PO BOX 321 ; Tel: 677 98 56 02 / 695 02 04 69 WATCHDOG TRIBUNEAUTH. No. 59/E.27/752/BAPP Publisher/Director: Ezikiel NKUNAWE DOTTAWATCHINGDR THE NATION HEAD OFFICE: Bamenda



NATIONAL BI-MONTHLY ON GENERAL INFORMATION (INVESTIGATION, ANALYSIS AND CRITIQUE) ISSUE 0344 OF JULY 12, 2021 400FCFA HEALTH Tributes, Honours to Pa by the Santa Caucus, others … What Prof. TIH Pius would be remembered for as Director of CBCHS Prof Tih Pius’ unmatched legacy at helm of CBCHS and President of the Caucus: Dr. Chi Asafor Cornelius opportunities lying ahead for this genius of uncommon compare HRM Fon Elvis Gahyam II: The King Solomon Of NW Region Barrister Emmanuel Nsahlai: Some Major The most daring Strides Made Barrister who By The tracks down Bamenda II Separatist Leaders Council Within in the DIASPORA A Short Period The Lawyer of the moment!!! Of Time



Goodwill Message To A Great Achiever, A Peace Hero/Heroine & Champion Of National Unity To All The Laureates:

The Watchdog Tribune Group prays Heaven and Celebrating Our Peace Heroes/Heroines Earth to bless you, your family and the works of and Champions of National Unity of the your hands; to endow you with wisdom to 2nd Republic achieve your purpose in life. You shall live and enjoy the fruits of your labour. This season, you shall harvest favour, blessings and fulfillment in all your endeavours. Wishing you and your family hearty greetings and congratulations on your well-deserved achievements. Your impressive leadership qualities have made you stand tall and distinguished among equals … May the joy these bring, lead you to a future of greater ambition and achievements and a World of continuous success.

God bless you!!! One Nation, One People Tributes, Honours to Pa Simon Achidi Achu by the Santa Caucus, others … The mortal remains of the former Prime Minister, were removed at the Mortuary of the Yaounde General Hospital on July 1, 2021.

housands thronged the Philemon Yang, the Secretary General peace should be judiciously pursued and peace - loving, patriotic and above all Mortuary of the Yaounde of the Central Committee of the ruling achieved. God-fearing. General Hospital on July 1, Cameroon People’s Democratic Peace-loving compatriots nation-wide From tributes bestowed on our peace- 2021 to witness the corpse Movement (CPDM), Jean Nkuete, would have liked to be in Santa last loving statesman, who can be tempted removal of the former Prime members of the Circle of Friends of Saturday for Pa Simon Achidi Achu’s to believe that the departed leader was Minister, former Vice Cameroon (CERAC), close family burial but having been represented in being clothed in borrowed robes? President of the and the political members and mourners. spirit, they should continue to work in T It pays to be simple and humble: As a icon, Simon Achidi Achu who died in the respect of his pacifist footprints. father and leader, former PM Simon United States of America on May 4, 2021 With the departure of this astute leader Footprints of a Achidi Achu knew how to do it, and due to an illness. He will be buried in his at the ripe age of 87, Cameroonians face succeeded through his laudable lifestyle. native Santa in the North Pacifist the task of keeping alive the qualities that This man of the people did it to the Noni tomorrow, Saturday, July 3, 2021. have made the statesman’s transition group in Yaounde, when he visited the Among the mourners at the mortuary was worth celebrating in unity and peace OPINION Nshii Noni monthly session and shared the Prime Minister, Head of Government, which he lived and fought for. Former Prime Minister, Pa Simon Achidi with the group a variety of developmental Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute who is the Achu was last Saturday 3rd July 2021 issues. representative of the Head of State, laid to rest in Santa, Mezam Division, The event was not covered by the media, President . The Head of State and North West Region. In Yaounde his but the people of Noni Sub Division in had earlier in Decree No. 2021/386 of 28 mortal remains were given a hilarious Bui as well as many others were deeply June 2021 decided the organisation of welcome from the US where the former touched by the fact that the PM decided an official funeral in honour of Mr Simon PM died, and in Santa where the former to visit the people during their monthly Achidi Achu. As such, the Prime Minister PM was buried, the multi - dimensional meeting in Bankolo, Yaounde. where he watched elements of the Police march merits of Simon Achidi Achu could be ate, drank and danced njang with with the corpse into the hall of the seen, heard, and felt. This man of the members of the group. What a mortuary, led officials present in paying people with conspicuous, in fact indelible demystication of political power by a their respects to the fallen administrative footprints has left behind lessons worth Prime Minister / Head of Government! and political icon, expressed words of emulating by those who love themselves, What a gesture of simplicity! compassion and comfort to the family their compatriots and humanity at large. Before he left for his residence, the PM members and saw the corpse leave the The holistic impact of the astute advised his compatriots to be hard- premises before he left. Conspicuously politician’s life style could be seen from working, cooperative and loyal to state visible was the bouquet of flowers from the massive turn out in Santa for Pa’s institutions. He promised visiting their the President of the Republic and Madam. burial despite the ongoing insecurities kindred in the Sub Division and actually Also present at the mortuary were a perpetrated by extremists. The scenario did so within the year. cross-section of cabinet ministers, Grand once again portrayed glaringly what it Cameroon remembers Pa Achidi for his Chancellor of National Orders who also means to be humble, generous, fatherly, pacifist lifestyle and humble stewardship doubles as the former Prime Minister, and pray that the ongoing struggle for

2 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE Issue N° 0344 JULY 12, 2021, Contact: 677 98 56 02 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE NATION WATCHING THE NATION Tribute to Honorable Simon Achidi Achu, Senior Statesman, Astute Politician and Exemplary Philanthropist Presented by Dr CHI ASAFOR Cornelius on behalf of the entire Santa Caucus membership ...

History tells us that Pa Achidi Who can forget Pa’s tenure ACHU, at a very tender age, of office at the helm of started his selfless services Government? It is an open to this country at very secrete that Pa’s uncanny strategic level and until he adroitness in helping breathed his last, he never President Paul Biya handle once stopped from the political storms in the deploying his superhuman heady years following the energy, or spared ant effort introduction of multiparty towards nation-building. politics in Cameroon, steer Even when illness sapped the country clear o what was most of that energy, Pa apparently going to be a could still be seen cataclysmic and bleak discharging his future. responsibilities towards the Adieu Pa, and as it is said State with such dexterity and by St Paul, you fought a assiduity that only the sheer good fight and force of character could accomplished your dictate. essence of living; may the good God receive you in his kingdom. he worth of a man Who can challenge the fact by the time he that Pa was a pragmatic and transits from this down to earth politician? His world is not famous catch phrase measured by the “Politics na njangi; scratch huge credit of his my back, I scratch your own”, bankT account, the size of his portrayed the real politik he estates or material wealth, preached to the population. but by the legacy he But we all know that the bequeaths to humanity in mantra hardly epitomized or terms of his interactions with defined his character his fellow men and altruistic because in his daily service to humanity and the interaction with people, he nation. still went ahead and Yes that was Pa, that loyal scratched people’s backs, and stalwart servant to the even when they refused to President of the Republic, scratch his own back or who discarded his personal when they least deserved it. comfort and down played Anybody who was close to health and political agenda Pa Achidi as he was fondly be executed according to the known, will concur that any later and this, he did even adjective to describe the long after leaving fallen hero would always be Government. in the superlative. How could it be otherwise? Pa Achidi was a larger than life character in nearly all aspects and there are very few people who can fit into his shoes. Where does somebody start to describe Pa? Or the astute politician? Or the family man who valued and cherished human relationships, extending his largesse even to people he barely knew? There are situations where Pa brought people to be recruited and could not even say who they were nor where they came President of the Caucus: from. Dr. Chi Asafor Cornelius

3 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE Issue N° 0344 JULY 12, 2021, Contact: 677 98 56 02 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE NATION WATCHING THE NATION PORTRAIT Pr. Justine DIFFO TCHUNKAM: Dirigeantes, Leadership au Féminin

r. Justine DIFFO femmes à l’Assemblée Nationale TCHUNKAM, à 31 % en 2013 et au Sénat de 20 Universitaire multi- % à 26 % en 2018. More Women casquettes et in Politics a également ouvert en fervente militante septembre 2017, un Centre de de l’implication Coaching pour le Leadership et Pdes femmes en politique Action, cadre permanent de renforcement des capacités, de Un parcours coaching et de mentoring des leaders féminins en général et des exceptionnel candidates à la compétition Dans le système universitaire politique en particulier. depuis 25 ans, Pr. Justine DIFFO Recommandations TCHUNKAM a effectué une bonne partie de ses études à l’Université pour la promotion de Yaoundé jusqu’en 1993. Après des femmes en la décentralisation des politique au Universités, elle se retrouve à Soa Cameroun pour faire partie de la première promotion des Moniteurs appelés Depuis quelques années, More à l’époque « Chargés de Travaux Women in Politics plaide en faveur Dirigés ». de l’adoption d’un Décret portant modalités de prise en compte du En 1995, elle se rend en Genre, inscrit dans le Code pour des études doctorales à électoral de 2012. Selon Pr. l’Université René Descartes. En Justine DIFFO TCHUNKAM, 1998, Pr. Justine DIFFO l’idéal aurait été qu’il intervienne TCHUNKAM obtient un Doctorat avant les élections de 2018 afin en Droit International d’éviter les contentieux pré- Economique avec Mention « électoraux dont on aurait pu faire Très Honorable » et les l’économie, s’agissant justement des listes de candidatures 100 % félicitations du Jury. De retour Une militante à Politics : Réalisation des études masculines et des listes de au Cameroun, elle débute les diagnostics sur base empirique suppléants composées au ¾ de enseignements à l’Université de l’origine de l’augmentation du sur la participation politique des femmes. Elle estime également Yaoundé II en 1999 et accède femmes avant la mise en place qu’à moyen et long terme, une loi sur la parité serait un bon au grade de Professeure, Maître nombre de femmes des programmes, organisation de Conférences en décembre élues marqueur dans la mesure où elle des sessions nationales de institutionnaliserait au moins la 2012. renforcement des capacités et Créée en 2007, More Women in culture de l’approche Genre dans coaching des femmes en matière Parallèlement à son parcours Politics est une organisation de la les habitudes des décideurs. C’est de management, leadership et d’Enseignante-Chercheure et société civile qui vise les objectifs pour elle, le premier pas à franchir entreprenariat. après les promesses discursives suivants : Eveil de la conscience Professeure d’Université, Pr. que l’on enregistre d’une Justine DIFFO TCHUNKAM politique des femmes, Sous l’impulsion de Pr. Justine campagne électorale à l’autre, cumule également plusieurs sensibilisation sur l’importance de DIFFO TCHUNKAM, le réseau juste pour capturer l’électorat casquettes. Elle est Directrice l’accroissement du nombre de More Women in Politics a mis en féminin. des Affaires Juridiques au femmes dans la vie politique et place un Pool national des « Ministère de la Communication, publique au Cameroun, Avocats du Genre », groupe de Les conseils de Pr. Présidente du Conseil vulgarisation des outils relatifs à la lobbying et de plaidoyer en faveur Justine DIFFO d’Administration de participation politique des femmes de l’effectivité de l’approche l’Observatoire Africain de la et à l’effectivité de leurs droits, Genre dans les processus TCHUNKAM pour la Pratique des Affaires et surtout renforcement des capacités décisionnels à tous les niveaux et d’action et d’intervention des réussite des jeunes Coordonnatrice Nationale du notamment la consécration de la femmes en politique et dans Réseau More Women in Politics prise en compte du Genre dans le femmes dans le l’administration camerounaise et Code électoral. et depuis le 30 Avril, elle est sensibilisation des instances de milieu nommée Présidente du Conseil décision sur la nécessité de fixer Elle s’est aussi beaucoup professionnel d’Administration de l’Agence de des objectifs chiffrés en vue de la impliquée dans régulation des télécommunication réalisation de l’égalité des genres l’accompagnement du leadership Ne vous comparez par aux (ART) suite au décret signé par le aux postes électifs et publics au et de l’amélioration de la hommes, car nous ne serons Président de la République. Cameroun. représentativité des femmes dans jamais des hommes. Mais les sites du pouvoir électif. Ce qui n’abandonnez JAMAIS et vos Ainsi plusieurs actions sont à a permis d’obtenir des résultats actions et vos résultats plaideront mettre à l’actif de More Women in importants : Passage de 13 % de pour vous.

4 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE Issue N° 0344 JULY 12, 2021, Contact: 677 98 56 02 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE NATION WATCHING THE NATION Barrister Emmanuel Nsahlai: The Daring Barrister who tracks down the separatists in the USA. The Lawyer of the moment • He launched proceedings around the Complaint world to push the American authorities to Criminal complaints against certain individuals cut off the sources of funding and the in particular; this is for example the case of the propaganda channels of Ambazonian one filed against a certain Ndong Walburga militants present on American soil. Nnam with the Chicago Police Department. It • Dozens of accounts on social networks is difficult to say if the action of Master Nsalai closed because they were denounced as responds to an official agenda of the State of being in contradiction with the new US law. Cameroon or if he enjoys the protection, even • Several complaints filed around the passive, of the US government. Still, his work world. as an investigator has already crossed the borders of the United States. The lawyer mmanuel Nsahlai uses the claims, with a screenshot in support, to have Cameroon Association of been contacted by the Hong Kong authorities Victims of Terrorism seeking to get their hands on Ngong (CAVAT) as his armed wing to Emmanuel Ngong alias Capo Daniel, an lead a crusade against the Ambazonian general on the run and reputed to separatists. And the CAVAT be a refugee in the Chinese enclave. During a Twitter account is a long litany of war E live show on social networks, two years ago, trophies. Dozens of social media accounts shut Capo Daniel recognized in particular that the down because they have been denounced as armed groups in NoSo use, abuse, and even contradicting the new US “hate speech” liquidate child soldiers; what galvanizes law. The arrest of Alambi Walters Muma is the Emmanuel Nsahlai. Despite the distance, the latest victory for Master Emmanuel Nsalai. It lawyer has been leading a manhunt against Mr. follows the all-out procedures launched by the Ngong since April. Not enough to qualify the lawyer across the United States to push the support that the “general” brings to his troops American authorities to cut off the sources of on the ground. At the end of May, Capo Daniel funding and the propaganda channels of posted a short video on his social networks Ambazonian militants present on American soil. where we can see secessionist fighters jubilant after an attack on the army. Cameroon’s Peter Taniform Appointed Infrastructure Sector Leader at World Bank ameroonian born Peter Taniform has Security Projects for the four International Airports been appointed by the World Bank in Cameroon (Douala, Yaounde, Maroua and as Infrastructure Sector Leader in Garoua). He equally played a key role in fostering four East African countries; dialogue and coordination of Trade facilitation Rwanda, Uganda, Somalia and among CEMAC member States of which Kenya, besides leading the Cameroon is a backbone member. Most of Cameroon’s Custom Reforms benefited from his Ctransport Team in Madagascar. insight and leadership on the World Bank side Peter Taniform who will take up his new duties and today the results speak for themselves. next July 1, 2020 is a Senior Civil Engineer and Senior Transport Specialist working with this Brettons Wood Institution since 2008. Since then He is reputed as the brain behind the creation of he has led several transport portfolios across the first ever coalition of NGOs/civil societies and several countries in Central and Eastern Africa. Private Sector Foundation in the Road Safety His appointment is described by many who know domain in Cameroon with the Ministries of him as recognition of his distinguished Transport, Public Works, National Gendarmerie, Police and the Academia, all benefiting from his performance throughout his career within an contribution and support in the Road Safety Institution which promotes excellence and advocacy crusade. meritocracy. He has had several recognitions within and without the institution over the years. Before joining the World Bank Group, Peter Taniform worked with the Government of Academic background Cameroon in several capacities, earning a Merit Peter Taniform is a graduate of the Delft University Award for the fight against corruption in the Ministry of Technology in the Netherlands with a Master of of Public Works in 2000. Science Degree in Transportation & Highway This native of Bamendankwe in the North West Engineering. He equally holds several region of Cameroon, before leaving for the World professional certificates/diplomas from Bank, had impacted the road safety sector in the Cameroon, Japan, Malaysia, and UK higher institutions. He has a multidisciplinary training and country. multi-sector experience with over 22 years of experience in the infrastructure sector. He has a strong passion for research with several While serving as Senior Transport Specialist in publications. the Central Africa sub-Region, he led the design Described as a patriot and statesman in every and implementation of several projects such as; section) linking the West and North West regions. He equally led several reforms in the Port, Railway aspect, Peter Taniform has won the respect of the Douala Infrastructure project (Tarring of his fellow countrymen in every class of the society several kilometres of urban roads and and Aviation sectors which has boosted the especially as he is committed to see the common construction of several drainages in Douala), the performance, governance and competitiveness man or woman grow to his/her full potentials. rehabilitation of the 267 km, Maroua – Mora – of these sectors. Taniform Peter Ngwa just bagged a PhD in Dabanga – Kousséri road and the ongoing 51 km transport infrastructure and planning from the Babajou – Bamenda road (including the urban University of Rome-La Sapienza plus a Diploma Peter Taniform equally designed and led the in Public Private Partnership from the Havard implementation of several Aviation Safety and Kennedy School in USA.

5 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE Issue N° 0344 JULY 12, 2021, Contact: 677 98 56 02 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE NATION WATCHING THE NATION Some major strides made by the Bamenda II Council within a short period of time Bamenda II Council Joins B’da II Quarter Heads To Be Involved in Schools to Fight Against Project Execution uarter heads from Covid-19 Mbatu, Nsongwa, Q Chomba and Mankon villages that make up Bamenda II council area have been encouraged to join the council in executing local projects. This was during a meeting with the Bamenda II Council executive and councillors at the Ayaba Hotel on Wednesday, January 27, 2020.

Mayor Chenwi Peter enjoined the traditional auxiliaries of the administration to work with councilors to assume council projects so as to be part of the development process. ayor Peter Chenwi has School Old Town and the supervised and Government Practicing School assisted in the Old Town to hand over similar The meeting examined ways to M material to help in the fight improve on participatory project reconstruction work of some pipe borne water, access to against Covid -19.”We don’t execution with the council and The Director General of MIDENO dormitory blocks at PSS electricity and unemployment want schools to be suspended the population notably in the Cletus Anye Matoya used the Mankon recently destroyed amongst the youth. during a fire incident. The Mayor in our region because that is our crisis context in Bamenda. The event to enlighten the councilors used the opportunity to call on main priority” the mayor common worry for most of the and quarter heads on the stressed. school authorities to enforce quarter heads was the The Bamenda II Council has workings of the regional council barrier measures against Covid- The mayor advised the heads of earmarked the sum of over 640 and the new decentralization the various schools, the deplorable state of roads in the 19. The stopover at PSS municipality, unavailability of million frs to be used for order. Mankon on March 13, 2021 was teachers, students and pupils to development projects in 2021. part of a disinfection exercise strictly follow government and the Bamenda II Council was WHO guidelines and carrying out in some primary instructions from the head of and secondary schools within state on how to stay safe from B’da II Council Passes Mid-Year Evaluation the municipality. Covid-19 and prevent its further At PSS Mankon Mayor Chenwi spread. He added that the espite the prevailing said his coming was in Prime Minister and head of crisis, the Bamenda II response to a call by the SDO government, the ministers of DCouncil continues to asking the Bamenda II Council Higher, Secondary and Basic realize the projects detailed in to urgently look into the education have called for school, its road map for 2020 and those reconstruction of the school Hospitals, shops and public prompted by the current covid- after some of it dormitories were places to be disinfected .”If we call ourselves local 19 pandemic. In a mid-year consumed by fire in January evaluation session on July 22, 2021. He was accompanied on authorities then we must respect state instructions” 2020, Mayor Peter Chenwi the trip by the 1st and 2nd noted that the “council carried Deputy Mayors and a host of Mayor Peter Chenwi emphasized at every stop over. out a vigorous campaign against councilors and staff. the spread” of covid-19 with the He handed over face masks, “We don’t have any companies in the Northwest, our only distribution of soap and tap soap and buckets the school buckets to all quarter heads, authorities. Vice Principal of company is education that is the second circle Mr Echu Jack why the council is taking the private and public institutions Mendi receiving on behalf of the responsibility to disinfect the like banks, schools, travel the construction of a block recalled that the major school thank the mayor and his schools…we cannot talk about agencies, public offices, snack reconstruction without talking bars and hospitals. molding factory at markets like the Main team for the wonderful gesture Market, Food Market and and promised to judiciously use about health and protection of The council was also able to Mbingfibieh, classrooms in them for the benefit of the life so the school authorities train the councilors and Mbatu, a civil status centre, Ntarikon in Bamenda II are student population of the should equally take rehabilitation of several rural under the control of the City responsibility” he added. He some council staff on the school. decentralization code in roads in Ntamulung and Council. The mayor and his entourage concluded by reminding all that Covid-19 is real and dangerous. order to improve output. Buea-Bamenda Street, and Mezam SDO Simon Emile also visited GBHS Down Town, Mooh in closing the session Government Bilingual Primary Twinned with some a community hall in Ngulang. strategic partners like The council within the past expressed his satisfaction GLoTEN (Global Technology five months succeeded to with the work so far realized and Engineering Network), construct a borehole in within the short span in Olive Mountain Ntankah, and culverts in office. He praised their (representative of a South several localities. efforts in revenue collection. Korean based cooperation) In terms of finances, the He requested the council to in the domains of hardware accounts of Bamenda II double its effort to contain procurement, agriculture council indicates a revenue the spread of the novel and capacity building. The of 731,850,321 FCFA corona virus in Bamenda II. Bamenda II council also representing a 49.83% “Bamenda II Council is the renovated, bought and realization rate and heart of Bamenda” he said, equipped the temporary expenditure of 120,665,223 adding that it is in Bamenda structure they are currently FCFA, that is 8.2% in actual II that the Main Market, occupying due to the terms. The low rate of General Hospital, Major . It also expenditure is attributed to Banks are found, and is provided assistance in the the current Anglophone heavily populated. He form of didactic to all public crisis. reminded the councilors that schools within the Mayor Chenwi however said Covid-19 is real with over municipality. this could have been more if 450 active cases in The mayor also highlighted the actual sources of income Bamenda presently. Covid- numerous projects realized open to the council like the 19 he continued is under the public investment markets were exploited. He particularly dangerous for budget which included called on the office of the those above 40 years. He amongst others the SDO to revisit the called on all to continue to equipping of some distributions of markets practice good hygiene and integrated health centres, within Bamenda. It should be follow the barrier measures Mayor Peter Chenwi put in place by government.

6 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE Issue N° 0344 JULY 12, 2021, Contact: 677 98 56 02 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE NATION WATCHING THE NATION Some major strides made by the Bamenda II Council within a short period of time B’da II Council Assists Local Communities Fight Against Covid-19 he Bamenda II council has handed Tout various sanitary materials to quarter heads to use in their community in the fight against the ravaging Covid-19. The items included tap buckets, soap, toilet tissues and disinfectants and messages on the virus, mode of transmission and prevention. These items will be placed at various locations in the neighborhoods for residents to use and of the Ntabag Integrated the community leaders in disinfect their hands during Health Centre, Mrs Tamah the development process their daily activities. A total Josephine sensitized the of the council. He promised of 600 buckets, six cartons quarter heads and advantages to the quarter of soap and six rolls of councilors about the heads like financial Mayor Chenwi Peter: The Mayor with a toilet tissues were disease. benefits, to involve them in revenue collection against Vision. The Change Propeller ... distributed to the quarter heads from Mankon, The meeting was also an a handsome percentage of Mbatu, Nsongwa and opportunity for the council the amount collected, and Chomba. executive to exchange to involve them in the Bamenda II Council ideas with the quarter business of contracts in the Over 600 cases of the heads and heads of the sub division. Organizes Sports for Unity covid-19 have been traditional council on how confirmed in Cameroon to advance the The mayor also uses the with 8 deaths. No case development of the opportunity to highlight has been reported in the municipality. some achievements in the Northwest region and first few weeks in office. Bamenda in particular. During the discussions, the This included the stepping Local and regional community leaders up of hygiene and authorities have been advocated for more sanitation practices carrying out preventive security, their involvement especially against Cobid- measures to bar the in local development and 19 and the reduction of disease from reaching the more. rents of the council markets NW. stores to keep more The Mayor, Chenwi Peter people in business. A team of medical expert promised to actively involve lead by the chief of Centre Curled from Bamenda Online he Bamenda II council is We cannot go ahead organizing a three day constructing, schools, bridges, Toutdoor sporting when we are not physically fit competition aimed at uniting the and united in purpose the Mayor youths and elites in the face of added. common challenges. The event Most sporting activities have that started on Friday May 22 to been relegated to the rear due end on Sunday the 23rd 2020 to the ongoing socio-political launched by the Mayor Peter crisis and the covid-19 Chenwi, at Ayaba Hotel. pandemic. With both crisis “Youths and Elites Uniting for a seriously affecting the NW common Vision and a Fight region and the country as a against COVID-19” is the theme whole. retained for the event. To the mayor, sports could be The event was launched with the best tool to unite his swimming and lawn Tennis municipality in the face of such competitions at the Ayaba tennis crisis. This sports event is the court and swimming pools. The first of its kind to be organized sport event will also include a by the Bamenda II council since marathon. All sporting activities its creation in 2007. will involve different categories. The event ends on Sunday with According to Mayor Peter a cross country race from the Chenwi, “there is no need Commercial Avenue to the carrying on with infrastructural Military Monument at up station development without uniting the and back to Ayaba Hotel, municipality”. covering approximately a He said since taking over office, distance of 25km. Prizes will be there have been many awarded to the best three in challenges but calm is gradually each sports and category. returning to his municipality thanks to the collaboration of the media.

7 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE Issue N° 0344 JULY 12, 2021, Contact: 677 98 56 02 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE NATION WATCHING THE NATION DR FRU’S RULES FOR HEALTH pigmentation during periods of very little sunlight in such *Avoid refrigerated foods. countries/climatic zones that hardly experience the sun light. This will help you to be able to absorb enough *Avoid precut onions. Onions become toxic when cut sunlight whenever the sun shows up in these temperate and allowed for sometime. This is because onions regions of Europe, Asia and America. This sun radiation magnet and kill germs and release their toxins. (uvr) is necessary to act on cholesterol for the synthesis of vitamin D that protects you against cancers... *Avoid drinking water while standing upright. ALTERNATIVELY, you may eat foods rich in vitamin D * Practice bathing with warm water for at least thrice a or take vitamin D supplements if you don’t want to week. Those who bath with warm water are more lighten up your body ( or skin) with these plants healthier and live longer. products. *Take two table spoons of pure honey (by non diabetics) HOPE MANY WOULD BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND with a cup of warm/ hot water thirty minutes before WHY BLACKS GET CANCERS MORE THAN dinner. It’s a secret of good health and longevity. CAUCASIANS IN TEMPERATE REGIONS OF THE WORLD. A GOOD EXAMPLE ARE THE AFRICAN *Eat raw onions, for it’s a secret for a healthy heart, AMERICANS LIVING IN AMERICA... good and healthy blood, healthy sex life, body detoxification, strong immunity and general good *In the tropics, those with light skin ( less melanin) will health. instead be at risk because they will absorb excess However, eating too much onions may over excite your sunlight (ultraviolet radiation) that will harm them and nerves and cause to to be very insensitive to your provoke cancers and so, would be required to darken environment/world. Eat moderately and as a treatment. their bodies as opposed to temperate areas. Always eat within a set period of time as a treatment and give a break before repeating. NB/ AVOID OILS CONTAINING CHEMICALS THAT BLEACH LIKE THOSE WITH HYDROQUINONE. *Lie on your left side of body for a few minutes after Use only those with natural lightening elements like eating for a better digestion and metabolism. Honey, tamarind, lemon, ...and plants only. If possible, personal get a lotion base, prepare a lotion and add *Avoid all illicit drinks and all drinks from doubtful source. plants and natural elements of your choice. Drink mostly pure palm/raffia wine, corn beer and natural drinks from plants. They serve as food and WARNING: medicine. Beware of liars who discredit them. Coloured ( BLACKS) should do the reverse in tropical regions of high sun intensity in order to block the excess *Take one to one and a half liters of good water first absorption of ultraviolet radiation that can instead thing every morning before brushing your mouth. Introduction: damage their bodies and cause cancers. I mean, instead Drink at least one bottle of water every 1 pm and 4pm. do what will help you darken up ( gain more black aminos or melanin). *Eat mostly enough fruits every morning and only eat SOME FEEDING AND whatever has passed through heat in the afternoon. BEHAVIOURIAL RULES TO BE *Avoid foods that have been fried more especially those *Always have a quiet moment of meditation, thereafter, deeply fried. take in deep breaths before eating for better body OBSERVED FOR GOOD HEALTH. acceptance and action on food. Just for my followers. Hahaha! *Avoid burnt meat; it’s toxic in the system and ignite cancers development. *Chew your food well before swallowing. *Life is governed by Principles and once principles are broken, things fall apart giving room for diseases to * Avoid Fruit salads in which water melon is a * Never eat when angry for it becomes toxic to the develop. component. Eat water melons separately. Give at least two hours interval between water melon and other fruits. system. Many cases of chronic constipation and hemorrhoids/ *Limit or avoid white salt, for it corrodes the arteries *DISEASE IS A PENALTY MAN piles are caused by such wrong combinations. and veins, causing inflammations and many metabolic PAYS FOR HAVING VIOLATED *It’s bad to eat fruits and vegetables at the same meal. diseases. NATURAL PRINCIPLES THAT Eat at separate meals with at least a two hour interval GOVERN LIFE.* in order to avoid abdominal problems, headaches, *Avoid fried potatoes (Irish) for it’s toxic and provokes constipation and piles. cancers. No amount of prayers, anointing and medicines can *Avoid Okra (okro) if suffering from Piles/hemorrhoids...It bring a lasting solution if not complemented with *Avoid eating fruits after meals. It’s bad and causes a hardens stool. adjustment in lifestyle through the obedience of natural lot of untold damages to your system. Fruits are better eaten first thing in the morning and when stomach is laws of health and life*. free of food. There’s a wise saying that, eating fruits in *Avoid Alcohol if hypertensive. OBEDIENCE TO THE PRINCIPLES OF LIFE AND THE the morning is like Gold, in the afternoon is like Silver *Avoid Aphrodisiacs if hypertensive. LAWS OF HEALTH IS BETTER THAN ALL THE and in the evening, it’s like Bronze. Practice eating just SACRIFICES MADE TO ACQUIRE GOOD HEALTH enough fruits in the morning after your water therapy. *Avoid taking sweeten drinks and alcohols when on IN THE MIDST OF DISOBEDIENCE OF NATURE’S any medication. PRINCIPLES/LAWS OF HEALTH.... *Avoid eating raw and cooked foods together in the same meals. Give at least a two hour interval in order to avoid *Don’t apply on your skin what you cannot eat; it takes LISTEN! fermentation, toxicity and diseases. just about 26 seconds for most of what we apply on our Amongst the so many rules that exist, respect the *Avoid drinking water and other drinks during meals in skin to reach the blood vessels. Our immunity and few I have listed below. They will go a long way to help order not to upset the high acidic ph in the stomach resistance is mostly destroyed by what we apply on you achieve a better health and life in this world that that kill germs and sterilize the foods we eat. Be wise! our skin. Hence, your body rubbing oils must be what has been messed up by man. Drink a glass of water thirty minutes before meals and are edible. Beware! thirty minutes after meals. RIDE ON WITH ME..... *Always sit/stay under the sun for atleast thirty (30) minutes each that in order to tap some vital ultraviolet *Take a glass of water each time before bathing in order energy that acts on your body cholesterol to produce THE HEALTH RULES: to avoid strokes. Always start pouring water but from vitamin D. Remember amongst its numerous health *Avoid bleaching your cooking oils. Avoid those already legs and gradually moves upward to head. Never start benefits, vitamin D helps fight against cancer and also bleached by companies and flavoured. from head if water isn’t warm.. helps you absorb blood calcium into your bones. *Use mostly saturated oils, e.g Palm oil (unbleached), * Don’t go to bed (to sleep) with food in your stomach. *Avoid keeping/holding back urine when ever you feel coconut oils. Avoid or greatly limit the use of Always eat at least three hours before bed time. as to urinate. This bad practice is the cause of most unsaturated oils or omega 6 oils or hydrogenated oils cases of kidney stones and health complications. which are commonly called vegetable oils. * When you go to sleep on a bed, always lay on your left side ( the side harbouring your heart stomach...) of NEVER HOLD BACK EVEN STOOL WHEN the body... PRESSED. IF YOU DO, YOUR SYSTEM WILL Know this: *Drink a glass of water before going to sleep in order to SUFFER INFECTIONS AND TOXICITY. Be wise! Many have been deceived and fooled using the avoid cardiac problems. CHOLESTEROL SCAM to happily avoid what actually *Avoid Lies telling, Cheating and Stealing; Do not harm gives health and to embrace what actually takes away * Avoid Sugars and all sugary / sweeten drinks. Amongst any body. Remember, people pray to kill their enemies health... Be wise! hundreds of diseases caused, sugars/sweeten foods/ but strong people pray to convert their enemies. These said vegetable oils which are commonly sold all drinks are the root of a vast number of diseases and over the place, and glittering in transparent bottles are evils in humans; they are actually the cause of most *Live naturally, avoid all artificial one of the main causes of our health problems. body toxicity, inflammatory diseases, cancers, diabetes foods and genetically modified and cardiovascular diseases, AND NOT the so called Palm oil remains the unchallenged cooking oil that CHOLESTEROL that we have been fooled to believe to Organisms (GMOs). beats all other oils in the world in it’s ANTIOXIDANT be the cause. AND ANTITOXIN/ANTIPOISON properties. Contrary to The destruction cause by a bottle of sweeten drink is *Love all, Trust No One BUT the Creator of Life the wrong cholesterol blackmail theories against palm by far worse than that caused by five bottles of beer, Alone. oil by orthodox medical science, Red Palm Oil cleanses but is masked beyond our understanding since it doesn’t your heart, blood vessels and blood of bad fats, toxins react visibly within a short time like alcohol does to the SHARE THIS LIGHT AND HELP HEAL AND SAVE and diseases. It works against anemia, sickle cell mind... MANY SOULS THAT ARE IN DARKNESS. disease and helps in times of ingested poisoning and GOD BLESS YOU toxic gas disasters. *Eat mostly warm food. Avoid or limit cold foods. Avoid foods warm or prepared using microwaves. Dr Richard FRU - GENIWA *For Africans with very dark skin living in temperate Do all to avoid foods that have stayed for over 24 hours. areas/regions inhabited by caucasians or fair skin people, occasionally, use natural skin lighting plant *Avoid precut fruits. Fruits loose their nutrients when products on your body to reduce the level of melanin cut and allow for sometime exposed to air.

8 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE Issue N° 0344 JULY 12, 2021, Contact: 677 98 56 02 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE NEWS WATCHING THE NATION Prof Tih Pius’ unmatched legacy at helm of CBCHS and opportunities lying ahead for this genius of uncommon compare

rom all indications, the last pages of the leadership of the erudite Professor and enigmatic Director of the Cameroon Baptist Church Health Services, CBCHS, are beginning to be written. With new CBCF Executive Secretary insisting that the old order must change giving way to the new, and that the old guard should begin grooming new leadership, all speculations are pointing to the fact that Prof. Tih Pius, who have skillfully ran the affairs of the CBCHS as Director with maestro, may be on his way out.

Fortunately for Professor Tih Pius, Rev Nditemeh Charlemange himself could not hide the fact that for his close to 30 years of selfless services at the helm of CBCHS, the institution can never have a fitting replacement for him.

However genuine the motifs for introducing the new measures at the CBC are, when the chips are down, and when all must have been said and done, one thing would remain: Professor Tih Pius gave his all to the phenomenal growth of the CBCHS. He succeeded even where government and other health care providers failed, that is, in provider a trusted healthcare institution of choice.

Unlike Atlas who was forced by Zeus to carry up the skies or globe for over 600 years standing on one spot, Prof Tih’s close to 30 years as director and visionary provider for the Health Services at the CBC was to say the least, exceptionally eventful.

Going by the scientific definition of work as force time’s distance, Prof. Tih’s life at the helm of the CBCHS was a translation in triumphant detail of that definition. He grew the CBCHS from a health centre through a full flesh hospital to a chain of outposts across the country and finally to uplifting some to referral hospitals. A Penetrating Influence:

With few years and counting...to go on a deserved retirement, Professor Tih Pius could be said to have lived a fulfilled life. Being a penetrating influence, Prof Tih influenced not only government but public health policy in Cameroon, Africa and the world. His towering achievements at the helm of the CBC led him to become the very definition of public health policy in Cameroon and beyond in the domain of the fight against HIV/AIDS, communicable and non-communicable diseases and much more. of Prof. Tih Pius, who unlike King or tribe, but rather by the content of their Expanding the CBCHS services beyond just Oxymandaias, have his works at the helm of character, opportunities would not lack for his treating patients to preventing illnesses and the CBCHS to continue to testify for him. Has life after CBCHS. He is sufficiently connected diseases through social interventions, it not already been established that the CBCHS across the world that other national and education and sensitization, psychosocial and under Prof. Tih since became the second internationally referenced health institutions palliative care, et al, Prof. Tih took the CBC to employer after government in especially the would only welcome his experiences with two levels the CBC gospel alone could not. As a North West Region? hands. penetrating influence, and perhaps not unlike the east wind, Prof. Tih was animated by an Not even reference health institutions like the unrelenting work ethic. Opportunities Ahead African Centre for Disease Control, CDC, the World Health Organization and other T.S Eliot had argued that ‘in a peculiar sense, for Prof Tih: international private health research a public figure must inevitably be judged by the foundations across the world can resist Prof standards of his past’. That already holds true For a man who like Martin Luther King Jnr. have Tih’s wealth of experience in practical public never judged people by their language, culture health issues and policies.

9 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE Issue N° 0344 JULY 12, 2021, Contact: 677 98 56 02 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE NATION WATCHING THE NATION Tanjong Martin and the transformation of Tuba Municipality Transformation of Tubah Municipality into a city well on course any readers may brought 550 Kilograms of plastic not be familiar paper bags. That’s what we are with the name using now and converting into Tubah on the bricks for building. National Triangle My plans for 2017 were covered called Cameroon. and I and my councilors took ItM is rather names like Bambili or cognizance of the fact that the Bambui that stirs a cord in the roads we started bulldozing in minds of many Cameroonians. 2014 were getting old 4 years on However, Bambili and Bambui are and one of our aims in 2018 has simply segments of a bigger entity been to put these roads back in called Tubah which happens to be their original state. the municipality that houses these Tubah is transforming from a big two well-known places. village to a town. In order to With the very elevated status that transform Tubah from a Sub Tubah has especially due to its Division to a modern city like I educational prowess thanks to the promised to do, there are some presence of academic institutions things that must be done. When I like the legendary Cameroon took over on the 29th of November College of Arts Science and 2013, before the 15th of Technology; CCAST Bambili, the December I was already opening Higher Teachers Training College up new roads. I had to open roads known in its French abbreviation in the whole municipality not only as ENS Bambili, The Saint in Bambili. With the presence of Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary the University, this was needed to Bambui and now the University of open up the area to facilitate Bamenda located in Bambili, the movement in Bambili. This past SDF Mayor Tanjong Martin since year we constructed classrooms his election took a determined Tanjong Martin: NW smartest politician that and provision of electricity to about stand to transform the municipality never was. The Mayor who saw tomorrow a third of the municipality. We did in other domains as well. it in Kejomkeku, Kejomketungo, The Tubah Municipality has adding onto the already bustling began but I ended up realizing Bambili and Bambui though that of therefore through this community municipality has only come to 90% of my ear marked projects. Bambili is not entirely concluded. developer seen a reasonable further push Tubah towards the As I stand here, I am proud that my We keep on subsidizing water degree of dis-enclavement. A dream that Mayor Tanjong Martin council does not owe salaries to organisations like that of Bambui network of earth roads has been has for it. Sometimes getting it its workers. In the development of and providing materials like pipes opened in areas hitherto from the horse’s mouth is better. my municipality much has been and other accessories that help in impassable. This has been Let’s hear him. done. If you move round my the continuous provision of water. accompanied by the expansion of ”With the coming of Ghost Towns municipality you will notice that My main objective for 2018 was construction projects that would that started in 2016, it was very there are no plastic papers that all roads were to be brought normally accompany new roads. difficult to realise many of our around. Last summer holidays I back to normal.” The influx of university students projects. I feared when the year recruited 125 students who Who was Hon. Simon Achidi Achu? “Pa” Simon Achidi Achu (5 November 1934 – 4 May 2021) was a Cameroonian politician who served as the Prime Minister of Cameroon from 1992 to 1996. Previously he was Minister of Justice from 1972 to 1975. A leading member of the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM), Achidi Achu was appointed as Chairman of the National Investment Corporation in 2003, and he was “elected”, or betterstill appointed by Paul Biya, to the Senate of Cameroon in 2013.

On 10 October 1992, the day before the 1992 of the National Investment Corporation (Société Biography presidential election, Achidi Achu appeared on nationale des Investissements) on 3 March 2003. chidi Achu was born in Cameroon Radio and Television and addressed Achidi Achu is a member of the Central Committee the people in French, his second language. In this of the ruling CPDM. He was also a member of the Bamenda and grew up in address, he accused the opposition, led by Social National Commission for the coordination of Biya’s Santa, located in the Democratic Front election campaign in the 2004 presidential (SDF) candidate election and was the president of the campaign’s Northwest Province of , of support and follow up committee in the Northwest Cameroon. He completed having a Province. He campaign for the July 2007 primary education in Santa “diabolical plan” parliamentary and municipal elections, Achidi (plan diabolique) Achu was a member of the CPDM’s Central andA then continued to Cameroon Protestant to prosecute and Campaign Committee; he was also President of College, where he had his GCE Ordinary Level. execute the the CPDM Provincial Campaign Committee in the Pa Achu later continued to the University of leading figures of Northwest Province. Yaoundé, where he participated in the creation the state, In 2009, Achidi Achu became one of three of the Student Association, which still exists. He government, and members of the CPDM North West Section’s newly also served as the association’s first president. He military if it won the established Council of the Wise, which was continued his studies in Marseille, France. election, and he intended to formulate strategy and tactics to Achidi Achu was a state magistrate from October urged the people enable the CPDM to attain dominance in the North 1965 to October 1966. Later, he was appointed as to reject the West Province, where the opposition Social Minister Delegate at the State Federal opposition in order Democratic Front (SDF) has been traditionally Inspectorate in late October 1971. He was to avert potential dominant. subsequently appointed as Minister of Justice by violence and In the April 2013 Senate election, Achidi Achu was Cameroonian President on 3 instability. elected to the Senate as the top candidate on the July 1972, remaining in that position until 1975. Following Biya’s CPDM’s list for Northwest Province. When the Pa Simon then returned to Santa and started the victory in the 1992 Bureau of the Senate was elected on 12 June 2013, Rock Farm Ranch as a farmer. election, Achidi Achidi Achu received the post of Vice-President He stayed out of politics for several years, then Achu remained of the Senate. he was elected as a member of the National Prime Minister He died on May 4, 2021, at the age of 86, after Assembly. President Paul Biya later appointed him until 19 September 1996, when he was replaced being recovered for an illness in the United States. as Prime Minister on 9 April 1992, following the by . Achidi Achu was later March 1992 parliamentary election. He was the appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors first Anglophone Prime Minister of Cameroon.

10 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE Issue N° 0344 JULY 12, 2021, Contact: 677 98 56 02 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE NATION WATCHING THE NATION Fighting Xenophobia and Hate Speech: Bilingualism Commission on the Offensive Heavy Jail Terms Await Perpetrators of Hate Speech, Xenophobia Tackling xenophobia and hate speech, two things which are detrimental to communal life and the state as a whole are being reviewed in Cameroon.

do not help strengthen social cohesion at a time when the country is going through all kinds of difficulties. SECTION 241-1: (new) contempt of tribe or ethnic group It is in this regard that Peter Mafany 1) Whoever by any means, make hate Musonge decided to take the speech against people or incites them to commission to the Regions in order to violence due to their tribal or ethnic origin shall bring together these stakeholders whom be punished with the imprisonment of from 1 he says have profound knowledge of (one) to 2 (two) years and with a fine of 300 grass root realities and use the social 000 (three hundred thousands) FCFA to 3 000 media which is the greatest tool through 000 (three million) FCFA. which xenophobia and hate speech are 2) Where the benefit of the mitigating propagated. circumstances is given, the punishment The NCPBM has called on the provided for in Subsection 1 above shall not stakeholders in the various Regions of be less than 3 (THREE) months imprisonment Cameroon to form a coalition with the and the fine shall not be less than 200 000 (two Commission and fight these social ills. hundred thousand) fcfa. As one of the control mechanism to nip Execution shall not be suspended except in perpetrators of hate speech and case of diminished responsibility of infancy. xenophobia in Cameroon, Parliament 3) Where the author of the hate speech is deliberated and adopted and the a Public Servant as per the provisions of President of the Republic enacted the Section 131 of this Code, a leader of a political new law below. party, of the media, of a Non-governmental organization or a religious institution, the Law No. 2019/020 punishment provided for in Subsection 1 above shall be doubled and the benefit of mitigating of 24 December circumstances shall not be given. Section 2: this law shall be registered, 2019 to amend and published according to the procedure of H.E Peter MAFANY: President NCPBM urgency, and inserted in the Official Gasette in supplement some English and in French/.

his is being done in the form of a provisions of law Yaounde, 24 December, 2019 national communication campaign No. 2016/7 of 12 July Signed: Paul BIYA organised by the National PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC Commission for the Promotion of 2016 relating to the Bilingualism and Multiculturalism, NCPBM. Penal Code of InT order to ensure adequate measures are used to fight this cankerworm which is an Cameroon. enemy to national unity, the President of the Section 1: Law No. 2016/7 of 12 July 2016 National Commission for the Promotion of relating to the Penal Code is hereby amended Bilingualism and Multiculturalism, Peter and supplemented as follows: Mafany Musonge organised a meeting with Civil Society Organisations, NGOs and Youth SECTION 241: (new) Contempt groups amongst others. These stakeholders were brought together to of race or religion give proposals to the Commission as they embark on this national campaign. 1) Whoever commits a contempt, within The New National Communication Campaign the meaning of Section 152 of this Code, of against Hate Speech and Xenophobia in the race or religion of the one or many citizens Cameroon was launched on March 5, 2021. or residents shall be punished with The Commission already started raising public imprisonment for from 6 (six) months and with awareness on the ills of xenophobia and hate fine of from 5000 (five thousands) francs CFA speech however; it feels that the effort is to 500 000 (five hundred thousands) francs cfa. insufficient. 2) Where the offence is committed by Indeed, for four years now, especially with the means of the press or wireless, radio, war in the North-West and South-West regions television, or social media or any other means of the country, hate speech and xenophobia likely to reach the public, the maximum of the have flourished. This is more visible at the level fine provided for in subsection 1 above may of social networks where public figures and extend to 20 000 000 (twenty million) FCFA. anonymous people are lynched on a daily 3) Where the offence is committed with the basis. intent to arouse hatred or contempt between It is not uncommon to hear opinion leaders citizens, or residents, the penalties provided calling for the marginalization of one tribal by the foregoing subsection shall be doubled. group or the promotion of another. Calls that Dr. CHI ASAFOR: SG NCPBM

11 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE Issue N° 0344 JULY 12, 2021, Contact: 677 98 56 02

WATCHDOG TRIBUNE If all the PoliticiansWATCHING THE of NATION The the NW Region were like Pa Achidi ACHU PO BOX 321 Bamenda; Tel: 677 98 56 02 / 695 02 04 69 Simon, what a great AUTH. No. 59/E.27/752/BAPP Publisher/Director: Ezikiel N. DOTTA HEAD OFFICE: Bamenda Cameroon NW that would be? MERDOLF Sarl LETS CREATE VALUE TO BUILD A BRIGHTER FUTURE. COMMERCE GENERAL – PRESTATION DES SERVICES We provide the following services: • Project studies and General consultancy • Road Safety • Building construction and renovation works • Agri-business • Cooling and air conditioning installation /maintenance services • General supplies and public contracts • Network and IT maintenance and installation • Real Estates promotion and investments • Building electricity and lift installation /maintenance

Executive management: Nkoldongo BP 35159 Yaoundé Tel/ Fax: +237 222220556 / +237 677752633 / +237 699558641 Email: [email protected] Foreword of the CEO n a competitive age, we are premised on the fact that through creativity, innovation, a flexible and flat organizational structure coupled with modern information and communication technologies, we are ableI to maintain low overhead costs thereby enabling our clients to make sustainable cost savings. Your desire to engage us is amplified by this assurance that we will give you value for your Construction of Yaounde I money which is why we always strive to reduce our cost of production, starting from Council. Phase III in progress project conceptualization and design through planning, execution, and improving our production processes. By so doing, we progressively reduce the cost that you will bear as the project sponsor. Hence, you can always count on us to deliver high quality projects at competitive prices at the right time. In our principal domain of building construction and renovation with the mission of becoming a world class player in the nearest future, we realized that offering world class services is the only way to ensure CEO: Mr. CHE LINIDOLF NDONGNYAM a steady flow of building design and turnkey construction jobs. An Over-view of As one of Cameroon’s fastest growing SME evidenced in the fact that since incorporation MERDOLF Sarl in October 2011 and commencement of t is a Cameroonian company managed by Construction of Hotel de Police business activities, MERDOLF Sarl has been its promoter, Mr. CHE LINIDOLF Ekounou privileged to execute more than twenty five NDONGNYAM. He engages his resources (25) public and private Contracts involving to supporting the State of Cameroon and over twenty (20) different clients. We are partners in the private sector in achieving looking forward and trusting that you”ll their growth and development objectives. become one of those who will contribute to IThe promoter has brought in many young this phenomenal growth. Cameroonians steeped in talent and experience with qualifications in several disciplines including civil engineering, IT, financial engineering, project MISSION management, communication, etc. to always obtain excellent results for the benefit of its Our mission is to ensure customers’ satisfaction, numerous partners and customers. We have one perfect execution of contracts and productions of the strongest team of Engineers and Architects on time with international organizations for the execution of major projects in diverse areas standards and requirements. of works. In this competitive age leveraging our access to technology and competence in construction VISION engineering and project management is our plight We are engaged to promote our indigenous in order to deliver superior services that all stakeholders can trust and take pride in, so that technological capability and products through our business and the practice of our particularly in area of designing and profession in its best tradition we will contribute construction by delivering efficient, effective and significantly to the infrastructural and socio- Construction of Administrative high quality projects and products at good price economic transformation of our country Bloc of ENSTP to our valued customers. Cameroon and Africa at large.

12 WATCHDOG TRIBUNE Issue N° 0344 JULY 12, 2021, Contact: 677 98 56 02