Education -And Service Conditions of Teachers in Scandinavia The
Education-andServiceConditions Par ofTeachersinScandinavia TheNetherlandsandFinland 410 a By ALINAM.LINDEREN----- Specialistin WesternEuropeanEducation b **. BULLETIN1940, No.9 -al at, 1/4 AI& 4 FEDERALSECURITYAGENCY - ' - Paul V.Mc Nuu,Administrator U. S. OFFICEOFEDUCATION- JOhnW. Studebaker,Conimissioner UNIT= STILT=GOTIRIIIIIINT PRINTING OFFICI - . WMIRINGTON:1941 "..- Pier We bythe cl Superintendent dDocuments,Waal:install, D.C.-..- ----a-gdos 20coats .r1't...A... ,*; i ti:. al I . s, .+.1 ,. '''''. - - .__ -' = at IL-..---,0111 _i_ Contents q Page FOREWORD _ VII INTRODUCTION_ _ 1 DENMARK_ _ _ _ _ __ __ 5 Education, appointment,andremuneration ofteachers_ _______ Elementary schools.._ _ _ _ _ 7 Elementary andsecondaryeducation priorto April 1,1938_ 7 Organization ofelementaryeducationafter April1, 1938__ _ 7 Eflucation____ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ 9 Seminaries _ __ 9 Examination forteachers 12 State High Schoolfor Teachers 13 Appointment _ 15 Remuneration 16 Secondaryschools 19 Organization ofsecondaryeducation _ __ _ 19 Education . 21 General examinationin philosophy 22 Language-historyprofessional examinationfor teachers_ 22 Professional examinationfor teachers inthe facultybf mathematics-naturalscience _ I. 24 Professional educationof secondaryschoolteachers__ _ _ 27 Appointment _ _ 28 Remuneration 28 Bibliography____ _ _ _ _ _ 29 NORWAY____ _ _ 31 Education, appointment,and remuneratioilof teachers 33 Elementary schools 33 Organization ofthe elementaryschool incities 33 The elementary schoolin thecountry 34 Education _ _ _ . 1 35 Schools for theeducation ofelementary schoolteachers_ 35 Examinations 40 Additional educationfor elementaryschool teachers___ _ 41 Appointment 42 Remuneration 43 _ Secondary schools _ 45 Organization of thesecondary school 45 t, Education 50 Language-historyprofessional examination_ _ _ _______ _ _ 50 Mathematics-naturalscience professionalexamination__ 52 Pedagogical Seminary 53 , Special subjectteachers 55 Appointment 55 Remuneration 56 Bibliography 56 III Iv CONTENTS Page &WEDE 4.
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