Appendix 1 Table 1

Name of the Date of location Situation church construction during Islamic history Jerusalem Church of the 135 CE Jerusalem Remained Holy Sepulcher intact Church of All 4th century Jerusalem Remained Nations Byzantine intact church destroyed by an earthquake, and built later by crusader Cenacle known 4th century Jerusalem Remained as Upper room intact Chapel of the 390 CE Jerusalem Part of it Ascension destroyed by the army of Salah al-Din in the 12th century Church of 4th century Jerusalem Remained Bethphage rebuilt in the intact 12th century and renovated 1883 Church of the Built over a Jerusalem Damaged in Pater Noster site of a the siege of Byzantine Jerusalem in church built in 1187, the 4th abandoned century, until it was destroyed by ruined in 1345, Persians in rebuilt n 1851 614, constructed by the crusader in 1152 Church of St. Built in 457 Jerusalem Destroyed by Peter in Al-Hakim in Gallicantu 1010, rebuilt by the crusaders in 1102, after the fall of Jerusalem it 100

was damaged and not rebuilt until 1931. Church of the From the Jerusalem Remained Condemnation Byzantine intact and Imposition of period the Cross Ecce Homo Old Roman Jerusalem Incorporated gateway, into a transformed monastery for into a Roman Uzbek church Dervishes in the 16th century which was later demolished Mary's Tomb Built in 5th Jerusalem Destroyed by century, Salah al-Din destroyed and but the Crypt rebuilt 1130, was left intact, destroyed and rebuilt in the rebuilt by the 14th century Franciscan in the 14th century Nea Ekklesia of Built in 543 Jerusalem Destroyed by the Theotokos an earthquake in 746 St Anne's Church Between 1131 Jerusalem Remained and 1138 intact Augusta Victoria Church Jerusalem Remained Hospital hospital built intact in 1907 Dominus Flevit Byzantine site, Jerusalem Church fell Church a small chapel into ruins built 1187 by during the the Crusader sixteenth century where it became a mosque built by the Ottoman Chapel of Saint 12th century Jerusalem Remained Helena intact Templum Domini In the 12th The crusader After the siege century transformed the Dome of Palestine the of the Rock into a Dome of the church Rock returned to the Muslims again Cathedral of St. 12th century Jerusalem Remained 101

James, Jerusalem intact Church of St. Not known Jerusalem Remained James Intercisus intact Church of the Church built in Jerusalem Gift from the Flagellation 1839 over a Ottoman crusader shrine, the site was given to the Franciscan by Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt Christ Church, From 1842 to Jerusalem Remained Jerusalem 1849 intact Convent of the In 1857 Jerusalem Remain intact Sisters of Zion Church of Maria 1886 Jerusalem Remained Magdalene intact St. George's 1899 Jerusalem Remained Cathedral intact Lutheran Church 1893 Jerusalem Remained of the Redeemer intact Damascus House of Saint 1st century Damascus Remained Ananias intact

Mariamite 2nd century Damascus After the Cathedral of Muslim Damascus conquest it was closed until 706 when al- Walid ordered to reopen it as a compensation of taking over the church of John the Baptist Church of Saint 1000 BC Damascus Destroyed to john the Baptist be a mosque temple, between 706 Roman temple and 715 at 1st century CE, 4th century became a church Aleppo The great It was a Aleppo Converted to a Byzantine Roman temple mosque at Cathedral 715 102

Church of Tutah Unknown Aleppo Converted date of around the mid construction of the seventh century Church ( later Unknown date Aleppo Converted to called the of construction the madrasa of madrasa of Muqaddamiyya Muqaddamiyya) in 1168 Cathedral of the 15th century Jdyda quarter, Aleppo Remained Forty Martyrs intact Mar Assia Al- 15th century Jdyda quarter, Aleppo Remained Hakim Church intact Cathedral of Our 1840 Jdyda quarter, Aleppo Remained Mother of Reliefs intact Cathedral 1843 Jdyda quarter, Aleppo Remained of Virgin Mary intact Saint Elias 1873 Jdyda quarter, Aleppo Remained Cathedral intact Saint Anthony of 1910 Suleimaniya district, Remained Padua Church Aleppo intact Hama The church of Built as a Hama Converted to a Hama Roman church at the temple in 250 time of the CE Umayyads Cairo The Hanging 3rd century Babylon, Cairo Remained Church intact Saints Sergius 4th century Babylon, Cairo Remained and Bacchus intact Church (Abu Serga) Saint Barbara 5th or 6th Babylon, Cairo Remained Church century intact Church of Saint 6th century Fom al Khalij, Cairo Remained Menas intact Saint Mercurius 6th century Babylon, Cairo Remained Church intact Church of St. 10th century Babylon, Cairo Remained George intact Church of the 10th century Harit Zweila, Fatimid Remained Virigin Mary Cairo intact Church of the 11th century Babylon el Darag, Remained Holy Virgin Cairo intact Saint Mary 1660 (Romans ally) in Remained Church Elghoureya, Cairo intact Saint Mark's 1800 Azbakeya, Cairo Remained Coptic Orthodox intact Cathedral 103

Alexandria Coptic orthodox First one built Alexandria Remained church in built in 60 intact CE Caesareum of Roman temple Alexandria Remained Alexandria transformed intact into church in the 4th century Tunis Saint Louis 1884 Carthage Remained Cathedral intact Cathedral of St. 1893 Tunis Remained Vincent de Paul intact Libya Santa Maria degli 1645 Tripoli, Libya Remained Angeli intact Church of the 1858 Benghazi, Libya Remained immaculate intact Conception Morrocco of Tanga 1469 Tanga, Morocco Remained intact Church of Saint 1880 Tanga, Morocco The land of the Andro church was donated by the Sultan al Hassan I, remained intact. In 360 Constantinople Converted to a mosque in 1453 Church of the 4th century Lies in the district of al- Destroyed by Holy Apostles al-Fatih and he built a mosque on the site in 1461 Cathedral of the 4th century Taksim square in Remained Holy Spirit Istanbul intact 4th century Lies in the district of al- Converted into Fatih Istanbul a mosque in the 16th century by the ottomans, turned into a museum in 1948 4th century Constantinople In 1453 used as 104

a warehouse by al-Fatih and in the 18th century during the reign of Sultan Ahmmad it was used as a weapon museum Martyrion of 4th century Constantinople Remained after Hagios Karpos the conquest and Papylos and was burned during the fire of , later reconstructed from the money of Mahalle during the reign of Sultan Mahmud II and remained until now Church of Saint 4th century District of al-Fatih, Remained Menas of Constantinople intact Samatya Church of Hagios Beginning of Lies in the district of al- Converted Andreas ente the 5th century Fatih Istanbul between 1486 Krisei and 1491 by the Grand Vizier Mustafa Pasha Church of the 5th century District of al-Fatih, Remained Theotokos Constantinople intact Peribleptos Church of St. 5th century Constantinople Remained George of intact Samatya Church of St. In 450 Sixth hill, Fatih district Fire attacked Mary of of Constantinople the building in Blachernae 1435, the ruin was neglected until 1867 where a small church was built and remained intact. 105

Church of Saints In 527, Fatih district Was in ruin Sergius and survived until Constantinople and the site Bacchus 11th century was used by the Ottomans Church of St. In 559 district of Zeytinburnu Remained Mary of the Constantinople intact Spring Church of San In the 6th Beyoğlu, Converted to a Domenico century, Constantinople mosque rebuilt in 1233 during the fourth crusades Church of Saint Built over a Constantinople In 1497 during John the Baptist shrine from the reign of at Lips the 6th century sultan Beyazid it was turned into a small mosque Church of San 6th century district of Beyoğlu, Converted to a Paolo Constantinople mosque by the al-Fatih between 1475 and 1478 Church of the 6th century District of al-Fatih, The church Theotokos Constantinople was assigned Kyriotissa by al-Fatih to the Dervishes Saint Andrew 6th century District of al-Fatih, Converted to a Constantinople mosque between 1486 and 1491 Church of St 7th century Constantinople Remained Euphemia intact Church of St. 7th century District of Fatih in Remained Mary of the Constantinople intact Mongols Church of the Built in the 8th Great palace of Remained Virgin of the century Constantinople intact Pharos Church of Hagias 9th century District of al-Fatih, Converted into Theodosias Constantinople mosque in 1490 Church of Saint 9th century District of al-Fatih, Converted to a Nicholas of the Constantinople mosque under Caffariotes the reign of Murad (1623- 1640), in exchange the Armenian got 106

another church in Balat. Church of St. Between the Sixth hill, Fatih district Converted into Mary 9th and 10th of Constantinople a mosque by century the Ottomans in 1640 Church of In 908 District of al-Fatih, In 1497 Theotokos at Lips Constantinople converted to a small mosque during he reign of Beyazid. Myrelaion church 10th century District of al-Fatih, Converted in Constantinople 1500 into a mosque during the reign of Beyazid Pammakaristos Around 10th District of al-Fatih, Converted by Church and 11th Constantinople Murad III into century a mosque Church of Christ Before 1087 District of al-Fatih Remained Pantepoptes intact Church of Hagios Between end District of al-Fatih, Converted after Theodoros of 11th Constantinople the conquest of century and Istanbul beginning of 12th century Church of Saint Between the District of al-Fatih, Converted into Thekla of the 11th and Constantinople a mosque Palace of twelve century between 1509 Blachernae and 1512 Chapel of Saint 1118 and 1124 District of al-Fatih, Converted to a Michael Constantinople mosque shortly after the conquest Church of the Between 1118 District of al-Fatih, Converted Theotokos and 1124 Constantinople shortly after Eleousa the conquest into a mosque Church of Christ Between 1118 District of al-Fatih Converted after Pantokrator and 1124 the conquest into a mosque Church of Hagia Not known District of al-Fatih, Converted into Theklatu Palatiu Constantinople a mosque in ton Blakhernon 1512 by Mustafa Pasha Church of Saint 12th century District of al-Fatih, Converted to a John the Constantinople mosque Forerunner between 1587 and 1598 Saint Paul church 1325 Galata Converted to a 107

mosque during the reign of Mehmed II between 1475 and 1478 Church of St. In 1600 Phanar district, Remained George, Istanbul Constantinople intact Church of St. 1604 Galata Destroyed due Peter and Paul, to a fire two times and rebuilt in 1843 Crimea Memorial Built on a land Taksim District, Remained Church donated by the Constantinople intact sultan Abdulmecit between 1858 and 1868 Bulgarian St. 19th century District of al-Fatih, Remained Stephen Church Constantinople intact Spain San Pedro 4th century Córdoba, Spain Remained intact Basilica de 4th century Marialba, Spain Remained Marialba intact Villa Fortunatus, 6th century Near Fraga, Spain Remained basilica intact Basílica de Vega 6th century Marbella, Spain Remained del Mar intact San Juan de 661 Spain Remained Baños intact São Frutuose 665 Montelios, Spain Remained intact San Pedro de la 680 Spain Remained Nave intact Santa Comba de 7th century Spain Remained Bande intact Santa Lucia de 7th century Alcuéscar Remained El-Trampal intact São Gião de 7th century Spain Remained Nazaré intact Santa Maria 7th century Melque, Spain Remained intact Santa Maria 7th century Quintanilla de Las Remained Viñas, Spain intact Valdecebadar 7th century Near Olivenza, Spain Remained intact Santa Cristina 7th century Lena, Spain Remained intact Santianes 774-783 Pravia, Spain Remained 108

intact Santa Maria 8th century Vilanova, Spain Remained intact San Juliá n de Los 9th century Oviedo, Spain Remained Prados intact San Salvador 893 Valdediós, Spain Remained intact Santa Maria Unknown date Bamba, Spain Remained intact Mesas de Unknown date Villaverde, Spain Remained Villaverde intact Santa Maria 10th century Lebeña, Spain Remained intact San Cebriá n 10th century Mazote, Spain Remained intact São Pedro 10th century Lourosa, Spain Remained intact Santiago 10th century Peñalba, Spain Remained intact San Pablo Unknown date Córdoba, Spain Remained intact Tarragona 11th century Tarragona, Spain Remained basilica in the intact amphitheatre San Nicolás de la 13th century Córdoba, Spain Remained Villa intact Seville cathedral 13th century Seville, Spain Remained intact Santa Maria 13th century Seville, Spain Remained Magdelena intact San Marcos 13th century Jerez de la Frontera, Remained Spain intact San Dionisio 15th century Jerez de la Remained Frontera, Spain intact church of St. 15th century Marbella, Spain Remained Mary of the intact Incarnation Ermita de 15th century Marbella, Spain Remained Santiago intact Chapel of Santo 15th century Marbella, Spain Remained Cristo de la Vera intact Cruz Priory Church 15th century Province of Cádiz, Remained Spain intact