The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania in the Name of the Republic of Lithuania
Case no 3/2018 THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA IN THE NAME OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA RULING ON THE COMPLIANCE OF THE RESOLUTION (NO XIII-1022) OF THE SEIMAS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA OF 12 JANUARY 2018 ON FORMING AN AD HOC INVESTIGATION COMMISSION OF THE SEIMAS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA AND MANDATING IT TO CONDUCT A PARLIAMENTARY INVESTIGATION INTO THE MANAGEMENT OF THE LITHUANIAN NATIONAL RADIO AND TELEVISION AND ITS FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES (AS AMENDED ON 20 SEPTEMBER 2018) WITH THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA 16 May 2019, no KT14-N6/2019 Vilnius The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, composed of the Justices of the Constitutional Court: Elvyra Baltutytė, Gintaras Goda, Vytautas Greičius, Danutė Jočienė, Gediminas Mesonis, Vytas Milius, Daiva Petrylaitė, Janina Stripeikienė, and Dainius Žalimas The court reporter – Daiva Pitrėnaitė Andrius Kubilius and Mykolas Majauskas, members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, acting as representatives of a group of members of the Seimas, the petitioner Agnė Širinskienė, the Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, acting as the representative of the Seimas, the party concerned The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, pursuant to Articles 102 and 105 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and Article 1 of the Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, at the hearing of the Court on 16 April 2019, considered, under oral procedure, constitutional
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