Of the Yukon Flats District Alaska
Geologic Reconnaissance of the Yukon Flats District Alaska By JOHN R, WILLUMS CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1111-H A recon#atxsance of the bedrock and sw$cial geology of the Ytlkon Hots- Celzowos'c basin UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. WASHINGTON : 1962 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE WERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Semetorjr GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thoma8 B. NoInn, Dktw CONTENTS Abstr&-*,*.,+.-,------------,*------------------------.---.,*.*. XntroductioIl+-~~.~---, *---------------------------------- -.., Generalgeogsnphy,--.,..,,,----------------------------------- Brevious investIgationa,- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - --- -- - - --+ -- - -- - - *- *-- - - bentinvestigation ,,,-- - - ,- - + - --- - - - - --- --- - -- --- --- -**- --- -- Acknowledgments, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - Descriptive geology --.---------.---. .---------------------,-,-,-,-- Bedrmk----_----.------------,~M-----------------------*-+--- Lower Palmaoic (pre-Devoni~n9) and possibly PrecambrInn metamorphic rooke and a~mciatedEntruaive igneous rocka- - - - Carboniferous sedimentary and volcanio rocks aad mociated intrusive ignoous rmk~,-..------------------------------- Emne gedimantsrg rocks-, - .- - - -,.-- - --- - - -------- --,,-,-- Tertiary basalt,,--,,.-,--.-------------------------------- Unconsolidated depo~its-------.-.------------------------------ Silt and silty sand beneath tho Yukon Flab-,- ------A-v----- High-level alluvium-- -,.- - - - - - - - --- - - -- - -- - ---
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