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PRINT POST APPROVED PP665002/00041 WESTERN 679 AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT PERTH, THURSDAY, 17 FEBRUARY 2000 No. 31 SPECIAL PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY JOHN A. STRIJK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER AT 3.45 PM UNCLAIMED MONEY ACT 1990 _________ REGISTER OF UNCLAIMED MONEYS VOLUME 2 AMOUNTS LESS THAN $100 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1998 THIS SPECIAL EDITION IS TO BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION BY POLICE STATIONS, LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND GOVERNMENT OFFICES UNDER s. 11 (4) OF THE ACT. 680 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [17 February 2000 17 February 2000] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 681 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN REGISTER OF UNCLAIMED MONEYS Volume 2 Amounts less than $100 for the year ended 31 December 1998 (Please read all information before contacting Treasury with queries.) ABOUT THIS REGISTER This Register contains the details of Unclaimed Moneys held by organisations as at 31 December 1998 and notified to Treasury by 31 January 1999 in accordance with the (Western Australian) Unclaimed Money Act 1990 (the Act). The Act essentially requires all such moneys to be paid to the Treasurer after having been held un- claimed for a period of six years. The Act does not apply to certain Commonwealth regulated financial institutions and fund managers (eg banks, insurance and superannuation organisations). Nor does it generally apply to unclaimed money held by organisations registered out- side of Western Australia. CONTENTS • Claim Procedures • Completing a Statutory Declaration • Sample & Blank Statutory Declaration • Other Sources of Unclaimed Money Information • Unclaimed Money Regulations • Further Assistance • Disclaimer • Index of Sources of Unclaimed Money and Contacts • Owner Details—Amounts less than $100 682 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [17 February 2000 CLAIM PROCEDURES (please read all instructions carefully) Check the Register for any money held on your behalf. Note the ‘Source of Money’ index number and refer to the Index at the commence- ment of this Register. The Index provides details of who is holding the money and how to contact them. After 31 July 2000 all claims and enquiries should be di- rected to the Western Australian Treasury. Persons wishing to submit a claim should complete a Statutory Declaration and forward it to the relevant Contact. Please note the following instructions on how to complete a Statutory Declaration. COMPLETING A STATUTORY DECLARATION (please refer to the following sample) Statutory Declaration forms can generally be obtained from stationery stores and newsagents. Forms may also be available at police stations and post offices. The Declaration must be prepared for, and signed by, all parties to the claim (eg where money is held on behalf of two or more persons). Where an organisation is the claimant, the Declaration must be signed by the appropriate office holders and bear the relevant seal. Where applicable, a copy of the Business Registration should also be supplied. The Declaration must state the claimant(s) current name and address. Where the name differs from that gazetted the claimant(s) must provide supporting documen- tation (eg a copy of a Marriage Certificate). Moneys held for deceased estates will only be released to the appointed administra- tor (ie Executor). Beneficiaries must lodge their claims through the Executor of the estate. Executors of deceased estates must provide copies of the Death Certificate, Will and Probate Certificate (if applicable). In their Declaration, claimant(s) must state their relationship to the provider of the money, explain the basis of their entitlement to the money, quote details of the amount being claimed and provide any other relevant information that may sup- port their claim. The Declaration must be witnessed by a duly authorised person (eg Justice of the Peace, Commissioner of Declarations) who will need to sight proof of the claimant’s identity (eg Birth Certificate, Driver’s Licence, Passport). A copy of this document should be submitted with your Statutory Declaration. Important Note: Under section 170 of the Western Australian Criminal Code a person who knowingly makes a false statement or declaration is guilty of a misdemeanour and is liable to imprisonment for up to three years. 17 February 2000] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 683 WESTERN AUSTRALIA _________________ THE EVIDENCE ACT, 1906 STATUTORY DECLARATION _________________ I/WE, (insert your name(s)) Of (insert your address) do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:- (List the details of the money that you are claiming). (Provide statements in support of your claim e.g. state your former addresses, your relationship to the organization that originally held this money and any other information relevant to your claim) (Attach a copy of your identification papers sighted by the wit- ness and forward these documents to the State Treasury). (Please refer to notes on the previous page for more information on completing a Statutory Declaration). And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of Section 106 of the "The Evi- dence Act 1906”. DECLARED AT (insert Town or Suburb) in the State of Western Australia this (insert Date) day of (Claimant’s Signature) (insert Month and Year) Before me (Signature of Witness) (Claimant’s Signature) Ordinary signature of Declarant(s) * Justice of the Peace * Commissioner for Declarations * Other (as per attachment) (* Strike out whichever inapplicable) (NOTE: BLANK STATUTORY DECLARATION FORMS CAN GENERALLY BE OBTAINED FROM NEWSAGENTS, STATIONERY STORES OR MAY BE COPIED FROM THE FOLLOWING PAGE.) 684 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [17 February 2000 WESTERN AUSTRALIA _________________ THE EVIDENCE ACT, 1906 STATUTORY DECLARATION _________________ I/WE, Of do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:- And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of Section 106 of the "The Evi- dence Act 1906”. DECLARED AT in the State of Western Australia this day of ……………………………………………………………… Ordinary signature of Declarant(s) Before me ……………………………………………………………… Ordinary signature of Declarant(s) * Justice of the Peace * Commissioner for Declarations * Other (as per attachment) (* Strike out whichever inapplicable) 17 February 2000] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 685 OTHER SOURCES OF UNCLAIMED MONEY INFORMATION WA Treasury Registers are provided to all WA State and Local Government offices and Police Stations. You are advised to first check the availability of registers by telephone before attending any of these offices. Registers are also retained for viewing at Perth’s Alexander Library and more re- cently (from 1997) on the Internet at the WA Treasury website Details of previous Treasury Registers are: • 5 March 1999 (No.34)—(also on Internet site • 11 May 1998 (No.97)—(also on Internet site • 18 February 1997 (No.26)—(also on Internet site • 20 March 1996 (No. 40) • 1 May 1995 (No. 54) • 23 June 1994 (No. 86) • 3 June 1993 (No. 78) Prior to the publication of the 3 June 1993 Register, organisations placed general notices of Unclaimed Moneys in Government Gazettes. These Gazettes are avail- able for inspection at the Alexander Library. They may also be available at some other libraries or Local Government offices. Please telephone the relevant office to check on their availability. To purchase copies of Unclaimed Moneys Registers (Government Gazettes) please contact the State Law Publisher at 10 William Street, Perth 6000 (Ph: 08 9321 7688). The (Western Australian) Unclaimed Money Act 1990 generally does not apply to: • Organisations with "registered" offices outside Western Australia (Contact the relevant organisation or the appropriate State Treasury for as- sistance); • Financial institutions regulated by Commonwealth legislation /e.g. banks/ (Contact the relevant institution or the Commonwealth Treasury, Canberra) and • Regulated insurance and superannuation funds (Contact the relevant organisation or the Australian Securities and Invest- ment Commission). Persons seeking information about unclaimed moneys (other than that published in this gazette) should first contact the organisation they believe is holding money on their behalf. If unclaimed moneys exist, that organisation should be asked to provide details of how and when the money was dealt with, and how to recover that money. 686 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [17 February 2000 UNCLAIMED MONEY REGULATIONS The following organisations have provided unclaimed money notifications that con- tain a large number of unclaimed sums of less than $100 and/or incomplete details: • Australian Guarantee Corporation Ltd • Department of Corrective Service • Health Department of Western Australia • Miscellaneous Government Agencies • WA Police Service In accordance with Regulations 2B and 4A of the Unclaimed Money Act 1990, de- tails of these amounts have not been advertised but are maintained on appropriate listings held at Treasury. Claimants for moneys owing from these organisations should write to the Treasury contact specified in the ‘Further Assistance’ section. FURTHER ASSISTANCE Queries regarding claim procedures for unclaimed moneys should be directed to: Treasury Department of WA Level 10, 197 St George’s Tce PERTH WA 6000 Attention: Senior Accounting Officer Telephone: (08) 9222 9185 Fax : (08) 9222 9194 (Note: The WA Treasury is only able to provide information with respect to organisa- tions covered by the (Western Australian) Unclaimed Money Act. Please refer to the section