J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.s1-4.1.14 on 1 January 1970. Downloaded from J. clin. Path., 1971, 24, suppl. (Ass. Clin. Path.), 4, 14-21

Enzyme kinetics and its relevance to assay

J. H. WILKINSON From the Department of Chemical Pathology, Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, University ofLondon

An understanding of the basic principles of enzyme In this reaction the equilibrium favours the reactions is essential if a proper choice of assay formation of lactate, and under optimal conditions methods is to be made and if the results of such the reduction of pyruvate occurs at about 2-5 times assays are to be correctly interpreted. In this paper I the maximal rate of oxidation of lactate. There are propose to confine myself to those aspects of the various factors which control enzyme reaction rates: subject which are of direct relevance to the methods (1) the concentration; (2) the substrate commonly employed in chemical pathology. and inhibition; (3) pH; (4) the temperature; (5) the presence of coenzymes and activators; and Equilibria in Enzyme Reactions (6) the absence of inhibitors. The reversible oxidation of lactate by lactate de- Effect of Substrate Concentration on Reaction Rates (EC 1-1 1-27), pH7-4 In most clinical enzyme procedures the enzyme pyruvate + NADH + H+ 't lactate + NAD+, solution (usually serum) is mixed with buffer at the pH 9 2 optimal pH. Coenzymes, activators, etc, are added, may be regarded as a typical enzyme reaction which and the reaction is started by the addition of excesscopyright. can proceed in either direction according to whether substrate. Thus at zero time, the concentration of pyruvate or lactate is provided as substrate. When substrate is relatively high and that of the products the reaction is started by the addition of either is practically zero. Undertheseconditionsthe reaction substrate in the presence of the appropriate co- is essentially unidirectional, and since the enzyme enzyme, pH, temperature, etc, it proceeds quite is fully saturated with substrate the amount of rapidly at first. However, as substrate or coenzyme product formed is rectilinear with respect to time, ie, the reaction follows zero order kinetics. is consumed and the products accumulate, the rate http://jcp.bmj.com/ gradually slows until an equilibrium is reached at As substrate is consumed its concentration ceases which the forward and reverse reactions proceed at to be adequate to saturate the enzyme and the reac- the same rate (Fig. 1). tion rate becomes proportional to the substrate concentration. In other words the reaction obeys first order kinetics (v = k[S]). Since the calculations are rather cumbersome when first order conditions are employed, practically all routine clinical methods depend upon initial reaction rates. on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected The basic concept of enzyme kinetics is expressed by the Michaelis-Menten equation, which is derived from the generally accepted assumption that enzyme- catalyzed reactions involve the formation of an E enzyme-substrate complex which may then dissociate 0 in either of two ways: k+j k+2 0 E+ S=ES E+ P ...... (I) L. k-, k-2 where E, S, and P represent the concentrations of Time - enzyme, substrate, and products respectively and ES that of the enzyme-substrate complex. Fig. 1 Course ofan enzyme reaction showing the From the law of mass action, when [ES] is relation between the amount ofproduct formed and time. constant 14 J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.s1-4.1.14 on 1 January 1970. Downloaded from .Enzyme kinetics and its relevance to 15 k+[E) [SI + k-2[EI [PI = k-AES] + k+2[ES].. (2) At the initial stage [P] is practically zero and [S] is virtually constant, so (2) reduces to k+1[E] [S] = [ES] (k-1 + k+2) . . . . . (3) k-+k+2 [E][S]I Km . . . . . (4) [ES] k j where Km is the Michaelis constant. The Michaelis constant is fundamental. It is characteristic of an enzyme and is frequently used in clinical work to define a given enzyme. It is expressed in concentration units and is a reciprocal measure of the affinity of an enzyme for its substrate. It may be evaluated as follows: The Michaelis-Menten equation may be written in the form [S] Vmax [S] + Km where v is the at substrate concentra- tion [5] and Vmax is the maximum rate at optimal substrate concentration. When v = 50% of Vmax, I (5) reduces to: Km = [S] ...... (6) ie, Km is the substrate concentration at which the Fig. 3 Double reciprocal plot ofLineweaver and Burk reaction the between the proceeds at half the maximum rate (Fig. 2). showing relationship reciprocal of the copyright. There are several other ways in which enzyme enzyme activity (Ilv) and the reciprocal of the substrate activity and substrate concentration can be plotted concentration (1/S). The intercept of the plot with the to enable the Michaelis constant to be evaluated. abscissa gives the reciprocal of the Michaelis constant Perhaps the best known of these is the double (l/Km). http://jcp.bmj.com/ reciprocal plot of Lineweaver and Burk (1934) illustrated in Figure 3. Vmax When devising conditions for a new enzyme pro- cedure it is usually convenient to start with a sub- strate concentration about 5-10 times the Km. This is likely to be somewhere near the optimum but sometimes an increase leads to a fall in enzyme activity after a maximum has been reached. Sub- on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected u 2 strate inhibition is observed when lactate dehydro- genase activity is determined with excess ofpyruvate as substrate. This effect may be due to more than one substrate combining with the of the enzyme to produce an inactive complex. Inhibitors

Km 20 40 60 Lactate concentration mM The effect of inhibitors must be borne in mind when measuring enzyme activities in serum and other body Fig 2 The effect of increasing lactate concentration fluids (Elliott and Wilkinson, 1962; Schoenenberger on the activity of lactate showing the and Wacker, 1968). The activity of the serum method for the evaluation of the Michaelis constant aspartate aminotransferase (EC 2.6.11) from many (Km2) patients with myocardial infarction or with hepatitis J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.s1-4.1.14 on 1 January 1970. Downloaded from

16 J. H. Wilkinson the detection of interfering substances. A normal response is indicated by a straight line relationship between the observed activity and enzyme concen- tration (Fig. 4, curve A) while increasing deviation suggests the presence of an inhibitor in the enzyme preparation (Fig. 4, curve D). A toxic substance in the reagents produces a lag after which the response becomes parallel with the normal (Fig. 4, curve C). 0 The toxic substance is taken up by the enzyme pre- paration until it is completely removed, after which further addition of enzyme gives a normal response. 0 The presence of an activator in the enzyme prepara- tion gives a curve which becomes steeper with in- creasing concentration (Fig. 4, curve E), while the effects of substrate exhaustion or of outstripping a secondary reaction are indicated by a fairly sharp flattening of the response (Fig. 4, curve B). When the presence of an inhibitor has been estab- lished, Lineweaver-Burk plots in the presence and Enzyme concentration absence of the inhibitor enable the type of inhibition Fig. 4 The effect of increasing enzyme concentration to be classified as competitive, non-competitive, or on the amount ofsubstrate converted in unit time. uncompetitive. The effects of oxalate and oxamate A = normal response; B = effect ofoutstripping on activity are illustrated in secondary reaction or substrate exhaustion; C = effect Figure 5. Pyruvate is the substrate employed, and of toxic impurity; D = effect ofinhibitor in enzyme under these conditions oxalate is a non-competitive preparation; E = effect ofactivator in enzyme pre- inhibitor of the ox-heart enzyme (Novoa, Winer, paration. Glaid, and Schwert, 1959). Though enzyme activitiescopyright. are markedly reduced, there is no change in the Km. has been shown to deviate from linearity with in- By contrast, oxamate competes with pyruvate, and, creasing concentration of serum. This phenomenon while the Vmax is unchanged, there is a marked is most readily explained by assuming the presence change in the apparent Km (Plummer and Wilkin- of an in the serum. son, 1963). Plotting the effects of increasing the concentration The effects of oxalate are much more pronounced of the enzyme preparation is of considerable help in on lactate dehydrogenase preparations rich in thehttp://jcp.bmj.com/

Fig. 5 Lineweaver-Burk (X 102) plots showing the effects of oxalate and oxamate on the 10 activity ofox-heart lactate F dehydrogenase. The reaction .E0 was performed at 25° with on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected 1,)M oxamateE0 pyruvate as substrate (pH 7.4). 0 = control in the absence ofinhibitor; * control in the presence of U 10-4M-oxalate; * = control 'E 5 in the presence of10-4M- oxamate. The intercept with .i64rMioxalate. the abscissa gives the - I reciprocal ofKm. l---: -1;~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 14Moge--* ~~~~control

I -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 (X 0o) YS J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.s1-4.1.14 on 1 January 1970. Downloaded from

Enzyme kinetics and its relevance to enzyme assay 17 .)100 Cu 0 l A Fig. 6 Effect of 2 80 A 0-2mM-oxalate on E the serum lactate csjN A ALA A A A 4 dehydrogenase 6 ~~~~~~ AA - - ~ (SLD)~ ~ ~ ofnormal - *%O.. , ---4L----.. -- A subjects (0), -06 0 patients with !* 0 myocardial -J0 io 0 0 0 infarction (A), and o patients with liver C 4C o disease (0). r-40F- Reproduced by ._2 0 00 permission of the O authorsfrom Emerson and Wilkinson (1965). 0 20I- 0 0 C 20 0 a I I A 401%10P%O% icfori 250 500 750 iVU)0 SLD activity (,G. moles/min./ litre)

anionic isoenzyme, LD1, than on those in which the in this case the Lineweaver-Burk plots are parallel. copyright. cationic form, LD5, predominates. Thus oxalate My colleagues and I encountered this type of inhibition provides a simple means of differentiating inhibition when investigating the failure of a stored between the two isoenzymes, and can be used to sample of 2-oxobutyric acid to serve as a substrate distinguish between the heart and liver as the source for the '2-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase' reaction of a raised serum lactate dehydrogenase (Emerson (Wilkinson, Jenkins, and Tuey, 1968). We found and Wilkinson, 1965). Some examples of the clinical that the stored acid had undergone self-condensation

application of oxalate inhibition are shown in to form a tetrahydrofurandionecarboxylic acid to http://jcp.bmj.com/ Figure 6. which lactate dehydrogenase was quite inert. Part A third type of inhibition is uncompetitive, for of this material, however, had decarboxylated to which the explanation usually given is that the give 2-ethyl-3-methyltetrahydrofuran-4,5-dione (Fig. inhibitor combines with the enzyme-substrate 7), which proved to be an complex (Ebersole, Guttentag, and Wilson, 1943); and gave the plots shown in Figure 8. on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected Co CH.CH3 CO.CH2'.CR3 CO-CH .CH3 > 1I C.CH2.CH3 COOH + COOHACH2.C H3 \ / COOH Fig. 7 Condensation CO.CH2.C:H3 HO COOH of 2-oxobutyric acid to I 2-ethyl-3 -methyltetrohydrofuran form 2-ethyl-3- COOH 4, 5-dione -2-carboxylic acid methyltetrahydrofuran- 2-oxobutyric acid 4,5-dione, a potent Co2 inhibitor of lactate dehydrogenase. CO CH.CH3



2- ethyl -3- methyl tetrOhyd ro - f uran -4,5-dione J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.s1-4.1.14 on 1 January 1970. Downloaded from

18 J. H. Wilkinson Practical Problems

I should now like to consider some practical prob- lems which arise during enzyme determination, dealing first with relatively simple systems. A great deal has been written and said about the comparative merits of two-point assay systems and kinetic methods. The former are of course much simpler to use and require less costly equipment, but their reliability is suspect. In two-point assay systems measurements are only taken before and !, mM after a fixed incubation period, and consequently Fig. 8 Lineweaver-Burk plots showing the effect of there is no certainty that the rate is constant during 2-ethyl-3-methyl-tetrahydrofuran-4,5-dione (THFD) on the whole of the reaction period, ie, there is no the 'HBD' activity ofox-heart lactate dehydrogenase. assurance that the reaction rate is being measured The parallel plots are indicative of 'uncompetitive' under zero-order conditions. The three plots illus- inhibition. Reproduced by permission of the authors trated in Fig. 10 indicate the possibilities of error from Wilkinson et al (1968). when such methods are employed. The dinitrophenylhydrazone and tetrazolium- Coenzymes also behave like substrates and formazan methods for lactate dehydrogenase and enzyme-coenzyme relationships can be expressed in the various methods for alkaline are terms of their Michaelis constants. An early method examples of one- or two-point assay systems in for the determination of serum lactate dehydrogenase common use. In some cases the validity of these with lactate as substrate and NAD+ as coenzyme methods can be established, especially the pro- (Wacker, Ulmer, and Vallee, 1956) gave a reaction cedures for (EC em-

curve from which it was difficult to pick out a ploying a chromogenic substrate, eg, p-nitrophenyl-copyright. straight-line relationship at any stage. This procedure phosphate (Bessey, Lowry, and Brock, 1946; was subsequently modified by greatly increasing the Wilkinson, Boutwell, and Winsten, 1969) and coenzyme concentration (Amador, Dorfman, and phenolphthalein monophosphate (Babson, Greeley, Wacker, 1963). Zero-order kinetics could then be Coleman, and Phillips, 1966; Wilkinson and Vodden, observed over a period of several minutes (Fig. 9). 1966). Only when the change in optical density can However, there have been some recent reports be shown to be proportional to time with several showing that excess of NAD+ might inhibit the different enzyme preparations or sera is the use of a enzyme (Babson and Arndt, 1970) and some un- two-point assay system acceptable. This reservation http://jcp.bmj.com/ published results (Fujimoto and Wilkinson) which applies with equal force to those automated pro- confirm this effect on the purified human lactate cedures which depend upon test or test and blank dehydrogenase isoenzymes, LD1 and LD5. measurements only. on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected -1 0 4r_ I mg. NAD+ II0 mg. NAD+

c Fig. 9 Effect of 0Q3F increasing NAD+ En concentration on serum .- lactate dehydrogenase 0-2~ determination with lactate as substrate.

C 0o1 o10

I 0 1 2 3 4 0 Time (minutes) J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.s1-4.1.14 on 1 January 1970. Downloaded from

Enzyme kinetics and its relevance to enzyme assay 19 Coupled Enzyme Systems

Not all can be measured quite so simply as lactate dehydrogenase or alkaline phosphatase, and numerous procedures have been devised in which the test reaction is coupled with one or more auxiliary or indicator reactions. Perhaps the best L. known of these is the spectrophotometric method E for serum aspartate aminotransferase (Karmen, 0 1955), in which the oxaloacetate produced in the

4.. u aminotransferase reaction is removed as fast as it is

0 formed by an excess of . This 0. serves as an indicator enzyme since it is dependent upon the NAD+-NADH coenzyme system and spectrophotometric measurements at 340 nm can be to t made to follow the course of the aminotransferase Ti me - reaction. The most important requirement of coupled Fig. 10 Diagram showing the nature of the errors enzyme assay systems is that the indicator enzyme inherent in two-point assay systems. All three curves must be present in considerable excess so that the show the same amount ofproduct formed during the primary product-in this example, oxaloacetate- incubation period, but in one case there is a falling-off is removed as it is formed, and the rate of oxidation in activity, and in a second there is a lag-phase. Only of NADH then gives a true measure of the rate of in the third example does the two-point assay give the the primary reaction. true activity, characterized by the straight-line response. Alternative methods for aspartate aminotrans- ferase involve the accumulation of oxaloacetate which is a potent inhibitor of the copyright. Methods which record the change in optical (Boyd, 1961), and, however well they may be made density are preferable to two-point systems, provided to work in practice, they are theoretically unsound. that the conditions (pH, temperature, etc) are Included in these are the newer diazo techniques accurately and reproducibly controlled. A series of depending upon the specific coupling of a chromo- measurements should be made over the reaction genic reagent with oxaloacetate (Babson, Shapiro, period, and calculations of enzyme activity are Williams, and Phillips, 1962) as well as the older based upon the rectilinear (usually the steepest) part dinitrophenylhydrazone procedures such as that http://jcp.bmj.com/ of the curve. In contrast to two-point systems, these of Reitman and Frankel (1957). methods permit prompt recognition of some devia- A similar coupled spectrophotometric method for tion from a straight-line response, eg, a lag period alanine aminotransferase (EC, introduced by or a falling-off in the reaction rate. Wroblewski and LaDue (1956), depends upon the

Enzyme Medium Product Serving as Auxiliary NAD+- or NADP+- Reference on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected Substrate ofAuxiliary Enzyme dependent Indicator or Indicator Enzyme Enzyme Creatine Serum (1) ATP Glucose 6-phosphate Oliver (1955) (EC (2) Glucose 6-phosphate (EC dehydrogenase Rosalki (1967) (EC Erythrocytes Pyruvate - Lactate dehydrogenase Tanaka, Valentine, and (EC (EC Miwa (1962) Erythrocytes Glucose 6-phosphate - Glucose 6-phosphate Joshi and Handler (1964) (EC dehydrogenase Glucose phosphate Erythrocytes Glucose-6-phosphate - Glucose 6-phosphate Baughan, Valentine, (EC dehydrogenase Paglia, Ways, Simon, and DeMarch (1968) Erythrocytes (1) ADP Pyruvate kinase Lactate dehydrogenase Baughan, Jaffe, and (EC (2) Pyruvate Garson (1969) Valentine, Hsieh, Paglia, Anderson, Baughan, Jaffe and Garson (1969) Table Enzyme assay techniques involving coupled enzyme systems J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.s1-4.1.14 on 1 January 1970. Downloaded from

20 J. H. Wilkinson reduction ofone ofthe products (pyruvate) by lactate currently used for its determination are unsatis- dehydrogenase which serves as indicator enzyme. The factory in that the amount of starch hydrolysed or conditions originally specified for this procedure, reducing substance formed is not proportional to the however, were later shown to be suboptimal, especi- period of incubation. I am indebted to Dr Michael ally with regard to the concentration of alanine Lubran of Los Angeles, California, for the following (Henry, Chiamori, Golub, and Berkman, 1960). probable explanation of the deviation from zero In this connexion I must mention my experience order kinetics. The enzyme attacks glycoside link- with this test at the University of Pennsylvania. In ages in the middle of the starch molecule and has about 90% of patients in the early stages ofjaundice little or no action on the terminal linkages. As the due to virus hepatitis the serum alanine amino- reaction proceeds, there is a gradual increase in the value exceeded that of the aspartate number of these, and as the ultimate products, aminotransferase whereas at Westminster Hospital maltose and maltotriose, are inhibitors of the probably less than 10% showed such a relationship. enzyme, the reaction rate slows appreciably. The The difference proved to be due to the use in the process is shown diagrammatically in Figure 11. Pennsylvania laboratory of optimal conditions whereas the older method was then employed at References Westminster. Amador, E., Dorfman, L. E., and Wacker, W. E. C. (1963). Serum lactic dehydrogenase activity: an analytical assessment of Similar coupled systems may be used for the assay current assays. Clin. Chem., 9, 391-399. of many other enzymes which are not NAD+- or Babson, A. L., and Arndt, E. G. (1970). Lactic dehydrogenase NADP+-dependent, but in each case the auxiliary inhibitors in NAD. Clin. Chem., 16, 254-255. Babson, A. L., Greeley, S. J., Coleman, C. M., and Phillips, G. E. and indicator enzymes must be present in excess, so (1966). Phenolphthalein monophosphate as a substrate for that their reactions do not become rate-limiting. serum alkaline phosphatase. Clin. Chem., 12, 482-490. Babson, A. L., Shapiro, P. O., Williams, P. A. R., and Phillips, G. E. Some examples are listed in the Table. (1962). The use of a diazonium salt for the determination of

Starch copyright. G-G-G-[G-G-G-G-G- G-G-G-G-[G] -G-G-G T - Terminal linkages Linkages in middle of chain not attacked attacked most readily

G-G-G-rG]n-G-G-G-G G-G-G-G-[G]n-G-G-G http://jcp.bmj.com/

G-G G-G-G Maltose Maltotriose

Both strongly inhibit a- on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected

Fig. 11 The mechanism of the action of as-amylase on starch according to Dr M. Lubran (personal communication). As each 1,4-glycoside linkage in the middle of the starch molecule is hydrolyzed there is an increase in the number of insensitive terminal linkages. The end-products are maltose and maltotriose, both ofwhich inhibit the enzyme. Thus there is a rapid reduction in the number ofsensitive linkages and a slower increase in inhibitor concentration, both of which lead to deviation from zero-order kinetics.

Kinetics of the Amylase Reaction with Starch glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase in serum. Clin. chim. Acta, 7, 199-205. Baughan, M. A., Valentine, W. N... Paglia, D. E., Ways, P. O., Simons, In conclusion I should like to refer briefly to the E. R., and DeMarsh, Q. B. (1968). Hereditary hemolytic anemia associated with glucosephosphate isomerase (GPI) extremely complicated kinetics of the enzymic deficiency: a new enzyme defect of human erythrocytes. Blood, hydrolysis of starch. Although a-amylase (EC 32, 236-249. was one of the first enzymes to be measured Bessey, 0. A., Lowry, 0. H., and Brock, M. J. (1946). A method for the rapid deternination ofalkaline pbosphatase with five cubic in the clinical laboratory, most of the methods millimeters of serum. J. biol. Chem., 164, 321-329. J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.s1-4.1.14 on 1 January 1970. Downloaded from Enzyme kinetics and its relevance to enzyme assay 21

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