By Concert Have As Their Fulltime Work a Folk- Jored in Philosophy and Minorcd Music Ministry
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Jim Noore and Tom Page. Dust they are found in the creative an? and Ashes, are 1969 graduates of emotional expressions of man Wesley Theological Seminary in And many of these truths, say Beethoven Washington, D.C. They are staff Dust and Ashes, have come from members of the General Board of the.pens of sucli men as Paul Si- Evangelism of The United Netho. mon and Bob Dylan. onored dist Church in Nashville, Tennes- Jim Noore is a graduate of the see. As professional entertainers University of Puget Sound in Ta- and ministers, Dust and Ashes coma, Washington, &here he ma- By Concert have as their fulltime work a folk- jored in philosophy and minorcd music ministry. Through contem- in music. Nany of the songs in the The Indiana Central Nusie De. porary language and folk sow repertoire of Dust and Ashes are partment will ohserve the 1910 they travel nationwide proclaim- written by Jim. Beethoven hieentcnnial by pre- ing God’s good news in concert as Tom Page began singing at the senting a week-long festival of well as in services of worship. age of five with his father who concerts devoted to the music of was a professional entertainer. IIe this German master, March 9-15. Sensing the need for a form of graduated from High Point Col- AII aspects of Beethoren’s art will ministry which can speak authent- lege in North Carolina where he he surveyed in an endeavor to ically to people of today, Dust majored in Religion and eontin- give a complete picture of his mu- 1 and Ashes perform without pre- ued- his entertaining by organiz- sic, and to reveal the magnitude ttense. They speak and sing with ing a folk trio called “The Colleg- of his accomplishments. ‘. prophetic power. And the strength ians.’’ of their creative approach calls “I recommend them with no res- The festival will open on Non- forth an immediate response to the ervation.” writes Dr. L. IIamld day, Narch 9, with a concert by message they proclaim. Young &Wolf. Dean of Wesley Theolog- the Lyric Trio. Shirley Evans Ta- ‘people. in particular, encounter the ical Seminary, Washington, D.C. bachnick will play a Beethoven Christian message as it is, where cello sonata, Arthur Tahachnick ”Dust and Ashs’’ “These young men are definitely they are, when Dust and Ashes not among the seminarians who mill perform a violin sonata, and bring it to them in today’s lan- are despising the church and its the concert will conclude xith one guage. As they share their talents, traditional forms of worship. They of the Beethoven trios. Dorothy in a urofessional way. they also Nunger he the pianist. Dust And Ashes Lightu The Fire are seeking to he an arm of that will share -themselves in--a personal church making fresh and creative On Tuesday, March 10, pianist Dust and Asbes, a folk-mintSterial duet, wiIl be presenting the pro- way. In their distinctive ministry appeals, espnislly to those who John Gates will he heard in a re- gram for Chapel on February 4. They will also he present for in. they aim to discover and proclaim are not being reached effectively formal get-together that evening all interested students. cital entitled “Friends. Foes. and with the truths ahout life and God as by conventional methods.” Forerunners.” This concert is de- signed to reveal for the first time Cast Chosen for thP work- of.~ comrosers. now “If a man has nof found a cause in life fhaf he is willing fo largely forgotten, th;t influenced Beethoven. Dr. Gates will perform The cast for “110 InShade ths Shade,’’ give his life for, fhen he is unfit to live.” l1Oo In The (Dr. Martin Luther King)-. comDositions by ’ Nede, ’ Benda, the first musical comedy to be p&- Rusi. Nozart, -Clementi. Reicha sented on Central’s campus in sev. 4 and Dussek. era1 yesrs. hac been announced Thursday, March 12. will feature and rehearsals are under.wav! a Beethoven Master Class to be Those playing leading roles will presented by the eminent pianist be JoEllen Spencer, as Lizzy Cur- Edward-.- Kilenvi..- Nr. Kilenri will __ -.Tab A ~ ry;. .Steven. ...... Niller,. as-.. Starhuck.. also he heard-in recital on-Satur- and John williams as File. JOELlen day, Narch 14, in the auditorium and John are both senior music of the Indianapolis Nuseum of Art. majors, while Steve is a senior Ire will perform Beethoven’s great- drama-philosophy major. Others est piano sonata - the “1Iammer- in the east include: Nike Potter, klavier” - and ail1 also play three Steve IIamilton, David Geihle, other Beethoven sonatas to be se- CyndI Crump. Singing in the chor- lected hy the audience from the us and appearing as townspeople remaining thirty-one. will be Kent Swartz. Marsha Wal- An unusual fe3ture of this Beet- lace, Joan Long, Jeff Trees. Ellen hoven week will be the perform- Nagee. David Gordon, Karen Rog- . ’ ance of all fivc piano concertos. ers, Alichael Bridgewater, Kandis Faculty member Dorothy NWer Everling. Susan Day, Rick Wright, will piay the Fourth Concerto in ~~nnIIillsamer. ~herryB~WQ Volume50 JANUARY 15, 1970 Indianapolis, lndiona . No. 8 G Najor: . .. Karla Parnell. .Terry Fuller, Joe Friday, Narch 13, Rapeiak and Bill Kennedy. ist students of Jlrs. Nunger and Mrs Elise hlarshall of the mu- Professional Music John Gates play the first three sic department, dill*be Nusical GenhI who’s Who Chosen piano concertos. Director and Nr. Richard Wil- Sorority Chartered The .bicentennial feskai wiu liams*Assistant Professor of Eighteen Indiana Central Col- ise of future usefulness to society. conclude with an orchestra‘coneert ma* Serve as Stage Director. lege seniors are listed in the 1970 The Centralites aceordcd this The Beta psi chapter Of Nu Phi on Sunday, March 15. The India- The PIt Orchestra xi” he under the edition of Who’s Who Among Sto- recognition are John W. Bailey, Epsilon, ‘an Profes* napolis Civic Orchestra, conducted baton of ~r.Lowell Boroughs, dents in American Universities Edward L. Baldwin. Jack D. cos- pianal music sorority, has been by ~o,~~llBoroughs Bill play the chairman of the Nusic Depart- and alleges. sairt, James B. Farrell. James granted a charter at Indiana Cen- Beethoven Fifth Syhphony. After ment. Mr. Gerald Boyee, Chairman Ferrier, Nancy J. Gill, Joyce tral CollCge and installed intermission faculty pianist John of the Division of Fine Arts, and They urre chosen for this dis- Johnson, Walter L. ~l~~~~,taro. a,in Recital Iiall. Gates will join the orchestra in 3 Nr. Earl Snellenberger, professor tinction by a faculty committee lyn G. Nedcalf, Steven NU^^, The ceremony was conducted by performance of the “Emperor” Ot Art* uill he ad- which the students’ Bonita Nishler, Stephen Schrink, the national president, hlrs. Nadge concerto NO. 5. Yisors for the production and will scholastic standing, their partici- Also planned is a performance be in charge of.setpainting. nepation and leadership in Jo Ellen Spencer. Donna K. Stone, Gerke of Indianapolis.’.Seventcen sets have been designed hy Dan- ie and extracurricular activities, Peggy Young Sdtzer, Janet Thur- charterIndiana members central werechapter initiated. is the OfBeethoven’s selected only opera. “Fidelio:“mi w.111 Warm and David Gwdon who their general citizenship and serv- mond. Narsha Wallace, and Jane 2coth to he chartered by the music feature the Opera Workshop, Nir- .. willalso be the student ice to the college, and their prom- Yates. iam Ramaker, director. DIrectors for the musical. Karla sorority. Pamell and Sarah. Lovell will be The charter group has elected in charge of choreography. these officers: Ruthanne Gallatine, Photogrophcrs Nccdcd . The musical will be presented president; Kathleen Niller, vice- for the public on the evenings of Touring Company Shipwrecked president; janeyates, recording There is an urgent need for one February 20 and 21’at 8:30 p.m. secretary; Carol mqua corres- or two more photographers for the in Ransburg Auditorium. All seats The National ‘Shakespeare Co. Festival has heen commemorated pending joinhng, Oracle, and Reflector, and ‘the will be reserved and tickets will \rill present “The Tempest,” Wil- with a Portrait Sculpture; is inter- treasurer; suss,, D~~,chaplain; Public Relations Oflice. Any stu- sell for Q.W. Special student tick. liam Shakespeare’s drama of a nationally famous also’for his one- Cynthia trump, historian; Betty dent interested in trying out please ek will be available at $1.00 each, shipwreck on an Enchanted Island, man concert readings al Charles see &IC. Pearson in the Puhlle Re- for both performances. A FREE at Indiana Central College on Fri- Dickens. Robert Browning, T. E. fContind on Pose Three) lations Office as soon as possible.’ Audience D res s Rehearsal for day, Jan. 16. The play will he at Lawrence and scenes from Shakes- I.C.C. students will be given on 8:30 p.m. in Ranshurg Auditori- peare. Recenlty he toured Arabia Thursday evening, February 19th um. giving performmces of his T. E. at 8:M) p.m. The Bard fashioned a plot of Lawrence prosam. ’ ”110 In %Bde’‘ was witten morality, revenge, and forgiveness The National Shakespeare Co. by N. Richardttrc Nash and is taken with a narrative involving a ma- began touring seven years ago, from the play, ‘me Rai-maker” gician, the grotesque spirit Cab and most of its Derformances are by’ the same author. FiIUSiC Was ban, Ariel the sprite, and Young for college and university audi- written by IIarveY ’ Schmidt and lovers. “The Tempest” the ences. This will he its fifth visit to Lyrics by Tom Jones. the Same last play written by the great mas- Indiana Central.