Giovanni Francesco Caroto Oil Paintings

Giovanni Francesco Caroto [Italian painter, 1480 - 1558]

Deposition of the Tears 51546-Caroto, Giovanni Francesco-Deposition of the Tears.jpg Oil Painting ID: 51546 | Order the painting

Portrait of a Young Benedictine 51547-Caroto, Giovanni Francesco-Portrait of a Young Benedictine.jpg Oil Painting ID: 51547 | Order the painting

Read-headed Youth Holding a Drawing 51548-Caroto, Giovanni Francesco-Read-headed Youth Holding a Drawing.jpg Oil Painting ID: 51548 | Order the painting

Sophonisba Drinking the Poison 51549-Caroto, Giovanni Francesco-Sophonisba Drinking the Poison.jpg Oil Painting ID: 51549 | Order the painting

Total 1 page, [1] Caroto, Giovanni Francesco (Nationality : Italian painter, 1480 - 1558) Giovanni Francesco Caroto (1480 - 1555/1558) was an Italian painter of the active mainly in his native city of . He initially apprenticed under (1445-1526/1529), a conservative painter infused with the style of Mantegna. Caroto after a stay in Milan, began responding to the other influences from Francesco Bonsignori, , Raphael, and Giulio Romano; but he never lost a certain individuality and his rich Veronese color. He is perhaps best known for having trained, along with the younger Antonio Badile, the prominent Mannerist painter, Paolo Veronese, who was active mainly in Venice. Good examples of his art are in the Castello, Milan, the Chiesa de Carità , , in the Uffizi and Pitti, Florence, and in the museums of Dresden, Budapest, etc. His works are sometimes confused with those of his brother Giovanni, who was likewise a talented painter.

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