Annual Report 2012 - HWC 1

HWC 2 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 3


Chairman's Speech...... 4 Introduction...... 7 Primary Health Care Department...... 10 Health Centers...... 17 Dunya Women Cancer Center ...... 30 Mobile Clinics...... 46 Health Programs...... 48 Community Development Department and Programs...... 55 Public Relations Department...... 70 Financial and Administrative Department...... 75 4 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 5

governmental organization and the Palestinian Arab nation who are suffering from the chaos and authority has impacted negatively all aspects of the wars of the western intervention as it is the the Palestinian lives. Also the continuous siege and case in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Tunisia the division within the Palestinian society have led …etc. In turn this led to the weakness and the to several activities and protests persuading to dispersion of the Arab world. This has signified end the division and to stop the coordination and major disappointment for what counted upon the the absurd negotiations between the Palestinian Arab Spring. authority and the Israeli occupation. Chairman's Speech The global and the Arab’s status quo, and the During this year, the ongoing discussions have deteriorating international financial crisis has Mr. Yacoub Ghunaimat been about two prominent topics; the heroic several negative impacts; there are several nations steadfastness and the victory of the popular whose wealth has been destructed and robbed resistance in Gaza in addition to the political victory, and thus still suffering from poverty and several which led to the recognition of Palestine as a non- misfortunes. It also clearly reflects itself upon Despite these hard times and the severe financial it generously provides). The Israeli occupation member observer state in the United Nations. The the Palestinian reality; moreover, the Palestinian crisis, Health Work Committees has continued has been manifesting its authority through have achieved those victories despite authority and the non-governmental organizations its efficient compassion for serving the people the confiscation of the land, the siege, the that they are still under the Israeli occupation that have been facing financial crisis. And so the majority of this steadfast nation particularly the poor, demolishment of every house, village and city, and is supported by the American Imperialism. Thus, of the Palestinian nation has become bank loans the marginalized and those who are targeted by the disturbing of every beautiful moments. ending the division within the Palestinian society hostages. They have been struggling through the replacing Israeli occupation that is the only and the establishment of a unified workable planned, systematic and programmatic policies, occupation exists in the contemporary world, The series of event of the year 2012 have reflected Palestinian strategic plan to strengthen the root which aim at causing starvation, subjugation which falsely alleges civilization, democracy this reality; the battle of hunger strike, that our hero of historical Palestine are essential along with and inacceptable solutions for it only serves the and human rights. The daily endeavors of the prisoners went through protesting against the adopting all forms of resistance are necessary interests of the Israeli occupation. invisible soldiers and the devoted staff of Health administrative detention policy. Then additional 1500 prisoner have joined the battle protesting for overcoming the occupation and demarcating Work Committees made it possible. Thus the Our organization has been part of the current the occupation’s policies against them. Some of the foundations for the Palestinian state with outcomes were promising for a good future for Palestinian status quo as it continues to struggle the prisoners went through hunger strike for more Jerusalem as its capital. the organization at many levels as it has been because of the limited available resources and than five months and making a historical legend represented in this report. The Palestinian present state of affairs is connected the accumulation of the fiscal deficits. This in the steadfastness and stubbornness of the with the international status quo of disturbed suggests that we should re-evaluate and re- When objectively analyzing the evolving situation Palestinians against the occupation. balances of power; the American capitalist has assess our expenditures and sources of income in Palestine, we can conclude that it hasn’t been been sponsoring the international imperialism in a serious attempt to decrease the disturbing changing but slightly deteriorating, as the Israeli The occupation’s violations against the religious as the only leader of this world; it has been gap between the expenditures, which currently occupation has been imposing burdensome and historical places have been escalated embarking on murder and robbery to conquer have been exceeding the income. Also intensive upon the Palestinians and stealing their national including the holy Al-Aqsa at the its capitalist interest. This has clearly affected the research for sources of income, which can resolve wealth (the land along with its water, and what forefront. The financial crisis of the Palestinian non- 6 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 7

the accumulated deficit, should be conducted. gratitude to those invisible soldiers, the staff of Moreover, there is an urgent need for reaching out the organization, who have worked hard reticently Introduction to all the free and the influential persons around despite that they haven’t earned their salaries for Ms. Shatha Odeh the world and its organizations in order to support several months. If they weren’t patient, we won’t the mission of the organization of serving the be able to continuously serving the people of our oppressed and the poor nations including the nation including the poor and the marginalized. It is my honor to present to you Health Work targeting all segments of the population in order Palestinian nation at the forefront. Health Work We also appreciate our donors for without their Committees’ accomplishments for the year to meet their needs. Moreover, the programs aim Committees has social and philosophical mission generous giving and support, none of the activities 2012. The realization of all the organization’s at promoting the Palestinian national identity with right based approach outlook focusing on or services addressed on the report would exist. accomplishments was only possible because of the in times when the city of Jerusalem has been serving the poor, the marginalized and those Our appreciation extends to the donors and strenuous efforts of its staffs. Despite the financial suffering from different forms of oppression and who are targeted by the occupation aiming at the friends of the organization who give without crisis, which has been facing the organization, its history have been obliterated by the Israeli realization of a free Palestinian society enjoying expecting anything back. its staffs have been dedicated and committed occupation . fair, developed and comprehensive health rights. to the organization and the work that they have The year 2012 has ended, but the organization is Salute for all those who are devoted and for their been doing. Moreover, the organization has been still enduring several challenges and difficulties With pride and appreciation, we express our hard work. optimistic about the recognition of its vision of a that have been evolving at the national level and free Palestinian society enjoying health rights that within the internal structural organization of HWC. are equitable, well-developed and comprehensive Definitely, the current political and economical and the realization of its mission, which is based situation has affected the organization. It has been on the provision of health services to all segments escalated as the external funding has declined of the Palestinian population, particularly the due of the global financial crisis. Several countries poor and the marginalized; building development around the world have been negatively affected models, and lobbying and advocating in support by the financial crisis yet some of those we used of favorable policies and legislations. The to depend on for funding such as Spain. These organization still put an emphasis on adopting the changes have been taken into consideration principles of total quality in all its programs and and in turn they have been taken as a learning activities. Due to the unique case of Jerusalem, lesson for HWC; the organization has realized the HWC have been organizing dedicated programs importance of building funding relationships with8 diverse national and international parties services through its centers,Annual clinicsReport and 2012 programs. - HWC andAnnual improving Report at 2012 accelerated - HWC pace. Palestinian policies are based on the principles of good9 in addition to focusing on self-financing sources. Nonetheless, it has been experiencing several expert women staff has been providing quality governance and it encompasses integrity, Thus the organization has taken several decisions; challenges and difficulties; the Palestinian Ministry diagnostic services. The center is a unique national transparency, and accountability as its core values. it has changed the organizational structure of the of Health has open several health centers and clinic entity that has been under the consideration of This is something which the organization is proud public relation department, recruited new staff in locations at close proximity from some of HWC’s several organizations. The achievements of the of. At the same time, the organization is entitled for the department and enhanced the capacity health centers and clinics. This has negatively center have been doubled in 2012 .Thus HWC has to the civil society organizations code of conduct. of its current staff. Through the department, the impacted HWC’s health clinics and centers as the achieved its goal of building development model In 2012, the board of directors of HWC has been re- organization has targeted the national private number of patients visiting the HWC’s centers and through Dunya Center that serves critical health elected. The board of directors meets periodically sector and the local community for supporting clinics has decreased. Thus, HWC’s health centers cause, which affects the lives of women. in order to supervise, audit and for ensure the organization. Moreover, it has strengthened its and clinics have decreased its day working hours. The organization operates on a right based efficient accountability. This is in addition to the relationships with the embassies and representative The most challenging goal for HWC has been the approach and believes on the ideology of justice and establishment of different polices. Thus it has been offices in Palestine. The positive returns of the opening of Dr. Ahmad Al-Maslamani Hospital in equality for all without any form of discrimination fulfilling the ultimate role of the NGO board of previous changes have been tangible at the end Beit Sahour. The unavailability of sufficient fund including gender based discrimination. In order directors. of 2012 and at the beginning of 2013. Moreover, has been the main reason why the hospital has to ensure that, HWC has organized a team, which The organization has been implementing the Primary Healthcare Department, Community not been operated yet. In order to compensate includes part of its staff and expertise on gender emergency response operation plan because of Development Department and Programs, and the for that, it has increased its night working hours. issues; the team has audited the organization’s the financial crisis it has been facing. The executive Financial and Administrative Department have Moreover, HWC has been planning on opening a policies and programs to ensure that it is gender worked side by side in a continuum chain as they maternity hospital in as it has dedicated a sensitive. Based on the audition, the organization board and the board of directors have utilized all have depended on and complemented each other building for that. At the same time, the Palestinian will integrate the appropriate changes in order to the methods for the careful management of the to face the financial crisis. Ministry of Health has the intention of building a equitably meet the needs of the targeted groups financial crisis and eventually overcoming it. Some The Primary Healthcare Department has improved hospital with maternity unit. This means that there and the organization’s staff. of those methods have been successful; while the way by which it has been monitoring health is a low chance for the maternity hospital of HWC The organization considers health as a significant others have not been successful. This has been outcomes and indicators; it has been publishing in Tubas to succeed. part of development. The health status is influenced an incentive for ensuring the continuity of the indicatives for the percentage of each center’s This indicates that the coordination and the by political, social, cultural and economical factors. organization and its staff means of living. patient coverage in relation to the total number complementary of work between the different The occupation remains to be the main obstacle We are still optimistic that HWC will remain well of patients in the governorate. The percentage of Palestinian NGOs and the Palestinian Ministry of against the full realization of high quality healthcare established and influential national organization; HWC’s health centers and clinics’ patient coverage Health have not been effective. The coordination and sustainable development. The Community in relation to the total number of patients in the and the complementary efforts need to be re- Development Department and Programs of HWC we believe that the organization has previously areas of intervention was 23%. evaluated and organized in a way that guarantees has been based on the liberated development, experienced an era of prosperity and it will have The Primary Healthcare Department has been the good for all citizens. which promotes the resistance and steadfastness successful future. supervising 17 health centers and clinics, In The same is held true about the delivery hospital of the Palestinians against the Israeli policies Health Work Committees will remain outstanding addition to the mobile clinics, which has been at Tubas as the Palestinian Ministry of Health is and practices. Building development models for with its mission, staff, values, hope and future. reaching out to 29 locations in marginalized and also planning on opening a delivery hospital. the youth, elderly, people with disabilities, and Last but not least, I would like to take the isolated communities of area C. Also it has been This indicates that the communication and children, whether through the establishment administrating health programs including the organization between the different NGOs and of programs or specialized centers, has been a opportunity to express my appreciation and thanks Women’s Health Program, the Well Baby Program, official organization is not effective. This should be point of intersection between the Community for all the organization’s staff for their efforts. Also the Diabetes Care Program and the School Health changed to meet the needs of the citizens. Dunya Development Department and Programs and the I would like to extend my gratitude to our friends Program in . The department Women Cancer Center for diagnosing breast Primary Healthcare Department. and partners who have been supporting the has continued to provide quality healthcare and gynecological cancer has been promising The organization’s administrative and financial organization. 10 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 11

standard services are provided in all the centers number of visits for each center. Primary Health Care Department mentioned above including the mobile clinics. • The percentage of the patients’ coverage Radiology services and Specialized Medical services through HWC’s health centers and clinics from The Primary Health Care Department is considered a. Beit Sahour Medical Center including Dentistry are provided in 5 health centers. the total patients in Palestine. This indicator has one of the organization’s largest departments. It b. Battir Health Center. Beit Sahour Medical Center and Medical been monitored through the collaboration with aims at providing quality primary health care service 7. Governorate: Center are distinctive for providing Day-care Surgery other healthcare organizations. for tens of thousands of Palestinians through its services. health centers, mobile clinics and health programs. a. Halhoul Medical Center, Since new indicators have been monitored in Dunya Women Cancer Center for diagnosing breast It has 17 health centers and clinics, in addition to b. Hebron Emergency Center in the Old City of 2012, this report will not address any statistical and gynecological cancer was established in 2011 at three mobile clinics that reach out to 29 locations in Hebron, comparison between the current data and those of city of the . It is considered the marginalized and isolated areas. the previous years. c. Sai’r Medical Center first of its kind in Palestine. It is greatly distinctive for The department supervises the Mobile Clinic The Primary Health Care Department’s services The department supervises the mobile clinic providing efficient diagnostic services, treatment Program that reaches out to locations in poor, are provided at seven of the nation’s governorates that reach out to locations in poor, remote and management and follow- up plans for its clients. remote and marginalized areas; it reaches out to including: marginalized areas; it reaches out to 22 locations Also it has effective referral system. 22 locations in the south and 7 locations in the 1. : Qalqilya Health Center. in the south and 7 locations in the northern During 2012, the Health Information Program, which northern Jordan Valley of the West Bank. The mobile 2. Governorate: Marda Health Center. Valley of the West Bank. The mobile clinic’s team the department refers to its data for various reporting provides Emergency Medicine services, General clinic’s team provides Emergency Medicine services, 3. Governorate: and analytical methodologies, has improved. The General Medicine services, Women’s Health Program Medicine services, Women’s Health Program health indicators are what mainly have improved; a. Nablus Medical Center in the Old City of services, Well Baby Program services and Laboratory services, Well Baby Program services and Laboratory Nablus, an accurate detailed description for the services services, periodically. services, periodically. provided (nursing, medical, emergency or other The Women’s Health Program has been b. Salem Health Center, The Primary Heath Care Department supervises the specialized services) has been made available. implemented in all of HWC’s health centers and c. Awarta Health Center, provision of quality health programs through its The Emergency Medical services and the General clinics through medical team of 8 expert female health centers and mobile clinics, which are: Medicine services have been presented disjointedly d. and Al-Bathan health Center. physicians in the women health field. In addition to within the indicators and the reports. Also the clinic 4. : Al-Shifa Medical Center 1. Women’s Health Program the gynecologist who serves as consultant physician health services and the medical diagnostic services in Tubas, and the mobile clinic, which covers 7 2. Well Baby Program and director of the program as he supervises the such as the Radiology services, the Laboratory locations in the northern Jordan valley . program development and administration. The 3. Diabetes Care Program services, and Pharmaceutical services…etc, have staff also consisted of 13 nurses, health workers 5. Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate: 4. School Health Program in East Jerusalem been presented disjointedly as well. a. Al-Mazra’a Al-Sharqiyeh Medical Center, and health educator. The women’s health program’s The department has 148 employees in addition to During 2012, the following health indicators have services are provided in accordance with sexual and b. Kufur Ni’mah Medical Center, 104 specialist physicians in more than 19 medical been monitored: reproductive health national protocols. Moreover, it c. Rantis Clinic, specialties. • The number of patients, who visited the health integrates preventive and intervention procedures d. Al-Lubban Clinic, The services, which are provided at the health centers and clinics for early detection of abuse and domestic violence centers, vary depending on the size of the population e. Ras Karkar Clinic. • The number of visits for the health centers and cases among women by providing the appropriate where the center is located and includes: support and referrals for abused women. f. This is in addition to Dunya Women clinics without duplication Emergency Medicine services, General Medicine Cancer Center for diagnosing breast and • The percentage of the second visits for the The School Health Program in East Jerusalem services, Women’s Health Program services, Well gynecological cancer. health centers and clinics. is one of the organization’s vital programs. It has Baby Program services and Laboratory services are been implemented in 70schools, which accounts 6. Governorate: • The percentage of the follow-up visits from the 12 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 13 for 69.3% of the schools in Jerusalem excluding with. This is in addition to its participation with the the governorate was 27,146 patients, of whom 17,474 patients were treated at HWC’s clinics and centers. the schools administrated through the Jerusalem Health and Nutrition Cluster led by the WHO. This is accounted for 64% of the total patients of Tubas governorate. municipality of the Israeli Ministry of Education. General Health Indicators of the Primary : the total number of patients in the governorate was 89,033 patients, of whom 10,364 The program serves around 20 thousand male Health Care Department: patients were treated at HWC’s clinics and centers. This is accounted for 12% of the total patients of Nablus and female students. The school health program’s governorate. services have been provided by qualified team of 12 The health indicators for HWc’s Primary health care Qalqilya Governorate: the total number of patients in the governorate was 25,663, of whom 14,150 patients staff members, which include dentists, nurses and department are as follows: were treated at HWC’s clinics and centers. This is accounted for 55% of the total patients of the Qalqilya health workers. According to the Ministry of Health, the total number governorate. Through the Diabetes Care Program, curative and of patients in the West Bank in 2012, was 662,255 : the total number of patients in the governorate was 16,530 patients, of whom 1,263 preventive healthcare services including medical patients, while the number of HWC’s health centers patients were treated at HWC’s clinics and centers. This is accounted for 8% of the total patients of Salfit diagnosis and treatment are provided in accordance and clinics patients was 97,202 patients which governorate. with the national protocols for diabetics. This is in accounted for 15% of the total number of patients in addition to counseling and awareness services. the West Bank. Whereas the total number of patients Health Indicators: Also the program manages efficient referral system in the areas where Health Work Committees’ health Distribution of HWC Beneficiaries by Gender to specialist physicians. The program has been centers and clinics are located was 430,302 patients 46% of the patients were males, while 54% of the patients were females. implemented in 14 of the HWC health centers and which accounted for 23% of the total patients in clinics. these areas. The department manages the Well Baby Program, General health indicators on a which has been implemented in 14 health centers governorate level were as follows: 54٪ 46٪ and clinics. Standard healthcare services for children : the total number of between 1-5 years old are provided through the patients in the governorate was 49,866 patients, of program once a week in different locations. which 20,897 patients were treated at HWC’s health Continuing Education and Training centers and clinics. This counted for 42% of the total One of the organization’s goals is to develop and patients of Bethlehem governorate. invest in the social capital of the organization; : the total number of the the department organized several professional governorate’s patients was 160,292 patients, 26,043 Distribution of HWC’s beneficiaries by age: trainings, which benefited 80 staff members. This is patients were treated at HWC’s Halhoul Medical Age 0-5 6-15 16-25 26-40 41-60 60< Total in addition to attending workshops, seminars and Center, Hebron Emergency Center, and Sai’r Medical scientific days, which were organized by the ministry Center. This counted for 16% of the total patients of of health and non-governmental and national Hebron governorate. Male 10,723 8,978 7,518 8,386 6,280 2,498 44,383 organizations. Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate: the total Female 9,060 6,866 10,634 13,387 9,067 3,805 52,819 HWC is active in several national development number of patients in the governorate was 79,855 and health coalitions such as the Chronic Diseases patients, of whom 7,011 patients were served by Total 19,783 15,844 18,152 21,773 15,347 6,303 97,202 Committee, the Tobacco Control Committee, HWC’s Al-Mazra’a Al-Sharqiyeh Center and Kufur the Health Education and Promotion National Ni’mah Health Center. This counted for 12% of the Percentage 20% 16% 19% 22% 16% 6% 100% Committee, the Breastfeeding Committee, and total patients of Ramallah & Al-Bireh governorate. others, which the department is actively involved Tubas Governorate: the total number of patients in 14 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 15

Distribution of HWC’s Beneficiaries by Age: Distribution of HWC’s Beneficiaries by Social Exemption (social case): Total number of patients Patients with social case Percentage 9% 8,456 97,202 6٪ 60< 41-60 :The Percentage of the New Patients 16٪ 26-40 Total number of patients New patients Percentage 0-5 25% 23,872 97,202 22٪ 19٪

16٪ 6-15 16-25 25٪ 20٪ New Patients Distribution of HWC’s Beneficiaries by Health Insurance: With health insurance 86,763 89% Without health insurance 10,439 11% Total 97,202 100%


11٪ With health Without insurance health insurance 16 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 17

Distribution of Patients’ Visits by Clinic:

45٪ 40٪ 35٪ 30٪ 25٪ 20٪ 15٪ 10٪ 5٪ 0٪ 41% 7% 2% 2% 9% 1% 1% 10% 5% 1% 4% 3% 1% 3% 3% 1% 1% ENT Urology Dentistry Pediatrics Cardiology Optometry Ambulance Gynecology Orthopedics Dermatology General Surgery Internal Medicine Internal General Medicine Well Baby Program Baby Well Health Centers Emergency Medicine Diabetes Care Program Care Diabetes Women’s Health Program Women’s

• The number of patients’ visits without duplication 1to HWC’s health centers and clinics was 112,130 visits. This is 8% decrease compared to 2011 • The total number of visits with duplication 2was 180,318 visits. Of which 26,157 visits were as follow up 3visits which 15% of total visits. • The number of medical diagnostic services provided was 139,784 services that reflect an increase by 15% compared to the number of medical diagnostic services provided during 2011.The medical diagnostic services include Radiology services, Laboratory services, Pharmaceutical services, Medical and Nursing activities, and Electrocardiography services. This doesn’t include physician’s diagnosis services. • The number of patients’ second visits and its subsequent visits was 60,949 visits, which accounted 34% of the total patient’s visits.

1 Patient’s visits without duplication: patient’s visits to one clinic in the health centers one visit only. 2 Visits with duplication: patients’ visit to the same clinic second time and more during the year. 3 Follow-up visit: patient’s visit to the same clinic within 15 days of the first visit. 18 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 19

Remarkable Indicators: Bethlehem Governorate Number of • 19.883 patients whih accounts for 40% of Bethlehem governorate’s Patients patients. Beit Sahour Medical Center • 25.908 visits for Beit Sahour Medical Center’s clinics, which include Number of Visits General Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Women’s Health Program, to the clinics Beit Sahour Medical Center was established in • Radiology unit Well Baby Program and other specialized clinics’ health services. 1988. It has been considered the largest of HWC’s • Medical Laboratory • 23.976 medical diagnostic services were provided, which include health centers and clinics. The center has 29 • 21 Specialized clinics Medical Diagnostic Medical Laboratory services, Radiology services, Medical and full time employees in addition to a number of • Day-care Surgery unit Nursing activities, and Electrocardiography service. specialist physicians and specialized technicians, During 2012, 439 surgeries were performed at Beit Services who work on a contractual basis. The center’s Sahour Medical Center which is 11% increase from working hours is from 8 am to 10 pm 7 days a the previous year 2011. Beit Sahour Medical Center has been was impressed by the staff’s attitudes towards week. In the center, services are provided through The second floor of Dr. Maslamani Hospital in Beit distinctive center for the year of 2012 the clients, primarily those who were among the the following: Sahour was completed, while the third floor has Beit Sahour Center has received a team of 13 poor and the marginalized, as they were happily • General Medicine been under construction and operational plan for optometric surgeons and specialized medical providing services for them. In return, the clients • Emergency Medicine the hospital has been prepared technicians of different nationalities including expressed their satisfaction and gratitude for • Well Baby Program Americans, Colombians, Filipino, Canadians the center’s staff and the visiting medical team. and Palestinians. The team visited the center Mr. Eid Rasheed, a 67 years old patient from Yatta in cooperation with the Holy Land Trust and of Hebron governorate, expressed his gratitude Global Health Volunteers organizations. and appreciation to the team and staff. Rasheed Beit Sahour Medical Center provided the had been in need for ophthalmic surgery since surgery rooms and its staff while the team many years ago, but due to his poor economic provided the operation’s supplies from lenses situation, it was a burden for him having the and others. The visiting team provided standard surgery in a timely manner. He said: “having the ophthalmic exams for 300 clients, and has surgery performed has been comforting for me. performed 115 surgeries including cataract Now, I became optimistic that I will retain my and glaucoma operations for patients who good vision, which will allow me to live with my were among the marginalized and the poor daily life activities normally. “ of Bethlehem and Hebron governorates. The This is not the first time for an international patients were exempted from any fees due to medical team to visit Beit Sahour Medical their economical and social status. Center and perform surgeries for the patients; During their visit, the medical team has since 2000, HWC has been receiving many complimented upon the sophisticated quality medical specialists including urologist, pediatric of the services, which have been provided at the surgeons, orthopedics, and reconstructive center along with the high level of hygiene and surgeons of different nationalities such as organization of the center. Moreover, the team Germans, Italians, Australians and others. 20 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 21

Battir Health Center Hebron Governorate Halhoul Medical Center village. In order to avoid the duplication of service provision, HWC changed the center’s working hours where it provides its general medicine Halhoul Medical Center was established in • General Medicine services in the days that MoH clinic is closed 1988 in Halhoul town. It has been providing its • Emergency Medicine services for the residents of Halhoul town and its and starts opening evening hours from 3-9pm. • 19 Specialized clinics .Currently, the center has 4 staffs and provides the neighboring villages. The center operates daily for • Radiology unit, which includes panoramic following services 14 hours, from 8 am to 10 pm. The center has 22 staff members including physicians, nurses, and radiography • General Medicine specialized technician. , in addition to specialist • Medical Laboratory • Emergency Medicine physicians, who work on contractual basis. Halhoul • Women’s Health Program • Women’s health Program Medical Center is considered one of the most • Well Baby Program • Well Baby Program services advanced centers in providing comprehensive • Specialized clinics primary healthcare medical services including: • Medical Laboratory Battir Health Center was established in Battir village in 1988. Initially, the center was operating through a partnership agreement between HWC and the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH). The Palestinian MoH terminated the agreement in 2011 as it established its own medical center in the

Remarkable Indicators: Remarkable Indicators: Number of • 1.014 patients visited the center Number of • 13.934 patients visited the center’s clinics. Patients Patients • 1.126 visits for Battir Health Center’s clinics, which include General • 15.476 visits to Halhoul Medical Center’s clinics, which include Number of Visits Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Well Baby Program and other Number of Visits General Medicine clinics, Emergency Medicine clinics, Well Baby to the clinics specialized clinics’ health services. to the clinics Program’s health services, and other specialized clinics.

Medical • 1.758 medical diagnostic services were provided, which include Medical • 23.107 medical diagnostic services were provided, which include Diagnostic Medical Laboratory services, Radiology services, Medical and Diagnostic Medical Laboratory services, Radiology services, Medical and Services Nursing activities, and Electrocardiography service. Services Nursing activities, and Electrocardiography service. 22 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 23

center serving H2 area. • Emergency Medicine for 24 hours Hebron Emergency Center The center has 6 staff members, in addition to • Medical Laboratory for 24 hours specialist physicians who work on contractual • 12 specialized clinics, which provide services basis during the night shift. during the morning and evening’s shifts. In the center, services are provided through the • Women’s Health Program following fields : • Well Baby Program • General Medicine for 24 hours

The center is located in H2 area in the north of Hebron City (Old City of Hebron). H2 area is a densely populated area surrounded by settlements, and it has been under the control and administration of the Israeli occupation. The center has been serving an average of 50 thousand people who are residents of the Old City of Hebron and its neighboring communities. During 2012, the number of patients visited to the center has increased by 16% compared to the number of clients’ visited the centre in 2011. This increase was due to the closure of Mohammad Ali Al-Muhtaseb Hospital, which was the only healthcare service provider besides Hebron Emergency Center, in H2 area; after the closure of the hospital, the South Area Civil Committee appealed to HWC proposing to open Hebron Emergency Center for 24 hours primarily to provide Emergency Medicine healthcare services. HWC has been aware of the residents’ need for the centre’s services to strengthen their health and resilience and thus HWC approved the committee’s appeal. Currently, Hebron Emergency Center is the only health 24 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 25

Sai’r Health Center

HWC started providing health services in Sair town • Emergency Medicine through the mobile clinic .In 2006, HWC decided to • Women’s Health Program establish Sa’ir Medical Center. The center has 4 staff members and its working hours are from 8 am to • Well Baby Program 2 pm. The center provides the following services: • General Medicine

Remarkable Indicators: Remarkable Indicators: Number of • 9.477 patients visited the center. Number of • 2.632 patients visited the center. Patients Patients • 10.038 visits to Hebron Emergency Center’s clinics, which include • 2.873 visits to Sai’r Medical Center’s clinics, which include General Number of Visits General Medicine clinics, Emergency Medicine clinics, Women’s Number of Visits Medicine clinics, Emergency Medicine clinics, Women’s Health to the clinics Health Program services, Well Baby Program’s services, and other to the clinics Program services, Well Baby Program’s services, and other specialized clinics. specialized clinics. Medical • 16.045 medical diagnostic services, provided include Medical Medical • 565 medical diagnostic services provided. Diagnostic Laboratory services, Radiology services, Medical and Nursing Diagnostic Services activities, and Electrocardiography service. Services 26 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 27

Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate with the local community and its community • Medical Laboratory based organizations; the administration of the • Radiology unit, which includes panoramic center representing HWC has conducted periodic radiography Al- Mazra’a Al-Sharqiya Health Center advisory meetings with the village council and other civil based organizations. Al-Mazra’a Al-Sharqiya Health Center was The center has engaged with the community established in 1989. The center was moved to a through several medical and social events; in newly constructed two floors building in 2009. cooperation with the village council, the center Since then the center has been administrated has commemorated the 8th of March. Many of the through joint partnership agreement between village’s residents have attended the ceremony, in HWC and the Palestinian Ministry of Health. which the women, who have completed the First The year 2012 has been a year of prosperity for Aid training, were honored. the center; the center has received a grant from The center has 9 staff members of physicians, the Emirates Red Crescent for equipping the nurses, technicians and service workers. Working ophthalmology and the ENT clinics, in addition from 8 am to 9 pm providing services in the to establishing an elevator between the first and following fields: the second floor of the center’s building. Also the • General Medicine grant has covered the expenditure of purchasing a • Emergency Medicine TV, furniture and panoramic radiography machine. Most of the equipment has been purchased and • 7 specialized clinics operated. • Women’s Health Program During 2012, the quality of healthcare services • Well Baby Program provided at the center and the patients’ • Diabetes Care Program satisfactions have been assessed; the results were promising. In order to improve the quality of Remarkable Indicators: the services provided, appropriate intervention Number of • 2.308 patients visited the center. plan has been developed; the staff worked on Patients promoting and advertising for Al-Mazra’a Al- Sharqiya Health Center’s services, increasing • 2.821 visits to Sai’r Medical Center’s clinics, which include General the number and quality of the health awareness Number of Visits Medicine clinics, Emergency Medicine clinics, Women’s Health workshops and increasing the community medical to the clinics Program services, Well Baby Program’s services, and other events, in addition the working hours of the specialized clinics. dentistry clinic extended to work both morning Medical • 3.411 medical diagnostic services provided, which include Medical and evening. Diagnostic Laboratory services, Radiology services, Medical and Nursing The center has a unique positive relationship Services activities, Electrocardiography service. 28 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 29

Kufr Neimeh Health Center

Kufr Neimeh Health Center was established in In the center, services provided are the following: 1989; it has been administrated through the joint • Emergency Medicine partnership agreement between HWC and the • Women’s Health Program Palestinian Ministry of Health. Currently, it is the only healthcare center that serves the population • Well Baby Program of western Ramallah’s villages. • Diabetes Care Program The center has 9 staff members working from 8 • 7 specialized clinics including dentistry clinic am to 9 pm, in two shifts morning and afternoon • Medical Laboratory shifts.

Remarkable Indicators: Number of • 4.703 patients. Patients • 6.281 visits to the clinics of the center, which include General Number of Visits Medicine clinics, Emergency Medicine clinics, Women’s Health to the clinics Program, Well Baby Program’s services, and other specialized clinics. Medical • 5.344 medical diagnostic services provided, which include Medical Diagnostic Laboratory services, Radiology services, Medical and Nursing Services activities, and Electrocardiography service. 30 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 31

Dunya Women Cancer Center

“Dunya Center has proved itself and became prominent in the health system” Dr. Fouad Sbatin

Dunya Center was established in 2011 through partnership between Health Work Committees and Medipalestine-Switzerland. After one year, external evaluation for the center has proved that Health Work Committees has the capacity and the expertise to manage the center independently. Based on the evaluation, the partnership between HWC and Medipalestine-Switzerland has been terminated. As of march 2012 the center became an independent entity of HWC. Dunya provides unique diagnostic services that has not been available in Palestine before. The center opens Sunday through Thursday from 10. Second Opinion Service work as needed in the center. The intern physiotherapist is expected to complete her 8 am and 4 pm providing the following services: 11. Physical Therapy service, particularly for the training at the beginning of 2013 and then she hand, in order to minimize any potential 1. Breast Physical Examination will be appointed as a full time staff. post lumpectomy or mastectomy surgery’s 2. Mammography complications. • Nutritionist 3. Ultrasound 12. Counseling The center aims at increasing the capacity of its staff and medical team through training and 4. Ultrasound-guided Tru-cut biopsy The centre had improved its diagnostic services continuous learning opportunities. During 2012, and recruited expert human resources to work in 5. Wire Localization the center’s medical team participated in national the center; during 2012, the following specialties and international conferences on breast and 6. Pap Smear were added to the centre: gynecological cancers. 7. Colposcopy • Histologist once a week In cooperation with the Women’s Health Program’s 8. Medical Laboratory Tests • General Surgeon/ once a week team of HWC, Dunya conducted several community 9. Cytology Laboratory • Physiotherapist along with another intern awareness campaigns on the early detection of physiotherapist, who is under training, breast cancer. During 2012, Dunya launched three 32 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 33

in addition to visitors from local organizations. less than 2 cm tumor, of which 6 cases with less than 1 cm malignant tumor. Remarkable Indicators: Those statistical data are of significance for the Since its opening, Dunya was able to: centre as it reflects the expertise of the medical • Provide diagnostic services for more than team and the efficiency of the diagnostic 2,169 women. equipments that have been used. None of • Perform 50 ultrasound-guided tru-cut biopsy diagnostic services in Palestine has the capacity to diagnose breast cancer with less than 1 cm • Diagnose 28 new cases of breast cancer with malignant tumor.

campaigns that had been sponsored by local including Palestine TV , MBC satellite channels, the Palestinian and Arab banks and companies, and Palestinian News and Info Agency, Wafa, Radio Nissa by national and international donors. Moreover, Fm, Radio Angham, and Radio Hala. This includes 50 awareness lectures and workshops were one television advertisement and two radio conducted in the north, south and middle regions advertisements about the center’s services and of the West Bank benefited more than 1200 the importance of breast cancer early detection. woman. Different national and local NGOs, CBOs, Moreover, Dunya Center’s services have been women organizations, national organizations and promoted and advertised internationally through development organizations have participated in an Italian TV channel, which photographed the the campaigns. center and conducted interviews with the medical staff. During 2012, one of the center’s main priorities was to strengthen its relation with media agencies In addition to that, 3 Students from the medial and freelance journalist and thus promoting and and journalism college at Birzeit University have advertising for the center and its unique services completed reportage about Dunya Center as part through various media venues. Dunya Center of their graduation project. and its activities have been promoted through Dunya received several international delegations interviews on different local and national radio from different countries including Spain, Belgium, and television shows, and reportages that have Germany, Italy, Caritas International, and Denmark, been streamed through different media agencies 34 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 35

Nablus Governorate Nablus Medical Center (Old City of Nablus)

Nablus Medical Center was established in 1989in were conducted for college and school students. the Old City of Nablus opening from 8 am to 2 pm Those awareness workshops have benefited 5,115 .The center has 14 staff members providing the females and 2,591 males. following services: Also 99 lectures were presented at Nablus Medical • General Medicine Center. 666 persons have attended those lectures • Emergency Medicine and benefited from it. The center organized a Medical Day for people of Burqa village; during • Women’s Health Program the Medical Day, medical examinations have been • Well Baby Program conducted for women and diabetic patients. • Diabetes Care Program In cooperation with the Nablus Medical Center • Specialized Clinics including Dentistry Clinic and the School Health Department of the Ministry This year, the community health education program of Education, activities were organized for high has been active through the center; awareness school students of Tel Boys High School and their workshops about sexual and reproductive families. Also the center organized activities for health, women’s health, adolescence, women commemorating the International Women’s Day. empowerment, youth leadership, and first aid

Remarkable Indicators: Number of • 5.572 patients visited the center. Patients • 6.042 visits to the clinics of the center, which include General Number of Visits Medicine clinics, Emergency Medicine clinics, Women’s Health to the clinics Program, Well Baby Program’s services, and other specialized clinics. Medical • 8.974 medical diagnostic services provided, which include Medical Diagnostic Laboratory services, Radiology services, Medical and Nursing Services activities, and Electrocardiography service. 36 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 37

Salem Clinic Awarta Medical Center

Salem Clinic was established in 1988 at the • General Medicine beginning of the . The center • Emergency Medicine nowadays consisted of two floors building • Women’s Health Program providing services from 8 am to 9 pm divided into two shifts; a morning and an afternoon shift. The • Well Baby Program center has five staff members including those who • Diabetes Care Program work on contractual basis. Salem Clinic provides • Dentistry Medicine the following services: • Medical Laboratory

Awarta Medical Center was established in 1994. • General Medicine The center provides services from 8 am to 9 pm • Emergency Medicine divided into two shifts. It has 6 staff members • Women’s Health Program including those who work on contractual basis. • Well Baby Program In the center, services provided are: • Diabetes Care Program • Medical Laboratory Remarkable Indicators: Remarkable Indicators: Number of • 1.757 patients visited the clinic. • 2.111 patients visited the center. Patients Number of Patients • 2.804 visits to the clinics of the center including General Medicine Number of Visits clinics, Emergency Medicine clinics, Women’s Health Program, Well • 2.408 visits to the clinics of the center, which include General Number of Visits to the clinics Baby Program and specialized clinics. Medicine clinics, Emergency Medicine clinics, Women’s Health to the clinics Program, Well Baby Program, and other specialized clinics. Medical • 4.049 medical diagnostic services provided, which include Medical • 4.907 medical diagnostic services provided, which include Medical Diagnostic Laboratory services, Radiology services, Medical and Nursing Medical Laboratory services, Radiology services, Medical and Nursing Services activities, and Electrocardiography service. Diagnostic Services activities, and Electrocardiography service. 38 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 39

Success Story at Awarta Medical Center referred to outside providers to get a second Tubas Governorate Integration of Psychological opinion on the validation of the diagnosis, Healthcare Services which was done by HWC medical team. Al-Shifa Center Also, some of the cases were referred to the In March of 2011, the Israeli occupying psychiatric unit of Nablus department of Al-Shifa Center was established in 1996. It has • Diabetes Care Program forces invaded Awarta village for 3 weeks. health and the Palestinian Counseling Center The invasion had a severe negative effect on been providing services for the population of • Medical Laboratory of Nablus. Tubas seven days a week from 8 am to 9 pm.In the psychological health of Awarta village’s • Radiology unit, which includes mammography 2012 the center provided services to around 64% residents. Thus, in the beginning of 2012, the Till this day, the medical team of Awarta for breast cancer screening of the total patients of Tubas area. The center has management of the center decided to add Medical Center is still cooperating and • 14 Specialized Clinics. exchanging information with the Doctors of 15 staff members and 23 specialist physicians, who psychological health services to the Primary work on a contractual basis. The community health education program at Health Care clinics under the supervision of the World organization. Also the two parties In the center, services are provided through the Al-Shifa Center has been active; several health Doctors of the World organization. It was of have been cooperating on the supervision of following fields: awareness workshops and Medical Days have significant to provide psychological health many cases. been held with the corporation of different CBOs • General Medicine services through the Primary Health Care The outcomes of the program have exceeded in Tubas. 7 Medical Days were held in Tubas and clinics for it facilitates patient’s access to the expectations of Awarta Medical Center • Emergency Medicine benefited more than 500 persons. In addition to those services despite the stigma associated management at many levels including • Women’s Health Program 85 awareness workshops on different social and with the psychological health. number of psychosocial cases that were • Well Baby Program health issues that benefited 1447 persons from different age groups. The medical team of Awarta Medical Center diagnosed and treated. In addition to the along with two physicians and two nurses from number of counseling sessions conducted. Marda Medical Center of HWC were trained by A diagnostic questionnaire has been evaluated expert psychiatrists on psychological health and restructured by the medical team of field for six month. The training focused on Awarta Medical Center since some problems identifying cases, which require intervention were encountered while diagnosing some of at the psychological level and instructions on the cases. Moreover, special registration forms referral system protocol. Moreover, booklet, have been designed for recording and then to which includes the mechanism of making follow up with the diagnosed cases. a referral and health centers’ addresses, to where a referral can be made, was issued. This successful experience has been transmitted to the psychiatric unit of Nablus Several psychophysiology cases were Department of Health. There is a potential for detected such as bedwetting; most of those adopting this program by HWC to integrate it cases were treated at Awarta Medical Center into all of its medical centers and clinics. and Marda Medical Center. Some cases were 40 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 41

Al-Bathan Medical Center

In 1989, HWC established the center in Wadi Al- Bathan village, which is located seven kilometers to the northern east of the city of Nablus at the intersection of the main road between Nablus, Tubas and . The village has a population of 3200 persons. The center has served 47% of the total patients of Wadi Al-Bathan village. It has 4 staff members in addition to physicians who work on contractual basis. The center works from 8 am to 2 pm providing the following services: • General Medicine • Emergency Medicine • Women’s Health Program • Well Baby Program • Diabetes Care Program • Medical Laboratory • ENT Remarkable Indicators: Remarkable Indicators: Number of • 17.474 patients, which accounts for 64% of the total patients of • 724 patients visited the center. Patients Tubas. Number of Patients • 20.404 visits to the clinics of the center, which include General Medicine clinics, Emergency Medicine clinics, Women’s Health • 829 visits to the clinics of the center, which include General Number of Visits Number of Visits Program, Well Baby Program’s services, and other specialized Medicine clinics, Emergency Medicine clinics, Women’s Health to the clinics to the clinics clinics. Program, Well Baby Program’s services, and other specialized clinics. Medical • 13.706 medical diagnostic services provided, which include Medical • 1.133 medical diagnostic services provided, which include Medical Diagnostic Medical Laboratory services, Radiology services, Medical and Diagnostic Laboratory services, Radiology services, Medical and Nursing Services Nursing activities, and Electrocardiography service. Services activities, and Electrocardiography service. 42 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 43

Qalqilya Governorate Qalqilya Health Center

In 1990, the Popular Committees for Medical • Radiology and Panoramic Radiography units Services, which is the former name for HWC, has • Storage and Pharmacy units, which include established Qalqilya Health Center. The center has medications and medical disposables required been serving the population of Qalqilya city along for The center with its surrounding villages. Since then, newly • Day Surgery unit, which includes the main medical specialties and health services have been Operation Room and two post surgery added to the center. Nowadays, it holds a leading recovery rooms; one is for males and the position among all the health service providers of other is for females. Each of the post surgery Qalqilya city. recovery rooms accommodates 3 beds and In 2000, the center was transferred to a new 4 floors is fully equipped with the requirements and building; the first floor has Emergency Medicine needs of the patients, who had surgeries. unit, General Medicine unit, Medical Laboratory, Weekly specialized clinics, which are under the Significant Remarks: Radiology unit and Pharmacy. The second floor supervision of physicians working on contractual • The center expands its relationship with specialists and associations in order to activate the work has specialized clinics, while the third floor has Day basis. The clinics are: at the Day Surgery unit. Surgery unit. The construction of Maternity unit at the 4th floor of the building has been completed, 1. Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) • Qalqilya Health Center signed an agreement with the National Insurance Company, to cover but it has not been operated yet. 2. Ultrasound clinic services for the UNRWA staff members covered by the National Company insurance, provided by the center. The working hours of the center are 7 days a 3. Urology clinic • Finishing the construction of the maternity floor . week from 8 am to 10 pm for a total of 14 hours. 4. Dermatology clinic It has 22 staff members in addition to a number of 5. Laser clinic Remarkable Indicators: specialist physicians and staff members who work 6. Gynecology clinic on contractual basis. Number of • 12.500 patients visited the center, which accounts for 48% of the In the center, services are provided through the 7. Orthopedic clinic Patients total patients of Qalqilya city. 8. Internal Medicine clinic following units and clinics: • 13.314 visits to the clinics of the center, which include General • Reception and Registration unit 9. Cardiology clinic Number of Visits Medicine clinics, Emergency Medicine clinics, Women’s Health • General Medicine clinic 10. Cardiograph unit to the clinics Program, Well Baby Program, and other specialized clinics. • Emergency Medicine clinic 11. Ambulance Medical • 24.856 medical diagnostic services provided, which include • Women’s Health clinic Diagnostic Medical Laboratory services, Radiology services, Medical and • Medical Laboratory unit Services Nursing activities, and Electrocardiography service. 44 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 45

Marda village is part of Salfit governorate. It has 22 awareness workshops about different social, Salfit Governorate a population of 2,500 persons. The entire village psychological and health issues were organized by has been surrounded with wire fence by the Israeli the center and benefited 300 persons. Moreover, Marda Health Clinic occupation. The village has only one opened psychological health services have been added to entrance. Moreover, it is located close to Ariel the Primary Health Care clinics in cooperation with settlement. Doctors of the World organization. The clinic is managed through joint partnership The centre’s staffs have participated in intensive between the Palestinian Ministry of Health and training about the psychological health. Thereafter, Health Work Committees. It has 5 staff members 32 cases of psychological disparities have been and its working hours are from 8 am to 2 pm. detected and were referred to specialized clinics In the center, services are provided through the for treatment and follow up. following fields of health and medicine: In corporation with the Palestinian Ministry • General Medicine of Health, Marda Health Clinic’s medical team has completed clinical examinations including • Emergency Medicine vision and dental check-ups for 100 students. • Women’s Health Program Moreover, health and psychological counseling • Well Baby Program were provided for students in cooperation with • Diabetes Care Program the school counselors. This is in addition to the • Medical Laboratory provision of Swine influenza vaccination for 60 students primarily those who have chronic 2012 was a year of distinction for the center; diseases. community health education activities including

Remarkable Indicators: Number of • 1.263 patients visited the center. Patients • 1.728 visits to the clinics of the center, which include General Number of Visits Medicine clinics, Emergency Medicine clinics, Women’s Health to the clinics Program, Well Baby Program, and other specialized clinics.

Medical • 2.697 medical diagnostic services provided, which include Medical Diagnostic Laboratory services, Radiology services, Medical and Nursing Services activities, and Electrocardiography service. 46 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 47

groups in line with HWC’s mission; several medical Health education activities have been Mobile Clinics open days, health workshops , and children open implemented through the mobile clinic targeting days have been organized in the communities the community members. Open medical days for throughout the year. Moreover, several field visits dental check-ups have been organized throughout have been organized. the year in these communities in cooperation with HWC’s centers at Hebron governorate received HWC dentists and German visiting dentists. several international delegations; the general Mobile Clinic in the Northern Jordan director of the World Health Organization in Valley’s: Palestine and the director of the health program For many years, HWC has been working to reach of CARE International have visited Masafer vulnerable and marginalized locations in the Yatta mobile clinic. During their visit, they have Northern Jordan Valley where people suffer from witnessed the desperate living conditions of the shortage in the basic health services, in addition to people in these communities. violations to their rights by the Israeli occupation. Furthermore, the mobile clinic team has The mobile clinic, supported by Care International, participated in national conferences and national reaches out to 7 communities in the Northern health activities. Jordan Valley, which are Furush Beit Dajan, Al-Ras The Mobile Clinic in the Middle Areas: Al-Ahmar, Bzik, Salhab, Al-Maleh, Ein Shibli, and Mobile Clinic in the South: The medical team provides services through the The mobile clinic reaches out to three villages, Yarza. following fields of health and medicine; General Health Work Committees has been supervising which are Al-Luban Al Gharbi, Ras Karkar, and The mobile clinic team has 8 staff members Medicine, Women’s Health Program, Well Baby the mobile clinic program, which reaches out Rantis of Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate in providing health services in General Medicine, Program, and Medical Laboratory. to 22 communities of Bethlehem and Hebron the middle of the West Bank. The mobile clinic Women’s Health Program, Medical Laboratory governorates in the South of the West Bank. In this year, 20,745 healthcare services have been team has 12 staff members providing services of services, and community health education In Bethlehem governorate, the mobile clinic provided through the mobile clinic benefiting General Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Women’s activities. All of the services provided are free of reaches out to the following communities; Umm 6,645 males and 14,100 females. The number of Health Program, Well Baby Program and Medical change. visits to the mobile clinic was 3,074 visits. Salamuna, Wadi Al-Nees, Wadi Rahal, Khirbat Laboratory services. During 2012, the number of visits to the mobile Zakariyya, Al-Walaja, Khallet Al-Numman, Khalayya In addition, community health education During this year, 11,159 persons have benefited clinic was 11,553 visits. 8,797 persons have Al-Louz, Handaza, Al-Manshiyya, Sheokh Al-Aroub, activities have been implemented through the from the mobile clinic in the three location; 556 benefited from General Medicine services, 1,477 Al-Khas, Marah Ma’la, and Khallet Hadad. mobile clinic and Women’s Health Program in persons have benefited from the Emergency persons have benefited from Women’s Health In Hebron governorate, the mobile clinic reaches these communities; many of these activities have Medicine services, 1,450 women have benefited Program services and 543 persons have benefited out to the following communities; Baqa’a, Al- been organized through the health centers and from Women’s Health Program and 891 children from Medical Laboratory services. 1,143 persons Adaisseh, Jalajil, Masafer Bani Na’im, , clinics of HWC at Hebron Governorate. The main have benefited from the Well Baby Program. The have been referred to specialized clinics at Al-Shifa Umm Safa, Khallet Saleh, and Hatta. purposes of the community health education number of female beneficiaries accounted for Center of HWC in Tubas or to other hospitals in The mobile clinic has 18 staff members including activities are; promoting HWC’s relation with the 70% of the total beneficiaries, while the male Tubas governorate. In addition to 5,233 persons physicians, nurses, health workers, Laboratory local communities and other CBOs, and advocating beneficiaries accounted for 30%. who have benefited from the community health technicians, and drivers. for the poor, the vulnerable and the marginalized education activities. 48 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 49

Health Programs

School Health Program in East Jerusalem the distribution of the beneficiaries was as the Since 1990, the School Health Program has been following; 1,583 first grade students, including 756 implemented in 70 schools of the occupied East males and 827 females in 36 schools. Also medical Jerusalem and its surrounding communities. This examinations have been done for 205 pre-school accounts for 69.3% of the total number of schools children. in East Jerusalem aside from the schools which are As a result of the medical examination, the team administrated by the Jerusalem Municipality and discovered 202 weak vision cases, 8 crossed eyes the Israeli Ministry of Education. cases, 12 cases have been diagnosed with the The program has been supervised by the school potential development of heart disease, 2 hernia health program director. It provides services cases, 1 hydrocele testis case, 1 undescended regularly through the health clinics of 24 schools testicles case and 2 congenital heart disease and part time through the health clinics of 30 cases. Several of those cases have been referred schools. to specialized clinics. Their treatment plan have The program provides: been followed upon through the school health 1. Screening and early detection of medical program’s nurse and documented on the students’ Health Programs problems including vision and hearing school medical file. problems. Dental check-ups have been performed for 2. Health education and promotion 4,500 female and males students from first, forth, 3. Improvement of school environment with seventh and tenth grades’ students , 250 students special focus on school cafeteria had composite fillings for their teeth. The year of 4. Prevention of infectious diseases by providing 2012 has been the sixth year that the composite vaccination filling service provided for first grade students in The program provides needed vaccinations to 24 schools. school children in compliance with the Palestinian Vision check-ups were performed for 3,500 male Unified National Vaccination Program. During and female students of first, fifth, eighth, and tenth this year, it provides vaccinations for first and grades , the exams have led to the diagnosis ninth grades’ students in 62 schools; 3,262 female of 645 weak vision cases and 36 crossed –eyes and male first and ninth grades’ students were cases, which accounts for 15% of the total vision vaccinated. check-ups that have been done. All the diagnosed Medical check-ups that aims at the early diagnosis cases have been referred to specialized clinics and of diseases, the provision of the appropriate their treatment plan have been followed upon treatment and follow up, have been performed through the school health program’s nurse and for 1,600 male and female students in 30 schools; documented on the students’ school medical file. 50 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 51

Of all the cases, which have been diagnosed, balanced diet, diabetes, and blood type test, have organizing several meetings with its representatives is active in the National Forum against Violence 423 cases have actually adhered to the referral been organized for 3,185 students including 1,260 through the school health program; meetings with against Women and the Women’s Network recommendation and visited specialized clinics. male students and 1,925 female students. Also 64 the Palestinian Ministry of Health were organized “Rua’a”. Moreover, it is an active member in the The initial diagnosis for 387 cases out of the healthy breakfast groupings have been organized to coordinate the Vaccination project, which has Regional Social Forum “Joussour” in order to 423 cases, which have adhered to the referral for 5,697 students including 2,087 male students, been implemented through the school health enhance women involvement in social life. recommendation, was proved to be accurate. This 3,610 female students and 222 parents. program. The Palestinian Ministry of Health is Women’s Health Program’s services have been accounts for 91.4% of the total cases. While 302 Several health education activities have been responsible for providing the vaccinations and all provided in all of HWC’s 16 permanent clinics cases, which accounts for 78% of all the cases, were organized through the school health program for the medical disposables, which are required for and all mobile clinics locations. In 2012, the prescribed glasses. the parents; 7 medical days for 497 parents, two implementing the vaccination program. total number of women beneficiaries from the During the year of 2012, 7 health festivals ,for awareness workshops about menopause for 54 Health Work Committees has been active program’s services was 23,351 women. Out of the promoting health issues ,has been organized. This mothers and 15 meetings with the parents were participant on the process of preparing the total visits to the program’s clinics, 3,211 visits were is in addition to organizing many medical and organized. National Health Services Directory and the Health “a first visit” by the clients, while 8,219 visits were by social activities including organizing site visits to The faculty of the schools have been one of the Education Manual for the 5-10 grades. Moreover, pregnant women. There has been a 6% decrease national and local CBOs, deliverance of meals and targeted groups beneficiaries by the school 30 meeting have been organized with the schools’ on the number of visits to the program’s clinics presents for orphans and school bags for 1,498 health program; 3 medical days for 79 teachers administrations to discuss the annual strategic by pregnant women compared with the number students. have been organize in which lectures on diabetes, planning of the school health program of HWC. of visits by pregnant women in the previous year. As part of the community education activities, blood pressure and the significance of the height Women’s Health Program The total number of pregnant women, who have 886 health awareness lectures for male and and weight measurements have been presented. Sexual and reproductive health services have benefited from the program’s services, was 11,430 female students have been organized; the lectures Also 45 teachers and faculty members have been provided for women through the Women’s women, which accounts for almost 49% of the addressed topic on personal and dental hygiene, participated in healthy breakfast groupings. Health Program. The program aims at empowering total number of women beneficiaries. vision safety, vaccinations, balanced diet and other Moreover, 13 health awareness lectures have been women to access their sexual and reproductive Remarkable Indicators: issues, which are important for the students’ daily presented for 147 faculty members and 765 of health rights and enhancing their involvement • The diagnosed high-risk pregnancy cases life. The lectures have benefited 16,868 students the total first aid services have been provided for in community activities. The program pursues its including 7,873 male students and 8,995 female faculty members. were 11% of the total pregnancy cases. This objectives through active community participation reflects a decrease on the percentage of the students. Moreover, the students have presented The program established students’ health with a special focus on women as agents of 78 lectures to 2,039 students including 586 male committees in each school, during this year, these different high risk pregnancy cases except change. The program includes specialized services for high risk pregnancy cases due to Anemia. students and 1,453 female students; the lectures committees supervised 577 series of the school such as early detection of diseases, especially addressed topics on the importance of having radio, which have addressed social and health The percentage of anemia among pregnant breast cancer and cervical cancer, as well as health women has increased by 4%. breakfast, personal hygiene, and dental hygiene. topics including personal hygiene, AIDS, and soft awareness and education activities. Also the program has organized hygiene campaign drinks. 330 wall magazines on different social and • In 2012, the number of clients’ visits for in which lectures about personal hygiene has health issues have been published as well. The program has organized women’s health days infertility treatment services was 117 visits. been presented formally and through interactive Health Work Committees has strengthen its and training workshops on legal and rights aspects In comparison with 2011 statistics, there has activities with clowns. Personal hygiene bags were relationship with the Palestinian Ministry of of life and health. HWC is a member of many been a 56% decrease in the number of clients’ given for the participants during the campaign as Education, the Palestinian Ministry of Health and women organizations and national coalitions. visits for infertility treatment services. well. In addition to that, 31 medical days, which the Jerusalem District Health Directorate and its In addition to commemorating International • The number of clients’ visits for gynecological addressed topics on dental health, Thalassaemia, surrounding communities health directorate by Women’s Day, HWC has played a pivotal role in diseases was 5,954 visits, which accounts for the National Campaign against Violence. Also it 52 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 53

device (IUD) insertion cases. Gender Based Violence Victims are Included in the Women’s Health Program’s Services. Well Baby Program • The number of the family planning cases, The Well Baby Program has been implemented in What distinguishes the program this year is the integration of the national protocols for which involved the usage of a condom, was 82 14 health centers and clinics of HWC, which are: combating violence against women into its services. HWC integrated services of screening, cases. There was a 6% decrease on the number • Hebron and Bethlehem governorates in the detection and intervention services for women who are victims of GBV. This program is of family planning cases, which involved the South of the West Bank: Hebron Emergency integrated in the north area clinics over the years 2011 and 2012. The Woman Health Program usage of a condom. Center, Medical Center, Sa’ir Medical staff has been trained on the mechanisms of detecting and intervention and referral according Women’s Health Program’s services have been Center, Battir Health Center, and Beit Sahour to the National Protocol that is set up with the participation of Health Work Committees. HWC is provided in all of HWC’s centers and clinics Medical Center. the first health organization that implements the National Referral Protocol, even ahead of the according to the national reproductive health • Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate in the Ministry of Health in this topic. service protocols. Its services have been monitored middle of the West Bank: Al-Mazra’a Al- by a gynecologist, who conducts regular site visits Sharqiya Health Center, Kufr Neimeh Health 25% of the total clients’ visits. There has been been decreased by 11%. for the centers and clinics, where the program Center, Rantis Clinic, Al-Luban Clinic, and Ras 13% decrease on the number of clients’ visits • The percentage of high risk pregnancies has been implemented and the gynecologist has Karkar Clinic. for gynecological disease in 2012 compared because of advanced maternal age has been been carrying out the revision of women’s health • Nablus Governorate in the north of the West with the clients’ visits for gynecological decreased by 23%. program’s clients’ files. Bank: Salem Clinic, Awarta Medical Center, diseases in 2011. • The percentage of high risk pregnancies Also regular meetings have been conducted with Nablus Medical Center (Old City of Nablus), • In 2012, the number of clients’ visits for family because of multiple pregnancies has been the Women’s Health Program’s physicians and and Marda Health Clinic. planning services was 3,721. In comparison decreased by 29%. nurses to discuss the weakness and strengths of The program provides Primary healthcare services with 2011 statistics, there has been a 9% • The percentage of high risk pregnancies the program. Along with that possible ways of for children between 0-5 years old. It has been decrease in the number of clients’ visits for because of repeated pregnancies has been intervention to improve the quality of services implemented once a week in many of HWC centers family planning services during 2012. The decreased by 4%. have been discussed as well. and clinics. family planning services, which have been • The percentage of high risk pregnancies The program has been evaluated periodically by • In 2012, the number of visits to the Well Baby provided, are the following; The highest because of previous cesarean section has external evaluators; the evaluation, which has been Program was 3,737 visits; the male children’s percentage of all the family planning services, been decreased by 8%. carried out in 2012, has approved of the program visits accounted for 51% of the total number which were provided, was counseling • The percentage of high risk pregnancies and its compliance with the national reproductive of visits and the total number of the follow up followed by the intrauterine device (IUD) because of anemia has been increased by 4%. health service protocols with 95% accuracy. visits was 1,910 visits. insertion or removal, and oral contraceptive The family planning services, which have been In 2012, the number of home visits, which have • The number of children newly joined the pill prescription. While the least percentage provided through the women’s health program, been done through the Women’s Health Program’s program was 741 children while the number of all the family planning services, which were were as following: medical team, was 1,354 visits. This accounts for of children clients who have been exited was provided, was contraception services using a • The total number of family planning cases was 59% increase in the number of home visits, which 142 children. condom. 3,721 cases. have been conducted in 2011. postnatal home Several protocols have been implemented through 492 intrauterine device (IUD) insertion and 419 • There was a 9% decrease on the total number visits accounted for 53% of the total number of the program, and during 2012, different services intrauterine device (IUD) removal procedures have of family planning cases. home visits, were, while 3% were prenatal home have been provided including the following: been completed. • The number of the intrauterine device (IUD) visits. The large gap between the number of • Detection of anemia: 488 children were The diagnosed high risk pregnancies were as insertion procedures, which has been prenatal and postnatal home visits is an issue of diagnosed with Anemia. This accounted for following: completed, was 492 procedures. There was a concern and need to be studied and analyzed. 14% of the total children visited the clinics. The • The percentage of high risk pregnancies has 17% decrease on the number of intrauterine 54 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 55

percentage of anemia among male children Karkar Clinic. was higher than that among female children. • Since July 2012, the Diabetes Care Program’s (92 % mild anemia and 8% medium anemia). services have concluded from Hebron • Medical diagnosis for growth failure among Emergency Center, Halhul Medical Center, children: 318 children were diagnosed for Battir Health Center, and Beit Sahour Medical being underweight and 261 children were Center in the south of the West Bank. diagnosed for being overweight. The number • The number of diabetic patients’ visits were of children whom were referred to specialized 5,491 visits; 32% of the total diabetic patient’s clinics was 7 children. visits were male diabetic patients and 68% • Medical diagnosis for congenital were female. malformations: 29 children were diagnosed • In 2012, the number of diabetic patients, who with congenital malformations. The diagnosed have newly joined the program, were 184 cases were as followed : 3 cases of Hernia, patients. While the number of diabetic patients 4 cases of cardiovascular diseases, 2 cases who has been enrolled in the program before with feet problems, and 4 cases have been 2012 was 3,459 patients. diagnosed with other medical diseases. Diagnosed cases: • Severe medical illness: 139 children were • 212 diabetes mellitus type 1 case and 3,331 Community Development Department diagnosed with severe medical illnesses diabetes mellitus type 2 cases have been including 56 males and 85 females. The diagnosed. While the number of follow-up and Programs diagnosed cases were as followed: 44 cases cases was 719. of respiratory diseases, 35 cases of severe diarrhea, and 30 cases were diagnosed with Referred cases: other medical diseases. • 39 cases have been referred to The program conducted 78 community health ophthalmologist, 237 cases have been referred education activities benefiting 1,640 mothers who to endocrinologist (diabetes specialist), 25 participated in these activities. In line with national cases have been referred to cardiologist, 14 protocols, 103 home visits have been organized. cases have been referred to nutritionist, 11 Diabetes Care Program cases have been referred to nephrologists The Diabetes Care Program has been implemented (kidney specialist), while 12 cases have been in 14 health clinics and centers, which are: referred to other specialists. • In the north of the West Bank: Salem Clinic, Community health education activities: Awarta Center Nablus Medical Center (Old 169 health awareness lectures about diabetes City of Nablus), and Marda Clinic. have been organized through the program. 771 • In the middle of the West Bank: Al-Mazra’a Al- persons have attended the lectures along with 52 Sharqiya Health Center, Kufr Neimeh Health health awareness workshops benefiting around Center, Rantis Clinic, Al-Luban Clinic, and Ras 232 persons. 56 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 57

Community Development Department and Programs CBR Program’s Success Story In order to promote the importance of human rights issues for People with Disability, specially their right to marry and start a family based on mutual consent, The CBR program’s at Idna To achieve its strategic goals, Health Work of people with disabilities convention (PwDs), village, have a role in persuading the families and the community regarding this right. During Committees aims at building community which guarantees for them the full enjoyment 2012, there were two successful marriages of two couples with disabilities in the village. The development models that are developed and of all aspects of dignified life. Despite the fact CBR’s worker has supported the couples in getting married. Moreover, the awareness workshops managed in partnership with the local community, that the needs of PwDs are of high demand, the and campaigns, which aimed at changing the community’s attitudes towards PwDs, have been to meet the needs of specific social groups. CBR program has put all its available resource to reflected on the community’s contribution for the coverage of the two couples’s weddings’ The Community Development Department has cater daily for the specific needs of PwDs and has expenses including the dowry. 27 staff members, managing and implementing succeeded on meeting most of their needs. This programs and centers. The Department’s centers has been manifested through the organization CBR program’s units. The program has played a and CBR2 programs are working according to the are: of awareness workshops and campaigns on the pivotal role on coordinating the connection and same methodology and goal, which includes the rights of PwDs throughout the year in all of the The Elderly Day Care Center (Elderly Club) in Beit the logistic procedures between PwDs and the embodiment of values ​​and noble meanings that CBR program’s locations including: , Sahour, Shepherd Filed Kindergarten and Nursing, Palestinian Ministry of Social Affairs. include elevating the concept of disability from , , Idna, Halhul, Sa’ir, , Nidal Center for Culture and Development, the dysfunction reality and disability to the reality Deir Sammit, , , Beit Fajjar and its The CBR program has been established since Oasis Center for People with Mental Disability, and of solidarity and equal rights of all members of surrounding villages, and the villages of the 1994. It is consisted of three units: Rehabilitations Jadal Center for Culture and Development. This is society. western rural of Bethlehem. The services provided unit at Halhul Health Center, the First CBR Program in addition to the Community Based Rehabilitation by the CBR program has been available daily unit (CBR1), and the Second CBR Program unit CBR1 is implemented through our partnership Program for people with disabilities, the Youth in those locations either through CBR units or (CBR2).The units have been managed by HWC in with the Spanish organization MPDL, and the Exchange Program, and Kanan Project in east through CBR workers, who are part of the mobile cooperation with its partners and in conformity CBR2 through our partnerships with the Regional Jerusalem. clinic’s medical team in those location. with HWC’s strategic plan, aiming at promoting Committee for rehabilitation in the South and In 2012, the department has completed the well-being of PwDs in accordance with the whose membership includes Health Work Moreover, Basic health and rehabilitation services literature review for the conceptual definition of national and international convention on the Committees, the Palestinian Red Crescent, and the have been organized by the program for PwDs. “Developmental Work” and its various dimensions rights of PwDs. Assistive devices aiming at improving the life in relation to HWC organizational contextual level, quality for them have been distributed through The Rehabilitations unit at Halhul Health Center and how it is applied to HWC’s organizational the program as well. has been managed in partnership with Diakonia. context and the Palestinian national context, It aims at developing rehabilitation services in the and it has been adopted and disseminated to all On the other hand, some of PwDs’ needs have area of assessment, diagnosis and follow-up, as well departments in the organization. been met through the coordination with other as the referral of children with disabilities through organizations and departments especially Community Based Rehabilitation mutual coordination with rehabilitation services governmental organizations advocating for PwDs; such as the community based rehabilitation Program (CBR) in the south some cases have been referred to specialized program in the local and national institutions. The CBR program’s activities are based on the organizations to ensure that they would receive protection and promotion of basic rights of people the required services to fulfill their needs, The program is a source of information for with disabilities in accordance with the rights which otherwise are not available through the rehabilitation workers and parents on how to deal with children with disabilities. The CBR1, 58 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 59

Arab Society for Rehabilitation. Assistive Devices: The output of the program for 2012 can be • 52 assistive devices have been distributed Elderly Day Care Center (Elderly Club) summarized as follows: for PwDs through CBR project that has been provided in corporation with Movement for Remarkable statistics: Peace (MPDL). While 114 devices have been Clients’ files: provided through community contribution. • Number of new files: 173 files • The assistive devices have been provided for • Number of follow up files: 324 files 134 PwDs. Referrals: Others: • The total number of cases referred: 1,384 cases • The total number of beneficiaries from the CBR • 780 cases have been referred to local program activities, which has been organized organizations and 499 cases to regional through the mobile clinic, was 790 persons. organizations: • The total number of community based • while 105 cases have been referred to national educational activities, which have been organizations. organized through the CBR program, was Cases referred to medical and 7,640 activities. rehabilitation services: Rehabilitation Unit at Halhul Health • The number of cases, which have been referred Center provided the following services: to medical and rehabilitation services, was 1,489 cases as follows: Specialty # of cases The Elderly Club is considered a model for the Palestinian Ministry of Social Affairs and the distinctive work, as it has achieved great popularity Union of Charitable Societies. Television and radio Referral # of cases Occupational Therapy 316 among those who make close or distant connection interviews on Palestinian channels have been Medical Diagnosis 209 Physical Therapy 323 with the club. The club was established in 1998 in conducted to raise awareness about the social and Beit Sahour with the efforts and support of HWC human rights issues facing the aging population. Occupational Diagnosis 288 Speech Therapy 459 and in cooperation with the Family Development Moreover, the club was able to advocate for these Neurologist 105 Association. In 2012, the club has 150 members issues in line with the mission and vision of the Psychologist 98 Counseling 40 including elderly males and females from inside Health Work Committees at the international level Hearing evaluation 53 and outside Beit Sahour. through supporters of the Palestinian cause. The club, through its activities, work for supporting Many delegations have visited the club to provide Speech evaluation 260 a decent living for the elderly and influencing the financial and moral support, which are vital Physical Therapy 268 decisions makers, who are human right activists for the continuation of the service provision Others such as rehabilitation, 266 and members of human right organization to for the elderly through the club. Several of assistive devices, etc. advocate for the elderly rights law and approve all those delegations remained in contact with Total number 1,489 the legislation related to the rationale of the law. In the administration of the club and others have 2012, several meetings have been organized with returned for additional visit accompanying other 60 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 61 delegations, who have heard about the club and Institutions that 19 institutions its activities. Thus they became inspired to visit have cooperative Shepherds Field Kindergarten and Nursery it and committed to provide assistance for it. relationship with the Furthermore, parts of those delegations have center volunteered for the club assisting the staff to Medical Supervision for 114 medical accomplish their daily tasks. Moreover, they took the elderly supervisions the responsibility of tackling development issues, Activities for the elderly 19 activities which aim at promoting the lives of the elderly. This is considered one of the success stories of the Lectures 17 lectures elderly club, in addition to resieving the support Volunteers 224 volunteers from several community members of Beit Sahour. Activities with the local 12 activities It is worth to mention that the club’s administration community and staff have been creatively organizing activities Visits for the elderly in 43 visits and major events including the Palestinian their homes Wedding during the cucumber festival of Beit Funded projects for the 1 project Sahour, the elderly birthday parties, reunions club between the elderly and their children, the annual ceremony for commemorating the International Day for the Elderly, which is observed on October 1 each year. Several of those activities and major events have been organized annually and became part of the Shepherds Field Kindergarten and Nursery was The school has been keen on increasing the club’s traditions. established in 1996. The school receives around capacity of its staff through training and continuous One of the most vital services provided for the 100 children daily. The curriculum is based on learning. The staff has participated in several elderly club members is medical services. In addition developing children’s sensory and cognitive training workshops and seminars on kindergarten to the social services including entertainment, skills within their social context. Moreover, management and child development including field trips, extracurricular activities, cultural events, it is distinctive for encompassing advanced safe environment and civil defense workshop, medical seminars and many other events. upbringing and scientific methods in education reading literacy, storytelling workshop, toy making in a quiet and clean environment. The children’s workshop, methods on diagnosing children with Remarkable statistics: families have affirmed their appreciation for the learning disabilities and many other workshops. Indicator # teachers’ attention and care given to their children The Nursery has been supported by the local Beneficiaries 152 beneficiaries during their periodical meeting with the Nursery’s community in Beit Sahour. This has facilitated the Delegations that have 59 delegations administration as one of the children’s parents development of the Nursery’s scope of work and visited the center have said “we are convinced that when leaving our the realization of its extracurricular activities. On children at the Shepherds Field Kindergarten and its attempt to strengthen its relationship with Nursery, they will be in good hands”. the children’s families and the local community, 62 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 63 the administration of the Nursery has involved the parents’ council, which was formed in 2011, in the Delegations that have visited the kindergarten 4 Delegations planning and implementing of the Nursery’s activities and events including the graduation ceremony, and nursery Christmas parties, Open Days and other entertaining activities for the children and their families. The parents’ council has played an important role in distributing invitations for the events and organizing Children with disabilities 1 Child (autism) and recruiting money to fund the events. The school has commemorated several national, social and religious events along with the children and staff. Training workshops and seminars by the 16 Training workshops and seminars kindergarten and nursery’s staff for others The administration of the school has been thriving for organizing distinctive and remarkable activities; It has published the “Food guide”, which is a product of profound research and thinking. The guide has been Home visits for children and their families 9 Home visits of great popularity and thus it has been distributed broadly. Moreover, the Nursery has issued “Parents’ Guide”, which includes the Nursery’s general policies and rules. Medical Check-Ups - 82 medical check-ups The Ministry of Education has organized a conference in participation with the principles of the - 32 Dental check-ups kindergartens and nurseries of Bethlehem Governorate. During the conference, Shepherds Field - 84 vision checkup Kindergarten and Nursery has been ranked the first among all the kindergartens and nurseries in Bethlehem Governorate for the year of 2012. Remarkable Indicators: Indicator # Children attending the kindergarten and nursery 80-100 Children Training workshops and seminars for the 9 Training workshops and seminars kindergarten and nursery’s staff Children community activities 13 Activities Children’s parents participants in the organized 20 Activities activities Meetings with children’s parents 2 Meetings Institutions that have cooperative relationship 11 Institutions with the kindergarten and nursery Books and stories borrowed by the children 1799 Books and Stories Brochures and booklets distributed for children’s 448 Brochures and Booklets parents Volunteers 6 Volunteers 64 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 65

Remarkable Indicators: Oasis Center Indicator # Direct Beneficiaries 15 Beneficiaries In 1998, Health Work Committees has established and NOGs primarily those which are specialized Male Beneficiaries 8 Beneficiaries the Oasis Center in Beit Sahour. The center has in the field of disability and vocational training been catering its services for 15 – 24 persons with in Bethlehem Governorate. This is in addition to Female Beneficiaries 7 Beneficiaries mental disabilities. Vocational training through reinforcing its association with other organizations Training workshops for the center’s staff 3 Training workshops paper-recycling production line and candle- such as Bethlehem Peace Center, the International Seminars, which were attended by the staff 3 Seminars making production line has been provided for Center of Bethlehem (Dar Annadwa), and Dar members of the center. Al-Kalima University College of Arts & Culture Production Lines 4 Production Lines 2012 has been a year of distinction for the center; in Bethlehem. Through those organizations, the Delegations that have visited the center 3 Local Delegations comprehensive evaluation for the center has center has been selling and marketing its products. 9 International Delegations been completed. Based on the evaluation, several In an attempt to promote the quality of lives of Institutions that have cooperative relationship with the center 8 Institutions important decisions have been taken to develop the center’s members, the Rehabilitations Unit the organizational structure of the center in line at Halhul Health Center’s services have been Exhibitions, which the center participated in 6 Exhibitions with its objectives and professional pursuits. integrated in the Oasis Center‘s program; the Field Trips 2 Field Trips Rehabilitation Unit’s team has been providing Moreover, the center has experienced product Number of participants in Field trips 14 participants in addition to 7 of the assessment and evaluation for each newly center’s sales’ turning point. The center’s products have participant’s families been marketed internationally; papers order, attendants in addition to providing rehabilitation which worth 9000$, has been placed and delivered services including speech therapy, occupational International volunteer delegations 8 to China. Also, the candle-making workshop of therapy and life skills for members of the club the Oasis Center has made customized candles twice a week. Also, the team has taken on home for Dunya Women Cancer Center’s breast cancer visits in order to reinforce the relation between awareness month campaign, which was sponsored people with mental disabilities and their families. by the Arab Bank. The total cost of the candles for In March of 2012, the Oasis Center re-evaluated the campaign was 2000$, which was covered by the mental disability cases in cooperation with Al- the campaign’s sponsor. Malath Society for Special Needs in Beit Sahour. The center has organized and participated in The center aims at increasing the capacity of its many distinctive exhibitions; the center organized staff through its participation in several training exhibition in corporation with Al-Quds Open workshops on the rights of people with disabilities, University in Bethlehem. The attendants enjoyed advocacy strategies for people with disabilities the exhibition and its products were of high and adaptation of their homes in a way that suites demand. their needs. This has a positive effect upon the performance of the center’s staffs. The center has strengthened and broadened its network with many national and local CBOs 66 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 67

Jadal Center for Culture and Development Nidal Center for Culture and Development/ Old city of Jerusalem Jadal Center was established in 2000. Several The center’s facility has been utilized for conducting community activities have been organized in the many of HWC’s internal and external meetings and center through the department of community workshops. Other partners and friends of HWC after it has been closed by the Israeli occupation development and programs of HWC. This is in have been utilizing the facility as well. forces for a long time. Since its reopening, many addition to the activities which has been organized efforts were activated to regain the place and the Several programs and projects have been proposed importance of this center inside the holy city. The in cooperation with other national organizations in an attempt to promote the development and and centers. center’s requirements and needs were forecasted sustainability of the center. to elevate the responsibilities and activate the work inside the center in addition to the developmental and health programs and projects inside the old city of Jerusalem. Youth Developmental Programs in East Jerusalem There are three major projects implemented in East Jerusalem include: Nidal Center has been organizing programs and • Promoting the role of the youth on defending projects as part of the public and institutional the right to health program: the program movement in East Jerusalem to highlights the aims at building the capacity of the youth on issues and problems that has been facing the city defending the right to health in cooperation of East Jerusalem and its residents due to the Israeli with other CBOs in East Jerusalem, Bethlehem, occupation oppressive measures upon the city and Hebron. and its inhabitants including the displacement, • Increasing the active participation of the building of settlements in an attempt for the youth program: which has been implemented judaization of East Jerusalem. in cooperation with the European Union, the Union of Palestinian Women Committees, and The center aims at developing youth leaders, who other Spanish organization. The main objective are aware of their rights and national culture. of the program is to increase the participation This is in order to promote the national identity of young Palestinians in extracurricular among the youth in both its humanitarian and education activities in 6 different locations in progressive dimensions in accordance with the East Jerusalem. center’s objectives and programs. • Kanan project has been implemented Through the organization’s efforts and pressure through the center in cooperation with other in the Israeli courts, Nidal Center was re-opened Palestinian organizations. 68 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 69

Remarkable Indicators: Kanan Project of East Jerusalem The main objective of the project is to strengthen Kanan project has been implemented by six the social and political participation channels Indicator # nongovernmental Palestinian organizations; of the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI- through enhancing the capacity of the youth - 8 student groups from primary, secondary and PS), Land Research Center (LRC), Bisan Center so they will become aware of their rights and high schools. Youth Groups for Development, Union of Palestinian Woman thereafter advocate for it. Thus the Palestinians of - 9 college student groups. Committees (UPWC), the Alternative Information East Jerusalem’s voice will be reached at both the - 2 volunteer groups. Center (AIC) and Mundubat, in addition to Health national and international level. Work Committees, the coordinator of the project. After evaluating and determining the needs, the - 250 members. The project has a steering committee that meets partner organizations have decided to implement Members of the Youth Groups - 100 membership application forms have been periodically in order to supervise the action the project in the following 9 locations; Jabal Al- completed in 2012 for 100 members out of the 250 mechanisms, the implementation process, and the Mukaber, Silwan/Ras Al-Amoud, Sur Baher, Um total number of members. evaluation process. Tuba, Beit Safafa, Issawiyyeh, Wadi Al-Joz/Sheik HWC along with all its partner organizations have Jarrah, Al-Swaneh/Altur and The Old City of - 8 capacity building training workshops for the been working on different sectors including social, Jerusalem. youth. Capacity Building Training Workshop cultural, health, political and human rights sectors. The project has been divided into three areas - 2 capacity building training workshops for the The project has been initiated in the middle of 2012. of actions; the strengthening of the Palestinian staff of the center. All of the six organizations’ efforts have been put to national social movement, the defense of the rights ensure successful realization of the project; this has of the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem Alternative Tourism Tours - 101 alternative tourism tours, which have been of critical importance and a key element for and the promotion of the Palestinian role in media benefited 1,629 participants. defending against the challenges and obstacles, and other advocacy activities. Currently, Kanan’s which have been facing the Palestinian residents - 1 festival. project is at its second phase. The first phase of of East Jerusalem manifested by the systematic the project has been completed over three years Cultural, Public, and Artistic events - 3 Cultural Events. oppression of the Israeli occupation. The Israeli (2009-2011). - 1 Breakfast Groupings. occupation is working on the judaization of East - 1 Scientific Symposium Jerusalem through building Israeli settlements and displacement of Palestinian residents. The Meetings with other CBOs and NGOs - 16 Meetings. ultimate goal of the Israeli occupation is the establishment of Jerusalem as the capital of the Summer and Winter Camps - 3 Summer and Winter Camps. Israeli State. Moreover, the Israeli occupation aims at embedding the cultural and the national Camp Participants - 216 Participants. Palestinian identity among the Palestinian youth of East Jerusalem. Thus all of the organizations have been unified to defend against this accelerated Israeli plan. 70 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 71

Public Relations Department

To enhance the organization’s continuity and Arab and international coalitions and networks, sustainability in order to support and advocate for and it has played a significant role in foreign the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people’s participations to promote international solidarity rights, Public Relations department continued to our cause and our people and introducing the working on promoting, developing and opening international community to the reality of health new relationships and finding new perspectives and development in Palestine. The organization for funding. The department has five employees has received many international delegations that report directly to the General Director. who were introduced to the organization’s work The organization, thus the Public Relations and role, and the reality of the Palestinians under Department, is facing a set of internal and external occupation. challenges: Local, Arab and International Coalitions • The change in the global financial funding and Networks: and its scarcity in light of the global economic HWC’s role in local, Arab and international coalitions crisis. and networks was enhanced in 2012, including: • The global economic crisis and its impacts on the Palestinian NGO Network, The Initiative to the region. Defend the Occupied Territories and the Golan • The majority of potential core funders have Heights, The Popular Campaign Against the Wall reduced their partnerships or locked door on and Settlement, The Civic Coalition for Defending having a new partners. the Palestinians in Jerusalem The Forum of NGOs • The majorities of the funders have a tendency to Combat Violence Against Women, The National to finance short term projects involving Coalition for the Protection of the Risk of Abortion, equipment and do not cover operational costs and the Coalition for Jerusalem. or development programs. HWC also played a prominent role through its • The change in the funders’ attitude from membership in the Network of Arab Women, funding services to capacity-building, gender, “ROAA”, and the “Jusoor” Network, as well as the advocacy and policy influencing activities. World Social Forum and the Euro-Mediterranean HWC believes in the importance of cooperation Forum of NGOs. and partnership with counterparts from the local and international institutions. The Public HWC reactivated its role in the People Health Relations department in all its sections worked Movement and participated in establishment of a to strengthen its relations, development and coordinating office in Palestine, and become a part Public Relations Department open new relationships and new horizons. of the coordinating office. It also worked to strengthen its role in local, 72 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 73

Distinguished Stations: about the occupation and health. HWC delegation * The participation in the Social Forum as a member presented the paper on behalf of the Palestinian in the International Committee to prepare for delegation about access to health services, the Forum’s conference, and by participating in rights and the obstacles under occupation. The the conference that was held in Brazil, where a Director of Women’s Health Program presented delegation of 14 youth boys and girls from the a paper on Palestinian families’ fabric under 48 Area, Gaza, Jerusalem and the West Bank, multiple identities. The youth coordinator in the representing HWC, and introducing the Palestinian organization has submitted a paper on the reality reality under occupation by focusing on the of Jerusalemite youth and the role of Nidal Center reality of young people. In addition, a member of for youth development in Jerusalem. HWC Board of Directors and the foreign relations Building and Strengthening coordinator participated efficiently in the Forum’s activities. Relationships HWC continued strengthening its relations with *The participation in the People’s Health Movement partners, supporters, and friends through regular General Assembly Conference: a delegation meetings discussing shared visions and ways consisted of three representative from HWC to develop mechanisms for cooperation and participated. HWC’s General Director presented communication. There were few meetings with the main paper in the key session at the conference international partners and supporters such as HWC also strengthened its presence effectively German Delegation: “Physicians against Nuclear War” French, Italian, Belgian, German organizations by participating in national events through the HWC welcomed a delegation from Germany that included 25 physicians representing Physician and others. Meetings were arranged with several attendance and the issuance of special stance against Global Nuclear War Organization – Germany chapter, and Pax Christa foundation. The international organizations, embassies and on events such as the prisoners and their hunger delegates met with HWC’s board of directors and the managements at HWC’s headquarter diplomatic missions, including the United Arab strike, on the first of May, on receiving a French labor in Al Beireh. During the meeting, the delegation was informed on the services provided to Emirates Embassy, Belgian Embassy, Qatar Charity delegation, and on the International Women’s Day the Palestinians by HWC in Health, development and health education. Ways and means of Foundation and the Japanese and Venezuelan through a series of regional activities, including Al cooperation were also discussed between the two sides after a review of the reality on the Representative Office. Mazra’a Ash Sharqeya Festival for that occasion. ground caused by actions of the Israeli occupation and its policies such as closures and siege , the confiscation of land , the construction of the apartheid wall , settlements in addition to Expand and strengthen relations at the The reception of delegations and violence and terrorism by settlers and Israeli soldiers. community level. strengthen international solidarity: The delegation visited Dunya Women Cancer Center, the first diagnostic women cancer center Health Work Committees participated in HWC has welcomed several official and non-official in Palestine that provides diagnostic and consultation services to Palestinian women from all conferences, activities and programs targeted civil delegations within the framework of exchange and governorates and of all ages. society organizations that promote and develop international solidarity with the Palestinian cause. The delegation also visited Beit Sahour Medical center where they toured all its sections and the partnership. Many meetings were held with The visits included meetings with officials from civil briefed on its capacities and services. They were also informed on the center’s relationship with the Municipality of AlMazraa’ Ash Sharqeya and society organizations, tours to the cities, villages international organization that sends medical teams to perform surgeries at the center. The local organizations in the region, in addition to and refugee camps to provide a true picture of delegation was impressed with the work of the center and promised a close future cooperation. meeting with the Governor of Tubas. the suffering of our people under occupation, 74 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 75

particularly with regard to issues of Jerusalem, proposal were prepared and submitted to 44 prisoners, refugees, the wall and settlements. funded, 19 of whom were new funders. During the visits, the role required in the delivery Financial and Administrative of the Palestinian voice was emphasized, through Media Unit: future communications and organization of The work in the Media Unit during 2012 has an Department supportive activities and programs in their increased pace presented by the number of media countries. Delegations and activists from several materials issued which gave the organization a countries were welcomed, including delegations presence in the local media in its various forms. 68 from France , Belgium, three delegations from news articles have been issued in newspapers, 20 Sweden , a delegation from Spain, 3 delegates from newspaper reports, and 11 statements issued by Italy and a delegation from Germany. the organization in different occasions , in addition to the completion of the two issues of HWC’s “Amal Funding Relationships: “Journal In order to strengthen funding relations, new Representatives from the organization were communications with funders were established hosted in number of TV and radio Palestinian through new projects’ proposals in order to raise stations, through 6 television series within the financial support for the organization. During Palestinian satellite Channel, and 8 reportages this year’s , searches for new funders continued , and TV reports were broadcasted about Health in addition to continued communication with Work Committees’ centers and clinics such as funders that we have been dealing with previously the mobile clinic, and Oasis Center, and Qalqilya to consider the possibility of making proposals for Health center on Al-Manar channel, Al-Mayadeen, new projects .During this period 53 new project and Al-Quds channel. 76 Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 77

medicines and supplies due to non- availability of Financial and Administrative Department specific medicines and laboratory testing kits , this also affected the general revenue derived from the General Director, and the continuation of the these services. financial crisis suffered by the organization that The centralized Information system used in the resulted in the inability to pay salaries for few organization had a distinct development in 2012. months prompting the organization to develop The system is updated and the program of fixed procedures for the rationalization of expenditure assets was activated, where all the organization’s and improve self revenue, where the nature fixed assets inventory was incorporated in a new of the centers’ work and operational expenses system. Work is underway to audit and review were evaluated in order to rationalize it. In some these assets and to complete the implementation centers, working days were reduced and thereby of programs through the introduction of asset reducing the number of employees, others start By the end of 2012, Health Work Committees has values and their conformity with the accounting opening in the evening due to lack of competition 263 employees working in various locations, 64% program. The update also included activation and the need, especially in clinics located in the of which are females. Among this number 45 male of the human resource program that becomes villages, and some centers added specialized The work of the financial and administrative and female employees working on projects and 40 applicable in all centers of the organization, and services. The organization’s prices for the services department intersects with all the organization’s working as a part time. In 2012, there is a decrease work is ongoing to develop and link it to the were reviewed and adjusted, which in turn had a work and departments in order to enhance in the number of employees compared to 2011. organization’s salaries system. positive effect in raising total revenue generated the efficiency of the performance and the from the organization’s work by 5% compared to Besides the full time and part time employees, The computerized procurement program is still development of the work. It is governed by the the year 2011. However, the overall income of the there are more than 100 specialist doctors who not activated, and will be activated during the year administrative and financial regulations and organization from different sources and specifically work on a contract basis working in various 2013 through the programming company and the policies approved and applied in the organization. foreign sources decreased by 13 % compared with medical specialties mainly in the large centers procurement department. The department contains 13 employees in five the previous year. such as Beit Sahour, Halhul, Qalqilya, and Tubas. sections, including Accounting, Procurement, Human Resources, Information System, and the In regards to the warehouse and procurement Warehouse. The department oversees all financial department, 2012 has witnessed a decrease in the measures according to asset accounting principles workload of the procurement department which adopted that are subject to monitoring and audit is evident in the decline in the value of purchases by the Board of Directors represented by the carried out, and in the number of tenders, which treasurer and board members, in addition to the amounted to 44 tenders compared to 104 in 2011, internal audit , and annual external audit by Talal and only 29 bids have been implemented. Abu-Ghazaleh Company. The significant decrease in the value of purchases In 2012, the department’s work was affected of around one million shekels in 2012 compared by many events; the arrest of the financial and to 2011, had an impact on the work of the centers administrative director, at the same time, changing and clinics that decreases their withdrawals of   Annual Report 2012 - HWC 79 Health Work Committees Ramallah – Palestine Statement of Financial Position as of December 31, 2012 Exhibit “A”

Independent Auditors’ Report Assets Note   To M/s the Head and members of Board of Director Current assets NIS NIS Health Work Committees Ramallah – Palestine Cash and cash equivalents    Cash margins at banks    We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Health Work Committees, Patients’ receivables (2c)   which comprise the statement of financial position as of December 31, 2012, statement of Donors’ (pledges) receivables    activities and change in net assets and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Inventory    Management responsibility for financial statements Other receivables    Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial   statements in accordance with International Financial Reposting Standards. This Total current assets   responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to   the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, selecting and applying appropriate accounting Property, plant and equipment (2e;7) policies, and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. At cost   Auditor’s responsibility Accumulated depreciation   Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit;   we conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those Net book value   standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material   misstatement. Total assets   An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and   disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s Liabilities and Net assets judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial Current Liabilities statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor Accounts payables – (medical services considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the suppliers)   circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Other accounts payables    entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting Donations received in advance    policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Deferred revenues    We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide   a basis for our audit opinion. Total current liabilities   Auditor’s opinion   In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial Provision for End of service indemnity (2g11)   position of the Health Work Committees as of December 31, 2012 and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended, in conformity with International   Financial Reporting Standards. Total liabilities     Without qualifying in our opinion, the shortage reduction in 2012 net assets NIS 5,641,925 Net assets and the current liabilities excess over current assets was NIS 6,479,944. Net assets – Exhibit “B”   Re- evaluation of fixed assets reserve Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co.     Total liabilities and net assets   Jamal Milhem   Certified Accountant License # (100/98) Ramallah, June 5, 2013 “The accompanying notes constitute an integral part of these financial statements” 

 Annual Report 2012 - HWC 81  Health Work Committees Ramallah – Palestine Statement of Cash Flows for the Year Ended Health Work Committees December 31, 2012 Exhibit “C” Ramallah – Palestine  Statement of Activities and change in net assets for the Year Ended  Cash flows from Note December 31, 2012 Exhibit “B”   Operating activities NIS NIS Change in net assets during the year – Exhibit B      Adjustments to reconcile changes in net Temporary assets during the year to net cash flow Unrestricted restricted Total  Depreciation of fixed assets    Revenues NIS NIS NIS NIS Addition on end of service indemnity during the Operating revenues      year    Grants revenues      Provision for doubtful debts    Donations revenues      Gain on sale of fixed assets   In-kind Donation      Changes in current assets and current liabilities Other revenues      Cash margins at banks   Amounts released from Patients’ receivables   temporary Restricted Donors’ (pledges) receivables   revenues to unrestricted ,433,443    Other receivables       Inventory   Total revenues     Accounts payable       Other accounts payable   Expenses     Donations received in advance   Operating expenses  ()  () () Deferred revenues   Projects expenses      Paid to employee from provision end of service General & Adm. expenses      indemnity during the year   Depreciation of fixed assets        Doubtful debts      Net cash flows provided from operating Currency differences     activities         Total expenses     Cash flows from investing activities:     Net transaction of fixed assets   Net change in net assets Projects under construction   during the year     Receipts from sale of fixed assets   Net assets at beginning of   the year     Net cash flows used in investing activities         Net assets ending of year – Net (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents during Exhibit "A"     the year       Cash and cash equivalent at beginning of year      Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year (2b) “The accompanying notes constitute an integral part of these financial statements”       “The accompanying notes constitute an integral part of these financial statements” 

SODePAZ Balamil

SODePAZ Balamil SODePAZ Balamil

SODePAZ Balamil

SODePAZ Balamil

Annual Report 2012 - HWC Annual Report 2012 - HWC 83

Ayuntamiento de Gijón



Ayuntamiento de Gijón

Ayuntamiento de Gijón The Belgian Government (DGOS)


Balamil Ayuntamiento de Malaga

Ayuntamiento de Gijón

Ayuntamiento de Fuenlabrada Ayuntamiento de Gijón



Ayuntamiento de Malaga

Ayuntamiento de Malaga

Ayuntamiento de


Ayuntamiento de

Fuenlabrada Ayuntamiento de Malaga Ayuntamiento de Malaga

Ayuntamiento de Gijón

Ayuntamiento de Gijón Ayuntamiento de Fuenlabrada Ayuntamiento deAyuntamiento de Malaga


Ayuntamiento de Gijón

Ayuntamiento de Malaga

Ayuntamiento de Malaga

84 Annual Report 2012 - HWC

Vision A Free Palestinian Society Enjoying Health Rights that are EQUITABLE, WELL-DEVELOPED & COMPREHENSIVE

Mission • As a Leading Palestinian Non- Strategic Objectives 2011 - 2013 Governmental Health and • Quality Health Services and Developmental Organization, the Programs are provided to Health Work Committees functions marginalized groups in a Rights-Based Approach • Effective and Efficient Organization providing Health Services to • Health and Development Policies Shahada Faradan St. Al Bireh City all segments of the Palestinian Congruent to the Right-to-Health P.O.Box: 3966 Population, particularly the poor principles Tel: +970 2 242 7518 and the marginalized; building • Building Development Models Fax: +970 2 242 7517 development models, and; lobbying within an Innovative Community [email protected] and advocating in support of Development Approach. Designed by:Designed favorable policies and legislations.

Health Work Committees Health WorkCommitteesPalestine HWC’s Work Philosophy: Vision • Empowerment of the poor and the marginalized. Comprehensive quality to contribute towards • Lobbying and networking for rights-based fufillment and realization of health and issues. development rights, particularly those of poor • Establishment of social and health development people. models. Mission • Enhancement of good governance. We, the Health Work Committees, are a Palestinian health and development non- Strategic Objectives: governmental organization. We are specialized • Respond to the growing health needs of the in providing quality and comprehensive health Palestinian society in accordance with the vision care services and building development models of the institution, for all sectors within the society, particularly • Respond to the growing development needs of Health Work Committees the poor and the marginalized. We work to the Palestinian society in accordance with the empower and enhance the steadfastness of the vision of the institution, Palestinian people through the enhancement • Achieve comprehensive quality in all institution’s of participatory management and professional work fields. qualified staff with the ability to influence the • Enhance the social, health, and development Palestine relevant public and sectoral policies towards a rights of the Palestinian society. comprehensive health care system as a basic human right based on all international human Work Values of the Organization: rights convention and agreements. • Endorsing good governance practices • Participation, collective decision-making, and • collective leadership • Employment transparency based on giving equal opportunities of qualifications and abilities.. • Transparency and accountability at all levels • Partnership with the society and target groups Annual Report 2009 Annual Report • Solidarity with target groups • Working in favor of the public’s interest • Internal cooperation and teamwork spirit Annual Report • Commitment and the desire to learn. • National spirit and the spirit of voluntary work 2009