᣂᣉ৳ംᠲઔߒωΰറூᇆ 13AYY008α֗তၲՕᖂ Ζܗߢઔߒωऱᇷֱۥઝ൅ᙰԳૠ྽റூψ៲፿ൈֱߢૉե௽ ⴳᆙߤ ᖵٽ೯ဲ red ࿨ܗኙՂ૪፿Ⴧխᢀ೯ဲଫܛ֮ء೴഑ΖشᑇΔՈਢᢀ೯ဲ red ׌૞ࠌڍ࿪Օ ᧯፿ิ፿ߢ˂ֱߢΔൕဲნ೯ဲࠩழ៲ז፿ࠩ෼៲ײࠡൕޣ፿ߢ˂ֱߢΔԺቹ൶ז׾֮᣸ࡉ෼ ᢞقऄΔ֠ࠡਢᢀ೯ဲ।ሒ؁෡ݺଚኙ៲፿ݮኪף೯ဲऱᖵ׾ዝ֏૩ᇾࡉዝ᧢ᖲࠫΔൕۖܗ ࡉൣኪᒤᡱᖵ׾ዝ᧢ऱᎁᢝΖ Δലޏଥ܂ጠՂ࿑ټڇᚊႂ (1987) ऱᨠរΔۖضᓵ૪ຝ։ኙ៲፿׾ऱ։ཚΔආ౏֮۫ء ፿ழཚ (Classical TibetanΔ10–17៲ײ፿ழཚ (Old TibetanΔ7–10 ׈ધ)Εխ៲ײ፿׾ቤ։੡៲ ፿ழཚ (Modern TibetanΔ៲ז፿ழཚ (Early Modern TibetanΔ17–19 ׈ધ) ࡉ෼៲ז׈ધ)Ε२ ፿ߢऱᖵ׾։ཚຟ૿ᜯထψ፿ωࡉψ֮ωऱ࠰ᓳംᠲΔ៲፿ψߢ֮լڗ֮ڶ׈ધ)Ζ 21–18 ऄս౒׎Օၦഗ៕ઔߒΔՂ૪؁ംᠲΖᦹ࣍៲፿ᖵ׾ݮኪڼᑌ૿ᜯٵԫωऱႚอ۟վ࢏ᥛΔ ኙ៲፿ิ፿ߢऱ։ᣊΔආ౏ Tournadre֮ءᏝଖۖॺᒔࡳլฝऱΖە೶ڶᎁ੡ԯࠠאױ։ཚ ק፿ิ (Tibetic Languages) հՀΔ೴։խຝ፿Ⴧ (Central section)Ε۫៲ڇܛऱᑑᄷΔ (2013) ፿Ⴧ (North-Western section)Ε۫ຝ፿Ⴧ (Western section)Ε۫ত፿Ⴧ (South-Western section)Ε তຝ፿Ⴧ (Southern section)Εࣟত፿Ⴧ (South-Eastern section)Εࣟຝ፿Ⴧ (Eastern section) ࡉ Ζڤ፿Ⴧ (North-Eastern section) ऱ։ᣊֱקࣟ ઔߒംᠲࡉؾᑑΖร 2 ີൕᣊীᖂߡ৫ᄗ૪ᢀ೯נ༼ՀΚร 1 ີፃᓵΔڕඈڜᆏີ֮ء ፿ᇡา៲זᖵ׾֮᣸ࡉ෼ٽ౨Δࠀኙᢀ೯ဲ red ऱઔߒၞ۩ጵ૪Ζร 3 ີ࿨פऄ፿ᆠ؁ऱဲ ։࣫ޡऱψ፿ߢ൷ᤛឩཋᎅωၞ۩ေᤜΔࠀၞԫګಘᓵ red ऱ፿ऄ֏ሁஉΖร 4 ີኙ red ݮ ৵נ༼ംᠲΔࠀءഗ֮ءऱΖร 5 ີ՛࿨Δᄗ૪مኙګ૿ݮֱش፿ᆠΩ፿ڇ ۶ፖ yinڕred ਢ ᥛઔߒ๻უΖ Ւ⥱ red ᶇἄ⃾ⲩ↙⦝♀ד⋰ᘍ⦝∑Լן⥱Ւ↙ .2 ⋰ᘍ⦝∑Լן⥱Ւ↙ 2.1 ڶऱ፿ߢխ࢓࢓ٵլڇ (೯ဲ (locative–existential verbsڇژᢀ೯ဲ (copula verb) ࡉ๠ࢬΩ խ؁ڇ፿ᆠփ୲Δլ౨ڶਢছृΖ،޲ܛઔߒऱ֮ءᣤ௑ऱ೴։ΔڶΖ៲፿ࠟृٽᣊܑऱ։ ᘯ፿Ζᢀ೯ဲຑ൷׌፿ࡉ।፿Δຍጟ࿨ٽ՗ऱᓤ؁ګᘯ፿Δؘႊࡉ৵૿ऱ।፿ԫದዌ܂مᗑ ጠࠡ੡׌፿ᇖߩ፿Ζٍאዌխऱ।፿ਢᎅࣔ׌፿ࢤᔆΕणኪΕᣊ᥆ࡉ௽ᐛ࿛ൣउऱΔࢬ ނਢ be ೯ဲΔۖܛᐖ௿հ։ΖCrystal (1997, 2000:88) ׌૞ࡳᆠऱڶᢀ೯ဲऱࡳᆠኔ Hengeveld (1992:32) ࡉ Stassen ە೶ڇ (become ࿛ဲᅝ೚ᣊᢀ೯ဲࠐ઎ৱΖPustet (2003:5 ऄႈԫದ؁௽ࡳ፿ߢխፖ௽ࡳܛኙᢀ೯ဲઔߒऱഗ៕ՂΔലᢀ೯ဲࡳᆠ੡ψᢀ೯ဲ (1997:65) ٚ۶፿ᆠփ୲ωΖۖᐖᆠࡳᆠף։Δ،լ࿯ࠡ೶ፖዌທऱᘯ፿࿍፿ᏺګᅝᘯ፿ு֨ऱ፿ߢך ڇਔץbecomeΕwentΕgo ࡉ turn ࿛࿛Ո ڕԫࡳ፿ᆠփ୲ऱဲΔڶᜤᢀ׌፿ᇖߩ፿Εࠠނ Pustet ڕփΖլመᦹ࣍ຍຝ։ဲऱ௽௘ࢤΔࠡຏൄԾጠ੡ψ଱ᢀ೯ဲ (semi-copulas)ωΖ৾ ፿ᆠՂ๠࣍ᢀ೯ဲࡉኔᆠ೯ဲ (fullڇऱΔຍᣊဲנࡉ Hengeveld (1992:35–36) ࢬਐ (7–2003:5) 680 Language and Linguistics 17(5) شආ֮ءࠐ।ሒ᧯ (aspect) ऱრᆠΖਢਚش፿ᆠփ୲Δۖ׊ᝫൄൄףverb) հၴΔ׊࿯ᘯ፿ᏺ ೯ဲࠐ઎ৱΖ܂Pustet ऱ௿ᆠᢀ೯ဲࡳᆠΔۖല become ࿛ဲီ რᆠऱᓰᠲΖൕሀ፿ߢऱߡ৫ࠐ઎Δᢀ೯ဲຏൄڶᑌਢٙॺൄٵ൶ಘᢀ೯ဲऱᖵ׾ࠐᄭ pronoun) (Hengeveld 1992:237; Stassen 1997:90; Pustet) ڤݮဲזverb) ࡉ) ڤࠐ۞೯ဲݮ ዝ᧢੡ᢀ೯ဲΖ፿ऄ֏੡ᢀ೯ױٍ (ΔFrajzyngier (1986) ᝫᓵᢞԱছᆜဲ (preposition(2003:54 existence)ωᆠऱ೯) ڇژposition)ωࡉψ) ڶ।ሒψ๠ࢬ (location)ωΕψᏆڶऱ೯ဲ׌૞ဲ /ωᆠ (go/turn intoװ˂᧢ωᆠ (happen/occur)Εψسωᆠ (do/make/build)Εψ࿇܂Δ֗।ሒψဲ ழᝫಘٵ (ωᆠ (act/like) ऱ೯ဲΖHengeveld (1992:245, 253–254ۿcome/become) ࡉψ।෼˂ᣊ ፿׃፿ (Basque)Εᒱ፿ (Burmese) ࡉ۫ఄ܌ᓵԱ௠፿ (Thai)Εఄ֣ࢮ፿ (Bambara)Ε֣ཎ ࢮ׬፿ף፿ᆠᣊ೯ဲ፿ऄ֏ۖࠐऱൣउΖኙ஑ٵՂ૪լطSpanish) ࿛፿ߢխᢀ೯ဲᆖ) णኪ᧢֏ᆠ೯ဲ፿ऄ֏طNgalakan) խऱᢀ೯ဲ men ࡉՒۘࠡ፿ (Turkish) ፿խऱ olmak ࠟृ) ګ᧢৵׈ዝڇω) Ոګ᧢ᑛ፿ (Proto-Indo-European) խऱ*bhnj ( ψٱመ࿓Ոၞ۩ԱಘᓵΖ଺ࡨ ࠐऱ 1ΖՀ૿᧢ڼطਢܛ ᢀ೯ဲऱᑑಖ (Lehmann 1982:137)ΖኔᎾՂ૎፿ऱᢀ೯ဲ beۿԱᣊ ।णኪطՂ૪ᒱ፿ࡉՒۘࠡ፿࿛፿ߢԫᑌΔਢٵ ፿խऱᢀ೯ဲհԫ red៲זݺଚല઎ࠩΔ෼ ሀ፿ߢऱᣊী٥ࢤΖ്૨ (2005:41–46) ᜔࿨Աዧ៲፿խᢀ೯ဲڶ֏ᆠ೯ဲ፿ऄ֏ۖࠐΔࠠ᧢ ࢬቤהਊࠡᑑᄷ red ᥆࣍ڼڂωᣊࡉψኙωᣊԿଡࠐᄭΖګωᣊΕψڶΚψڤࠐᄭऱԿጟᑓ ಘᓵࠩ red ऱᖵ׾ࠠ᧯ࠐᄭംᠲαΖڶࠀ޲הωᣊΰլመګࡳऱψ ౨Ոਢᣊীᖂઔߒխऱૹ૞ֱפೈԱᢀ೯ဲᖵ׾ࠐᄭΔ௽ࡳ፿ߢխᢀ೯ဲ࿨ዌߓอࡉ ૎፿ऱ beΔዧ፿ऱڕԫଡݙ٤ᢀ೯ဲΔڶऱ፿ߢਢ໢ᢀ೯ဲߓอ (single copula)Δ׽ڶ૿Ζ Pustet (2003:45–53) ࢬᜰࢮ֍ሒ ڕᢀ೯ဲߓอ (multiple copula)Δڍऱ፿ߢথਢڶψਢωΔۖ ៳፿ (Spanish)Ε֣ࢮ׃ዿ፿ (Nuer)Εఄ֣ࢮ፿ (Bambara)Ε௠፿ (Thai)Ε۫ఄܘ፿ (Lakota)Ε ቼփऱ៲۫ڕ፿ߢ੡ሿᢀ೯ဲ (zero copula)Δڶᢀ೯ဲ࿨ዌΖᝫڍ፿ (Barasano) ࿛Δຟਢܘ :ਹᙤ 2008ٻቯ࿩፿ΰڕᢀ೯ဲ࿨ዌΔڍڇژՕႧ 2002:194αΖ៲ᒱ፿Ոཏሙޕ௑೷፿ΰ ˀ໑ቱዿ፿ΰᑛၺᤚࠅ 1985:43–45αΕପ੖॰؍ᚊ 2007:88–89αΕഽګ305αΕु፿ΰ႓–303 ڍ፿ิ፿ߢཏሙਢ៲ז፿ΰ്ᛎ՟ 1986:60–62αΕནᏅ፿ΰᚮᐜ㹓 2012:103–105α࿛Ζ෼֣ ᢀ೯ဲ࿨ዌΰᇡߠፃᓵଈ੄ࢬ֧֮᣸αΖ ΖอۖߢհΔፖݮٵլጐઌైڂ፿ߢࢬ࠹ᐙ᥼ٵ౨஁ฆΔլפᢀ೯ဲ፿ߢऱᢀ೯ဲڍ ᣂΖ៲፿ิ፿ߢᢀ೯ဲऱ೴ڶైڂ፿ᆠ࿛ဲټΕشࡎ৫Εྡྷរ፿سኪΕԳጠΕጊം፿௛Ε 2 ᣂΔڶైڂࡉᎁव࿛ش࿛ร (empathy hierarchy) ࿛፿ᆠΕ፿ٵΔፖԳጠΕ೯ဲ۞׌ࢤࡉᎁܑ ګ᧢९ω)Δۖسࠡለࠠ᧯ऱრᆠ (growψװ९ཚዝ᧢መ࿓խዬዬ؈ڇ Jespersen (1924:131) ᎁ੡૎፿ऱψ೯ဲ be 1 ԫᑓԫᑌωΖڤऱ೯ဲ൷।፿ऱֱڇ੡ኔޓᆠܶהࠡڍ๺ڇፖ෼ڤᢀ೯ဲणኪΖ،଺٣൷।፿ऱֱ ᎅᇩृऱ֨ؾڇΕԳΕढα࿛܃፿ߢխΔᎅᇩृߢ፿۩੡ࢬ௫֗ଡ᧯ΰݺΕڇܛ (࿛ร (empathy hierarchyٵᎁ 2 ᐙ᥼Ζ෼س౨ኙ፿ऄ࿨ዌขױࡉᎁवՂऱ࿛ร೴ܑΔۖຍጟ೴ܑ፿ऄ֏࿓৫။෡Δ။ش፿ڇژխਢլؓ࿛ऱΔ Silverstein ەऄհၴᣂএऱᓵ૪ᇡᓮ೶؁࿛รࡉٵ։ਢᢀ೯ဲ֗ࠡ࿨ዌΖᎁګ࿛ร່ࠢীऱٵ፿᧯෼ᎁ៲ז ΕKuno & Kaburaki (1977) ࡉ DeLancey (1981) ᖂृऱᓵ֮Ζ(1976) 681 ⴳᆙߤ ֮طᆖאױᢀ೯ဲ࿨ዌᝫڍᏝଖऱਢΔ៲፿ิ፿ߢڶԫࡳ஁ฆࢤΖۖ֠ࠡૹ૞ࡉڶ׊փຝᝫ ᢀ೯ဲ࿨ڍ౨ऱอԫࢤࡉ஁ฆࢤΔຍ੡൶ಘפᖵ׾ழཚ࿨ዌࡉٵ᣸ࡉֱߢऱֺለΔ࿇෼ࠡլ ᖵ׾ऱ៲ᒱ፿ࢬլ౨ֺᚵऱΖ៲፿ red ऱขڗᑇྤ֮ڍߡΔຍਢ࿪ՕီړࠎԱߜ༼ګዌऱݮ ऱூࠏΖړอԫ෼ွऱԫଡॺൄم۸ᢞᇠኙܛس 2.2 ♀⦝↙Ւ⥱ red ᶇἄ⃾ⲩ ऱ Lishiviڣ ஼࣍ 1467ګຝ։ઔߒΖڶ഑Δᖂृբچ۩౨֗ຏפᣂ࣍ red ऱ፿ᆠΕ ګΕګ੡ψݙܛ ࣹᤩΔ א ԫဲΔ ڶگGurkhang (ዧ᤟πԭଉെρ) ԫ஼խΔ ݙ٤ᢀ೯ڶ ࠩ red༼آᇠထխࠀ܀ωհᆠ (grub ੡ॺ۞׌೯ဲΔፖ۞׌೯ဲ sgrub ઌኙ)Δפ readyψݙฅΕ א (౨ (Skyogsston Rinchen Bkrashis 2000:78)ΖCsoma de KĘrös (1834:237פऱဲ ೴៲፿چ (Ladakh) ܌౨֘ਠԱࢮሒױᢀ೯ဲऱಖሉΔຍ܂ red ڶآݙ࿨ωࣹᤩ red.paΔ׊ٍ ᢀ܂ Ա redנ፿ߢऱ௽ᐛ 3ΖJäschke (1881:535) ೈऎ᦭ Csoma de KĘrös ऱࣹᤩ؆Δ׼؆٨ิ ౨ߠ࣍ᓡ៲ֱߢࡉཎؘ༼ֱߢ (Spiti)Δ஼૿፿խ֟פ౨Δ׊ᎁ੡ᇠפ೯ဲऱ ೯ဲࡉᢀ೯ဲΖຏ۩࣍խຝࡉࣟຝ៲፿Δৰܗ .٨ԱࠟଡᆠႈΚ1 ߠΖDas (1902:1191) ੡ red ΕݙฅΖDas ᎁ੡ red ᝫߠ࣍ 15 ׈ધऱ Rnalvbyor gyi Dbangphyugګߠ࣍஼૿፿խΖ2. ݙ֟ ᜰࠏΖլመ Oiselآࠀה܀ࢮֲ֣ႚρ) խΔۏChenpo Milaraspavi Rnammgur (ዧ᤟π ऱ༓شߢխൄֱזಘᓵ஼૿፿֗෼ڇறΔޗ፿ࢮ៳ᇩ੡៲זࢮֲ֣ႚρࡉ෼ۏπא (2013:91) redΖ ڇژࢮֲ֣ႚρխۏࠩπ༼آ೯ဲࠐᄭழΔথࠀܗଡ (ᎅऄΖSaxena (1997:298Δုᆬ 18ٵլڶ୮ኔٺ፿ᄭΔ֗זڣ෼ऱ֮᣸נڰ່ ᣂ࣍ red red ፿ᄭം נਐآՈڔಖᙕΔشࢮֲ֣ႚρխࡸྤᢀ೯ဲ red ऱࠌۏ፿֮᣸π៲ײࠩխ༼ ᢀ೯ဲ֘܂ωዝ᧢ۖࠐΔࠡ܂᧢೯ဲ redψ᧢֏Εطred ԯ נᠲΖ՞ՑᅗᏕ (1998:355–360) ਐ Mkaspavi אࠀהᆺࡨߠ֮࣍᣸Δת౨ 4ΔԼն׈ધ৵פઌωۯਠऱਢՑ፿ऱ᧢֏Δ।ሒψኙွ ׈ધ 12 ڇ Dgavstonΰዧ᤟πᔃृ໛୯ρα੡ࠏᎅࣔΖDenwood (1999:273Δုᆬ 1) ᎁ੡ red ౨Ζפ౨ΔՈྤᢀ೯ဲऱפᢞق।૪ᎅᇩृီߡऱྤ܀ψ᧢֏ωऱრ৸Δڶছऱπࢸ࠰ρխ ࢮֲ֣ႚρխՈᝫۏጊംΔ׊ 15 ׈ધऱπژred ࡸ ྤڶᘓ֮᣸խࠩࢍٷࡌ❒ (2000:150) ᎁ੡ ஼૿៲፿זred ຍଡဲΖTournadre & Jiatso (2001:66–67Δုᆬ 18) ᎁ੡ red ׌૞ߠ࣍෼ ڶ޲ ژ፿խऱᢀ೯ဲ yin ࡉ៲ײࠏΔ׊խش፿հছऱ஼૿፿խ࿪֟ red ऱ៲ײߢխΔխֱז෼֗ ౨Ζפᢀ೯ဲऱ܂ڶآ೴ऱ៲፿խ red ࠀچᖂ฾ऱ៲፿Δۖᇠֱچ೴ऱௌ໔چ܌ࢮሒڇ੡ Csoma de KĘrös ਢڂ 3 ᇡߠՀ֮ร؄ີऱտฯΖ ᇞᤩ៲፿խאشࠐऱԫଡ෻ᓵΔנ༼վ៲፿፿ऄۖײٽ࿨سઌωઌኙΔਢ՞ՑᅗᏕ٣ۯ᧯ઌωࡉψ׌ۯψኙွ 4 ᣂڶኙ۞աࢨፖ۞աृ܂ψ।ሒᎅᇩृࢨᐊܛઌωۯ᧯౨Ζψ׌פشऄ–፿؁೯ဲऱܗ೯ဲ֗ԫࠄڇژᢀ೯ဲΕ ऱࠃढழڇژᣂऱড়ᨠྤृ܂ψ।ሒፖඖ૪ृࢨᐊܛઌωۯឰࡉංྒྷωΔۖψኙွܒऱԳࢨࠃढऱ׌ᨠᎁࡳΕ ࢬ೚ऱᎁࡳΕܒឰࡉංྒྷω(՞ՑᅗᏕʳ2002:241–247)Ζ 682 Language and Linguistics 17(5) ౨ (evidentialפᢞقݺω(egophoric) 5 ࡉ۞ٻ।ሒψڶ፿߷ᑌࠠ៲ז෼ۿ೯ဲ yod ࿛Ոլڇ ᎅࣔΖאղ؁൅ red ऱࠏײ٨ᜰխآଚࠀה܀function)Ζ ࢮֲ֣ۏ፿֮᣸π៲ײኙխ܀ᢀ೯ဲࢤऱ red ਢֺለ्ࡳऱΔڶᘓ֮᣸խ޲ٷݺଚᎁ੡ ्אױ܀ԫࠏΔڼऄΖឈྥႛشࠡխᛀ౉ࠩԫࠏ red ऱڇრߠΖݺଚٵred ਍լ ڶႚρխ޲ Κقࢬ؁Հࠏڕࡳ੡ᢀ೯ဲ 6Ζ (1) zhal-nas de ka-red-zer/ mkhar Ι৚-ឝਨ ቆ-஬ਨ َ ণॸ-ᛗ୆ຉ-Ͼु ࠛൌ! bcu.thog longs-nas chos Γቢ ְη-௎ឲຉ Ռݛ ๆ-Ўਨ ᇜ:ְԂ-ծ୆ຉ 7 -௎ឲຉ! bcu.thog gsungs/ Γቢ ণॸ ᇜ:ְԂ! ༆DzȈ৚ЗވήॼְΈൠ໱ݛ܁ൠᇜڿȇ৚ѽᇜ׍ๆ೤࠯ή໱ᗱݛպǫσࡹ້!! DzȠڢٴࡹ೤ኣᇜၯǫาΓቢካॼְΈൠ໱ݛǭшΓቢካӞণבǫވᇜDZȟࡹَኣ ȇȗԦ܅ЉϺ໱Ș1981:69–70Ȉ ፿ڍڜ፿Ⴧקࣟڇde ka-red ˮ߷ ୌଡˀᢀ೯ဲ˰ ፿ᆠ੡ψୌଡωΔ੡ψ׌ˀ।ˀᢀω࿨ዌΔᇠ࿨ዌ ᒔࡳऱΖאױխ red ೚ᢀ೯ဲਢ؁ΔᇠۖڂխՈਢൄߠऱΖ ω(heterophoric) ऱᄗ࢚Δࠀ׊ᎁ੡ຍृהٻݺω(egophoric) ࡉψ۞ٻψנ༼ڰ່ (Tournadre (1991:97Δုᆬ 14 5 Tournadre ٽΖጵٽܭԫֱωॺൄृהऱԫኙᄅ๬፿ rang.ngosψ۞աԫֱωࡉ gzhan ngosψشࡉ៲ගᖂृࢬࠌ ݺωຏൄࢨऴ۞ٻᄗ࢚Δψشωਢଡ፿ᆠΫ፿ृהٻݺωࡉψ۞ٻवΔψױᆬ 14), 2001, 2008) ऱ։࣫ု) 1991) ଺ঞ (anticipation rule) ࿛ۖፖรԫԳጠઌᣂΔࠡᆖᖵΕ೶ፖࢨ௫ߪਬࠃհխΔ࢓࢓ش൷ࢨၴ൷Δࢨຏመቃཚ፿ ωΕψຍڇψ෼א׌۞൳ࢤΔਢԫଡ۞ڶኙࢬ૪ࠃٙΕ۩੡Εᣂএࢨ᥆ࢤऱᒔवࢤΕᑵᢝࢤΔՈຏൄࠠڶࠠ ೚׌፿Εऴ൷ᎏڕΰۯچऄ؁՗խᖜᅝ۶ጟ؁࿯ࡳڇխ֨ (deictic centre)Δۖլጥقᇙωࡉψ۞ݺω੡೶ᑇऱਐ ڶݺωઌ֘ऱࢬ۞ٻፖՂ૪ψܛωृהٻ፿Εၴ൷ᎏ፿੷ࢨψலᏝᇖߩ፿ω(circumstantial complement)αΖψ ࡉტव (sensorial)Εංྒྷאױݺωԫֱ૿۞ٻΔψנ։࣫ࢮ៳ᇩழਐڇ (ൣݮΖTournadre & Jiatso (2001:75 ۞ٻ੡ᖞ᧯ۖፖψ܂ױழ৵૿ຍࠄᒤᡱᝫٵᢞᒤᡱࠀ٨Δقinferential)Εॺᘣव (indirect) ֗ᦫᎅ (hearsay) ࿛) ࠡՂ૪։࣫ࠃ܀ωΔृהٻࣔᒔലტवΕංྒྷΕॺᘣव֗ᦫᎅ࿛ࡳᆠ੡ψآឈྥࠀהԫଡԲ։ߓอΖګݺωዌ ԱॾஒᏆ഑ (field of knowledge) ࡉॾஒᛧ࠷ຜנ༼ࣔᒔה৸უΖࠡ৵ (Tournadre 2008:298)ΔڼኔՂբᆖᤖܶԱ உ (access to information) ೴ܑΔছृ։ personal ࡉ non-personal ࠟᣊΔ৵ृ։ sensory ࡉ inferential ࠟ ፿៲ڇωृהٻݺωࡉψ۞ٻωऱ׼ԫጟ।૪Ζψृהٻݺωࡉψ۞ٻհছψܛᣊΖpersonal ࡉ non personal ኔ ଡՀޢωृהٻݺωࡉψ۞ٻࠐ᧯෼ऱΖψڤݮٽ೯ဲࢨՂ૪ဲᣊऱิܗ೯ဲΕڇژխਢຏመԫߓ٨ᢀ೯ဲΕ խ֨ऱق।ሒ᎛ᠦਐאشᢀ೯ဲ redΔڶωຍଡᏆ഑խΔृהٻψڕऱ՗ߓอࡉრᆠΖٵࠠ᧯։੡լאױ૿ᝫ (।ሒංྒྷრᆠ (inferentialאش೯ဲ bzhagΔܗ।ሒტवრᆠ (sensory)Δאش೯ဲ songΔܗড়ᨠඖኔრᆠ (factual)Δ խ֨ऱ׌ᨠឰߢᆠΖقᎅᇩृ੡ਐאݺωΔ।ሒ۞ٻ࿛࿛Ζۖᢀ೯ဲ yin ᥆࣍ψ 153 ଄Ζݺଚؾ ሐዚΔ٥گႚಖլگࢮֲ֣ႚρΔ׽ۏගՕᖂ៲ࡳֲठπاਢխ؇ءᖕࡌ❒ (2000:62) ࠡઔߒठ 6 נՈܡᇩਢ؁ႃठΖຍٽࠧऱႚಖࡉሐዚٱठषᖕᐚ௑ठנاॹ௧Գڣ ऱਢ 1981شΔݺଚࠌءठڼߠࠩآছᑉ ౨ऱΖױࠏՈਢشࣹრࠩຍଡڶ޲س෼࣍ࡳֲठխݺଚլ൓ۖवΔٍࢨࡌ٣ ΔݺଚլᇡࣹᤩΖٵՀא࣍ႚሒழ᧯ࡉൣኪΔش೯ဲ׌૞ܗ஼૿፿խऱ 7 683 ⴳᆙߤ ࠡࢬထ Bodyig Brdarnying Tshigmdzod (2001:535Δዧڇ ගᖂृ Rnamrgyal Tshering៲ז෼ ٷωΖۖݺଚ௅ᖕኙګ ԫဲΔᤩᆠ੡ψgrub.paΚਢΙݙ ڶᙕگࠢρ) խဲ֮៲ײ᤟π ᣸ࡉ១֮فᘓ८ٷཉᅇ៲ᆖ੐֮᣸Εڇ ౨ऱ redפᢀ೯ဲ܂ऄՂ؁᣸ऱᛀᔹΔ࿇෼֮זᘓழ Rnamrgyal Tshering ല red ऱრ৸հԫᤩ੡ψਢωࠀլᄷᒔΖឈ אࠏΖࢬشߠآᡪ֮᣸խຟ ωΔۖဲײࠢխऱဲؾωψຟਢ៲֮᠖ࡳᄅ፿հছऱဲءڇႃگψছߢωխᎅΔψڇृ܂ྥ ፿ႚอ፿ऄऱψtshig.phradωΰဠဲα៲ڇ (ᔾΖDmudge Bsamgtan (2005:86–87ױ౨ࠀլױຍ הംᠲऱઔߒΖլመڼխ֟ߠऱኙ܂Δຍਢݺଚࢬव៲֮፿ऄထٵխಘᓵԱ yin ࡉ red ऱլ ؘآسred ऱဲᄭംᠲΖ്૨ (2005:85) ᎁ੡៲፿ red ऱข ֗༼آՑ፿ΔՈזऱࠏ՗ਢ෼ش֧ آႛႛਢංྒྷΔࠀה܀౨ਢ፿ऄߓอᣊංऱขढΖױڶ೯ဲαဠ֏ऱ࿨࣠Δۖڕਢኔဲΰֺ ၞ۩ٚ۶ᓵᢞΖ ᎁהᐞΖەዝ֏ऱᨠរଖ൓௽ܑ܉፿ิ፿ߢխऱ։៲ڇ ׼؆ΔࣳփฯԳ (1990) ᣂ࣍ red խຝᓡ៲ࡉࣟতຝ៲፿ឩཋΔٻᇩխΔྥ৵ڍڜຝऱקᑵ࣍ 18 ׈ધࣟګ੡ red ೚ᢀ೯ဲଈ٣ ᖲࠫၞ۩ԱᚵྒྷΔᎁ੡ࠡਢኙګழኙ red ऱݮٵהऱ red ਢ፿ߢ൷ᤛ൅ࠐऱΖֱچຍࠄܛՈ ࣳփฯԳᣂ࣍ red ൷ᤛឩཋऱٵ౨ཙངΖBielmeier (2000:121Δုᆬ 32) ᢥפo ऱ- ဲܗึ ᨠរΖ ։ࣴΔڍለڇژΔᖂृսזڣᑵऱګߠΔred ऱဲᄭംᠲΔ֠ࠡਢ red ೚ᢀ೯ဲױڼط ઔߒΖred ऱψ൷ᤛءՈ౒׎ഗڂ೯ဲऱᖲࠫࡉ೯ܗ᧯ნ೯ဲ፿ऄ֏੡ᢀ೯ဲࡉழဲط red ۖ הٻݺωࡉψ۞ٻ፿ิխ࢓࢓ᝫਢ।ሒψ៲ז෼ڇឩཋᎅωՈᏁ૞ૹᄅᛀಘΖ׼؆Δᢀ೯ဲ ڇհԫ (Tournadre 2008:298)ΔۖڤᢞॾஒᏆ഑ (field of knowledge) ೴ܑऱ፿ऄݮقωຍԫृ ᢞᏆ഑ۖقωऱृהٻ፿ิ፿ߢխΔred ຏൄ᥆࣍ψ៲זᢀ೯ဲ௅੡ red ࡉ yin ᠨ։ߓอऱ෼ խ֨ (deicticقωհխࠠ᧯।ሒഗ࣍᎛ᠦਐृהٻψڇ ᢞᏆ഑Δredقݺωऱ۞ٻyin ᥆࣍ψ אݺωհխ।ሒ۞ٻψڇcentre) ऱড়ᨠီߡඖኔࡉឰߢऱ፿ᆠ (factual and assertive)Δyin ঞ ऱՈ౒׎ګ۶ݮڕਢمᢞኙقխ֨ऱ׌ᨠឰߢᆠΖred ࡉ yin ऱຍጟقรԫԳጠψݺω੡ਐ ෡ԵઔߒΖ ᇞެՂ૪ጊംΖޡല׌૞ಾኙՂ૪ംᠲၞ۩ᇡาઔߒΔቫᇢၞԫ֮ءΔۖڂ 3.
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