D 51178; ISSN: 1438-9452 17.05.10







Regional market reports market Regional



PET imports into the EU



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www.petpla.netwww petpla The color of success for shaping caps imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director EDITORIAL HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Landhausstr. 4 dear readers, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany phone: +49(0)6221-65108-0 fax: +49(0)6221-65108-28 [email protected] The same thing done by two different

EDITORIAL people is not necessarily the same thing. Doris Fischer fi [email protected] Ruari McCallion How can it be that Krones, at its Annual Press Conference, desig- Tony O´Neill nated 2009 as having been one of its most diffi cult years whilst Husky, Ilona Trotter Netstal and Hofstetter are talking about one of their best years in the Wolfgang von Schroeter PET business? Anthony Withers As far as the preform system manufacturers are concerned, possible MEDIA CONSULTANTS savings in materials here as a result of the new base geometry and the Ute Andrä new cap have seen a return on investment within two years, in some [email protected] cases within just one year. This meant that it was easy, even in times of Miriam Kiesler crisis, to scrape the last few cents together and to invest in new sys- [email protected] tems. The consistent increase in the price of PET (which, according to phone: +49(0)6221-65108-0 our research for the PETplanet Pulse price index, is already back up to fax: +49(0)6221-65108-28 the level of June 2008) has, in particular, had the effect of spurring this process. France, Italy, Spain, UK Elisabeth Maria Köpke Unfortunately the stretch blow moulding and bottling plant manu- phone: +49(0)6201-878925 facturers have not been able to profi t from this trend towards more fax: +49(0)6201-878926 lightweight PET bottles. Their installations last for ever and, if anything, [email protected] a new cap can also be produced on the old plant using a couple of mouldings. READER SERVICES Kay Krüger Return on investment on bottling plants is diffi cult to estimate. In this [email protected] respect the Krones situation is typical of manufacturers of complete sys- tems. Quite simply, you need the plant before you can do any bottling. It’s only when we compare the old plant with the new investment that we LAYOUT AND PREPRESS EXPRIM Kommunikationsdesign arrive at an ROI. And that is quite often outside the 10-year margin. www.exprim.de So the fact that Krones Financial Director Hans-Jürgen Thaus does not envisage a return to the boom levels of 2008 until 2013 / 2014 is not PRINT to be wondered at. As long as the complete systems manufacturers do WDW Druck GmbH not succeed with their new plants in saving you, as bottlers, 0.4 Euro- Gustav-Throm-Straße 1 cents per bottle, we are looking at achieving ROI over 2 years (assum- 69181 Leimen-St.Ilgen Germany ing a plant investment of 1.2 million Euros at 25,000 bph 6000 hours per year). It will take them at least two years to even get on to the fi nal straight that the preformers have been targeting for years. WWW www.petpla.net | www.pet-point.net In addition to cost reduction measures and the modular principle, Krones and the other complete system manufacturers should not lose PETplanet insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published sight of this goal, otherwise it could well be doubtful whether the high 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualifi ed level last seen in 2008 can in fact be achieved again in 2014. subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ sub- scription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form Yours without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identifi ed as trade marks is not an indication that A. Büchler such names are not registered trademarks.

PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10 www.petpla.net 3 PETcontents 05/10


3 Editorial 4 Contents Page 6 News 38 42 Products 43 Bottles - Personal Care 44 Bottles - Food and Beverages 51 Patents


10 Tanzania - Kenya


18 LCA - The advantages of PET 20 In fl ux of PET imports into the EU - changes ahead?


24 The Rapid Guide to Perfect Pre- forms - Part 11

Page MARKET SURVEY 10 21 Suppliers of preforms


30 Used but not spent

BOTTLING / FILLING Page 28 Sterilasiatiion and 40 aseptic fi lling systems


34 One-piece closure for hotfi ll 38 “One-Stop” strategy a BUYER’S GUIDE success for Swiss mould maker 44 Get listed!

4 PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10 www.petpla.net COVERS TWO-THIRDS OF THE GLOBE. WE COVER THE REST.

If you want a perfect preform quality you can rely on us and our moulds all over the world. www.otto-hofstetter.com/pet Invista Europe Polymer & Resins business PETnews reorganisation and management changes Invista Polymer & Resins’ primary European production facility, in Ger- sthofen, Germany, produces a wide-variety of DMT- and PTA-based polyesters Graham Packaging for technical, textile, fi lm and packaging applications. Invista is now offering an R&D service, based at Gersthofen, to the market. The company says that its announces agreement continuous pilot-scale polyester polycondensation line at the R&D centre has to purchase China Roots the fl exibility to produce customised polyesters via DMT or PTA. The line allows scaling-up of supply from small trial quantities to various bulk market quanti- Packaging ties from one source, depending on customer needs. The key focus areas for the business remain the provision of high-value packaging resins, like Poly- Graham Packaging Company Inc. Shield resin, specialty polymers and DMT sales, as well as a portfolio renewal (NYSE:GRM), which is based in York, of technically-challenging polymers. At the end of 2009 Ottmar Schmidt was Pennsylvania, has announced that its appointed to the role of general manager of the European Invista Polymer & subsidiary, Graham Packaging Com- Resins business. He has over 20 years of industry experience including more pany, L.P., expects to acquire China than 15 years in the DMT and polyester businesses. Roots Packaging PTE Ltd., a plas- www.INVISTA.com tic container manufacturing company located in Guangzhou, China. Its cus- tomers include several global consumer product marketers. Organisational restructuring at La Seda The company has signed a Share Purchase Agreement to acquire 100% Spanish company La Seda de Barcelona, S.A. has announced that the of the shares of Roots Investment company is to be restructured into two distinct operational units: packaging and Holding Private Limited, which will be recycled PET. Mr. Martin Hargreaves, who will be responsible for site perform- the sole equity holder of China Roots, ance, operations and commercial functions, will lead the packaging division. from Malaysian company PCCS Group The recycled PET division will be headed by Mr. José Antonio Alarcón, who will Berhad. This will be Graham Packag- be responsible for PET production sites and the recycled PET sites in Balaguer ing’s fi rst operation in China. The trans- and Italy. Mr. Abelardo López has been appointed as the new corporate and action is expected to complete during fi nancial manager of the Group. As well as the fi nancial area, he will be respon- the second quarter of 2010. sible for organisation, systems, and human resources and legal departments. Graham Packaging designs, manu- factures and sells customised blow www.laseda.es moulded plastic containers for the branded food and beverage, household, personal care/speciality and automo- tive lubricants product categories. It Krones reports loss for 2009; produces more than 20 billion container units a year at 80 plants in North Amer- returns to profi t in Q1 2010 ica, Europe and South America. Krones AG, the beverage fi lling and packaging company, reported a loss www.grahampackaging.com in the 2009 business year of €34.5 million but achieved increased sales and a return to profi t in the fi rst quarter of 2010, with earnings before tax (EBT) of €13.2 million (€9.1 million after tax). The executive and supervisory boards will propose to the AGM that no dividend is paid in respect of the 2009 trading year. Krones reported that demand in the packaging machinery market fell in 2009 by more than 25% worldwide and affected all geographic areas except China. Order bookings in 2009 were down by 17.6% from 2008, to €1,916.0 mil- Engel management lion; consolidated sales fell 21.7%. The executive board had, at the end of 2008, launched its ‘Conversions’ programme in order to adjust the company to changes the realities and effects of falling markets. The company increased its free cash fl ow during 2009 by around fi ve per Hans Wobbe (57) is to leave the cent, to €82.5 million. As at December 31 2009, the Group had no debts with management of Engel Holding on July banks and held net liquidity of more than €135 million. Sales of €533.5 million 31, 2010 for personal reasons. Mr in Q1 2010 were up 10.6% on the previous year’s. Bookings during 2009 rose Wobbe held responsibility for technol- in each quarter and accelerated during the fi rst three months of 2010, during ogy and production; his duties will now which time it received orders totalling €550.4 million – a rise of 32.8% over be assumed by Peter Neumann, CEO. Q1 2009. Orders at the end of March totalled €905.3 million. Bookings during The owning family and the management Q1 2010 were particularly good from Asia, China, Africa and the Middle and expressed regret at Mr Wobbe’s decision Near East. Demand remained weak in the USA, Eastern Europe and Russia and their thanks to him for his work. but Central and Western Europe showed indications of gradual recovery. The executive board anticipates growth in sales of fi ve to 15% in 2010 and expects www.engelglobal.com a further uptrend in 2011, assuming no signifi cant change in the situational framework. www.krones.com

6 PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10 www.petpla.net PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net Preform & Bottle Machine &BottleInspectionSystem Vision Preform Rotary typewholesurfaceinspectionsystemforPETBottle Rotary typewholesurfaceinspectionsystemforpreforms perfectlywithoutanymissingzoneordeadzone. ƒ Mechanicalstructuresystemtooperateeasily. ƒ Semi-permanentsimplestructureofthepartsandspareparts. ƒ Synchronizedmonitoringimages,de ƒ Theselfdiagnosticfeatureinstalledinthesystemimmediatelyalertsproblems, ƒ Heightadjustmentispossibleforbottlesizesfrom0.35L to2.0L whichshowshigher ƒ HightechnologyinspectionequipmentwithResolutionCamerainstalledthat ƒ Using MirrorTracking InspectionSystemenablestoinspectsidewall operator tocontrolqualityandalertsthede preventing failureofinspection. compatibility comparedtoothercompetitors. detects unknownsubstancesover0.5mmat99.5%. LED CCD Camera Bottom /NeckInnerwall ƒ Using Mirror Tracking InspectionSystemenablestoinspectside-wallperfectlywithout ƒ ƒ High credibilityisrecognizedfortheselfdiagnosticfeatureinsystemwhichprevents ƒ Automatic IlluminationControlsystembycomputerprogramandsemi-permanent De¿ ƒ Cut /Ovality any missingzoneordeadzone. required. Usingultrahighdensitysemi-permanentbladeenabletoremovecompletely. Available forgatecutterunitinsidethemachineasanoptionwithnofurtherspace trouble state.Shuttingdownthemachineispossibletopreventfailureininspection. illumination. the fullscanbyrotatingpreforminrotarytype. ciency causedduringpreformproductionispreventedthrough ¿ ciencies, andproductionscreenenables. The E-mail: [email protected] URL:www.pnstech.co.kr Tel: +8231 7635621Fax:+8231 5623 : #326-1, Taejeon-dong, Gwangju-si,Gyeonggi-do, 464-805,R.O.Korea. ¿ ciencies andproductionprogress. Lateral Neck Sidewall Outwall Infeed Down Up Model: PS-21GP Neck ¿ Model: PS-21RP Rotation nish(Sealing Surface) nish(Sealing Bottom Option: GateCutter Pusher Head Vacuum holdby Lateral Neck Sidewall Inner wall Discharge

7 NEWS 8 NEWS peculiar case of forced biological action. Here speci resource as crops can be re-sown. The term renewable resource should be replaced by the term repeatable forward? Can we afford to waste this or, for that matter, any other resource? used to make them. Who amongst us feels this type of process is the way re-use, no second life for these products, certainly no recovery of the energy life are degraded to greenhouse gas ( dioxide) and water. There is no chemical resource, put through an industrial process and at the end of their a once-through system? Crops are grown as a feedstock, harvested as a total environmental cost of supplying this “renewable resource”. crops is high. There are many factors to be considered when calculating the uses energy from fossil fuels and electricity. In addition, the water footprint for tractors, seed drills, fertilizer spreaders, harvesting and drying equipment. It nomenal amounts of energy. The energy drain starts with the manufacture of many claim to be environmentally friendly. The biopolymer industry uses phe- modern agricultural techniques. It is this long and convoluted process that process industrialists extract the organic carbon from plants grown using These are the plastics that are based on food crops such as corn. In this Do they expect them to degrade as soon as they hit the ground? down or “disappear” they would be more environmentally friendly materials. service lifetime. In the view of many however, if plastics biodegrade, break is acknowledged that plastics need to be plastics stay in the environment for years, as though this were a bad thing. It of the public will tell you that plastics don’t biodegrade and they will tell you This sustainability must not be sacri lected for recycle in Europe, a great track record we feel sure will continue. PET recycling. shorten the useful life of PET will have a negative impact on postconsumer assurance of performance. Degradable additives that weaken products or of RPET want not only the sustainability features of recycled material, but tions including many that stress durability and physical performance. Buyers ess. As well as other outlets, RPET can be used for all virgin PET applica- type of technology and the impact of such additives on the recycling proc- recycling of PET. Indeed, APR has published its serious concern about this additives can be fully evaluated and approved by those with an interest in the APR (Association of Postconsumer Plastics Recycling) so that these types of has been no approach to the EPBP (the European PET Bottle Platform) or by publication of any scienti facturers that their additives have no effect on PET recycling are not backed recognised as a major concern for the recycle industry. Claims from manu- development skills demonstrated by the plastics recycling industry. down into a form that cannot be recovered, even using the very high level of ventional polymer, and renders it completely non-renewable by breaking it many non eco friendly problems. It takes a truly renewable resource, a con- renewable resource. conventional polymers can be recycled over and over again – they are a truly als. Whilst we need technological understanding and technical expertise, all in very, very fi down the additive in the plastic, weakening the polymer matrix and resulting are mixed with conventional polymers in such a way that microbes can break ary de Biodegradation –what’s inaword? Perhaps an even more confusing use of the word biodegradation is the Perhaps an even more confusing use of the word biodegradation is the Is renewable the right description for this type of product? Surely this is What is the full environmental cost of “true” biodegradable plastics? As we have reported before, in 2008 46% of all PET containers were col- Biodegradable additives in plastics packaging, especially PET, have been However, the use of “eco friendly”, biodegradable additives produces Biodegradation as a word is very confusing to non experts. The diction- fi nes it as the process of being broken down by bacteria. Members ne but pure polymer particles. This is another waste of materi-

E R O C T E P N M U L O C fi c evidence that this is so. In particular there fi ced on the altar of biodegradation. fi t for purpose and have a required fi c chemicals (additives) www.petcore.org nal customers in India, SE Asia and Africa. its PET perform production is supplied to exter- Appy Classic in the Indian market but 60% of ated & juice application) and short neck (water). 30/25mm (water application); PCO neck (carbon- Its product range in terms of neck type are oil, confectionery and pharmaceutical segments. to-drink beverages, carbonated drinks, edible forms to customers in the bottled water, ready- shift from glass to PET bottles. customers in the liquor sector, which is seeing a and pharmaceutical segments and to seek new to increase its presence in the oil, confectionery by early 2011. The company says that it plans and plans to set up its third plant in South India its second preform manufacturing plant in Orissa Nagar Haveli. The company has commissioned plant, in the Indian Union Territory of Dadra and Husky HyPET 72 cavity machine at its Silvassa recently installed a KM 96 cavity machine and a 17% already achieved in 2009/10. Parle Agro 2010/11. This is in addition to the increase of production capacity by 21% in enterprise, is aiming to increase its preform business expands Indian plasticpackaging representatives in countries across the world. USA, China and Japan, as well as 50 local It has sales and servicing companies in the nologies for the plastics processing industry. tion of plastic recycling systems and tech- ment, manufacturing and worldwide distribu- well as new equipment. duced by Vacurema recycling machines as approvals apply to existing rPET pellets pro- approved under FDA category ‘J’. All of the FDA categories ‘C’ to ‘H’; they are now Ges.m.b.H (Erema). neering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen recycling equipment is made by Erema Engi- conventional oven cooking. Vacurema PET The approval applies to both microwave and 120°C (250°F) during the heating process. equipment, even if temperatures rise above (rPET) produced on Vacurema recycling tainers made of up to 100% recycled PET ready-prepared meal packaging and con- (FDA) has approved the use of food and for recycledPET Extension ofFDA approval PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net Parle Agro sells brands such as Frooti and The company’s PET division supplies pre- Parle Agro, the Indian food and beverages The company specialises in the develop- The systems are already approved under The US Food and Drug Administration www.parleagro.com fi nancial year year nancial www.erema.at Cycle Service. also use Krones’ worldwide Life- own products. Its customers can from Krones technology in its incorporate empirical feedback and development, so that it can with Krones AG in research technology. Kosme will work facturing stretch blow-moulding ble for developing and manu- hour. Kosme Austria is responsi- mately 18,000 containers an output ranges up to approxi- and conveyor technologies, with on labelling, Kosme Italy focuses primarily ment remains easily identi ensuring that Kosme equip- the overall group af that this is intended to denote retained. The company says rate colour of orange has been difference: the Kosme corpo- using the Krones logo but with a new subsidiaries have been Italy. Since spring 2010, the in Austria and Kosme s.r.l. in business units: Kosme GmbH ogy. Kosme is comprised of two beverage and its market reach into low-output to 100 per cent and extended Kosme SRL, of Roverbella, Italy, increased its shareholding in www.aptar.com ing systems, the company says. focus on innovation in dispens- teams. It will, in addition, further backing of global development will be organised on a regional basis, with the tional by early 2011. Production and sales Aptar Food + Beverage will be fully opera- Aptar Food + Beverage and Aptar Pharma. three market segments: Aptar Beauty + Home, ment of its business lines in order to focus on it would,in2010,undertakeastrategicrealign- Group. The business recently announced that their longstanding parent company as Aptar Dispensing and Valois are to be rebranded by Pfeiffer, Seaquist Closures, Seaquist Perfect acquisition rebranding refl Low-output by Valois, andPfeiffer for Emsar, Seaquist,Indigo New ‘AptarGroup’ branding PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net In early 2009, Krones AG Airlessystems, Emsar, Indigo by Valois, fi lling, packaging packaging lling, fi lling technol- lling www.krones.com fi liation while while liation ects fi able. able. pharmaceutical needs. made of PP, PE, and PET for over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and other and non-food industries. packaging business, which produces PET packaging for the beverage, food, maceutical rigid container business will complement current plastics Amcor’s up the new business. The company said that the acquisition of Alcan’s phar- ness. Bill Long, who had been president of Amcor PET Packaging, will head Group; and the plastics container unit of Alcan’s global pharmaceutical busi- America, a plastic closures joint venture between Amcor and the Bericap Ltd. Amcor Rigid Plastics consists of Amcor PET Packaging; Bericap North ing the US$1.9 billion acquisition of parts of Alcan Packaging by Amcor Plastics, as a result of the reorganisation of seven business units follow- Renaming of Amcor business Alcan’s rigid container pharmaceutical business produces containers Michigan-based Amcor PET Packaging has been renamed Amcor Rigid www.amcor.com


© Henry Schmitt - Fotolia.com All Kenya All Tanzania Macroeconomic N/edo ouain ...... 845 US$ GNP/Head of population ...... 39,002,772 Population ...... km 580367 Area ...... 415 US$ GNP/Head of population ...... 41,048,532 Population ...... km 945,087 Area ...... fi fi gures 2006/07 gures 2006/07

Regional market reports market Regional

Tanzania / Kenya Data Tanzania 2 2 & Kenya the PET era, even for smaller volumes. volumes sector, in Nairobi they have broken through into tends to rely on recyclable glass for operations in the small pled with good local distribution facilities. Whereas Bonite tlers we found up to the minute machine technology cou- belonging to the Sabco Group. In the case of both CC bot- we also met with the local Coca Cola bottler, a company good level of sales. high numbers of tourists streaming into the region ensure a company also reaps huge bene undertakings geared to the mountain. Nevertheless, the Bonite is involved in a number of environmental and social a kind of symbiotic relationship with the mighty mountain. Coca Cola bottler for the region, are located. Bonite has jaro itself. This is where the headquarters of Bonite, the in took the opportunity to have a look at the company’s roots the company also produces its preforms itself. We also out to conquer the country. In addition to bottles and caps, seat in this coastal location. not being the capital, the government has its of Tanzania at Dar- Es- Salaam. Despite its cumnavigated it, starting in the south-east metres. For our East Africa Special we cir- manjaro towers to a height of around 6000 On the borders of Tanzania and Kenya Kili- Circumnavigating Kilimanjaro fl our production. our It was from here that the local fi Heading north we came to Nairobi in Kenya. Here On we went northwards, right to the foot of Kiliman- PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net fi ts from Kilimanjaro. The Alexander re water, Bakhresa, set Büchler by technology available. country was built. It was installed by Bühler with the best local area, where, in 2006, the biggest corn mill in the no room for expansion, and a new site was sought in the ing operation are all on the same site. However, there is group and a flour mill, a bakery and the 350ml water fill- is from Sacmi. The site of the plant is the oldest in the is from Chumpower, the filler is Kosme and the labeller an output of 12,000bph, also 350ml. The bottle blower fully occupied and so he is installing a second line with 10,000 PET bottles per hour (350ml). This line is now his first bottle filling line, from Ave, with an output of liking to the water business and in 2006 he installed so they were banned. But Mr. Bakhresa had taken a about all over the place and disfiguring the landscape, and soon stepped in. The empty pouches were blowing in 200ml pouches, but the government did not like it, of “packaged water”. The water was initially packaged his other businesses, he turned, in 2001, to the business Using the same logic that he applied when developing side the mainstream came ice cream and juice factories. and of course a large commercial bakery. A little out- established his own transport company, a sack factory nothing, but soon came the first flour mill. Later he described Mr. Bakhresa’s empire. be transported, we have almost completely in sacks, water in PET, and bread, all have to Bread is made! And if we consider that put together they react in a superb way. powdery, the other is wet and runny - when although they are so different - one is dry and Salim Awadh Bakhresa’s success story. And Flour and water were the basis of Mr. Said operation. Salim Bakhresa (seen on the right) through his extensive Meeting in the headquarters and from here guided by Mr. Said Bakhresa Flour andwater PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net 30 years ago he started up a small business from fl our are weigh 15 and 16g, and for 1l 23 to 26g. All of the bottles ments. The preforms for 0.35l weigh 12g, for 0.5l they 6 Nissei ASB preform systems to cover in-house require- money by moulding his own preforms and so now there are Ave. It soon became clear that Mr. Bakhresa could save they go to the fi The blown bottles are conveyed to a buffer silo from where new location. The blowers were supplied by Chumpower. for 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 3.0 and 6.0l were brought together in the the rapidly growing demand for water in PET. Filling lines Shadab Alam Electronic Engineer Büchler, PETplanet, Vinod M. Shetye Process Engineer, and to right: Dinesh Cranonkar, Mechanical Engineer, Alexander new Sorema/Erema Bottle-to-Bottle recycling plant (from left A third of all PET bottles collected in Tanzania arrive at the (with Mr. Arumugam and Alexander Büchler) Also new is the Netstal 2000 preform system At that time there was also space on the site to meet fi tted with the same still water cap, which weighs 1.8g. lling lines - mainly Italian manufacture, e.g.

11 REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 12 REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS has about a 50 % share of the still water market. for 12 x 0.5l bottles. At this level Bakhresa believes that he The price for the consumer is affordable at 1.40 US dollars make the water brand available everywhere in the country. very variable road conditions, Bakhresa has managed to - without the new Netstal system which is on the way! In Bakhresa now has capacity for 2.3 million preforms per day this happened the workshop would already be full. In total workshop, the Nissei ASBs will actually be moved there. If tain is whether, with the rapid expansion in the preform This is now ordered and is on the way. What is not cer- that the next preform machine would be another Netstal. ice. Only a few months after its installation it became clear area. It is also noted for its high level of after sales serv- 48-cavity tool from MHT and from the Swiss company Netstal. The system includes a supplier for their continued expansion programme. Bakhresa, had to turn, only a few months later, to another Engel subsequently pulled out of the preform business fi with Engel and their the cap moulding machines, so the output machines. The company had had good experience main requirement was that they wanted to move into higher fi had grown even further the old Nisseis were no longer suf- reserved in the town for preform production. Since demand bursting at the seams and so one year ago more land was the PET granulate, also tinted light blue. and sorted the recycling plant. In the foreground the light blue washed Vinod M. Shetye and Dinesh Cranonkar show the products at rst new preform system was an Engel machine. Since cient and investment was made in new technologies. The Despite thehugedistancesin Tanzania andtheattimes The choice fell on the PET-Line 2000 kN system It is hardly surprising that this new plant was soon fl akes from post-consumer bottles and behind is fi ts nicely into the production China. Now Mr Bakhresa buys about 30% of them. a system to collect PET bottles, which were shipped to their materials costs. In Tanzania there has long been demand of up to 40 tonnes per day but enough to reduce scrap. This is not enough to meet the company’s in-house granulate per day from post-consumer bottles and in-house now have a plant producing 10 tonnes of FDA approved again the company chose state-of-the-art technology and to-bottle recycling plant in East Africa was set up. Here ment was also ordered there and then at the “K” exhibition. clean plant to wash and shred post-consumer bottles, producing capacity of about 500kg/h. The model he ordered, the 1310T, has a PET recycling Mr. Bakhresa signed an order for the Vacurema Advanced. rema line. The discussions were positive and the next day PET recycling. Erema recommended that he use the Vacu- Mr. Bakhresa visited the Erema stand to learn more about tion. At the last “K” exhibition in Düsseldorf three years ago he did not have his group has - and Mr. Bakhresa would not be Mr. Bakhresa if without the “gate scar” typical of injection moulded parts. that compression technology allows the production of caps (on both lines) and high quality is guaranteed by the fact started to print the logo directly on the top of the closure tees excellent sealing performance. Recently Bakhresa has closure of about 1.8g, developed by Sacmi, which guaran- Both CCM lines are producing a 30x25 light-band “hook” output is high - 36,000 caps/minute at a 2.4s cycle time. The cap they produce is for all bottles up to 1.5l. The second line, again with 24 cavities, has just been installed. The Sacmi compression moulding machine with 24 cavities. ing machines the company invested a few years ago in a to think about caps. After initial trials with injection mould- Group, holds all the reins Lawrence Silverious (on the left), Controller of the Bakhresa for Bakhresa’s own use. and in winter 66 percent of the time. All of the preforms are the high season the preform systems run around the clock So it was that at the end of last year, the fi It was also recommended that he invest in a Sorema It is easy to see the huge demand for PET that the With such a high consumption of bottles it is also logical fi rst Sacmi line, a CCM 24, was installed in 2007. The fl akes ready for the Vacurema. The Sorema equip- PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net fi nger on the pulse of the whole opera- rst bottle- rst programmes. with social and humanitarian supports the local population this way the company also trees have been planted. In In 14 years 39 million new programme for Kilimanjaro. established a reforestation owner, Reginald Mengi, has Outside of the factory the kler system in the gardens. fi water and feeds it into the m³/day cleans up the waste plant with a capacity of 1,000 biological water puri product cut from 7l to 3.3l, per litre of the water usage has been refi and water consumption. With has also cut down on energy a part of it”. The company ness. The gardens are just friendly approach to our busi- store by an environmentally- us to the site. “We set great Bottlers, when he welcomed of Zoeb Hassuji, MD of Bonite to expand,” were the words had to give way and allow us even more garden area but it tion. “Yes! There used to be nice place for a short vaca- and forklift traf it were not for the busy lorry homely-looking buildings. If parkland is interspersed with small town. Well-manicured tory premises is like visiting a ther treatment. Bottlers, with no fur- and is drawn “Kilimanjaro” premium spring from which the town of Moshi. On the edge of town is the 5895 metre high Mount Kilimanjaro, is the National Park and against a backdrop of the of Northern Tanzania, close to the Serengeti Sitting right in the heart of the tourist area Bonite Bottlers “Powered bynature” PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net sh ponds or to the sprin- llable bottles, for instance, Driving across the fac- fi lled by Bonite fi lled. The in-house The lled. fi c it would be a fi cation e ctleyeScavenger Acetaldehyde New iudclusadadtvsfrPET for additives and colours Liquid atrac versions masterbatch and liquid in Available colours liquid REPI with blended be Can recycling bottle-to-bottle for Suited regulations contact food FDA and EU Meets sublimation and plate-out No 75% than more preforms, by PET in AA reduce Can water of taste natural the Preserves SenzAA TM sataeako INVISTA of trademark a is www.repi.it

13 REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 14 REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS PCO 28 cap. is made from PET and weighs in at 48 grams. It carries a refi responsible for the northern area. Filling is mainly done in has appointed four regional licensees, with Bonite being the operation. Because of the size of Tanzania, Coca-Cola the Bonite site can be seen. eyes a little from the mountain itself, the bustling activity on uninterrupted view of Kilimanjaro, and, by lowering one’s a window that covers the full width of the room giving an and down-to-earth of losophy can be seen most clearly in the business-like the environment, and above all Kilimanjaro, into its phi- Mayagils, Quality Manager Loiruk, General Sales Manager, Alexander Büchler, and Peter zania. F.l.t.r.: Zoeb T. Hassuji, Managing Director, Christopher Bonite Bottlers Ltd is the Coca-Cola licensee in Northern Tan- The new blocked blowing/ and Peter Mayagils also CSDs. From left, Christopher Loiruk, Alexander Büchler operation. The valves are designed to handle still water and llable glass at up to 30,000 bph. Only the 1.5 litre bottle Filling under licence from Coca-Cola is the mainstay of The extent to which the company has integrated nature, fi ce of Christopher Loiruk. There is fi lling line from Krones is already in traubling,” said Christopher Loiruk. the rest of the line that we ordered our next lines from Neu- from Krones when compared with the service we got for Krones packer and we were so pleased with the service supplier about 10 years ago. It included an integrated is also from Krones. “We did buy a to replace the original PVC line. The new glass posed of separate machines. This “old” line was brought in to The whole line has a capacity of 20,000 bph. ler, also from Krones, is located at the end of the dry area. the Contiform and the 70-head volumetric directly to the rinser, which is mechanically blocked with The Contiform S 12 stretch blow moulder feeds bottles example, were in Dar Es Salaam. We are gradually work- recently installed Krones line for agils. The latest example of the drive to quality is the very that our quality is of a high standard,” explained Peter May- demand a higher level of investment but we can be sure fi water across the whole country. Our covered by our Coca-Cola licence. Now we distribute the ourselves to selling our premium water only in the area the volume of water fi only 32,000 bph capacity, but today that is still more than The labeller is located at the dry end Hypet 120 Loiruk and Peter Mayagils at the material dryer for the Husky “Full steam ahead” for preform production. Christopher lling lines must meet Coca-Cola standards. “That may fi ll water, which itself is only 5 years old and is com- This new line complements another Krones line, used Because Coca-Cola is the main business, all of the With the two Krones PET lines the company still has PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net lled. “Up to now we have limited fi lling water and CSDs. fi lling line from another fi rst successes, for fi ller.label- The fi lling line lling said Christopher Loiruk, explaining the company’s decision. States, because of local taxes here, were too expensive,” come up to our requirements and imports from the Gulf 0.5l preforms. “The preforms being sold in the region didn’t this time a HyPET 225 with 48 cavities for the production of capacity Bonite have now also ordered another HyPET, 23g/1l and 36g/1.5l preforms. To be able to increase their 24-cavity Husky HyPET 120 with moulds for 18g/0.5l, Bonite to install a preform production line. First came a fl and market other products. These include, for example, available. For the future the company also plans to develop 0.30 US Dollars. In addition 1.0 litre and 1.5 litre bottles are product. The 0.5 litre bottle is sold in retail stores at about succeeded in positioning “Kilimanjaro Water” as a premium from the spring with no form of treatment, the company has almost 500 million bottles. PET lineforCSDsandwater. In2009 it lines for re their production facility. Alongside 6 bottling Bottlers Limited, Coca-Cola Sabco, to see Country Supply Chain Manager of Nairobi accepted the invitation of Sergio Fernandes, were therefore rather surprised when we be mainly packaged in re products packaged in PET, and for CSDs to seeing edible oil and water as the dominant oping countries we are fairly well used to When we visit emerging markets or devel- Solomon Lutta, Trade Marketing Manager Caroline Cherono Keror, Production Unit Leader Mwenda Ruona Kageenu, Production Manager Sergio Fernandes, Country Supply Chain Manager Coca-Cola Sabco Nairobi BottlersLimited “glass killer” The a problem. so switching the line over to the 1.5l Coca-Cola bottle is not with tilted crowns. The PCO 28 cap has been retained and wraparound label. The lower part of the bottle is decorated jaro. There is a narrower, grip area that also carries the proudly emblazoned with a relief image of Mount Kiliman- looking bottle with ribs, the shoulder of the new bottle is bottle was redesigned. Whilst previously it was a normal- Zoeb T. Hassuji explained to us. As part of this project the ing to establish a national market share in double PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net avoured water or carbonated water. It was their high quality requirements that prompted Thanks to the superb mineral water that is fi llable glass was a brand new fi llable glass. We fi lled direct lled fi gures,” fi lled ControLine Tel.: +416288929 Europe South:motan-colortronicag Tel.: +496175792167 Europe North:motan-colortronicgmbh technology control Motan –– Yourpartnerformaterialshandling–worldwide plastics processing Overall networkcontrolstooptimiseyourmaterialslogisticsin www.motan-colortronic.com overview! A clear

15 REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 16 REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS and here she has high praise for the new PET line from batches mean running a different product on each shift, For Caroline Cherono Keror, Production Unit Leader, small the hands of the consumer within a few days, if not hours. with a recloseable cap for when they are on the move. Despite the higher price, consumers like the single trip PET (about 45UScents)forglass,wearecharging40Shillings. out in the market, instead of charging 28 Kenyan Shillings “ produced, which are carefully released from stock on a the internal company organisation. Only small batches are critical and have a much longer shelf-life. A key factor is life for the 500ml pack, whilst larger pack sizes are not so year. A major challenge was of course the 6-week shelf- bique will follow suit and offer Coke in PET over there this our success, Coca-Cola Sabco in Uganda and Mozam- answer? Coke in PET bottles for people on the move. After from juices and water - all in PET. So what was the obvious people on the move, and we face a lot of competition here for. The glass bottle may be cheaper but is not suitable for this doesn’t give us the growth stimulus that we are looking non-alcoholic drink, or this week with Fanta Pineapple, but did last year with Schweppes Novida, a fruity, malt-based to grow locally. We launch new six small bottlers. So why take this dif Coca-Cola CSD bottlers. Coca-Cola has a signi fi signi open arms by the consumers. The 0.5l PET bottle costs giant strides and our 0.5l size has been accepted with being the basis. “The PET part of our business is making a size container – quality control and consistent processes side wall providing an acceptable level of barrier for such age comes in at a solid 28.7g with a properly stretched and he is very pleased with it. The monolayer PET pack- launched the 0.5l PET bottle with just 6 weeks shelf life - meet the minimum shelf life requirements, Fernandes has (known in the industry as a “can killer”) could possibly world is discussing whether that type of small container Coca-Cola in 0.5l bottles! While the rest of the Coca-Cola sizes of PET bottle. And that was our second surprise - It was not easy to sion. However, we did Fernandes, Country Supply Chain Manager, for a brief discus- the photo session he received a few telephone calls. ll here, and apart from a few imported bottles has no fi rst in, rst Kenya is a dream market for Coca-Cola: Pepsi doesn’t NBL fi fi cance in the market. Also, there are only a few local cantly more than re fi fi rst out” basis. This means that the bottle will be in lls 9 different Coca-Cola products in 3 different fi lling in Kenya, with the rest being shared by fi nd room in the packed schedule of Sergio fi nally manage it - although even during fi llable glass in production so that fl fi avours, as for example we rm grip on 50% of the fi cult step? “We want water also with a PCO 28 neck. section for water bottles as well it was decided to leave still hours for this. To avoid having to change over the capping made down the whole line. In total Caroline’s team needs 2 changing the blow-mould, there are format changes to be the line there is a volume changeover. Here, in addition to the products with the same in the stretch blow moulder. After a few shifts, when all of changeover time is mainly spent changing over the moulds every producthasitsownbottleshapesothattheone-hour takes about one hour. As everywhere within Coca-Cola ibility. A product changeover, with the same bottle size, Krones, which can actually handle this high degree of the warehousing logistics. of the building. Some of the of to cope with a number of integrated of a large number of support columns in the hall, they also had in the production hall. In addition to limited lenge for Krones was presented by the narrow passageways different labels, one for each product bottle buffer there is a Contiroll labeller which handles 18 S12 blocked with a 60 head volumetric CSD (15g/300ml, 18g/500ml, 28g/1l and 35g/1.5l). The range for also from Nairobi, supplies monolayer preforms for water stacked three high. The preform manufacturer, Safepak, ble for handling by fork-lift. In the warehouse full pallets are stacks the 6-pack, 12-pack or 24-pack trays in units suita- going right through to the palletiser, which automatically up to 22,000bph, starting with the preform unloader and overseas. beginning,” was his comment on the subject of training us that we had total mastery of the PET line right from the years of experience on the glass lines it was important for intensive training. “Although all of my employees have had employees spent up to a month at Krones in Germany for Mwenda Ruona Kageenu, thanks to the fact that 10 of their since the beginning is, according to production manager is right there where the glass few more curves than normal but nevertheless the palletiser system sits right next to the blow-moulder, the dry end has a still somewhat longer than it would otherwise be, the cooling preform conveyor from the unloader to the blow-moulder is the plant layout and operation to us in great detail Caroline Cherono Keror, Production Unit Leader, explained Between the unloader and palletiser sits a Contiform The line has been designed as a fully automatic line for The fact that the whole line has been problem-free fi lling covers 28gr/500ml, 32gr/1l and 52g/2l. PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net fi ll volume have been run down fi fi lling line also ends - ideal for ces just had to go, but the fi lled. A particular chal- fi ces to half the height fi ller. After the 4,000 fl oor space and fl ex- PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net      longer shelf-life for morefreshnessand scavengeroption threadneckfinishes 2-start 1-start threadand38 mm, Available for 28 mm, for heatsetbottles Specially designed guarantee of product integrity forfull Antisabotage of DoubleSeal™ technology Unique sealperformances for hotfilledbeverages BERI CAP Technology CAP [email protected] ·www.bericap.com [email protected] Tel. +33/3/806329-31 ·Fax +33/3/806329-30 1, F-21600 Eiffel, Bd. Longvic-lès-Dijon BERICAP S.a.r.l. DoubleSeal™ 28 mmhotfill Oxygen Scavengeroption Oxygen SK 38 mmhotfill

17 Committed to serving the juices, RTD teas and health drinks industry REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 18 MATERIAL / RECYCLING Innovation on quality. Don’t compromise [email protected] For information pleasecontact: further www.gabriel-chemie.com million BTU for glass. Solid wastes million BTU for glass. Solid wastes 16 million BTU for aluminium and 26.6 100,000 oz of soft drink, compared to tles amounted to 11 million BTU per glass. for aluminium and 4,949 lbs (c. 2,250kg) compared to 2,766lbs (c. 1,258kg) for mately 510kg) of CO2 equivalents, the PET bottles at 1,125lbs (approxi- lated the greenhouse gas emissions for 77% less than glass. Franklin calcu- istered 59% less than aluminium and gas emissions for the PET bottles reg- numbers across the board. Greenhouse PET bottles showed appreciably lower bottles, or 12-oz aluminium cans. The in typical 20-oz PET bottles, 8-oz glass 100,000 ounces of soft drinks packaged and greenhouse gas emissions per It compared total energy, solid waste the PET Resin Association (PETRA)**. conducted by Franklin Associates* for or glass bottles. environmental footprint than aluminium cans containers concludes that PET plastic bottles offer a better A newly released life-cycle inventory of single-serving soda LCA: theadvantagesofPET Total energy use for the PET bot- The complete lifecycle study was materials. materials. was deemed comparable for all three solid wastes, while total energy use lower greenhouse gas emissions and over aluminium and glass in terms of PET bottles still showed advantages equally sized 12-oz. containers. The late its fi containers, it asked Franklin to recalcu- preliminary LCI report on the soft drink Vasami. After PETRA received the said PETRA Executive Director Ralph pared to glass, metal or other plastics,” environmental choice whether com- consistently shown itself to be a sound ent lifecycle analyses and PET has been the subject of several independ- 2.14yd² (1.9m²) for glass. PET, 0.95yd²(0.855m²) for aluminium, waste volume was 0.67yd² (0.6m²) for and 4,457lbs (2,025kg) for glass. Solid bottles, 767lbs (348kg) for aluminium, amounted to 302lbs (137 kg) for PET “Since 2005, PET containers have ndings on the basis of 10,000 Premium Masterbatches for SuperbProducts. PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net North America’s producers of PET. tion) is the industry association for public and private sectors. waste management to clients in the ices in lifecycle assessment and solid in 1974, provides consulting serv- consumer use were excluded. fi fabrication transport to the incinerator and land ered by an incinerator, but excluded operations at a land to a land recycling calculations included transport cling. The post-consumer disposal and as post-consumer disposal and recy- through container fabrication as well ses covered extraction of raw materials 1:2.2; cubic yards/cubic metres: 1:0.9. approximate values. Conversion rates lbs/kg: Please note: all metric conversions are lling, distribution, storage, retail use and **PETRA (the PET Resin Associa- *Franklin Associates, Ltd., founded Kielce The lifecycle inventory for both analy- May 25–28, 2010 fi ll or incinerator, equipment

$ www.petresin.org/news.asp (( 2

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(/0,+( fi fi ll emissions. Post- 0* ll and energy recov- 1/ www.petresin.org

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reaching 98.5%. rate of 1.5l single use PET bottles has been reported as now tles, and consequent saving of resources. The current return closing of the lifecycle loop in the case of single use PET bot- mandatory deposit measures have contributed strongly to the Dialog Institut, observed that the packaging directive and score than any of the packaging systems examined. reference point. PET returnable bottles reached a higher total contributing to equality to returnable glass in the reusable 0.7l energy and process water consumption (-30% and -36%) in PET); decrease in distribution distances (-38%); and reduced reduction (-14%); increased recycling (25-35% recycled (GDB)) in 2008. Contributory factors included bottle weight pared with the last life cycle assessment by the Association of dust, improvements between 30-55% were recorded, com- acidi climate change, fossil resource consumption, summer smog, PET bottle in almost all categories. Under the headings of drinks. carbonated and carbonated mineral and refreshment for storage/repeat use (>0,7l) and instant use (<0.7l) for non- relevant drinks packagings such as returnable PET and glass were PET disposable drinks packaging and other market- recycling) were taken into account. The categories examined manufacturing, PET bottle fabrication, order to ensure accurate comparison. categories and priorities in previous lifecycle assessments, in ment in 2008. The survey used the same methods and effect packaging that was identi continuing ecological development of PET disposable drinks a press event in April 2010 that the Ifeu report re Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V, said at German Association for Plastics Packaging and Films - IK use glass bottles. Dr. Jürgen Bruder, general director of the drinks show an ecological equivalence with benchmark multi- the researched market of mineral waters and refreshment quality raw material for recycling. through a closed material loop and eventually provide a high are being collected through a deposit system, are recycled posable PET bottles for mineral waters and refreshment drinks waters market reached 68.1% and is tending to increase. Dis- of the value chain. improved ecological performance in all areas (Ifeu), found that PET bottles have shown an ronmental Research Heidelberg GmbH out by the Ifeu Institute for Energy and Envi- The Life Cycle Assessment 2010, carried or aluminium environmental advantageoverglass Two newLCA studiesindicatePET’s PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net Helmuth von Grolman, managing director of Deutsches Helmuth von Grolman, managing director of Deutsches German Wells (Genossenschaft Deutscher Brunnen e.G The report shows improvements for the 1.5l non-returnable The report shows improvements for the 1.5l non-returnable Technological advances in the entire process chain (PET The Life Cycle Assessment found that, today, 81.3% of In 2009, disposable PET bottles’ share of the mineral fi cation, terrestrial pollution, and human toxicity/respirable fi ed by the GDB life cycle assess- fi lling, distribution and fl ected the the ected Phone +43/732/3190-0 · Fax +43/732/3190-23 ·[email protected] Freindorf · Unterfeldstr. 3 · P.O.B. 38 · A-4052 Ansfelden/Linz · Austria EREMA Engineering RecyclingMaschinenund AnlagenGes.m.b.H. We knowhow. BY VACUREMA TO HIGHQUALITY BTB REGRANULATE YOUR MOST ECONOMICWAY RECYCLING PET BOTTLE FDA approved,ILSI-conform energy intensiveclassicSSPprocess Up to10% IVincreasewithout Very lowtotalenergyconsumptionfrom0,25Kw/kg pelletonly More than100 plantsdeliveredworldwide VACUREMA Prime

19 www.erema.at MATERIAL / RECYCLING 20 MATERIAL / RECYCLING of PETtop872kmt 2009: EUimports 39076020*. Marketexpertshavehelpeduscheckandeditthe to illustratethesechanges.We aretalkingaboutgoodswiththeHarmonizedSystemCode Pulse, PETplanet’s monthlypriceindex,hascollectedinformationonPET importsintotheEU can haveadecisiveeffect onthe levying ofanti-dumpingdutiesonPET fromcountriesoutsideEuropeexportingtotheEU. This fundamental changestotheglobalvolumeofforeigntradeinPET. Another keyfactoristhe production capacityintheMiddleEast,aresigni closures ortotalshutdownofproductionplantsinEurope,alongwiththecommissioning new The marketforPET hasundergonesomepronouncedchangesinrecentyears. Temporary – changes ahead? IIn pected collapsewhichforced Artenius a year, hadalsosuffered anunex- an annualcapacityof500000 tonnes PTA productionplantintheUK,with However inMarch2009,the Artenius tions experiencingincreased demand. the remainingEuropeanPET produc- reported, indeedtheclosureledto 210, 000t/a.Nobottleneckswere closed; thisplanthadacapacityof & FibresplantinOffenbach/Germany ties. InMarch2009theInvistaResins of variousEuropeanproductionfacili- explained primarilybytheshutdown comparison topreviousyearsmaybe marked increaseinimports2009by kmt; 2007:494kmt)(seeFig.1). The with atotalof872kmt(2008:580 the 27EUStates(EU27**)in2009 of atleast78ml/gwasrecordedby PET importswithaviscosity number n The mostsigni fl fl

ux of PET imports into the EU ux ofPETimportsintotheEU u fi cant in cant x fl ux of ux

o f

peak season. The endofthe input materialPTA –and,thisinthe were affected bytheshortageof Western EuropeanPET producers to declare Fig. 1:PETimportsintotheEUfrom2003to2009 fl ow ofPET, asnumerousexamples cantestify. PETPlanet P E force majeure

PET imports into the EU T fi cant factorsthathavebroughtaboutsome

forPTA. All i m fi rst half rst PET planet fi p gures toensuretheirvalidity. expected toresumeinthesecond a standstill,althoughproduction is Korean KP Chemicalcompany)at in Wilton/UK(nowpartofthe South of 2009sawthe Artenius PET plant insider Vol. 11 No.05/10 www.petpla.net o r t s

i n t



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a dominantforce South Korea– rose signi it isnosurprisethatimports of 2009. duction plantintheautumn closed itsGauchyPET pro- French company Tergal also capacity of600,000t/a. The three plantshadanannual half of2009. Together, these the threeplantsinsecond in areductionof300,000t of theInvistaPlant,resulting compounded bytheshutdown stopped production. This was pany’s plantinSpainalso quarter of2010. The com- Fig. 2:PETimportsintotheEUin2009 to increaseacapacityof EU), andthisisexpected which 53kmtwenttothe (January 2009 currently producing300,000t impact ontheEUstatistics, kmt producedbytheUAE. for 199kmtofthetotal872 with EUimportsaccounting the secondlargestsupplier, (UAE) havedevelopedinto alone. kmt PET fromSouthKorea states importedatotalof256 and 177KMT; in2009theEU fl subsequent yearsquantities kmt ofPET totheEU**;in was alreadysupplying122 years. In2002SouthKorea ers totheEUforanumberof been oneofthetopexport- prise thatSouthKoreahas PET uctuated between121kmt planet Given theseshutdowns, Oman isalsomakingan The United Arab Emirates It willcomeasnosur- insider Vol. 11 No.05/10 www.petpla.net fi cantly (seeFig.2) fi gures, of gures, suppliers Fig. 3:PETimportsintotheEUfrom2007to2009-biggest

21 MATERIAL / RECYCLING 22 MATERIAL / RECYCLING Germany, whichisoneofthe France 42kmtfromnon-EUcountries. imported 77kmt,theUK48kmtand EU countriesvary:in2009,Spain under 70percent.Figuresforother data amountstobetween55just import quotaaccordingtovarious came fromoutsidetheEU.Italy’s 50% ofItaly’s PET requirements from avarietyofsources,morethan experts, andbasedoninformation 292 kmtofPET. According tomarket in 2009.Italyaloneaccountedfor states oftheEUandSwitzerland was 2.927milliontonnesinthe27 (with aviscositynumberof78ml/g) expert, thetotalrequirementforPET non-European statesin2009. for PET, importedamere23kmtfrom countries withthehighestrequirement biggest PETimporter Italy: biggestPETmarket, listed inFig.3). ni a keytargetmarketforOman(sig- 800,000t/a duringthisyear. The EUis fi cant EUforeigntradepartnersare According toaleadingmarket anti-dumping duty fi ve EU ve PET planet and 1kmttoItaly. This compares with of which0.2kmtwassoldtoIreland and theEUimportedonly1.2kmtPET, tonne dutyonexportsfromthiscountry tralia. In2009theEUlevieda€128per into theEU. Another exampleis Aus- 9 kmtPET fromChinawasstill getting ously fallingback,until,in2009,only fi totalled only51kmt. After that,imports an anti-dumpingdutyin2004,imports states. Becauseoftheimposition into whatarenowthe27EUmember were stillbeingimportedfromChina in eachcase.In2003138kmtPET and thisremainedvalidfor Code 39076020)frombothcountries PET (bearingtheHarmonizedSystem to 184Europertonnewasleviedon 2004 ananti-dumpingdutyamounting as examples(seeFig.4):in August into theEU. Taking Chinaand Australia conditions, affect theimportofPET by theEUCommissionundercertain Europe, anti-dumpingduties,levied drastically reduceimports Anti-dumping duties rst soared to104kmt,beforecontinu- insider Vol. 11 No.05/10 www.petpla.net Alongside theplantclosuresin duties onImportsfromChinainto Fig. 4:Effectsofanti-dumping (All fi gures: Source:Eurostat) fi ve years ve the EU goods fromthecountriesspeci duration aretobeintroducedon anti-dumping dutiesof be undertakenintowhether months; duringthistimeastudywill any eventapplyforaperiodofsix porary anti-dumpingdutieswillin it wascon information fromPETPlanetPulse, latest. Respondingtoarequestfor the UAEasofJune3,2010at originating fromPakistan,Iranand monized SystemCode39076020 to bechargedonPET with theHar- temporary anti-dumpingdutiesare publicly accessiblehomepagethat Austria issuedastatementviaits Family and Young PeopleinVienna/ Federal MinistryofCommerce, goods atdumpingpricesintheEU. more manufacturerswhoselltheir on it,butonlythegoodsfromoneor that hastheanti-dumpingdutylevied customs tariff number)fromacountry of thegoods(goodswithacertain that itisnottheentirecomplement be achievedintheoriginatingcountry. much lowerthanthepricethatwould tion ofdumpingisiftheexportprice where thePET isimported. The de ruling marketpriceinthecountryto the ratioofexportpriceand factor whichde productivity orlowercosts. The key at alowerpriceasresultofhigher ate betweendumpinganditemssold ing/anti-dumping: weneedtodifferenti- should bemadeontheissueofdump- 17 /19kmtPET totheEU. Two points 2002 –2003when Australia exported PET contact: [email protected] PET industry. pulse isessentialreadingfor the recycled material,PETplanet prices forbothvirginPET and With informedcommentand the price newsletter: the magazine-amonthlyPET Insider receive-inadditionto PET priceindex! The monthly planet At thebeginningofMay For thisreasonitmayhappen For furtherdetails,please Subscribers toPETplanet PETplanet pulse insider Vol. 11 No.05/10 www.petpla.net fi rmed that thesetem- fi nes dumpingisNOT fi pulse ve years’ ve . fi nal fi ed. fi ni- Sidel •SIGKronesSIPA o. •MAGADSKosme •Nissei a. belonged totheEUsince2007.Whereannual forms andbeveragebottles). more (thePET typewhichispredominantlyusedforthemanufactureofpre- dealing herewithPET initsprimaryformwithaviscositynumberof78ml/gor EE, ES,FI,FR,GB,GR,HU,IE,IT, LT, LU,LV, MT, NL,PL,PT, RO,SE,SI,SK. countries thatbelongtotheEUtoday. These are AT, BE,BG,CY, CZ,DE,DK, in thegraphicsorarticle, is Eurostat. PET STRETCH For oursubsidiariesinChina,USA andLatinAmerica please checkourwebsite. Telephone +495191-603-53/Fax +495191-603-36/E-Mail [email protected] Röders GmbH/Scheibenstr. 6/29614Soltau /Germany YOUR PARTNER FORBLOW MOULDS. **Where thearticlementionsEU,thisrefersto27countriesthathave *As regardsPET featuringtheHarmonizedSystemCode39076020weare ***The sourceofthe BLOW MOULDS fi gures formingthebasisofarticleandgraphics fl ow ofgoodsreferredtohererelatesthe Benefit of30Years fi gures priorto2007aregiven Manufacturing! in Blow Mould of Experience www.roeders.de

23 MATERIAL / RECYCLING Vol.6 PETplanet print

The Rapid Guide to Perfect Preforms by Rick Unterlander and Ottmar Brandau

Troubleshooting guides have suffered in the past from being locked away in offi ces and not being available to the people that actually need them. Considering the high cost of machine and tools, PREFORM PRODUCTION high scrap rates can be a costly proposition eating away at already tight margins.

PETplanet’s “Rapid Guide to Perfect Preforms” takes a different approach. Bound in laminated paper that is easy to wipe clean, the small format machine no./name of the book of 108mm by 151mm (4.25” by 6”) The Rapid Guide allows easy storage in back pockets or tool to Perfect Preforms boxes. It has been written for the people on the fl oor of injection moulding companies to support their daily work in making the best preforms pos- sible.

The product of two industry experts, Rick Unterlander and Ottmar Brandau, it gives concrete advice on 35 of the most common problems in preform manufacture, most illustrated by pictures. From high AA levels to wavy bodies processors can fi nd help when they

vol.6 need it. PETplanet print Continued on page 29


MHT: Your specialist for Engineering made in Germany

lightweight solutions! Lightweight threads are literally on everyone’s lips. partner? MHT Mold & Hotrunner Technology offers After all, the smallest PET saving per preform soon all lightweight solutions on the market, including: amounts to hundreds of thousands of Euros for • PCO1881 (17 mm / 3.8 g) major bottlers each year. Looking to convert your • 28-21 ComPetCap® (21 mm / 3.9 g) mold to a new thread and need an experienced • 29/25 (12.6 mm / 2.4 g)

24 Dr. Ruben-Rausing-Str. 7 | D-65239 Hochheim/MainPETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10 www.petpla.net MHT MOLD & HOTRUNNER TECHNOLOGY Tel. +49(0) 6146-906-0 | www.mht-ag.de MARKETsurvey  PET bottle-to-bottle 05/10 recycling plants Caps and closures Conveyers for preforms and empty bottles Suppliers of Preforms Preforms This year our market overview lists more than 18 manufacturers of preforms from Preform moulds and 11 countries. Strongly represented are India and France, closely followed by SBM moulds Saudi Arabia and Germany. (Once again, there is no sign of Artenius, although 2-stage SBM machinery the reason probably has something to do with the re-structuring activities of LA Seda which are still in full swing. Other major players are also conspicuous by Preform and single their absence*). stage machinery Resins and additives On the technology side, our survey refl ects the trend indicating that the PCO 1881 is becoming increasingly established on the market. Filling equipment In 2009 there were 6 companies offering preforms in alternative materials (PLA/ Compressors PP) in their range or could deliver them on request, whilst in 2010 8 fi rms purport to fall into this category. Deriving any sort of trend from these fi gures would be presumptuous; what seems to have happened is that, during this year, companies have come on-stream who were not in evidence last year and who are now mak- ing their presence felt in this sector (e.g. SBECM and Constar.)

As always, the range of products is broad and we hope that our survey will pin- point the local bottle blowers as well as the appropriate products and suppliers. Here we should not forget to mention that many of the global suppliers have local branches: it is impossible to list them all here but their details can of course be found on the relevant company websites.

Although the publishers have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date no claims are made regard- ing completeness or accuracy

Company name M/s. AMD Industries Ltd. Gulf Packaging System Co S.B.E.C.M. Parle Agro Pvt. Ltd. Savola Plastics Division Postal address 18, Pusa Road, Ist Floor, P.O. Box 20266, Jeddah 21455 Rue de la plaine Western Express Highway, Sahar - Saudi Business Center, 6th Floor, Madina Karol Bagh, New Delhi -110 005 Saudi Arabia 47230 Lavardac, Chakala Road, Parsiwada, Andheri Road, P.O Box 34495, Jeddah 21468, India France (E), Mumbai 400099, India Saudi Arabia Telephone number +91 9811118736 +96626360099 +33 (0)5 53 97 41 00 +9122 - 6734 8000 +966 2 657 3333 Web site address www.amdindustries.com www.gulf-pack.com www.sbecm.com www.parleagro.com http://www.savolaplastics.com Contact name Mr. Adit Gupta Bader Abdullah Jean-Luc Didouan Asha Azhar Kangi Function Director -Business Development Sales Manager General Manager President Telephone +91 9811118736 +966548813009 +33 (0)5 53 97 41 00 9122 - 67348296 +966 2 2687780 Fax +91 11 28753591 +9666082716 +33 (0)5 53 65 85 97 +9122 - 66935050 +966 2 652 6680 E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Multilayer preforms No No No No In process (yes/no) PEN preforms No No Yes No Yes (yes/no) Preforms in alter- NA No Possible No native materials (PP/PLA) List of additives NA Nylon for Barrier / AA Seavenger AA scavengers, blockers, Col- We add only master batch for All barrier additives for UV, Oxygen & available / colour ouring agents, O2 absorbers making colored preforms .

Preform range Preforms for CSD , MW , Oil, Neck fi nish : 30/25 High and Preforms in various weight 28mm PCO / BPF Neck - various sizes Juice Low, PCO 28 (1818,1881), categories – 3025 Neck - various sizes Caps for CSD, juice, water bottles BPF, 48/41. Study for special basic product range in terms of 37mm 2 start Neck - various sizes (In Laminate tube for tooth paste neck fi nish possible. neck type: 30/25 mm ( water appli- process) Bottles , Jars for food Preform weight : from 15 cation ) ; PCO neck ( carbonated 38mm 3 start Neck - various sizes to 91g and juice application ) & short neck 45 Neck - various sizes ( water application ) 29/21 Oil Neck - various sizes

25 26 MARKET SURVEY opn aePTVrakne mHDushadWsbig E otiesPGPatqe eiu VIn available ResiluxNV List ofadditives (PP/PLA) native materials Preforms inalter- (yes/no) PEN preforms (yes/no) Multilayer preforms PDGPlastiques E-mail Fax Telephone Westbridge PETContainers Function Contact name Web siteaddress Telephone number PET-Verpackungen GmbHDeutschland Postal address Company name rfr ag standardpreformswith28mmPCO Preform range MARKET pnrqetYsYsYsN N N Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No AA-scavengers, brighteners,PA-based barriers colours, oxygenscavengers,UV-blockers, slip-agents, upon request upon request yes [email protected] +4936781/480-52 +4936781/480-53 Projects &Sales Hubert Rebhan www.pet-verpackungen.de +4936781/480-57 Germany 98701 Großbreitenbach Gewerbegebiet 4, as multilayerwithtailor-madebarrierproperties fi mouth applications;92gpreformswithBericap48-41 38mm 2-Startand3-StartBericappreformsforwide customized neck neckring. PreformswithPCO1881shortneckandother ing, preformswith28mmPCO (e.g. for0.25lbottles)to54g2.0linclud- nish forlargecontainers.Preformsarealsoavailable fi nishes. opn aePalDik iie ll ek,AwnLhe mH&C GPTom(hiad iie S PETform (Thailabd)Limited AlplaWerke, Alwin LehnerGmbH&CoKG E-mail Fax Telephone Function Contact name Web siteaddress Telephone number PearlDrinksLimited Postal address Company name rfr ag 28mmneck,20.9g csd clear, 25.5gCSD Preform range available List ofadditives (PP/PLA) native materials Preforms inalter- (yes/no) PEN preforms (yes/no) Multilayer preforms fi nish andoctagonal fi nish from14.5g [email protected] 011-23327747 011-41520442,46470227, 9811020870 Sales andMarketing Vijay Walia jaipuria.co.in 011-46470200,41520227,41520442 India New Dehli-110001, 702,Anasal Bhawan,16,K.G.MARG oysN N N No No yes 25.5g clear diameter threestartalaskaneck,21.5gclear, three startalaskaneck,22gclear, 30mm no 52g CSDclear&green,28mmdiameter clear andemeraldgreen,27.7gCSDclear, Green Green colour, EmerladGreen, Turquoise No No oysN N No yes No survey additive UV, OxygenScavenger, PCR,Bio [email protected] 403-248-1199 403-207-7720 Sales Manager Sharon Pokolm www.westbridge.ca 403-248-1513 2J7 Calgary,T2C AB 3838E -80 Ave SE 28mm PCO 38mm Alcoa 38mm Portola 3mm Stelvin 33mm Kerr 28mm Kerr 32mm Rical 29mm Rical 33mm 400CRC 33mm 400 28mm 100 28mm 400 28mm 415 28mm 410 28mm 410 Finish Category 47; 55;76 19.6; 25;35;42; 87.5 59.5; 75.5;83.5 71 83.5; 90 39.5; 45.5;86 48.5 36.5; 41.5 56 30.5; 36.5;54 34.5; 40.5;47.5 36.5; 42.5;47.5 36,5; 42.5;48.5 36.5; 42.5;48.5 20.5; 23.5 Gram weight [email protected] + 43/5574602-513 Head ofSales,PET Business Hermann Riedlsperger www.alpla.com + 43/5574602-0 Austria A-6971 Hard, Mockenstrasse 34, l tnad ntemre oeAl operations atcustomer'splant. None production plantsinEurope.SpecializedIn-House and multilayertechnology. Morethan25preform necks. Preformswithbarrierpropertiesinmono industry. Preformswith standard andcustomised Preforms forbeverage,food,cosmeticandhousehold all standardsinthemarket colored preforms,RecycledPET (RPET) light barrierPrelactia-Oxygen [email protected] 33 238346382 33 238346195 General Manager Francois Desfretier www.pdg-plastiques.com 33 238346195 France 45330 Malesherbes, ZI secteur2, preforms Overmoulding technologyfor2layers ultra-lightweighting 2,4gpreform barrier) BVS 30H60:50gWine(highoxygen 29/23: 24-33chemical Ø28 BPF:42-444860g 25/20: 6,5-8gdairy 27/32: 6,5grdairyandsmoothies 48/41: 55-62g barrier forUHT milklongshelf-life 38mm 3start:28gPrelactia100%light 38mm 3start:26-4450gr 30/25 low:17,5-25-26-28-31-33-36-39g 30/25 high:17,5-25-26-28-31-33-36-39g 29/25 short:8-11,7 -23,528g 05/10 Vbokr,clus utpebriradtvsC UV-blockers, colours,multiplebarrieradditives [email protected] +32 (9)3657475 +32 (9)3657476 Director ofMarketingandSales Philippe Blonda www.resilux.com +32 (9)36574 Belgium 9230 Wetteren, Damstraat 4 are lightsensitiveHot • Resiblock0-2-4formilkandotherproductsthat • Resimid&Resimaxprotectsbeer ResiC forcarbonatedproducts/ 3-6-9 protectsproductsagainstoxygeningress/ Barrier preforms(Monolayer&Multilayer)/ResiOx 30/25 high,48-40Bericap,Wine Crown Cork,Ketchup,29-25short,30/25low, sided, BPF, 38mm3&2thread,Detergent,Oil, Neck Weights: 9g-124g Standard monolayerpreforms: [email protected] (66 2)6616664-5 66 819371978 VP- Marketing Pramod Dubey www.indorama.net (66 2)6616661 Nua, KhetWattana, Bangkok10110, Thailand 19 (Wattana), Asoke Road,KwangKlongtoey 75/102 Ocean Tower 2,37thFloor, SoiSukhumvit 28mm, 45.50gPCO52.10g28mm PCO 28mm,40.02g43.02g 17.02g 30/25mm,25.50gPCO28mm,27.71g fi nishes: PCO1810,1881,8- fi ll -ForFillingat85°C;Re fi ll


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Hot FillResinetc., products. to 500mlsingleserveCSDandforoxygensensitive Water/2. Preformswith28mmPCO/BPFneck 1. Preformswith30/25highneck oNo CO No No No No (Onlymonolayerbarrierpreforms) RetalIberiaS.L.U [email protected] +97165285720 +97165029246 Business DevelopmentManager+97165029244/ Murali Krishna/Vinod Kanchan www.empol.com +97165029284 UAE Sharjah, . Khalid Seaport,P.O.Box 6131, Intergulf Ltd-Empol for CSD/3.Preformswith38mm3startneck PETGard (CO forms with38mm2startforHotFillapplications./6. snap onneck / Dairyproducts.4.Preformswith29/21and36/29 oN e No No No Yes PP Yes PLA preforms No No AA reducer UV Blocker All colours No No No [email protected] +33 (0)251700155 +33 (0)240050288 Sales administration Mrs LeClaire www.sgt-pet.com +33 (0)240050937 France 44 412Reze, atoPTdoo osa nentoa ManjushreeTechnopack Limited O ConstarInternational GastroPETd.o.o. S GT products, Juice&milk,Wine vinegar, Householdproducst,Cleaning Water, Carbonatedsoftdrink,Oil& gliding agent,StillWater, Mineral Additive, WhitecolourforUHT milk, 2 scavenger, CO 2 &O 2 barrier, UVabsorber, FastHeatSetResin& fi 2 nish foredibleoilapplications./5.Pre- &O 2 2 scavenger, Reheat ) specialitybarrierpreformsforup fi nish forMineral Colours asperthespeci [email protected] +386 34258031 +386 34258030 General Manager Primož Agrež www.gastropet.si +386 34258030 Slovenia 3000 Celje Kotna ulica5, PCO hybrid,PLA preforms 24,5g), Bericap38mm3start(16g-41,5g), (33,3g -48g),PCO28mm810-light(18,5g Monolayer preformsPCO28mm1810 according tocustomerneedsavailable. CO2 &O2barriers,anybarriermaterial UV blockers, AA blockers customer fi nish fi nish samplas Colourants (Colormatrix),kimired, 27g 30/25;18g30/25 38g 30/25;13,5g12,5g30/25 31g 30/25;39g36g30/25 91g 48/40;23gobrist;30g30/25 27g OIL 29/21;86g48/40 22g OIL 29/21;24gOIL 29/21 46g BPF;48gBPF;51,5g 42g BPF;40g44gBPF 41g PCO1810;45g1810 49,5g PCO1810;39g1810 51g PCO1810;47g1810 25g PCO1810;26gBPF1810 43,70g PCO1881;41,86g1881 45 gPCO1810;38,70g1881 40g PCO1810;43g1810 [email protected] 00 34972865731 00 34972865730 General Manager Pere PlademuntMateu 00 34972865730 Buixalleu -Girona(Spain) Ctra.Comarcal C-35,17451SantFeliude fi cations ofthe [email protected] 215.552.3707 215.552.3735 Sales Pattie Chiaffa www.constar.net 215.552.3735 USA Philadelphia, PA 1 CrownWay Care, 2ozto3L Household Goods,Personal Food, , Liquor, Hot Colourants, Water, CSD, UVI, CO 2 , O 2 fi ll, [email protected] +91-080-27832245 +91-080-43436254 Associate Director Ankit Kedia www.manjushreeindia.com +91-080-43436200 India trial Area, Bangalore-560099 #60 E,Manjushree Technopack Limited,BommasandraIndus- UV Additive andOxygenScavenger 15.6, 22and35.6g30/25mm(ThreeStart)with 22g (Thick Neck)with27and47g;28mm Alaska (26.7mm Three with mm PCO(1881ShortNeck)with23.7,25.7,37.7g; 28mmPCO 28mm PCO(1810Neck)with15,17,25,25.5, 27, 39,48g;28


PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net 8. Check that all thermocouples are properly inserted and areproperlyinserted Checkthatallthermocouples 8. Checkalltemperaturereadingsandcorrectifnecessary. 7. Checkthattransitionpositionissettoabout13%ofshot- 6. Checkthatthehold(packing)pressureisnottoohigh 5. Checkthatthehold(packing)timeisnotexcessivefor 4. Checkthatthecoolingtimeissuffi cientforthepreform 3. Checkwatercoolingfl owtomould.Thisshouldbeatthe 2. Checkwatercoolingtemperature.Thisshouldbe7–10ºC 1. Solutions: notreleasingfreelyfromthecavity.preform sequence (coresideseparatingfromcavityside)duetothe duringtheinitialmouldopeningThe gateareaisdeformed Cause: depression canbesmoothorwrinkledinappearance. aroundthenub.The inacircularpattern tions, usuallyformed gate/domeareahasindenta- ofthepreform The outersurface Symptom: GateDepressions 11. 1...... IV Loss 16...... Sinks 15...... Internal GateSink Internal 14...... Voids /PinHoles 13...... Gate Peeling 12...... Gate 11...... Gate Depressions Flash 10...... Marks 9...... Drool 8...... Crystallinity ColourStreaking/Peeling 7...... Marks Burn 6...... 5...... Bubbles Specks 4...... Black Airhooks/Streaks 3...... Preform 2...... Accordion AALevelHigh 1...... chapter ii...... Introduction theAuthors i...... About Table ofContents contacting thebottomofwells. +/- 10ºC(18ºF). PET resinshouldbemeltedatabout280ºC(536ºF) size +cushion.Lowervaluesmayresultinoverfi lling. Reduce asnecessary. to causeexcessiveswelling,especiallyinthelastzone. swelling. tominimise beingmoulded.Reduceasnecessary preform toincreaseshrinkageforbetterrelease. necessary wallthickness.Addtimeifdepending uponthepreform being moulded.Thistypicallyrangesfromabout1to3sec cavitation). sizeandmould manufacturersrating(foragivenpreform (45 -50ºF)foroptimumcooling. 3...... Weld Lines 35...... Wavy Body 34...... ThicknessVariation33...... Wall 32...... Unmelts (Top31....TSS Sink Sealing Surface) ThreadFlowLines 30...... Blemishes Surface 29...... Stringing 28...... StretchedNecks 27...... 26...... Splay Sinks 25...... Shots Short 24...... 23...... Preform Yellowing LineDeformation 22...... Parting LineCrease Parting 21...... FinishoutofRound 20...... Neck Marks 19...... Moisture MilkyPreform 18...... LongGateNub 17...... 11. damagedorfailedcompo- Check hardwareforworn, 10. Check thevalvegateopendelaytimerandincreaseas Checkthatthedecompression(pullback)timeandposition 9. clogged core/cavitycoolingchannels. nents, specifi valvestems,and callythemouldgateinserts, decompression (pullback)time. are 0–0.3sec.Thisadjustmentmustworktogetherwith pressure.Typical toreleasepreform necessary settings mise gatestringing. Non-valve gatedmouldsmayrequirehighervaluestomini- Time =0–1sec;Distance10mm. gated mouldsare: minimise theriskofdrawinginair. Typical settingsforvalve melt pressureisbeingreleased,yetaslowpossibleto is nottoolittle.Thisshouldbesethighenoughtoensurethe

4 - 10 > 10 by RickUnterlanderandOttmar Brandau Preforms to Perfect The RapidGuide PETplanet printVol. 6: www.petpla.net [email protected] fax: +49(0)6221-65108-28

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29 PREFORM PRODUCTION 30 BOTTLE MAKING Transporting system PET, PEN or PLA. forms and bottles made from for the production of pre- applies equally to equipment analysis usually pays off and circumstances. Such value in times of tight fi consideration - and not only investment choice worthy of not spent“) represent an Older machines (“used but Used butnotspent machinery, plantlayoutsupportandservices. Systems supplierofferscompleterangeofPET nancial mm iced tea applications. (PCO1810-28mm) as well as for 38 bottle transfer conveyors for CSDs supplied and commissioned such special custom containers. They have cal bottles or vacuum conveyors for - either air conveyors for cylindri- conveyor systems for blown bottles neering services as well as supplying team and now provide layout engi- Glocon have reinforced their technical stream side of the process more fully PET-process and support equipment. or enhancing the useful life of existing with the objective of extending and/ overhaul, upgrading and retro and startup services, line relocation, ment sizing and layout, installation on machine and auxiliary equip- pertinent lab testing. Glocon counsels well as on preform compatibility and (inclusive of lightweighting efforts) as passes advice on bottle design with overhead crane runways. The two assembly halls are equipped tle regrinding mill and the of blow air compressor and the PET-bot- port equipment room for the 40-bar rack spare parts storage section, sup- areas, spare parts, a walled-in high equipment installation and test run separate blow and injection moulding and partitioned it into a workshop, with 3000 m its own factory premises in Schwerin technical staff.assisted by the buyer’s ping it to a buyer it is testrun – usually another thorough audit. Before ship- repairs and overhauls it there after to its plant, sets it up for production, pre-used equipment and transfers it and tooling. dehumidi iliary equipment such as resin dryers, ing support for process relevant aux- cess related support services includ- equipment as well as systems/pro- Northern Germany has offered such plies & Trading GmbH of Schwerin in In order to also serve the down- The technical assistance encom- In 2004 the company moved into Following inspection Glocon buys Since 1994 Glocon Technical Sup- fi ers, chillers, compressors 2 under roof, renovated fi ce area. ce fi tting PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net less steel) with minimised coef metal guides (cold hardened stain- maintenance must be minimised, parts) or, if staff is at a premium and client dependent with clips as wear handling plastic strips (project and are support ring guides with gentle Other details that make a difference      occur on the line during production. imises bottle jams that may otherwise assembly of the conveyor and so min- manual skills, ensures precision nel segments, often using precision Careful manufacture of the air chan- transport and hygiene requirements. and air volumes to suit individual fi passes through individually selected out manner. The driving air stream at regular distances in a clearly laid nels inspection hatches are arranged of friction.  features: Filled bottle conveyor ltering stages and applies pressure

well as 2 to 2 and 3 to 3 channels to 2channelsor13channels,as automatic shunting systems from 1 layouts climbing and descending channel curves and ups and downs ing customised layouts, customised straight-line channel layouts, differ- (single guide rail) asymmetrical guide rail adjustment (both guide rails) symmetrical guide rail adjustment trollable pneumatic cylinders ishes by electronically remote-con- with 28 mm and 38 mm neck automatic adjustment for bottles Along the length of the air chan- The equipment offers the following fi cient fi n-   cabinet. are integrated into one central control Air conveyor segments maker. sub-contracted from the individual air and commissioned using expertise tomer. They are delivered and set up operational requirements of the cus- individual and overall ST1.4301) are laid out to suit the tured from stainless steel (AISI304, bottle jams and backing up. bends and thus contribute to avoiding counteract possible jamming on the Generously con  of-line conveyors to the fi all conveyors from empty bottle air ment. In such cases the controls of palletiser and end of the line equip- for packaged products, right up to the capped and labelled bottles as well as plies transport conveyors for    account. all aspects of the bottling line into PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net

plant design – philosophy of the de calculations of speed and accumu- line – autocad supported detailed technical planning – auto- lation project management for complete cad supported supervision of installation and com- lines testing. mission until runoff and ef In addition the company can offer: The segments which are manufac- The company also plans and sup- The company endeavours to take fi ning the targeted total scope fi nished package conveyors fi gured curve radii lled bottle and end- www.glocon.de fi fi ciency lled, Netstal PETline 48 preform system

DEUTSCHE EDELSTAHLWERKE, Obere Kaiserstr., D-57078Siegen /Auestr. 4,D-58452 Witten all-stainless mouldsets. – theultimatesteelfor CorroPlast bottles intoshape? Who knocksPET ® SBM system Corpoplast Blomax 6

31 BOTTLE MAKING 32 BOTTLING / FILLING cal bonds in their molecules. by breaking and forming new chemi- any possible microorganisms present are directed to cap surfaces and kill and convey them into beams. These tubes, are used to produce electrons ters, similar to common cathode-ray cap sterilisation. Simple electron emit- age industry to employ electron beam and it is the fi the top platform of a fi Fed by a cap sorter, it is mounted on pany’s cold aseptic steriliser is integrated with the com- cap sterilisation Electron beam based aseptic fi bottle sterilisation, and the that uses electron beams, vaporized peroxide sation and aseptic GEA Procomac has recently introduced a range of sterili- systems and asepticfi Sterilization GEA Procomac’s Sterilbeam cap sterilizer uses electron beams GEA Procomac’s ‘Sterilbeam’ cap rst machine in the bever- fi lling bloc. lling lling technology. lling lling machine lling fi lling systems, including a cap steriliser PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net fi fth generation of its wet PAA- uals of sterilisation on the transmission chain;thereare noresid- is available on site allowing a shorter for environmental sterilisation. Energy amount of hydrogen peroxide needed cals consumption, except for a small monitored and there is no chemi- only voltage, current and time are tages include a simpler process, as and shielded with lead. isolated from the external environment The e-beam emitters are completely pass in front of the emitter windows. are sterilised by the e-beam as they uct; and treatment time is in terms of The company says that the advan- The caps roll on guided rails and lling fi nal prod- nal For furtherinformation, visitwww.khs.com/service. Long lasting,safe,andeffi KEEPING YOURLINE RUNNING ISWHATSTAND WE FOR. air, bottles are transferred to the VHP heating with high-temperature sterile steriliser and air rinser). After pre- three carousels (bottle heater, VHP dedicated applications. developed as an alternative to PAA for sterilisation system that has been (vaporized hydrogen peroxide) aseptic peroxide bottlesterilisation Vaporized hydrogen approvable process. operational costs by 1/3. It is an FDA Reduction and is claimed to reduce same line. It reaches up to 5 Log formats, sizes and geometry on the to caps need to be measured. indicator tests. Only doses delivered be carried out without any biological machine validation is easier, as it can milliseconds. No water is required and PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net The HPstar machine consists of GEA Procomac’s HPstar is a VHP Sterilbeam can treat multiple cap cient: Original spare partsfrom KHS. carousels. valves on the vaporiser and air rinsing reduced to a minimum: there are no because mechanical parts inside it are less space and is easier to control within a new mini isolator, which uses machine, to eliminate any residuals. and footprint. considerable reductionsinrinsingtime investment cost optimisation through Ecospin, offers consumption and of wet PAA-based aseptic Fifth generationaseptic steriliser and sprayed with H tration. H at 60°C and over 3,000ppm concen- vapour, which is injected into bottles bottles before they enter the air rinsing carousel performs rinses ered using a centralised manifold. An The HPSTAR carousels are placed GEA Procomac’s 5th generation 2 O 2 is continuously deliv- www.procomac.it fi lling bloc, lling 2 fi O lling 2 fi gas ller

33 BOTTLING / FILLING 34 CAPPING / CLOSURES ture during fi and its time in contact at hot tempera- of juice, the temperature of the liquid up to one year, depending on the type shelf life, ranging from several months eral). They also help to achieve a long itself (between 85 and 92°C in gen- and the closure) with the hot beverage ing material (the inside of the bottle order to decontaminate the packag- bottled under hot in glass bottles in the past have been juices, nectars and juice drinks the fruit juice bottling business. All around for decades in, for example, hot fi The marketfor Hot energy drinks, etc. (Source: Bericap) Chart 1: Europe: development of aseptically fi ll products ll fi ll applications have been lling. DoubleSeal 28 HF fi ll conditions in fi lled in the fi thus minimising distortion of vitamins ity because of shorter-period heating, which promise better product qual- trend, turning to aseptic applications, year 2000. It is now, following a health and moved to PET bottles around the began hot fi to the present day (see chart 2). Asia and the trend continues, unbroken, up moved into PET bottles in the 1990s Hot still dominate today (see chart 1). mainly by PET aseptic systems, which Europe, the glass bottle was replaced fered in regions across the world. In alternative packaging systems dif- esses replacing glass bottles with Global development of fi ll applications in North America lled juices, lled product. lled ll applications with glass PET bottles for hot- duced inNorth America inthe1990sandhave been widelyadoptedacrosstheworldsince Some likeithot Bericap’s one-piececlosurefor hot then. The majorityofclosureshavebeen two-piece buttheyhaveseveraldisad- Chart 2: North America: development of hot energy drinks, etc. (Source: Bericap) fi lling proc- lling vantages, including weight and complex process requirements.Developments in one-piececlosureshaveenabled them tobecomemoreand PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net widely adopted as solutions for hot- fi ll products. ll fi ll applications were fi the bottleneckwithahightorque. Dis- vides a secure seal once screwed on applied inside the closure shell. It pro- piece, built with an elastomeric liner (and still are, in many instances) two- ess and to provide heat stability. the distortion during the hot tallized initially, in order to withstand have a relatively thick wall, even crys- during cooling. The neck needed to of temperature and vacuum created deformations caused by variations includes absorption panels to control which had to be temperature-stable, cifi fi rst hot rst c designs in common. The body, In the beginning, closures were The PET bottles introduced for the - in Asia since2003 fi ll applications had some spe- fi lled juices, rst intro- rst fi ll proc- ll fi ll CCL Label Auto-Sleeve® Stretch Sleeves - The recycling friendly Decoration

CCL Label Auto-Sleeve® producer a complete range of stretch sleeves suitable for all common PET container regardless of shape. The natural elasticity of Triple S® material feels like a second skin regardless of whether the bottle is full or empty and the tight fit even helps down-weighted bottles to keep their shape.

CCL Label Auto-Sleeve® can offer Triple S® (Super Stretch Sleeves) solutions to the evergrowing need of compete very favourably against the PET Bottle Market to address shrink sleeves from the increasingly important environmental environmental and cost point of concerns as its stretch sleeves view. The high elasticity of the require no glue or heat for application Triple S® film, coupled with recently simply because the material’s developed stretchable inks allow natural elasticity ensures a snug fit them to apply sleeves to bottles with to the container while allowing easy, curved label panels. contamination free separation for recycling purposes . Modified Stretch provides a glue Already used in major filling and heat free solution for containers decoration than a comparable Flexo Plate making, a dedicated operations in the UK, Europe and requiring label application to slightly Roll-on-Shrink-on label. Graphics Department and over 25 even further afield, CCL Label can contoured areas thereby providing years’ worldwide activity, CCL Standard Stretch is ideal for all offer 3 types of Stretch Sleeves: a more environmentally-friendly Label Auto-Sleeve has both the sizes of traditional straight wall PET experience and the technology to and HDPE containers and provides respond promptly and efficiently to a superior alternative to Wraparound your Marketing needs whether they OPP labels in that there is no glue be for a simple design change, a required and the sleeve clings well to major rebranding or a promotion the container after purchase regard- requiring unique alpha-numerical less of how full or empty it may be. codes inside each sleeve. With in-house extrusion of CCL Label Auto-Sleeve® is proprietary film blends designed situated in Volkermarkt, Austria for your application, CTP 12 colour www.ccl-label.com/voelkermarkt/

Types of Sleeve

When the environmental footprints requirements, no solvents for sealing of both Triple S® and other labelling and no need for shrink tunnels, means types (Shrink, OPP wraparound that the advantages of Triple S® are and RoSo) are compared, Triple S® not only environmental but economical comes out on top by a clear margin. in that the on-bottle cost is some 30% The combination of lower material less than shrink on a like for like basis.

Krones acquires rights to Triple S® labelling technology CCL Industries Inc. a world leader owned by CCL for a one time fee. in the development of labelling CCL Label will continue to supply solutions and specialty packaging Tripe S® sleeves to customers for consumer products and health- adopting the technology. care industries signed a licensing agreement with Krones AG to Guenther Birkner, Group Vice President of CCL Label’s Food and Beverage develop and market Triple S® business commented: stretch sleeve applicator systems "Krones is recognized as the premier for common global customers in the supplier of labelling equipment to the soft drinks market. Under the terms beverage industry globally. This license of the transaction Krones will have will allow us to accelerate the deployment the right to market next generation of our technology much faster than with applicator machine systems for our own resources and leaves CCL to Triple S® sleeves under patents focus on its core business of label supply." Triple S® Super Stretch Sleeves save up to 40% of material 36


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l l o g ogy y hot efforts Bericap built a special closure its customers in their cost reduction closures was necessary. To support that a new trend for one-piece hot one-piece hot New trendfor and thermoplastic elastomer liner. nent construction: HDPE or PP shell relatively high due to their two-compo- more, costs for two-piece closures are after a few degree of rotation. Further- opening torque, with the seal breaking ques and consequently present a high need relatively high application tor- carbon footprint. Two-piece closures in line with requirements for a good They are, as a result, costly and not heavy and use a high amount of resin. the fact that such PET bottles are advantages of such packages include Bericap’s SK 38/16 S DS HF The disadvantages of two-piece fi ll closures made it apparent fi ll closure ll 38/16 S DS HF capped with SK Hot-fi ll product fi PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net ll ll one-piece hot open the bottle. convenient opening torque needed to advantage for the consumers is the package for consumers. A further provides safety and integrity of the tight and secure seal of the package. reliable performance and achieved Seal one-piececlosuresdemonstrated results in bottle contraction. Double- ovalisation. Cooling at around 40°C affects the neck, which leads to slight fi The intensive heat treatment leads, – will follow for another 10 minutes. ally of chlorinated water at 65°C plus widely used in Asia) hot shower – usu- bottle and closure. An optional (but lasting for about 30 seconds will meet up to 92°C, depending on the product, headspace. A temperature of > 80°C step is used to pasteurise the bottle fi market in China, again in 2003 and for closure was also launched to the sures.The 28mm DoubleSeal hot- billion 38mm one-piece hot Bericap has produced more than 1.2 Germany and Kazakhstan. To date, China, other contracts followed in Italy, juices and energy drinks. type. Products packed were mainly trend for a the package and application several new contracts, establishing the nese market led to the securing of Russia, where it is used by several of also penetrated the market in India and national client. The same closure has created in 2002 and the its DoubleSeal closure system. It was for hot of the hot ing hot fi needed to withstand a very challeng- tures or environmental conditions. storing, and under extreme tempera- the hot strong sealing performances during inner boreseal and outer seal, secures The double-sealing feature, with an and now also for 33mm versions. made available in three sizes: 28, 38, system for hot introduction was in China in 2003. lling fruit juices, jointly with a multi- rst, to infl Bericap’s introduction of the 38mm The slit tamper-evident band Since the 2003 introduction in The new design of hot The DoubleSeal one-piece closure fi fi ll processes on the base of ll process. After the capping ll treatment, transport and ation of the bottle and also fi lled product, the inversion fi ll closure in the Chi- fi ll application was fi rst market rst fi ll closure ll fi ll clo- ll fi ll bleSeal one-piece closure show bleSeal one-piece closure show neck walls, together with a Dou- established that even thinner fi piece 38mm closures – as a with a newly-modi as low as 2mm (0.08”) together market: neck wall thicknesses a new hot- print improvement. cost savings and carbon foot- wall thickness and consequent neck also allows the use of lightweight resists hot fi a system that simultaneously spective, the goal is to develop per- closure manufacturer’s packaging materials. From the industry if it converts to lighter available for the beverage are, potentially, huge savings sures today. This means there market still using two-piece clo- sures and remains probably the biggest virgin market for one-piece hot in North America is so far a relatively piece hotfi piece Signi one-piece 28mm hot from more than one billion commercial the company has gathered expertise ers. After seven years in production, the company’s multinational custom- PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net rst step. Initial results have with a DoubleSeal 28 HF Lipton Ice tea capped Bericap is now offering The juices and sports drinks market fi nishes, with reduced neck nishes, with reduced neck fi cant potentialforone- fi ll initiative to the ll conditions and ll conditions and ll closures ll fi ed one- ed fi ll closures. ll fi lling lling fi ll clo- ll You want it? We build it! www.krones.com from us: limitations. Beca until youarrive whereyouwant togo. There’s only one thing you’ll neverget destination: we’ll find the route, supply the equipment, and stay with you our lines tosuit your visions –neverthe way tell other round. Just us your than you yourself. oneknowsyourNo plant That’s better why wecustomise are projected. A similar development 38mm neck alone of approximately 2.5g further. Final weight savings for the ages minimising neck wall thickness its package. This initial success encour- securing the integrity of the beverage in proper tightness of the closure and thus during the hot fi its outer seal. Neck distortion is limited the inner boreseal of the closure and and supports the neck wall between The DoubleSeal system maintains - the packages remain absolutely tight. no leakages during the hot ll process, leading to use you are the solearbiter ofwhat’s possible. fi ll process process ll could not achieve it. one-piece closure - a two-piece closure are based on the 28mm DoubleSeal 33% seems feasible. These savings for closure and neck of approximately becomes possible, a total weight saving fi When conversion from PCO 1810 hot ated soft drinks (CSD) products today. probably the same as used for carbon- fi Seal one-piece closure: the future neck can be predicted for the 28mm Double- ll neck to PCO 1881 standard nish for a hot fi ll bottle will be most www.bericap.com minimised media consumption. media minimised The machines of the ErgoBloc L ErgoBloc the of machines The enviro seal, by virtue of their their of virtue by seal, enviro have been awarded the the awarded have been fi nish nish

37 CAPPING / CLOSURES 38 CAPPING / CLOSURES success for Swiss mould maker success forSwissmouldmaker offer several advantages: sures. The modular concept is said to even those designed for complex clo- all of the company’s injection moulds, to the construction and production of over many years, this concept applies proven very successful. Optimised modular concept for tool design has single face or stack moulds. Schöttli’s competence of Schöttli AG, be it number of cavities. This is the core injection moulds with an ever higher costs create an ongoing demand for corresponding pressure to reduce   “One Stop” modular concept Tried andtested

The clamp system with its uniform Cavities in close proximity to each freedom of product design. opening geometry allows maximum ing machine for production. smallest possible injection mould- design and the selection of the other allow a compact mould Widespread globalization and the ment is motivating”, says Rainer less material to protect the environ- production costs. “The idea of using of material resources also reduces is thattheenvironmentallyfriendly use closures industry. The positive effect have had a signi directives in industrialised nations on materialandcosts “X-Light” economises removing themouldfrommachine. rection of errors without the need for accessible, which facilitates the cor-  

tenance. functional elements and low main- ensure easy exchangeability of mould and production so as to Components are optimised for mote very short cycle times. rial and coating combinations pro- the deployment of innovative mate- Optimum temperature control and Increasingly strict environmental In addition the cavities are easily strategy a strategya fi cant impact on the PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net under oneroof. of allcorecompetences Cax conceptandthepooling the company’s end-to-end short cycletimes,aswell combining highoutputand a highnumberofcavities, performance mouldswith in theproductionofhigh- specialises Schöttli AG Swiss injectionmouldmaker Schöttli AG The 1g “X-Light” is a development of the NPE in 2009, meets the same in our 96-cavity mould 1.6g. The “X-Light”, which is produced caps had an average weight of about mise product functionality. material does not necessarily compro- “X-Light” screw cap proves that saving tomer and market analyses, the new by the company as a result of cus- packaging department. Developed Klass, Product Manager of Schöttli’s “Two years ago standard screw pre sented at of-use and a “green” image. combination with convenience, ease- product, which offers cost-ef ers are expected to welcome the new cient production. International custom- safe, reliable, fl costs and the mould concept ensures established in the market: they save “X-Light” screw caps will become owner and CEO Martin Schöttli. ing localised services,” points out co- kets with them. This includes provid- customers and move into their mar- US market. “We want to be with our ing, will intensify its activities in the company, Mould Technologies Hold- closures. In future Schöttli’s parent moulds for the production of caps and 40 employees manufactures injection Chinese facility a quali tech (Suzhou) in October 2008. At the Swiss company took over s-mould- these happened in China, where the of strategic acquisitions. The tional market presence by means International expansion for the 1g cap The 96 cavity mould tool cycles at 3s the effi terms of production, material and cost- and weight, are not only superior in caps, which were optimised in shape tool cycles at 3s for the 1g cap. The Klass points out. The 96-cavity mould cycle times are cut by 25%,” Rainer considerable material savings – and are 40% lighter, which translates into of “X-Light” are obvious: these caps lished standard caps. The bene functional requirements as well-estab- PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net ciency, but also facilitate handling at Schöttli is convinced that the new Schöttli is expanding its interna- fi lling line. lling exible and cost-ef www.schoettli.com fi ed team of fi ciency in ciency fi rst of rst fi ts fi - www.messe-duesseldorf.de 68 60-6 Fax +49(0)211/45 60-01 +49(0)211/45 Tel. Germany 40001 Düsseldorf 06 Postfach 1010 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH k-online.de from mid-Septemberfrom +++atwww.k-online.de/2550 New +++TheKInnovation Compass+++ and rubbermeetinDüsseldorf! ofplastics whenthe world-class suppliers Be there oftheindustry. future toleaders theniche market whodecidethe suppliers In 19halls,everyonethemarket from isrepresented, and contact platform fortheindustry worldwide. busi quantity and quality, K is the most important With itsfirst-class range bothinterms ofexhibits, of to standard high-techconcepts –from solutions. over 50 the countrieslatest and present products from Ktime”meansthatabout3,000exhibitors “It’s T h e

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39 CAPPING / CLOSURES 40 BOTTLING / FILLING fi batch number and the machine used to expiry date but also with details of the to mark the bottles not only with the easier and more precise we wanted “To make traceability of our products the mineral water plant in Gerolstein. coordinator of technical planning at operate,” explains Roland Schlösser, products very quickly and is easy to with maximum fl marking and so we need a system cifi tres. Every country has its own spe- year alone we exported 265 hectoli- is exported around the world. Last very small control unit. The connect- a compact laser unit and a separate, Solarjet laser. The device consists of Rhein in Germany, recommended the coding systems, located at Unkel am manufacturer of various marking and approached Bluhm Systems. Bluhm, a the bottled mineral water sector, Gerolsteiner Brunnen, a leader in got whatittakes 30 Watts have date and product traceability data. bottles of mineral water is marked with the correct expiry (HD) 30 watt laser to ensure that every single one of their at 28,000 bph uses a Bluhm Systems* Solarjet Heavy Duty At Gerolsteiner Brunnen, Germany, a new consumers’ thirst Lasers tohelpquench ll them, plus the exact date and time”. c requirements regarding product “A large percentage of our output With this requirement in mind exibility, that codes output must be. If the product surface to be carried out the higher the laser time available for this burning process fi has to work on the product for a speci- outer surface is burned away. mally altered; a small fraction of the laser the surface of the product is ther- Technical performance ing down the production environment. water and/or steam is used for clean- or anywhere where a great deal of cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors, as applications such as found in the for use in the beverage industry as well that the robust equipment is suitable such as water and dust. This means and so is proof against external factors of performance. It has IP65 protection and so is suitable for the highest levels would be needed. a much more powerful class of laser with a 30 watt laser where normally lens technology that allows marking Noteworthy features include a special ing cable can be up to 15 metres long. ed amount of time. The shorter the Hence the required heat energy When coding products using a The Solarjet HD is water-cooled fi lling line running PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net running 24/7. could be an important factor for lines which helps reduce running costs. This and an occasional wipe with a duster, bles or servicing other than electricity during which the laser beam is active. hours, and this refers only to the time expected lifetime of 30,000 operating environment. The laser tube has an conveniently installed in any production construction the Solarjet Laser can be Cost andeffi is highly re fi a result with greater contrast. allows for faster coding and produces area of the PE label to be marked. This coating of particularly black ink on the steiner Brunnen have arranged for a simplify the work of the laser Gerol- power has to be precisely adjusted. To black background. The coding can be clearly read on the lm, then the combination of time and The device needs no consuma- Thanks to its extremely compact fl ective, as for instance PET per minute are applied to with no physical contact. cviency factors cviency Up to 50 barcode labels the side of the six-pack that the Operational details integrated PC. be called up on the touch screen of the The required product code can easily that any changes in the bottle diam- fi before labelling, directly onto the PE not on the bottle conveyor line but Brunnen the marking is carried out focus is quickly achieved. axes, ensuring that the required sharp and correctly positioned in the x and y adjuster the laser beam can be exactly was no problem. Using a small size of the laser marking head production line, which thanks to the installed a special laser stand on the Gerolsteiner the Bluhm engineers have make this easy for the operators at correctly onto the product surface. To focus is important, i.e. aiming the laser matically installed for operation. of the required laser settings are auto- product code on the control box and all machine operator simply calls up the manual adjustments are needed - the another. With the Solarjet HD only a few has to be switched from one product to PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net lm label roll. This has the advantage The wide range of products means The wide range of products means On another line at Gerolsteiner For every laser application the right fi lling line at Gerolstein often +RHFKVWHU6WUDVVHā'RUQELUQ$XVWULDā7 &RPSHWHQW±SURIHVVLRQDO±LQVSLULQJ fi ne screw screw ne Here again, to simplify the work of the Here again, to simplify the work of the requires its own EAN 13 barcode label. Pax printing module is used. Air series printer/labeller with a Zebra penser from Bluhm. For this job a Legi- pack using a special six-pack printer-dis- on the side and on the end face of the This code is applied by way of a label course also needs an EAN 13 bar code. six-pack. around sleeve on the lower part of the For maximum stability there is a wrap- “bottle clip” for six Gerolsteiner bottles. a new type of retail pack - a so-called consumer the company has developed PET bottles more convenient for the for multi-packs Wrap aroundlabels correct height by an electric motor. is used with push-button setting of the laser coding of the label a laser stand to set the various positions for correct eter do not affect the coding. In order Label with EAN 13 barcode. Of course each different product The newly developed retail pack of To make handling of the Gerolsteiner


ERRWK$ 6HHXVDW āZZZ]PRXOGVFRP outer surface of the product. The laser beam thermally alters the national BluhmWeber group * Bluhm Systems is part of the inter- to manhandle a large six-pack the price can be scanned without having means that at the supermarket checkout label to be applied on the end face. This rotated in order for a second barcode production line the six-packs are then called “tamp-blow” process. On the with no direct contact, using the so- are applied to the sides of the six-pack, are then automatically uploaded. code. All of the appropriate EAN settings simply calls up the required product screen interface where the operator control software is via a simple touch- into the Legi-Air printer. Access to the are stored in an industrial PC integrated operator all of the product parameters ]PRXOGV 3URGXFWLRQ6XSSRUW 0RXOG7HFKQRORJ\7HVW&HQWUH )RUVLQJOHRUPXOWLFRPSRQHQWSDUWV +LJK&DYLW\0RXOGVIRUWKH3DFNDJLQJ,QGXVWU\ RIPRXOGV V\VWHPQHZVFDOHVLQHDVHRIPDLQWHQDQFHDQGRSHUDWLRQ EDUULHUVRIFRQYHQWLRQDOF\FOHWLPHVDQGSXWVDVDPRGXODU 7KHSDWHQWHGFORVXUHPRXOGWHFKQRORJ\EUHDNVWKHVRXQG ]VOLGHV 3URGXFW'HYHORSPHQW Up to 50 barcode labels per minute Up to 50 barcode labels per minute 70 DEUDQGRI &ORVXUH0RXOG7HFKQRORJ\ www.bluhmsysteme.com ] ZHUN]HXJEDXJPEK


Automatic Preform moulding and closure handle insertion manufacturing systems Siapi has developed an auto- At Chinaplas 2010, Husky Injection Molding matic system for inserting handles Systems was showcasing the range of tooling, on two-stage linear blowers: This systems and services it offers across a wide patented system makes it possi- variety of beverage applications, including water, ble to confi gure the blow-molding carbonated soft drinks, beer, wine and tea. Husky system with the insertion of the had two systems in operation at the show. A handle directly in the mould. This 96-cavity HyPETT 400 preform moulding system system is designed for 5 gallon with High Performance Package (HPP) will run a PET containers and for the Wide 13.3 gram EcoBaseT preform at a cycle time of Mouth container range. The 7.0s. The 72-cavity HyCAP 300 system is capable HandleMatic System will soon be of producing PCO 1881 CSD closures weighing used with 4 cavity blow-moulding 2.3 grams at 3.5s cycles. Also on show was the machines for containers up to a 3 company’s PET mould refurbishment services, liter capacity. SIAPI has recently which are intended to maintain preform quality for delivered 3 machines with this customers through regular mould maintenance technology to the American market and refurbishment. The company has had a mould for 5 US gal. containers for a cus- manufacturing presence in the Far East since tomer implementing an important 1971. Its Shanghai Technical Centre opened in project to change from polycar- 2004 and has been expanded several times since bonate to PET. then. www.siapi.it www.husky.ca

High-speed single-piece cap production

Italian company Sacmi Imola SC debuted its new CCM48S compression press at Chinaplas 2010 in Shanghai. The machine has been designed and developed for the production of single- piece caps for mineral water, hot fi lling and CAF (cold aseptic fi lling) bottles. Built by the Closures & Containers Divi- sion, the CCM48S on display featured Recycling line recoSTAR PET iV+ a mould for the production of S30-14- type single-piece HDPE (high density Ongoing PET recycling innovation, quality and state-of-the-art technology, polyethylene) caps with a diameter of a full range of consulting services – brought to you by Starlinger. 30 mm, weighing just 1.9 grams. The Visit us at: machine was demonstrated alongside K 2010, Duesseldorf, Germany Oct. 27 – Nov. 3, Hall 9, Booth D 21 Sacmi CCM (continuous compression www.starlinger.com moulding) units. The Automation & Inspection Systems division presented several quality control solutions includ- ing the Surveyor 900, a laboratory X-ray inspection machine that allows non- destructive non-intrusive analysis.


42 PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10 www.petpla.net Sponsors andConference Organisers Supported by PackTech India 2010 International www.packtech-india.com Mumbai/India Bombay ExhibitionCentre PETbottles savings in packaging material. point of sale. cal character of the products and nicely and modern hinged closures strongly support the cosmeceuti- Suitably-designed “no-label look” labels and dry on their own within 30 seconds. for use without the need for These cleansing products are designed crystal clear PET bottles of various sizes. hand wash and hand care lotions in facturer from Sarcelles, is selling “Hyacos” logically friendly and making signi promotes the pack as being very eco- can be fi the handy 1 litre standard retail pack pack, that carries front and rear labels, rectangular PET bottle. Using the re pack of X-Tra liquid detergent in a tall, France, are selling the 3-litre re Hand washinPET Eco-refi PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10www.petpla.net Biocos, the French cosmetics manu- Henkel in Boulogne-Billancourt, lled as required. The company ll inPET 18–20 November 2010 18–20 Packaging- andProcessingIndustry and Conferenceforthe 6 Personal Care Personal th InternationalExhibition www.messe-duesseldorf.de [email protected] [email protected] +49/211/4560-7740 Fax +49/211/45 60-7739/-7741 Phone Germany 40001 Düsseldorf 1006 Box P.O. Messe Düsseldorf GmbH fl owing water water owing fi ll ll fi cant cant fi ll ll fi nish off their look at the makes a nicely presented pack. sure, which simpli bottle, and the blue, screw-on push-pull clo- labels, designed to match the shape of the integrated grip feature. The front and back white, slightly waisted, PET bottle with an Werke of Stollberg in Germany is sold in a “dalli med” washing up liquid from Dalli- ers with sensitive skin, the 500 ml pack of washing upliquid Skin-friendly Specially developed for allergy suffer- Powered by www.drinktechnology-india.com Mumbai/India Centre, Bombay Exhibiton 18–20 November 2010 and liquidfoodtechnology International trade fairforbeverage www.drinktechnology-india.com Mumbai –400 050,India Contact Partner: : MesseMünchen InternationalIndia Pvt.Ltd. fi es one-handed operation, • Phone(+91 22)2645-2101/02/03 plement to this modern cosmetics pack. the open position, is the perfect com- colour hinged cap with a detent hold in angle of the light. The co-injected two prising 3D effects, depending on the At the point of sale this produces sur- on the inner surface with a look” label, and the rear label is printed front is a colourfully printed “no-label designed 250 ml PET bottle. On the gentle shampoo in an interestingly Scanark of Ivry-Sur-Seine is an extra by the French cosmetics manufacturer Gentle shampoo The “Iroise“ brand shampoo sold Supported by: Supported • 23, Deccan Court, S.V. 23,Deccan Court, Road, Bandra (West), • [email protected] fl oral motif. oral

43 BOTTLES PET bottle for imported PETbottles French vodka line. Spirits and liqueur importer White Rock Distilleries, of Maine, USA, has introduced a 375ml bottle Lightweight 38mm from Amcor PET Packaging, which closures for new refl ects the characteristic look of the company’s 1.75L Pinnacle Vodka dairy product brand PET container. White Rock converted its 1.75L bottle from glass Bericap’s redesign of its to PET in 2006, which enabled it to SK 38/16 LC 2-piece closure cut material and production costs claims to save of around up to 50%, while preserving its brand image. The 44.5g 15% of resin compared to custom bottle has a glass-like appearance and a metal its predecessor. The closure ROPP closure for high topload strength. has a slit interbead band with vent slot design and is suitable for high-speed asep- tic line handling. The new Bottle with additive SK 38/16 LC 2-piece closure has been selected for a new dairy product from Coca-Cola Cedevita, a beverage producer from China, which has been launched in three different fl avours: Zagreb in Croatia, is selling “Cedevita pineapple, peach and mango. First bottles of the new dairy Go” (a vitamin drink with nine different drink have been available in the markets since September vitamins) in a PET bottle with a special 2009. The company says that its light-weighted SK38/16 clo- cap. While the cap is being unscrewed sure will help its customers in their efforts to reduce packag- a small chamber in the cap is opened ing costs and to reduce consumption of non-renewable raw and an orange-coloured powder is materials. released into the clear contents of www.bericap.com the bottle, and shaken. The shaking dissolves the powder and the freshly mixed vitamin drink is ready for con- sumption. An appetising and informa- tive shrink sleeve label completes this convenient 355 ml pack.

New upside-down bottle from Knorr

Unilever Germany of Hamburg are packaging their 500 ml “Tomato Joe” brand ketchup in an inverted PET bottle. The bottle is tamper- proofed by way of an aluminium foil over the neck. The hinged lid is screwed on over the foil seal. When the lid is opened the sauce can be dispensed though a star-shaped ori- fi ce in the cap. Suitably shaped front and rear labels carry the commercial data and information on the product.

Mousse in a PET bottle

“bebe – young care“ is a brand owned by the cosmetics manufacturer Johnson + Johnson of Düsseldorf and includes a150 ml non-soap cleansing mousse in a clear PET bottle. A snap-fi t foamer pump on the bottle is protected at the POS by a clear cover. When looking at the product through the “no-label” look front label it appears pink in colour thanks to the coloured label on the back of the bottle.

44 PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10 www.petpla.net Buyer’sguide 1.0 MATERIALS 1.2.4 Caps and Closures

1.1 Materials for bottle and cap production Advanced Colorants and Additives COLORMATRIX EUROPE LTD. PET Preform BUYERS GUIDE Knowsley Business Park, Plastic cap and closure BERICAP GmbH & Co. KG Knowsley, Merseyside. Rue de la plaine Kirchstr. 5 1.1.9 Additives and colorants L34 9GT. UK 47230 Lavardac - France D - 55257 Budenheim Tel: 0044-151 632-8800 Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 97 41 00 Germany [email protected] Fax: +33 (0)5 53 65 85 97 Tel. +49 (6139) 2902 0 www.colormatrix.com www.sbecm.com Fax +49 (6139) 2902 181 [email protected] www.bericap.com

Americhem Europe Ltd Cawdor Street, Eccles Manchester, M30 0QF, UK Liquid colours and additives Preform manufacturer Tel: +44 (0)161 789 7832 3 Rue de l’île Macé [email protected] REPI S.p.A. 44 412 REZE France Americhem Inc Via B. Franklin 2 Tel: + 33 (0)2 40 05 09 37 2000 Americhem Way 21050 LONATE CEPPINO VA Fax: + 33 (0)2 51 70 00 55 Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 ITALY [email protected] Idsteiner Strasse 74 Tel: +1(800) 228 3476 tel. +39 0331 819511 www.sgt-pet.com D-65527 Niedernhausen, [email protected] fax +39 0331 819581 Germany [email protected] Tel. +49 6127 8954 + 8850 www.repi.it Fax +49 6127 78189 [email protected] www.cct-gmbh.com 1.2 Packaging components Clariant Masterbatches and accessories Tel.: 00 33 (0) 232 85 86 87 (Italia) S.p.A. www.sidel.com Via Lainate, 26 20010 Pogliano Milanese (MI) Italy 1.2.1 Preforms www.corvaglia.ch Tel +39.02.9918.7558 1.2.2 Bottles Fax +39.02.9918.7552 [email protected] http://mb.clariant.it

Gastro PET d.o.o. Kotna ulica 5 SI-3000 Celje Tel: +386 (0)3 425 80 30 Fax: +386 (0)3 425 80 31 Gulf Packaging System Co [email protected] KKT Kaller Kunststoff Technik GmbH Post Box No. 20266 www.gastropet.si Siemensring 32-34 Jeddah - 21455 53925 Kall, Germany Saudi Arabia GABRIEL-CHEMIE Tel. +49-2441-887-0 Tel +966 (02) 636-0099 Gesellschaft m.b.H. (Zentrale) PET PREFORMS AND CLOSURES Fax +49-2441-887-99 Fax +966 (02) 635-2111 Industriestrasse 1 [email protected] / www.kkt-kall.de [email protected] A-2352 Gumpoldskirchen [email protected] Tel.: +43 (0)2252 / 63 630-0 www.gulf-pack.com Fax: +43 (0)2252 / 62 725-0 e-mail: [email protected] INTERGULF LTD. (EMPOL) 1.2.3 Labels www.gabriel-chemie.com KHALID SEAPORT P.O.BOX 6131, SHARJAH, U.A.E. Tel. 009716 502 9244 / 9246 Fax. 009716 528 5720 [email protected] Has Plastik San.Tic.A.S. www.empol.com Esenyurt Fabr.Yolu No:74 CCL Label GmbH 34320 Avcilar HOLLAND COLOURS NV Werner-Heisenberg-Str. 6 Istanbul Turkey P.O. box 720 9100 Völkermarkt · Austria Tel +90 212 695 50 00 7300 AS Apeldoorn, Netherlands Tel.: +43 4232 4983 0 Fax +90 212 694 97 24 0031-55 3680700 offi [email protected] [email protected] 0031-55 3662981 PDG PLASTIQUES www.ccl-label.com/voelkermarkt www.hasplastik.com [email protected] F-45330 Malesherbes - France www.hollandcolours.com Tel. 00 33 2 38 34 61 95 [email protected] www.pdg-plastiques.com

PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10 www.petpla.net 45 Buyer’sguide Entries from 5,70 Euro/mm, Call +49-6221-65108-0

INJECTOPLAST 2.1.1 Injection moulding 2.2.2 Two stage stretch blow Kunststoff- machines moulding equipment verarbeitungs- B&G®XT Model PET Blow Machines. gesellschaft mbH B&G® Spare Parts for reheat blowers Sidel®; Cincinnati RHB’s; Krones®; 3830 Waidhofen/Thaya - Austria Corpoplast® (Krupp); MAG-Plastics®; Tel. 0043 2842 52572 0 EMPTY BOTTLE SIPA®; Nissei®; and other brands. offi [email protected] INSPECTION SYSTEM [email protected] www.injectoplast.at P&S technology Co. Ltd www.bgproducts.com #326-1, Taejeon-dong Amsler Equipment Inc. Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do Swiss Engineered - 464-805, Korea Canadian Built Tel.: 0082-31-763-5621 1245 Reid St, Toronto, Fax: 0082-31-763-5623 KHS Corpoplast Canada L4B1G4 [email protected] Phone 905 707 6704 www.pnstech.co.kr KHS Corpoplast GmbH & Co. KG [email protected] Meiendorfer Str. 203 www.amslerequipment.net 22145 Hamburg Georg Menshen GmbH & Co. KG Deutschland Industriestraße 26 T +49 40 67907-0 D-57413 Finnentrop F +49 40 67907-100 Tel.: +49-2721-518 0 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: +49-2721-518 198 www.valueaddedbottling.com [email protected] NETSTAL-MASCHINEN AG No.20, Lane 74, Fuda N. Rd., Tschachenstraße Dali City, Taichung County 412, 8752 Naefels, Switzerland Taiwan Tel. 0041-55-618-6111 Tel. 886-4-2486-5900 www.menshen.com Fax 0041-55-618-6605 Fax. 886-4-2486-1013 [email protected] [email protected] www.netstal.com Norgren AG www.chumpower.com Creative Dispensing Solutions Ventilfabrik Seaquist Closures Löffl er GmbH Postfach D94078 FREYUNG 8362 Balterswil, Switzerland Tel : + 49 8551 9750 2.2 Bottle production Tel +41 71 973 83 00 Fax : + 49 8551 975 180 (machines and equipment) Fax +41 71 973 83 01 [email protected] [email protected] www.seaquistclosures.eu www.norgren.com/sbm MAG-PLASTIC MACHINERY S.A. Rue Alfred-Pot 1 P.O. Box 140 2.0 MACHINES AND CH - 1896 - Vouvry (VS) EQUIPMENT Switzerland Tel. 0041-24-4820-820 Nissei ASB Machine Co., Ltd. Fax 0041-24-4820-819 4586-3 Koo, Komoro-shi, Eugen Seitz AG [email protected] 2.1 Preform production Nagano-ken 384-8585, Japan Spitalstrasse 204 www.magplastic.com (machines and equipment) Tel. 0081-267-23-1565 8623 Wetzikon, Switzerland Fax 0081-267-23-1564 phone: +41 44 931 80 80 [email protected] fax: +41 44 931 80 90 www.nisseiasb.co.jp [email protected] www.seitz.ch

PREFORM and CAP Production Hong Kong Stretch Blow Molding Machines, Tel: 852-2665 3888 Preform Molds & Cap molds Fax: 852-2664 8202 Tel.: +86-576-84066853 [email protected] Automa Spa Fax: +86-576-84020107 www.chenhsong.com.hk „one step“ injection-stretch blow P.E.T. parts specialist [email protected] moulding and injection blow Krones®, Sidel®, KHS®, SIPA®, others www.MegaMachinery.com moulding machines Wide Diversify Inventory available Bologna - Italy To help you saving money and time tel. +39-051-739597 www.umallette.com fax +39-051-739578 [email protected]

2.2.1 Single stage stretch blow moulding www.petkamold.com equipment [email protected] ,

46 PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10 www.petpla.net 2.3 Cap production (machines and equipment) PETTechnologies Europe

PET Technologies Europe GmbH Oil free compressors for Austria PET bottle blowing BUYERS GUIDE Tel.: +43-2622-26326-300 www.pet-eu.com Gardner Denver Ltd. Fully automatic rotary pad printing Claybrook Drive, Redditch, machine to print up to 3 colors on Worcestershire, B98 0DS, England closures at speeds of 1000 caps Tel: + 44 (0) 1527 838600 per min. Fax: +44 (0) 1527 838630 Winner Screen Machines Pvt. Ltd. [email protected] W-372, TTC Indl. Area, Rabale www.gardnerdenverproducts.com BMB SpA MIDC, Navi Mumbai, India – 400 701 Via Enrico Roselli 12 Tel: +91 – 9820 888 542 25125 Brescia (BS) - Italy Fax: +91 – 22 – 2769 9758 Tel.: 0039 030 2689 811 [email protected] SIAPI S.r.l. Fax: 0039 030 2689 880 www.winnerscreen.com Via Ferrovia Nord, 45 [email protected] 31020 San Vendemiano (TV), Italy www.bmb-spa.com Tel: +39 0438 4096 Fax: +39 0438 401016 2.4 Crate production [email protected]  www.siapi.it LMF GmbH & Co. KG (machines and equipment) Suedbahnstraße 28, A-2544 Leobersdorf, Austria Tel: +43 2256 9001-0 Fax: +43 2256 9002 E-mail: [email protected] NETSTAL-MASCHINEN AG UROLA S.C. www.LMF.at Tschachenstraße 20230 Legaz pi, Spain 8752 Naefels, Switzerland Tel. + 34 943 737003 Tel. 0041-55-618-6111 Fax + 34 943 730926 Fax 0041-55-618-6605 [email protected] [email protected] Werner Koch www.urola.com www.netstal.com Maschinentechnik GmbH SIAD Macchine Impianti S.p.A. Industriestraße 3 Via Canovine, 2/4 75228 Ispringen / Pforzheim 24126 Bergamo, Italy Tel.: +49 72 31/80 09 0 2.2.3 Coating systems Tel. +39 035 327611 Fax: +49 72 31/80 09 60 Fax +39 035 316131 E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] www.koch-technik.com www.siadmi.com SACMI IMOLA KHS Plasmax Via Selice Prov. le 17/a 40026 Imola BO, Italy 2.5 Ancillary equipment for KHS Plasmax GmbH 2.2.5 Heating boxes for blow Tel. 0039-0542-607-111 the production of pre- Meiendorfer Str. 203 molding machines Fax 0039-0542-642-354 forms, caps and crates 22145 Hamburg [email protected] Deutschland www.sacmi.com T +49 40 67907-364 F +49 40 67907-353 E-Mail: [email protected] www.valueaddedbottling.com OLICORP 2.3.4 Printing equipment Montbrillant 26 Material Drying and 1201 Geneva Mould Dehumidifi cation Switzerland Eisbär Trockentechnik GmbH. 2.2.4 Compressors Ph +41 22 309 1540 A-6840 Götzis Fax: +41 44 355 3820 Tel.Nr. 0043 5523 55558 0 www.olicorp.ch TAMPOPRINT® AG [email protected] www.eisbaer.at Lingwiesenstrasse 1 70825 Münchingen, Germany Tel.: +49 7150 928-0 2.2.8 Unscramblers Fax: +49 7150 928-400 [email protected] www.tampoprint.de

ARIZAGA BASTARRICA Y CIA, S.A. Green Box S.r.l. www.abc-compressors.com Unscramblers, Silos and Air Con- Cooling systems - cap coolers - veyors for empty plastic bottles mould dehumidifi ers P.O. Box 306 Tel. +39 049 9703319 08210 Barberà del Vallès Fax. +39 049 9701968 Barcelona (Spain) [email protected] Tel. +34 93 729 7616 www.greenbox.it Fax +34 93 718 8856 [email protected] www.atlascopco.com www.posimat.com

PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10 www.petpla.net 47 Buyer’sguide Entries from 5,70 Euro/mm, Call +49-6221-65108-0

KHS Corpoplast

KHS Corpoplast GmbH & Co. KG motan-colortronic gmbh Meiendorfer Str. 203 PREFORM MOULDS / Otto-Hahn-Straße 14 22145 Hamburg STRETCH BLOW MOULDS PET preform Moulds, 61381 Friedrichsdorf Deutschland Tel: 0039 071 7500214 Closure & Cap Moulds Tel.: +49 6175 792 167, T +49 40 67907-0 Fax: 0039 071 7501958 www.passcard.com.tw Fax +49 6175 792 284 F +49 40 67907-100 [email protected] · www.simexitaly.it www.motan-colortronic.com E-Mail: [email protected] www.valueaddedbottling.com

Tel. +39 041 57 99 111 TOOLING PREFORM [email protected] SYSTEMS BV www.piovan.com Moulds & Robotics www.wtbvc.com Specialist for PET Preform Injection PET-related Services Mold, Injection Stretch Blow Mold & & Technologies Blow Molds for All Technologies, PET Blow Mold C. Houtmanstraat 42 All Machine Types, All Sizes. 2.5.3 Dryers www.moltechkorea.com Emmen, The Netherlands Highest Quality, Fastest Delivery, Tel : + 82-11-224-1571 / Tel +31 (0) 591 679768 Lowest Cost. + 82-32-684-0153 Fax +31 (0) 591 630616 Canada - 905-574-0010 Fax: + 82-32-684-0139 [email protected] · www.tps.nl [email protected] [email protected] Poland - 48-81-820-5730 for North American market [email protected] [email protected] UK - 44-1623-658-416 for International market 3.1 Preform moulds [email protected] China - 86-137-646-05384 200 West Kensinger Drive [email protected] Cranberry Township, PA 16066, USA Argentina - 54-11-4753-1111 Tel.: +1-724-584-5500 [email protected] [email protected] www.conairgroup.com 3.2 Stretch blow moulds www.petkamold.com 3.0 SUPPLIERS FOR [email protected] www.wtbvc.com STRETCH BLOW MOULDS AND PREFORM MOULDS Preform Moulds, Components, Awanti Polymoulds Refurbishments and Conversions. Pvt. Ltd. Highest Quality, Fastest Delivery, 25/5A/1/2, Nanded, Sinhagad Rd., Lowest Cost. Pune - 411 041, INDIA United States - 937-898-8460 Telefax: - 91 20 24392805 [email protected] [email protected] www.pmci-solutions.com Poland - 48-17-860-1020 www.awantipolymoulds.com Molds, Change Parts, SBM and [email protected] Injection Molding Machinery for UK - 44-1623-658-416 the PET/Bioplastics Industries [email protected] Argentina - 54-11-4753-1111 284 Pinebush Road [email protected] Cambridge Ontario PET engineering, bottle design, Canada N1T 1Z6 Prototyping, industrial blow Tel: 001-519-624-9720 mould and services - Fax: 001-519-624-9721 Rue du buisson Moreau 16100 [email protected] R&D -Integrated Solutions In Plastics Cognac FRANCE www.hallink.com Leverage - Integrated Industrial Design Tel : 0033 (0)5 45 36 63 50 Hamilton Road Otto Hofstetter AG www.sa-comep.fr Sutton-in-Ashfi eld Zürcherstrasse 73 [email protected] Nottinghamshire, NG17 5LD 8730 Uznach, Switzerland England Tel. +41 55 285 22 11 Tel: +44 1623 556287 Fax +41 55 285 22 44 Fax: +44 1623 552240 [email protected] www.rdleverage.com www.otto-hofstetter.com Production of blow moulds and PET mould parts 1009 SE Browning Avenue tel.: +359 32 606 821 Lee’s Summit, Missouri DEMO Design and Moulds fax: +359 32 606 888 MO. 64081, USA 31020 San Vendemiano (TV) - Italy offi [email protected] Tel: +1 816 525 0353 Tel.: +39 0438 409048 www.itd.bg Fax: +1 816 524 5068 Fax: +39 0438 409046 www.rdleverage.com [email protected] www.designandmoulds.com

48 PETplanet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10 www.petpla.net 3.3 Cap moulds 4.1 Bottle handling and 4.5 Downstream equipment preparation 4.2 Beverage preparation BUYERS GUIDE MEL Machinefabriek Etten-Leur B.V. www.cantoni.biz 4.3 Filling machines ZECCHETTI S.R.L. Pauvreweg 11 [email protected] Via Galileo Galilei, 1-1A 4879 NJ Etten-Leur, Netherlands 42027 Montecchio Emilia RE, Tel. 0031-76-5015655 4.3.4 Aseptic fi lling lines Italy Fax 0031-76-5016532 Tel. 0039-0522-867-411 [email protected] Fax 0039-0522-866-034 www.machinefabriek-el.nl [email protected] Engineering & Production of www.zecchetti.it Complete ISBM TOOLING sets www.corvaglia.ch Aseptic fi lling lines for AOKI, NISSEI, etc. 12 route de Mamers - BP 46 72402 LA FERTE BERNARD Cedex 5.0 RECYCLING Tel.: (33) 2 43 60 28 28 Fax: (33) 2 43 60 28 39 [email protected] www.serac-group.com Erwes Reifenberg GmbH & Co KG High Precision Mould Maker www.petkamold.com [email protected] www.erwes-reifenberg.de 4.4 Labellers and capping machines Chemical products and solutions for PET recycling. Cleaning agents, antifoams, products to improve fl otation and fl occulants for waste water treatment. z-werkzeugbau-gmbh Hoechster Strasse 8 P.E. LABELLERS S.p.A. CHT R. BEITLICH GMBH RÖDERS GMBH 6850 Dornbirn, Austria Via Europa 25 Bismarckstraße 102 Scheibenstr. 6 Tel. 0043-5572-7272-720 46047 Porto Mantovano (MN), Italy D-72072 Tübingen 29614 Soltau, Germany Fax 0043-5572-7272-8620 Tel.: +39 0376 389311 Tel +49 7071 154-0 Tel. 0049-5191-603-53 offi [email protected] [email protected] Fax +49 7071 154-290 Fax 0049-5191-603-36 www.z-moulds.com www.pelabellers.it [email protected] [email protected] www.cht.com www.roeders.de 3.6 Mould Cleaning 4.4.1 Labelling machinery

4.0 FILLING / BOTTLING Bühler AG Thermal Processes CH-9240 Uzwil PET packaging, blow molding T +41 71 955 3466 equipment and molds F +41 71 955 3440 Octeville-sur-mer, BP 204 [email protected] 76053 Le Havre cdx - France Shrink Sleeve Machines www.buhlergroup.com Tel: 0033 (0)232 85 86 87 www.sipa.it Via IV Novembre, 54 [email protected] 20019 Settimo Milanese (MI) PET-Recycling Plants www.sidel.com Tel: +39 02 3286 181 Consulting & Engineering info@fi npac.it · www.fi npac.it Complete Solutions

Blow molding, Filling, Packaging equipment GERNEP GmbH Solent Mould Tools Ltd Tech-Long, Guangzhou, China Benzstraße 6 Herbold Meckesheim GmbH Tel: +44 (0) 23 9223 9950 Tel: +86-20-62956881 D-93092 Barbing PET Granulators, Agglomerators, [email protected] Fax: +86-20-82266913 Tel: +49 9401/9213-0 Shredders, Complete PET SMT Americas Inc. [email protected] Fax: +49 9401/9213-29 washing and recycling lines Tel: +1 905 315 9882 www.tech-long.com Email: [email protected] Industriestrasse 33 [email protected] www.gernep.de 74909 Meckesheim www.solentmouldtools.co.uk Tel.: 06226 - 932 – 0 Fax: 06226 - 932 – 495 [email protected] www.herbold.com

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Engineering P.E.T. since 1980 lonely PET Chemical treatments: 30037 Scorzè (Venice / ITALY) Cleaners, fl otation compounds www.novapet.it and additives PET recycling technology: [email protected] in space – Recycling extruders with Via Vigevano 61 inline SSP (IV increase, 28069 - San Martino di Trecate food-contact, FDA) Novara - Italy or plugged in to the world- Tel. 0039-0321789770 Starlinger & Co. Ges.m.b.H. wide PET community? Fax 0039-0321789765 Sonnenuhrgasse 4 [email protected] AT-1060 Vienna A few ways to benefi t from Tel.: +43/1/599 55 0 P.E.T. Engineering Srl PETplanet‘s many offers. Fax: +43/1/599 55 180 Via Celtica 26 e-mail: [email protected] 31020 San Vendemiano (TV), Italy 5.6 Melt fi ltration, screen www.recycling.starlinger.com TEL + 39 0438 403069 changers FAX +39 0438 408420 Stay permanently listed in the www.petengineering.com magazine‘s Buyer‘s Guide with [email protected] your company logo and contact 5.8 Complete recycling plants 6.0 OTHER information. For only EUR 5,70 per mm you can be present among top suppliers of PET 7.0 USED MACHINERY processing materials – in every 6.1 Laboratory equipment issue of the year. Complete PET recycling plants, FDA approved, integrated IV 6.1.2 O barrier measurement Price of the entry: increase without Pellet-SSP, 2 process features lowest overall MachinePoint Used Machinery number of lines energy consumption, more than Parque Tecnológico de Boecillo x 3,2 mm line height 100 plants supplied to industry. Edifi cio C.E.E.I. - 2.01 x 5,70 EUR EREMA GMBH E-47151 Valladolid (SPAIN) Unterfeldstr. 3 Tel.: +34 983 549 900 = entry per issue 4052 Ansfelden/Linz, Austria Fax: +34 983 549 901 Tel. 0043-732-3190-0 Non-invasive oxygen/ [email protected] Fax 0043-732-3190-23 pH measurement www.machinepoint.com [email protected] PreSens Precision Sensing Example: www.erema.at GmbH Germany [email protected] 1,824.– EUR/year Tel +49 941 94 27 21 00 www.PreSens.de/PET

PETpla.net 6.2 PET consultancy and support services PETplanet Publisher “PET washing and recycling Landhausstr. 4 plants, turnkey and modules for

69115 Heidelberg, Germany mm 32 B2B, fi ber, sheet” Tel. 0049-6221-65108-0 SOREMA division of PREVIERO N.srl 6.3 Contract manufacturers Fax 0049-6221-65108-28 Via per Cavolto 17, [email protected] 22040 Anzano del Parco (Co) -Italy www.petpla.net Tel:+39 031 63491250 6.3.2 Suppliers of custom [email protected] · www.sorema.it 1 Line = 3,2 mm designed bottles

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