Nuclear Monitor #733

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Nuclear Monitor #733 SEPT 23, 2011 | No. 733 SAYONARA TO NUCLEAR POWER An estimated sixty thousand people took to the streets in Tokyo on September 19 to say Goodbye to nuclear power. It was the largest anti-nuclear demonstration ever in Japan. On September 11, exactly six months after the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdowns, many thousands already had demonstrated all over Japan to vent their anger at the government's handling of the nuclear crisis. Three young men and a woman started a 10 day hunger strike in front of the Ministry of SAYONARA TO NUCLEAR Economy Industry and Trade, the planner and sponsor of nuclear power. POWER 1 (733.6166) WISE Amsterdam - In one tricity for around 20 million households. At LITHUANIA AND BELARUS of the largest protests on September 11, the same time, load reduction strategies ATTACKING NUCLEAR an estimated 2,500 people marched past would cut Japan's energy demand by PROJECTS 2 the headquarters of the plant's operator, 11,000 MW, equal to the capacity of 10 to Tokyo Electric Power Company, and 12 nuclear reactors. THE TROUBLED RECENT created a "human chain" around the buil- HISTORY OF NUCLEAR ding of the Trade Ministry that oversees Japan Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's POWER IN SOUTH AFRICA 4 the power industry. Protesters called for effort to win public support for restarting a complete shutdown of nuclear power nuclear reactors faces a setback after his NUCLEAR LOBBY DELAYING plants across Japan and demanded a minister in charge of the industry was for- ENFORCEMENT SAFETY shift in government policy toward alterna- ced to resign just nine days into the job. REQUIREMENTS AFTER 9/11 6 tive sources of energy. Yoshio Hachiro stepped down as head of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and GERMANY'S PHASE-OUT: Japan can switch off all nuclear plants Industry on Sept. 10, under fi re for using SIEMENS FOLLOWS 8 permanently by 2012 and still achieve 'towns of death' to describe the evacua- both economic recovery and its CO2 re- tion zone around the Fukushima Dai-ichi CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT AS duction goals, according to a new Green- nuclear plant and joking about radiation. PR-FIRM FOR NUCLEAR peace report. Released on September 11, INDUSTRY 9 the Advanced Energy [R]evolution report The full Greenpeace Advanced Energy for Japan, shows how energy effi ciency [R]evolution Report for Japan can be IN BRIEFS 10 and rapid deployment of renewable tech- found at: nology can provide all the power Japan needs. pdf/er_report.pdf The report - with calculations by the Sources: Bloomberg, 11 September 2011 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the / Reuters, 11 September 2011 Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies Contact: Citizens' Nuclear Information (ISEP) - shows that Japan's wind and so- Center (CNIC). Akebonobashi Co-op lar generation capacity can be ramped up 2F-B, 8-5 Sumiyoshi-cho, Shinjuku-ku, from the existing 3,500 MW to 47,200 MW Tokyo, 162-0065, Japan by 2015. This represents around 1000 Tel: +81-3-3357-3800 new wind turbines deployed per year, and Email: [email protected] an increase in the current annual solar PV market by a factor of fi ve, supplying elec- International antinuclear conference, January 2012. Nongovernmental organizations, including Peace Boat, Greenpeace Japan and the Citizens' Nuclear Information Center, will hold an international conference in Yokohama on Jan. 14 to 15 to call for the elimination of nuclear power generation in the wake of the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant. Environmental groups from across the world as well as residents of Fukushima Prefecture who have been forced out of their homes due to radioactive contamination will be invited as guests to the meeting to draw up policy recommendations for Japan and the rest of the world toward phasing out nuclear power, the NGOs said. LITHUANIA AND BELARUS ATTACKING NUCLEAR PROJECTS After two years of fruitless talks with its eastern neighbor, Lithuania has finally brought its complaint over Belarus’ building a nuclear power plant right on its doorstep to the authority that enforces the Espoo Convention – an international agreement covering industrial projects that may potentially bring environmental harm across state borders. Both Lithuania and Belarus are Espoo signatories, but Belarus denies any violations and threatens a retaliatory complaint over Lithuania’s own nuclear project. With the two countries attacking one another’s project’s safety claims, at least one clear conclusion emerges from the conflict: What nuclear technologies are capable of generating besides power is serious safety concerns. (733.6167) Bellona Foundation - Environmental risks ces, subject the health of the population The UN’s Economic Commission for The existing EIA document, compiled by of Vilnius and neighbouring territories to Europe’s Convention on Environmental offi cial Belarus, has been the subject of a real and unacceptable threat. Impact Assessment in a Transboundary vigorous criticism by Belarusian, Lithu- Context – or the Espoo Convention, anian, and Russian environmentalists, Another argument that Lithuania is using called so because it was signed in the who say the document downplays con- against the current choice of the future Finnish town of Espoo in 1991 – is the siderably the harm it could infl ict on the NPP's location is that the water the plant main international legal act serving region’s environment and population. will be drawing to cool its reactors will as the basis for evaluations of trans- be from the river Neris. The Neris, which boundary ecological risks carried by this Stating its displeasure over Belarus’s is called Vilia in Belarus, is the second or that industrial project implemented in choice of location, Lithuania forwards a largest river in Lithuania and fl ows an individual country. number of hefty arguments. One is that through Vilnius. Lithuania is under- Ostrovets is only 50 kilometres away standably concerned over the potential Using the provisions of this document, from downtown Vilnius. In an offi cial environmental damage the river may be Lithuania was trying to negotiate with note sent to Belarus via diplomatic chan- subjected to during the plant’s operation, Belarus the best advisable location for nels last autumn, Lithuania wrote that including not just the thermal impact of Belarus’s controversial nuclear power Belarus’s decision to build such a site in the service water, but also what Bela- plant project, a fi rst that this Eastern Eu- such close proximity to the Lithuanian rus’s offi cial EIA assessment refers to as ropean state is attempting to the dismay capital undermined the very foundations radioactive and chemical contamination of many among its own population and of Lithuania’s national security: Should “within allowable limits.” criticism on the part of environmentalists a severe accident occur at the new and a number of European govern- NPP, followed by a massive discharge Procedural violations ments. Belarus intends to build its plant of radioactive substances, Lithuania will But the major part of the Lithuanian with Russia’s help in a town of Ostro- be forced to evacuate all of its governing complaint is focused on allegations that vets, in Grodno Region – only a handful bodies and institutions. Belarus has committed a number of of kilometres away from the European violations of the Espoo Convention while border and Lithuania’s capital, Vilnius. Vilnius is also the largest Lithuanian pursuing its Ostrovets NPP project. city and the estimated toll that a forced According to the Lithuanians, Belarus Fed up with two years of futile talks in- evacuation would take on its inhabitants did not follow proper procedure when sisting that Belarus move its constructi- and the country may well be worth the estimating the potential environmental on site away from the Lithuanian border concern. impact of its future plant and has with- and produce full and truthful information held key information about the project about the potential impact the plant may The Lithuanians also cite in their com- from its neighbour. have on Lithuania’s environment and plaint the International Atomic Energy population health, Vilnius fi nally submit- Agency’s (IAEA) fourth safety principle In particular, the complaint says, Lithu- ted a complaint to the Committee for the (see IAEA’s Fundamental Safety Princi- ania has not received from Belarus the Implementation of the Espoo Conven- ples, SF-1, 2006), which stipulates that full version of the EIA study regarding tion. The complaint was sent on June 7. “for facilities and activities to be con- the new station. The materials in ques- sidered justifi ed, the benefi ts that they tion – some three and a half thousand Lithuania’s seven-page statement yield must outweigh the radiation risks to pages – were submitted for a state requests that the Implementation Com- which they give rise.” environmental assessment in Belarus mittee and the Espoo Secretariat apply and were also in February 2010 made their mandate to convince Belarus to do Lithuania also refers to the estimations available, though with signifi cant res- two things, both of principal signifi cance: done by researchers from its Institute trictions applied, to a public commission Commission a new environmental im- of Physics (now, Centre for Physical that sought to conduct an independent pact assessment (EIA) study that could Sciences and Technology) in their 2010 environmental evaluation of the project. provide a more objective evaluation of Expert Evaluation of the Nuclear Power But Lithuania is still waiting to see these the plant’s potential risks and dangers, Plant in Belarus (Annex 5), which show documents, despite having notifi ed Bela- and fi nd another site for the NPP's that an adverse event arising from a rus of its wishes.
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