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WSA Annual Report 2019 English World Subud Association 2019 ANNUAL REPORT PATIENCE | TRUST | SURRENDER Cover photo of Bapak in Wisma Subud, Cilandak, circa1985/86. Photo by Raymond Lee, also used as the cover image for Songs and Prayers of Bapak, published in 1987 by SPI and Susila Dharma International. ABOUT Subud and the seven circles symbol are registered SUBUD marks of the World Subud Association. Copyright 2020 World Subud Association. All rights reserved. CONTENTS The name Subud is an abbreviation ofSusila Budhi Dharma“ … “Susila Budhi Dharma, denotes a human being with true human ABOUT SUBUD ................ 3 3 | INTERNATIONAL 6 | FINANCIALS 2019 ...47 qualities who submits to Almighty God, to God’s will. HELPERS .......................... 23 MESSAGES FROM FINANCIAL SUMMARY 47 AREA 1 24 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S Talk No. 8 from ‘Bapak’s Talks’ Volume 27 (69 MLG 1) THE WSA TEAM ............... 4 REPORT 49 AREA 2 26 FROM THE WSA CHAIR 4 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL AREA 3 27 POSITION 50 FROM THE WSA EXECUTIVE TEAM 5 STATEMENT OF ACTIVITY 51 4 | MUHAMMAD SUBUH he founder of Subud, Subud encourages the expression 1 | WORLD CONGRESS FOUNDATION (MSF) .... 29 Muhammad Subuh of an individual’s qualities and Sumohadiwidjojo, was born talents, through the form of cultural MANDATES ........................ 7 T expressions, enterprises, education, in Indonesia in 1901 and died in 16TH WORLD CONGRESS 2022 7 WINGS, AFFILIATES 1987. Bapak (father), as he was healthcare, and the support for those 5 | in need. MENTAL ILLNESS & CRISIS affectionately known, spontaneously & SERVICES ..................... 31 received his first experience of a RESOURCE PLANNING GROUP 8 The international Subud organization spiritual practice (commonly referred THE WHITE BOOK SUSILA DHARMA INTERNATIONAL exists to serve the member countries to as the latihan kejiwaan of Subud) WORKING GROUP 10 ASSOCIATION (SDIA) 32 and to facilitate the development in 1925. Eventually, he understood of Subud and its expression in SUBUD INTERNATIONAL that the latihan kejiwaan was not just the world. It organizes gatherings, CULTURAL ASSOCIATION (SICA) 35 meant for himself alone. 2 | ZONE ACTIVITIES .. 12 disseminates talks by Bapak and Ibu SUBUD ENTERPRISE SERVICES Following the spread of Subud to the Siti Rahayu, supports the acquisition ZONES OVERVIEW 12 INTERNATIONAL (SESI) 37 Bapak at Wisma Subud, Cilandak, West in 1957, Bapak traveled around of Subud premises, helper visits, ZONE 1 & 2 13 SUBUD INTERNATIONAL HEALTH publications, web sites, and access 17 August 1985, during the celebration the world many times, giving talks of the Indonesian Independence Day. ASSOCIATION (SIHA) 38 to and support for networks of Subud ZONE 3 14 and explanations about this path. Photo by Mikail David and donated to SUBUD YOUTH ACTIVITIES members. the WSA Archives. ZONE 4 16 Through this practice, each person INTERNATIONAL (SYAI) 40 ZONE 5 18 may discover his/her own inner WSA ARCHIVES 41 ZONE 6 19 nature, potential, talent, and guidance in life, in accordance SUBUD PUBLICATIONS Translation note: ZONE 7 20 with his/her unique capacity and INTERNATIONAL (SPI) 43 latihan: exercise or practice ZONE 8 21 commitment. TRANSLATIONS 44 kejiwaan: spiritual ZONE 9 22 CARE SUPPORT 46 dewan: council or team 2 2019 WSA Annual Report 2019 WSA Annual Report 3 MESSAGES FROM MESSAGES FROM THE WSA TEAM THE WSA TEAM FROM THE WSA CHAIR FROM THE WSA EXECUTIVE TEAM Nahum Harlap During 2019 the Executive Committee facilitated discussions and meetings around organizational matters that support the development of Subud. The enthusiastic participation of Zone Representatives in the working agenda demonstrates that the WSA has developed sound organizational values based on the latihan. ear brothers and sisters, As for 2019 ... At the time of writing this note, it is he World Subud Council also recording a good surplus in the WSA Chair visit to Indonesian this is meant to be a note unclear when and how international (WSC) members are from accounts by year end. National Congress accompanying the WSA The first meeting of the 2018-2022 travel will resume, so we shall diverse backgrounds and D Council took place in late October T Our year-end financial position would The Indonesian National Congress Annual Report for 2019, and I shall continue our work through video bring different experiences and certainly touch on that. in Jakarta, and provided an end conferencing, preparing the ground approaches. Notwithstanding these not have been possible without in February 2019 provided an to the beginning of our term. After for a time when we can meet again. differences, all Council members good coordination and collaboration opportunity for the WSA Chair, Nahum However, at the time of writing (mid- many months of regular, lengthy, and have been supportive of the between the WSA Officers. This year, Harlap, to meet with the Executive 2020), it is impossible to ignore the intense video conference meetings, Let us stay safe and take care of Executive Officers and were able WSA also received a substantial Chair in person again, following their unusual circumstances forced on us it was finally a wonderful opportunity each other. to reach a consensus on various bequest from a Subud member appointment in Freiburg, to discuss by the COVID-19 pandemic. for all of us to meet in person. matters because of and through in Australia. Details of the WSA’s WSA organizational matters. They Many members joined the meeting, financial performance can be found also met with two of the Indonesian For some of us, the disruption of the latihan, and the care Council traveling at their own expense to members have for our organization. in Section 6 of this report. foundations (yayasans) associated with our habits, routines and material Jakarta, and helped enrich the the WSA - Yayasan Subud (YS), and circumstances is a cause for great meetings with their presence. We want to share some of our major Yayasan Muhammad Subuh (YMS). anxiety. For others, this has offered WSA Executive Chair visits to Nahum Harlap highlights and activities during 2019: an opportunity to step back, Due to budgetary restrictions, the Indonesian regional groups The WSA Chair, Executive Chair and WSA Chair introspect and re-evaluate. Council had no intention to meet Treasurer were received by Ibu Siti The WSA Executive Chair, Suyono in 2020, though many of us were 2019 financial performance Rahayu, Ibu Hardiyati, and the rest of We are incredibly fortunate to Sumohadiwidjojo, made several hoping to meet at the large zonal We are happy to share in this the YMS board members to discuss have the latihan at this time, which trips to regional groups in Java and gatherings that were planned for Annual Report the WSA’s financial topics that included the Foundation’s offers us the possibility of viewing Kalimantan during 2019. His aim was this year and that by now have been performance as of 31 December assets and future plans. Before this situation constructively. I hope to introduce the WSA and prepare postponed due to the pandemic. 2019. In the first full year of our term meeting YMS, a meeting was held with that even those among us who the Indonesian members for the next following the 2018 World Congress the YS Executive Chair, Pak Sudanang, are finding the situation extremely World Congress. Details of these in Freiburg, we have applied the who provided insights regarding the stressful are managing to extract visits and outcomes can be found in pledge driven system mandated by property in Wisma Subud, Cilandak. some benefit from it. Section 1 of this report. Congress for our budgeting, while 4 2019 WSA Annual Report 2019 WSA Annual Report 5 MESSAGES FROM WORLD CONGRESS THE WSA TEAM MANDATES 1 Gran Salon, Amanecer was completed with the help of At the WSC Meeting, the Council local members and groups, Council requested that the Executive Chair TH In the first quarter of 2019, meetings members, and the Indonesian travel to Canberra with the WSA 16 WORLD CONGRESS 2022 were mostly focused on the Gran National Committee. Archives Subcommittee Chair to Salon, a topic which was discussed evaluate the condition of the site and and recommended during the 2018 The opening plenary of the WSC develop feasibility studies for mid World Congress. In early 2019, the Meeting was held at the Cilandak and long-term solutions for the WSA Muhammad Subuh Foundation latihan hall and was attended by Archives in Canberra. th (MSF) explored the option to sell the Ibu Siti Rahayu and Bapak’s family. At the 15 World Congress 2018 in Freiburg, Subud Indonesia’s proposal to host the property. In March, the WSA Board of Besides the Council members, next World Congress in Kalimantan in 2022 was accepted following a majority vote. Directors supported the intention of among the attendees were Care Support MSF to receive bids for its purchase The WSA Executive office holds the responsibility to organize the World Congress. representatives of Subud Youth As part of the WSA executive starting in June. from the nine zones, and national functions, several discussions committee members from Zone 1 & 2. and meetings were held on how MSF Trustee selection process The WSC Meeting provided the funds / donations earmarked for Care Support can be channeled opportunity for Council members n preparation for the 16th World Suyono conducted on-the-ground The Council accepted the MSF and the WSA worked together to members in need of financial to meet in person for the first time Congress, the WSA Executive evaluations of the suitability of recommendation, and the WSA to agree on the details of the support. The Executive Committee MSF Trustee selection process. A since the 2018 World Congress. Chair, Suyono Sumohadiwidjojo, Palangka Raya and Rungan Sari as Executive Chair announced Rusdi Latihan both before and after is exploring possible collaborations I attended Subud Indonesia’s regional a venue for the World Congress.
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