Delta County Naturalization Name Index

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Delta County Naturalization Name Index Last Name First Name Middle Name Declaration Second Paper Kahkonen Peter Victor V16,P239 Kahllo Louis V24,P102 Kahlstrom John V7,P436 Kahra Reino V35,P36 V35,P36 Kahra Segred Mrs. V35,P36 V35,P36 Kain Francis V5,P9 1/2 Kain John V8,P101 Kain Mary V19,P165 Kainulainen Eventius B1,F4,P2930 Kainulainen Eventius (Daniel) B5,F2,P2635 B5,F1,P2635 Kaiser John V7,P434 Kaivosoja Saimi Johanna B2,F1,P3144 Kajfasz Teodozya B5,F1,P2584 Kalies John Michael V17,P63 Kalkala Matt V15,P336 Kallarson Johanna Katrina B3,F1,P2101 Kallarson Karl Sigvald V18,P83 Kallarson Karl Sigwald V36,P87 V36,P87 Kallarsson Karl Sigvald V14,P178 Kallem Goreg V7,P7 Kallen George V7,P7 Kallen John V13,P329 Kallerson August Thorwald V31,P37 V31,P37 Kallerson August Thouvald V15,P474 Kallerson Jennie Evelyn B6,F1,P6 Kallerson Karl V18,P51 Kallerson Ragnar Oswald V35,P100 V35,P100 Kallerson Ragnar Oswald V18,P52 Monday, April 01, 2002 Page 236 of 536 Last Name First Name Middle Name Declaration Second Paper Kallersson Karl V38,P6 V38,P6 Kallin John V30,P78 V30,P78 Kallin Peter V26,P55 V26,P55 Kallin Peter V12,P480 Kallio Elma Wilhelmina B1,F4,P2987 Kallio Elma Wilhemiina B4,F4,P2509 B4,F4,P2509 Kallio Johan Victor B1,F3,P2876 Kallio Johan Vihtori B4,F4,P2448 B4,F4,P2448 Kallman And V12,P168 Kallman John V12,P167 Kallman John V7,P267 Kallman John V24,P110 Kallman John V20,P185 Kallman Lars E. V12,P79 Kallorssen Johanna B3,F1,P2101 Kalorssen Karl V38,P6 V38,P6 Kalsen Johannes V11,P171 Kamarainen Seth V15,P420 Kamarainen Seth V19,P92 Kamb Andre V8,P419 kAmerson Andrew V8,P426 Kaminen Oskar V31,P93 V31,P93 Kaminen Oskar V15,P167 Kamovich Mark V17,P284 Kampe Herman V5,P31 Kampe John E. V12,P426 Kamrath Herman V7,P205 Kanerva Kaarlo William V18,P156 Monday, April 01, 2002 Page 237 of 536 Last Name First Name Middle Name Declaration Second Paper Kangas Onni V32,P4 V32,P4 Kangas Solomon B4,F4,P2506 B4,F4,P2506 Kangas Solomon B1,F4,P2924 Kankainen Lydia V19,P163 Kankainen Solomon B1,F4,P2924 Kankainen Solomon B4,F4,P2506 B4,F4,P2506 Kankainen Solomon V19,P162 Kanni Damas V7,P230 Kanstantinmarjimaki Anselmi V37,P43 V37,P43 Kanterr John (Jerw) V7,P349 Kanthen Nicolas V20,P13 Kaponen Kalle B1,F4,P2941 Kaqas Jens Peter V6,P417 Karabogdan Frank B5,F3,P2749 Karabogdan Frank B1,F5,P3029 Karabogdan Josip V16,P179 Karabogian Dora B5,F4,P2861 Karagianis Nicholas V39,P70 V39,P70 Karar Bert V17,P47 Karjala Albin V38,P72 V38,P72 Karjala Albin V35,P65 Karjala Albin V17,P491 Karjalainen Albin V38,P72 V38,P72 Karlas Mary Perpetua Anna (Sister) V36,P8 V36,P8 Karlman Gustaf V10,P116 Karlos Sister Mary PerpetuaAnna V18,P144 Karlovic Andre V15,P329 Karlovich Martin V15,P327 Monday, April 01, 2002 Page 238 of 536 Last Name First Name Middle Name Declaration Second Paper Karlovis Josef V16,P150 Karlson Albert V12,P379 Karlson Anders V28,P213 V28,P213 Karlson Anders V28,P213 V28,P213 Karlson C. V7,P443 Karlson Charles V8,P200 Karlson Erik V11,P263 Karlson Hildur Kristina B5,F3,P2775 B5,F3,P2775 Karlson Karl Arthur B1,F4,P3003 Karlson Karl Ivar B1,F1,P2689 Karlson Nils J. V8,P217 Karlsson Axel B1,F3,P2839 Karlsson Ferdinand V11,P236 Karlsson Hildur Kristina B1,F5,P3020 Karlsson Janne V14,P169 Karlsson Janne (John) V30,P6 V30,P6 Karlsson Karl Wilhelm V14,P207 Karlsson Otto Werner V19,P207 Karlsteen Carles (Charles) V11,P93 Karlsten Charles V21,P278 Karmroth Herman V7,P205 Karn John V8,P101 Karna Annti Oskari B2,F1,P3133 Karol A. V20,P432 Karrberg Axel J. V8,P602 Karslia Frank B1,F2,P2777 Kartssoja John Gust V16,P148 Kasimir Krhen B2,F2,P1902 B2,F2,P1902 Monday, April 01, 2002 Page 239 of 536 Last Name First Name Middle Name Declaration Second Paper Kaski Johan V10,P128 Kaskinen Frans V40,P1759 V40,P1759 Kassen Isaac V16,P219 Kastor Peter V17,P444 Katarincic Iwan (John) V40,P1751 V40,P1751 Katarskis Leo V16,P238 Katic Mate B1,F1,P2698 Katich Mat B2,F1,P3174 Katich Matt B5,F4,P2885 Kaufmann Nickolas V14,P141 Kauppila Augsti V38,P99 V38,P99 Kauppila Augsti V18,P405 Kauthen William V6,P168 Kauwens Francois V13,P61 Kavan Oscar E. V26,P4 V26,P4 Kavanagh John V13,P208 Kavanagh Joseph V24,P197 Kawvens Francois V13,P61 Kay George G. V7,P68 Kay George G. V21,P103 Kazar Ignatz V19,P269 Kazell Emill V15,P78 Kazimierz Butrin V35,P60 V35,P60 Kearney Peter V6,P222 Keating John V18,P221 Keck Louis V7,P25 Kee David Noble V22,P26 Kee Joseph C. V10,P23 Monday, April 01, 2002 Page 240 of 536 Last Name First Name Middle Name Declaration Second Paper Kee Joseph C. V20,P449 Kee William J. V8,P381 Keer David Noble V10,P40 Kegel Dora Menard B5,F4,P2842 B5,F4,P2842 Keillor Conway Franklin V15,P314 Kejka Edward Walter B2,F1,P3164 Kellar Joseph V24,P228 Kellar Thomas V12,P254 Keller Ferdinand V38,P93 V38,P93 Keller Ferdinand V17,P402 Kelley John W. V13,P51 Kelley John Willington V25,P79 Kelly Daniel V6,P256 Kelly James V12,P50 Kelly Daniel V11,P64 Kelly Daniel V20,P50 Kelly John V34,P48 V34,P48 Kelly John V8,P307 Kelly John V5,P26 Kelly John V16,P42 Kelly Paul V8,P306 Kelly Paul V24,P360 Kelly William V20,P453 Kemmer John V28,P234 V28,P234 Kemmer John V28,P234 V28,P234 Kemmer John V8,P360 Kemppaine Antti B2,F1,P3119 Kemppainen Antti B2,F1,P3119 Monday, April 01, 2002 Page 241 of 536 Last Name First Name Middle Name Declaration Second Paper Kemppainen Charles V28,P114 V28,P114 Kemppainen Charles V28,P114 V28,P114 Kenady John V6,P92 Kenady Maurice V7,P45 Kenell John V12,P468 Kennedy Edward V8,P473 Kennedy John S. B1,F2,P2744 Kennedy John S. B3,F3,P2191 B3,F3,P2191 Kennedy Kate Henrietta B5,F3,P2816 B5,F3,P2816 Kennedy Michael V8,P472 Kennedy Neil V12,P329 Kennedy Thomas V8,P471 Kennedy Thomas V21,P201 Kennelly James V20,P89 Kennett James V6,P465 Kenney John V7,P77 Kenney Michael V6,P21 Kerridge James W. or M. V22,P272 Kessler Juliun V6,P178 Kessler Julius V20,P10 Kestila Anna Maria B5,F2,P2634 Kestila Carl Johannes B1,F2,P2719 Kestila Kaarlo Johannes B1,F2,P2719 Kestila Kaarlo (Carl) Johannes B3,F2,P2134 B3,F2,P2134 Ketola Helge V33,P25 V33,P25 Ketola Joel V30,P14 V30,P14 Ketola Joel V40,P1830 V40,P1830 Ketola Joel V19,P152 Monday, April 01, 2002 Page 242 of 536 Last Name First Name Middle Name Declaration Second Paper Ketola Sylvester V32,P61 V32,P61 Kew John V17,P379 Khallman Joseph V7,P18 Khollman Joseph V7,P18 Khollmann Joseph V20,P65 Kidd Alexander V7,P300 Kidd Alexander V20,P137 Kidd Charles V7,P87 Kidd Charles V20,P70 Kidd James V28,P228 V28,P228 Kidd James V28,P228 V28,P228 Kidd Joseph C. V11,P160 Kidder Charles B. V7,P23 Kiefasz Peter V19,P106 Kiefasz Piotr (Peter) V40,P1795 V40,P1795 Kiefasz Teodozya B5,F1,P2584 Kieffer John V7,P380 Kieffer John V24,P343 Kieffer Nicholas V27,P77 V27,P77 Kieffer Nicholas V14,P5 Kieffer Piet (Petre) V7,P378 Kienia George V37,P27 V37,P27 Kienia Victor B1,F4,P2946 Kienia Victor B4,F4,P2440 B4,F4,P2440 Kienja Wikenty B4,F4,P2440 B4,F4,P2440 Kienja Wikenty B1,F4,P2946 Kihlman Helmer V8,P423 Kihlman Hilmer V22,P133 Monday, April 01, 2002 Page 243 of 536 Last Name First Name Middle Name Declaration Second Paper Kihlstrom Johan A. V8,P209 Kilallay Edward V7,P191 Killian Timothy V12,P369 Killian Timothy V23,P2 Kilpela Jack V19,P262 Kilstrom Axel Fritiof V15,P166 Kilstrom Johan August V25,P2 Kindl Katharina V39,P3 V39,P3 Kinela August V19,P148 King Albert V13,P263 King Andrew V12,P484 King Harmidas V8,P51 King John W. V7,P67 King John W. V20,P36 King Louis V7,P380 King Thomas H. V6,P404 Kingsley W. F. V7,P330 Kinkela Antonio B5,F1,P2540 B5,F1,P2540 Kinkela Antonio B1,F4,P2979 Kinkela Vinko V37,P64 V37,P64 Kinkella Barbara Frankovich B2,F4,P2005 Kinkella Fred V18,P299 Kinkella Fred V15,P307 Kinnard Emil V13,P126 Kinne A. W. V22,P40 Kinnen John V7,P372 Kinney John V7,P77 Kinney Michel V6,P21 Monday, April 01, 2002 Page 244 of 536 Last Name First Name Middle Name Declaration Second Paper Kinnon John V21,P127 Kins James E. V8,P393 Kinsman Thomas Henry V5,P77 Kintzele John Peter V8,P356 Kiraly Anna B6,F1,P8 Kirchner Adolf B1,F1,P2630 Kiriekas Lauri V15,P345 Kirin Ivan V19,P193 Kirin Mat V18,P294 Kirin Mato V37,P74 V37,P74 Kirkman Allan V14,P286 Kirkman Laura Ollevant B2,F3,P1977 B2,F3,P1977 Kirkpatrick Edward J. V8,P174 Kirkpatrick Edward J. V20,P156 Kirkpatrick W. A. V7,P387 Kirstine Louis O. V13,P134 Kitchen John B. V5,P58 Kitchen Samuel V5,P142 Kitt James V28,P228 V28,P228 Kitt James V8,P404 Kittelsen Thomas Martin V5,P49 Kivekas Andres Reinard V19,P265 Kivekas Nels V19,P266 Kivela August B4,F4,P2452 B4,F4,P2452 Kivela August B1,F3,P2908 Kivela Otto B1,F3,P2875 Kivela Otto B4,F4,P2451 B4,F4,P2451 Kivi Gustaf V28,P160 V28,P160 Monday, April 01, 2002 Page 245 of 536 Last Name First Name Middle Name Declaration Second Paper Kivi Gustaf V28,P160 V28,P160 Kivi Gustaf V13,P213 Kivi Matti V15,P415 Kivimaki Hilja Lahdensun B4,F4,P2459 B4,F4,P2459 Kivimaki Hilja Lahdensunk B1,F3,P2852 Kivimaki Selma B2,F1,P3152 Kivimaki Victor B5,F1,P2606 Kivimaki Yuho Malakias Malakianpoika B1,F4,P2958 Kivisto Kalle Jalmari B1,F5,P3095 Kivisto Kalle(Kaarle) Jalmari B5,F2,P2730 B5,F2,P2730 Kjellberg Georg Johan V8,P462 Kjellberg George Johan V20,P325 Kjellgren Oscar B4,F3,P2409 Kjellman Oscar V12,P423 Kjellman Oscar V24,P283 Kjellstrom Gust V12,P30 Kjellstrom Gust V20,P346 Kjillin Gust V12,P340 Klafstadaas Ole F.
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