The Art of Computer Game Design The Art of Computer Game Design by Chris Crawford Preface to the Electronic Version: This text was originally composed by computer game designer Chris Crawford in 1982. When searching for literature on the nature of gaming and its relationship to narrative in 1997, Prof. Sue Peabody learned of The Art of Computer Game Design, which was then long out of print. Prof. Peabody requested Mr. Crawford's permission to publish an electronic version of the text on the World Wide Web so that it would be available to her students and to others interested in game design. Washington State University Vancouver generously made resources available to hire graphic artist Donna Loper to produce this electronic version. WSUV currently houses and maintains the site. Correspondance regarding this site should be addressed to Prof. Sue Peabody, Department of History, Washington State University Vancouver,
[email protected]. If you are interested in more recent writings by Chris Crawford, see the "Reflections" interview at the end of The Art of Computer Game Design. Also, visit Chris Crawford's webpage, Erasmatazz. An acrobat version of this text is mirrored at this site: Acrobat Table of Contents ■ Acknowledgement ■ Preface ■ Chapter 1 - What is a Game? ■ Chapter 2 - Why Do People Play Games? ■ Chapter 3 - A Taxonomy of Computer Games ■ Chapter 4 - The Computer as a Game Technology ■ Chapter 5 - The Game Design Sequence ■ Chapter 6 - Design Techniques and Ideals ■ Chapter 7 - The Future of Computer Games ■ Chapter 8 - Development of Excalibur ■ Reflections - Interview with Chris WSUV Home Page | Prof.