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Barbados Advocate Established October 1895 See inside Monday April 26, 2021 $1 VAT Inclusive CRUCIAL TIME FOR STRONG LEADERSHIP AS the nation struggles to cope in these unset- tling times, an Anglican Cleric is of the view that strong leadership is ever so crucial. What is presently re- quired is the making of hard and difficult deci- sions, according to The Rev. Canon Wayne Isaacs. He warned that now is not a time for leaders who are soft or weak and afraid to make difficult decisions for the common good. “The present time in our nation, the region and the world require leaders who are self-confident, passion- ate, inspiring – people who have a vision; a vision of where they want to go; where they want the na- tion to go; where they want the institution to go,” the Priest-in-charge of St. Mary’s Church insisted. “And hence, the present time demands leaders who are demanding in the sense that they trust peo- ple and set them goals that are attainable. And the present time in our na- tion and the world calls for leaders who are willing to share, utilise the skills of ABOVE: To commemorate The Diabetes and Hypertension Association of Barbados’ 46th anniversary, members, and persons sup- portive of the Association joined the congregation of St. Mary’s Church, yesterday. LEADER on Page 2 INSET: Priest-in-Charge of St. Mary’s Church, The Rev. Canon Wayne E. Isaacs delivering the sermon, yesterday. Candidate selection process progressing PRESIDENT of the The political leader was the members of the con- will be running in the St. checks performed on po- pect to have their feet to Democratic Labour Party speaking yesterday on stituency branches on Michael North West con- tential candidates, and the fire, but also in terms (DLP), attorney-at-law, the Brass Tacks call-in who they want to repre- stituency and Second built into their by-laws of their conduct, because Verla De Peiza, says that programme, as she indi- sent them, though the Vice President Andre on candidate selection, we want to learn the les- the party has more than cated that the party re- final decision is still Worrell will be the “stan- she added, is the power son coming out of that ex- half of their candidates mains “very actively” in- made at the level of the dard bearer” in St. John. of recall. perience, and ensure that in place for the next gen- volved in the process of Party’s councils. While Her comments came as “We’re interested in it never happens again. eral election due in 2023, candidate selection. She not revealing all the she said they have re- making sure that our But if having happened, announcing also that she made the point while names, she noted that in crafted the candidate se- candidates are doing again, that we will be vying for the St. adding that they have addition to her, First Vice lection process, such that their groundwork, we Lucy seat. been listening more to President Ryan Walters there are due diligence hold our meetings, we ex- DLP on Page 3 2 • Monday April 26, 2021 The Barbados Advocate PAHO donates over 60 000 protective supplies THE Barbados Defence was to strengthen the ca- Force recently received a pacity of organizations donation of protective sup- like the BDF, response to plies from the Pan any disasters or haz- The team from PAHO were afforded a tour of the BDF FMT, with Lt Col Browne, who further explained American Health ardous events.” She fur- the strategic goals for the BDF FMT to receive its Type 2 classification. Organization (PAHO) ther explained, that the during ceremony,its Field contribution was in recog- Medical Team Facility. nition of the BDFs sup- The donation comprised of port in the fight against seven thousand (7000) COVID-19 and efforts in N95 masks, with sixty the aftermath of the La thousand (60,000) surgi- Soufriere volcano erup- cal masks and gowns tions in St Vincent and the each. Dr Karen Polson, Grenadines. PAHO Advisor and During the presentation COVID 19 Incident ceremony, Lt Col Browne Manager, presented the indicated that “the protec- supplies Lieutenant tive supplies would be Colonel (Lt Col) Junior placed immediately into Browne. action across the Force Dr Polson stated, “that during its continuous op- part of PAHOs mandate erations and deployments. Leadership traits LEADER from Page 1 is one that is able to tran- scend all the barriers in persons, trust people, life and unite and bring and do not attempt to persons together. It is not do it alone.” easy – it’s a challenge – Moreover, Canon Isaacs but the good leader en- declared that good leaders deavours at all times,” he who follow the example of told the congregation. Jesus Christ, cater to the To commemorate The physical, mental, and spir- Diabetes and itual needs of the people Hypertension Association they lead. of Barbados’ 46th anniver- He also asserted that sary, members and per- leaders must strike a bal- sons supportive of the ance between a society Association joined the con- and an economy, pointing gregation of St. Mary’s out, “both are needed for Church, yesterday. the growth and develop- Congratulating ment of God’s people, and President Trudy Griffith to argue that one is better and her team on the mile- than the other is a foolish stone, Canon Isaacs said exercise. the Association has been “When we follow the ex- able to survive for 46 ample of Jesus Christ, years because of good genuine leadership must leadership. be inclusive … One of the Griffith expressed that good marks of a leader the Association has who follows the example evolved, also acknowledg- of Jesus the Good ing “While the Shepherd is that person’s Association’s areas of pro- ability to be inclusive, and gramming focus on sup- to engage all persons in port, education, advocacy, whatever plans they and screening – our ulti- make for the nation, for mate goal is the holistic the family or an institu- well-being of all persons tion. who reside in our nation”. “One of the many re- “Daily, we prayer for sponsibilities given to a God’s mercy and we trust leader is to bring people that His guidance and di- together – people of all rection will result in a colours, classes, religion, much-welcomed down- political affiliation, educa- ward trend of fewer cases tion – the good leader is of diabetes and hyperten- one who is able to promote sion as well as related fellowship; the good leader complications. The Barbados Advocate Monday April 26, 2021 • 3 Corruption must be rooted Party committed out! to Barbadians DLP from Page 1 PRESIDENT of the life, including how we around them, and defi- Democratic Labour worship, but were it not nitely sometimes we have are in a position already to Party (DLP), Verla De for the Best do Santos to plough through them,” tackle it to the ground. Peiza says that the po- Laboratory, we would be she stated. But we also want to see litical party remains as in a much worse position, Meanwhile, noting that that same level of activity committed as it has and kudos to the then ad- the Democratic Labour and commitment to root- been in the past to en- ministration for that. Party is no stranger to ad- ing out corruption at the suring there is “better- She added, “Were it not versity,the political leader national level, and that ment” for the people of for a multipurpose com- said having spent the last challenge is thrown out to Barbados. plex at the Blackman and three years looking in- the government of the She gave the assurance Gollop School, we would wardly and reforming day,” she stated. while speaking yesterday not be able to pivot so themselves, they are now Her comments came as morning during a service quickly,and to make room prepared to look out- she was asked about and at the St. George Parish and provisions so that wardly and speak to the reflected on the conviction Church to mark the 66th more of our people can be people of Barbados about of former DLP minister anniversary of the politi- cocooned away from the how the DLP can change Donville Inniss in the US cal party, which will be effects of the pandemic. their lives for the better court for money launder- celebrated on April 27. And again, kudos for as well. ing. De Peiza said wher- With that in mind, she that”. “This is the conversa- ever wrongdoing occurs, it spoke of some of the Touching more on the tion that we will be having must be rooted out. She party’s accomplishments pandemic, she said it pro- with the people of made the point while con- over the years, including vides the country with op- Barbados on an ongoing tending that the the creation of the portunities for growth, es- basis starting now. Going Government has failed to National Insurance pecially in terms of educa- forward, it is all about do as it promised, as it re- President of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP), Scheme and the provision tion and to diversify the what can we do to make lates to the enactment of attorney-at-law, Verla De Peiza of free secondary educa- economy. the lives of our people that legislation to root out cor- tion. She referred to those “...The opportunity to much better. How can we ruption in this country. she said. issue of corruption head earlier accomplishments view it differently,and it is have more people involved “The last administra- De Peiza added, “You on.
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