Report 2021. No. 2
News Agency on Conservative Europe Report 2021. No. 2. Report on conservative and right wing Europe January 20, 2021 GERMANY 1. Germany 2021: 1. Fighting COVID and replacing Angela Merkel (translated) What will define Germany in 2021? The fight against the coronavirus pandemic? Or rather the political battles as the country faces several elections — and the task to replace Chancellor Angela Merkel. At the moment, nothing in Germany is more important than the coronavirus pandemic, and that's likely to remain so in the new year. Resistance is growing to the curbs on individual freedoms brought about by rules made to combat COVID-19. "A social movement is brewing, in which right-wing and left-wing extremists, but also esotericists and science deniers, are gathering," political scientist Florian Hartleb told DW. 2 Seven elections The balancing act between protecting public health and people's rights to freedom will also influence elections, and there are plenty of those in Germany in 2021.Citizens will head to the polls in six of Germany's 16 states. In Baden-Württemberg, popular Premier Winfried Kretschmann — the first and only state premier from the environmentalist Green party — is standing for reelection in March. April will be interesting in Thuringia, where Bodo Ramelow is currently the sole state premier from the Left party.In Saxony-Anhalt, it will be decided, at the latest, by the election in June whether the troubled coalition of the conservative Christian Democrats, center-left Social Democrats, and Greens will endure.But the most important election of the year won't be until September — the federal election, when the era of Chancellor Angela Merkel is set to come to an end.
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