Program Handbook

gv÷vi Ae AvU©m (GgG) Master of Arts (MA)

BmjvwgK ÷vwWR Islamic Studies

cÖ_g ce© I †kl ce© First Part & Final Part

mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹zj School of Social Sciences, evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq Humanities and Languages MvRxcyi-1705| Open University Gazipur-1705

Program Handbook MA in Islamic Studies

Published by Publishing, Printing and Distribution Division Bangladesh Open University Gazipur-1705.

First Edition : December 2018

© Copyright : Bangladesh Open University

Creative Commons Any part of this document may be reproduced without permission but with attribution to the Bangladesh Open University and the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages.

Cover Design Kazi Saifuddin Abbas

Page Layout and Compose Mohammed Jakirul Islam Sarker

Graphics Romman Robin

Printed by Mania Aert Press 53/1, Northbrock Hall Road .

m~wPcÎ Table of Contents

c„ôv gvbbxq DcvPv‡h©i ï‡f”Qv evYx i gvbbxq †cÖv-DcvPv‡h©i ï‡f”Qv evYx ii gvbbxq †UªRviv‡ii ï‡f”Qv evYx iii wWb g‡nv`‡qi ï‡f”Qv evYx iv GKbR‡i evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq 1 GKv‡WwgK †cÖvMÖvgmg~n 1-2 Dš§yy³ wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨ 2 Dš§y³ wk¶vi ˆewkó¨ 2 ¯‹zj cwiwPwZ 3 ¯‹z‡ji wkÿKgÐjx 3-4 †cÖvMÖvg †i¸‡jkb 5-8 †µwWU m¤úwK©Z Z_¨vewj 8 †MÖW c‡q›U Gfv‡iR (wRwcG) ev Mo gvb wb‡`©kK/wmwRwcG 8 wm‡jevm t BmjvwgK ÷vwWR 9-23 †hvMv‡hv‡Mi wVKvbv 24

evsjv‡`k Dš§y&³wek¦we`¨vjq

DcvPv‡h©i ï‡f”Qv evYx mywcÖq wkÿv_x©e„›` evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹zj cwiPvwjZ GgG (evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨) †cÖvMÖv‡g fwZ© nIqvq Avcbv‡`i AvšÍwiK Awfb›`b Rvbvw”Q| Avcbviv Rv‡bb, evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq †`‡ki GKgvÎ cvewjK wek¦we`¨vjq, †hLv‡b Dš§y³ I `~iwkÿY (ODL) c×wZ‡Z wkÿv cÖ`vb Kiv nq| GB c×wZ‡Z wkÿv_x©e„›` PvKwi, e¨emv Ges M„n¯’vjx `vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡iI wb‡Ri wkÿv Rxeb‡K GwM‡q wb‡Z cv‡ib| we‡kl K‡i hviv Kg myweavcÖvß, Av_©-mvgvwRKfv‡e AmyweavRbK Ae¯’vq Av‡Qb, A_ev wewfbœ †ckvq wbhy³ Av‡Qb, Zv‡`i wkÿvi Rb¨ evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq GKwU Av`k© wek¦we`¨vjq| evsjv‡`‡ki †h †Kv‡bv `yM©g ¯’v‡bI GB wek¦we`¨vjq D”Pwkÿvi Av‡jv †cuuŠ‡Q w`‡Z cv‡i| evsjv‡`‡k D”Pwkÿv g~jZ cÖ_vMZ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi K¬vmiæ‡g mxgve×| GKRb wkÿv_x©‡K c~Y©Kvjxb wkÿv_x© wn‡m‡e D”Pwkÿv MÖnY Ki‡Z nq| G‡Z wecyj msL¨K m¤¢vebvgq D”P wkÿvcÖv_x© wkÿvi AwaKvi †_‡K ewÂZ †_‡K †h‡Zb| evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹zj cwiPvwjZ GgG (evsjvfvlv I mvwnZ¨, BwZnvm, `k©b, BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) Ges GgGmGm (mgvRZË¡ I ivóªweÁvb) †cÖvMÖvg D”Pwkÿvi Øvi D‡š§vPb K‡i‡Q| wkÿv_x©e„›` GLv‡b wWwRUvj c×wZi m‡e©v”P my‡hvM MÖnY K‡i ¸YMZ gvbm¤úbœ wkÿv MÖn‡Yi my‡hvM cv‡”Qb| we‡kl K‡i wkÿv_x©MY AbjvBb Ges AdjvB‡b wkÿv †mev cv‡eb| †hgb, gyw`ªZ eB, B-eyK, †iwWI †cÖvMÖvg, †Uwjwfkb †cÖvMÖvg, wkÿvg~jK G¨vcm&, I‡qewUwf, I‡qe †iwWI, B›Uvi Gw±f fviPzqvj K¬vmiæg (IVCR) mv‡cvU© Ges jvwb©s g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g (LMS) BZ¨vw` myweavw` cÖvß n‡eb| Avwg AvkvKwi, evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K wWwMÖ cÖvß n‡q wbR wbR Kg©‡ÿ‡Î †hgb `ÿZv †`Lv‡Z cvi‡eb, AvšÍR©vwZK cwigЇjI mybvg Qwo‡q w`‡Z cvi‡eb| Avwg AviI Avkv Kwi, wkÿv_x©e„›` mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹z‡ji †gavex, †hvM¨ Ges cÖvÁ wkÿKM‡Yi m‡½ GKwU fv‡jv mgq KvUv‡eb Ges wkÿvi Av‡jvq Av‡jvwKZ n‡eb| Avcbv‡`i mvdj¨ Kvgbvq-

Aa¨vcK W. Gg G gvbbvb


evsjv‡`k Dš§y&³wek¦we`¨vjq

†cÖv-DcvPv‡h©i ï‡f”Qv evYx

wcÖq wkÿv_x©e„›` Avwg †R‡b Avbw›`Z †h evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wkÿv_x©‡`i `xN©w`‡bi `vex c~iYv‡_© mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹zj 6(Qq) wU wel‡q GgG (evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨, BwZnvm, `k©b Ges BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) Ges GgGmGm (mgvRZË¡ Ges ivóªweÁvb) †cÖvMÖvg Pvjy K‡i‡Q| D³ †cÖvMÖv‡gi Mwe©Z wkÿv_x©‡`i Avwg mv`‡i eiY KiwQ| Avwg Avkv Kwi, GB †cÖvMÖv‡gi wkÿv_x© wn‡m‡e Avcbviv ¸YMZfv‡e mg„× D”PZi wkÿv jvf Ki‡eb| KviY Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq †`‡ki GKgvÎ Dš§y³ I `~iwkÿY cvewjK wek¦we`¨vjq †hLvb †_‡K wkÿvi AwaKvi ewÂZ †`‡ki mKj RbMY wkÿvi my‡hvM cv‡”Qb| Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq D”PZi KvwiKzjvg ˆZwi Kivi mgq ¸YMZgvb iÿv K‡i| GgG (BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) wel‡q Avcbviv K¬vm iæg Ges `~iwkÿ‡Yi Dfqwea my‡hvM- myweav wb‡q cov‡jLv Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹z‡ji wkÿKgÐjx ¯^ ¯^ wel‡q AZ¨šÍ AwfÁ, cvi`kx© I cÖvÁ| K¬vm iæ‡g ev AbjvB‡b Avcbviv Zuv‡`i mivmwi ZË¡veav‡b cvV¨µg m¤úbœ Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| Avwg Avkv Kwi Avcbviv evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wkÿv KvwiKzjvg †_‡K DcK…Z n‡eb Ges ev¯ÍeRxe‡b Zvi cÖwZdjb NUv‡eb| mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹zj-Gi wWb Ges Ab¨vb¨ wkÿK gÐjx huviv wkÿv_x©‡`i Rb¨ GKwU weÁvb m¤§Z Handbook ˆZwi K‡i‡Qb, Zuv‡`i ab¨ev` RvbvB| Avcbv‡`i ïf Kvgbvq-

Aa¨vcK W. †Lv›`Kvi †gvKv‡Ïg †nv‡mb


evsjv‡`k Dš§y&³wek¦we`¨vjq

†UªRviv‡ii ï‡f”Qv evYx

wcÖq wkÿv_x©e„›` evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vj‡q Avcbv‡`i ¯^vMZg| evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹z‡ji GgG (evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨, BwZnvm, `k©b Ges BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) Ges GgGmGm (mgvRZË¡ Ges ivóªweÁvb) †cÖvMÖv‡gi wkÿv_x©‡`i nv‡Z GKwU mg„„× Handbook cÖ`vb Kiv n‡”Q †R‡b Avwg mwZ¨B Avbw›`Z| KviY GB Handbook-G i‡q‡Q GgG (evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨, BwZnvm, `k©b Ges BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) Ges GgGmGm (mgvRZË¡ Ges ivóªweÁvb) †cÖvMÖv‡gi wewa weavb I wm‡jevm hvi gva¨‡g wkÿv_x©MY AaxZ welqv`x m¤ú‡K© Rvb‡Z cvi‡eb| GgG (BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) wel‡qi GKRb wkÿv_x© cÖ_vMZ K¬vmiæg wfwËK e³…Zv †hgb ïb‡eb wVK †Zgwb D¤§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq-Gi ˆewkó¨ Abyhvqx AbjvBb myweav wn‡m‡e AwWI-wfwWI †cÖvMÖv‡gi gva¨‡g wkÿv AR©b Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| GKRb wkÿv_x© Zvi AaxZ welq Ges evDwe m¤ú‡K© GKbR‡i GKwU aviYv cv‡eb| evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq wkÿvMZ-cÖ‡KŠk‡ji gva¨‡g wkÿv_x©‡`i wkÿvcÖ`vb K‡i _v‡K| G wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wkÿKMY Z_¨ cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g cvV AwaKZi ¯úófv‡e cÖ`vb Ki‡Z cv‡ib| Avwg AvkvKwi GgG (BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) †cÖvMÖv‡gi wkÿv_x©MY mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹z‡ji AwfÁ wkÿKgÐjxi KvQ †_‡K ¸YMZ wkÿv cv‡eb hv Zuv‡`i ÁvbZvwË¡K I e¨envwiK Rxe‡b Kv‡R jvM‡e| Avwg mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹z‡ji wWb Ges wkÿKgÐjx‡K GKwU mg‡qvc‡hvMx I gvbm¤úbœ Handbook ˆZwii Rb¨ AvšÍwiK ab¨ev` Rvbvw”Q| G ai‡bi Handbook wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wkÿvKvh©µ‡g DuP zgv‡bi cÖwZdjb wn‡m‡e cÖwZfvZ n‡e| Avwg wkÿv_x© Ges wkÿKgÐjx mK‡ji mvdj¨ Kvgbv KiwQ|

Aa¨vcK W. AvkdvK †nv‡mb


evsjv ‡`k Dš§y&³wek¦we`¨vjq

wW‡bi ï‡f”Qv evYx wcÖq wkÿv_x©e„›` evsjv‡`k Dš§y&³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹zj ïiæ †_‡KB mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv welqK wewfbœ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© †cÖvMÖvg cÖeZ©‡bi gva¨‡g gvbem¤ú` Dbœq‡b AMÖYx f~wgKv †i‡L P‡j‡Q| RvZxq cÖ‡qvR‡b fvlv `ÿZv AR©‡bi j‡ÿ wZbwU we‡`wk fvlv (Aviwe, Bs‡iwR Ges PvBwbR)-i Dci †cÖvMÖvg Pvjy K‡i‡Q| mvgvwRK Ávb e„w×, gvbweK g~j¨‡eva m„wó I gvbem¤ú` Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ GB ¯‹zj wewfbœ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© ÁvbkvLvq weG (cvm), weGmGm (cvm); 4 eQi †gqvw` weG †cÖvMÖvg (evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨, BwZnvm, `k©b, BmjvwgK ÷vwWR); 4 eQi †gqvw` weGmGm †cÖvMÖvg (mgvRZË¡ Ges ivóªweÁvb) Ges 4 eQi †gqvw` GjGjwe †cÖvMÖvg cwiPvjbv K‡i| evsjv‡`k Dš§y&³ wek¦we`¨vjq GKgvÎ cvewjK wek¦we`¨vjq †hLv‡b Dš§y³ I `~iwkÿY c×wZ‡Z cvV`vb Kiv nq| PvKwi, e¨emv-evwYR¨ mn bvbvwea †ckvq wb‡qvwRZ †_‡K cov-†jLvi GKgvÎ I wbf©i‡hvM¨ cÖwZôvb wn‡m‡e evsjv‡`k Dš§y&³ wek¦we`¨vjq L¨vwZ AR©b K‡i‡Q| wkÿv_x©‡`i e¨vcK AvMÖn, D”Pwkÿvi cÖ‡qvRb I AvKv•ÿvi cÖwZdjb wn‡m‡e GgG †cÖvMÖvg (evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨, BwZnvm, `k©b, BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) Ges GgGmGm †cÖvMÖvg (mgvRZË¡ I ivóªweÁvb) Pvjy Kiv nq| mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹z‡ji †gavex, `ÿ I cÖvÁ wkÿKM‡Yi cwiPvjbvq I cvV`v‡b wkÿv_x©MY D”PZi ÁvbvR©‡bi gva¨‡g e¨envwiK I Kg©‡ÿ‡Î Ae`vb ivL‡Z cvi‡eb|

GgG (BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) †cÖvMÖv‡gi wewa-weavb I wm‡jevm GKbR‡i Handbook-Gi gva¨‡g Rvbv hv‡e, hvi Øviv wkÿK I wkÿv_x©MY DcK…Z n‡eb| Avcbv‡`i me©v½xY mvdj¨ Kvgbvq,

Aa¨vcK W. †gv: Rvnv½xi Avjg


Master of Arts (MA) in Islamic Studies

GKbR‡i evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq

P¨v‡Ýji t †gvt Ave`yj nvwg` gnvgvb¨ ivóªcwZ, MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k fvBm-P¨v‡Ýji t Aa¨vcK W. Gg G gvbbvb †cÖv-fvBm-P¨v‡Ýji t Aa¨vcK W. †Lv›`Kvi †gvKv‡Ïg †nv‡mb †UªRvivi t Aa¨vcK W. AvkdvK †nv‡mb

AvqZb t 35 GKi cÖwZôvKvj t 21 A‡±vei, 1992 Ae¯’vb t †evW© evRvi, MvRxcyi ¯‹z‡ji msL¨v t 6 wU wefv‡Mi msL¨v t 11 wU AvÂwjK †K›`ª t 12 wU Dc-AvÂwjK †K›`ª t 80 wU ÷vwW †m›Uvi t 1478 wU digvj †cÖvMÖvg t 43 wU bb-digvj †cÖvMÖvg t 19 wU

GKv‡WwgK †cÖvMÖvgmg~n

School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages (SSHL) • Master of Arts (MA) - Bangla Language & Literature, History, Philosophy, Islamic Studies • Master of Social Sciences (MSS)-Political Science, Sociology • Bachelor of Arts (BA), 4-years Honours Program (Bangla Language and Literature, History, Philosophy, Islamic Studies) • Bachelor of Social Science (BSS), 4-years Honours Program (Political Science, Sociology) • Bachelor of Law (LLB), 4-years Honours Program • Bachelor of Arts (BA), 3-years program • Bachelor of Social Science (BSS), 3-years program • Bachelor of Law (LLB), 2-years Program (Professional) • Certificate in English Language Proficiency (CELP) • Certificate in Arabic Language Proficiency (CALP) • Certificate in Chines Language Proficiency (CCLP) School of Education • Master of Philosophy (MPhl) • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) • Master of Education (MEd) • Bachelor of Education (BEd)

Open School • Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS), 3-years Program • Secondary School Certificate (SSC) • Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) School of Agriculture and Rural Development • Master of Science in Agricultural Science (Agronomy, Entomology, Irrigation and Water Management & Aquaculture)

School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages (SSHL) 1

Bangladesh Open University

• Bachelor of Agricultural Education (BAgEd) • Diploma in Youth Development Work (DYDW) • Certificate in Livestock and Poultry (CLP) • Certificate in Pisciculture and Fish Processing (CPFP)

School of Business • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) • Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) • Master of Business Administration (MBA) • Commonwealth Executive Master of Business Administration (CEMBA) • Commonwealth Executive Master of Public Administration (CEMPA) • Master of Business Administration (Evening) [EMBA] • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) • Certificate in Management (CIM)

School of Science and Technology • Master of Public Health (MPH) • Master of Disability Management and Rehabilitation • BSc. in Computer Science and Engineering • Diploma in Computer Science and Application • Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Ultrasound

Dš§yy³ wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨ wk¶v gvby‡li †gŠwjK AwaKvi| cÖPwjZ avivq wkÿv MÖnY Kiv mKj †kÖwY †ckvi gvby‡li c‡ÿ mnRmva¨ bq| Dš§y³ wk¶v c×wZ hy‡Mi Pvwn`v c~i‡Yi j‡¶ wk¶vi eûgyLx m¤¢vebv‡K Kv‡R jvwM‡q wkÿv AR©‡bi Øvi Dš§y³ K‡i‡Q| evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g eûgyLx cš’vq wkÿv I Ávb-weÁv‡bi m¤úªmviY, wkÿvi gvb Dbœqb Ges wkÿv‡K MYgyLxKi‡Yi gva¨‡g me©mvavi‡Yi wbKU wkÿvi my‡hvM †cuŠ‡Q w`‡”Q| m‡ev©cwi, mKj eqm I †ckvi RbM‡Yi wkÿvi gvb DbœxZ K‡i `ÿ Rb‡Mvôx m„wó KivB evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi jÿ|

Dš§y³ wk¶vi ˆewkó¨  mKj eq‡mi wk¶v_x©i Rb¨ wk¶vi mgvb my‡hvM;  wb‡R‡`i myweav Abyhvqx wk¶v MÖn‡Y †K›`ª wba©vi‡Yi my‡hvM;  LÐKvjxb ev c~Y©Kvjxb †ckvq wb‡qvwRZ †_‡KI wk¶vMÖn‡Yi my‡hvM;  AvaywbK cÖhyw³ e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g wk¶v MÖn‡Yi my‡hvM;  cÖ‡qvR‡b `xN© mg‡q †cÖvMÖvg mgvwßi my‡hvM;  Ômevi Rb¨ wk¶vÕ bxwZi mdj ev¯Íevqb;  wk¶vi DbœZ I ¸YMZ gvb msi¶Y|

Program Handbook, Master of Arts (MA) 2

Master of Arts (MA) in Islamic Studies

mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹zj (GmGmGBPGj) School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages (SSHL) cwiwPwZ

 mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv ¯‹zjevsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi QqwU ¯‹z‡ji Ab¨Zg| wek¦we`¨vjq cÖwZôvi ci †_‡K GB ¯‹zj mvd‡j¨i m‡½ wewfbœ †cÖvMÖvg cwiPvjbv K‡i Avm‡Q|  2015-2016 wkÿvel© †_‡K GgGmGm †cÖvMÖv‡g 2wU wel‡q; 2016-2017 wkÿvel© †_‡K GgG †cÖvMÖv‡g 03wU welq Ges 2018-2019 wkÿvel© †_‡K GgG †cÖvMv‡g Av‡iv 01wU welqmn †gvU 06wU wel‡q †cÖvMÖvg Pvjy nq| D‡jøL¨‡hvM¨AvBb wel‡q GgG †cÖvMÖvg Pvjyi welqwU cÖwµqvaxb i‡q‡Q|  ¯‹z‡j 07 wU wel‡q ¯œvZK (m¤§vb) †cÖvMÖvg i‡q‡Q| †cÖvMÖvg¸‡jv n‡jv: ivóªweÁvb, mgvRZË¡, evsjvfvlv I mvwnZ¨, BmjvwgK ÷vwWR, `k©b, BwZnvm Ges AvBb| ¯œvZK (m¤§vb) †cÖvMÖvgwU 2010-2011 wkÿvel© †_‡K Pvjy nq|

 ¯‹z‡j 3wU ¯œvZK wWwMÖ †cÖvMÖvg i‡q‡Q:Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Social Sciecne (BSS), Bachelor in English Language Teaching (BELT)  ¯‹z‡j Qq gvm †gqvw` 3wU mvwU©wd‡KU †cÖvMÖvg i‡q‡Q:Certificate in English Language Proficiency (CELP), Certificate in Arabic Language Proficiency (CALP)GesCertificate

in Chines Language Proficiency (CCLP)| ¯ ‹z‡ji wkÿKgÐjx µg. bvg c`ex 1 W. †gv. Rvnv½xi Avjg wWb I Aa¨vcK (evsjv) 2 W. †gv. Ave`yi ikx` Aa¨vcK (ivóªweÁvb) 3 W. ggZvRDÏxb cv‡Uvqvix Aa¨vcK (BwZnvm) 4 W. Aveyj †nvmvBb Avn‡g` f~uBqv Aa¨vcK (mgvRZË¡) 5 W. mvjgv AvBbx Aa¨vcK (Bs‡iwR) 6 Rbve †gv. AvwbQyi ingvb Aa¨vcK (`k©b) 7 W. gynv¤§` QvB`yj nK Aa¨vcK (BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) 8 W. bvwn` †di‡`Šmx Aa¨vcK (AvBb) 9 W. †gv. Avwgi †nv‡mb miKvi mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK (Aviwe) 10 Rbve knx` Avn‡g` †Pxayix mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK (AvBb) 11 Rbve Zvbfxi Avnmvb mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK (mgvRZË¡) 12 GgGm mvqgv Avng` mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK (fy‡Mvj I cwi‡ek) 13 GgGm †gvQvt mvwenv myjZvbv mnKvix Aa¨vcK (A_©bxwZ) (wkÿv QzwU‡Z)

School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages (SSHL) 3

Bangladesh Open University µg. bvg c`ex 14 Rbve Lvb †gv. g‡bvqviæj Bmjvg mnKvix Aa¨vcK (BwZnvm) 15 Rbve †gv. RvwKi †nv‡mb ZvjyK`vi mnKvix Aa¨vcK (Bs‡iwR) 16 GgGm gvkwdKv Avkivd mnKvix Aa¨vcK (mgvRZË¡) 17 GgGm Puv` myjZvbv KvIQvi mnKvix Aa¨vcK (BwZnvm) (wkÿv QzwU‡Z) 18 Rbve gviæd wgqv mnKvix Aa¨vcK (ivóªweÁvb) 19 Rbve Kvgiæ¾vgvb mnKvix Aa¨vcK (BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) 20 GgGm Uz¤úv ivYx †` mnKvix Aa¨vcK (`k©b) 21 Rbve ev‡qRx` †nv‡mb mnKvix Aa¨vcK (AvBb) 22 GgGm L›`Kvi †Kvwnbyi AvKZvi mnKvix Aa¨vcK (AvBb) 23 Gg.Gm. kvnevby Bfv mnKvix Aa¨vcK (ivóªweÁvb) 24 Gg.Gm. AvBixb Avn‡g` mnKvix Aa¨vcK (BwZnvm) 25 Gg.Gm. mvbwR`v gy¯ÍvwdR mnKvix Aa¨vcK (BwZnvm) 26 Rbve D¾j Kzgvi cÖfvlK (`k©b) 27 Gg.Gm. KvwbR dv‡Zgv cÖfvlK (mgvRZË¡) 28 Gg.Gm. gvKmy`v Av³vi cÖfvlK (`k©b) 29 Rbve AvwkK wek¦vm cÖfvlK (`k©b) 30 Gg.Gm. AvRgxiv wejwKQ cÖfvlK (mgvRZË¡) 31 Rbve †gvt Kweiæj nvmvb cÖfvlK (ivóªweÁvb) 32 Gg.Gm. mygv Kg©Kvi cÖfvlK (BwZnvm) 33 Gg.Gm. Zvnwgbv iv¯œv cÖfvlK (ivóªweÁvb) 34 Gg.Gm. †i‡nbv cvifxb cÖfvlK (`k©b) 35 Rbve †gvt kvnxb Avjg cÖfvlK (BwZnvm) 36 Gg.Gm. kvigxb Av³vi cÖfvlK (mgvRZË¡) 37 Gg.Gm. AvwbKv ingvb cÖfvlK (mgvRZË¡) 38 Gg.Gm. A‡š^lv ggZvR cÖfvlK (Bs‡iwR) 39 Rbve gy. dLiæj Bmjvg cv‡Uvqvix cÖfvlK (ivóªweÁvb) 40 Rbve †gvt †kL dwi` cÖfvlK (BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) 41 Rbve b~i †gvnv¤§` cÖfvlK (BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) 42 Rbve Avng` †ihv cÖfvlK (BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) 43 Rbve mvBdzj Bmjvg cÖfvlK (BmjvwgK ÷vwWR) 44 Rbve Gm.Gg. BKivgyj Bmjvg iv‡mj cÖfvlK (`k©b) 45 GgGm dvwZb bvIqvi cÖfvlK (A_©bxwZ)

Program Handbook, Master of Arts (MA) 4

Master of Arts (MA) in Islamic Studies

gv÷vi Ae AvU©m (GgG) I gv÷vi Ae †mvkvj mv‡qÝ (GgGmGm) †cÖvMÖv‡gi †i¸‡jkb

†h‡nZz mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv welqmg~‡ni wk¶v_x©‡`i gv÷vm© (Master's)wWwMÖ AR©b Kivi my‡hvM m„wó Kiv mgxPxb I cÖ‡qvRbxq; †h‡nZz gv÷vm© ch©v‡qi wWwMÖ GKwU AMÖmi ch©v‡qi wWwMÖ Ges †h‡nZz evsjv‡`k Dš§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq AvB‡b `¶ Rb‡Mvôx m„wói mv‡_ wk¶vi gv‡bi welqwU RwoZ; †m‡nZz welq¸‡jv we‡ePbvq †i‡L wb¤œiƒc †i¸‡jkb cÖYqb Kiv nj: 1| wk‡ivbvg : gv÷vm© wWwMÖ †i¸‡jkb ev GgG/GgGmGm wWwMÖ †i¸‡jkb (Regulation for Master of Arts/ Master of Social Sciences)

2| †cÖvMÖvg : K) `yB ai‡bi GgG/GgGmGm wWwMÖ cÖ`vb Kiv n‡e : 04 (Pvi) eQi †gqvw` ¯œvZK (m¤§vb) †cÖvMÖv‡g DËxY© wWwMÖavix‡`i Rb¨ 01 i) (GK)eQi †gqvw` GgG/GgGmGm wWwMÖ,Ges 03 (wZb) eQi †gqvw` ¯œvZK (cvm) †cÖvMÖv‡g DËxY© wWwMÖavix‡`i Rb¨ 02 (`yB) ii) eQi †gqvw` GgG/GgGmGm wWwMÖ| L) hviv 03 (wZb) eQi †gqvw` ¯œvZK (cvm) wWwMÖ AR©b K‡i‡Q, Zv‡`i Rb¨ GgG/GgGmGm †cÖvMÖvgwU 02 (`yB) eQi †gqvw` n‡e| cÖ_g eQi (02 wm‡g÷vi, cÖwZ wm‡g÷vi 6 gvm) cÖviw¤¢K ce© (cÖ_g ce©/wcÖwjwgbvwi) wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ n‡e| cÖviw¤¢K c‡e© fwZ©K…Z wk¶v_x©‡`i‡K 02 (`yB) wm‡g÷v‡i wbe©vwPZ welq Gi (Subject)- †gvU 12wU †Kvm© (cÖwZwU 3 †µwWU K‡i) ev 36 †µwWU m¤úbœ Ki‡Z n‡e| 12wU †Kv‡m©i e›Ub wb¤œiƒc: cÖviw¤¢K ce© (cÖ_g ce© / wcÖwjwgbvwi) wm‡g÷vi †Kvm© msL¨v †µwWU b¤^i 1g 6 wU 18 600 2q 6 wU 18 600 12 wU 36 1200 M) 04 (Pvi) eQi †gqvw` ¯œvZK (m¤§vb) wWwMÖavix Ges GgG/GgGmGm †cÖvMÖv‡gi cÖ_g c‡e©i Rb¨ wba©vwiZ mKj †Kv‡m© DËxY© nIqvi ci, GKRb wk¶v_x© GgG/GgGmGm †cÖvMÖv‡gi mgvcbx (dvBbvj) c‡e©i wk¶v_x© wn‡m‡e †iwR‡÷ªkb Ki‡Z I fwZ© n‡Z cvi‡e| N) GgG/GgGmGm †cÖvMÖv‡gi mgvcbx c‡e©i (02 wm‡g÷vi, cÖwZ wm‡g÷vi 6 gvm) Rb¨ wba©vwiZ 10wU †Kvm© (cÖwZwU 4 †µwWU K‡i) ev 40 †µwWU mvd‡j¨i mv‡_ DËxY© wk¶v_x©ivB ïaygvÎ GgG/GgGmGm wWwMÖ cvIqvi †hvM¨ e‡j we‡ewPZ n‡e| O) 04 (Pvi) eQi †gqvw` ¯œvZK (m¤§vb) wWwMÖavix‡`i m‡e©v”P 02 (`yB) GKv‡WwgK e‡l©i (04 wm‡g÷vi) g‡a¨ Ges 03 (wZb) eQi †gqvw` ¯œvZK (cvm) wWwMÖavix‡`i

School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages (SSHL) 5

Bangladesh Open University m‡e©v”P 04(Pvi) GKv‡WwgK e‡l©i (08 wm‡g÷vi) g‡a¨ GgG/GgGmGm wWwMÖi wba©vwiZ †Kvm© m¤úbœ Ki‡Z n‡e| P) GgG/GgGmGm wWwMÖ AR©‡bi Rb¨ GKRb wk¶v_x©‡K †kl (mgvcbx) c‡e©i Rb¨ wba©vwiZ 40 †µwWU ev 10 (`k) wU †Kv‡m© (cÖwZwU 4 †µwWU K‡i) DËxY© n‡Z n‡e| 10wU †Kv‡m©i e›Ub wb¤œiƒc :

†kl (mgvcbx) ce©

wm‡g÷vi †Kvm© †µwWU msL¨v b¤^i 1g 5 wU ‡Kvm© 20 500 2q 3 wU ‡Kvm© 12 300 1 wU †Kv‡m©i mggvb †gŠwLK cix¶v 4 100 1wU †Kv‡m©i mggvb w_wmm †ccvi/bZzb GKwU †Kvm© 4 100 †gvU 10 wU 40 1000

Q) ¯‹zj KZ…©K mycvwikK…Z Ges GKv‡WwgK KvDwÝj KZ…©K Aby‡gvw`Z mvgvwRK weÁvb, gvbweK I fvlv welq¸‡jv‡Z GgG/GgGmGm wWwMÖ cÖ`vb Kiv n‡e| 3| fwZ©i †hvM¨Zv : K) 03 (wZb) wU cvewjK cixÿvi h_v, GmGmwm/mggvb, GBPGmwm/mggvb Ges weG/weGmGm/weKg/weGmwm/mggvb cixÿvi †h †Kv‡bv `yÕwU‡Z b~¨bZg 2q wefvM ev 2.50 wRwcG/wmwRwcG cÖvß wkÿv_x©MY Av‡e`b Ki‡Z cvi‡e| †h †Kv‡bv MÖæ‡c DËxY© wkÿv_x© Av‡e`b Ki‡Z cvi‡e| L) we‡`kx wek¦we`¨vjq / K‡jR / mggv‡bi wk¶v cÖwZôvb n‡Z †h me wk¶v_x© ¯œvZK cvm/ Abvm© ev mgZzj¨ wWwMÖ AR©b K‡i‡Q, Zviv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wWwMÖ mgZzj¨Zv wbiƒcY KwgwUi gZvgZ/ wm×všÍ mv‡c‡¶ GgG/GgGmGm cÖ_g I †kl c‡e© fwZ© nIqvi Rb¨ Av‡e`b Ki‡Z cvi‡e| M) GgG/GgGmGm fwZ© cÖwµqv evDwe AvB‡bi Aax‡b MwVZ fwZ© KwgwUi ZË¡veav‡b m¤úbœ n‡e| 4| cix¶v : K) GgG/GgGmGm †cÖvMÖv‡gi cÖ_g c‡e©i (wcÖwjwgbvwi) 12wU †Kv‡m©i cix¶v 02 (`yB) wm‡g÷v‡i AbywôZ n‡e| cÖwZ wm‡g÷v‡i 06wU †Kv‡m©i cix¶v AbywôZ n‡e| mgvcbx (†kl) c‡e©i †¶‡Î cÖ_g wm‡g÷v‡i 05 (cuvP) wU †Kv‡m©i wjwLZ cix¶v AbywôZ n‡e| wØZxq wm‡g÷v‡i 03 (wZb) wU †Kv‡m©i wjwLZ cix¶v AbywôZ n‡e, 01 (GK) wU †Kv‡m©i mggv‡bi w_wmm †ccvi wjL‡Z n‡e A_ev GKwU bZzb †Kvm© m¤úbœ Ki‡Z n‡e| 01 (GKwU) wU †Kv‡m©i mggv‡bi †gŠwLK cix¶vq AskMÖnY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Program Handbook, Master of Arts (MA) 6

Master of Arts (MA) in Islamic Studies

cÖwZwU †Kv‡m©i wjwLZ cix¶vi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ mgq n‡e 04 (Pvi) N›Uv Ges b¤^i e›Ub n‡e 100| 10 wU iPbvg~jK / e¨vL¨vg~jK cÖkœ †_‡K †h †Kv‡bv (05) cuvPwU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| L) cÖwZwU DËicÎ `yÕRb cix¶K Øviv g~j¨vwqZ n‡e Ges `yÕRb cix¶‡Ki cÖ`Ë b¤^‡ii Mo cÖK…Z b¤^i wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ n‡e| †Kv‡bv DËic‡Îi †¶‡Î D³ cix¶K؇qi cÖ`Ë b¤^‡ii g‡a¨ 20 Ges 20-Gi AwaK b¤^i ev 20% e¨eavb n‡j Z…Zxq GKRb cix¶K Øviv DËicÎwU g~j¨vwqZ n‡e| G‡¶‡Î 3q cix¶K KZ…©K cÖ`Ë b¤^i Ges Zvi wbKUZg b¤^‡ii Mo b¤^iB P‚ovšÍ b¤^i wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ n‡e| M) GKv‡WwgK KvDwÝj Aby‡gvw`Z †MÖwWs wm‡÷g Abymi‡Y cix¶vi djvdj cÖ¯‘Z Kiv n‡e| N) cix¶vi DËi`v‡bi gva¨g n‡e evsjv A_ev Bs‡iwR| Z‡e fvlv msµvšÍ welq G mswkøó fvlv‡ZB DËicÎ wjL‡Z n‡e| (Discipline)- O) GgG/GgGmGm cix¶v KwgwU welq wk¶K‡`i mgš^‡q MwVZ n‡e| ¯‹y‡ji gva¨‡g †cÖwiZ cvV¨µg KwgwUi mfvcwZi cÖ¯Ív‡ei wfwˇZ, GKv‡WwgK KvDwÝj cÖwZ c‡e©i (02 wm‡g÷vi wg‡j) Rb¨ 04 (Pvi) m`‡m¨i GKwU cix¶v KwgwU wb‡qvM w`‡e| 04 (Pvi) Rb m`‡m¨i g‡a¨ b~¨bZg 01 (GK) Rb ewntm`m¨ n‡eb| mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK c`gh©v`vi wb‡¤œ b‡nb Ggb GKRb m`m¨ KwgwUi mfvcwZ wn‡m‡e `vwqZ¡ cvjb Ki‡e| Z‡e mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK bv _vK‡j mswkøó wel‡qi †h †Kv‡bv Dchy³wkÿK cixÿv KwgwUi mfvcwZ n‡e| P) cix¶v KwgwUi mfvcwZ, cix¶v KwgwUi mnvqZvq cix¶v msµvšÍ Kv‡Ri mfv AvnŸvb, cÖkœcÎ MÖnY, mgx¶Y(moderation), djvdj P‚ovšÍKiY, w_wmm †ccv‡ii welq I ZË¡veavqK wba©viY, w_wmm †ccvi MÖnY Ges †gŠwLK cix¶v MÖnY Ki‡e| Q) cix¶v KwgwU cvV¨µg KwgwU KZ…©K mycvwikK…Z Ges DcvPvh© KZ…©K Aby‡gvw`Z cix¶K ZvwjKv †_‡K DcvPv‡h©i wbKU cªkœcÎ cÖYqbKvix, DËicÎ cix¶K I w_wmm g~j¨vqbKvixi bvg Aby‡gv`‡bi Rb¨ cÖ¯Íve Ki‡e| R) cÖwZwU w_wm‡mi Rb¨ `yBRb g~j¨vqbKvix _vK‡e| S) cix¶v wbqš¿‡Ki mn‡hvwMZvq cix¶v msµvšÍ mKj KvR cix¶v KwgwU m¤úbœ Ki‡e| T) cix¶v wbqš¿K P‚ovšÍ cix¶vi djvdj GKv‡WwgK KvDwÝj-Gi Aby‡gv`b mv‡c‡¶ cÖKvk Ki‡e| 5| wk¶v c×wZ: K) GgG/GgGmGm †cÖvMÖv‡gi mKj GKv‡WwgK Kg©KvÐ cvV¨µg KwgwU I ¯‹zj KwgwUi civg‡k© evDwe-Gi g~j K¨v¤úvm, AvÂwjK †K›`ª I wbe©vwPZ ÷vwW †m›Uv‡i cwiPvwjZ n‡e| L) cvV¨µg KwgwU KZ…©K wba©vwiZ Ges GKv‡WwgK KvDwÝj Aby‡gvw`Z †idv‡iÝ eB‡qi mnvqZvq wk¶v_x©iv wba©vwiZ wel‡q wk¶v MÖnY Ki‡e|GgG/GgGmGm †cÖvMÖv‡g evDweÕi wkÿKMY cvV`vb Ges †cÖvMÖvg cwiPvjbvi `vwqZ¡ cvjb Ki‡eb| 6| wewea :

School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages (SSHL) 7

Bangladesh Open University K) GB †i¸‡jkb-Gi †Kvb weavb cÖ‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î RwUjZv †`Lv w`‡j cvV¨µg KwgwUi mfvcwZ/ ¯‹z‡ji Wxb/ cix¶v KwgwUi mfvcwZ welqwU DcvPvh©‡K Zvr¶wYKfv‡e AewnZ Ki‡eb Ges mswkøó wel‡q DcvPv‡h©i wm×všÍ P‚ovšÍ e‡j MY¨ n‡e| L) GB †i¸‡jkb weIwR‡Z Aby‡gvw`Z nIqvi ciw`b †_‡K Kvh©Ki n‡e Ges GKB mv‡_ c~‡e© Aby‡gvw`Z GgG/GgGmGm †i¸‡jkb evwZj e‡j we‡ewPZ n‡e| †µwWU GK †µwWU A_© n‡jv 15 K¬vm-N›Uv cvV I 15 K¬vm-N›Uv evwoi KvR m¤cbœKiv| A_©vr †Kv‡bv †Kv‡m©i †µwWU msL¨v 1 (GK) nIqvi A_© n‡jv, mswkøó †Kv‡m©i Rb¨ wk¶v_©x‡K 15 K¬vm-N›Uv cvV I 15 K¬vm-N›Uv †Kvm© m¤cwK©Z evwoi KvR m¤cbœ Ki‡Z n‡e| †m-Abyhvqx †Kvm© msL¨v 3 †µwWU n‡j 45 K¬vm-N›Uv cvV I 45 K¬vm-N›Uv †Kvm© m¤cwK©Z evwoi KvR m¤cbœ Ki‡Z n‡e|

†MÖW c‡q›U Gfv‡iR (wRwcG) ev Mo gvb wb‡`©kK/wmwRwcG

For every completed course, the marks obtained by a student in atendance & class performances, respective assignments/Term paper/Coure paper and semester-end examinations will be totaled and this total marks will be converted into Grade Point (GP) as per the following table:

Numerical Grade Letter Grade Grade Point 80% or above A+ (Aplus) 4.00 75% to less than 80% A (A regular) 3.75 70% to less than 75% A- (A minus) 3.50 65% to less than 70% B+(B plus) 3.25 60% to less than 65% B (B regular) 3.00 55% to less than 60% B-(B minus) 2.75 50% to less than 55% C+ (Cplus) 2.50 45% to less than 50% C (C regular) 2.25 40% to less than 45% C- (C minus) 2.00 Less then 40% F(Fail) 0.00

Student will get individual GP for every completed course. After the of completion of a number of courses, the Grade Point Agerage (GP) of those completed courses will be calculated by using the following formula where the individual GP of every course and the respective credits of those courses will be taken into consideration: Formula for Calculation of CGPA ∑( ℎ × ) = ∑( )

Program Handbook, Master of Arts (MA) 8

Master of Arts (MA) in Islamic Studies

School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages (SSHL) 9

Bangladesh Open University

wm‡jevm GgG †cÖvMÖvg

BmjvwgK ÷vwWR Islamic Studies

Program Handbook, Master of Arts (MA) 10

Master of Arts (MA) in Islamic Studies

M A in Islamic Studies (First Part)

Courses (12 Courses), Each Carry 100 Marks Equals of 3 Credit Hours

First Semester

IST-501 : Study of al-Quran (Surah: Al-Fatah and Al-Hujurat) 100 Marks IST-502 : Introduction to Islamic Dawah 100 Marks

IST-503 : Al-Sirat Al-Nababiah 100 Marks

IST-504 : Human Rights in Islam 100 Marks

IST-505 : Principles and History of Tafsir literature 100 Marks IST-506 : Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence 100 Marks

Second Semester

IST-507 : Study of Al-Hadith-(Al-Mishkat Al-Masabih: Al-Iman, al-Ilm 100 Marks and al-Salat (Selected Hadith)

IST-508 : Principles and History of Hadith literature 100 Marks IST-509 : Muslim Personal Law and Law of Inheritance in Islam 100 Marks

IST-510 : Banking and Insurance in Islam 100 Marks IST-511 : Study of Religions (Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, 100 Marks Christianity)

IST-512 : Muslim Contribution to science and technology 100 Marks

Examinations :

Types of Questions and Marks Distribution for each Course (Except Term Paper and Viva Voce) Essay Questions (Five out of Ten Questions) 520 = 100 Marks ------100 Marks

School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages (SSHL) 11

Bangladesh Open University First Semester

IST-501 : Study of Al-Quran (Surah: Al-Fatah and Al-Hujurat) 3 Credits

Objective: The course will aim to introduce Surah: Al-Fatah and Al-Hujurat to the students so that they can translate and define the Surahs and make the valuation of personal and social life and ensure the moral development and stabilization. The study of the Surahs will protect the students from moral disvalue. Topics : Translation, explanation and Implication of verses of the Surah in Human Life. Social and Political condition at the time of the revelation of the Surah. Importance of Social injunctions contained in the Surah. The History of Ifk. Hudud and its legal and social significance. Books Recommended : 1. Avj-KziAvbyj Kvixg, m¤úv`bv cwil`, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 2. gydZx gynv¤§` kdx, Zvdmx‡i gvAv‡idzj KziAvb, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 3. Zvdmx‡i Be‡b Kvmxi, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 4. Kvhx QvbvDjvn cvbxc_x, Zvdmx‡i gvhnvix, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 5. BOU Resource Materials. 6. Course Teachers Handout.

IST-502 : Introduction to Islamic Dawah 3 Credits

Objective : The learner will also acquire knowledge about the definition of Dawah; importance, aim, characteristics elements of Dawah, the way and medium of preaching, the art of Dawah, the ways of inviting different people of Islam.Topics : Definition, scope, necessity, characteristics and importance of Dawah; Origin and development of Da‛wah; kinds of Da‛wah; Methodology, Techniques and objectives of Islamic Da‛wah and information media; Quranic verses of Islamic Da‛wah; pre-requisites and qualities for Dayee in the field of Islamic Da‛wah; Da‛wah; Islam and contemporary challenges regarding Da‛wah; Non-Muslim missionary activities in Muslim countries and Islamic Da‛wah. The Natures of Da‛wah and Prominent Dayees in Bangladesh. Books Recommended : 1. Dr. Abd al-Karim Zaidan, Usul al-Da’wah. (Iskandaria: Daru Umar Ibnil Khattab, 1976). 2. Dr. Muhi Al-Din al-Alusi, Minhaj al-Da’wah. (Jeddah, Maktaba Ukaj, 1985). 3. gvIjvbv Avgxb Avnmvb Bmjvnx, `vÕIqv‡Z `xb I Zvi Kg©cš’v, (Aby. gynv¤§` g~mv) XvKv: AvaywbK cÖKvkbx, 1992| 4. W. gynv¤§` Avãyi ingvb AvbIqvix, Bmjvgx `vÕIqvn, ¯^iƒc I cÖ‡qvM, XvKv: wek¦we`¨vjq gÄyix Kwgkb, 2009|

5. BOU Resource Materials. 6. Course Teachers Handout.

IST-503: Al-Sirat Al-Nababiah 3 Credits

Objective: The Student will learn about the biography of prophet Mohammad (S.M), the condition, geographical, social, political, economical religion systems of Arab islands. Moreover they will get knowledge about before HIjrah period, Nabawiyyah period, After Hijrah period, Medina charter, various war, battle, Agreement in Hudaybia, winning Mecca and departing Hajj (Biday Hajj).

Program Handbook, Master of Arts (MA) 12

Master of Arts (MA) in Islamic Studies

Topics : A Short topography of Jaziratul Arab(Arabian Peninsula) : It’s Geographical and Climatic condition. Pre-Islamic Arabia : Its Social, Political, Economic, Moral and Religious conditions. The Prophet (S.M) : His life before Hijrah; (a) Pre-Nabuwat Period; (b) Post-Nabuwat Period; Hijra : Its Causes, Importance and Consequences. Charter of Madina: The first Magna Carta of the world: Its significance and Consequences. Conflict with the Quraysh and Its Consequences: The battles of Badr, Uhud, Ahzab. Battles of the Prophet (S.M) : Its Nature, Method and Consequences. The Prophet (S.M) as peacemaker and the treaty of Hudaybiyah: Significance and Consequences. Preaching of Islam to the kings and emperors of the world Significance and Consequences. Conquest of Makka and its effects on the spread of Islam. The farewell pilgrimage (Hajjatul wiada): Its importance characteristics and consequences. Books Recommended: 1. Be‡b wnkvg, mxivZzbœex (mv), XvKv: evsjv‡`k BmjvwgK †m›Uvi, 2001| 2. m¨vi ˆmq` Avgxi Avjx, `¨ w¯úwiU Ae Bmjvg, XvKv: Ávb‡Kvl cÖKvkbx, evsjvevRvi| 3. Avjøvgv wkejx †bvgvbx, mxivZzb bex (mv.), Aby: gvIjvbv gwnDÏxb Lvb, XvKv: g`xbv cvewj‡KkÝ, evsjvevRvi| 4. m¤úv`bv cwil`, mxivZ wek¦‡Kvl, XvKv:BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 5. gynv¤§` †iRv-B-Kwig, Avie RvwZi BwZnvm, XvKv: evsjv Dbœqb †evW©, 1972| 6. gvIjvbv mwdDi ingvb †gveviKcyix, Avi-ivnxKzj gvLZ~g, XvKv: †mvbvjx †mvcvb, evsjvevRvi| 7. BOU Resource Materials. 8. Course teacher’s handout.

IST-504 : Human Rights in Islam 3 Credits

Objective :The student will get concept about human rights in every where and they will acquire knowledge of human rights of every school of human nature i.e. personal, social, political, economical life and safeguards of this rights. Topics :Definition, nature, origin and development of human rights; Concept of human rights in Islam; Civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights; Islam and Slavery; Human rights during war; Rights of religious minorities and women; Safeguards of human rights-a study of human rights in Islam with special reference to the Universal Declaration of U.N.O. Books Recommended 1. Shaikh Shaukat Husain, Human Rights in Islam, New : 1990. 2. MvRx kvgmyi ingvb, gvbevwaKvi fvl¨, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 3. gvIjvbv gynv¤§` Ave`yi inxg, Bmjvg I gvbevwaKvi, XvKv: Lvqiæb cÖKvkbx| 4. †gvnv¤§` mvjvn DÏxb, †gŠwjK gvbevwaKvi, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 5. cÖ‡dmi W. gynv¤§` Ave`yi ikx` I W. †gvt Beivnxg Lwjj, Bmjv‡g gvbevwaKvi, XvKv: †gwiU †dqvi cvewK‡jkb, evsjvevRvi| 6. BOU Resource Materials. 7. Course teacher’s handout.

IST-505 : Principles and History of Tafsir literature 3 Credits

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Objective: The student will get concept about Tafsir through this course. They will able themselves to differentiate between Tafsir and Tabil, to learn the different glossary, terminology, Shane-e- Nuzul, Nasikh and Mansukh about Tafsir. Topics : Special preference will be given to the following topics: (i) Wahy : Literally and technically; (ii) The Quran, its contents; (iii) Major divisions of the Quran according to some famous Mufassirun such as al-Razi, al-Shatibi, Al-Dihlavi, Muhammad Abduhu; (iv) Ultimate objectives of the Quran and Nuzul al-Quran (v) Asbab al-nuzul, importance of knowing the asbab; (vi) Naskh : meaning and significance, categories of nask; (vii) Asalib al-Quran (Quranic style, manturq the Quranic works; according to Khafa’ and wuduh; (x) Tanasub al-suwar wa al-syat; (xi) Muskilal Quran and Mutashabih; (xii) Translation of the Quran, Tafsir of the Quran (xiii) Al-Jadal fi al-Quran; (xiv) Ijaz al Quran. (i) Tafsir during the preiod of Prophet (S.M.); The Sahabah, The Tabiun and Tabi Tabiun. (ii) Tafsir bi al Mathur, methedology and characteristies e.g. al-Tabari and Ibn kathir; (iii) Tafsir bi al-Ray: methodology and Chracteristics e.g. Fakhruddin al-Ragi and al- Alusi; (iv) Al-Tafsir al Fiqh: methodology and characteristics e.g. al Jassas, al-qurtubi; Books Recommended: 1. Shah Wali Ullah Dehlowi, Al-Faojul Kabir, Delhi. 2. Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, Al-Itqan, . 3. gydwZ Avng` Bqvi Lvb, Bjgyj KziAvb (wmivRyj Bmjvg Ab~w`Z), XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k, 1986| 4. m¤úv`bv cwil`, KziAvb cwiwPwZ, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k, 1995| 5. Aa¨vcK W. gynv¤§` kwdKzjøvn, ÔDj~gyj KyiÕAvb, ivRkvnx: gvKZvev-G kvwdqv| 6. Aa¨vcK W. gynv¤§` Avãyi ingvb AvbIqvix, Zvdmxiæj KziÕAvb, DrcwË I µgweKvk, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 7. BOU Resource Materials. 8. Course teacher’s handout. IST-506 : Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence 3 Credits

Objectives :The Student will learn about the Sources of Islamic Law. The course is also designed to train the students to use and be familiar with the early texts of usul-al-fiqh. The application of usul-al-fiqh in contemporary society will also be discussed. Topics :Study of Islamic legal foundation, namely, Al-Qura’n, Al-Sunnah, Ijma, Qiyas, Ijtihad, Istihsan, Istidlal and Istilah. Legal connotation of words and sentences of these foundation such as al-Am, al-Khas, and al-Amar, al-Nahy, al-Mujam and al-Mufassal, al-Haqiqah and al-Majaz al- Nasekh and al-Mansukh etc. Utilization of usul-al-fiqh in the daily life of . This course will cover a discussion of important concepts and principles of usul-al-fiqh, such as methods of extracting the rules (Istinbat al-ahkam) form the texts, the evidence over which the jurists differed, the objectives of shariah (maqasid al-shariah) and conflicts of evidence and methods of resolving them. Books Recommended : 1. Mullah Ahmad Jiwan, Nurul Anwar, Delhi: Kutubkhana Rashidia. 2. Avey mvC` gynv¤§` Avãyjøvn, wdKn kv‡¯¿i µgweKvk, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 3. †jLKgÛjx, wdK‡n nvbvdxi BwZnvm I `k©b, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 4. W. gynv¤§` QvB`yj nK, Bjgyj wdK&n : m~Pbv I µgweKvk, XvKv: evsjv‡`k BmjvwgK †m›Uvi, KuvUveb|

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Master of Arts (MA) in Islamic Studies

5. cÖ‡dmi W. gynv¤§` Ave`yi ikx` I Ab¨vb¨, Bmjvgx AvBb I AvBbweÁvb, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k, 2012| 6. gynv¤§` iæûj Avwgb, Bmjvgx AvB‡bi Drm, XvKv: evsjv‡`k BmjvwgK jÕ wimvP© GÐ wjM¨vj GBW †m›Uvi, †bvqvLvjx UvIqvi, cyivbv cëb| 7. BOU Resource Materials. 8. Course teacher’s handout.

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Bangladesh Open University Second Semester

IST-507: Study of Al-Hadith (Al-Mishkat Al-Masabih: Al-Iman, Al- 3 Credits ILM and Al-Salat (Selected Hadith)

Objective : The students will learn about the dignity of Al-Iman and the elements, purity, contents, importance and necessity of Al-Iman through this course. The students will learn the translation, definition and analysis of Hadith regarding Al-Taharat and Al-Salat, from the compiled hadith of Al-Mishkat Al-Masabih. Topics : Study of Hadith dealing with Dogma and Ibadat (religious observances). Preferences will be made on the following topics: Al-Iman :A detailed explanation of Iman provided in the traditions and its relation with Islam and Ihsan. Al-ILM : A detailed explanation about Al-ILM. Al-Salat : A detailed discussion about Rules, Modalities, Appointed times, Rectifying disorder occurring in Salat etc. Books Recommended : 1. kvqL IqvjxDÏxb Avey Ave`yjøvn gynv¤§` LZxe Zvewihx (Aby: b~i †gvnv¤§` AvRgx), wgkKvZ kixd, XvKv: Gg`vw`qv jvB‡eªix| 2. gvIjvbv gynv¤§` Ave`yi inxg, nv`xm kixd (1g, 2q I 3q LÛ), XvKv: Lvqiæb cÖKvkbx| 3. wgkKvZ kixd (Abyev`: gvI: Av: Lv‡jK gRyg`vi), XvKv: AvaywbK cÖKvkbx, evsjvevRi 4. BOU Resource Materials. 5. Course teacher’s handout. IST-508 : Principles and History of Hadith literature 3 Credits

Objective :The student will acquire knowledge about terminology and glossary of the Hadith from this course. They will learn the definition, purity, impurity, importance, necessity of hadith, selecting impure hadths, origination of Zal Hadith, technique of prevention, biography of hadith experts and their endeavor of collecting and compiling hadith. moreover they will learn the classification of hadith from different aspects. Topics : (i) Definition of Hadith and Sunnah (ii) The place and importance of Hadith in Islamic law (iii) Refutation of allegations made in the past and present against Hadith; Discussion of tendencies of contemporary approaches in the study of Sunnah (iv) Development of Hadith Sciences (v) Isnad system and its significance in Hadith; Classification and criticism of Asma al-Rijal; (vi) The Words of tahammul and ada (vii) The pre-conditions of a narrator of Hadith (viii) Classification of Hadith in the light of acceptability and unacceptability (ix) Fabrication of a Hadith, its causes and its elimination (x) Mustalah al-Hadith (Study of hadith terminology) : The Moudu Hadith; Gharib al-Hadith Muktalaf al-Hadith etc. Books Recommended 1. Dr. Muhammad Ishaq, Indian Contribution to the Study of Hadith Literature, The University of Dacca: 1976.(evsjv Aby. XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k)| 2. gvIjvbv Ave`yi inxg, nv`xm msKj‡bi BwZnvm, XvKv: Lvqiæb cÖKvkbx|

Program Handbook, Master of Arts (MA) 16

Master of Arts (MA) in Islamic Studies

3. b~i †gvnv¤§` AvRgx, nv`x‡Qi ZË¡ I BwZnvm, XvKv: Gg`vw`qv jvB‡eªix, PKevRvi, 1986| 4. Aa¨vcK W. gynv¤§` kwdKzjøvn, nv`xm kv‡¯¿i BwZe„Ë, ivRkvnx: Avj&-gvKZevZzk& kvwdqv, 2001| 5. Aa¨vcK W. gynv¤§` gvneyeyi ingvb, Avm-wmnvn Avm-wmËv cwiwPwZ I ch©v‡jvPbv, ivRkvnx: Avj gvKZvevZzk& kvwdqv, we‡bv`cyi| 6. gvIjvbv gybvIqviæj Avjx, Dm~j-G-nv`xm Dmyj-G-Zvdmxi I Dm~j-G-wdKn, fviZ: (Zv.we.) Kvgvjyj gvZvex| 7. W. †gvnv¤§` †ejvj †nv‡mb, Djygyj nv`xm, ivRkvnx: †m›Uvi di BmjvwgK wimvP©| 8. BOU Resource Materials. 9. Course teacher’s handout.

IST-509 : Muslim Personal Law and Law of Inheritance in Islam 3 Credits

Objective :This course will focus on the related subject matters of Islamic law as to show that it is an important discipline of Islamic knowledge. Major topics to be covered are; Its supremacy in Islamic society and problems and prospects of its application in the society. This course, however, is designed to make students aware of the position of Islamic law in the contemporary Muslim world and the attitude of the different segments of Muslim societies towards Islamic law and its application in contemporary context. Topics included: the place of Islamic law in the legal systems of Muslim countries, reception of foreign laws in the Muslim world, contemporary development of Islamic legal thoughts and attempts of Muslim scholars to find possible solutions for present issues facing the Muslim Ummah. Topics: Marriage: Muhrramat: Wali and Kufo (Guardianship and equality) : The Mahr or Dower: Law of Talaq or Divorce :Law of Inheritance . Definition of Ilm al-Farayd (Law of inheritance); Meaning of the Dhawil Farud, different kinds, and their rights; Definition of al-Asaba; and its kinds; Meaning of al-Aul and its kinds; Definition of ‘Tamasul; Tadakhul; Tawafuq and ‘Tabayun; Definition of ‘al-Rad’ and its method; Definition of ‘al- Munssakha’ and its method. Books Recommended : 1. Sirajul Haq, Al-Siraji, Dhaka: Emdadia Library. 2. Justice Abdul Bari Sarkar, Maintenances of Divorces in the Light of Islam, Dhaka: Islamic Foundation Bangladesh. 3. Bmjvgx AvBb wewae×KiY †evW©, wewae× Bmjvgx AvBb, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 4. MvRx kvgQzi ingvb, Bmjvgx AvBbe¨e¯’v, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 5. Zvbhxjyi ingvb, Bmjvgx AvB‡bi msKjb, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 6. BOU Resource Materials. 7. Course teacher’s handout. IST-510 : Banking and Insurance in Islam 3 Credits

Ojective: The student will know about definition of Banking, origin Islamic Banking, Interest, Investment, Foreign Banking, Letter of Credit, Insurance etc. Banking: Definition of Bank: Conventional and Islamic; Origin and Development of Islamic Banking; Difference between Islamic Banking and Conventional Banking system; Bank’s Fund: Activities of Islamic Banking; Economic stability and Islamic Banking. Interest : History of Interest: Definition of Interest; Classification of Interest; Difference between Interest and Profit; Demerits of Usury-Social, Moral, Economic, National, International; Concept of Usury in the light of the Quran and Sunnah.

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Investment: Difference between Loan and Investment; Definition of Bai. Bai-Murabaha-Meaning and Types. Important Features. Steps, Rules and Application. Musharaka (partnership) –Meaning and definition, classification of Musharaka; Rules and Application of Musharaka. Economic Analysis of Musharaka; Difference between Musharaka and Mudaraba. Mudaraba-Definition and Classification; Steps of Mudaraba; Rules of Mudaraba and economic analysis of Mudaraba. Bai- Muajjal (Deferred Sale) Meaning and Definition, Important Features; Feasibility Study and Difference between Bai-Mudaraba and Bai-Muajjal. Bai-Salam-Definition and Economic Analysis of Bai-salam. Istisna Sale-Definition; Steps of Istisna, Sale Rules of Istisna sale and Application of Istisna sale. Ijara-Meaning and Classification and Application of Ijara. Ijara Bil-Bai Hire Purchase Under Shirkatul Melk (HPSM)-Meaning, Classification and Rules. Quard Al-Hasana (Benevolent Loans)-Definition and its Application. Foreign Exchange and foreign Trade: Local and International Regulations for Foreign Exchange. Import Trade : Import Policy and Rules for Importers. Letter of Credit : Definition and Classification. Insurance (Takaful): Meaning and Principles, Origin and development, Importance of Insurance in an Islamic Framework; Distinguishing Features between Conventional and Islamic Insurance. Types of Policies;Whole-Life, Endowment. General-Marine, Fire, Accident/Miscellaneous-personal. Burglary Theft. Motor crop. Flood, earthquake, Strom, Cyclone, Strike, Riot etc.

Books Recommended : 1. Dr. Ataul Haque, Readings in Islamic Banking, Dhaka: Islamic Foundation Bangladesh, 1987. 2. Islamic Economics Researeh Bureau (IERB), Dhaka: Islamic Banking and Insurance. 3. Kazi Md. Mortuza Ali, Introduction to Islamic Insurance, Dhaka: Islamic Foundation Bangladesh, 2006. 4. Aa¨vcK gynv¤§` kwid ûmvBb, Bmjvgx e¨vswKs, GKwU DbœZZi e¨vsK e¨e¯’v, XvKv: Rbms‡hvMv wefvM, AvBweweGj, 1996|

5. G. †RW. Gg. kvgmyj Avjg, Bmjvgx Bbmy‡iÝ-ZvKvdzj, XvKv: bvwM©m gywbqv, 57, DËi †Mvovb, 1997|

6. Gg, Dgi Pvciv, Bmjvg I A_©‰bwZK P¨v‡jÄ, XvKv: evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae BmjvwgK _¨U, DËiv g‡Wj UvDb|

7. gvIjvbv gynv¤§` Ave`yi inxg, Bmjvgx e¨vsK I exgv, XvKv: Lvqiæb cÖKvkbx| 8. W. gynv¤§` Ave`yi ivnxg, Bmjv‡g A_©, e¨vswKs I exgve¨e¯’v, XvKv: †mvbvjx †mvcvb, evsjvevRvi| 9. BOU Resource Materials. 10. Course teacher’s handout. IST-511: Study of Religions (Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, 3 Credits Judaism, Christianity)

Objective : The student will acquire knowledge about the History and main tenets and comparative study of the principal religions. They will get the knowledge of these religion, their culture, activities, system of worship of different religion etc. Topics :The discussion topic will cover the discussion of all important religion of the world i.e. Islam, Buddhism, Zoroastrainism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity etc. Books Recommended : 1. Shahrastani, Kitab al-Mialal Wa al-Nihal, K.S.A: Damussalam. 2. cÖ‡gv` eÜz †mb¸ß, ag© `k©b, †KvjKvZv: e¨vbvRx© cvewjmvm©|

Program Handbook, Master of Arts (MA) 18

Master of Arts (MA) in Islamic Studies

3. W. gwbKzÛjv nvj`vi †`, †eŠ× a‡g©i BwZnvm, KjKvZv: gnv‡evwa eyK G‡RÝx, 1996| 4. Aa¨vcK W. Aveyj Kvjvg cv‡Uvqvix, Bû`x RvwZi AZxZ eZ©gvb I fwel¨r, Kzwóqv: Bmjvgx wek¦we`¨vjq, 2002| 5. W. †gvt kvRvnvb Kwei, we‡k¦i ag© cwiwPwZ, XvKv: Bmjvgcyi, w`K w`MšÍ, 2009| 6. Bmjvg I Ab¨vb¨ ag©, gvhnviæj Bmjvg wmwÏKx, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 7. BOU Resource Materials. 8. Course teacher’s handout. IST-512 : Muslim Contribution to science and technology 3 Credits

Objective :The student will get concept about knowledge and science of Islam through this course. the students will learn what the Muslim scholars contributed in different branches in science. Especially, they will acquire knowledge about the achievement of Muslim scholars in various aspects of sciences e.g. Mathematics, Geography, Medical Science, Information Technology, chemistry, Physics, Agricultural Science etc. Topics :Scientific indication in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah, Origin and development of Islamic Sciences, Muslim contribition to various science such as Mathematics, Geography, Chemistry, Astronomy, Physics, Biology, Medical Science, Information Science and Agricultural Science. Books Recommended : 1. W. gwim eyKvBjx, evB‡ej, KziAvb I weÁvb, iƒcvšÍi: AvLZvi Dj-Avjg, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k, 1986| 2. gwdRyjøvn Kexi, gymwjg mf¨Zvi ¯^Y©hyM, XvKv: RvZxq MÖš’cÖKvk, 2001| 3. AvKei Avjx, weÁv‡b gymwjg‡`i Ae`vb, XvKv: gwjøK eªv`vm©, evsjvevRvi| 4. AvLZviæ¾vgvb, Ávb-weÁv‡b gymjgvb‡`i Ae`vb, XvKv: Av‡bvqvi eyK nvDR, evqZzj gyKviig| 5. Avj-KziAv‡b weÁvb, M‡elYv wefvM, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 6. BOU Resource Materials. 7. Course teacher’s handout.

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M A in Islamic Studies (Final Year)

Courses (10 Courses), Each Carry 100 Marks Equals of 3 Credit Hours

First Semester

IST-601 : Study of al Tafsir: (Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah-Al-Maieda verse 1-77) 100 Marks IST-602 : Study of al-Fiqh (Al-Hidaya: Kitab al-Taharat, Kitab al- 100 Marks Salat, Kitab al Zakat, Kitab al-Sawm and Kitab al-Hajj) IST-603 : Philosophy of religion and Comparative Religion 100 Marks IST-604 : History of in Bangladesh and some prominent sufis 100 Marks (1201-upto the date.) IST-605 : Trade, Commerce and Business Studies in Islam 100 Marks

Second Semester

IST-606 : Study of al-Hadith (Sahih al-Bukhari: Bab Kaifa Kana Badul 100 Marks Wahi, Kitab al-Magazi and Kitab al-Riqaq) IST-607 : Dawah in the Quran and Sunnah 100 Marks IST-608 : Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran and Hadith 100 Marks IST-609 : Viva Voce (As per the Recommendation made by 100 Marks, Examination Committee.) 3 Credits IST-610 Term Paper (As per the Guideline prescribed by the 100 Marks, (A) : curriculum committee.) 3 Credits OR IST-610 Study of al-Hadith: Jami' al-Tirmidhi: Abwab al Buyu, Kitab 100 Marks, (B) : al-Ahkam, Kitab al-Kitabal Hudud 3 Credits

Examinations :

Types of Questions and Marks Distribution for each Course (Except Viva Voce and Term Paper) Essay Questions (Five out of Ten Questions) 520 = 100 Marks ------100 Marks

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Master of Arts (MA) in Islamic Studies

First Semester

IST-601 : Study of al Tafsir : (Tafsir Ibn Kathir : Surah-al-Maieda verse 1 to 100 Marks 77)

Books Prescribed: Abul Fida Hafiz Islmail Ibn Kathir, Tafsirul Quranil Azim from 01-10 Ruku (Section) of Surah al-Maieda (from 1 to 77) Books Recommended: 1. Zvdmx‡i Be‡b Kvmxi,Aby: Aa¨vcK AvLZvi dviæK, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| KvRx QvbvDjøvn cvbxc_x, Zvdmx‡i gvnvix XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 2. , gydwZ gynv¤§` kdx, Zvdmx‡i gvAvwidzj KziAvb, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 3. mvwq¨` KzZze, dx whjvwjj KziAvb, Avj-KziAvb GKv‡Wgx jÐb, XvKv| 4. 5. BOU Resource Materials 6. Course Teacher’s Handout

IST-602 : Study of al-Fiqh 100 Marks Al-Hidaya: (Kitab al-Taharat, Kitab al-Salat, Kitab al-Zakat, Kitab al-Sawm and Kitab al-Hajj)

Books Prescribed: Al-Murginani, Al-Hidaya Books Recommended: 1. Ave`yj Kvw`i AvI`vn&, AvZ-ZvkwiDj wRbvBj Bmjvgx, Kvq‡iv: gvKZvev `viæZ Zzivm, 2002| eyinvbyÏxb Avjx Beb Avey eKi gviwMbvbx, Avj-wn`vqv (e½vbyev`), BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k, 1998 2. gvIjvbv gynv¤§v` Ave`yi inxg, Aciva cÖwZ‡iv‡a Bmjvg, XvKv: Lvqiæb cÖKvkbx| 3. 4. Bmjvgx AvBb wewae×KiY †evW©, wewae× Bmjvgx AvBb, XvKv :BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 5. m¤úv`bv cwil`, dvZvIqv I gvmvBj, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 9. BOU Resource Materials 10. Course Teacher’s Handout

IST-603 : Philosophy of religion and Comparative Religion 100 Marks (Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and Zoroastrianism)

 Philosophy of religion (i) Special reference will be given to Taboo, Totem, Mana, Magic, Animism etc. Primitive religions: Their Origin, Development and Common features. (ii) Motive forces of the principal world religions. (iii) Proof for the existence of Allah, Conception of Oneness of Allah, Belief in Allah. (iv) The role of religion in human life, civilization and culture; the value of religion; religion and human motivation, religion and pragmatism. (v) Metaphysical problems of world religions: Analysis of the concept of religion, the place of faith, the problems of the justification of religious belief. (vi) The soul and its immortality: its place in religion; arguments for and against immortality of the soul.  Comparative Religion (Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and Zoroastrianism) The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand nature, scope, development and methods of the study of Comparative Religion. The course also envisages the study of

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Bangladesh Open University different major religious thoughts with special emphasis on following: Basic features of world religions; comparative study of the nature of the Supreme Being, the world, man, basic moral teachings; soteriology, Eschatology; meaning and significance of religious symbols and major festivals; family ethics, and inter religious dialogue. a. Comparative Religion and Theology: Introduction, origin, development and contribution of Muslim theologians, Islam and traditional religions of the world. b. The doctrine of creatorship, prayer, apostles, sacred books, schematic beliefs, learning of religion, festivals, racism, different ceremonies, rebirth, resurrection and after-world. i. Moral and socio-economic significance of religions. ii. Origin and development of religion. iii. Major religions of the world: pre-historic and historical iv. The religious conditions of the world before the advent of Islam V. Islam as a religion with special reference to its sources and five foundations vi. Judaism and its holy books with special reference to Torah vii. Christianity, Jesus Christ, The gospels, New testament viii. Hinduism and its scriptures ix. Gautam Buddha and his teaching five Skandhas, Nirvana Books Recommended: 1. The Holy Quran: 16:25;16:67; 30:32; 11:118; 22:17; 5:72; 2:40-96; 29:7; 32:23-25; 40:53– 54; 20:80-82; 2:62, 11, 113, 120, 135, 140; 5:14, 18, 51, 69, 82, 9:30; 3:19: 61:9; 48:28. 2. Shahrastani, Kitab al Milal wal Nihal, Cairo, 1965. 3. Shah Wali Allah, Hujjat Allah al-Baliqhah, Dhaka, Emdadia Library. 4. Haridas Bhattacharyya, Foundation of Living Faith: An Introduction to Comparative Religion, Calcutta, 1938 5. gvhnviDÏxb wmwÏKx, Bmjvg I Ab¨vb¨ ag©,XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 6. BOU Resource Materials 7. Course Teacher’s Handout IST-604 : History of Sufism in Bangladesh and some 100 Marks prominent sufis (1201-upto the date.)

 History of Sufism in Bangladesh (1201 – 1800) History of Sufism in Bangladesh. Origin and development of Sufism in Bangladesh. And special discussion will be delivered on the following Sufis: Hazrat Shah Jalal (d.1384), Shah Paran; Sharf Uddin Abu Tawama (d. 1287), Shah Sharfuddin Munayri (13th Century), Baba Adam Shahid (d. 1483), Khan Jahan Ali (d. 1459), Shah Ali Bagdadi (14th century) (R.)  Some Prominent Sufis (1801-Up to the Date) of Bangladesh The topic of this part will be on: Moulana Karamat Ali Zoinpuri (d. 1875) and others prominent sufies, Shah Amanat, Shah Makhdum, Shah Doulah, Shah Sultan Balkhi (d. 1914), Shah Sultan Roposh, Nur Qutbul Alam, Shah Fariduddin (d, 18" century), Nur Muhammad Nizampuri, Shah Sufi Fateh Ali (d. 1886), Shah Sufi Nisaruddin (b. 1873), Abdul Hai Siddiqi, Shah Abu Bakr Siddiqi (d. 1939), Hazi Shariat Ullah (d. 1859), Pir Dudumia (d. 1860), Shah Nesar Uddin, Shah Abu Zafar Muhammad Salih, Maulana Muhammad Ishaque, Maulana Abdul Latif Fultali and others prominent sufies. Books Recommended 1. Bgvg Mvhvjx, ZvmvDd Ges Bmjv‡gi †gŠwjK wkÿv, XvKv: g`xbv cvewj‡KkÝ, 2001 3. W. gynv¤§` Avãyi ikx`, kvn Avey Rvdi gynv¤§` mv‡jn, XvKv: meyR wgbvi cÖKvkbx, 1997 4. gvIjvbv Avãyj Lv‡jK, †QivRyQ-Qv‡jKxb, XvKv: †mev cvewj‡KkÝ, wmwe 110, gnvLvjx, 1402 5. Lvb evnv`yi AvnQvbDjøvn, Qzdx, XvKv: Avnmvwbqv wgkb, 1996 6. †Mvjvg mvKjv‡qb, evsjv‡`‡ki m~dx mvaK, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 7. gvIjvbv b~iæi ingvb, Zvh‡KivZzj AvIwjqv, XvKv: Gg`vw`qv jvB‡eªix|

Program Handbook, Master of Arts (MA) 22

Master of Arts (MA) in Islamic Studies

8. RyjwdKvi Avngv` wKmgZx, evsjv‡`‡ki msMÖvgx Ijvgv, cxi-gvkv‡qL, XvKv: cÖMwZ cÖKvkbx, gMevRvi| 9. W. Zv‡ni Avj-Kv‡`ix, ZvmvD‡Ki Avmj iƒc, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 10. BOU Resource Materials 11. Course Teacher’s Handout

IST-605 : Trade, Commerce and Business Studies in Islam 100 Marks  Trade and Commerce in Islam a. Fundamental Principles of Trade and Commerce in Islam b. Prohibited and permitted trade in Islam c. Crimes in Islamic Trade and Commerce [Usuary (Riba), Al-Ehtikar, Adulteration, Cheating in Measurement] d. Al-Bai and al-Shera (Sales and Purchase) (i) Definition and Introduction, Rules, Regulations, Conditions and Importance in the light of the Quran and Sunnah (ii) Classification of al-Bai: Bai-al-Mudarabah, Musharaka, al-Murabaha, al-Taulia, al-Muazzal, al- Sarf e. Al-Khiar: Introduction, Definition, Classification, Rules and Regulations f. Al-Ejarah: Definition, Rules and Regulations, Terms and Conditions, Characteristics, Periods and Duration's.  Business Studies in Islam Introduction to Islamic concepts and views pertaining to the study of the disciplines of business through a survey of relevant passages from the Quran, Sunnah and Fiqh. Attention may be given to the following topics on the basis of Islamic Shariah: (1) Definition, nature, scopes and subject matters of different disciplines of the business studies, such as Accounting, Management, Marketing, Finance, Banking etc. (2) Business Morality and Ethics (3) E-Commerce (4) Management Policy (5) Banking system and Insurance (6) Consumer Behaviour (7) Tourism and Commerce (8) Financial System (9) Human Resource Management (10) Stock Exchange and Share Market Books Recommended: 1. Al-Quran 2. Kitab al-Buyu from Sihah al-Sittah 3. Islamic Economics Researeh Bureau (IERB), Dhaka: Islamic Banking and Insurance W. BDmyd DÏxb, Bmjv‡gi A_©‰bwZK gZv`k©, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 4. gynv¤§` Ave`yi inxg, my`gy³ A_©bxwZ, XvKv: Lvqiæb cÖKvkbx| 5. m¤úv`bv cwil`, dvZIqv I gvmvBj, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 6. Aa¨vcK gynv¤§` kwid ûmvBb, Bmjvgx e¨vswKs, GKwU DbœZZi e¨vsK e¨e¯’v, XvKv: Bmjvgx 7. e¨vsK evsjv‡`k wjt Rbms‡hvM wefvM, 1996| Avjøvgv BDmyd Avj-Kvihvfx, Bmjv‡gi hvKvZ weavb, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k, 1991| 8. 9. W. Gg Dgi Pvciv, Bmjvg I A_©‰bwZK P¨v‡jÄ, XvKv: evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae BmjvwgK _¨U, evox # 04, †ivW #02, DËiv g‡Wj UvDb| 10. BOU Resource Materials 11. Course Teacher’s Handout

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Bangladesh Open University Second Semester

IST-606 : Study of al-Hadith : (Sahih al-Bukhari : Bab Kaifa Kana 100 Marks Badul Wahi, Kitab al-Magazi and Kitab al-Riqaq)

Books Prescribed: Imam al-Bukhari, Al-Sahih

Books Recommended: 1. Badr Uddin al-'Aini, Umdatul Qari, Lebnan. 2. Ibn Hazar al-'Asqalani, Fathul Bari, Cairo, Egypt. 3. Aa¨vcK W. †gvnv¤§` †ejvj †nv‡mb, Bgvg eyLvix: mgKvjxb cwi‡ek I nv`xm PP©v, ivRkvnx : †m›Uvi di BmjvwgK wimvP©| 4. m¤úv`bv cwil`, eyLvix kixd, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| m¤úv`bv cwil`, mnxn Avj-eyLvix, XvKv: evsjv‡`kBmjvwgK †m›Uvi, KuvUveb| 5. 6. BOU Resource Materials 7. Course Teacher’s Handout

IST-607 : Dawah in the Quran and Sunnah 100 Marks

 Dawah in the Quran and Sunnah Study of the verses of the Holy Quran described in different Surah and Sayings of the Prophet (sm) quoted in various Hadith books along with Sihah al-Sittah related to Dawah; Quranic Tradition in Islamic Dawah, Name of the Prophets described in the holy Quran and Hadith and their process of Dawah, Islamic rules for pereaching Dawah to the opponents, Challenges of Dawah and its solution in the Quran and Hadith, Process of Dawah in the life of Muhammad (sm) and his companions (Sahaba)  Dawah in Modern World Dawah; Islam and contemporary challenges regarding Dawah; Non-Muslim Missionary activities in Muslim countries and Islamic Dawah, the Nature of Dawah in Bangladesh. Books Recommended Aa¨vcK W. Avãyi ingvb AvbIqvix, Bmjvgx `vIqvn ¯^viƒc, XvKv: wek¦we`¨vjq gÄyix Kwgkb, 2009 1. 2. BOU Resource Materials 3. Course Teacher’s Handout

IST-608 : Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran and Hadith 100 Marks

Analysis of some Quranic verses and Hadith related to scientific pursuits, such as (i) The Earth, (ii) The creation of Man, (iii) The Solar System: The Comet, the Sun, the Moon, the gravity, the galaxy, the planets and stars, (iv) Physics, (v) Biology, (vi) agriculture, (vii) Botany, (viii) Zoology, (ix) Chemistry, (x) Agronomy, (xi) Meteorology, (xii) Geography, (xiii) Mathematics, (xiv) Astronomy, (xv) Astrology etc. Book Prescribed: 1. Group of Writers, Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran, Dhaka: Islamic Foundation, Bangladesh, 1990

Program Handbook, Master of Arts (MA) 24

Master of Arts (MA) in Islamic Studies

2. Sihah Sittah and other books of Hadith (Hadith related to Science)

Books Recommended: 1. Avj-KziAv‡b weÁvb, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| gynv¤§` b~iæj Bmjvg, ˆeÁvwbK gynv¤§` (mv.), XvKv: gwjøK eªv`vm©, 1992 2. Gg. AvKei Avjx, weÁv‡b gymjgvb‡`i Ae`vb, XvKv: gwjøK jvB‡eªix, 1981 3. 4. †gvt byiæj Avgxb, weÁv‡b gymjgvb‡`i Ae`vb, XvKv: Avnmvb cvewj‡KkÝ, 2002 Avãyj gI`y`, gymwjg gYxlv, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k, 2005 5. 6. gwdRyjøvn Kexi, gymwjg mf¨Zvi ¯^Y©hyM, XvKv: RvZxq MÖš’ cÖKvk, 2001 G‡KGg BqvKze Avjx, gymwjg ¯’vcZ¨, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb, 1981 7. 8. BOU Resource Materials 9. Course Teacher’s Handout

IST-609 : Viva Voce (As per the Recommendation made by 100 Marks, Examination Committee.) 3 Credits

IST-610 Term Paper (As per the Guideline prescribed by the 100 Marks, (A) : curriculum committee.) 3 Credits


IST-610 Study of al-Hadith: Jami' al-Tirmidhi: Abwab al Buyu, 100 Marks, (B) : Kitab al-Ahkam, Kitab al-Kitabal Hudud 3 Credits

Jamia' al-Tirmidhi:

Book Prescribed: 1. Imam al-Tirmidhi, Al-Jami'

Books Recommended: 1. Jalal Uddin Suyuti, Al-Kutubul Mugtazi Ala Jami Tirmidh; 2. Muhammad Abdur Rahman Mubarakpuri, Tuhfatul Ahwaji, New Dehli. m¤úvw`Z, wZiwghx kixd, XvKv: BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k| 3. Rv‡g AvZ-wZiwghx (evsjv Abyev`), XvKv: evsjv‡`k BmjvwgK †m›Uvi, KuvUveb| 4. 5. BOU Resource Materials 6. Course Teacher’s Handout

School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages (SSHL) 25

Bangladesh Open University

†hvMv‡hv‡Mi wVKvbv

mgm¨v ev Rvbvi welq wVKvbv I †dvb b¤^i

GKv‡WwgK welqvewj * wWb, GmGmGBPGj, evDwe, MvRxcyi-1705 †dvb: 02-9291108 * mswkøó †Kvm© I welq-Gi wk¶K †dvb: 02-9291108 Ges I‡qe mvBU †`Lyb

wewfbœ ai‡bi Z_¨- †hgb- * cwiPvjK, GmGmGm wefvM fwZ©, †Kvm© †iwR‡÷ªkb †dvb : 02 - 9291113 BZ¨vw`| evDwe, MvRxcyi - 1705 * mswkøó AvÂwjK AvÂwjK/¯’vbxq †K›`ª|

†Uwjwfkb ev †eZvi Abyôvb * wWb I wgwWqv †Kv-AwW©‡bUi, GmGmGBPGj m¤cwK©Z evDwe, †dvb: 02-9291108 * wgwWqv wefvM, evDwe, MvRxcyi-1705 †dvb: 02-9291128

cix¶vi dj, mb`cÎ Ges * cix¶v wbqš¿K, evDwe, MvRxcyi - 1705 cix¶v m¤cwK©Z †h †Kvb †dvb : 02- 9291105 mgm¨v * mswkøó AvÂwjK/¯’vbxq †K›`ª

we: `ª: cÖwZ iweevi †_‡K e„n¯cwZevi mKvj 8Uv †_‡K we‡Kj 4Uv ch©šÍ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi g~j K¨v¤cvm MvRxcyi Awdm miKvwi I wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wba©vwiZ QywU e¨ZxZ †Lvjv _v‡K| Avi mKj AvÂwjK/Dc-AvÂwjK Awdm cÖwZ †mvgevi †_‡K ïµevi mKvj 9Uv †_‡K we‡Kj 5Uv ch©šÍ †Lvjv _v‡K|

Program Handbook, Master of Arts (MA) 26