A.felis fdxA gene GenBank: X81826.1 FASTA Graphics

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LOCUS X81826 711 bp DNA linear BCT 26-JUL-2016

DEFINITION A.felis fdxA gene.


VERSION X81826.1

KEYWORDS fdxA gene; ferredoxin.

SOURCE felis (cat scratch disease bacillus)


Bacteria; ; ; Hyphomicrobiales;

Bradyrhizobiaceae; Afipia.


AUTHORS Bergmans,A.M., Groothedde,J.W., Schellekens,J.F., van Embden,J.D.,

Ossewaarde,J.M. and Schouls,L.M.

TITLE Etiology of cat scratch disease: comparison of polymerase chain

reaction detection of Bartonella (formerly Rochalimaea) and Afipia

felis DNA with serology and skin tests

JOURNAL J. Infect. Dis. 171 (4), 916-923 (1995)

PUBMED 7535830

REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 711)

AUTHORS Bergmans,A.M.C.

TITLE Direct Submission

JOURNAL Submitted (21-SEP-1994) A.M.C. Bergmans, Nat. Inst. of Public

Health and Environmental Protection, Unit Molecular Microbiology,

P.O.Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, NETHERLANDSFEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..711

/organism="Afipia felis"

/mol_type="genomic DNA"

/strain="ATCC 49716"

/db_xref="taxon:1035" regulatory 370..375

/regulatory_class="minus_35_signal" /note="putative" regulatory 392..398


/note="putative" regulatory 423..426


/note="putative" gene 433..>711

/gene="fdxA" CDS 433..>711















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61 acgcctgtca ccggaccgcc agcgtctcga caagtggcta tggcatgcgc ggatcgtgcg

121 cacccggacc gacgcggcga aactggtgtt gggcggccgt gtccgcctca atggcatgcg

181 gcagacctct cccggacatg cgctgaaatc cggtgacgtg ctgacggtgg cacttgatgc

241 gcgggttcgt gttctgaaga ttgtcgcttt cagcgagcgt cggggtgatg cgccgtcagc

301 gcagggcctc tatnatgaat tgaacgggaa anagaagtaa ctatctcnna tagcagagcc

361 ttccttctct tgcagcgngg gatatcctgc gctaggccaa caccaaaatt tggaacggtt

421 ccggagatct ggatgactta cgtcgtcacc gaaaattgca tcaagtgcaa gtacatggac

481 tgcgttgagg tgtgtcccgt cgattgcttc tacgaaggcg agaacatgct cgtgatccat

541 ccggacgagt gcatcgactg cggcgtttgc gaaccggaat gcccggctga ggcgatcaag

601 cccgacactg agcagaatct ggaaaaatgg ctcggcgtga atgccgagta cgctaagact

661 tggcccaaca tcacccagaa aaaggatgcg cctgccgacg ccaaggaatt c
