Perspectives in Communication, Embedded-Systems and Signal-Processing (PiCES) ISSN: 2566-932X, Vol. 1, Issue 12, March 2018 Implementing Anti-theft Systems for ATM and Vehicles Mahalakshmi H1, Nikhitha J2, Varsha B3 1. ECE, Atria institute of technology, Bangalore, India,
[email protected] 2. ECE, Atria institute of technology, Bangalore, India,
[email protected] 3. ECE, Atria institute of technology, Bangalore, India,
[email protected] Abstract: Anti-theft technology can be implemented on conditioners, UPS, light bulbs, security camera and light many systems such as ATM, automobiles, mobiles etc. collection boards. The assets and security is managed In ATM security we use silent indicate systems, manually so it shrinks the gross margin of ATM integrated video surveillance cameras, etc. which are operators. Therefore they are looking for a more reliable all implemented with help of M2M communication source to maintain ATMs. technologies. M2M needs new system architecture so The main aim of the Anti-theft ATM security is to we implement a low cost embedded web server based provide protection against physical and electronic on ARM11 processor and Linux operating system thieving. This is achieved by using M2M using Raspberry Pi. It has modules such as web communication technology which is abbreviation for enabled control, sensors, shutter lock and camera Machine-to-Machine. It provides no human intervention control. Anti-theft in vehicles can be implemented and provides a real time monitoring control. M2M using GSM and GPS or Bluetooth technologies. In architecture needs a new system architecture which is GSM and GPS we install a tracking system and implemented using an Embedded Web Server (EWS) fingerprint verification.