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Islamic Studies National University Syllabus Subject: Islamic Studies One Year Preliminary to Master’s Course Effective from the Session: 2016-2017 National University Syllabus for M.A. Preliminary Subject: Islamic Studies Session: 2016-2017 Subject: Islamic Studies Paper Code Paper Title Credits 411801 Study of al-Hadith, Usul al-Hadith and Tarikh al-Hadith 4 411803 Study of al-Tafsir and al-Kalam 4 411805 Study of al-Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh and Tarikh al-Hadith 4 411807 Sufism and Some Prominent Sufis and their Contribution 4 411809 Muslim Philosophy and Philosophers 4 411811 Muslim`s Contribution to Science and Technology 4 411813 Banking and Insurance in Islam 4 411815 History of The Muslim World 4 411816 Viva-Voce 4 Total = 36 Detailed Syllabus Paper Code: 411801 -------- Credits: 4 Class Hours:120 hrs. Paper Title: Study of al-Hadith, Usul al-Hadith and Tarikh al-Hadith Books Prescribed: 1. Al-Tirmidhi : Al-Jami: Abwab al-Salat and Abwab al-Witr 2. Ibn Hajar : Sharh Nukhbat al-Fikar 3. Mufti Amimul Ihsan : Tarikh-e-Ilm Hadith Books Recommended: 1. Abd al-Samad Sarim : Tarikh al-Hadith 2. Dr. S.M. Hasan (ed) : Marifat ulum al-Hadith 3. Subhi Salih : Ulum al-Hadith Paper Code: 411803 -------- Credits: 4 Class Hours:120 hrs. Paper Title: Study of al-Tafsir and al Kalam Books Prescribed: a) Al-Zamakhshari : Al-Kashsaf: Surah al-i-Imran (First half) b) Al-Taftazani : Sharh al-Aqaid al-nasafiya (from the chapter on Risalat upto the end of the book) Books Recommended: 1. Al-Baidawi : Anwar al-Tanzil 2. Alusi : Tafsir Ruhul-maani 3. Shibli Nomani : Tarikh Ilm al-Kalam Paper Code: 411805 -------- Credits: 4 Class Hours:120 hrs. Paper Title: Study of al-Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh and Tarikh al- Hadith a) Al-Fiqh: Nikah (Marriage), Talaq (Divorce) and Hudud (Punishment) b) Usul al-Fiqh: Al-kitab: Al-Khas, Al-Am, Al-mushtarik, Al-Muwwal, Al-Haqiqat, Al-Majaz, Al- Zahir, Al-Nass, Al-Mufassar, Al-Muhkam, Al-Khafi, Al-Mushkil, Al-Mujmal, Al-Mutashabih. c) Tarikh al-Fiqh: Meaning and necessity of al-Fiqh: its origin and development; lives and works of Imam Abu Hanifa (R), Imam Milik (R), Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (R), Imam Abu Yusuf (R) and Imam Muhammad (R) Books Prescribed: a) Burhan al-Din al-Marginani : Al-Hidaya b) Mulla Ahmad Jiwan : Nur al-Anwar Books Recommended: 1. Abu Sayed Mohammad Abdullah : Fiqh Shasthrer Itihas (Avey mvC` Avãjøvn) : (wdKn kv‡¯¿i BwZnvm) 2. Mufti Amimul Ihsan : Tarikh-e-Ilm Fiqh 3. Khudhra Bek : Al-Tarikh al-Tashri al-Islami 4. Ahmad Amin : Fajr al-Islam 5. Abdul Qadir : Al-Jawahir al-Mudiyya Fi Tabaqat al-Hanafiyya 6. Board of Editors : Bidibodh-Islami-Ayin 7. Board of Editors : Al-Hidaya 8. Dr. Md. Abdul Baqi : Bangladesh-e-Arbi, Farsi-O Urdute Islami Sahitta Charcha (1801-1971) Paper Code 411807 -------- Credits: 4 Class Hours:120 hrs. Paper Title: Sufism and Some Prominent Sufis and their Contribution This paper will consist of the following topics: Sufism : Definition of Sufism with the meaning of the word Sufi; origin and development of Sufism; Principles of Sufism; Internal and external Sources of Sufism; Sufi doctrines; Fana and Baqa; Sufi order; Sufism in Bangladesh; Sufism and Orthodox Islam. Some Prominent Sufis and their Contribution : Lives of Some prominent Sufis such as Hasan al-Basri (R), Ibrahim bin-Adham (R), Abu Hashim Kufi (R), Dhunnun al-Misri (R), Bayazid al-Bostami (R), Junaid al-Baghdadi (R), Mansur al Hallaj (R); Imam Ghazali (R), Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani (R), Khawja Muinuddin Chisti, Nizamuddin Awliya (R), Hazrat Shah Jalal (R), Shah Paran (R); Shah Amanat (R), Sharf Uddin Abu Tawama (R), Shah Sharafuddin Munayri (R), Baba Adam Shahid (R), Shah Makhdum (R), Shah Doulah (R), Shah Sultan Roposh (R), Mowlana Karamat Ali (R), Khan Jahan Ali (R), Nur Qutbul Alam (R), Shah Fariduddin (R), Nur Muhammad Nizampuri (R), Shah Sufi Fateh Ali (R), Ahmad (R), Shah Abu Bakr Siddiqi (R), Shah Sufi Nisaruddin Shah, Abdul Hai Siddiqi (R), Haji Shariat Ullah (R), Pir Dudumia and Shah Imamuddin Ahmad Ullah Maizbhandari (R). Books Recommended 1. Saiyed Abdul Hai : Muslim Philosophy 2. Dr. Muhammad Ishaq : India’s Contribution to the Study of Hadith Literature 3. W. Av.b.g. iBQ DwÏb : m~dxev` I cÖvmw½K welq 4. W. iwk`yj Avjg : gymwjg `k©‡bi BwZnvm 5. gynv¤§` iæûj Avgxb : gymwjg ms¯‹…wZi BwZnvm 6. W. dwKi Ave`yi iwk` : m~dx `k©b 7. W. KvRx `xb gyn¤§` : m~dxev` I Avgv‡`i mgvR 8. Bgvg Mvhvjx : ZvmvDd Ges Bmjv‡gi †gŠwjK wk¶v, g`xbv cvewj‡Kkb, XvKv 2001 9. kvn wbmvi DÏxb : wgbnvRyj Iqvm~j, QviQxbv `iæ”Qybœvr jvB‡eªix, wc‡ivRcyi, 2006 10. gvIjvbv Avhxhyi ingvb †bQviev`x : Bmjvg I ZvQvId, †bQviev`, SvjKvwV 11. gydZx gvIjvbv †gvnv¤§` Avjx : K¡je ms‡kvab, g`xbv cvewj‡KkÝ, XvKv, 2002 12. gynv¤§` gy¯—dv nvgx`x : LvhxbvZzj Aveivi, QviQxbv `viæ”Qybœvr jvB‡eªix, wc‡ivRcyi, 2005 13. Bgvg Mvhvjx : Gmjv‡n bd&m, ikx` eyK nvDm, XvKv, 2001 14. gvIjvbv Avãyj Lv‡jK : : †QivRyQ-Qv‡jKxb, †mev cvewj‡KkÝ, wmwe-110 gnvLvjx, XvKv 1402 15. W. Av.d.g. Avey eKi wmÏxK : iæ‡ni †LvivK, gyRv‡Ïw`qv Kg‡c·, cj• ex, XvKv 2004 16. Avjøvgv nvwdh Bebyj Kvwq¨g : iæ‡ni inm¨, Avnmvb cvewj‡KkÝ, Avnmvb cvewj‡KkÝ, XvKv 1998 17. Lvbevnv`yi AvnQvbDjøvn : Qzdx, XvKv, Avnmvwbqv wgkb, XvKv, 1996 18. W. Ave`yj Kwig : evsjvi gymjgvb‡`i mvgvwRK BwZnvm 19. Ave`yj Kwig : gymwjg evsjvi BwZnvm I HwZn¨ 20. ‡Mvjvg mvKjv‡qb : evsjv‡`‡ki m~dx 21. AvmKvi Be‡b kvqL : gymwjg Avg‡j evsjvi kvmbKZ©v 22. gvneyeyi ingvb : gymwjg evsjvi Afy¨`q 23. gvIjvbv Gg Ievq`yj nK : evsjv‡`‡ki cxi AvIwjqvMY 24. ikx` Avng` : evsjv‡`‡ki m~dx mvaK 25. ‡gveviK Kwig RInvi : fvi‡Zi m~dx (1g, 2q I 3q LÐ) 26. gvIjvbv biæi ingvb : Zvh&‡KivZzj AvIwjqv Paper Code 411809 -------- Credits: 4 Class Hours:120 hrs. Paper Title: Muslim Philosophy and Philosophers This paper will consist of the following topics: Origin of Muslim Philosophy, Nature and Scope of Muslim philosophy; Muslim Philosophy and Philosophy of Islam; General Characteristics of Muslim Philosophy; Different Theological Schools in Islam: Sunni, Shia, Khar-ijites, Murjites, Jabrites, Qadarites; Mutazilites and Asharites. Muslim Philosophers : Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Bajjah; Ibn Tufail, Al-Ghazali, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Khaldun, Allamah Iqbal; Jamaluddin Afgani, and Shah Waliullah. Books Recommended: 1. T.J. De Boer : History of Philosophy in Islam, London, 1965 2. Fakhiry, M. : A Histor of Islanic Philosophy, New York, 1970 3. Hai, S.A. : Muslim Philosophy, Dhaka, 1982 4. Hakim, K.A. : Islamic Ideology, Lahore, 1974; [evsjv Abyev` : mvB‡q` Avãyj nvB, Bmjvgx fveaviv, XvKv, 1987] 5. Iqbal, M. : The Secret of the Self (Asrar-e-Khudi) Eng. tr. R. A. Nicholson, Lahore, 1950 6. Quasem, M.A. : The Ethics of al-Ghazzali, New York, 1979 7. Rahman, S. : An lrtroduction to Islamic Culture and Plilosophy, Dhaka, 1970 8. Sharif, M.M. (ed.) : A History of Muslim Philosophy, 2 Vols. Wiesbaden, Germany, Otto Harrassowitz, 1963 9. Sharif, M. M. : Muslim'Thought & Its Origin and Achievements, Lahore, 1959 10. Watt, W. M. :Islamic Philosophy and Theology; Edinburgh, 1979 11. Avwgbyj Bmjvg :gymwjg `k©b I ms¯‹…wZ, bI‡ivR wKZvwe¯Ívb, XvKv, 4_© cÖKvk, 2001 12. Avwgbyj Bmjvg : gymwjg ag© ZË¡ I `k©b, gvIjv eªv`vm©, XvKv, 3q gy`ªY, 2000 13. Avng` kixd : mydx mvwnZ¨, mgq cÖKvkbx, XvKv, 2002 14. gyn¤§` Ave`yj evix : gymwjg `k©b : ag©ZË¡ I ms¯‹…wZ, nvmvb eyK nvDm, XvKv, 2001 15. †gv: Avãyj nvwjg : gymwjg `k©b : †PZbv I cÖevn, evsjv GKv‡Wgx, XvKv, 1998 16. †Mvjvg mvKjv‡qb : evsjv‡`‡ki m~dx mvaK, BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k, PZz_© ms¯‹iY, 1987 Paper Code -------- Credits: 4 Class Hours:120 411811 hrs. Paper Title: Muslim's Contribution to Science and Technology This paper will consist of the following topics: Scientific indications in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah, Origin and Development of Islamic Science. Muslim's contribution to Various branches of Science such as Mathematics, Medicine, Geography, Chemistry, Astronomy, Physics, Architecture and Surgery with special reference to Musa al- Khawarizimi, Ibn Sina, Muhammad Ibn Zakariya al-Razi, Hasan ibn al- Haytham, Umar Khayyam, al- Maqdesi, Yaqut Ibn Abdullah, Jabir b. Hayyan, Al-Beruni and Ali Tabari. Books Recommended: 1. Group of Writers : Scientific indication in The Holy Quran, Islamic Foundation, Dhaka 2. Yusuf al-Qardawi : Science and Civilization in Islam. 3. Islamic Foundation Bangladesh : Muslim Contribution to Science and Technology. 4. Gg.AvKei Avjx : weÁv‡b gymjgvb‡`i Ae`vb 5. Ave`yj gI`y` : gymwjg gbxlv 6. Gg.AvKei Avjx : Rvwei Be‡b nvBqvb 7. gywim eyKvBwj : evB‡ej †Kvivb I weÁvb 8. gynv¤§` b~iæj Avgxb : weÁv‡b gymjgvb‡`i Ae`vb Paper Code 411813 -------- Credits: 4 Class Hours:120 hrs. Paper Title: Banking and Insurance in Islam This paper will focus on the following topics: Meaning and concept of Islamic Banking, Origin and development of Islamic Banking & Insurance. Importance and necessity of Islamic Banking, Characteristics of Islamic Banking, Deposit and Investment system in Islamic Banking, the mode of an Islamic Banking. The role of Islamic Banking in Bangladesh, A comparative study between Islamic Bank and a Conventional Bank, Meaning and concept of Islamic Insurance (Takaful), Nature of Insurance, Contract in Islamic framework, Difference between Islamic Insurance and Conventional Insurance. Books Recommended: 1. Dr. Ataul Hoque : Reading in Islamic Banking 2. Dr. Nejatullah Siddiqi : Islamic Banking and Zakat 3. gydZx gynv¤§` kdx : kixq‡Zi `„wó‡Z exgv wkí 4. gvIjvbv gynv¤§` dRjyi ingvb : Bmjv‡g e¨emv evwYR¨ I e¨vswKs iƒc‡iLv 5.
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