Robert James (Bobby) Fischer 11thclassical world champ (1972-1975)

Bobby Fischer from start to finish…a legend in his own time…regarded as a genius by some, a villain by others but generally a world class player who changed the nature of the game forever for the betterment of all.

XIX World Chess in Siegen, , in 1970. vs , battling it out. Hmmm wonder what the outcome will be…

Robert James (Bobby) Fischer was born January March 9, 1943 , , of America. A , at age 13 he won a game which was dubbed "The Game of the Century". At age 14, he became the youngest ever U.S. Chess Champion, and at 15, he became both the youngest (GM) up to that time and the youngest candidate for the World Championship. At age 20, Fischer won the 1963/64 US Championship with 11 wins in 11 games, the only perfect score in the history of the tournament.

Fischer won the 1970 Tournament by a record 3½-point margin, and won 20 consecutive games, including two unprecedented 6–0 sweeps, in the Candidates Matches. In July 1971, he became the first official FIDE number-one-rated player. His Elo rating of 2785 the following year was 125 points ahead of World Champion Boris Spassky, and is the largest rating gap ever recorded between the first and second rated players. This rating stood as a record until 1990. Fischer as World Champ Fischer won the in 1972, defeating Boris Spassky of the USSR, in a match held in Reykjavík, Iceland. Publicized as a confrontation between the US and USSR, it attracted more worldwide interest than any chess championship before or since. In 1975, Fischer refused to defend his title when an agreement could not be reached with FIDE, chess's international governing body, over one of the conditions for the match. Under FIDE rules, this resulted in Soviet GM , who had won the qualifying Candidates' cycle, being named the new world champion by default.

Trivia Fischer made numerous lasting contributions to chess. His book , published in 1969, is regarded as essential reading in chess literature. In the 1990s, he patented a modified chess timing system that added a time increment after each move, now a standard practice in top tournament and match play. He also invented , also known as Chess960, a in which the initial position of the pieces is randomized to one of 960 possible positions.

Sadly, Bobby Fischer died in January 17, 2008 (aged 64) in Reykjavík, Iceland