1905 BNJ 2 25.Pdf
INDEX. ^Ethelstan, law of, enacted at Synod of A. Greatley, 183. „ over-struck coin of, 32. A and Q on early Anglo-Saxon coins, 61- ^Ethelwald Moll, Archiepiscopal coins 62. struck in reign of, 9. Aberffraw, 3S. ^Ethelwlf, coins of, 76, 77. Addedomaros, gold coin of, 455. ^Ethehvulf, coins of, 480. Addingham, 18. ,, „ ,, with moneyer Torh- ^Elfwald I., sceattas of, 11. tulf, 411, 412. y£lla, defeated and slain at York, 17. „ forgeries of, 405, 407, 409. Jithelbald, Archbishop of York, 19. A. F. H. Stage Coach token, 472. ,, find of a styca of, at Hex- Alchred, Archiepiscopal coins struck in ham, 19. reign of, 9. ,, styca of, 19. Alcuin, the scholar, 8. ^Ethelbald of Wessex, alleged coins of, Alexandra, Her Majesty Queen, letter with moneyer accepting Royal Membership from, Torhtulf, 411. 4SJ> 452. ,, ,, ,, coins of, 480. Alfonso III. of Portugal, coins of, 65. „ „ „ forgeries of, 405, Alfred the Great, Canterbury mint of, 24. 407, 409, 411, 1, JJ >J coins of, 25, 28, 29, 30, 470. 465-466. ^Ethelbearht, coins of, 480. j, J, jj coins of, London and „ coins of, with moneyer Canterbury, imitation Torhtulf, 411, 412. of, 23. ^Ethelbercta, 7, 8. JJ JJ JJ Exeter mint of, 23, 25. ^Ethelberht, Archbishop of York, 10. JJ JJ JJ find of coins of, at „ King of Kent, 7. Cuerdale, 466. ^Ethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians, 35. JJ JJ JJ find of coins of, at ^Ethelheard, Archbishop of Canterbury, Hexham, 21. 10. JJ JJ JJ forgeries of, 405. ,, . forgeries of, 404. JJ JJ JJ halfpennies of, 29, 30, ^Ethelred, King of Mercia, forgery of, 89, 466.
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