
Round 1: Peculiarities of Grandmasters

1. What do , and Neil Diamond have in common? 2. Most people know that former World Champion has a vast collection of stamps. What other hobby did he have prior to this? 3. loved cats. He was often seen at tournaments with either a cat, or cat motifs on his jumpers etc. When he took a cat to a tournament what did it do? 4. was a remarkable player at the turn of the 20th century. He would play to 22 simultaneous games of chess and checkers, blindfolded, whilst playing which other game? 5. Emmanuel Lasker (World Champion 1894-1921) once tried to breed pigeons to compete in poultry shows. Why was he unsuccessful? 6. There were a number of strong players who met untimely deaths. How did Alexander Zaitsev die? 7. changed his last name. What was it previously? 8. Who, after losing a game of chess jumped up on the table and yelled, 'Why must I lose to this idiot?' 9. Top Judit Polgar was married in 2001. What was her husband's profession? 10. When was the 1st Tournament? 11. Who won the 1st Hastings Tournament

Round 2: The New Laws of Chess - see link: http://www.chessarbitersassociation.co.uk/TypeofArbiter.htm

Round 3: Bobby Fischer

1. Name the most recent world champion whom Fischer has defeated in tournament or match chess. 2. When Fischer played for the World Championship at Reykjavik 1972, how many times had he beaten his opponent prior to that match? 3. A certain grandmaster in 1967, with black, quickly beat Fischer in two games, one in 25 moves and the other in 23 moves. Fischer, on the other hand, back in 1961 had defeated him in 22 moves. Who was this grandmaster? 4. Fischer won how many U.S. championships? 5. In all of Fischer's U.S Championships (he won each one that he played in), he played a grand total of 90 games. Of those 90 games, how many did he lose?

Round 4: General Christmas Knowledge

1. Which famous Christmas song begins with the lyrics, 'You better watch out, You better not cry'? 2. True or false: There are three towns/cities in the named Santa Claus? 3. The lyrics, 'Holidays are coming, Holidays are coming', feature in Christmas adverts for which famous drinks company? 4. In which country is Father Christmas known as Weihnachtsmann? 5. On what night does the Christmas season come to an end: a) Fifth Night, b) Eighth Night, c) Twelfth Night? 6. Which popular Christmas movie is about a young boy who takes a train ride to the North Pole? 7. Can you unscramble the following word to reveal an ice crystal with 6 points: SWNOLKAEF? 8. True or false: There are two calling birds in the 12 Days of Christmas song? 9. How did Mary travel to Bethlehem to give birth to baby Jesus: a) Car, b) Donkey, c) Bicycle? 10. Which reindeer is said to be the most famous reindeer of all? 11. In which country does Christmas Day occur first: New Zealand or Canada? 12. What is the name of the snowman in the Disney movie Frozen? 13. What Christmas product was invented by a sweet maker named Tom Smith? 14. Can you unscramble the following letters to reveal a word than means Christmas: ELNO? 15. True or false: There are four Sundays in Advent?

Round 5: Numbers and names

1. How many squares on a ? 2. Where was the first chess ? 3. When? 4. When was the First official Olympiad? 5. Where? 6. What year was FIDE created? 7. What does FIDE stand for? 8. Who was the first Women’s world champion? 9. Who has just been given a ’s honour award for his computer work involving chess? 10. What is the name of the computer which defeated the former world champion Garry Kasparov?

Round 6: QUESTIONS on Christmas

1. How many reindeer is Santa believed to have? 2. In which year was the Queen's speech televised for the first time? 3. Which Puritan leader made Christmas illegal in 1647 4. In the "Twelve Days of Christmas" song what was given on the ninth day? 5. St Francis of Assisi is said to have created the first Nativity performance in in which year? 6. Who sent the first ever Christmas card? 7. Where does the word Yule come from? 8. The Christmas tree displayed in Trafalgar Square is a gift from which country? 9. Postmen in Victorian were popularly called what? 10. What normally happens on Boxing Day and why is it given that name? 11. Which of Santa's reindeer were said to have a bright red nose?