Department of Emerging Technology in Business + Design 1
Department of Emerging Technology in Business + Design 1 IMS 111. Introduction to Game Careers. (1) Department of Emerging In this course, students learn the careers available in game design and development, the basics of games as an academic discipline, and Technology in Business + become acquainted with the games faculty and university resources. IMS 171. Humanities and Technology. (3) (MPF, MPT) Design Introduction to methods of thinking used in humanities disciplines (literature, history, philosophy, classics, etc.), computer technologies, The Department of Emerging Technology in Business + Design (ETBD) and their relationship. Practical skills (web page making; research on is a transdisciplinary department that works with students and faculty the Internet) and analytical skills (how to tell good information from from across Miami University, offering undergraduate and graduate bad) combined with theories about the Information Society. IIB, CAS- majors, minors, and certificates. ETBD is committed to preparing B. students through hands-on, interactive, and project-based courses Cross-listed with ENG. and experiences, where students are encouraged to experiment, innovate and collaborate. IMS 177. Independent Studies. (0-6) IMS 201. Information Studies and Digital Citizenship. (3) (MPF, ETBD emphasizes cross-functional knowledge and places a heavy MPT) emphasis on making. Students in ETBD develop depth in areas as Explores what it means to be information literate in today's “post- diverse as web and app design/development, interaction design, truth” world. Students will reflect on ethical and legal issues created user experience design, social media, digital marketing, design by the information age and will develop awareness of the power of thinking, visualization, game design and development, games and information and its effect on society.
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