ENLIGHTENING THE BRITISH Knowledge, discovery and the museum in the eighteenth century

edited by

R.G.W. Anderson, Ml. Caygill, A.G. MacGregor and L Syson

THE PRESS Contents

List of illustrations page vii

Notes on the contributors ix

Introduction 1 Robert Anderson

1 Anticipating the Enlightenment: Museums and galleries in Britain before the British Museum 5 Giles Waterfield

2 Sir and the European Proto-Museum 11 DeboraJ. Meijers

3 From Private Collection to Public Museum: The Sloane collection at Chelsea and the British Museum in Montagu House 18 Marjorie L Caygill

4 Encyclopaedic Collectors: and Sir Hans Sloane 29 Richard Yeo

5 Wantonness and Use: Ambitions for research libraries in early eighteenth-century 37 David McKitterick

6 Paper Monuments and Learned Societies: Hooke's Royal Society Repository 49 Lisajardine

7 The Status of Instruments in Eighteenth-Century Cabinets 55 Robert Anderson

8 'Utile et Dulce': Applying knowledge at the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce 62 Celina Fox

9 Wedgwood and his Artists 68 David Bindman

10 Skulls, Mummies and Unicorns' Horns: Medicinal chemistry in early English museums 74 Ken Arnold *

11 in Eighteenth-Century Museums in Britain 81 HughS. Torrens

12 Linnaeus, Solander and the Birth of a Global Plant Taxonomy 92 Bengtjonsell 13 , the British Museum and Collections in the Age of Empire 99 Neil Chambers

14 'Ethnography'in the Enlightenment 114 John Mack

15 European Responses to the Sacred Art of India 119 Partha Mitter

16 Dr Richard Mead (1673-1754) and his Circle 127 Ian Jenkins

17 The Rise and Decline of English Neoclassicism 136 Joseph M. Levine

18 Bodies of Enlightenment: Sculpture and the eighteenth-century museum 142 Malcolm Baker

19 Napoleon and Egyptology: Britain's debt to French enterprise 149 T.C.H.James

20 and the Study of the English Coinage in the Eighteenth Century 158 Hugh Pagan

21 The Antiquary en plein air: Eighteenth-century progress from topographical survey to the threshold of field archaeology 164 Arthur MacCregor

22 Record and Reverie: Representing British antiquity in the eighteenth century 176 Sam Smiles

Afterword 185 Keith Thomas

Index 187