Buddha Gautama U. Ru A Sons, Calcutta. SOME KSAittiYA TRIBES or ANCIENT INDIA BY BIMAT.A CHARAN LAW, PH.D.,-M.A., B.L., FELLOW, ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY, lOHDON, ' > Author of Kxatnya Clans in Buddhist India,' Historic** Gleanings t The Lift and Work of Buddhtghosa,' The Buddhist Conception of Spirits,' Dttignatio* of Human Types,' ' Ancient Mid-Indian Ksatriya Tribes, Vol. /,' etc., etc. WITH A FOREWORD BY A. BERRIEDALE KEITH, D.C.L., D.LiXT., BAR-AT-IyAW, RSGIUS PROFESSOR OF SANSKRIT AND COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY ^ OP EDINBURGH. approved for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Cakutta, 1923. CALCtJTTA : PUBUSHBD BY THE ^UVRSITY OF CALCUTTA AND PRINTED AT THE BAPTIST MISSION PRESS. 1924, TO THE SACRED MEMORY OF MY GRANDFATHER, THE LATE BABU JAYGOBINDA LAW, I.E., AS A TOKEN OF PROFOUND REVERENCE AND ADMIRATION. FOREWORD ANCIENT INDIA, though she passed tudes of fortune, has Left us no historian of her national life. Brahmins and Buddhists alike, intent on the satisfaction of the desire to attain that insight which delivers from the burden of empirical existence, could see nothing of sufficient value in the passing events of life to render them willing to record them or to seek to interpret their significance, while princesand their followers found an adequate substitute for historic narrations in the famous legends of the epics. Hence it follows that, if with the curiosity of the modern world we seek to reconstruct the history of India in the centuries immediately preceding and following the Christian era, we are compelled to build up a structure by the careful collection and fitting together of every available fragment of evidence.
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