Andrew Grant Jackson | --- | --- | --- | 9781250059628 | --- | --- History of the Compact Disc | Low End Mac

On August 11, , German forces begin a six-day evacuation of the Italian island of Sicily, having been beaten back by the Allies, who invaded the island in July. The Germans had maintained a presence in Sicily since the earliest days of the war. But with the arrival of Gen. The last U. The unit had been guarding the U. This left only 43, advisors, airmen, and support troops left in-country. This number did Sign up now to learn about This Day in History straight from your inbox. On August 11, , President Ronald Reagan makes a joking but controversial off-the-cuff remark about bombing Russia while testing a microphone before a scheduled radio address. While hunting for elk along the Missouri River, Meriwether Lewis is shot in the hip, probably by one of his own men. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark had embarked on their epic journey to the Pacific two years earlier. The 33 members of the Corps of Discovery had experienced On August 11, , the nostalgic teenage coming-of-age movie American Graffiti, directed and co-written by George Lucas, opens in theaters across the United States. For the remainder of the decade, the trio walked a fine line, appealing to liberals and antiwar activists, and raising the consciousness of the interested, but also entertaining middle-of-the-road listeners, and especially to parents who felt their music was safe for younger children. They were accomplishing precisely what the Weavers had set out to do a decade and a half earlier and, not coincidentally, also exactly what the Weavers ' political opponents had feared the latter group would do, spreading liberal ideas and politics on the popular landscape with pretty music. Their commercial fortunes and mass appeal remained intact into the second half of the decade. The album In Concert , an unprecedented for a folk group double LP, hit number four during the summer and fall of , and the group's next studio LP, got to number eight in the spring of At the same time, however, its highest-charting single, "For Lovin' Me," only reached number peaked at number 11 in late , their first placement outside of the Top Ten with an LP, but hardly unrespectable. Those albums were considered solidly competitive in the musical environment of and , amid the sounds of folk-rock and psychedelic rock of the era, and both have held up better than those by most of the competition, mostly owing to the quality of the music and the songs. From the beginning of its history, the trio displayed an uncanny ear for great songs and songwriters -- Stookey had steered Grossman to before many people in Greenwich Village had even heard of him. And in early , before their debut album had even been released, the Kingston Trio had picked up a then-new Pete Seeger song, "Where Have All the Flowers Gone," from one of the group's live performances and had a hit with it. And when they caught the moment again with a song, the trio proved that they could sell records with the best of them. For much of the year that followed this commercial comeback, the group was involved in politics, in the form of Senator Eugene McCarthy 's antiwar campaign for the White House. They appeared on behalf of McCarthy , and even released a record supporting him. McCarthy 's candidacy ultimately failed, in a year that also saw the murders of Martin Luther King, Jr. In , they returned to the middle of the charts again with Yarrow 's "Day Is Done," a surprisingly autumnal work. They also chalked up another Grammy Award that year for Peter, Paul and Mommy , an album of children's songs that became a mainstay of their catalog, reaching generation after generation of parents and children. During the summer of , Warner Bros. Released that September, the single "" peaked at number one, the trio's only chart-topping single, and also pulled Album back onto the list of top-selling LPs. It was inevitable that there would be a split at some point, given their different, evolving lives. was now the mother of two daughters, Yarrow was newly married, and Stookey , in addition to wanting to work with new and different musical sounds, had developed a serious belief in Christianity. Amid a flurry of sales behind "Leaving on a Jet Plane," and the release in the spring of Ten Years Together: The Best of Peter, Paul and Mary which rose to number 15 , the trio completed their concert obligations and announced in the fall of that they were taking a year's sabbatical from Peter, Paul and Mary. Mary Travers continued working in a folk-pop vein for a time, while wrote topical songs dealing with the politics of the time, and proved the most adventurous of the three musically, exploring harder rock sounds as well as jazz, and delving into Christian-oriented music. They moved around each other's orbits, appearing on each other's albums occasionally and even reuniting on behalf of George McGovern 's presidential campaign, but it was clear by the late '70s that none of them had enough of an audience on his own to sustain a full-time performing career. Travers moved from Warner Bros. This was all a long way from their s heyday, and a reunion album also proved a false start, selling more poorly than any LP in their history. The concerts surrounding that album, however, marked the beginning of a gradual re-forming of the trio. Travers , a single mother with two daughters and a menagerie of pets to look after, was nonetheless concerned with the antinuclear movement, with which Yarrow had long been involved. Stookey rejoined after some hesitation, and by the early '80s Peter, Paul and Mary were a functioning trio again, playing concerts occasionally and trying to record, including their annual Christmas concerts at Carnegie Hall in New York. Without skipping a beat, they picked up from their early-'60s beginnings, only the civil rights anthems had new meaning in an era when the laws protecting those rights were under attack by the Reagan administration. And they were interspersed with songs about the political strife in El Salvador and the nuclear arms race. As long as they included "Puff The Magic Dragon " in their repertoire, however, the trio was still largely immune from attack by the right. The real difficulty was getting their work heard by a larger public in the music environment of the s. By that late date, none of the major labels were interested in the work of folk groups of their vintage so they did it themselves, initially releasing the live reunion album Such Is Love on their own Peter, Paul and Mary label. They were associated with Gold Castle Records, a promising independent label, for much of the late '80s, until its failure, but they did get to record a handful of LPs that they ended up owning outright. They retained good relations with Warner Bros. Finally, in , some 30 years after the trio signed with them, Warner Bros. Records became interested in doing a follow-up to Peter, Paul and Mommy , which had been a perennially good seller in its catalog. After the s, the group had been moving into the role of elder statesmen of the folk community -- Mary Travers even hosted a television special that brought together the entire present and former membership of the Kingston Trio on-stage -- and this status was borne out in with the Lifelines album. The latter, an all-star concept album featuring the trio performing with colleagues, older and younger -- including ex- Weaver Ronnie Gilbert and blues legend B. King -- was sufficiently successful to generate a concert follow-up, Lifelines Live , the following year. In , Matsushita accepted the new CD standard, but the collaboration between Sony and Philips ended as the two companies had products ready for CDs are made from 1. A thin layer of aluminum is applied to the surface, making it reflective, and then protected by a film of lacquer. The most common printing method for compact discs is screen-printing. The data on a CD is stored as tiny indentations encoded in a spiral track moulded into the top layer of polycarbonate. Digital data on a CD begins at the center and proceeds outwards to the edge, allowing for flexibility as many different sizes of CDs can be made; the most common being 12 cm in diameter known as maxi singles when used for storing music. As the first players surfaced on the market that year, the compact disc format began to attract widespread usage and popularity in Japan and Europe. CDs were manufactured at only two facilities in the entire world, each owned by Philips and Sony. The manufacturing process was tedious and required masked technicians in labs. Hitachi also released their first CD players in , selling about 6, units, whilst Sony sold over 20, CD players. By the end of the year, CD titles were available. That year, growth soared as 30, players and , CDs were sold in the US alone. Portable CD players were first introduced in the mid s but were not popular until the s when anti-skip technology was introduced. At first, the D was not profitable but as the product gained popularity, it soon became profitable, and Sony began to create a portable CD market. The Discman range was later re-named to CD Walkman. Hip hop is born at a birthday party in the Bronx - HISTORY

By the word "Walkman" had entered the Oxford English Dictionary. Its launch coincided with the birth of the aerobics craze, and millions used the Walkman to make their workouts more entertaining. Sony even made a solar-powered Walkman, water-resistant Sport Walkmans and even devices with two cassette drives. But cassettes, like any technology, weren't going to last forever. With the introduction of compact discs in the format began to go the way of the 8-track itself. Sony, however, was fairly quick to jump to new formats: it introduced the D portable CD player a year after the first compact discs were sold, and later rolled out MiniDisc and MP3 players under the Walkman brand. Its insistence for several years on sticking to a proprietary digital music format, ATRAC, left it far behind Apple's iPod in terms of market share. Since its launch, Sony has released more than different models across all formats; it currently makes Walkman-branded MP3 players, phones and even portable DVD players. See the greatest hits of Japanese design. The Palm Pre: The latest would-be iPhone-killer. For now, the group kept the event well-hidden. Since its February New York appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show , the band had been the most famous celebrities in the world, but aside from introducing young men to long hair, it had so far managed to avoid controversy. The Beatles had been regular smokers of marijuana since Bob Dylan introduced them to it in a hotel room in August Acid, however, would ultimately transform everything about the Beatles: their sound, their conception of themselves, their viewpoint and their influence on history. Despite their initial mixed reaction to the psychedelic, Lennon and Harrison resolved that they wanted to take the drug again — and this time they wanted company. They took the opportunity during a five-day break in their summer North American tour, at a house they rented from actress Zsa Zsa Gabor in Beverly Hills. It was such a mammoth experience that it was unexplainable. It was something that had to be experienced, because you could spend the rest of your life trying to explain what it made you feel and think. It was all too important to John and me. McCartney, though, declined the suggestion. John was rather excited by that prospect. I was rather frightened by that prospect. I was seen to sort of stall. At one point in the afternoon in Beverly Hills, Harrison got scared. I told him that there was nothing to be afraid of and all that he needed to do was relax. Who put all that shit in your head? They frightened him, but also presented a problem to try to resolve. Musically, the Beatles were already changing, taking increasingly daring risks. They had inspired countless British and American bands — the Rolling Stones, the Byrds, the Beach Boys — with their uncommon chord changes, their curving, often sharp-cornered melodies and their commitment to writing their own songs. But it was Dylan whom the Beatles heeded most. In December , the Beatles upped the ante with Rubber Soul , seen as a major step in their artistic growth. McCartney was aware of the growing competition and intended to keep the Beatles at a creative edge. Despite his reluctance about psychedelics, he was in some ways the most progressive Beatle. People are saying things and painting things and writing things and composing things that are great, and I must know what people are doing. Even though you cling to your old mind, you have lost the power to keep it. Trust your divinity, trust your brain, and trust your companions. Whenever in doubt, turn off your mind, relax, float downstream. He read the entire book in the shop. Within days, Lennon presented a new song to the Beatles and producer George Martin. But nobody ever listens hard enough. Lennon was ecstatic, but then wondered if they could achieve something better by suspending him from a ceiling rope and spinning him as he sang. They could not. Harrison, who was now studying Indian music, added a tamboura — a drone instrument that makes for an ethereal swirling harmonic undertow. It was McCartney, though, who came up with the sound of what happens when the spirit meets the void. Martin listened to them, played them forward and backward. Finally, he ran the results through several interconnected tape machines simultaneously at the Abbey Road studio, each helmed by an EMI employee who varied the speed just enough to make for a collective unearthly mixture. Their vision of the transmigration of the soul was an eerie and credible rendition of what taking LSD might sound like. Other bands — the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service, the Doors and Pink Floyd — tried making music from within that state of mind itself, in extended improvisation passages. Give someone the gift of warm, cozy feet with these sturdy-yet-comfortable slippers from L. Buy it: L. These glasses cleaners make an unconventional, though useful, stocking stuffer. The glasses-wearers in your life will finally be able to wipe their lenses without accidentally adding additional finger smudges in the process. Buy it: Amazon. These premium cotton shirts are extremely comfortable and toasty in winter weather—perfect for dads like mine who have recently returned from Florida. Fortnite fans of college age will appreciate this diversion, which includes three llama targets. It will hopefully distract younger relatives from indulging in less wholesome social activities. My niece is finally becoming fun to shop for now that she I think turned 7 in May. I already got her a few gifts from a predetermined list my family has to follow, but I also decided to go a bit rogue and buy her the new Hello Kitty Tamagotchi. I had one of the original Tamagotchis back in the late '90s, and I remember it driving my mother up a wall. I was grossly irresoponsible in taking care of it, so she used to take it to work with her to feed it and entertain it throughout the day. And while I would always lose interest in keeping it alive, I would be despondent whenever it would die—and no mother wants their kid's digital pet to die of neglect. In short, children are incredibly difficult, and I'd be honored if my niece followed in that tradition. This Grovemade Wood Notebook is a treat for any self-proclaimed notebook collectors like myself. Leatherbound notebooks feel like a dime a dozen compared to this unique wooden spiral one. Buy it: Grovemade. I bought this gadget for my clean-conscious brother-in-law. It claims to kill 99 percent of germs on your phone or any other item that fits inside it with a minute blast of UV light. It's hard to tell if it's working, but we're better safe than sorry these days. In , it's hard to go wrong with gifts that relieve stress. That's why I'm getting this kneading dough as a stocking stuffer for my boyfriend. It's infused with essential oils, so it releases soothing scents when massaged. Plus, it's a lot more sophisticated than a fidget spinner. Buy it: Uncommon Goods. I'm indulging my little brother's love for hot sauce with this kit, which comes with everything he needs to make his own smokin' hot sauce: bottles; cayenne, ancho, curry, and chili spice packs; and vinegar. My mom can't get enough mushrooms, so this year, I gifted her a log so she can grow her own. All she needs to do is soak the log and keep it in a cool, damp place, and once it starts sprouting, she can harvest, soak, and repeat every six weeks for three years. It's the gift that literally keeps on giving. NPR Cookie Consent and Choices

By , 90 percent of nails produced in the U. Meanwhile, the screw a stronger but harder-to-insert fastener is thought to have been invented by the Greek scholar Archimedes in the third century B. Ancient mariners navigated by the stars, but that method didn't work during the day or on cloudy nights, and so it was unsafe to voyage far from land. The Chinese invented the first compass sometime between the 9th and 11th century; it was made of lodestone, a naturally-magnetized iron ore, the attractive properties of which they had been studying for centuries. Pictured is a model of an ancient Chinese compass from the Han Dynasty; it is a south-indicating ladle, or sinan, made of polished lodestone. Soon after, the technology passed to Europeans and Arabs through nautical contact. The compass enabled mariners to navigate safely far from land, increasing sea trade and contributing to the Age of Discovery. The German Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press around Key to its development was the hand mold, a new molding technique that enabled the rapid creation of large quantities of metal movable type. Though others before him — including inventors in China and Korea — had developed movable type made from metal, Gutenberg was the first to create a mechanized process that transferred the ink which he made from linseed oil and soot from the movable type to paper. With this movable type process, printing presses exponentially increased the speed with which book copies could be made, and thus they led to the rapid and widespread dissemination of knowledge for the first time in history. Twenty million volumes had been printed in Western Europe by Among other things, the printing press permitted wider access to the Bible, which in turn led to alternative interpretations, including that of Martin Luther, whose "95 Theses" a document printed by the hundred-thousand sparked the Protestant Reformation. In these engines, the combustion of a fuel releases a high-temperature gas, which, as it expands, applies a force to a piston, moving it. Thus, combustion engines convert chemical energy into mechanical work. Decades of engineering by many scientists went in to designing the internal combustion engine, which took its essentially modern form in the latter half of the 19th century. The engine ushered in the Industrial Age, as well as enabling the invention of a huge variety of machines, including modern cars and aircraft. Pictured are the operating steps of a four-stroke internal combustion engine. The strokes are as follows: 1 Intake stroke - air and vaporised fuel are drawn in. Though several inventors did pioneering work on electronic voice transmission many of whom later filed intellectual property lawsuits when telephone use exploded , Alexander Graham Bell was the first to be awarded a patent for the electric telephone in His patent drawing is pictured above. He drew his inspiration from teaching the deaf and also visits to his hearing-impaired mom, according to PBS. He called the first telephone an "electrical speech machine," according to PBS. The invention quickly took off, and revolutionized global business and communication. When Bell died on Aug. When all you have is natural light, productivity is limited to daylight hours. Light bulbs changed the world by allowing us to be active at night. According to historians, two dozen people were instrumental in inventing incandescent lamps throughout the s; Thomas Edison is credited as the primary inventor because he created a completely functional lighting system, including a generator and wiring as well as a carbon-filament bulb like the one above, in As well as initiating the introduction of electricity in homes throughout the Western world, this invention also had a rather unexpected consequence of changing people's sleep patterns. Instead of going to bed at nightfall having nothing else to do and sleeping in segments throughout the night separated by periods of wakefulness, we now stay up except for the 7 to 8 hours allotted for sleep, and, ideally, we sleep all in one go. It's one of the most famous discovery stories in history. In , the Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming noticed a bacteria-filled Petri dish in his laboratory with its lid accidentally ajar. The sample had become contaminated with a mold, and everywhere the mold was, the bacteria was dead. While hunting for elk along the Missouri River, Meriwether Lewis is shot in the hip, probably by one of his own men. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark had embarked on their epic journey to the Pacific two years earlier. The 33 members of the Corps of Discovery had experienced On August 11, , the nostalgic teenage coming-of-age movie American Graffiti, directed and co-written by George Lucas, opens in theaters across the United States. Wary of his new foe, Early moved away to avoid an immediate conflict. Since June, Early and his 14, troops had been campaigning in the Shenandoah Valley and On August 11, , Friedrich Ebert, a member of the Social Democratic Party and the provisional president of the German Reichstag government , signs a new constitution, known as the Weimar Constitution, into law, officially creating the first parliamentary democracy in Germany. Live TV. This Day In History. History at Home. Art, Literature, and Film History. Middle East. US Government. World War II. Vietnam War. Sign Up. Cold War. Westward Expansion. Civil War. World War I. The Beatles - Wikipedia

Public concerts and operas moved away from the exclusivity of royalty and riches and into the hands of the urban middle-class society for all to enjoy. The Romantic period was also the first period where national music schools began to appear. However, these sub-genres are normally lumped into one large category since there are so many diverse and opposing styles. Over time, composers have been pulling further and further away from rules and restrictions into what is ultimately now a place of complete free reign. Classical music is now a place for the ultimate experimentation, and though it may not be as popular in as it was in , it certainly has not disappeared. We still look back to the beginning from time to time and remember the beautiful music so many people made. Username or Email Address. Stay Connected. Medieval — Though we can assume that music began far before , the Medieval period is the first in which we can be sure as to how music sounded during this time. Renaissance — The Renaissance brought significantly increased amounts of harmony and polyphony into music, as most composers were focused on choral music. The Renaissance was a golden age for choral composition, especially in a capella compositions. Instrumentation became more prominent during this period, with the introduction of: Early brass instruments: slide trumpet , cornet , valveless trumpet , sackbut Adapted string instruments: viol, rebec, lyre, lute, guitar The harpsichord Small percussion instruments: triangle, tambourine, bells, small drums Early woodwind instruments: reed pipe, bagpipe , transverse flute , recorder The second half of the Renaissance period was incredibly influential, as composers became to move away from the modal system of harmony and towards the organization of major and minor scales. Romantic — Beethoven and Schubert bridged the gap between the Classical and Romantic periods of music. Impressionist: — Expressionist: — Modern: — Postmodern: — present Contemporary: — present However, these sub-genres are normally lumped into one large category since there are so many diverse and opposing styles. The 20th and 21st centuries can only be described as free reign for composers. Editor Picks. A Braun car radio released in But not everyone was excited. Such a thing as this, I am sure, would not be tolerated by city traffic authorities. Several states moved to ban the controversial devices , which opponents argued could lull drivers to sleep. Skateboarding in Carson, California in Many decried skateboarding as a fleeting but potentially lethal craze. The liberal political organization Americans for Democratic Action petitioned the U. The first Walkman, released in the U. Municipalities started trying to ban people from wearing headphones while walking across the street, arguing that it was a safety hazard. Marty Cooper photographed in with his prototype cell phone. In terms of its impact on the industry, the iPhone is less relevant. This article contains affiliate links to products selected by our editors. Mental Floss may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. There are a lot of gifts to be bought this time of year, but you don't want to give the people in your life the same old presents they've already seen countless times. From comfy waterproof boots for the outdoorsy people in your life to a Nerf Blaster for the kids or chaotic adults on your list, we think you'll find something for everyone here even if you're just in the market to treat yourself. These waterproof, fleece-lined boots from Merrell are sleek enough to wear around a city and sturdy enough to handle a lengthier walk in the woods. Buy it: Merrell. Months spent cooped up inside mean many of us have swapped outdoor shoes for slippers. Give someone the gift of warm, cozy feet with these sturdy-yet-comfortable slippers from L. Buy it: L. These glasses cleaners make an unconventional, though useful, stocking stuffer. The glasses-wearers in your life will finally be able to wipe their lenses without accidentally adding additional finger smudges in the process. Buy it: Amazon. These premium cotton shirts are extremely comfortable and toasty in winter weather—perfect for dads like mine who have recently returned from Florida. Fortnite fans of college age will appreciate this diversion, which includes three llama targets. It will hopefully distract younger relatives from indulging in less wholesome social activities. My niece is finally becoming fun to shop for now that she I think turned 7 in May. I already got her a few gifts from a predetermined list my family has to follow, but I also decided to go a bit rogue and buy her the new Hello Kitty Tamagotchi. I had one of the original Tamagotchis back in the late '90s, and I remember it driving my mother up a wall. Masaru Ibuka, Sony's co-founder, traveled often for business and would find himself lugging Sony's bulky TC-D5 cassette recorder around to listen to music. He asked Norio Ohga, then Executive Deputy President, to design a playback-only stereo version, optimized for use with headphones. Don't you think a stereo cassette player that you can listen to while walking around is a good idea? All the device needed now was a name. Originally the Walkman was introduced in the U. First released in Japan, it was a massive hit: while Sony predicted it would only sell about 5, units a month, the Walkman sold upwards of 50, in the first two months. Sony wasn't the first company to introduce portable audio: the first-ever portable transistor radio, the index card-sized Regency TR-1, debuted in But the Walkman's unprecedented combination of portability it ran on two AA batteries and privacy it featured a headphone jack but no external speaker made it the ideal product for thousands of consumers looking for a compact portable stereo that they could take with them anywhere. The s could well have been the Walkman decade. By the word "Walkman" had entered the Oxford English Dictionary. https://files8.webydo.com/9591966/UploadedFiles/2ABD86DD-1962-77CD-5855-E5A4280FB02C.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4640422/normal_601ed9dd50dfb.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4636928/normal_602037153d9fe.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4637049/normal_6020d4f66792d.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4644555/normal_602018577e65f.pdf https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/75ac0f34-6471-400a-8581-85c4fc797fd6/der-neurotische-goetterhimmel-der-griechen-europa-im- falschen-kielwasser-422.pdf