Aalborg Universitet Marine spatial planning Facilitating sustainability in an ocean of ambiguity Kirkfeldt, Trine Skovgaard Publication date: 2021 Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication from Aalborg University Citation for published version (APA): Kirkfeldt, T. S. (2021). Marine spatial planning: Facilitating sustainability in an ocean of ambiguity. Aalborg Universitetsforlag. Ph.d.-serien for Det Tekniske Fakultet for IT og Design, Aalborg Universitet General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. ? Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. ? 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Downloaded from vbn.aau.dk on: October 01, 2021 MARINE SPATIAL PLANNING SPATIAL MARINE MARINE SPATIAL PLANNING FACILITATING SUSTAINABILITY IN AN OCEAN OF AMBIGUITY BY TRINE SKOVGAARD KIRKFELDT DISSERTATION SUBMITTED 2021 TRINE SKOVGAARD KIRKFELDT SKOVGAARD TRINE Marine spatial planning Facilitating sustainability in an ocean of ambiguity by Trine Skovgaard Kirkfeldt Dissertation submitted 2021 Dissertation submitted: January 2021 PhD supervisor: Professor Dr. Jan P.M. van Tatenhove Professor Marine Governance and MSP Centre for Blue Governance, Aalborg University, Denmark PhD co-supervisors: Associate Professor Dr. Sanne Vammen Larsen Danish Centre for Environmental Assessment Aalborg University, Denmark Associate Professor Dr. Helle Nedergaard Nielsen Danish Centre for Environmental Assessment Aalborg University, Denmark PhD committee: Associate Professor Lise Schrøder (chair) Aalborg University Adjunkt Professor Dr. Harri Tolvanen University of Turku Post-doctoral Research Associate Kira Gee Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht PhD Series: Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Aalborg University Department: Department of Planning ISSN (online): 2446-1628 ISBN (online): 978-87-7210-886-5 Published by: Aalborg University Press Kroghstræde 3 DK – 9220 Aalborg Ø Phone: +45 99407140 [email protected] forlag.aau.dk © Copyright: Trine Skovgaard Kirkfeldt Printed in Denmark by Rosendahls, 2021 Summary This report presents a PhD project that was carried out over three years, from January 2018 to January 2021, at the Centre for Blue Governance at Aalborg University, Denmark. The report consists of five papers, prepared for this dissertation, as well as introducing chapters that present the topic, research design and collated research findings. The research theme of this dissertation is the practice of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP). MSP is a developing planning practice that aims to plan for the spatial division of activities at sea in order to meet objectives for a sustainable future. The practice of MSP became a necessity due to the increasing level of activity at sea and the increasing pressure from human activities that result in the deterioration of marine ecosystems. The project was guided by the following research question: How is Marine Spatial Planning facilitating sustainability at sea? In addition, three sub-questions have supported the research by focusing on the potential role of MSP in facilitating sustainability and the role of policy ambiguity in the current practice of MSP. The theoretical concept of policy ambiguity is central to the conducted research in terms of how ambiguities in MSP policies can have constructive as well as less-constructive outcomes. The conceptual framework of this dissertation also includes theory on how policy ambiguity can affect implementation processes, along with theory on how people generate meaning from perceived information. Guided by the conceptual framework, this dissertation investigates how policies on MSP support the achievement of sustainability objectives, and how MSP practitioners interpret ambiguously formulated policies. The five papers all contribute to addressing the research questions but from different perspectives. Paper 1 explores how three interrelated concepts are perceived by MSP experts, i.e. the ‘ecosystem-based approach’, ‘ecosystem approach’ and ‘ecosystem-based management’ concepts. Paper 2 compares the policy designs of the German, Danish and Norwegian MSP processes as well as how planners interpret the sustainability concept. Paper 3 examines the current practice of assessing collective pressure as part of MSP processes in EU member states. Paper 4 elaborates upon the ‘ecosystem-based approach’ concept and compares ‘best practices’, as suggested by MSP experts. Paper 5 presents a conceptual definition of MSP based on the most cited publications and discusses how MSP can contribute to the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goal 3 14 for life below water. The research conducted for the five papers found that ambiguities in the EU Directive for MSP, as well as national policy designs, leave significant room for planners and other actors in the MSP process to interpret central concepts and formulations. These include the practice of taking an ‘ecosystem-based approach’ and the aim of ensuring that the collective pressure stays below a level compatible with a good environmental status. In some cases, this freedom of interpretation leads to innovative and effective MSP practices that facilitate sustainability at sea, whereas other cases show few signs of an ‘ecosystem-based approach’ and the outcome is therefore not sure to facilitate sustainability. 4 Danish summary/Dansk resumé Denne rapport præsenter et PhD-projekt, der strakte sig over tre år, fra januar 2018 til januar 2021, ved Centre for Blue Governance på Aalborg Universitet. Rapporten består af fem artikler, udviklet til afhandlingen, samt indledende afsnit, der præsenterer emnet, forskningsdesignet og en sammenfatning af forskningsresultaterne. Afhandlingens emneområde er praksissen havplanlægning. Havplanlægning er en udviklende planlægningspraksis, der søger at planlægge for den rumlige fordeling af aktiviteter til søs, med målsætninger om bæredygtighed. Behovet for havplanlægning kommer af det stigende aktivitetsniveau til søs samt den stigende påvirkning som menneskelige aktiviteter påfører det marine miljø med ødelæggende følger. Projektet blev guidet af følgende forskningsspørgsmål: Hvordan understøtter havplanlægning bæredygtighed til søs? Herudover har tre underspørgsmål støttet forskningen ved at fokusere på havplanlægnings-praksissens potentiale for at understøtte en bæredygtig fremtid, samt hvordan flertydige formuleringer i politikker påvirker den nuværende praksis. Det teoretiske begreb, politisk flertydighed (Eng.: policy ambiguity), er centralt i undersøgelsen af, hvordan flertydige formuleringer i havplanlægningspolitikker kan resultere i både konstruktive og mindre konstruktive udfald. Afhandlingens begrebslige forståelsesramme indebærer også teori om, hvordan flertydige formuleringer i politikker kan påvirke implementeringen af en politik, i tillæg til teori om hvordan mennesker gennemgår en fortolkningsproces for at skabe mening af information. Vejledt af den begrebslige forståelsesramme belyser afhandlingen, hvordan havplanlæg- ningspolitikker understøtter opnåelsen af målsætninger om bæredygtighed, samt hvordan aktører i havplanlægningsprocesser fortolker flertydige politik- formuleringer. De fem artikler har alle bidraget forskelligt til besvarelsen af forsknings- spørgsmålet. Artikel 1 undersøger hvordan tre enslydende begreber er opfattet af eksperter i havplanlægning, i.e. begreberne ’økosystembaseret tilgang’, ’økosystem tilgang’ og en ’økosystembaseret forvaltning’. Artikel 2 sammenligner politikkerne for havplanlægning i Tyskland, Danmark og Norge, samt hvordan planlæggerne fortolker bæredygtighedsbegrebet. Artikel 3 undersøger den nuværende praksis af vurderingen af den samlede miljøpåvirkning i EU medlemsstaters havplanlægnings-praksisser. Artikel 4 evaluerer begrebet ’økosystembaseret tilgang’, og sammenligner de bedste 5 eksempler på denne praksis, udvalgt af havplanlægningseksperter. Artikel 5 opbygger en definition af havplanlægning baseret på de mest citerede definitioner, og diskuterer havplanlægnings-praksissens potentiale i opnåelsen af FN’s bæredygtighedsmål 14 om livet under havet. De fem artikler viser, hvordan flertydighed i EU-direktivet for havplanlægning, såvel som nationale politikker for havplanlægning, overlader fortolkningen af centrale begreber og formuleringer til involverede planlæggere, heriblandt praksissen at tage en økosystembaseret tilgang, samt at sikre at den samlede miljøpåvirkning ikke forhindrer opnåelsen af en god miljøtilstand. I nogle tilfælde fører denne fortolkningsfrihed til innovative og effektive havplanlægnings-praksisser, der understøtter en bæredygtig fremtid for havet, hvorimod andre havplanlægnings-praksisser udviser en utilstrækkelig praktisering af en økosystembaseret tilgang og kan derfor ikke siges at understøtte bæredygtighed til søs. 6 Acknowledgements While the life of a PhD student at times can feel like an isolated and detached
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