(Iowa City, Iowa), 1949-10-29
. , On the Inside , Weather w.. t Waterloo Beata City Hlqh. 32-18 ... Paqe C Partly cloudy, mild and Hydraulics Enrollment Unique Ninety today. Sunday fair ... Paqe S owan IDd cooler. High today 72; COilvicts Give Up After 'Conference' al L-=~~~~~ .ow 38. Friday's hi' h 69 ; ... Paqe 6 fAt. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wu.pboto. UP Leaaed Wlfe - Five Cenla Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday, October 29, 1949 - Vol. 84. No. 25 low 37 • Boxer Ma'rcel Cerdan, Iowa Light Company Iowa Fayored to Break (oasl J47 Others Die· in Crash Seeks Federal Okay Jinx Before Dad's Day Throng Clt't r Boxln, World Readlpll, 8ee Pare t) To Borrow S4·Mi~lion By ALAN MOYER Dally Iowan Sports Edit-r PONTA. D])LGADA, ~AO MIHUEL, 'I'HE AZOHE8, (AP) -t)ah'lIge squllds groped theil' way li'l.'iday night libout the charred The Iowa Electric Light and Allxiou 10 show, aftr r five unsuccessful ventures, that Power company. owners of the tlle,\' can wll ip II Pll cifir COil S! con ferenee football t eRm , ro wa 's lIreckage of all Ail' J<' l'Ii11ce cun ~ lellalioll on a , 'Oil Miguel mouu· Cedar Rapid.; and Iowa City "ail t.in, seekjng bodie!> of the d(.'tims antl clues to the caue of the I:lawkey('s wiud up th e hom 1;('118011 this IIftr rnOol1 wjib an in· road (Crandic) , Friday aske-J the tl' l'St'l, t iO llal lJattl lIg'uin.t t hI' Cniv 1 'ity of Or gon. erll8h. lnterstale commerce commission 'rhey Il l' Se\'(' 11 p oinl favorit .
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