Board members Ms L.E. Rose, BAppSc, BSc, GAICD Dr J.S. Harvey, BSc (Hons), PhD, Prof. K.D. Kirk, BSc (Hons), Ms E.A. Riley, BAppSc (Wine) Chair – Elected a member under MBA, GAICD PhD, DPhil Elected a member under Clause Clause 25.2 (c) of the Constitution Elected a member under Clause Elected a member under Clause 25.2 (b) of the Constitution 27.1 of the Constitution 25.2 (b) of the Constitution Mr T.J. Bekkers, BAppSc (Ag) (from 1 January 2017) Prof. B.P. Schmidt, AC, FAA, (Hons), Grad. Cert. (Mgt) Mr K.R. Horton, BAppSc FRS, BS (Astronomy), BS (Physics), Elected a member under Clause (Wine Science) Mr B.M. McKinnon, BAgSc AM (Astronomy), PhD 25.2 (c) of the Constitution Elected a member under Clause (Oenology) (Hons) Elected a member under Clause 25.2 (c) of the Constitution Elected a member under Clause 25.2 (b) of the Constitution Mr B. Bryant, BSc (Oenology) 25.2 (c) of the Constitution (until 31 December 2016) Elected a member under Clause Dr D.L. Johnson, BSc (Hons), (until 31 December 2016) 25.2 (c) of the Constitution (from PhD, MBA, GAICD Mr M.R. Watson, BEc, MBA, 1 January 2017) Ex officio under Clause 25.2 (a) of Dr S.C. McNab, BAgSc (Hons), PhD ACA, IPAA the Constitution as Managing Elected a member under Clause Elected a member under Clause Director of the AWRI 25.2 (c) of the Constitution 25.2 (b) of the Constitution The company The Australian Wine Research Institute Ltd was incorporated on 27 Passion April 1955.
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