St. John Catholic Church

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St. John Catholic Church St. John Catholic Church 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 501 Adair Street, Adair, IA 50002 October 1, 2017 Adult RE - Lessons for Life This week in our Adult loved one who betrayed plies not only to priests RE class we continued us in some fashion. but also to every one of on the topic of for- They have asked for for- us. Forgiveness is a giveness. One might giveness. You may have thing we must do to- think or wonder why or forgiven them, but you gether. how we can spend so still feel the hurt. What much time on this one does this mean - did you topic. Well, think about really forgive them or Mass Times* In last week’s homily, it - maybe there’s still a does this continued hurt Father explained the lot more for us to learn. indicate that your for- • Sunday: significance of his vest- giveness for that person 7:30am ments with regard to Rosary & Confessions wasn’t genuine? forgiveness. The alb, 8am Mass Is there anyone in your the white garment that 10am Mass at Stuart own life that you haven’t he wears, represents • Tuesday: 6pm Mass at Stuart been able to forgive for It may take a lifetime to baptism - the sacrament • Wednesday: one reason or another? understand that when that makes us a mem- 8:30am Mass I know that I struggle we’ve been hurt or of- ber of the family. Over with it sometimes. How fended that chances are that is the stole. This • Thursday: can we as humans justi- very real that we may item designates his of- 6:30pm Mass fy in our minds that God have done something fice as priest and it also • Friday: 8:30am at Stuart could forgive someone, that hurt others as well. represents the “binding for example, Adolph of things on earth.” • 1st Saturdays: 8:30am at Stuart Let’s pretend you and *Always Check Weekly Hitler, after what he did. What a priest binds on Calendar for Any Changes But God does have that this other person are earth will be bound in capacity - if Hitler both standing before heaven; what a priest would’ve asked for for- God. He asks if you for- ‘looses’ on earth, is Inside this issue: giveness, he would gave the other person. If loosed in heaven. This have been forgiven. We you didn’t or found it too is in reference to the World Meeting 2 can hardly comprehend difficult, He will then ask forgiveness of our sins. the other person if you How can we help? 2 this and yet it is a real The chasuble - the out- and true possibility. ever offended them - er vestment - repre- and how many others in sents the love that co- Finance Report 2 your lifetime. Now, if you vers everything beneath couldn’t forgive, then it. This is a picture of 3 But let’s bring it a little Readings for the week how are you to be forgiv- God’s unconditional closer to home - some- en? “What is bound on thing a little less dra- love and mercy. This is Resource Websites 3 earth is bound in heav- the example of how we matic. Many of us can en. What is loosed on Save the Date... 3 think back to a time are to live our lives - earth is loosed in heav- covering everything with when, for example, we en” is found in two plac- love and mercy. Parish Info/Calendar 4 were hurt terribly by a es in Scripture. This ap- Page 2 St. John Catholic Church 501 Adair Street, Adair, IA 50002 World Meeting of Families Pilgrimage All are invited to join the Diocese of lives of those who attended," said the following parishes 6:30-8 p.m. Des Moines on a pilgrimage to Bishop Richard Pates. "It was a to hear more about the upcoming Dublin, Ireland next year for a tour privileged moment to pray for mar- pilgrimage: on Oct. 3, at All Saints of the country beginning Aug. 19, ried couples and families in all Parish in Stuart. 2018 and concluding Aug. 26-27, their diverse circumstances. It was 2018 with the closing weekend of a catechetical opportunity for RSVP's are required and can be the World Meeting of Families. those who attended. It bore fruit in made with Adam Storey at 515- 237-5056. Several information sessions are our diocese through a renewal of planned. our Diocesan Marriage Board and new excitement around multiple Pope Francis is expected to attend marriage enrichment initiatives. I the closing events. am confident that this pilgrimage will be no less fruitful." Seventy five pilgrims from the Dio- cese of Des Moines attended the Several information nights have last World Meeting of Families in been arranged across the diocese 2015 in Philadelphia. "It was a for those who are interested but powerful moment in the spiritual need more information. Stop by What can we do for you? If you would like a visit To Request Prayer: Need a Sacrament? from Father: If you would like to request prayer Baptisms: contact the church office to set a date; if you are first-time par- Father Ray is available to visit the for someone in need, you may call ents, you will need instruction prior to sick and the homebound generally Adella Vogl (641-742-5277) for the Baptism. during the week. If you would like the telephone prayer chain or a visit from Father, please call the email the office at Weddings: Be sure to contact the Church office to set up a time: [email protected] church office to request a date at 515-523-1943. for an electronic prayer chain least six months prior to the wedding. communication. Father will need to meet with the couple for counsel/marriage prep. Parish Business & Finance September 24th Collection This week’s income: $566.00 Regular Tithes: $551.00 This week’s expenses: Children’s Collection: $15.00 $302.25 Building Fund: $50.00 ADA Balance Due: $520.00 ($6,725 pd/ $7,245 goal) Special: $0.00 Repair Fund Bal: $2,750.12 501 Adair Street, Adair, IA 50002 St. John Catholic Church Page 3 The Readings for this week... Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday Thursday 5th Friday 6th Saturday 7th Sunday 8th 4th Memorial of Optional Optional Me- Memorial of 27th Sunday the Holy Memorial of Memorial of morials of St. Our Lady of in Ordinary Guardian St. Francis of Bl. Francis Bruno, Priest; the Rosary Time Angels Assisi Xavier Seelos, Bl. Marie Rose Priest Durocher, Isaiah 5:1-7 Virgin Psalm 80:9, Zechariah Zechariah Nehemiah Nehemiah Baruch Baruch 4:5- 12, 13-14, 8:20-23 8:1-8 2:1-8 8:1-4a, 5-6, 1:15-22 12, 27-29 15-16, 19-20 7b-12 Psalm 102:16- Psalm 87:1b- Psalm 137:1- 18, 19-21, 29, 3, 4-5, 6-7 2, 3, 4-5, 6 Psalm 19:8, 9, Psalm 79:1b- Psalm 69:33- Philippians 22-23 10, 11 2, 3-5, 8,9 35, 36-37 4:6-9 Matthew Luke Luke Matthew Luke 9:51-56 Luke 9:57-62 18:1-5, 10 Luke 10:1-12 10:13-16 10:13-16 21:33-43 Resource Websites Catholic Devotional and Bible Catholic Culture Information on the Vatican, Church Studies Statements, Teachings, & Documents Catholic Scripture Study Catholic News Agency Catholic Answers EWTN News The Holy See Inside the Vatican Magnificat Ignatius Insight U.S. Conference of Catholic Pope2You Bishops National Catholic Register US Conference of Catholic Bishops The Word Among Us Our Sunday Visitor Vatican News Reliable Catholic News Sources Zenit Save the date... • Attention All C.W.O Women • Tuesday Night It is time for the fall $25 Adult Religious collection. This replaces our Ed with Fr. Ray fall dinner. Please pay either follows 6pm your chairman or Wilma Fa- Mass at Stuart. gan. Thank you. All are welcome! • Faith Formation classes are NOTE: No class scheduled for Oct. 1st & 15th. on Oct. 3rd! ITEMS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE BULLETIN MUST Liturgical Ministers Schedule: Sunday October 8, 2017 BE SUBMITTED TO THE OFFICE BY 5PM WEDNESDAY. Cross Bearer: Larry Drees Call 515-523-1943 or email: Greeters: Mr. & Mrs. Phil Fagan [email protected] to submit your items. Lector: Theresa Elgin Bulletins, prayer requests, and other announcements are sent via email through Constant Contact. If you are Host: Scott Suhr not receiving these emails, please be sure the Church Cup: Matt Fagan & Dave Richter Office has your address. Website: Servers: Carley Fagan & Cash Suhr Traveling Chalice: Phyllis O’Brien On our website: Contact Us Mass & Confession Times Rev. Raymond J. Higgins, Pastor Church Office: 515-523-1943 Events & Activities Photos To request a Baptism or other Sacrament, to join the Church, or if you have any other questions, please contact the Church Office. Calendar of Events Parish Administrative Assistant & Bulletin Editor: Catholic News Sources Brenda Wedemeyer [email protected] Parish Bookkeeper & Mass Intentions: Rita Rilea [email protected] Bulletins (Church & Children’s) Director of Religious Education: Annie Brincks [email protected] Music: Deb Hollinrake Liturgical Minister Schedule: Les Elgin 742-3854 Daily Readings Prayer Request Phone Line: Adella Vogl 641-742-5277 St.
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