Minhagim HaBreslov Customs and practices of the Breslov chassidim DRAFT Reproduced from Breslev Israel (breslev.co.il) and Breslov Center (breslovcenter.blogspot.com) by Derek Baillie (
[email protected]) "1 of "26 "2 of "26 Awakening From Sleep / Modeh Ani 6! Tikkun Chatzot 6! Breslov Summer Customs 7! The Twentieth of Sivan 7! The Eighth of Tammuz 7! The Twenty-third of Tammuz 7! The Fifth of Av 8! The Three Weeks - from 17 Tammuz until 9 Av 8! Tisha b’Av 8! Mikveh 9! Praying Early 9! Hitkashrut 11! Binding Oneself to the Tzaddik and to Klal Yisrael 11! Tzedakah Before and During Shacharis 12! Tzitzis / Tallis 13! Techelet 15! Tefillin 16! Tefillah be-Kavanah 20! Coming to Shul 20! Hakhanos le-Tefillah 21! Tefillah be-Tzibbur 21! Nusach ha-Tefillah 21! Hitpa’alut / Enthusiasm 23! Posture During Davenning 24! Zmanim 25! Kaddish 26 "3 of "26 "4 of "26 "5 of "26 Awakening From Sleep / Modeh Ani Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught: "As soon as one awakens from sleep, as soon as he opens his eyes, he should remind himself of the World to Come" (Likkutei Moharan I, 54).! Reb Elazar Kenig explained this is in connection with "Modeh Ani," which one utters immediately upon awakening: "One should say ‘Modeh Ani’ every morning b'simchah, with joy, knowing that whatever one experiences in the course of the day is set up by Divine Providence to bring him to the ultimate goal, which is called the 'World to Come.' This idea is also implied by the ‘Elokai neshamah’ prayer that one recites soon afterward: ‘My God, the soul that You have placed within me is pure.