Summit Station Skiway Cost Analysis
9 - 6 1 - ERDC/CRREL TR ERDC/CRREL Engineering for Polar Operations, Logistics, and Research (EPOLAR) Summit Station Skiway Cost Analysis Terry D. Melendy July 2016 Cold Regions Research Research Regions Cold Laboratory and Engineering Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) solves the nation’s toughest engineering and environmental challenges. ERDC develops innovative solutions in civil and military engineering, geospatial sciences, water resources, and environmental sciences for the Army, the Department of Defense, civilian agencies, and our nation’s public good. Find out more at To search for other technical reports published by ERDC, visit the ERDC online library at Engineering for Polar Operations, Logistics, ERDC/CRREL TR-16-9 and Research (EPOLAR) July 2016 Summit Station Skiway Cost Analysis Terry D. Melendy Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) 72 Lyme Road Hanover, NH 03755-1290 Final Report Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Prepared for National Science Foundation, Division of Polar Programs Arctic Infrastructure and Logistics 4201 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22230 Under Engineering for Polar Operations, Logistics, and Research (EPOLAR) EP-ARC-14-18, “Summit Station Skiway Assessment” ERDC/CRREL TR-16-9 ii Abstract Summit Station, Greenland, is home to a 5120.6 × 61.0 m (16,800 × 200 ft) skiway that acts as the lifeline for research conducted for the Na- tional Science Foundation. The LC-130 aircraft is the primary airframe depended on, each season delivering over 400,000 lb of cargo, personnel, and fuel to this remote location.
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