Clark Considers Projects

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Clark Considers Projects v'l ..(.•JfV •%*• RAHWAY PUBLIC LIBRARY Page 8 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD, Thurs., July 76, 1964 Recreation-Department Trucking Hrm ; SEMINARY AVE 1 Chuck and crow shooters who inning. Jim Murray opened the Undefeated Elks (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1 . RAHWAY N J 8-13-:: reach out with a long gun Winning Streak last of the sixth with a hit to Madison School is used for the through a.wooden cabinet,j|i}| should tuck this tip away. A center, but was thrown out at Capture Coastal wrestling clinic during the week. desk and a safe, disturbing i camera tripod makes a fine All the equipment is l)eing pro- tents and throwing them on J Of Recreations second by catcher Tom Schweit- vided by the board together floor, but apparently f . steadying rest. It adjusts to any zer to Dave Holland. League's flag with use of the building. There nothing of value to him; Rlch-I height. Weighs little (for easy The box score: are 35 boys enrolled in the pro- ard Dorrah of 206 West Granfl| transportation) and will help Goes to five Elks Club won the Recreation The Rahway Recreations team PHELPS DODGE AB R Department's 9-10-year-old Coas- gram which is under the direc- Ave., part owner, checked RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD you hold for the 300 to 400 yard tion of N.F. Delmonaco, general in the Union Ooxmty Senior De Julio, rf 2 0 tal League championship by the items and was' unable~to| shots when a rest is required Pampinto, rf \ 0 supervisor of playgrounds an determine that anything league extended its undefeated winning both rounds of play. CLARK-COLONIA AVENEL-ISELIN to score. 3 0 physical education instructor ol iissing at the time. Merging The Rahway Recortf, Est. 1822 with the Bahwa; News, Est 193* streak-to -five-games-by beaU-J . Jha. team._was—undefeated^ 2 0 winning 12 games and turning Rahway Junior High School7 At Zulo Brothers Fumih ing the Phelps Dodge nine of Enterad us Second Clrtis Matter Capezza, 1b 0 back a strong bid by the Italian The outdoor courts behind thi Co., 1850 Elizabeth Ave., overf Vol. 142, No. 10 Pont Off ten Rabway Now Jorsey Rahway, RJ., Thursday, July 23, 1964 8 Pages Price 10 cents per copy Elizabeth, 3-1. at Warinanco Westroz, p 0 American Club team. The team school are used-for the newl; the weekend someone broke FOR Park. I now awaits the outcome of the formed Teen-age Basketball 14 by 21-inch pane of glass onl It was an exciting pitching 0 Seaboard League playoff game League: There are seven teams battle until the fourth inning " the north side of tne 0 between the Kiwanis Club and in the new circuit. Anthony Roc- SUMMER when Phebs Dodge scored a|™'~; reached through and took;"f I blauone 0 Merck Yankee teams. The Elks co, sports director, is in charge run inJheJop.cfJUje.Jnning.with - glass container with $7 in change! The WndMen and the Elephant Club nine will • play-the winner The-teains-playon Monday am and a bill used-for-petty cash.l FUN a base on balls, a fielder's I ; By John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887) 25 1 for the city championship. Friday evenings. Nothing-else appeared to be dis-| Clark Considers Projects lite worldi Nitcit roller coaster, choice and an error, followed; RECREATIONS AB R largest rncrry-go-round, 50 other by a line drive single to right George Severance, Elks pitch The city has opened a play- turbed. It was six men of Indostan* Holland, • ss Spectacular rides and attractions i by Joe Lomba. In the bottom of er, won 12 and lost none and had ground behind the Rahwa; Prowlers were reported.ail To learnuig much inclined Vrancken, 3b the same frame, the locals a 5 for 5 record at bat during High School parking lot. This 896 Maurice Ave. and 449 Unlonl Who went to see the Elephant Two Apartment K1DDIEIAND Lakata, p 'scored two runs when Bob the season. Michael Cregge, is area is especially for primary St. In both cases, fairly com-f (Though all of them were blind). tefrbhmenlij jamej and prize* Schweitzer, c Vrancken opened the inning the"' team's leading hitter with school children. The equipmen plete descriptions of the jffll^ That each by observation Eight-Family Dwelling Former Merchant Dies; fret circui ,,, free parking Shipley, rf GIRLS TO COMPETE TONIGHT — Twelve gfrb compete tonight at Roosevelt School Developments with a sharp hit to center and 26 hits in 35 official times at is such that it may be removed for the title of "Little Miss Rahway" in the Rahway Jaycees' third annual contest The viduals were given to police. Might satisfy his mind. J,ck 8,1b/, SUMMER SHOWCASE John Vernickas was the and stored during the winter br d«,. « 10 Friir n, hu raced home on a long double! n finalists are, left to right, front row, Barbnra Bell, Donna Blatee, Debra Amaslo, Elizabeth LEGAL NOTICES M t by pitcher Jim Lakata and he I JD leading slugger with three home months. Brcidt and Diane Peare; second row, Dorothy O'Donnell, Carol Waddlngton, Sharon Max- Debated .... 1 Owned Appliance Firm c runs. and Nick Kuchalski was NOTICE CLARK — The possibilities R!d*tV2 P» * W'dnesd.y, came home on a hit by catcher |£^ ,* . uc Another large playground well, Michelle Hornyak, Linda Baldwin, Carol Dietrich and Michele Castor. Sealed bids vlll b« received *r < ! efiace Business Administrator of the CUT ' Given Board Approval Abraham'Lewis, 58, of 72-3 on Sunday at 1 p.m, in Temple | that two apartment projects July 22, ,nd wry Mond.y i Tom Schweitzer. Bob Vran- "!the defensivfi_ace area-is ^it Grover— Cleveland JL._0—0L_The-team-was-coached- by Brv.ajit St.jjgrmejjg r owner of the Beth Torah.with Rabbi^ Samuel l.with. atotaLof 194. units may. be. t'cken's long~home~run'"to'"left 0L SchoolT"The~ department ••has' "The'Board of '.A'djiistnieht |center Held scored the third! 2 0 0 Eric "Pete" Beckhusen, with sponsored its annual playground (Continued from Page 1) • w»r. New Jener »t 3:00 P.M. on Wit4 DependablDdbl e AppliancAli eC/ Co/hereh . (Smarting officiating:"lHterment]cons(ructed in this'township an OLYMPIC PARK nrjdlT, Julr 29lh..lB« Tor the foacnr| The First approached the Elephant voted, 3-2, on Monday night to jrun of ..the game, in the sixth t — _ —I Tom Cregge and. WjjliamJHan-, died oa Friday in Somerset ; was m Beth Israel Cemetery, bejng discussed-and debated -by.- IWNCTOH-MAPltWOOD- ~~(Conlinue3 ffoni James-I^nch—ofr-Morristownr recqmmend~to •; the~Munlclpal Jibite^^aifte^ MlssrVlrgliua DayiS, aBr~aTr: ax>offl>ndge==i_-^——-^HBoard-of-AdjtBtmenti^Plan I Railway'fiec. 0 0 0 2 0 1 (P-3 members are Blaise Bollwage. development, Mr^Jtfonnett" told -ttie News-RecordJO;; Gouncil--that It approve the I Arrangements were-by the; _ cltons. • T field is used primarily-by -the ^i«7r";««'• ;-'—*™-'%." '"•' line*stew3raessr""Mrs.?Patnci3* *~At uiice began to bawr: ning Board and privale PheIps"Doage TOO 10 0 0-1 Kurt Bender, .Michael Cregge, the orilce x>t the Water Dep application by Richard Carr Mr. Lewis owned and ope- Lehrer Funeral Home, 275 West j cts for wnich girls' Softball league.. playing teams from McCosker ^J^^J.J^ meit_Enjlneer. - —» God bless me! but the-Elephant. The two pro e ' Errors — Capezza, Vrancken James Harriiil,~ George Sever- the area. Anyone interested in arranging a team match The Builncss AdminlJtrttor t . Associates for a variance" to rated the company for 29 ; Milton Ave. ' variances are being sought from Behind the high school build- Regina Stanton, "Miss Union the rlilifr to accent or re!ect-«ll or < Is very like a WALL! permit construction of an eight- years before he was forced to ance, Robert Evans; -Howard may notify Mr. Monnett The local team defeated Cran- of tbe ftbove bids &hd to *irftlri';K ihe Board of Adjustment are ingB umuthere are l tw Iore tennim s courts County," and Councilman - at Of Board of Adjustment Demeter, Ronald Terpak, Clay- " T . ' ". , . "i tormalitles therein If br eo doing "f amily dwelling,at 695 Union St., retire three years ago because those proposed by Solomon ford Swim Club, 4-1, last weekend. Large Robert H. McMenamin. best InteresU of the CUT are aerTetf.'f I KowaTWlTlay to.„n„ Schweitzerci......;......, Davir._..:dj 7,'.-£..Beckhu. - ! These courts will be maintained :orner of Winfield St.- of ill health. Born in Trenton, Reider of Clark who proposes The Opening of .by. the department for use by • • • - Mayor-Robert. E..Henderson.will RpBEHT W. C. Gordon Miller of 1094 West Merchant sen, Gregory Ainsworth, Paul Buslncji Voting in favor of the applied-, Lake Ave. was elected president he Jived he.refgrja years. He to erect 324 units in a garden- the children and adults in (he Colonia''Swim Club will host the next New Jersey be an honorary judge. Emmons, Nick Ruchalski, Chris NEW JERSEY STATE DEPARTME ion were C. Gordon Miller, f the Board of Adjustment at was a member of thp Rahway ' type apartment project of eig'it P.8.A. for Title community. A.A.TJ. swimming championship on Saturday at 7:30 Mr. Rowland is being assisted OF CIVIL SERVICt EXAMINATIO Hebrew Congregation. Elks ant) Hansen and John Vernickas. Announced closinc date for fllln| ward president; Leo C. Santo- he reorganization meeting on detached buildings off Bar'ell George R.

—— Preview end. ——

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