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Uj4e 1Tluiueraity Nf :Tiiuueanlu , UJ4e 1tluiueraity nf :tIiuueanlu THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK 1917 -1918 ~lI:\NEAPOLIS Published hy the Cniversity of Minnesota ~Qvember 1917 r COPYRIGHT 1917 BY THE UNIVERSITY OF rvlrNNESOTA 1 ! (' , t, / CO~TENTS Board of Regents", ..... -- -. - __ .. .... __ "......... 4 Officers of Administration" , , .. ,........ 4 Deans and their Offices, ".,." , .. ,.,." 4-S Key to Abbreviations-Faculty List. _ , , _. 6 Key to Abbreviations-Telephones " 6-7 Faculty, Administrative Officers, and Employees , .. - .. _ , _ 7-54 Key to Abbreviations-Student List. .. ................. 55, Students _ , _., .•............. , ,55-'74 Sororities and Fraternities 175-176 THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA THE BOARD OF REGENTS The Hon. Fred B. Snyder, President of the Board 800 Security Building, Minneapolis ~Iarion LeRoy Burton, President of the t"niversity 10°5 se 5th The Hon. John A. A. Burnquist, Governor of the State State Capitol, SI. Paul The Hon" C. G. Schulz, Superintendent of Education State Capitol, SI. Paul The Hon. Pierce Butler, 1006 Merchants National Bank Build- ing, SI. Paul The Hon. W. J. Mayo, Rochester The Hon. Milton M. Williams, Little Falls The Hon. John G. Williams, IOro Alworth Building, Duluth The Hon. George H. Partridge, 4th st and 1st av n, Min- neapolis . The Hon. A. E. Rice, Willmar The Hon. Charles L. Sommers, 6th and \,-'acouta, St Paul The Hon. Charles W. Glotfelter, Waterville OFFICERS OF 'ADMINISTRATION Marion LeRoy Burton, President, 102 Library Building 1005 se 5th, E1964 Ernest B. Pierce, Registrar, 106 Library Building 138 Orlin av se, EI240 George H. Hayes, Comptroller, 101 Library Building 1758 Laurel av, St Paul, MI81-StP James T. Gerould, Librarian, University Library 2022 2nd av s, S7695 Henry A. Hildebrandt, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds,_ 4 J\fechanic Arts Building 323 se Church, E2760 DEANS AKD THEIR OFFICES John B. Johnston, Dean of the College of Science, Litera· ture, and the Arts, 120 Folwe11 Hall Edward E. Nicholson, Dean of Student Affairs, 239 Chern· istry Building John R. Allen, Dean of the College of Engineering and Architecture, 133 Main Engineering Building Roscoe W. Thatcher, Dean and Director of the Department of Agriculture, Administration Building, University Farm Edward M. Freeman, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics, Plant Pathology Build­ illg. University Farm \Villiam R. Vance, Dean of the Law School, 214 Law Building L Elias P. Lyon, Dean of the Medical_ School, 119 Millard Hall Richard aiding Beard, Assistant Dean and Secretary of the Medical School, 118 Millard Hall Alfred Owre, Dean of the College of Dentistry, Dentistry Building William R. Appleby, Dean of the School of Mines, 1C3 M;nes Building Frederick J. \Vulling, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Building President of the c"niversity, actively in ch,..-ge of the School of Chemistry, 102 Library Building Lotus D. Coffman, Dean of the College of Education, 103 Education Building Clarence ~I. Jackson , Acting Dean of the Graduate School, 20~ Library Building Richard R. Price, Director of "Pniversity Extension, l\-:Lain Engineering Building (~ertrude H. Beggs, Dean of Women, Shevlin Hall __J 1--- THE FACULTY, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS, AND EMPLOYEES KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS Main Campus Buildings A, Armory MH, Millard Hall AB, Animal Biology Bldg Mech E, Mechanical Engi- C, Chemistry Bldg neering Bldg D, Dentistry Bldl( Mu, Music Bldg EE, Electrical Engineering 0, Observatory Bldg OT, Ore Testing Works EMH, Elliot Memorial Hos­ P, Pillsbury Hall pital PH&P, Institute of Public Ed, Education Bldg Health Ex E, Experimental Engi­ Ph, Physics Bldg neering Bldg Phm, Pharmacy Bldg F, Folwell Hall PO, Post Office G, Greenhouse (13th and Pr, Printing Bldg University avs) S, Storehouse IA, Institute of Anatomy Sh, Shevlin Hall L, Law Bldg UD, University Dispensary Lib, Library Bldg (Basement MH) M, 1lines URS, University High MA, Mechanic Arts Bldg School ME, Main Engineering Bldg W Gm, Women's Gymnasium University Farm Buildings Ad (Fl, Administration Bldg He (Fl, Homc Economics Bldg Bo (Fl, Botany and Plant Ho (Fl, Home Bldg Pathology Hr (F), Horticultural Bldg Ch (Fl, Chemistry Bldg Lh (Fl, Ladies' Hall Dh (Fl, Dairy Hall Pn (Fl, Pendergast Hall En (Fl, Engineering Bldg St (Fl, Stocl> Pavilion Gy (F), Gymnasium Ve (F), Veterinary Bldg TELEPHONE ABBREVIATIOKS Northwestern St Paul C .~~~c~1f~~is BStP Bomont D Drexel CStP Cedar E East CoStP Concord H Hyland DStP Dale K Kenwood JStP Jackson M Main MStP Midway N Nicollet RStP Robie S South SStP Summit W Walnut NStP North St Paul SoStP South St Paul StPP St Paul Park All telephone numhers not preceded by a letter are Tri­ State calls. l THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK 7 ES and WS following call numbers refer to East and West Sanford Halls. Call E2760, and having secured this num­ ber, ask for East or West Sanford. * Married. t New appointment (1917-18). All members of the teaching force, if registered as students, appear in both Faculty and Student lists. All under rank of instructor not having charge of classes, if registered as students, appear in student list only and are marked with an asterisk (*); if not students they appear in the Faculty list. Aanestad, 0 H, Asst in the Gymnasium, College and School of Agriculture, University Farm, St P *Abbott, H S, Professorial Lecturer Law. 900 se 6th Abbott, J S, Inst Surgery. On leave of absence 1917-18. Abbott, T, Stock Feeder, Northwest Experiment Station, Crookston *Adair, F L, Assoc Prof Obstetrics and Gynecology, IA III. 2218 Colfax av s, K4552 Adams, Mrs Mary L, Record Clerk, Registrar's Office, Lib 104. 904 w Franklin av, K233 Ahlstrom, Alfhild, Maid, Minnesota Union Cafeteria. 1606 11th av s, N7454 tAiton. Isabel,. Asst Manager, Minnesota Union Cafeteria. 828 University av se, EJI70 Alexander, Jean, Inst Education, Ed 214. 306 loth av se, E348 *Alexander, Lee, Nurseryman, AD 18(F). 1506 Hythe, St P, M5286-StP *Allen, G D, Inst Animal Biology, AB 9. 1203 se 7th, E5125 t*Allen, J R, Dean College of Engineering and Architecture, ME 133. 2421 Girard av 5, K3222 fAlley, A G, Teaching Fellow Pediatrics, MH 121. 2002 Lake of the Isles blvd, K6508 *Allin, C D, Prof Public Law, L204 and MA 101, MWF 10-11. 509 se 6th, E2233 *Allison, J H, Prof Forestry, Hr I(F). 2118 Knapp, St P, 81910-StP *Alway, F J, Chief of Division of Soils, Ch 153(F). 1386 Grantham, St P, M1433-StP fAnders, J C, Inst Mining, M 102, daily 8-9, 2-3. 520 se Delaware, E4563 * Anderson, A, ¥latchman. 1006 24th av se *Anderson, A G, Janitor Electrical Engineering Bldg, Ex E. 1528 ne Jefferson Anderson, Albert, Engineer, West Central School of Agri· culture, Morris t*Anderson, Alfred, Teamster, Hr(F). Merriam Park, Route 3, St P Anderson, Angelia, Clerk, Budget Dept, Business Office. Lib lOr. 1006 24th av se, E(532 THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK Anderson, B G, Inst Prosthetic Dentistry, D 100. 5038 .\okomis av 5 , ... ,Anderson, C, Janitor, Pillsbury Bldg. 1314 11 4th Anderson, Christian. Custodian, Ad(F). 1..1-9I Raymond av, St P, 832430-StP *Anderson, E D, Asst Physiology. 215 Gro\-eIand av, 1'.[928 Anderson, F, Janitor, Gymnasium. 1055 2-J.th av se Anderson, .I, Orderly, Elliot Memorial Hospital, EMH. 203 20th av ne *Anderson, J A, Inst in Music and Horticulture, Morris tAndcrson, John, Janitor, Hr(F). 2323 Talmage av se Anderson, J \V, Janitor, Farm House and Hr(F). 232 3 Talmadge av se *Anderson, L, Janitor, En(F). l\{erriam Park Post Office, box 134, M4859·StP Anderson, P A, Inst Animal Husuandry, St 3(F), TThS JO-12. 120G se .:;th, E1206 Anderson, Stella A, Clerk, Dairy Husuandry Div, Dh 33(F). q37 Cleveland av, St P, M6507·StP *Anderson, W, Asst PI"of Political Science, ::\1.0.. rOl, TThS II-J2 . .:icc S~ Delaware, E3 2 ...f.8 'Appleby, W R, Dean School of Mines, Prof Metallurgy, Director Exp Station, M 103. 928 se 5th, E [668 tArchibald, H W, Div of Sanitation, State Bd of Health, PH&P. 1112 se 8th Arneson, Clara, ~faid, Elliot !\.IemoriaI Hospital t*Aronovici, Carol, Lecturer Social and ('iyic vVork, FlO, hy appt, office Wilder Charity, J288-StP. '465 Ray· mond av, St P 'Amy, A C, Assoc Prof Farm Crops, Ad 2(F), MWF 8.9:3°, I-I :30-12. 2lIS Dudley av, 5t P, 821.,P-StP Art, ~lrs Ellen, Laundres.s, Elliot l\femorial Hospital, E~IH ___ "Ashby, R C, Asst Prof Animal Husbandry, St 6(F). 142 3 - Chelmsford, St P, M4533·StP Ailee, AIda, Clerk, Div Preventahle Diseases, State Ed of H eahh, PH&P. 3333 32nd av s 'Aulie, Ole, Janitor, Ad(F). 1554 Fulham, St P, 83.'7 1 5- StP Avery._ J F, Inst l\Ie:dicine. On leave of ahsence 19 1 7- 18 Axness, Olga, Stenographer Div Agr Economics, Ad 318 (F). 1383 Breda, St P, M2223·StP Bachman, C R, TeJephone Operator, }\{A 2. 1316 se 5th, E I 77° *Bachman, G, Assoc Prof Pharmacy, Phm 303. 2624 Fremont av S, K925 Bacon, Agnes, Stenographer, Div of Preventable Diseases, State Bd of Health, PH&P. 3656 40th av 5 Bagamiel, Alice, Asst Radiographer, Elliot Memorial Hos­ pital. Maryland Hotel, NI2 Bailey, C H, Assoc Prof Agricultural Biochemistry, Ch 5U'). 2304 Doswell av, St P, 831182·StP t*Bains, T M, Jr, Asst Prof Mines, :M 303, MTThF 9- 10, MTWF 2·4. 112 se Church, £2537 l THE C'SIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK y 'Baker, G J, Asst Prof, Dept of Agriculture, Ad 24(F'. 1366 Raymond av, St P, 82322·StP Baker, Mrs :Margaret B, Asst State Leader Boys and Girls Clubs. Agr Ext Div, Ad 7(F).
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