Matthew 21:1-11

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Cross References: Look up other related verses using a Study . Let Scripture interpret Resources: Use a Bible Dictionary, an ESV Study Bible, and Concordance to help you learn and study.

Genres: Pay attention to the genre of the passage you are studying (history, poetry, letters, etc).

This week we see the progression of ’ fulfillment of what He came to do. He has told the disciples 3 times (16:21-23; 17:12; 20:17-19) that He was going to be crucified, but His triumphal entry was a time of celebration. Jesus descends from the and enters on a donkey, an animal symbolic of humility and peace. We see the people throw their coats on the ground in honor and submission of Jesus as a King. A few days later He is crucified on a cross. Spend time in prayer asking the Lord to reveal areas in your life that you need to submit to Him. Praise Him for His sacrifice. Rejoice in your salvation.

Then read Matthew 21:1-11

Comprehension (What does it say?)

1. What prophecy was being fulfilled when Jesus was entering in to ? (:9, Isaiah 62:11). Remember Matthew is writing to the Jewish people. Why is it important that he included this in his writing (see :22; 2:15; 5:17; 8:17; 12:17; 13:35)?

2. What was the purpose of the donkey? (Note: Mark and Luke only refer to one donkey. Matthew refers to two for the fulfillment of prophecy) What did the disciples and Jesus do to prepare for Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem? (Read also :1-11 and :28-40)

Interpretation (What does it mean?)

1. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem, the crowd treated him as if He were a King. What was the crowd expecting from Jesus? What you know of the Jewish people, what were they expecting from a King?

2. The crowd saw Jesus as a prophet from Nazareth which was in . They did not fully recognize Him as their Messiah. Historically they would honor a prophet, what is the difference between honoring Jesus as a prophet verse recognizing Him as the Messiah? (v. 11) 3. “Hosanna” is a Hebrew word meaning “saved.” The people were basically saying “Save us son of a king.” What did the people want to be saved from?

Application (How should it change me?)

1. We see the people had a certain expectation of Jesus as he entered into Jerusalem. How were their expectations misguided? What did they miss? How do we assign our own expectations on Christ? What misguides us? How can we align ourselves with the truth and make sure we stay aligned with the truth?

2. How can reading and studying the Triumphal Entry of Christ prepare us for the solemnity of Good Friday and the celebration of the resurrection on Easter?

Jesus came to serve instead of be served (:28). Even in the Triumphal Entry we see the servanthood of Jesus as he humbly rides a donkey and makes His entry into Jerusalem. Close this week by asking the Lord to make you more like Christ, to give you a passion to serve others, and a willingness to lay down whatever is hindering you from the work of His kingdom.

For Further Study Mark 11:1-11 Luke 19:28-44 Colossians 1:15-20 Hebrews 1:1-3