DETECTING ELUSIVE CRIMINALS RESEARCH FOR TACKLING EUROPE’S GRAND CHALLENGE OF TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME THE HAGUE CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND TNO DETECTING ELUSIVE CRIMINALS THE HAGUE CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND TNO REPORT NO 2012•15 ISBN/EAN: 978-94-91040-72-6 Authors: Teun van Dongen, Joren Selleslaghs and Maarten Gehem ©2012 The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies and TNO. All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced and/or published in any form by print, photo print, microfilm or any other means without previous written permission from the HCSS or TNO. Graphic Design: Studio Maartje de Sonnaville, The Hague HCSS, LANGE VOORHOUT 16, 2514 EE DEN HAAG T: +31 (O)70–3184840 E:
[email protected] W: STRATEGYANDCHANGE.NL DETECTING ELUSIVE CRIMINALS RESEARCH FOR TACKLING EUROPE’S GRAND CHALLENGE OF TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME THE HAGUE CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND TNO TheTNO TNO and and The The Hague Hague Centre Centre for fo rStrategic Strategic StudiesStudies (HCSS)(HCSS) programmeprogram Strategy Strategy & &Change Change analyzes analyzes globalglobal trendstrends inin a a dynamic worldworld affectingaffecting thethe foundationsfoundations ofof ourour security,security, welfarewelfare, and and well well-being.– being. The programprogramme attempts attempts to answer to answer the criticalthe critical question: question: what whatare the are policies the policies and andstrategies strategies that that must must be be developed developed to toeffectively effectively anticipate anticipate these on these emerging