(Iowa City, Iowa), 1949-10-29
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. , On the Inside , Weather w.. t Waterloo Beata City Hlqh. 32-18 ... Paqe C Partly cloudy, mild and Hydraulics Enrollment Unique Ninety today. Sunday fair ... Paqe S owan IDd cooler. High today 72; COilvicts Give Up After 'Conference' al L-=~~~~~ .ow 38. Friday's hi' h 69 ; ... Paqe 6 fAt. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wu.pboto. UP Leaaed Wlfe - Five Cenla Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday, October 29, 1949 - Vol. 84. No. 25 low 37 • Boxer Ma'rcel Cerdan, Iowa Light Company Iowa Fayored to Break (oasl J47 Others Die· in Crash Seeks Federal Okay Jinx Before Dad's Day Throng Clt't r Boxln, World Readlpll, 8ee Pare t) To Borrow S4·Mi~lion By ALAN MOYER Dally Iowan Sports Edit-r PONTA. D])LGADA, ~AO MIHUEL, 'I'HE AZOHE8, (AP) -t)ah'lIge squllds groped theil' way li'l.'iday night libout the charred The Iowa Electric Light and Allxiou 10 show, aftr r five unsuccessful ventures, that Power company. owners of the tlle,\' can wll ip II Pll cifir COil S! con ferenee football t eRm , ro wa 's lIreckage of all Ail' J<' l'Ii11ce cun ~ lellalioll on a , 'Oil Miguel mouu· Cedar Rapid.; and Iowa City "ail t.in, seekjng bodie!> of the d(.'tims antl clues to the caue of the I:lawkey('s wiud up th e hom 1;('118011 this IIftr rnOol1 wjib an in· road (Crandic) , Friday aske-J the tl' l'St'l, t iO llal lJattl lIg'uin.t t hI' Cniv 1 'ity of Or gon. erll8h. lnterstale commerce commission 'rhey Il l' Se\'(' 11 p oinl favorit .. to do it. Nune of the 4. pel'liOlllS IiOOltl·tl sur\'j"etl, Air "'1'lIl1ce all· for authority to borrow $4-miJIior. The "IIUle will hI> thl' fir 'l in 1{1'idil'OTl hi c; fnrr- brlwl'I'n the UOllUCl'!l. Th 1'(' wa ' luulIrninj:! to help "ay for maior gas and iu the field (if port, al1. and bus electric instalJations ;>nQ con * * * tw o 'Irhnnl IIno will pit the Pil struction. laets. ei fir (' .aRt 'II 1!14 ro·chamnionll 'Marcel Cel'dan, Frellch middle Qfficials Vow The rompany said lhe Equit Pep Rally, Dance agsint t a tpAm tha t one Ivel'k ago able LUe Insurance Society of "mashed N('Irthw.stern's hope of a wright boxer hoping to regain th~ world litle, was one of those list the U.S. ball ac'1'eed to buy that Big Ten title with a startling 28-21 alDOuDt of bonds. They will be ed ,as perishing in the darkness Launch Dad's Day UPS\! t victory. ii' Aid Drive dlHl Se~mber, 1969. .. The win enabled the Hawks to early Friday on the 3,5oo.Coot blJh Algarvia. peall'. Johnson County Atty. Jack The Crandi has placed the j ump into second place in the White promised Friday full sup· power company in th peculiar Western conteren e. with three Cerdan was Iblor to New Festivities at SUI t ...11 wUh hili mana,er. Jo port lo Iowa Atty. Gen. Robert position of being regarded as an Special activities to honor SUI vIctories and one :etback, that to Llqma.n, Ind his trainer, Paul Larson's anti-gambling drive. electric utility and a railroad at students' dads got underway last Illinois three weeks ago. White's comment, and lhose of the same Ume. More than eight ~DJer. for 'r title flrht at Mad night with the Iowa - Ore on An anticipated crowd of 35,- lien Square Garden Dec. 2 other Iowa City officials, came at percent of its revenues are de game pep-rally, li nd lhe Dad's 000, Inoludln, many rue ts her.. with Jake Lamotta.. the same time the attorney gen rived from the railroad business. day dance In the Iowa Union for the 17th Dad's day. will Remlglo Hernandorena, promi eral wall adding teeth to his company officials said. sponsored by Omicron Delta Kap- watch Iowa plar Us sixth west nent Cuban yachtsman. was gambling crackdown. As a consequence of the po wer pa. ooast ooponent and .e(lond t1118 another aboard the air Uner, Larson threatened Friday to company being railroad owners. nads arrlvin, in Iowa City year. The Hawks opened the bound from Paris to New York. discharre any police officers their bonds must be passed on by thl, morn In, can pick up their season ' by dropplnr a 41 - 25 Miss Ginette Neveu, French who failed to carry out hi' or the ICC. The ICC is in charge of yellow identification lapel cards contest to UOLA here. cQncert violinist, the French por der. all railroad financing. when Ibey rel'ls'er at tbe booths The weatherman promises to trait painter Bernard Boulet de "If the public Is too weak-kneed Securlties register d wi lh the Sf't UP In the main lobby of continue the beautiful football Monvel and a group of American to support its officiais," Larson ICC do not have to be registered tbe Iowa Union. weather given Jowa lhis year, said, "I will use men who can't with the security -exchanges com business men and women were ; Open houses to honor dads are witb temperatures ranging in the be reached by volers." . mission and a private sal to one others among the 37 passengers. < • being held from 9 a.m. through 65 to 70 area by the 1:30 klck Investor is also exempt, the com Eleven Americans in all were The attornoy general said he 12 noon today In fraternity and oft time. pany said. aboard. Eleven crewmen made up would &ive officials a "reasonable sorority houses, SUI dormitories, The Ducks, or if preferred, Web the death roli. ti me" to carry out the dri ve i The power comllany said the the Towa Union. SUI libraries, feet, comc to Iowa with a sea against gambling. "unprecedented ,rowth in the Oeorres Carpentier, once a the museum in Macbride hall and son's mark of lour wins In six If no action is forthcoming. he clemaad lor' service:' un'oreseen boxer .blmselr, said In Paris that, in all colle~es and departme?ts. outings. One of the defeats was sa id, hc will send personal letters tbree years a,o when It borrow In Cerdan, "France has lost one DurlDr halfUme at the lowa administered by the same UCLA .r Its .-reatest champions. It is to police officers under civil ser· ed money from a bank. made vice and tell them to "get the expansIon necessary. Oreron football came the Alum that topped Iowa, the other by & Irue period of na.Honal mourn nI Dad, the Student Dad, and Southern California. In,." job done or else." It hai also had to use money Larson said the "or elseh meant for construction which was ear the football dads will be pre 'rhe latter was a 40-13 pasting Charred bodies and fragments sented to the crowd and a 8pe last week, aHer Oregon had led 01 flesh were found over a radius removal from the force Lor fail marked fot' paying off the $1.4 - ure to carry ou t orders. million balance on a bank loan. rial exl,''''Uon wUl be presented at halftime, 6-0 on two field goals. 01 liDO yards. Four or five bodle~ White said Friday he would co Officials said Friday they In lend by the SUI marchln, band Ind Victories ha'Ve been oVer St. were more 01' less recognizable, the Scottish W,hh.nders. Mary's, Idaho, Washingtoo State but were not Immediately Identi operate all the way In aiding the .. to retire this loan with parl 01 The football dads will wear and Colorado. lied, the searchers said. sheriff and the police department, the bond money. and in prosecuting all gambling IlU'ge cardboard numbers corres Dr: lddle Anderson, cognizant Sheepherders in the vicinity ponding to those on their sons' of the tact that his Hllwks may said they saw the plane aflame violations. "This applies to lili clubs Rnd jerseys and wi be .seated in a Mil d,owfl after taming .North we s~ before it fell. Tile craft crashed body in the Tailteathers section tern's Wilqca1.:; l,st week, ha;; near tne lip of the peak, 90 miles private taverns," he said. of the west bleachers in the sta worked steadily with the Iowa of by sea north of the Santa Maria Iowa City Mayor Preslan Ko dium. lense this week and has attempt Air base, where It had been ser laid, "We'll do everythlnr we can to cooperate with the Six more football dads Friday ed to fire the players up lor what attorney ,eneral!' W ASHINGl'ON o(.IP) - A storm NATCHEZ, MISS. (IP) - A Jef notified Omicron Delta Kappa, Is, indeed, more than an ordinary "] have given orders to the of pr(]test broke Friday over the ferson MUitary college trustee de national honor society, and the non-conference game. chief of Police to see that · there ftrlpg 01 Adm. Louis Denfeld as clared Friday night, "There isn't SUI athletic department, they Players, tans and coac hes know ~:~ ~~:M ~;e:;;~' is no gambling in Iowa City," the Steel Strike ' Talks !,he navy's top , admiral, and at friday Dance F~tes enough money in the world to would be present at the ceremo that ~wo losse~ to Paci{ic Coast . nies today at the Iowa-Oregon mayor said. least two congress members de make us go through with the phil conference teams in one season Police Chief Edward Ruppert manded that Secretary of th.? osophy of education based on re game to honor football dads.