Jomes L. Colver Commissioner of Minerol Resources ond Stote Geologist







Jomes L. Colver Commissioner of Minerol Resources ond Stote Ceologist

CHARLOTTESVI LLE, VI RGI N IA 1972 CoultoNweer-trr or Vrncrme DepenrnarNr or. Puncn-lses exp Suppr.v RrcnuoNo r972

Portions of this publication may be quoted if credit is given to the Virginia Division of Mineral Resources. It is recom- mended that reference to this report be made in the following form:

Hoffer, F.8., Lnz, Bibliography of Virginia geology and min- eral resources-t950-1959: Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Information Circ. 19, 103 p. DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND I ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

Richmond, Virginia

MenvrN M. Surxrnr,tNo, Di.rector Cnenrns A. CnnrsropHERsEN, Deputy Director A. S. RecsAl, Jn., Executive Assistant

BOARD Wrr-r,r,rnn H. KrNc, Burkeville, Chairman Wrr,r,rervr H. SrennecnN, Alexandria, Vice Cbairman D. HeNnv ArnroNn, Richmond Me3ron T. BrNroN, Suffolk

Joseen C. Cenren, Jn., Richmond Ronnnr W. Dexrnq Jn., Spring Grove A-oor,r U. Hoxrer,a, Richmond Cr,euoB A. Jessur, Charlottesville Groncn, C. McGnen, Middleburg RonBnr PArrtnsoN, Charlottesville C,or,r,ms Sxvnnn, Accomac - ! Fnnonnrcr W. War-rnn, Roanoke CONTENTS Pecn

Introduction I

Bibliography 2



Two bibliographies dealing with Virginia geology and mineral re- sources have been previously published:

(1) Annotated geological bibliography of Virginia: Charlottesville, Alderman Library; Richmond, Dietz Press, 726 p.,l942,by J.K. Roberts; (2) Bibliography of Virginia geology and mineral resources-l94l- 1949; Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Information Cir- cular 14, 58 p., 1968, by F. B. Hoffer.

The present bibliography is patterned after the Bibliography of North American Geology, which is published annually by the United States Geological Survey. It lists the literature on the geology and mineral resources released from 1950 through 1959, plus some ornissions from earlier bibliographies. Readers are encouraged to notify the Vir- ginia Division of Mineral Resources of any omissions and etrors in this bibliography so that corrections may be included in later supplements. Theses from colleges and universities in the United States and open-file reports which include data pertaining to the Commonwealth of Vir- ginia are listed. Where a report deals with more than three counties, it is entered in the index under Virginia or a subdivision of the Commonwealth, or under one of the physiographic provinces. Abbreviations in the cita- tions are restricted to those commonly known or used in the United States Geological Survey Bibliography of North America. VrncrNre DrvrsroN or MrNenar Rmounces


ADAMS, f. n., ,lrTatel, Howard E., 1. AHRENS, Louis Herman, see also Dennen, Witliam Henry. spectrochemical analysis of some of the rarer elements in granite and diabase samples (R.L and Ya,), in Fairbairn, H. W., A cooperative investigation of precision and accuracy in chemical, spectrochemical, and modal analysis of silicate rocks: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 980, p. 53-57,1951. ALFORD, J. R. (Kane, J. R.; Marthison, D. M.). Petrographic study of beach sands from Cape Henry, Virginia to North Carolina iine (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 7, no. 4, p. 327, 1956.

ALLEN, RHESA McCOY, JR. l. Mechanical and chemical loads of some Virginia streams (abs.): virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 1, no.4, p. 381, 1950. 2. characteristics of some coal seams in sourhern west virginia and south- western Virginia: Mineral Industries Jour., vol. 3, no. 3, p. 3-4, 1956. ALLEN. VICTOR T. Petrographic relations in some typical bauxite and diaspore deposits: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 63, no. 7, p. 649-688, 1952. AMES, JOHN A. High-calcium limestones in the area served by the.Baltimore and ohio Rail- road: Baltimore, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., 105 p., 1951. AMSDEN, THOMAS WILLIAM Lithofacies map of Lower silurian deposits in central and easrern united States and Canada: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 39, no. l, p. 60-74,1955. ANDERSON, CARL CLAUDE (Hinson, Howard Frouston). .Helium-bearing natural gases of the united States: U. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 496, l+l p., 19j1. ANDERSON, JUDSON LOWELL Northeastern United States, in Ball, M, \I/., ed,, possible future petroleum provinces of North America: Am. Assoc. petroleum Geologists, .rrol. 35, ,ro. 2, p.421-437,1951.

ANDREWS, LAURENCE EUGENE, JR. ":. Structure of the area north of Roanoke, Virginia: Thesis (ph.D.), Johns Hopkins Univ., 1952. APPALACHIAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1. A-ppalachian region, in Ball, M. w., ed., possible furure peuoreum provinces of North America: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. ii, no. Z, p.438-457, 1951. 2. (virginia Division of Geology; west virginia Geological survey). Guide- INnonraerroN Cncuren 19

book, joint field conference in the Harrisonburg area, Virginia, May 19-22, 1955: Appalachian Geol. Soc., Virginia Div. Geology, West Virginia Geol. Survey, 44 p., 1955. (Includes papers by W. A. Neison, R. S. ddmundson, B. N. Cooper, H. P. Woodward, R. W. Johnson, Jr., and M. H. Stow, which are cited individually.) 3' (Pittsburgh Geological society; woodward, H. p.). Guidebook, joint meet- ilq: 9t:r_p.i Lodge-Cacapon State Park, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia lVirginiaJ, October 9-fi, 1959: Appalachian Geol.-Soc., piitsburg Geol. Soc., 27 p.,1959.

APPLEGATE, SHELTON P. 1. Preliminary investigation of fossils in the Arvonia slate (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 6, no. 4, p.2g5. 1955. 2. Distribution of Triassic fish in the piedmont of Virginia (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 67, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1749, t9S6; Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 7, no. 4, p. j22-32i,1956. 3. Additions and review. o{ the paleobiology of the Triassic of Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, 1956.

ARESCO, S. J., see alsa Snyder. N. H. (and others). Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal collected during fiscal yearc 7957-r95s: u. s. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 4934, 4972, s}Bi, 5221, 5270, 5332, 540r, 5+89, 5615.

ASCHENBRENNER, R. C., see Jafie, Gilbert. AVERITT, PAUL (Berryhill, Louise R.; Taylor, Dorothy A.). Coal .resources of the United States, a progress report, October 1, l9i3: U. S. Geol. Survey Cir. 291.49 p.. 1953, AVERY, RUTH BUTLER (Conant, Mary Louise; Weissenborn, Helen Frances). Selected annotated bibliography of asbestos resources in the united States and canada: U. s. Geol. Survey Bull. 1019-L, p. 817-865, 1958. AVERY, WILLIAM M. More kyanite; Virginia producer jumps output of high_grade concen'ates: Pit and Quarry, vol. 46, no. 4, p. 111_i13, 12i,1953.

BAILEY, ROY ALDEN, see also young, Robert Spencer, 6. tl""."g, Rohcrt Spencer). Replacement of Ordovician volcanic ash by cal- (abs.): cite Geol. soc. America Buil., vor.67, no. 12, pt. z,p. r74g-r7i0, r9s6. BAIN, GEORGE LAWSON Geology of the intrusives and associated country rock of the Nokesville 7% qtadrangle, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), West Virsinia Univ. 1959. BAIN, GEORGE WILLIAM Triassic age rift structure in eastern North America: New york Acad. sci. Trans., vol. 19, no. 6, p. 4gg-502,1957.

BALK, CHRISTINA, see Lochman-Balk. Christina. VrncrNre Drvrsrox oF MTNERAL Rnsouncos

BALK, ROBERT, see Ruedeman, Rudolf, 2.

BAI,SLEY, JAMES ROBINSON, JR. Aeromagnetic surveying, in vol. 1 of Landsberg, H. E., ed., Advances in geophysics: New York, Academic Press, p. 331-334, 1952. BASSLtrR, RAY SMITH 1. New genera of American Middle Ordovician "Cystoidea": Washington Acad. Sci, Jour., vol. 40, no. 9, p.273-277, 1950. 2, Faunal lists and descriptions of Paleozoic corals: Geol. Soc. America Mem.44, 315 p., 1950.

BAYES, FRANCES S., see Carman, E. P. BEARD, DONALD CHAMBERLAIN Geology of the Deerfield anticline ar rhe northeast end of Walker Mountain, Augusta and Bath counties, Virginia: Thesis (M.A.), Univ. of Virginia, r954.

BEE, RAYMOND F., see Young, George M.

BEHRE, CHARLES HENRY, JR. l. Problems of genesis of mineral deposits of the southeastern (Jnited States, rz Snyder, F. G., ed., Symposium on mineral resources of the southeastern United States: Knoxville, Univ. Tennessee Press, p. 26-41, 1950, 2. Origin of ore deposits of the Mississippi Valley type (abs.): Econ" Geology, vol. 53, no. 7, p. 915-916, 1958; Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 69, no. 12, p. 1533,1958.

BELL, JAMES E. (Hickman, Robert C.). Investigation of the Clinton Jackson quarz crystal deposits, Carroll County, Virginia: U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inr'. 4530, 3 p., 1950. BELL, JOHN Mineral and thermal springs of the United States and Canada: Philadelphia, Parry and McMillan, 394 p.,1855.

BENNtrSON, A. P. (Milton, Charles). Preliminary map of the Fairfax quadrangle, Virginia and part of the Seneca quadrangle, Virginia-Maryland: Open file report, 1958 (?), scale l:62,500. BERRY, EDWARD WILLARD The Pleistocene plant remains of the Coastal Plain of eastern North America: Palaeobotanist, vol. l, p. 79-98, Lucknow, India, 1952.

BERRY, S. H. (Monroe, D. D.; Simkins, L. H"). Mineralogical studies of sediments from the Banister River of Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 6, no. 4, p.286-287, r955.

BERRYHILL, LOUISE R., see Averitt, Paul INponl,rerroN Crncur-en 19

BERSHAD, SUZANNE F. (Duncan, John Kenneth). Environmental conditions afiecting the deposition of beach sands between Virginia and Florida (abs.): Jour. Paleontology, vol. 30, no. 4, p. 1009, 1956. BERTRAND, KENNETFI JOHN Blue Ridge field trip-International Geographical Union, 8th General Assem- bly and 17th International Congress, Washington, D,C., August 8-15, !952: Washington, Natl. Geog. Soc,, 25 p", 1952. BEVAN, ARTHUR CHARLES Geologic ancestry of the York-James peninsula: Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 8, no. l, p. 19-34,1957. BILLINGS, MARYLAND PRATT (Williams, Charles Regan). Origin of the Appalachian highlands: Appa- lachia, vol. 19, no. 1; Appalachian Mountain Club, Bull.25, no. 10, p. 1:33, 1l figs.,1932. BIROT, PIERRE La limite septentrionale des Inselberge dans the Blue Ridge, Virginia: Assoc. Geographes Francais Bull., nos. 2Zg-230, p, 746-153, Paris, 1952.

BLACK, ROBERT E. The caverns of the Shenandoah Valley: Commonwealth, vol. 21, no. 4, p. 20-22,43,1954.

BLACKWELDER, ELI,OT United States of North America, rz Handbuch der regionalen geologie, vol. 8, part 2: Heidelberg, Steinmann and Wilckens, 258 p., 1912., Reprinted as United States of North America, New York, G. E. Stechert, 1913. BLADE, OSCAR CARL l. (Garton, E. L.) Analyses of crude oils from some fields of southeastern United States: [J. S. Bur. Mines Rept. lnv. 4687,36 p., 1950. 2. Bibliography of reports containing analyses of crude oils by the Bureau of Mines routine method: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 7921, 181 p., 1959. BLANPIED. B. \V. 1. Exploratory drilling in 7957: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 42, no.6, p, 1125-1742, 1958. 2, Exploratory drilling in 1958: Am. Assoc. Perroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 43, no.6, p. lllT-1138,1959.

BLOOMER. ROBERT OLIVER 1. The , in The James River Basin, past, present and furure: Richmond, Virginia Acad. Sci., p. 498-573, 1950. 2. Late Pre-cambrian or lower Cambrian formations in cenrral Virginia: Am. Jour. Sci., vol.24,8, no. 11, p. 753-783,1950, 3. A folded overthrust and its effect upon stream developmenr in central Vir- ginia: Am. Jour. Sci., vol, 249, no. 9n p. 640-653, 1951. Vrncrnre DrvrsroN on MrNener, Rrsouncns

4. (Werner, Harry J.). Geology of the Blue Ridge region in central Virginia: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 66, no.5, p.579-606, 1955. BLOSS. FRED DONALD Geochemical prospecting in the southeastern states: Southeastern Geology, vol.1, no. 1, p. 33-38, 1959.

BLUMENTALS, A., see Swain, Frederick M., 3. BOARDMAN, LEONA, comp. Geologic map index of Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey Index Geol. Mapping U. S., scale 1:750,000 (about I in. to 12 mi.), t95t; revised by B. L. Srnysor, 1959. BOCK, WILHEIM 1. American Triassic estherids: Jour. Faleontology, vol. 27, no. l, p,62-76, t953. 2, Pritmraucmia, a new araucarian genus from the Virginia Triassic: Jour. Paleontology, vol" 28, no. 1, p. 32-42,195+. 3. New eastern American Triassic fishes and Triassic correlations: Geol. Center Research Ser., vol. 1, 184 p., 1959.

BOLEY, C. C., see Gray, T. E., l, 2.

BONINI, WILLIAM EMORY, see lVoollard, George Prior, 1. BOWIE, WILLIAM Local densities affect values of gravity: Jour. Geology,vol.44, no.4, p.510- 514, t9t6. BOWLES, E,DGAR OLIVER Eocene and Paleocene Turritellidae of the Atlantic and Gulf Costal Plain of North America: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 267-3J6, 1939. BOWLES, J. L. (Foster, W. H., Jr.; Osborne, W. L.). Mineralogical studies of the sediments of Rappahannock River (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 3, no. 4, p. 330, 1952. BOWLES, OLIVER The asbestos industry: U. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 552, 122 p., 1955. BOWMAN. ISAIAH Forest physiography: New York, John Wiley and Sons, xxii. 759 p.,7971. BRAUN, EMMA LUCY 1. Development of the deciduous forests of eastern North America, in Bota'nical Soc. America, Paleobot. and Systematics secs., Origin and development of natural floristic areas, with special reference to North America: Ecological Monographs, vol. 17, no. 2, p. 2ll-219, 1947. 2. The phytogeography of unglaciated eastern United States and its interpreta- tion: Bot. Rev., vol. 21, no. 6, p. 297-375, 1955. BRENT, WILLIAM BONNEY, see also Pegav, Arthur August, 5' 1, (Young, Robert S.). Klippen in the Harrisonburg quadrangle, Virginia (abs.) : Geol- Soc. America Bull., vol. 66, no. 12, Pt. 2, P. 1685-1686; 1955. INnonlaerron Cncuren 19

2. The geology of the Harrisonburg quadrangle, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Cornell Univ., 1955; (abs.) Dissert. Abs., vol. 15, no. 11, p.2162-2163, 1955. 3. Notes on recent observation of Tide Spring, near Broadway, Virginia: Okla. Acad. Sci. Froc. 1958, vol. 39, p. ll9-120,1959.

BRIDGE, JOSIAH, see also Yochelson, Ellis Leon, 2. Bauxite deposits of the southeastern [Jnited States, in Snyder, F. G., ed., Symposium on mineral resources of the southeastern United States: Knox- ville, Univ. Tennessee Press, p. 170-201, 1950. BRINDLEY, GEORGE WILLIAM (Radoslovich, E. W.). X-ray studies of the alteration of soda feldspzr, in Swineford, A., ed., Clays and clay : Nat. Research Council Pub. 456, p. 330-336, 1956. BRITISH MUSEUM (Natural History) A guide to the collection of meteorites in the department of mineralogy . . .: ll-ondon], 40 p., 1882.

BROBST, DONALD ALBERT, see also Dean, Basil Gary. Barite resources of the United States: LJ. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1072-8, p. 67-130, 1958.

BROSCOE, ANDY JOE Asymmetrically located longitudinal subsequent streams in the Ridge and Valley Province of western Virginia and southern Pennsylvania (abs.): Geol, Soc. America Bull., vol. 67, no.72, pr. 2, p. 1446, 1950.

BROSGE, WILLIAM P., sae Miller, Ralph LeRoy, 1, 3. BROWN, ANDREW (and othcrs). Coal resources of Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey Cir, 171,54 p,, 1952. BROWN, CARL BARRIER Rates of silting in representative reservoirs throughout the united states: Am, Geophys. Union Trans., vol, 18, p. 554-557, 1937. BROWN, CHARLES QUENTIN 1 Clay minetalogy of sediments and source materials in the York River tribu- tary basin: Thesis (Ph.D.), VPI, 1959; (abs.) Geol. Soc. America Bull.. vol. 69,no.12, pr. 2, p" 1541,7958. 2. cley mineral relations in two tributary basins within the York River tributary basin, Virginia: Southeastern Geology, vol, l, no. 3, p, 95-10t, 1g59. BROWN, HARRISON SCOTT, see Goldberg, Edward D. BROWN, WILLIAM HORATIO 1. The geology [Austinville Basin, Virginia]: Mining Eng., vol.5, no. 12, p. 1217-1218, 1953. 2. (Fulton, Robert Burwell, 3d). Metal contenr of mine waters (Virginia), in Garcia Roias, A., Symposium de exploracion geoquimica, Tomo 1: Mexico; Internat. Geol. Congress, 20th, p. 189-197, 1958. VrncrNre DrvrsroN or MrNBner RosouncBs

BROWN, WILLIAM RANDALL 1. The Piedmont Province, in The James River Basin-past, Present and future: Richmond, Virginia Acad. Sci., p. 482-497, 1950. 2. Structural framework and mineral resources of the Virginh Piedmont, in McGrain, P., ed., Proceedings of the Southeastern Mineral Symposium, 1950: KentuclT Geol. Survey ser.9, Spec, Pub. 1, p. 88-111, 1950. 3. James River synclinorium and related structures in western Virginia Pied- mont (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull, vol. 62, no. 12, Pt. 2, P' 1547,1951. 4, (Sunderman, Flarvey C.), Geologic relations in and between the Esmont and Arvonia slate districts, Virginia (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 65, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1356, 1954. Also, Open file report, 1 fig. and 1 map. 5. Geology and mineral resources of the Lynchburg quadrangle, Virginia: Virginia Div. Mineral Resources Bull. 74, xiii, 9 P.' 1958. BROWNING, JAMES S. (Clevenger, Clinton B.). Processes for beneficiating Great Gossan Lead ores, Carroll County, Virginia: U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. lnv. 4945, 14 p., 1953-

BROWNING, WILLIAM F., JR. Mapping of geologic formations by the application of aerial photography: Natl. Research Council, Highway Research Board Bull. 46, p. 67-84, 1951; Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, 1951.

BUCHER, WALTER HERMAN Deformation in orogenic belts, in Poldervaart, A., ed., Crust of the earth-a symposium: Geol. Soc. America, Spec. paper 62, p. 343-368, 1955.

BUCK, KATHERINE LIJTZ, see also Twenhofel, William Stephens. Selected annotation bibliography of thorium and rare-earth deposits in the United States, including Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1019-F, p. 517-541, 1957.

BURNS, JAMES RICHARD Geology of Fredericksburg and vicinity: Thesis (M.A.), Univ. of Virginia, 1950; (abs.) Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. I' no. 4, p. 385' 1950. BUTT, B. W., ree Parrott, William T., tz.

BYRD, MARY F. Potash occurrences in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Inv. Resource Map MR-3, scale 1:500,000, 1955'

CAMERON, CORNELIA CLERMONT Geology of Lebannon (Fairfax Co.), Virginia: Atlantic Naturalist, vol. 14' no.1, p.22-29,1959.

CARMAN, tr. P. (and others). Bibliography of Bureau of Mines investigations of coal and its products, 7945 to 1950: U. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 528, 6A p', 1954; 1950-1955, U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Cit.7825' 135 p.' 1958' INronuarroN Crncuren 19 9

CARPENTER, JAMES H. The determination of calcium in natural warers: Limnology and Ocean- ography, vol. 2, no. 3, p, 27 l-280, 1957. CARR, MARTHA ENSIGN STRAIT 1. The District of C.olumbia; its rocks and their geologic history: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull.967, 59 p., 1950. 2. (Dutton, Carl E.). -ore resources of the United States includine Alaska and Puerto Rico, 1955: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1082-C, p. 6t-134, 195-9. CARROLL, DOROTHY l. (H-athway, John C.). Clay minerals in a limestone soil profile, lz Swineford and Plummer, ed., Clay and clay minerals: Natl. Reiearch Council pub. 327, p.171-182, 1954. 2. A statistical study of heavy minerals in sands of the south River, Augusta County, Virginia: Jour. Sed., Pet., vol. 27, na.4, p.3g7404, 1957; erratal vol. 28,,no,1, p.111,1958; revision and notes, vol.29, no.2, p. zg+_Zgj, lglg. 3. Sedimentary studies in the Middle River drainaqe basin of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey prof. paier 314-F, p. t2j-1.54, tglg. 4. Zircon from a bentonite bed in Martinsburg shale (Ordovician) at Fisher,s Hill, Virginia: Geol. Soc. America Bull, voI. 70, no. 2, p. 223-224, 1959. CASKIE, ROBERT ALDEN A. mineralogical study of the cold spring kaolin deposit and a correlation with kaolin exposures along the western flank of the Blue RidEe mountains: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, 1957. CASKIE, ROBERT AMBLER Geology of Staunton and vicinity, Augusra County, Virginia: Thesis (M.A.), Univ. of Virginia, 1951.

CEDERSTROM, DAGFIN JOHN l. upper cretaceous plain beds in the coastal of virginia: virginia Jour. sci., vol. 1, no.4, p. 381-382, 1950. 2' GeoJogy and ground-warer resources of the york-James peninsula, virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey Water Supply Paper 1361, 237 p., 1957. CHAUVIN. EDWARD NOEL The geology of the East River Mountain area, Giles county, Virginia: Thesis (M'S.), Virginia Polytech. Inst., 1957.

CHAYES, FELIX Modal analyses of the granite and diabase tesr rocks (R.I. and virEinia). in Fairbairn, H. w,, A cooperative investigation of precision and aciuracy in chemical, spectrochemical, and modal analysis of silicate rocks: (J. s. Geol. Survey Bull. 980, p. 59-68, t951.

CHELIKOWSKY, JOSEPH RUDOLPH Geologic distribution of fire clays in the united states: Am. ceramic Soc. Jour., vol. 18, no. 12, p. 367-390,1935. 10 VrncrNre DrvrsroN on MrIqpner Rosouncos

CIARAMILLA, PHILLIP S. The age and the fauna of the Huntersville formation (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 10, no. 4, p.294-295, 1959. CLOOS, ERNST 1. Blue Ridge tectonics between Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Asheville, North Carolina: Nat. Acad. Sci. Proc., voI. 43, no. % p. 834-839, 1957. 2. Structural geology of South Mountain and Appalachians in Maryland, Guide- books 4-5: Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Geology no. 17,85 P., 1958. cl-ouD, PRESTON E., JR. Terebratuloid Brachiopoda of the Silurian and Devonian: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 38, xi, 182 p.,7942.

CLOUD, WILLIAM K., see Murphy, Leonard M'4, 5,6. CONANI MARY LOUISE, see Avery, Ruth Butler. CONLIN, DORA R., see Soister, Paul.

CONYBEARE, ADRIENNE 8., see Jafre, Jacob Samuel. COOKE. CHARLES WYTHE 1. Carolina bays and the shape of eddies: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 254-I, p.1195-1207, 1954. 2. Cenozoic echinoids of eastern United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Proi. Paper 321, 106 p., 1959. cooKE, HORACE BROOKS, JR. 1. A possible explanation of normal beds bounded by overturned beds in the Unicoi formation on the northwest flank of the Blue Ridge on U. S. Route 250, Virginia (abs"): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 1, no. 4, p,382, 1950. 2. Petrography of some Valley (of Virginia) dikes (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 2, no. 4, p. 348-349, 7957. 3. The structure and petrography of the Rockfish conglomerate, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, 1952; (abs.) Under title, Freliminary notes on the Rockfsh Conglomerate, Virginia: Virginia Jour. Sci., vol, 3, no. 4, p.336, 1952.

COOPER, BYRON NELSON l. Significance of Hayter fans in the geomorphic history of the Appalachians ridges of western Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 1, no. 4, p. 383, 1950. 2, .Nge relations of the Lincolnshire, Whistle Creek and associated limestones in western Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 2, no.4, p.345,l95l' l. Vertical styolites (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 3, no. 4, p. 334, 1952. 4. (Dietrich, Richard Vincent). Virginia mineral resources: Virginia Polytech. Inst. Bull., Eng. Expt. Sta. Ser. no. 83, 7 p., 1953. j. (Diggs, William E.). Geology of the iron deposits at the Riverside Mine near Alvarado, Washington County, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 4, no. 4, p. 265-266, 1951. 6. Trilobites from the lower Champlainian formations of the Appalachian Val- Ixnonr,rerroN Crncuren l9 1l

ley: Geol, Soc. -America Mem. 55, 69 p., 1953; (abs.) Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 4,na. 4,p,266,1953. 7. Fundamental problems of genesis of Appalachian dolomite (abs): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no. 4, p.301-302, 1954. 8. Manganese in Virginia: Mineral Industries Jour., vol' 1, no. 2, p. l-5,1954' 9. Ground water in Virginia: Mineral Industries Jour., vol' 1, no. 4, p.5-6,8,1954' 10. Middle Ordovician rocks between Staunton and Strasburg, Virginia, in Lp- palachian Geological Society, Guidebook, May 1955: Appalachian Geol. Soc' ICharleston], p. 22-25, 195 5. 11. Geologic sections of Middle Ordovician, in Appaltchian Geological Society, Guidebook, May 1955: Appalachian Geol. Soc., [Charlestonl, p.26-33, 1955' 12. Geological features along- U.S. Routes 11, 29, and 250 in Virginia, Pt' I, U. S. Route 11 from West Virginia line to Bristol, are Russell, R. J', ed', Guides to Southeastern Geology: Geol. Soc. America Guidebook, 1955 ann' mtgr P. 1-27,1955. 13. Primary dolomitei (Appalachians): Mineral Industries Jour., vol. 3, no. l, p. 5-7, 1956. 14. The geology program at virginia Polytechnic Institute: Mineral Industries Jour., vol. 1,no.2,p. l-2,1956. 15. Resources fo.r steel in western Virginia (abs.): Geol. soc. America BulL, vol. 69, no. 12, pt. 2, p.1713, 1958, 16. Comments on a Virginia "limestone": Mineral Industries Jour., vol. 6, no' 2, p. 5,1959; further comments, vol. 6,,no. 3, p' 2-4, 1959. 17. Max Meadows formation: Mineral Industries Jour., vol' 6, no. 4, p. 6' 8' 1959" COOPER, GUSTAV ARTHUR, see also Ulrich, Edward Oscar, 2, 3. 1. (and others). Correlation of the Devonian sedimentary formations of North America: Geol, Soc. America Bull., vol. 53,no' 12, Pt. 1, P' 1729-1793, 1942' 2. New brachiopods from the lower Cambrian of Virginia: Washington Acad' Sci. Jour., vol. 41, no. 1, p. 4-8, 1951. 3. Faunal suite of the Appalachian Middle ordovician (abs.): Geol. soc., America Bull., vol. 66, no. 12, pt. 2, p" 1686-1687, 1955. 4. Chazyan and related brachiopods: Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol' 127, 2 pts" 1245 p., 1956. 5. Paleoecology of Middle Devonian of eastern and central United States, Chap. 11 of Ladd, H. S., ed., Paleoecology: Geol. Soc. America Mem.67,p'249- 277,1957 . CORDOVA, ROBERT MURRAY 1. (Meadors, George S.). Lithologic variations in the upper one-third of the Beekmantown formation along Club Run Creek (abs.): Virginia Jour' Sci', vol. 4, no. 4, p. 263, 1953. 2. The g".r"."i geology and peuology of the greenstone of the Southwestern Mountains, Virginia: Thesis (M.A.), Univ. of Virginia, 1951: 3. The origin of i g.".n.ton" conglomerate in the vicinity of charlottesville, Virginia: Virginia Jour. Sci, vol. 6, no. 4' p. 282, 1955' CORNWALL, HENRY ROWLAND, see Pratt, Ethel l\!. CORRIVEAU, MARTIAL PHILBERT 1.. Kyanite recovery at Baker Modntain, Virginia: Mineral Industries Jour., vol. 2, no. 4,p. l-4,1955. 12 VrncrNre DrvrsroN op MrNnner Rnsouncps

2. Mineral dressing studies on the Great Gossan Lead ore from carroll county. Virginia: Virginia Polyrech. Inst. Bull., Eng. Expt. Sta. Ser. no. ll3, 19 p. 1956.

COSMINSKY, PHILIP R. An occurrence of babingtonite in Loudoun county, Virginia: Rocks and Minerals, vol, 25, nos, ll-12, p. 579, 1950, coTTER, JOHN L. Archeological excavations at Jamestown colonial National Historic park and Jamestown National Historic site, virginia: u. s. Natl. park service, Arche- ological Research ser.4.,299 p., l9jg.

CRAIG, HARMON, see lJrcy, Harold C.

CREEL, JAMES RANDALL, JR., see Davis, James Harrison CRIST, CLAUDE WALKER A petrographic study of garnet outcrops in the Virginia Piedmont: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, r09 p", 1959; (abs.) Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. lOn no.4, p, 290,1959. CROOK, JAMES KING Mineral waters of the United States and their therapeutic uses: New Yorkn Lea Bros. and Co., viii, 5g7 p., 1g99. CROSS, WHITMAN, II 1. Implications of smoky phantoms in rock crystal quartz near craigsville, Vir- (abs.): - ginia Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 9, no. 4, p.4lO, OSA. 2. Ground water resources of the western haH of Albemarle county, virginia: Thesis (M.S.), (Jniv. of Virginia, 19i9; (See Inf. Cir. 2, tg6}).

CUPPELS, NORMAN P., ree Overstreet, William C.. j. CUSICK, ALLISON Notes on the minerals of Amelia, virginia: Rocks and Minerals, vol. i4. nos- 9-10, p. 396-399,1959. DANtrEL, JOHN H., chairman (and others). waterresources of-Virginia-progress report, the story of water conservadon in Virginia: Blacksburg, va.,-states soii conserv. c'omm.. ttz p.,1959.

DAPPLES, EDWARD C. 1. (Mitchum, R. M., Jr"). Analysis of sedimentary facies in pottsville strata of central Appalachian paleontology, coal field (abs.): Jour. vol, 29, no. +, p. 725, 1955 . 2. (Mitchum, R. M., Jr.). Petrographic characteristics of sandstones of the Pennsylvanian of the central Appalachian Coal Field (abs.): Geol. Soc- America Bull., vol. 66, rro. 12, pt. 2, p. 1j47, lgSS. DARTON, NELSON HORATIO 1. configuration of the bedrock surface of the District of corumbia and vicinity: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. paper 217, 42 p., 1950. INnonrre't:IoN Crncuren 19 t3

2. Structural relations of Cretaceous and Tertiary formations in part of Maryland and Virginia: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 62, no.7, p.745-779, l95l' DAVIS, GORDON LESLIE, see also Tilton, George Robert, 2. (and others). The age of rocks and minerals: Carnegie Inst. Washington Annual Rept. of the Director of the Geophysical Lab., 1957-1958, p. 167-181' r 958.

DAVIS, JAMES HARRISON (Creel, James Randall, Jr.; Lurate, Robert Barry). Study of heavy minerals of sands of tributaries to South River, Rockbridge County, Virginia (abs'): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 8, no. 4, p. 328-329, 1957 . DAVIS, ROBERT E. Magnesium resources of the United States-A geologic summary and annotated bibliography to 1953: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1019-E, p.373-5+1, 1957' DAVIS, ROYAL O. E. Soil erosion in the south: U. S. Dept. Agriculture Bull. 180, 23 p., illus., 1915' DAVIS, WLLIAM MORRIS Physiographic contrasts, east and west: Sci. Monthly, vol. 30, nos. 5-6, p. 395 415, 501-5 19, illus., 1930. DEAN, BASIL GARY (Brobst, Donald Albert). Annotated bibliography and index map of barite deposits in United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1019-C, p. 145-186' 1955' DEATON, JOHN B. Faults and fault breccias of the Blacksburg and shawsville area (abs,): Vir- ginia Jour. Sci. vol. 10, no. 4, p.296-297,1959. DECKER, CHARLES ELIJAH 1. Preliminary nore on age of Athens Shale: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull,, vol. 35, no. 4, p.912-915, 1951, 2. stratigraphic signifitance of graptolites of Athens shale: Am, Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol" 36, no. 1, p. l-145, 1952. 3. (Gold, Irvin B.). Bithecae, gonothecae, and nematothecae on gmptoloides: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 31, no.6, p.1154-1158,1'957. 4. (Gold, Irvin B.). Upper Cambrian graptolites from virginia and Tennessee: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 32, no, 3, p. 401-432, 1958. DEIKE, GtrORGE HERMAN, III Origin and geologic relations of Breathing Cave, Virginia (abs.): Geol' Soc' Bull., vol. 70,no.1.2, Pt. 2, P. 1803, 1959. DELO, DAVID MARION Phacopid trilobites of North America: Geol' Soc. America Spec. Paper 29, vii, 135 p., 1940. DENNEN, WILLIAM HENRY (Ahrens, Louis Herman; Fairbairn, Harold williams). spectrochemical analy- l+ VrncrNre Drvrsrox op MrNBner Resouncrs

sis of major constitucn.- elemcnts in rocks and minerals (R.L and Va.). in Fairbairn, w. H., A cooperative investigation of precision and accuracy in chemical, spectrochemical, and modal analysis of silicate rocks: [J. s. Geo]. Survey Bull. 980, p. 25-52, 1951.

DENT, GUY E., see Kuehn, Hugo E. DERTING, JOHN FRANKLIN (Porter, H. C.). Soils-rocks relationships of Fairfax County, Virginia: Vir- ginia Jour. Sci., vol. 6, no. 4, p. 2g7 -2gg, 195 5. DEUTERMAN, MARTIN Investigation of bridge foundations tMd.-va.l, rz North carolina State College, Symposium on geology as applied to highway engineering, 7th ann., 1956 Proc.: Raleigh, North Carolina State Hwy. and public Wbrks Com., p. 19-35, 1956. DICKSON, ROBERT H. (and-others). Virginia plant concentrates sulphide ore with air tables: Eng. and Mining Jour., vol. 160, no. 4, p. 114-118, 1959.

DIETRICH, RICHARD VINCENT, see also Cooper, Byron Nelson, 4; Murray, John Walcott, 3. 1, Hexagonal chert prisms from the Knox dolomite: Jour" Geology, vol. 61, no. 1, p. 65-68,1953. 2. Virginia mineral localities: Virginia Polytech. Inst. Bull., Eng. Expt. Sta. Ser. no. 88, 57 p., 1953; additions, no. 105, 30 p., 1955. 3. Geologic section across wesrern Floyd County, Virginia (abs.): Virgi'ia Jour. Sci., vol. 4, no. 4, p.265, 1953. 4. Virginia minerals and rocks: Virginia Polytech. Inst, Bull., Expt. Sta. Ser. no. 90, 6l p., 1954,2nd ed., revised, no. 722, 57 p., 195g. 5. Geology of the Pilot Mountain area, Virginia: Virginia polytech. Inst. Bull." Eng. Expt. Sta. Ser. no.91, p. 32,19i4. 6. What is the true significance of the Rockfish conglomerate? (abs.): Virginia Jour, Sci., vol.6, no. 4,p.284,1955. 7. Is anthraxolite related genetically to coal or oil?: Econ. geology, vol. 51, no" 7 , p. 649-664, 1956. 8. Trigonal paragonite from Campbell and Franklin counties, Virginia: Am. Mineralogist, vol. 41, 11-12, .W. nos. p.940-942, 1956. 9. (Lowry, D.). Chert-dolomite relationships in upper Knox, Giles County, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 7, no.4, p.327, 1956. 10. Native sulphur in galena molds in quartz (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 7, no.4, p. 329,1956. 11. Anthraxolite from Montgomery County, Virginia( abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 67, no. 72, pt. 2, p. fi5A-fi51, t956. 12. Weathered streams gravels at the crest of the Blue Ridge (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 8, no. 4, p,,330, 1957, 13. Chromian muscovite from Baker Mountain, Virginia: Am. Mineralogist, vol. 43, nos. 1-2, p. 162-165, 1958, 14. Origin of the Blue Ridge escarpment directly sourhwest of Roanoke, Virginia: Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 9, no. 2, p. 233-246, 1958. INronr,rarroN Cncuren 19 l5

15. (Murray, John W.). A peculiar type of cave : Natl. Speleol. Soc. Bull., vol. 20, p. 25-30, 1958. 16. (Hobbs, C. R. B.; Lowry, W. D.). Genetic significance of dolomite-silica relationships within Knox dolomite near Blacksburg, Virginia (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 69, no. 72, pt.2, p. 1713, 1958. 17. Geology and mineral resources of Floyd County of the Blue Ridge upland, southwestern Virginia: Virginia Polytech. Inst. Bull., Eng. Expt. Sta. Ser. 134, 160 p., 1959.

DIGGS, WLLIAM EDWARD, see also Cooper, Byron Nelson, 5. The geology of the Otter River area, Bedford County, Virginia: Virginia Polytech. Inst. Bull., Eng. Expt. Sta. Ser. no. 101, 23 p., 1955; also Thesis (M.S.), V.P.I., 1e55. DILLON, LAWRENCE SAMUEL Wisconsin climate and life zones in North America: Science, vol. 123, no. 3188, p. 167-r76,1956. DOERHOEFER, BASIL (and others). Mineralogical studies of sediments from the eastern shore peninsula of Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 6, no. 4, p. 2M, 1955. DOERTNG, JOHN A. Citronelle age problem: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 42, no. 4, p.764-786, 1958. DORF, ERLING Critical analyses of Cretaceous sratigraphy and paleobotany of Atlantic Coastal Plain: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 26, no. 11, p. 2r6t-218+,1952. DRAKE. CHARLES LUM (Ewing, William M..; Sutton, George H.). Continental margins and geo- synclines-the east coast of North America north of Cape Hatteras, iz Ahrensn L. H., and others, Physics and chemistry of the earth: London, Pergamon Press, vol. 3, p. 110-198, f959. DUNCAN, JOHN KENNETH, see Bershad, Suzanne F. DUNN, JOHN ROBERT (McCrady, Allen, eds.). A collectii:n of speleological writing;s taken from the publications of the chapters of the National Speleological Society: Speleol- Digest 1958, t503 p.J,1959.

DUTTON, CARL E., see Calr, Martha Ensign Strait, 2. EADES, JAMES LYNWOOD l. The composition of the euhedral feldspar crystal from the Catoction green- stone (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 2, no. 4, p. 349, 1951. 2. Mineralogy of the clay fraction of some Piedmont soils (abs.): Virginia Jour- Sci., vol. 4, no. 4, p. 264, 1953. 3. A study of the mineralogy of clays in soils as a product of the parent material: Thesis (M.A.), Univ. of Virginia, 1953. 16 VrncrNre DrvrsroN or. Mrnnner RBsouncos

EARDLEY, ARMAND JOHN l. Tectonic divisions of North America: Am. Assoc. petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 35, no. 10, p. 2229-2237, l95l; summarf, Tulsa Geol. Soc. Dilest, vol. lq p.60-67,1951. 2. Structural geology of North America: N. y., Harper and Bros., 624 p., 1951. EARLE, RAYMOND BARTLETT The genesis of certain Paleo'zoic interbedded iron ore deposits: New york Acad. Sci. Annals, vol. 24, p. 115-170, 1914.

EATON, GORDON PRYOR, ree Johnston, John Edward. EAVENSON, HOWARD NICHOLAS The fir-st century and a quarter of American coal industry: pittsburgh, privately printed, xiv, 701 p., illus., 1942,

ECKEL, EDWIN CLARENCE 1. B,uilding srones and clays-their origin, characrers, and examination: New York, Wiley and Sons, xiv,264 p., l9li, 2. Iron ores, their occurrence, valuation, and control: New yor\ McGraw Hill, xviii. 430 p., 1914. 3. Iron ores and iron indusuies of the Tennessee Varley rcgion, in lron, chromite, and nickel resources of the Tennessee valley iegion: Tennessee valley Authority, Div. Geology Bull. 10, pt. t, p. l-17,1938; Tech. Mon. no. 36.

ECKtrLMANN, FRANK DONALD, see Kulp, John Laurence, 2; Long, Leon Eugene.

EDMUNDSON, RAYMOND SMITH, see also young, Robet Spencer, 3. 1. The Valley_and Ridge province, inThe James River Basin, pasr, present and future: Richmond, Va., Virginia Acad. Sci., p. 514-552, 1950. Z, T.!e Chepultepec in Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. l, no.4, p.38i, 1950. 3. (Young, Robert spencer). The Antietam-Beekmantown section in shenan- doah tllley, Virginia, in Appa.lachian Geolqgical Society, Guidebook, May 19552 [Charleston] Appalachian Geol. Soc., p. 17-21, 1955. 4. chert in the Murat-collierstown area, Rockbridge counry, virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 8, no. 4, p, 333, 1957, 5. Industrial limestones and dolomites in virginia; James River district, west of the Blue Ridge: Virginia Div. Mineral Resources Bull. 73, 137 p., 1959.

EDWARDS, JONATHAN, JR. Cleavage in the Arvonia slate, Buckingham County, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol.7, no. 4,p.322,L956.

EILERSTtrN, N. A, .ree Evans, Thaddeus S.; Jones, J. O.

ENGINEERING AND MINERAL JOURNAL Virginia heavy minerals plant opens: Eng. and Mining Jour., vol. 159, no. 1, p.94-95,1958. INronnrarroN Cncuren 19 r7

E,SPENSHADE. GILBERT HOWRY 1. Occurrences of tungsten minerals in the southeastern states, ira Snyder, F. G., ed., Symposium on mineral resources of the southeastern United States: Knoxville, Univ. of Tennessee Press, p. 56-66,1950. 2. Preliminary report on manganese, iron, and barite deposits of the James River-Roanoke River district, Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey Min. Inv. Field Studies Map MF-5, scale 1:96,000, with text, 1952. 3. (Potter, Donald B.). Kyanite quartzite in the Willis Mountain-Woods Moun- tain area, Buckingham County, Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file report, I map (1 in. - 1650 ft.), 1953. 4. (Potter, Donald B.). Kyanite quartzite in Baker Mountain-Madisonville area, Prince Edward and Charlotte counties, Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file report, l map (1 in. - approximately 1,650 ft.), 1953. 5. (Potter, Donald B.). Kyanite quartzite deposits of the southeastern states (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 64,no. 12, Pt. 2' P. 1530, 1953' 6. Geology and mineral deposits of the James River-Roanoke River manganese district, Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull., 1008, 115 p', 1954. ETHERADGE, F. D, (Lesure, Frank G.; Fage, Harry W.). Ordovician bioherm in Roanoke Val- ley, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 2, no.4, P.3+5, 1951. EVANS. THADDEUS B. (Eilersten, N. A.). Mining methods and costs at the Sunbright Limestone mine, Foote Mineral Company, Sunbright, Virginia: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Cir. 7793, 44 p., 1957 . EVERHART, DONALD LOUGH Geology of uranium deposits with special reference to the (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no. 4, p" 298, 1954. EVERHART, G. M., comp. Map of the northern part of the Appalachian Basin showing location of se- lected deep wells: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Inv. Map OM-136, scale about I in. to 15 mi., 1953.

EVITT, WILLIAM ROBERT, ll, see also Whittington, Harry Blackmore, 1. 1. Trilobites from the lower Lincolnshire limestone near Seasburg, Shenandoah Counry, Virginia: Thesis (Ph.D.), John Hopkins Univ., 1950. 2, Some middle Ordovician trilobites of the families Cheiruridae, Harpidae, and Lichidae: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 2.5, no' 5, p. 587-616,1951. 3. Silicified trilobite protaspids (abs"): Geol. Soc. America Bull', vol' 63, no. 72, pt.2, p. 1247, 1952. 4. Silicified Middle Ordovician trilobites, family Encrinuridae, Virginia (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 68, no. 12, Pt.2, P. 1724, 1957. EWING, WILLIAM M., see Drake, Charles Lum. FAIRBAIRN, HAROI-D WILLIAMS, see also Dennen, William Henry l. (and others). A cooperative investigation of precision and accuracy in chemical, spectrochemical, and modal analysis of silicate rocks: IJ. S. Geol. 18 VrncrNla DrvrsroN or. MrNBner RpsouncEs

Survey Bull. 980, vi., 7l p, 1951. (Contains several papers, which are cited individually). 2. Preparadons and distribution of samples (R.I. & Va.), inFirbilrn, H. W., a coopeJative investigarion of precision and accuracy in chemical, spectro- chemical, and modal analysis of silicate rocks: (J. S. Geol. Survey gutt. SSO, p. l-6, 1951. -w. FAIRLEY, M. (Prostka, H.J.l. Soapstone belt, a preliminary geologic map of part of Albemarle and Nelson counties, virginia: Virginia Div. Mineial Reiources, open-file report, blue line print, scale l:250,000 (19j8).

FANCHER, THOMAS W., see Flower, John, Jr. FARA, MARK l. The geology of the Parnassus-Mount solon area of central shenandoah la ley, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Virginia polytech. Inst., 1957. 2. Relationship of igneous intrusion to the North Mountain thrust, North River Gap area (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 8, no.4, p" 334-335, 1957. FARMER, GEORGE T., see Roberts. Clarence E. FARRINGTON, OLIVER CUMMINGS 1. Handbook and catalogue of the meteorite collection: Field corumbian Mus. Pubs. Geol. Ser., vol. l, p. l-70, 1895. 2, Catalogue of the collection of meteorites, May l, 1903: Field Columbian Mus. Pubs. Geol. Ser." vol. 2, p. 79-124, tg}l . 3. Analyses of iron mereorites compiled and classified: Field columbian Mus. Pubs. Geol. Ser., vol. 3, p, Sg-llb, i'9O7. 4. catalogue of the collections of meteorites: Field columbian Mus. pubs. Geol. Ser., vol. 3, p.231-312, 1916. FENNEMAN, NEVIN MELANCTHON l. Physiographic boundaries within the united States: Assoc. Am. Geographers Annals, vol.4, p. 8+-13+,7914. 2. Physiographic divisions of the united srates: Assoc. Am. Geographers Annals, vol.6, p. 19-198, 1916. 3. Physiography of the eastern United Sr6tes: New york, McGraw Hill, 714 P.' 1938. 4. Physical divisions of the United States: {J. S. Geol. Survey, map, scale 1:700,- 000, 1946.

FIELDING, R. V., see Parrott, William T., tt. FIELDNER, ARNO CARL 1. Reserves [ofj solid fuels . . .: Oil and Gas Jour., vol.47, no.,16, p. ljg-140, 142, l+t,1949. 2. Coal for coke production: U.S. Bur. Mines, Inf. Cir. 7559, 2l p., 1950. FIGGERS. R, L. " (McClittock,,F. T"; Neff, A. P.). Mineralogical studies of sediments of Parnunky River (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 3, no. 4, p. 330, lgSZ. IwnonnrerroN Cncuran 19 t9

FIREMAN, EDWARD L. (Schwarzer, D.). Measurement of Li-6, He-3, and H-3 in meteorites and its relation to cosmic radiation: Geochim. et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 11, no.4, p. 252-262, London, 1957. FISCHER, ELIZABETH CLAIRE Annotated bibliography of bauxite deposits of the world: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull.99% 221 p., 1955. FISHER, C. COLE]VIAN 1. A summary of Virginia's mineral resources: Virginia Minerals, vol. l, no. l, p. 1-4,195+. 2. Elongate meanders of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River (Virginia) (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 66, no.72, pt.2, p, 1687,1955. 3. Nacural Chimneys of Augusta County, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no. 4, p. 285, 1955. 4. Nature's ageless chimneys (Va.): Nature Mag., vol. 99, no. 4, p. 190-192, r956. FISHER. DONALD WILLIAM (Young, Robert Spencer). The oldest known Tenteculitid, from the Chepul- tepec limestone (Canadian) of Virginia: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 29, no. 5, p.871-875,1955.

FITZGERALD, HAILE VANDENBURGH, JR. Correlation of the Eggleston formation and related beds in southwestern Vir- ginia: Thesis (M.S.),V.PJ., 1953. FLETCHER, LAZARUS An introduction to the study of meteorites, with a list of the meteorites represented in the'collection of the British Museum: (Londonl), 77 p" 1886r rev. 19041 1908. FLEWELLEN. BARBOUR HARRISON Geology of Burketown klippe and vicinity, Harrisonburg quadrangle, Augusta County and Rockingham County, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), IJniv. of Virginia, 1950. .WALTER FLIGHT, A chapter in the history of meteorites: London, Dulau and Co,, 224 pt 1887. FORKGEN, PETER EDWARD (Hunt, William Herbert; McDonald, Richard R.). Mineralogical studies of the sediments of Flardware River, Albemarle and Fluvanna counties, Vir- ginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 1, no. 4, p.373, 1950, FORKNER, HENRY ROBERT .W.). (Whitemore, J. Properties and uses of Virginia kyanite: Virginia Polytech. Inst. Bull., Eng. Expt. Sta. ser. no, '1.36, 12 p., 1959, .W. FOSTER, H., see Bowles, J. L. 20 VrncrNre DrvrsroN or. MrNBner Resouncns

FRIEDMAN, GERALD MANFRED, see also Pegav, Arthur August, 3. 1. The origin of emery deposirs (abs.): Econ. Geology, vol.46, no, l, p. 113, 195r. 2. Study of hoegbomite (N.y.-Va"-N;C.): Am. Mineralogist, vol,3I, no.7-g, p. 600-608, 1952. 3. The origin of spinal-emery deposits with particular reference to those of the Cortland Complex, New York: New York State Mus. Bull. 35f, 68 p., 1956. 4. Emery-nature, occurrence, uses: Mining Eng., vol. 68, no. lln p.745-7M, 1957,

FULLER, J. OSBORN, see Miller, Ralph LeRoy, 4.

FULTON, ROBERT BURWELL, 3d., see also Brawn, William F{oratio, 2. Prospecting for zinc using semiquantitative chemical analyses of soils: Econ. Geology, vol. 45, no. 7, p. 654-670,1950. FURCRON, AURELIUS SYDNEY Kyanite and sillimanite in the southeastern states, i.n Snyder, F. G., ed., Sym- posium on mineral resources of the southeastern IJnited States: Knoxville, Univ. Tennessee Press, p.99-111, 1950.

FURGIUtrLS, ALBERT W, see Panott, William T., 6.

GAIR, JACOB EUGENE Some effects of deformation in the central Appalachians: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 61, no, 8, p. 859-876, 1950; Correction with Title, Calcite deforma- tion in the Flarpers phyllite, vol. 62, no. 2, p. 325-326, 1951. GARDNER, JULIA, see Todd, Ruth.

GARNER, THOMAS EDWARD, JR. The igneous rocks of Pendleton County, West Virginia: Wesr Virginia Geol. Survey, Rept. Inv. no. 12, p. 37,1956. GARTON, E. L., see Blade, Oscar Carl, l. GAZDIK, GERTRUDE CHRISTIE (Tagg, Kathleen McQueen). Annotated bibliography of high-calcium lime- stone deposits in the United States including Alaska to April 1956: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1019-I, p. 675-713, 1957. GEEHAN, ROBERT WILLIAM Morefield pegmatite mine, Amelia Counry, Virginia: U, S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 5001, 4l p., 1953. GEYER, V. H. Ground water in Piedmont Virginia: Virginia Minerals, vol. 1, no. 3, p. 1-5, 1955. GIANNINI, WLLIAM FENWICK l. (Rector, William K.). Mineral occurrence and associations in the Albemarle Crushed Stone Quarry (Catoctin formation) near Shadwell, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 9, no. 4, p. 427, 1958. INronuerroN Crncuren 19 2l

2, (Sherwood, W. Cullen). Large calcite crystals from Sraunton, Virginia: Rocks and Minerals, vol. 33, nos. 8-9, p. 413-414, 1958, 3. A srudy of the lead-zinc deposit near Faber, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, 1959. GIBSON, F. H., see Selvig, Walter Alfred, t. GILBERT, RAY CLARK Middle Ordovician limestones in the valley of the North Fork of the Roanoke River, Montgomery County, Virginia: Thesis (M.S)., Virginia Polytech. Inst.. 1953. GLASS, JEWELL JEANETTE (Koschmann, A. H.; Vhay, J. S.). Minerals of the cassiterite-bearing veins at Irish Creek, Virginia, and their paragenetic relations: Econ, Geology, vol. 53, no. 1, p. 65-84,1958. GLENNIE, E. A. 1. Crustal warping in the United States: Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik., vol. 46, p. 193-197 , Leipzig, 1936. 2. Gravity anomalies in the United States: Jour. Geology, vol. 44, no. 7, p. 765-782,1936. GLOVER, LYNN, III 1. The stratigraphy of the Broadford sandstone and superjacent marine strata in southwestern Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol.'4, no.4, p. 259,260, 1953. 2. The stratigraphy of the Devonian-Mississippian boundary in southwestern Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), V.P.I., 1953.

GOLD, IRVIN B., see Decker, Charles Eliiah, 3,4. GOLDBERG, EDWARD D. (Uchiyama, Aiji; Brown, Flarrison Scott). The distribution of nickel, cobalt, gallium, palladium and gold in iron mereorites: Geochim, et Cosmochim. Acta, vol. 2, no. 1, p. l-25, illus., 1951.

GOLDICH, SAMUEL STEPHEN (Oslund, Eileen H.). Composition of Westerly granite G-l and Centerville diabase W-l: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 67, na.6, p. 811-815, 1956, GOOCH, EDWIN OCTAVIUS I' Evidence of currents in the Lynchburg (abs.): -turbidity formation Virginia Jour. Sci., vol.4, no. 4,p.260-261,1953. 2. Iron in virginia: virginia Div. Geology Mineral Resources circurar no. 1, p. 17, 1954. 3. Current manganese operations in Virginia: Virginia Minerals, vol. 1, no. 5, p. 7-6,1955; (abs.) Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 6, no. 4, p. 281-282, 1955. 4. Evidence for reworking of Lynchburg formation in north-central virginia (abs.): Geol, Soc. America Bull., vol. 67, no. 12, pt. 2, p. l7il, 19t6. 5. Vermiculite in the Virginia Piedmont (abs.): \,ri1gnia Jour. Sci., vol. g, no. 4, p. 33O-331, 1957 . 22 VrncrNre DrvrsroN on MrNener Rpsouncps

6. Vermiculite: Virginia Minerals, vol. 3, no. l, p. l-6, 1957. 7. The mineral resources of Virginia: Commonwealth, vol. 25, no. lQ p. 20-22, 38, 1958. 8. Infolded metasediments near the axial zone of the -Blue Ridge Anticlinorium: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 69, no. 5, p. 569-574, 1958; Abridged from Fh.D. Thesis, Univ. of North Carolina, 1954. 9. (Pharr, Richard F., compilers) Mineral industries and resources of Virginia: Virginia Div. Mineral Resources, map, scale 1:500,000, 1959.

GOSE, CHARLES J., JR. The structure and stratigraphy of the Barringer and Ingles Mountain "windows," Montgomery Counry, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 3, no. 4, p. 331-332,1952, GOTTFRIED, DAVID t. Distribution of uranium in igneous complexes: U. S. Geol. Survey Rept. TEI- 7 51, p. fi2-11Q 1959. (Report prepared for U. S. Atomic Energy Commission) . 2. (Larsen, Esper Signius, ILI). Distriburion of uranium and thorium in igneous rocks: U. S. Geol. Survey Rept. TEI-752, p. 7O-9A, 1959. (Prepared for U, S. Atomic Energy Commission). 3. (Jaffe, Howard W.; Senftle, Frank Edward). Evaluation of the lead-alpha (Larsen) method for determining ages of igneous rocks: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1097-4, p. 1-63,1959. GRAMETBAUR, AGNES BEATRICE Selected bibliography of andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite, dumortrorite, topaz, and prophyllite in the United Srates: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1019-N, p. 973-1046,1959.

GRANT, LELAND F., see Kellberg, John M. GRAY, T. E. 1, (Boley, C. C.). Preparation characreristics of coal from Wise County, Virginia: U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 5319, 50 p., f 958. 2. (Boley, C. C.). Preparation characteristics of coal from Dickenson County, Virginia: U. S. Bureau of Mines Rept. Inv. i40S,3t p., 1958. GREEN, JACK l. (Lesure, Frank G.). Stratigraphic and srructural control of zinc deposits in the Timberville area, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. l, no.4, p. 380, 1950. 2. A contribution to the geochemistry of the lead and zinc ores in the Timber- ville area, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 2, no,4, p.347, l9il. GREENE, ADRIAN VANCE Geology of Newman Ridge and Brushy-Indian Ridge between Sneedville, Ffancock County, Tennessee and Blackwater, Lee Counfy, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Tennessee, 1959. GRE,ENE, WILLIAM M. (Sherman, Charles L.; Ward, Dederick C.) . Mineralogical study of part of the Patuxent formation in Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 7, no.4, p. 324, 1956. Ixronir,rerron Crncuren 19 23

GRIFFITH, BERTRAM S., see Sieminski, Eugene B.

GRIFFITTS, WALLACE RUSH, see also Jahns, Richard Henry, 3; Lemke, Richard Walter. (Jahns, Richard Henry; Lemke, Richard Walter). Mica deposits of the southeastern Piedmont-pt. 3, Ridgeway-Sandy Ridge district, Virginia-North Carolina; pt. 4, Outlying deposits in Virginia: U. S. Geol, Survey Prof. Paper 248-C, iv, p. 141-202, 1953. GROSH, W. A., see Morrison, G. A. GUILLOU, ROBERT BARTON l. Correlation of airborne radioacrivity data and areal geology: U. S. Geol. Survey Rept. TEI-700, p. 201-2M, 1957. (Prepared for U. S. Atomic Energy ,Commission). 2. Correlation of airborne radioactivity data and areal geology: U. S. Geol. Survey Rept. TEI-740, p.245-249, 1958. (Prepared for U. S. Atomic Energy Commission). GWINN, GEORGE RICHARDS Domestic mica: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf, Cir.7617,37 p., 1951. HACK, JOHN TILTON I. Erosion by catastrophic floods in the Ridge and Valley Province, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour" .Sci., vol. 7, no. 4, p. 329-330, 1956. 2. Submerged river system of Chesapeake Bay: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 68, no.7, p. 817-830, 1957. 3, Studies of longitudinal stream profiles in Virginia and Maryland: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 29+-P, p. 4t-97, 1957. 4. Geomorphic significance of residual and alluvial deposits in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 9, no.4, p.425, 1958. 5. (Young, Robert S.). Intrenched meanders of the North Fork of the Shen- andoah River, Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 354-4, p. l-10, 1959. 6. The relation of manganese to surficial deposits in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia (abs.): Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour., val. 49, no. 3, p. 93, 1959. HAMILTON, S. HARBERT Meteorite studies . . .: M'ineral Collector, vol. 8, p. 97-1,01, 120-126, 1901. HARBECK, G. EARL, ree Thomas, Nathan O.

HARNSBERGER, WILBUR TROUT, see also Young, Robert Spencer, 5. 1. Geology of the Bergton area, northwesr Rockingham Counry, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, 1950. 2. Virginia's oil and gas resources: Virginia Minerals, vol. 1, no. 2, p. l-4, 1955. HARRIS, L. P. Channeled irregularities on the Knox surface, Wolf Cemetery, Washington County (abs.) : Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 9, no. 4, p. 427, 1958. HARRIS, LEONARD D., see also Miller, Ralph LeRoy, 2. l. Syngenetic chert in the Middle Ordovician Hardy Creek limestone of south- west Virginia: Jour. Sed. Pet., vol. 28, no. 2, p. 205-208, 1958. 2. (Miller, Ralph L.). Geologic map of the Duffield quadrangle, Virginia: 2+ VrncrNre DrvrsroN or MrNnner Rosouncns

U. S. Geol. Survey Geol. Quad. May GQ-111, scale 1:24,000 (1 in. to 2,000 ft.), with section and text, 1958. HARSHBERGER, JOHN WILLIAM Phytogeographic survey of North America: New York, G, E. Stechert, 790 P.' 1911. HART, PEMBROKE JONES Variation of velocity near the Mohorovicic discontinuity under Maryland and northeastern Virginia: Thesis (Ph.D.), Harvard Univ,, 1955. HATHWAY, JOHN CUMMINS, see also Carroll, Dorothy, I' 1. Investigation of alluvial clays in the Shenandoah Valley (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 65, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1361, 1954; Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no. 4, p. 30O, 1954. 2. Studies of some vermiculite-type clay minetals, in Milligan, W. O., ed. Clays and clay minerals: Natl. Research Council Pub. 395, p.74-86, 1955. HAY, NICHOLAS ROMEYN TAYLOR Geology of the Fincastle syncline, Botetourt County, Virginia: Thesis (M.A.), Univ. of Virginia, 1950. HAYWOOD, J. K. (Smith, B. H.). Mineral waters of the United States: U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Chem. Bull. 91, 100 p., 1905. HECK, NICHOLAS HUNTER Continental United States and Alaska (exclusive of California and western Nevada), Pt. I of Earthquake History of the United States: (J. S. Coast and Geod. Survey [pub.l, no. 41-7, rcv. ed. 1956, iii, 80 p., rev. by R. A. Eppley, 1958.

HEINRICH, EBERHARDT WILLIAM, see Jahns, Richard Henry, 3.

HENDERSON, E. P. 1. (Perry, Stuart Hoffman). A discussion of the densities of iron meteorites: Geochim. at Cosmochin. Acta, vol. 6, no. 5-6, p. 221-240, London, 1954. 2. (Perry, Stuart H.). Studies of seven siderites: U. S. Natl. Mus. Proc., vol. 107, no. 3388, p. 339-403,1958.

HENRY. ELVIN F. (Porter, H. C.). Soil conditions in the Norfolk County, Virginia, area of the great Dismal Swamp (abs.) : Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 3, no. 4, p. 327, 1952.

HERBERT, PAUL, JR, l. (Young, Robert S.). Sulfide mineralization in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia: Virginia Div. Mineral Resources Bull. 70, 58 p., 1956. 2. (Young, Robert S.). Late stylolites: Jour. Geology, vol.65, no. 1, p. 107, 1957.

HERGENRODER, JOHN DAVID Geolog'y of the Radford area, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), V.P.l., 1957. INponuerroN Crncuren 19 )l

HEROD, BUREN C. 1. Lynchburg stone service erects 1,500 t.p.d. plant; wide range of aggregates supplied to central Virginia market: Pit and Quarry, vol. 49, no. 7, p. 208- 210, Jan.1957. 2. Kyanite Mining Corporation; status as leading producer enhanced by new mine, plant: Pit and Quarry, vol. 50, no. 3, p. 118-122, Sept. 1957. HERSEY, JOHN BRACKETT (and others), Geophysical investigations of the continental margin between Cape Henry, Virginia and Jacksonville, Florida: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 70, no. 4, p. 437-465,1959. HERZOG, LEONARD FREDERICK, II (Pinson, William Hamlet, Jr.). The Sr and Rb contents of the granite (R, I.) and the diabase W-t (Va.), Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, vol. 8, no.

5-6, p" 295-298, 195 5 .

HICKMAN, ROBERT C' see also Bell, James E,. Investigation of the Rutherford pegmatite mine, Amelia County, Virginia: U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv.4641,6 p., 1950. HILLHOUSE, DOUGLAS NEIL Preliminary reporr on the geologic investigations of the Roseland anorthosite and associated titanium deposits (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 10, no. 4, p. 293,1959.

HINKLE, JAMES L. (and others). Mineralogical studies of the sediments of the Meherrin River (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 4, no. 4, p.264, 1953.

HINSON, HOWARD HOUSTON, see Anderson, Carl Claude.

HOAGLAND, ALAN DO'UGLAS, see McMurry, Howard Vernon.

HOBBS, CHARLES RODERICK BRUCE, JR., see also Dietrich, Richard Vin- cent, 16. l. Structural geology of the Sinking Creek area, Giles Counry, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), V.P.L, 1953. 2. Petrography and origin of dolomite-bearing carbonate rocks of Ordovician age in Virginia: Virginia Polytech. Inst. Bull., Eng. Expt. Sta. Ser., no. il6, 128 p., 1957 ; Thesis (Ph.D.),V.P.1., 1957. HOFFMAN, JOHN NATHAN Manganese, its minerals, deposits and uses: Pa. State Univ. Mineral Industries Expt. Sta. Circ.49, vi, 116 p., 1957; revised, 1958. HOLE, GILBERT L. Clay-limonite cappings over sulphide mineralization in southwest Virginia: Thesis (Ph.D.), Columbia Univ., 1951.

HOOK, JOHN W., see Oder, Charles Rollin Lorain. 26 VrncrNre DrvrsroN or MrNnner ResouncBs

HOPKINS, HENRY ROBERT 1. Geophysical surveying: Virginia Minerals, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 1,-6, 1956. 2. A diabase dike near Afton, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 7, no. 4, p. 328, 1956. 3. Magnetic intensities in the Lynchburg hematite and magnetite district, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, 1957; (Abs.) Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 8, no. 4, p. 328,1957. 4. Nelson-Amherst soapstone belt, Virginia: Virginia Div. Mineral Resources open-file report, map, scale inaccurate, blue line, 1957. HOROWITZ, ALAN STANLEY 1. Lithologic variations in the limestone west of Lexington, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 2, no. 4, p. 347-348, 1951. 2. (Miller, Thomas L.). Mineralogical studies of the sediments of the Rivanna River in Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, and Louisa counties in Virginia: Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 2, no. 4, p.348,1951. HOWARD, ARTHUR DAVID Terrace studies in the United States and Hawaii, 1934-1937: Committee pour L'6tude des Terrasses Plioc6nes et Pleistoc6nes, Rept. 5, p" 27-63, Paris, Bur. de Sec. G6n., Union Geog. Internat., 1938.

HOWELL, THOMAS J. The geological distribution of North American forests: Popular Sci. Monthly, vol.23, p. 5l7 -524, 1883.

HOWER, JOHN, JR. (Fancher, Thomas W.), Analysis of standard granite and standard diabase trace elements: Science, vol. 125, no. 3246, p.498, 1957.

HUDDLE, JOHN \,V. 1. (and others). Detailed logs of 28 wildcat wells in Lee, Wise, Buchanan, Montgomery, and Dickenson counties, Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file rePort, 1955. 2. (Jacobsen, Eloise T.; Williamson, Allen D.). Oil and gas wells drilled in southwestern Virginia before 1950: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1027-L, p. 541573, 1959. HUENE, FRIEDRICH VON Notes on the age of the continental Triassic beds in North America, with remarks on some fossil vertebrates: U. S. Natl. Museum Proc.. vol. 69. art. 18, 10 p.,1926,

HUGHES, J. H., see Jaffe, Gilbert.

HUMPHRIS, CURTIS C., JR. (Hynson, R.W.; Whitson, R. E.). Mineralogical studies of the sediments of Partridge Run, Amherst County, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. l, no. 4, p.379,1950.

HUNT, ALLEN S., see Whittington, Harry Blackmore, 4. INnonl,rettoN CRcuL.qn 19 27

HUNT, WILLIAM HERBERT, see Forkgen, Peter Edward' HUNTER. CHARLES EUGENE Vermiculite of the southeastern states, in Snydet' F' G', ed', Svmposium on mineral resources of the southeastern United States: Knoxville' Univ. of Tenn. Press, p. 120-127, 1950. HUNTINGTON, OLIVER WHIPPI-E Catalogue of all recorded meteorites . . . (Harvard Collection): Am' Acad' Arts and Sci. Proc., vol. 23, p. 37-110, 1888.

HYNSON, R. W., see Humphris, Curtis C., Jr. JACOB, KENNETH DONALD (and others). The composition and distribution of rock with special reference to United States: IJ. S. Dept. Agriculture Tech. Bull. 36+, 90 P', 1933.

JACOBSEN, ELO'ISE T, see Huddle, John Warfield, 2' JAFFE, GILBERT (Hughes, J.H.). The radioactivity of bottom sediments in Chesapeake Bay: Geophys. IJnion Trans., vol. 34, no. 4, p. 539-542, 1953; Discussion by R' C' Aschenbrenner and reply by authors, vol. 35, no. 5' p. 8+2-8+3,1954.

JAFFE, HOWARD WILLLA.M, see also Gottfried, David, 3. (and others). Lead-alpha age determinations of accessory minerals of igneous ro:ks (1953-1957): rJ. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1097-8, p.65-148,1959. JAHNS, RICHARD HENRY, see also Griffitts, Wallace Rush; Lemke, Richard Walter. 1. (Lancaster, Forrest W.). Fhysical characteristics of commetcial sheet mus- covite in the southeastern United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 225,110 p., 1950. 2. Geology, mining, and uses of strategic pegmatites: Mining Eng., vol. 190, no. l, p. 45-59, 1951; A.I.M.E. Trans. 1951, vol. l9O, 1952. 3. (Grifitts, wallace Rush; Heinrich, Eberhardt william). General features. Pt. I of Mica deposits of southeastern Piedmont: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof' Paper 248-A, p. 1-102,1952.

JASTER, MARION CHARLOTTE selected annotated bibliography of highgrade silica of the united states and Canada through December 1954: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1019-H; P. 609- 67 3, 1957 . JOERC. WOLFANG LOUIS GOTTFRIED The subdivision of North America into natural regions-a preliminary inguiry: Assoc. Am. Geographers Annals, vol. 4, p. 55-83, 1914.

JOFFE, JACOB SAMUEL (Conybeare, Adrienne B.). Analyses of United States soils, Sec.' II, South Atlantic States: Nbw Jersey, New Brunswick, Agricultural Expt" Sta', Rut- gers Univ., 1943. 28 Vrncrwre DrvrsroN on MrNnner RBsouncos

JOHNSON, DOUGLAS WTLSON Physiography of the Atlantic coast of North America: Internat. Geol. Congress [12], Cambridge, Mass., 1928, Rept. proc., p. 85-100, 1930. JOHNSON, ROBERT WILLIAM, JR., see also Moxham, Rotrert M. l' Aeromagnetic observations in central western virginia, in Appalachian Geological Society Guidebook, May 1955 (abs.): [Ciarleston] Appalachian Geol. Soc., p, 40, 195 5 . (Milton, 2. Charles). Igneous petrology of the central Shenandoah Valley, Vir- 9Ti".("n..), in Appalachian Geoiogical Society, Guidebook, May t955: [Charleston] Appalachian Geol. Soc., p. 4l-42, tg1s. (Milton, 3. Charles). Dike rocks of cential-western Virginia (abs.): Geol, Soc. America Bull., vol. 66, no. 12, pt. 2, p. t68g-ft%, 1g5t. 4. Regional geographical data and their ielation to the Appalachians in central and western Virginia (abs.); 6.o1. Soc. America Bull^., vol. 6g, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1880, 1957.

JOHNSON, THOMAS CARY, JR. scientific interests in the old south: New york, D. Appleton-century co., vii,2l7 p., 7936,

JOHNSON NATIONAL DRILLERS JOURNAL a-ffecting ground-water (york-James I3.:"r: quality peninsula): Johnson Natl. Drillers Jour., vol. 31, no. i, p.'l_4, 1959. JOHNSTON, JOHN EDWARD (Trumbull, James van Alen; Eaton, Gordon pryor). The petroleum potential of the emerged and submerged Atlantic coastal plain of the United states: World Petroleum Cong., 5th, New york 1959, proc., sec. 1, p.435_445, 1959; slightly revised with title, will we fnd natural gas near rrorth."rt marketsl: Gas Age, vol- 724, no. 4, p. 2j,28-31, lg5g. JOHNSTON, P. M. Geology park of the Great Falls area, Fairfax Counry, Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file report, 5 p., L956. JONES, J. O. (Eilersten, N. A.). Investigation of the winis Mountain kyanite deposit, Buckingham County, Virginia: U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 5675,41 p., 1954. KANE, J. R., sae Alford, J. R. KAY, GEORGE MARSFIALL goesynclines: 1. IT.h.{-erican Geol. Soc. America Mem.48, 143 p., 1951. 2. ordovician limestones in the wesrern anticlines of the Appala"Hi's i' w"st vl.sii, and Virginia northeast of the New River: Geol.'soc. America Bulr., vol,67, no. 1, p. j5-106, 1956.

KtrAN, JEFFERSON R., see young, George M. KEEVIL, NORMAN BELL Radioactivity and mineral deposits: Am. Mineralogist, vol. 35, nos. 9_10, p. 816-833, 1950. lNronuerror Crncuren l9 29

KE,ITH. BERNARD ASHTON 1. Evidence of crustal megashearing in Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour' Sci', vol. 2, no. 4, p" 346, 1951. 2. First discovery of a long-inJine or coaxial arrangement of structures that no' 4, p' indicate deep crustal Penetration (abs'): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 3, 328,1952. 3. Economic importance of meg B-8, E-W zane of crustal megashearing. (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 63, no. 12, Pt. 2, P. 1383, 1952; Virginia Jour' Sci., vol. 4, no, 4, p. 259, 1953. 4. Fundamentals of crustal megashearing and notes on the four types of mega- shears in Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol.5, no' 4, p"307,1954' KELLBERG, JOHN M. (Grant, Leland F.). coarse conglomerates of the middle ordovician in the southern Appalachian Valley: Geol. Soc. America Bull. vol. 67, no' 6' p' 697 -7 16, 1956. KELSEY, V. V. Aplite (abs.): A.LM.E., Mining Geology Geophysics Div. Ann. Mtg', Feb' 1957, Min. Br. Abs., p. 54-55,1957. KESLER, THOMAS LINGLE Barite deposits southeast of the Appalachian plateaus, in Snydet, F. G., ed', symposium on Mineral Resources of the southeastern United states: Knox- ville, Univ. of Tennessee Press, p. 88-98, 1950' KESSLER, D. W. (Sligh, W. H.). Physical proPerties and weathering characteristics of slate: U. S. Bur. Standards, Joui. Research, vol. 9, p. 377-411, 1932; reprinted as Research Prper 447, KING. PHILIP BURKE 1. (and others). Tectonic map of the United States: Tulsa, Am' Assoc. Pe- troleum Geologists, map,2 sheets, scale 1:2,500,000 with text, 190[4; summary, Science, vol. t0t, na. 2632, p, 577,1945: Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., vol' 30, no. t, p. 135, 1946. 2. Geology of the Elkton area, Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 230, 82 P.' 1q50. 3. Tectonic framework of southeastern United States: Am. Assoc. Fetroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 34, no. 4, p. 635-671, 1950; Summary in Snyder, F. G', Symposium on mineral resources of the southeastern (Jnited States, p' 9-25, 1950. 4. The tecronics of Middle North America-Middle North America east of the Cordilleran system: Princeton, N" J., Princeton Univ. Press, 203 p'' 1951' 5. The base of ih" C"-btirtr in the southern Appalachians: Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., val. 42, no. 6, p. 170-17+, 1952. 6. The evolution of North America: Princeton, N. J., Princeton univ, Press, 189 p., 1959. KINGERY, THOMAS LEROY The geology of the Triassic Basin, Scottsville, Virginia: Thesis (M'S'), (Jniv' of Cincinnati, 1954. 30 VrncrNre DrvrsroN on MrNnnel Rnsouncss

KINSIMAN, BLAIR, see powers, Maurice Cary, l, KOSCHMANN, A. D., see Glass, Jewell Jeanette. KRAFT, JOHN CHRISTMAN, see also Swain, Frederick Morrill, Jr., 1. Mgrphologrc and sytematic relationships of some Middle Ordovician Ostra- coda: Geol. Soc. America Mem. 86, IO+ p., WeZ; Thesis (Fh.D.), Univ. of Minn., 1955.

KUEHN, HUGO E. (Dent, Guy E.). Comparative study of magnetic surveys of Worcester Maryland, 9o""!{, made on the ground and froir airplane observations: U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 4070,23 p., w+1.

KULP, JOHN LAURENCE, see also Long, Leon Eugene, 1. (Long, 1. L_eon Eugene). Chronology of major metamorphic evenrs in south- eastern United States (abs.): Am. Geophys. Union Trans., vol. 39, no. 3, p. 522,1957. (Lang, 2. Leon E.; Eckelmann, Frank Donald). Aee of the piedmont and southern Appalachians (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Eull., vol. 6g, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 17 58-59, 1957 .

KUNZE, G.W., see Rich, Charles I.. 4. KUSTER, W. V. Titanium minerals in the heavy sand deposits of Assateague Isrand, Mary- land: U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. tiL2, ;Z p., 1959. LANCASTER, FORREST W., see Jahns, Richard Henry. 1. .WALTER LANG, BARNES 1j1.1"d-bfliography and index map of salt deposits in the United S,tates: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1019-J, p.715_753, lgj7. LAPAZ, LINCOLN The distribution of the recognized meteorites of North America: popular Astronorny, vol. 48, p. 1.iI-165,205-212, 1940; Soc. for Research in Meteorites Contrib. 2, p. 17 2-tSB: :-94O.

LARSEN, ESPER SIGNIUS, III, see Gottfried, David, 2.

LASWELL, TROY JAMES (stow, 1' Marcellus Henry). A virginia occurrence of paligorskite (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 6, no. 4, p. I$_zg+, t955. 2. Twinned calcite crystals from Lbne Jack euarry, Rockbridge county, vir- ginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. g, no. 4, p.335, 1957. LATTA, BRUCE FERRELL Public and industrial .grc'nd--water supplies of the Roanoke-sarem district, Virginia: Virginia Div. Geology nul.-Ol, 53 p., 1956. LAURENCE, ROBERT ABRAHAM, see also Spain, Ernest Lynwood, Jr. 1. Geologic investigations and exproration in southeastern United states. iz INnonnaelroN Crnculan 19 3l

Snyder, F. G., ed., Symposium on mineral resources of the southeastern United States: Knoxville, Univ. Tenn. Press, p. 1-8, 1950. 2. Geologic features of the southeastern states, iz North Carolina State College, Symposium on geology as applied to highway engineering, 7th ann., 1.956, Proc.: Raleigh, North Carolina State Hwy. and Public Works Com., p. 45- 47,1956. 3. Uranium and thorium in the southeastern states (abs'): Geol. Soc- America Bull., vol. 68,no.12, p. 1881, 1957.

LAURENT, J. SCOTT, see Perry, Albert J. LAWTHERS, ROBERT 1. (Mark, Helen R.). Bibliography of titanium deposits of the world: U' S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1019-G, p. 543-608, 1957. 2. Titanium, a materials survey, by J. e. Miller. Chap. 2, mineralogy and geology of titanium. Chap. 3, Resources. Chap. 4, Prospecting, mining, and bene- ficiation: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Cir. 7791, p. 23-64, 1957. LEGRAND, HARRY ELWOOD I, Origin of ground-water in the Triassic basins of North Carolina and Virginia (abs.): North Carolina Acad. Sci. Proc., in Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. Jour., vol.75, no, 2, p. 68-69,1959. 2. A summary of ground-water conditions in the Piedmont province of Virginia: Virginia Minerals, vol. 5, no. 4, p. l-7,1959,

LEMKE, RICHARD WALTER, see also Griffitts, Wallace Rush. (Jahns, Richard H.; Griffitts, Wallace R.). Amelia district, Virginia. Pt. 2 of Mica deposits of the southeastern Piedmont: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 248-8, p. 103-139, 1952.

LEONARD, FREDERICK CHARLES 1. (Slanin, Boris). A statistical study of the meteoric falls of the world as of date 1941, January 1: Popular Astronomy, vol. 49, p. 151-159, 206-214, 551- 560, l9+7, 2. (and others). Catalog of provisional co-ordinate numbers for the meteoric falls of the world: New Mexico Univ. Pub. Meteorics, no. l, xiv, 54 p., 1946. 3. (Violini, Robert de). A classificational catalog of the meteoritic falls of the world: California Univ. Pubs. Astronomy, vol. 2, no. l, p. 1-80, 1956. 4. (Rowland, Gerald Lee). An index catalog of the multiple meteoritic falls of the world: Meteoritics, vol. 1, no. 4, p. 440-450, 1956.

LESQUEREUX, LEO Description of the coal flora of the carboniferous formation in Pennsyl- vania and throughout the United States: Penn. Geol. Survey, 2d ser. [Bull.], ' p. 3, vol. xv, 694 p., 1880.

LESURE, FRANK G., see also Etheredge, F. G'; Green, Jack, 1. Geology of the Clifton Forge iron district, Virginia: Virginia Polytech. Inst. Bull. Eng. Expt. Sta. Ser. 118, 130 p., 1957; Thesis (Ph.D.), Yale Univ., 1955. 32 VrncrNra DrvrsroN or. MrNoner Rnsouncps

LE VAN, DONALD C. l. A review of oil and gas in Virginia: Virginia Minerals, vol. i, no. 2, p. l-7; 1959. 2. catalogof oil- and gas wells in well sample repository on August r, 1959: vir- ginia Div. Mineral Resources Inf. Cir. l, ll p., lglg. LEVORSEN, ARVILLE IRVING Studies in paleogeology: Am. Assoc. petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 17, no. 9, p. 1107 -1132, 1933. LOCHMAN-BALK, CHRISTINA (Wilson, J. L.). Cambrian biostratigraphy in North America: Jour. paleon- tology, vol. 32, no. 2, p.3Zt-350,1958.

LOtrBLICH, A. R., JR. (Tappan, l. Helen). Planktonic Foraminifera versus rhe cretaceous-Tertiarv boundary; the Paleocene and lower Eocene of the Atrantic and Gulf corrtir Plains (abs.): Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Soc., Trans., vol.6, p. l7g, 1956. (Tappan, 2. Helen). Correlation of the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal plain paleo- cene and lower Eocene formations by means of planktonic Foraminifera: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 31, no. 6, p. tiW_ttl7, wS7. (Tappan, 3. Helen N.). Planktonic Foraminifera of pareocene and earry Eocene age from the Gulf and Atlantic coastal prain, in Loeblich, A. R., studies in Foraminifera: U. S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 215, p. 173_197, 1957. LOHR, E. W. (Love, s. K.)' The industriar utility of public water supplies in the United States, 1952, Pr. 1, States^east of the Mississippi River,'U. S. Geol. S,r.rr"y Water Supply Paper 12W,639 p., 1954. LONG, LEON EUGENE, see also Kulp, John Laurence, t, 2. Laurence; 1Kulp, J, Eckelmann, Frank Donald). Chronology of major meta- morphic events in the southeastern united states: Am. Jiur. sci.,'vol. 257, no. 8, p. 58t-603,19i9.

LOVE, S. K,, see Lohr, E. W.

LOVELL, A. P. R., see Panott, T.. 2.

LOWDON, JACK 1. Geology and hydrology of the Waynesboro area, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, 1955. 2. Ground warer in the waynesboro, virginia area (abs.): virginia Jour. sci., vol. 6, no. 4, p. 285 , 195 5 .

LOWRY, ELIZABETH JEAN I' Fossil b^o"o-^il- virginia caves: virginia Div. Minerar Resources open-file report, S p., 1953. :,, drainage along _sylsyrfac_e norrh side of walker Mountain, Virginia (abs.): .' Virginia Jour, Sci, vol. 5, no. 4, p. 301, 1954. 3. Spelunking in Virginia: Virginia Minerals, vol. 2, no. 4, p. 1-5, 1956. INronnerroN Cmcur-en 19 t)

LOWRY, WALLACE DEAN, see also Dietrich, Richard Vincent, 9, 16. 1. Foreset bedding in the Clinch-Tuscarora sandstone of Virginia (abs.): Vir- ginia Jour. Scil vol. 3, no. 4, p. 332-333, 1952. 2. Residual sands and erosion surfaces of western Virginia (abs"): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 4, no. 4,p,262,1953. 3. Silica sand resources of western Virginia: Virginia Polytech. Inst., Eng. Expt. Sta. Ser. no. 96,62p.,7954. 4. Pre-Lithification features of some Cambro-Ordovician magnesian and dolo- micic limestones of southwestern Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no. 4, p. 343,1954. 5. Are the depressions of major folds of the Valley and Ridge Province of Virginia of depositional originl: Mineral Industries Jour., vol. 2, no,2, p. 5, 8, 1955. 6. Factors in loss of porosity by quartzose sandstones in Virginia: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 40, no. 3, p. 489-500, 1956. 7. Implications of gentle Ordovician folding in western Virginia: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 41, no. 4, p. 643-655, 1957. 8. Non-tectonic folds in the Athens formation near Ffarrisonburg, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 8, no. 4, p.332-333, 1957. 9. Betts Quarry case, Harrisonburg, Virginia (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 68, no. 12, pt. 2.7882,1957. 10. Cementation of quartzose sandstone of western Virginia (abs,): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 9, no. 4, p.431, 1958.

LURATE, ROBERT BARRY, see David, James Flarrison. LUTTRELL, GWENDOLYN WERTH 1. Bibliography of iron ore resources of the world (to January 1955): U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1019-D, p. 187 -371, 1957 . 2. Annotated bibliography on the geology of selenium: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1019-M, p. 8i,69-97 2, 1959. LYONS, P. L. 1. A gravity map of the United States: Tulsa Geol, Soc. Digest, vol. 18, p.33-43, 1950. 2. A seismic reflection qualiry map of the United States: Geophysics, vol. 16, no. 3, p. 506-510, 1951. McANDREWS, HARRY Origin of chart in Helderberg formations: Thesis (M.S.), West Virginia Univ., 1956. M-CcCARTHY, GERALD RALEIGH 1. The southern Appalachian eafthquake of September 28, 1955: Earthquake Notes, vol. 27,no.l,p, l-2,1956. 2. A note on the Vfuginia earthquake of 1833: Seismol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 48, no. 2, p. 177-180, 1958; (abs.) The Virginia earthquake of August 27, 1833: Am. Geophys, Uniorr Trans., vol. 38, no. 3, p. 398, 1957. MoCLINT@K, F.T., see Figgers, R. L. McCRADY, ALLEN, ed, see Dunn, John Robert, ed. 34 Vrncrxre DrvrsroN or MrNnner RnsouncBs

MIcCUBBIN, R. J. (and others). Freavy mineral studies of the sediments of the Appornattox River, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 3, no. +, p. 330-331, lgiz. McCUTCHEON, FLETCHER SNEAD Mineralogy of dolomites quarried by the Radford Limestone company, Rad- ford, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Virginia polytech. Inst. 195i. McDONALD, RICHARD R., see Forkgen, Feter Edward.

McGAIN, DAVID W' see Perry, Albert J. McGILL, WILLIAM M. Memorandum reporr on brick clays in Virginia: Virginia Geol. Survey open-file report, 39 p., lgi3.

McGRAIN, PRESTON, ed. Pr-oceedings of the southeastern Mineral symposium,-Kentucky l950-techniques of mineral resources exploration and evaluation: Geol. Survey, ser. 9, Sp91, Fub. 1, 766 p., 7953. (Including papers by several authors are cited individually.) McGUINESS, CHARLES LEE The water situation in the united states with speciar reference to ground water: IJ. S. Geol. Survey Cir. 114, lZ7 p., 1951,, MIcINTOSH, CHARLES A. (Mixson, Alan R.; Willard, David K.). Mineralosical studies of sediments from New River, Virginia (abs.) : Virginia Jour. Scil, vol. 6, no. 4, p.2g6, 1955. MACK, TINSLEY 1. Feeder dikes of the catoctin greenstone, Albemarle county, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 7, no. 4, p. 326-327,1956. 2. Geology of the Everona Formation: Thesis (M.A.), Univ. of Virginia, 156 p.,7957. McKEE, EDWIN DINWIDDIE (and others). Paleotectonic maps of the Triassic system: U. s. Geol. survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Map I-i00, 33 p., lgig. MacKICHAN, K. A. 1. Estimated use of water in the united states, 1950: u. s. Geol, survev cir. 115,15 p.,1951. 2. Estimated use of warer in the united states, 1957: u. s, Geol. survey cir. 398, l8 p., 1957. MAcLAREN, JAMES MALCOLM 9-9td'rts georogrcal occurrence and geographical distribution: London, The ' Mines Journal, 687, p., 1908. McLAUGHLIN, DEAN BENJAMIN A suggested correlation of rriassic areas of the eastern united states: pennsvl- vania Acad. Sci. Froc.; vol.24, p. l6t-169,1950. INronlrerroN Crncuran 19 35

McLEAN, JAMES DOUGLAS 1. Paleocene Foraminifera from the Atlantic Coastal Plain: Cushman Found. Foram. Research Contr., vol. 2, pt. 7, p. 20-29, 1951. 2. A summary of the guide fossil Foraminifera of the Atlantic Coastal Plain between New Jersey and Georgia-a revision: Mclean Foram. Lab. Rept. 1,6 p.,7953. 3. The Foraminifera of the Yorktown formation in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia with notes on the associated mollusks: Bulls. Am. Paleontology, vol. 36, no. 160, 255-394,1956; correction with title, Textulavia yarktou;memsis, new name, Jour. Paleontology, vol. 33, no, 5, p. 969, lgig. 4. The Ostracoda of the Yorktown formation in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia (with notes on the collection made by Denise Mongin from the area): Bulls. Am. Paleontology, vol. 38, no.167, p.152)-103,1957. McMURRY, HOWARD VERNON (Hoagland, Alan Douglas). Three-diminsional applied porenrial studies at Austinville, Virginia: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 67, no. 6, p. 683-696, 1956.

McNEIL, FRANCIS STEARNS, see also Stephenson, Lloyd William. Species and genera of Tertiary Noetinae: U, S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 189-A, p l-49,7938.

MALDE, HAROLD EDWIN Geology of the Charleston phosphate area, South Carolina; a detailed study of the area from which phosphate rock was first produced in this country: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1079, 105 p., 1959. MALKIN, DORIS SARAH Biostratigraphic study of Miocene Ostracoda, New Jersey, Maryland, and Vir- ginia: Jour, Paleontology, vol. 27, no. 6, p. 761-799, 1953.

MANGOLD, CARL RENE, JR. (Marshall, Lee; Young, W. K.). Heavy mineral studies of sediments fronr Little River, Floyd County, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 8, no. 4, p. 331-332, 1957 . MANN, VIRGIL IVOR Stratigraphic distribution of iron deposits in the southeastern lJnited States (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 67, no.72, pt. 2, p. 175+, 1956, MARBUT, CURTIS FLETCHER (and others). Soils of the United States (edition, 1913): U. S. Dept. Agricul- ture, Bur. Soils Bull. 96,791 p.,1913.

MARCIN, EDWARD J. The manganese mines of Crimora, Virginia: Rocks and Minerals, vol. 33, nos. 8/9, p. 424-425, 1958.

MARK, HELEN R., see Lawthers, Robert, 1. 36 VrncrNre DrvrsroN on MrNener Rpsouncos

MARMER, HARRY AARON 1. Sea level along the Atlancic Coast of the United States and its fluctations: Geog. Rev., vol. 15, no. 3, p. 438-448, 192j, 2. Is the Atlantic Coast sinking?-the evidence from the tide: Geog. Rev,, vol. 38, no. 4, p. 652-657, 1948. 2. Sea level changes along the coasts of the United States in tecent yetrs, in Symposium on the earth's crust: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., vol. 30, no. 2, p.201-204, 1949.

MARSHALL, FREDERICK CHARLES Geology of the Kent Window area, Wythe County, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Virginia Polytech. Inst., 1959. MARSHALL, NELSON Changes in the physiography of oyster bars in the James River, Virginia: Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no. 3,p. 173-181, 1954. MARTIN, PAUL SCHULTZ Pleistocene ecology and bio-geography of North America, lchap.J 15 in Pt. 2, of Hubbs, C. L., ed., Zoogeography: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Pub. no. 51, p.375-420,1958. MATTHEW, \VILLIAM DILLER Hypothetical outlines of the continents in Tertiary times: Am, Mus. Nat. History Bull., vol. 22, p. 353-383, 1906. MEADOR, JOHN PLEASANT 1. Geologic materials surveys as highway construction aids (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol.3, no. 4,p.328,1952. 2. Subsurface reconnaissance by the electrical resistivity method (abs.): Vir- ginia Jour. Sci., vol. 4, no. 4, p. 266-267, 1953.

MEADORS, GEORGE 5., see also Cordova, Robert M., 1; Parrott, William T., r5, 17 . 1. Bridge coring reports 1-59BC; resistivity reporrs 1-15: Virginia Dept. High- ways, Div. Tests, Geol. Yearbook, vol. 10, unpaged, 1955. 2. Bridge coring reports 1-56BC; resistivity reports 1-17: Virginia Dept. High- ways, Div. Tests Geol. Yearbook, vol. 11, unpaged, 1956.

MEINZER, OSCAR EDWARD Groundwater in the United States; a summary: U. S. Geol. Survey Water- Supply Paper 836-D, p. 157 -229, 1939.

MELVILLE, PHILIP L. Concrete aggregate reaction in Virginia, irz Symposium on Geology as Applied to Highway Engineering, 6th ann., February, 1955: Johns Hopkins Univ. Dept. Civil Eng., p.32-35, U9551.

MERTIE, JOHN BEAVER, JR. 1. deposits of the southeastern Atlantic states: U. S. Geol. Survey Cir. 237,31 p., 1953. lNronryrelrox Cmcuren 19 )l

2. Ancient monazite placer [Va.) (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 66, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 7692-1693, 1955 . 3. Paragneissic formations of northern Virginia (abs.): Geol. Soc. America

Bull., vol. 67, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 17 5 4-17 5 5, 195 6. 4. Geologic occurrence of monazite and in the southeastern states (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol.68, no. 12, pt.2, p. 1766-1767, 1957. 5. Zirconium and hafnium in the southeastern Atlantic states: IJ. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1082-4, p. 1-28, 1958. 6. Qluartz crystal deposits of southwestern Virginia and western North Carolina: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1072-D, p. 233-298, 1959.

MEYER, ROBERT PAUL, see Woollard, George Prior, 1. MEYERTONS, CARL THEILE Mineralogy of some coal mine roof shales lVirginial: Mineral Industries Jour., vol. 3, no. 1, p. 1-3, 8, 1956; Thesis, Mineralogical investigation of coal mine roof shales in part of the southern Appalachian coal field, V,P.I., 1956. MILLE.R, BUSTER WALLACE (Young, Robert Spencer). A peuographic study of a dikelike structure occurring at McCormick overlook on the Skyline Drive, Augusta Counqy, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. l, no. 4, p. 38Q 1950. MILLER, J. W. Preparation characteristics of coal from Lee County, Virginia: U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 5358, 14 p,1957.

MILLER, RALPH LEROY, see also F{arris, Leonard D., 2. 1. (Brosg6, William P.). Geology of the Jonesville district, Lee County, Vir- ginia: U. S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas. Inv. Prelim. Map 104, 2 sheets, scale 1 in. to % mile. 1950. 2. (Harris, Leonard D.). Silurian formations of southwest Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 4, no. 4, p.260, 7953. 3. (Brosg6, William P.). Geology and oil resources of the Jonesville district, Lee Counry, Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 990, 24A p., 1954. 4. (Fuller, J. Osborn). Geology and oil resources of the Rose Hill district-the fenster area of the Cumberland overthrust block*Lee County, Virginia: Vir- ginia Geol. Survey Bull. 71, 383 p., 1954. 5. What is the behavior or maior Appalachian overthrust at depth? (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no. 4, p. 307-308, 195+. 6. Carbonate cementation as a sealing factor in oil accumulation, southwest Virginia (abs.): Oil and Gas Jour., vol. 54, no. 53, p. 139-140, 1956.

MILLERS, R., see Swain, Frederick, M., 3.

MILLER, THOMAS L., ree Horowitz, Alan Stanley, 2.

MILLER, VICTOR C. A quantitative geomorphic study of drainage basin characterstics in the area, Virginia and Tennessee: Columbia Univ. Dept. of Geology Tech. Rept., no. 3, contract N6 ONR 271-30, ix, 30 p., 1953; Thesis (Ph.D.), Columbia Univ., 1953. 38 VrncrNra DrvrsroN or MrNBner ResouncBs

MILTON, CHARLES, see Bennison, A. P.; Johnson, Robert William, lr.,2,3, MINING ENGINEERING New domestic rutile source (Hanover County): Mining Eng., vol. 10, no- 7,p.25,28,1958. MISER, HUGH DINSMORE Manganese deposits of the southeastern United States, iz Snyder, F. G., ed.,. Symposium on mineral resources of the southeastern lJnited States: Knox- ville, Univ. of Tennessee Press, p. 152-169, 1950.

MITCHELL, R. S., see Pharr, Richard F.

MITCHUM, ROBERT MITCHELL, JR., sea alra Dapples, Edward C., 1,2. Pottsville strata (Pennsylvania) of part of the central Appalachian coal field: Thesis (Ph.D.), Northwestern Univ., 1954; (abs.) Dissert. Abs., vol. 14, no. 10, p. 104,1954.

MIXSON, ALAN R., see Maclntosh, Charles A. MOLLOY, MARTIN \v. A comparative study of ten : Am. Mineralogist, vol. 44, no. 5-6, p. 510-532,1959. MONEYMAKER, BERLEN CLIFFORD A catalogue of Tennessee earthquakes, which appear under varying titles in the Tennessee Academy of Science Journal: Tennessee Acad. Sci. Jour., 1699-1850, vol.29, no.3, p. 224-233,1954; 1851-1900, vol.30, no. 3, p.222-233, 1955; 190l-1925, vol. 32, no. 2, p. 91-105, 1957; l92t-1950, vol. 33, no. 3, p. 224-239,1958. MONGIN, DENISE Study of some American lamellibranchs and comparison with related European species: Bull. Am. Paleontology, vol. 39, no. 180, p.278-343,1959.

MONROE, D. D., see Berry, S. H. MONROE, WATSON H. General geologic features of the Atlantic and GuIf Coastal Plain, in McGrain, ed., Southeastern mineral symposium, 1950: Kentucky Geol" Survey, ser. 9, Special Pub. 1, p. 5-16,1953.

MOON, LOWFLL B. Investigation of Stange and Byrnes Heirs Manganese Mines, Bland and Giles counties, Virginia: U. S. Bur. Mines, Rept. lnv, 2659,32 p., 1950.

MOORE, RAYMOND CECIL (and others). Correlation of Pennsylvanian formations of North America: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 55, no. 6, p. 657-706, 1944.

MOORE, ROSSTE EARL, JR. Geology of the Big Level Mountain-Vesuvius district, Augusta and Rockbridge counties, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, 1952. Iwronl,rerroN Crncuren 19 39

MOORE, WAYNE ELDEN, see also Ross, Mary Harvey. l. Chepultepec and Longview limestone (Ordovician) in southwest Virginia (abs.); 6.o1, Soc. America Bull., vol. 63,no. 12, pt. 2, p. 7281-lZBi2, 1952. 2. Preliminary reporr on the occurrence of Ordovician Foraminifera near Ca- tawba, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 3, n. 4, p. 334, 1952. 3. Early Paleozoic structure in southwestern Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 4, no. 4, p.263-264, 1953" 4. Paleontology for the future: Mineral Industries Jour., vol. 2, na.4, p. S-7, 19t 5. 5. Coastal Plain geology along the James River-a summary, inYirginia Academy of Science, Geology Sec., Guidebook, May 1956: Blacksburg, Va., Virginia Polytech. Inst., p. 7-9, 1956. 6. Pleistocene terraces sourh of the James River, Virginia,, inYirginia. Academy of Science, Geology Sec., Guidebook, May 1956: Blacksburg, Va, Virginia Polytech. Inst., p. 10-16, 1956; (abs.) with title, Stratigraphy of Pleistocene terrace deposits in Virginia: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 67,no. 12, pt.2, p. 17 55, 1956.

MOORMAN, JOHN JENNINGS The mineral waters of the United States and Canada . . .: Baltimore, Kelly and Piet, 507 p., 1867. MORGAN, FRENCH Minerals of the Arlington trap rock quarry on Goose Creek, Loudoun County: Rocks and Ntlinerals, vol. 29, nos. 11-12, p. 563-568, 1954. MORRISON, G. A. (Grosh, W. A.). Investigation of Oriskany iron-ore deposits, Alleghany, Bath, Botetourt, and Craig counties, Virginia: U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 4668, 50 p., 1950. MOXHAM, ROBERT M. (Johnson, Robert William). Airborne radioactivity of parts of the Atlantic Ocean Beach, Virginia to Florida: U. S. Atomic Energy Com., TEMR 644, 195 l. MOXON, CHARLES On the geology of the United States: Geologist 1843, p.56-64, illus., London, 1843.

MURATA, K. J, Volcanic ash as a source of silica for the silicification of wood: Am. Tour. Sci., vol. 238, no.8, p.586-596, 1940. . MURPHY, LEONARD M. 1. (Ulrich, Franklin P.). United States earthquakes, 1948: U. S. Coasr and Geod. Survey, ser.746,50 p." 1951. 2. (Ulrich, Franklin P.). United States earthquakes, 1949: U. S. Coast and Geod. Survey ser. no. 748,64 p.,1951. 3. (Ulrich, Franklin P.). United States earthquakes, 1950: U. S. Coast and Geod. Survey ser. no. 755,47 p.,1952. 40 VrncINre DrvrsroN op MrNBner Rnsouncos

4. (Cloud, William K.). United States earthquakes, 1952: U. S. Coast and Geod. Survey ser.773, ll2 p., 1954. 5. (Cloud, William K.). United States earthquakes, 1953: U. S. Coast and Geod. Survey ser,785, 51 p,, 1955" 6. (Cloud, William K.), United States earthquakes 1955: U. S. Coast and Geol' Survey, 8l p.,1957. .WOLCO||T, MURRAY, JOHN see also Dietrich, Richard Vincent, 13. 1. Report on the mineralogy of New River Cave lVirginia]: Natl. Speleol. Soc. Bull., vol. 13, p, 5-54, Dec. 1951; Bull. 16, p" 77-82, Dec., 1954. 2. The deposition of calcite and aragonite in caves: Jour. Geology, vol. 62, no. 5, p. 481-492, 1958; (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no. 4, p, 304, 1954. 3. (Dietrich, Richard Vincent). Brushite and taranakite from Pig Ffole cave, Giles County, Virginia: Am" Mineralogist, vol. 41, no.7-8, p. 616-626, 1956.

NEFF, 4,. P., see Figgers, R. L.

NELSON, BRUCE WARREN 1. Mineralogy of sediments from the Virginia Triassic (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 7 , no. 4, p. 325, 1956. 2. Relative effectiveness of clay-mineral diagenesis in the Rappahannock River, Virginia (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 69, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1'623, 1958. 3. The recent sediment research program at V,P.I.: Mineral Industries Jour., vol. 6, no. 3, p. 1,4-7, 1959. 4. New bentonite zone from the Pennsylvanian of southwestern Virginia (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 70, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1651, 1959.

NELSON, WILBUR ARMISTEAD 1. Structure and stratigraphy of the Blue Ridge Mountain area of Albemarle and adjacent counties (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 67, no,72, pt' 2, p. r49r, 1950. 2. (Young, Robert S.). A Precambrian fault breccia in the Catoctin fo:mation in Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol.2,nct.4, p.351, 1951. 3, New concept of Appalachian thrust faults (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 4, p. 258-259, 1953. 4. Geological section along Roanoke River from Clarksville, Virginia to Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no. 4, p.297-298, 195+. 5, Notes on the structure of the Virginia Piedmont (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 65, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1365 , 1954. 6. Notes on the general structure of the Piedmont folded Appalachian Mountains in central Virginia, i.n .\ppalachian Geological Society, Guidebook, May 7955: lCharleston] Appalachian Geol. Soc., p, 14-16, 1955. 7. The correlation of Piedmont, Virginia, strata and an interpretation of Pied- mont structure based on this correlation (abs.): Virginia Jour' Sci', vol. 7, no. 4, p.328, 1956. 8. Structure and geology of the Virginia Piedmont (abs'): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 67, no. 72, pt. 2, p. 1755-1756, 1956. g. A further discission of the saltville fault smyth and washington counties, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 9, no. 4, p. 426, 1958. INnonmarroN Crncur,eR 19 +l

10. Geology and structure of Smith Mountain and adiacent areas in Bedford and Pittsylvania counties, Virginia (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 70,no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1786,1959.

NEUMAN, ROBERT B. St. Paul group-a revision of the "Stones River" group of Maryland and ad- jacent strata: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 62, no, 3, p. 267-324, 1951. NICHOL. ROBERT F. Geology and mineral resources of the Tinker Mountain-Fincastle, Virginia area: Thesis (M.S.),V.P.L, 1959. NICHOLAS, RICHARD LUDLAM Petrology of the arenaceous beds in the Conococheague formation (late Cam- brian) in the northern Appalachian Valley of Virginia: Jour. Sed. Pet., vol. 26, no. l, p.3-14, 1956; Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Kansas, 1954.

NICHOLS, F. A., see Parrott, William T., 10. NICKELSEN, RICHARD PETER Geology of the Blue Ridge near Flarpers Ferry, West Virginia: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 67, no.3, p.239-270, 1956; Thesis (Ph.D.), Johns Hopkins Univ., 1953, with title, Geology of northwesr Loudoun County, Virginia. NICOL, DAVID 1. Systematic position of the pelecypod Euloxa: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 27, no. 1, p. 56-61,1953, 2. A study of the polymorphic species Glycymni.s Americtna: Jour. Paleno- tology, vol.27, no.3, p. +51-+55,1953. 3. Period of existence of some late Cenozoic pelecypods: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 27, no. 5, p. 7 06-7 07, 1953. 4. Growth and decline of populations and the distribution of marine pelecypods: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 28, no, 1, p.22-25,1954. 5. The pelecypod Euloxa-obsewation of new localities (Virginia): Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., vol. 48, no. 5, p. 153-157,1958. NORDBERG, BROR More than double lime kiln capacity; M. J. Grove Lime Company, Stephens City, Virginia: Rock Products, vol. 57, no. 7, p. 66-72, 1954. NORVELL. CASKIE. II The Grand Caverns of Virginia: Commonwealth, vol. 21, no. 3, p. 37-32, 1954.

OBENSHAIN. S. S.. see Rich. Charles Irvine, 2.

O'CONNELL,E. 1., see Spurgeon, Richard C.

ODE, W. H., see Selvig, Walter Alfred,2.

ODER, CHARLES ROLLIN LORAIN (Hook, John W.). Zinc deposits of the southeastern states, rz Symposium on mineral resources of the southeastern L]nited States: Knoxville. Univ. of Tennessee Press, p. 72-87,1950. 42 VrncrNre DrvrsroN or MrNBner, Rosounces

O'DONNELL, H. J., ree Parks, Bryan Conrad.

OHLE, ERNEST LINWOOD, JR. Some considerations in determining the origin of ore deposits of the Mississippi Valley type: Econ. Geology, vol. 54, no. 5, p. 769-789, 1959. OILWAYS 1. Add Solite, Mix and serve; the Southern Lightweight Aggregate Corporation at Bremo Bluff, Virginia: Oilways, vol. 19, no. 8, p. 12-76, 1953, 2. Feldspar-the versatile mineral: Oilways, vol. 25, no.3, p. 73-15, 1959.

OKULITCH, VLADIMIR JOStrPH North American Pleospongia: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 48, vii, 112 p., 1943.

OREF, WALLACE R. (Parker, James A.). Mineralogical studies of the sediments of the Slate River, Buckingham County, Virginia: Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 2, no. 4, p. 348, 1951. OSBORNE, \I/.L", .ree Bowles, J. L. OSLUND, EILEEN H, see Goldrich, Samuel Stephen.

OVERSTREET, WILLIAM C. 1, Southeastern monazite exploration: U. S. Atomic Energy Comm. Rept. TEI-330, p. 184-186, 1953. 2. Southeastern monazite exploration: U. S. Atomic Energy Comm. Rept. TEI-440, p. 161-162, 1954. 3. (Cuppels, Norman P"; White, Amos M.). Monazite in southeastern United States and contributions to the geology of uranium and thorium: Internat. Conf. Peaceful uses Atomic Energy, Gengva, Aug. 1955, Froc., vol. 6, p. 553- 596, 1956; slightly revised, i.n Page, L. R., Contributions to the geology of uranium and thorium . ., IJ. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 300, p. 597-601, r956.

PAGE, HARRY W' see Etheredge, F. D. PAGE, RICHARD ADAMS The questionable age of the Aquia formation: Jour. Paleontologv, vol. 33, no.2, p.3+7-350,1959.

PALMER, KATHERINE E. H. VAN WINKLE Viviparous Turritella pilsbryi. Gardner: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 32, no. 7, p. 210-213, 1958.

PARKER, JAMES L., see Oref, Wallace R.

PARKER, JOHN MASON, III Feldspar and mica-deposits of the southeastern United States, im Snyder, F. G., ed., Symposium on mineral resources of the southeastern (Jnited States: Knoxville, Univ. of Tennessee Press, p" 42-48, 1950, Inronlrer:roN Cncur-an 19 +3

PARKS, BRYAN CONRAD (ODonnell, H.J.l. Petrography of American coals: U' S. Bur. Mines Bull' 550,193 p.,1956.

PARROTT, WILLIAM THOMAS 1. Geologic constructicn materials in Albemarle County, Virginia (abs.): Vir- ginia Jour. Sci., vol. 1, no. 4, p. 381, 1950. 2. (Lovell, A. P. R.). Geologic construction materials in Highland County: Virginia Dept. Highways, 13 p., 1950. 3. Quarry reports 266-281; bridge coring rePorts 1-55; location and design repor; 1-41 sfide reports t-15i Virginia Dept. Highways, Div. Tests, Geol' Yearbook, vol. 5, unpaged, 1950. 4. Bridge coring reports 1-49BC: location and design rePorts .l-LD; slide re- potri t-S; qri"tti"t report 1-5: Virginia Dept. Highways, Div. Tests, Geol' Yearbook, vol. 6, unpaged, 1951. 5. Geologic problems in design and construction of highways in virginia, in Symposium on Geology as Applied to Highway Engineering,. 3d, feb' 29, tiSZi Virginia Dept. ftigtr*ryr, 10 p., 1952; (abs.) Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 62, no. 12, pt. Z, p 1468-1469, 1951. 6. (Furgiuels, Albert w.). Geologic construction materials in the culpeper Consiruction District: Virginia Department of Highways, ll p' 1952' 7. Bridge coring reports 1-26 BC; location and design re?orts 1-6LD;. quarry ,"poit, 1: Virginia Dept. Highways, Div. Tests, Geol. Yearbook, vol' 7, un- paged, 1952. s. iwilliams, R. K.). Geologic construction materials in the Richmond District: Virginia Dept. Highways, 12 p., 1952. 9. Briige."tittg t"potts 1-478C; quarry rePorts 1-4; slide rePort 1: Virginia Dept-. Highwlys, Div' Tests, Geol. Yearbook, vol. 8, unpaged, 7953' 10. (Nichols, F. A.). Geologic construction materials in the Fredericksburg Construction District: Virginia Dept. Highways, 9 p'' 1953' 11. (Fielding, R. V.). Geologic materials in the Lynchburg District: Virginia Dept. Highways, 11 p., 1953. 12. (Butt, B- W.). Geologic construction materials in the suffolk construction District: Virginia Dept. Highways, 7 p., 1953. 13. An occurfence of zeolites in Fairfax county, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no.4, p. 308, 1954. 14. Bridge coring reports 1-52BC; quarfy reports 1-3; resistivity reports 1-8: Virglnia Depi. Highways, Div. Tests, Geol. Yearbook, vol' 9, unpaged, 1955' 15. (Meadors, George S.). Bridge coring reports 1-73; resistiviry reports 1-20: Virginia Dept. Highways, Di t. Tests. Geol. Yearbook, val' 12, unpaged, 1957. 16. The geologist's role in highway engineering: virginia Minerals, vol. 3, no. 4, p. 1-5, 1957 . 17. (Meadors, George S.), Bridge coring reports 1-99; resistivity reports l-9: Virginia Dept. Hlghways, Div. Tests, Geol' Yearbook, vol' 13, unpaged' 1958' 18. Th; geology of the Piedmont Physiographic pro-vince of Virginia as applied to highway engineering: Virginia Jour. Sci', vol' 10, p' 291, 1959' 19. The geol"gy of the Dismal SwamP, 11 p.; an unpublished paper, 1959' ++ VrncrNre Drvrsrox on Mrxnner Rpsouncos

PARSONS, ARTHUR BARRETTE Gold in the land of corton: Mining and Merallurgy, vol. 16, p. 251-255, 260, 1935.

PATTERSON, JOSEPH GILBERT Geology of the Farnassus area east of the North Mountain fault: Thesis (M.S"), Univ. of Virginia, 1958. PEARE, ROBERT KUNKEL 1. A study of iron oxide pseudomorphs after pyrite porphyroblasts in the L.yrchburg - gneiss of Virginia: Thesis (M.S.),'Urriv. of Virginia, 1959. 2' A discussron of iron oxrde pseudornorphs after pyrite meiacrysts in the Piedmont schists of Virginia (abs.): yilr;rria Jour. Sci., vol. 16, no. 4, p. 290-291,1959. PEGAU, ARTHUR AUGUST t. Th: g_eology and petrography of metapryoxenites in Virginia (abs.): Vir- ginia Jour. Sci., vol. 1, no. 4, p. 379,1950. 2. Geology of the titanium-bearing deposits in Virginia, in Snyder, F. G., ed., Symposium on mineral resources of the southeastern Uniied States, 1949: Knoxville, Tenn., IJniv. of Tenn. press, p. 49-55, lgi}. 3. (Friedman, Gerald M.). The results of recent investiEations of emerv deposits in Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. Z, nol +, p. 344, 1951. 4. Titanium: virginia Div. Mineral Resources, Mineral Resourcei cir. 5, 17 p. 1956. 5. (Brent, William B.). Granites and phyllites of southeastern piedmont of virginia and their relation to the tectonic map of this area (abs.): Geol. soc. America Bull., vol.66, no. ll, pr.2, p.t6gi,1956: (abs.) Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 7, no. 4, p. 326, 1956. 6. Mineral collecting in Virginia: Virginia Minerals, vol. 3, no. 2, p. l-5, 1957- 7. Virginia manganese minerals and ores; a selected bibliography wiih excerpts: Virginia Div, Mineral Resources. Mineral Resources Cir.7,24 p., 1958.

PERRY, ALBERT J. (McGain, David W.; Laurent, J. Scott). Fleavy minerals of some yorktown sediments of Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. S, no.4, p,306, 1954.

PERRY, STUART HOFFMAN, see also Henderson. E. p.. 1. The metallography of meteoritic iron: U. s. Natl. Museum Bull. 1g4. vii. 206 p., 1944. PETAR, ALICE VIRGINIA Sillimanite, kyanite, andalusite, and dumortierite: IJ. s. Bur. Mines Inf. cir- 6255,16 p.,1930.

PETERSON, JAHN JEAN, see Spangler, Walter Blue, 1.

PHARR, RICHARD F., see also Gooch, Edwin Octavius, 9. (Mitchell, R. S.). Celestite and strontianite from Wise County, Virginia: Vir_ ginia Jour. Sci., vol. 10, no. 4, p.295, 1959,

PINSON, W. H., see Herzog, Leonard Frederick, 2d. lNronnterroN Crncuren 19 +5

PITARD, ALDEN M. (Popovich, Daniel E.; Trollinger, William V.). Mineralogical studies of sediments of the Nottoway River, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour' Sci', vol' 4, no. 4, p,261, 1952. PITTSBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, see Appalachian Geological society, 3. PLATT, ROBERT BAXTER An ecological survey of the mid-Appalachian shale barrens and of the plants endemic to them: Ecol. Mon., vol. 21, no. 4, p. 269-300, l95l' POPOVICH, DANIEL E., see Pitard, Alden M. PORTER, H. C., see Derting, John Franklin; Henry, Elvin F' POTTER, DONALD 8., see Espenshade, Gilbert Howry, 3,4, 5' POWERS, MAURICE CARY 1. (Kinsiman, Blair). Shell accumulations in underwater sediments and their relation to the thickness of the oaction zone: Jour. Sed. Pet', vol' 23, no. 4' p.229-234,1953. 2, Clay diagenesis in the Chesapeake Bay area (Virginia,), in Swineford and Plummer, eds., Clay and Clay Minerals: Natl. Research Council Pub. 327' p.68-80, 1954. 3. Clay mineralogical profile from fresh to salt water (Virginia) (abs.): Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. Jour., vol. 70, no. 2, p. 130-131' r95+. 4. Adjustment of land derived clays to the marine environment: Jour. Sed. Pet., vol, 27 , no. 4, p. 355-372,1957 ' 5. Adjustment of clays to chemical change and the concept of th-e-equivalent Earth leve1., in Swineford, A., ed', Clays and Minerals: Internat' Ser' Mons' Sci., vol. 2, p. 3A9-326' 1959' PRATT, ETHEL M. (Cornwall, Henry Rowland). Bibliography of nickel: U. S. Geol' Survey Bull., 1019-K, p. 755-815, 1958. PRICE, WILLIAM ARMSTRONG 1. Nonmarine narufe of Quaternary Atlantic and Gulf coastal plain of south- eastern North America (abs.): Geol' Soc' America Bull., vol. 65, no' 12, pt' 2, p. 1295-1297 , 1954. 2. Environment and history in identification of shoreline tyPes: Quaternaria, vol. 3, p. 151-166,1956- PRIOR, GEORGE THURLAND catalog of meteorites, with special reference to those represented in- th_e,collec- tion of the British Museum (Natural History): London, British Museum, 2d 196 p., 1923; rev' L926; appendix, 1927; 2d appendix by M' H' Hey, 1940; ed. rev., 1953. PRITCHARD, D.'W., ree.Whaley, H. H. PROSTKA, H. !., see FairleY, \V. M. +6 VrncrNre DrvrsroN or, MrNener, Resounces

PRUTZMAN, WILLIAM JAMES lh9 SeoloSf of the C-raigsville area, Augusta and Rockbridge counties, Vir- ginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, li5:.

QUINLAN, JAMES F., JR. Some aspects of speleothems development: Mineral Industries Jour., vor. 6, no. 1, p. l-4,1959.

RADOSLOVICH, E. W., see Brindley, George William.

RAISZ, ERWIN JOSEPH 1. Physiographic map of Virginia: Columbia Univ., Geographical kess, I inch equals approximately 28 miles, 1937. 2. Map of landforms of the united states: private distribution. 1957r also in W. W. Atwood, Physiographic provinces of North America, Blaisdell, 1940. RAMSEY, ELMER WHARTON Geology of the southern portion of Bolar anricline, Highland county, vir- ginia: Thesis (M.A.), Univ. of Virginia, 1950.

RATHBUN, M. J. Fossil crustacea of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plain: Geol. soc. America Spec. Paper 2,16A p., illus., 1935.

READ, CHARLES B. Floras of the Pocono Formation and price sandstone in parts of pennsylvania. Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia: U. S. Geol. Suivey prof. paper 263, 32 p., 1955.

REgfOR, WILLIAM KENNA, see also Giannini, William Fenwick. 1. The general geology of the Mofiatts creek area in Augusta and Rockbridge counties, Virginia: Thesis (M.A.), Univ. of Virginia, tl5g. REED, JOHN CALVTN 1. The_ g_:"].qy story of the Blue Ridge (Virginia): potomac Appalachian Trail Club Bull., vol. 23,no.4,p. 111-119, 1954. 2. catoctin formation near Luray, Virginia: Geol. soc. America Bull., vol. 66, no.7, p. 871-896, 1955; Thesis (Ph.D.), Johns Hopkins Univ., 1954. 3. c.rystalline rocks of the Potomac River Gorge (Maryland-virginia) near Washington, D. C. (abs.): Washington Acad, Sci. Jour., vol. 49, no. 3, p. 92.1959.


catalogue of the meteorites in the American Museum of Natural Flistory as of October l, 7935: Am. Mus" Nat, History Bull., vol. 73, trt.6, p. Sfi:627, 1937.

REESIDE, JOHN BERNARD, JR. (chairman, and others). correlation of the Triassic formations, exclusive of Canada: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol.68, no. 11, p. l45l-lil3, 1957. INronlaerroN Crncur-en l9 47

REVILLA, CHARLES EDWARD The geology of the Duffield-Stickleyville area, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, t952.

RICH, CHARLE,S IRVINE 1. Clay minerals in Tatum silt loam soils (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no. 4, p. 300-301, 1952. 2. (Obenshain, S. S.). Chemical and clay mineral properties of a Red-yellow podzolic soil derived from muscovite schist: Soil Sci. Soc. America Proc., vol. 19, no. 3,p.334-339,1955, 3. Muscovite weathering in a soil developed in the Virginia Piedmont, in Swine- ford, A., ed., Clays and CIay Minerals: Natl. Research Co,uncil Pub. 566, p.203-212, 1958. -W., 4. (Seatz, L. F.; Kunze, G. eds,). Certain properties of selected southeastern United States soils and mineralogical procedures for their study: Southern Cooperative series Bull. 61, 146 p., 1959.

RrcH, JOHN LYON Origin of compressional mountains and associated phenomena: Geol. Soc' America Bull., vol. 62, no. 10, p. 1179-1222, 1951. RICHARD. B. H. Conjugate quartz veins in the Lynchburg gneiss near Fancy Gap, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 9, no,4, p. 431, f958.

RICHARDS, HORACE GARDINER, see also Straley, H. W., III, l. t, (Straley, H. W., III"). Geophysical and stratigraphic inves'tigatibns on the Atlantic coastal plain: Georgia Geol. Survey BulI. 60, p. 101-115, 1953, 2. Do not write off the Atlantic Coastal Plain: Oil and Gas Jour., vol. 54, no. 53, p. 182, 18t, 187 -191, 1956. 3. (The) marine Pleistocene of eastern North America: Internat, Quaternary Cong. 4th, Rome-Pisa 1953, Actes, (vol,) 2, p. 526-528, Rome, 1956. 4. Recent studies on the Pleistocene of the South Atlantic coastal plain: South- eastern Geology, vol. l, p. 1l-21,1959. 5. Oil and gas developments in Atlantic Coastal states between New Jersey and South Carolina: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull.- in 1949, vol. 34, no. 6, p. 122+1225,1950 1950, vol. 35, no.6, p. 1366-1368, l95l 1951, vol. 36; no.6, p.1238-1241,1952 7952, vol.37, no. 6, p. 1475-1478, 1953 1953, vol. 38, no. 6, p. 1252-1253,1954 1954, vol. 39, no. 6, p. 1015-1016' 1955 1955, vol. 40, no. 4 P. 1283-1285, 1956 . 7956, vol. 41n no. 6, P. .7221, 1957 1957, vol. 42, no. 6, P. 1339, 1958 1958, vol. 43, no. 6, P.1343-1344, 1959 RIDGE, JOHN DREW Selected bibliographies of hydrothermal and magnetic minerai deposiis: Geol. Soc. America Mem. 75, 19 P,, 1958. +8 VrncrNre DrvrsroN or MrNBner Rnsouncn,s

ROBERTS, CLARENCE E. (Farmern George T.). Description of the concrerions from the Millboro black shale (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 10, no. 4, p. Zgt-2g6, lglg.

ROBERTS, JOSEPH KENT 1. History of the development of geology, in The James River Basin, pasr, p.resent, future: Richmond, Virginia Acad, Sci., p. 442-464, 1950. 2. The Triassic and Coastal Plain, in The James River Basin, past, present, and future: Richmond, Virginia Acad, Sci., p. 465-4g1, 1950. ROBERTSON, DAVID STRUAN Preliminary re-study of the Goose creek diabase (abs.): Virginia Jour. sci., vol. 2, no. 4, p.350,1951.

RODGERS, JOHN l' Mechanics of Appalachian folding as ilustrated by sequatchie anticline, Tennessee and Alabama: Am. Assoc. petroleum Geoiogists-Bull., vol. 34, no. 4,p.672-68'1, 1950. 2' Absolute ages of radioactive minerals from the Apparachian region: Am. Jour. Sci., vol.250, no.6, p. 4ll-427,1952. 3, The folds and faults of the Appalachian Valley and Ridge province, in McGrain, Preston, ed., Southeasiern Mineral S)nnposium, igiO: Kentucky Geol. Survey Spec. Pub. l, p. 150-166, 19i3. 4. The clastic sequence basal to the cambrian system in the central and southern Appalachians, iz Rodgers, J., ed., EI Sistema Cambrico su paleografia y el problema de su base-symposium, pt. 2: Mexico, Internat. Geoi. Coig. zftir, p. 38t-413.1956. 5. The known cambrian deposits of the southern and central Appar ,,chians, in El. Sistema Cambrian, su paleogeografia y el problema de su basi-symposium, Pt" 2: Mexico, Internar. Geol. Cong. 20th, p. 353-39+, lgt6.

ROSE, MCHOLAS A., see Spain, Ernest Lynwood, Jr. ROSENKRANS, ROBERT RUSSELL The role of bentonite correlation in stratigraphic studies of the ordovician of eastern North America: Internatl. Geol.-congress, r6th, united states 1933, Rept., vol. 2, p. 1085-1087, 1936. ROSS, CLARENCE SAMUEL Provenience of pyroclastic materials: Geol. soc. America Bull.. vol. 66. no. 4. p.427434,1955.

ROSS, MARY HARVtrY (Moore, Wayne E.). e bryozoan fauna from the Tyrone formation near Ffagan, Lee Counry, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 3, no. 4, p. 333-334,1952.

ROTHENBERGER, JAY ANDERSON Geology of Goshen Pass and environs in Rockbridge Counry, Virginia: (M.S.), Thesis Univ. of Virginia, 1959. . INroRnretloN Clncuun 19 49

ROWAN, LAWRENCE CALVIN Geology of the Purgatory Mountain area, Botetourt County, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, 1957.

ROWLAND, GERALD LEF, see Leonard, Frederick Charles, 4. RUDE, G. T. Shore changes at Cape Hatteras: Assoc. Am. Geographers Annals, vol. 12, p.87-95,1923. RUEDEMAN, RUDOLPH 1. Paleozoic plankton of North America: Geol. Soc. America Mem. 2, 141 p., 1934. 2. (Balk, Robert, eds., and others). Geology of North America, vol' 1: Berlin, Gebruder Borntraeger, 643 p., 1939. 3. Graptolites of North America: Geol. Soc, America Mem. 19, x, 652 p, illus., 1947. RUHLMAN, E. ROBERT Mining, beneficiation, and marketing, Pt. 1 of Phosphate Rocks: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf" Cir .7814,33 p., 1952. RYAN, JOHN DONALD The sediments of Chesapeake Bay: Maryland Dept. Geology, Mines, and Water Resources Bull. 12,ix, l2O p., 1953.

SABOL, JOSEPH WTLLTAM The geology of the Porterfeld quarry area, Smyth County, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), V.P.I., 1e58. SAND, LEONARD B. On the genesis of residual kaolins: Am. Mineralogist, vol. 41, nos. 1-2,p.28-40, 1956. SANDERS, JOHN E,SSINGTON "St. Louis" limestone (Mississippian) of the southern Appalachians (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 64, no. 12, Pt. 2, P. 1'536, 1953. SCHLEE, JOHN STEVENS Upland gravels of southern Maryland: Geol. Soc' America Bull', vol. 68, no.

10, p. 137l-1.410, 1957 . SCHLECHT, WILLIAM GEORGE (Stevens, chemical analysis of samples of granite and Rollin E,). Results of .W., diabase (R,I. and Va.), in Fairbairn, H. A cooperative investigation of precision and accuracy in chemical, spectrochemical, and modal analysis of silicate rocks. U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 980, p.7-24, 1951. SCHLEGEL. DOROTHY M. Gem stones of the United States: U' S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1042-8, p.203-253, 1957. SCHOPPE, HARRIETTE, see Schoppe, Lawrence. 50 Vrncrnre DrvrsroN on MrNnnel Rnsounces

SCHOPPE, LAWRENCE (Schoppe, Harriette), Virginia revisited: Rocks and Minerals, vol. 32, nos- 1 l-12, p. 487 -489, 19j8.

SCHLICHERT, CHARLES, see also Ulrich, Edward Oscar, t. 1. Stratigraphl qf the eastern and central United Statesl New york, John Wiley and Sons, xvii, I0t3 p., 1943. ,.^ of paleogeographic maps of North America: New york, John Wiley and Sbns, xi,l77 p.,1955.

SCHULTZ, WILLIAM REMSEN A_ petrographic analysis of some highway aggregares in northern Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, 1952.

SCHWARZER, D., see Fireman. Edward L. SEARS, CHARLES EDWARDi JR. 1' occurrence. and origin of limonite and marachite in Montgomery county, (abs.): y;ltinia Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. l, no. 4, p. JSe 195b. 2. Electrical resistivity and magnetic survey of the Bush-Hutchins ilmenite de- Vinton, (abs.): ?Ti., Virginia Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. S,no.4, p.305, 1954. _ Monazite 3. deposits in Virginia (abs-.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. Z, no. 4, p. 281, 195 5 . 4. Lignite in colluvium, Smyth County, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 7, no. +, p.323,1956. 5' Manganese deposits of the Appalachian area of virginia: Mineral Industries Jour., vol. 4, no. 1, p. l-4, 1957. 6. Late cretaceous erosion surface in southwest virginia (abs.): Geol. America Bull., vol. 68, no.12, pr.2, p. 1883, lgi7. 7, What is basement in Virginial (abs.): y;1tinia Jour. Sci., vol. 9, no. 4, p.424, 1958. 8. Gravity investigations across the folded Apparachians in southwest virginia (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 70, no. 12, pr. 2, p. 1673, 1gt9.

SEATZ, L. F, see Rich, Charles I., 4. SELVIG, WALTER ALFRED (Gibson, 1. F. H.). Analyses of ash from United States coals: U. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 567, 13 p., 1956. 2' (ode, w. H.). Low temperature carbonization assays of North American coals: IJ. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 577, 56 p' 1957.

SENFTILE, FRANK EDWARD, .ree Gottfried, David, 3.

SHAININ, VINCENT E. coniugate sets of en echelon tension fractures in the Athens limestone at Riverton, Virginia: Geol. Soc. America Bull.. vol. 61, no. 6, p. 509_517, 1950, SHANHOLTZ, WENDELL H. ordovician limestone in the vicinity of Hoges store, Giles county, virginia: Thesis (M.S.), V.P.I., 1956.' lNronraetroN Cmcuren 19 il

SHARP, HENRY STAATS A study in map interpretation-the Strasburg Virginia quadrangle: Jour. Geol. Education, vol. 4, no. 2, pt. l, p. 56-59, 1956.

SHERMAN, CHARLES L., see Greene, William M.

SHERWOOD, WILLIAM CULLEN, see also Giannini, William F., 2. 1. A petrographic analysis of the Moshein formation at Strasburg, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 9, no. 4, p. 426-427, 1958. 2. The petrography of some Cambrian and Ordovician limestones occurring in Virginia: Thesis (M.A.), Univ. of Virginia, 1958.

SHUFFLEBARGER, THOMAS EDWIN, JR. Outline of the geology of , Roanoke and Floyd counties, Vir- ginia.(abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 4, no. 4, p. 266, 1953. ,SIEMINSKI, EUGENE B. (Griffith, Bertram S.). Mineral studies of the product of Virginia quarries (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no. 4, p. 306-307, 1954. SIEVER, RAYMOND Pennsylvania sandstones of the eastern interior coal basin: Jour. Sed. Pet., vol. 27, no. 3, p. 227-250, 1957.

SILVERMAN, MAXWELL (Whaley, Richard W.). Adaptation of the piston coring device to shallow- water sampling: Jour. Sed. Pet., vol.22, no. 1, p. ll-16, 1952.

SIA4KINS, L. H., see Berry, S. H.

SINKANKAS, JOHN 1. A new orthoclase moonstone: Rocks and Minerals, vol. 34, nos. 5-6, p. 195- 198, 1959. 2. Gemstones of North America: Princeton, N. J., D. Van Nostrand Company, Lnc.,67 5 p., 1959. SINNOTT, ALLEN 1 Basic data coefEcients of transmissibility and storage determined for sands of the Potomac Group in the Franklin area, Virginia: U. S. Geol. .Survey open-file report, 1950. 2. Memorandum on additional water wells at Fort Belvoir, Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file report, 1950. 3. (Whetstone, G. W.). The occurrence of fluoride in the ground water of the Virginia Coastal Plain: Am. Chem. Soc. Bull., Virginia Sec., vol. 28, p. 45-50, 1950. 4. Carolina Bays of the Coastal Plain of Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol' 4,no.4, p.258, 1955. 5. Summary of geology and ground water conditions in the vicinity of'Tappa- hannock, Essex County, Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file rePort, 19 P.' 1955. 52 Vrnctr.IIe Drvrsrox oF MTNERAL Rpsouncps

e. (Tibbitts, G, Chase, Jr.). Records of selected wells on the Eastern Shore peninsula, Virginia: Virginia Div. Geology Mineral Resources Cir. 3, 39 p., 19t5. 7. Hea.vy mineral correlation in Coastal Plain sediments (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 6, no. 4, p, 288, 1955. 8. (Tibbitts, G. Chase, Jr.). Summary of geology and ground water resources of the Eastern Shore peninsula, Virginia: Virginia Div. Geology Mineral Re- sources Cir. 2, 18 p.,1954. 9. (Tibbitts, G. Chase, Jr.). Subsurface correlations based on selected well logs from the Eastern Shore peninsula, Virginia: Virginia Div. Mineral Resources, Mineral Resources Cir. 6, 11 p.,1957.

SKEELS, DORR COVELL Geophysical data on the North Carolina coastal-plain: Geophysics, vol. 15, no. 3, p. 405-425,1950; (abs.) Oil and Gas Jour., vol. 48, no. 51, p. 120, 1950.

SLANIN, BORIS, see Leonard, Frederick Charles, 1.

SLIGH, W. H., see Kessler, D. W. SMALES. ALBERT ARTHUR. Some trace-element determinations in G-l (R.I.) and W-1 (Virginia) by neutron activation; Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, vol. 8, nos. 5-6, p. 300, 1955.

SMITH, B. H., see Haywood, J. K.

SMITH, HARRIET BROWN, see Wallace, Jane H.

SMITH, HAROLD THEODORE UHR, see Thorp, James. SMITH, ROBERT HAMILTON Geology of the Rich Patch Valley area, Alleghany Counry, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, 1955.

SNIDER, JOHN LUTHER Reconnaissance for uranium in coal and shale in southern West Virginia and southwestern Virginia: U. S. Atomic Energy Com. Rept. TEI-409, 28 p., 1953. SNYDER, FRANK G. 1. (Editor) Symposium on Mineral Resources of the southeastern lJnited States: Knoxville, Univ. of Tenn. Press, 236 p., 1950. (Papers cited individually by author). 2. An unusual stalactite from Saltville, Virginia: Jour. Sed. Pet., vol. 21, no. 1, p. 26-27,1951. SNYDER, N. H. (Aresco, S. J.). Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal (collected during fiscal years 1948-1950, inclusive): U. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 516, 133 p., 1953.

SOHN, I. G., see Todd, Ruth. INronuerroN Crncur-en 19 53

SOISTER, PAUL (Conlin, Dora R.). Bibliography of U. S. Geological Survey reports on uranium and thorium, 1942-Mw 7958: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1107-4, p. l-167,1959.

SPAIN, ERNEST LYNWOOD, JR. (Laurence, Robert A.; Rose, Nicholas A.). Building and crushed stone of the T. V. A, region: Tennessee Valley Authority, Div. Geology Bulll 6, p. 3-18, 1937. SPANGLER, WALTER BLUE 1. (Peterson, Jahn J.). Geology of Atlantic coastal plain in New Jersey, Dela- ware, Maryland and Virginia: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol, 34, no. 1., p. 1-99, 1950. 2. Subsurface geology of Atlantic coastal plain of North Carolina: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 34, no. 1, p. 100-132, 1950.

SPURGEON, RICHARD C. (O'Connell, E. J.). South River Mine whips a tough manganese ore problem in Virginia: Eng. and Mining Jour., vol. 159, no. 5, p. 106-111, 1958. STADNICHENKO, TAISIA MAXIMOVA (and others). Concentration of germanium in ash of American coals-a progress report: U. S. Geol. Survey Cir.272, iri,34 p,, 1953.

STEARNS, RICHARD G., see Wilson, Charles William, Jr. STEPHENSON, LLOYD WILLIAM (MacNeil, F. Stearns). Extension of Yorktown formation (Miocene) of Virginia into Maryland: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 65, no. 8, p,733-738, r954.

STEPHENSON, ROBERT C. Geologic report on the Shenandoah zincJead prospects near Timberville, Rockingham County, Virginia: Virginia Div. Geology, open-file report, 4l p.,1949; Supplemental report, 1950.

STETSON, HENRY CROSBY The continental shelf: Sci. American, vol. 192, no. 3, p. 82-86, 1955. STEVENS, JOHN CLIFFORD Piedmont Soils identified by aerial photographs. Research Council, Highway Research Board Bull., vol. 46, p.48-66, 1951. STEVENS, DAVID WOODS A survey of the factors which effect mining of the lower Mississippian coals in Montgomery County, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), V.P.I., 1959. STEVENS, ROLLIN E., see Schlecht, William George.

STICKLE, WILMER F., see Stow, Marcellus Henry,2, STOSE, ANNA ISABEL JONAS, see also Stose, George Willis. (Stose, George W.). Geology. and mineral resources of the Gossan Lead 5+ VrncrNle Dwrsror.r op MrNnner Rpsouncns

District and adjacent areas in Virginia: Virginia Div. Mineral Resources Bull. 72. 233 p., 1957.

STOSE, GEORGE WILLN, see also Stose, Anna Isabel Jonas (Stose, Anna Isabel Jonas). Folded low-angle overthrusts of the sourhern Appalachians (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 61, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1506- 1507. 1950.

STOW MARCELLUS HENRY, see also Laswell, Troy James, 1. 1. Introduction, in The James River Basin, past, present and future: Richmond, Va., Virginia Academy of Science, p. 435-441, 1950. 2. (Stickle, Wilmer F.). An unidentified mineral from the vicinity of Timber- ville, Rockingham County, Virginia: Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 1, no. 4, p.384.. 385,1950. 3. The Virginia Geological Survey: Commonwealth, vol, 18, no. 10, p. 9-11, 43-+5, r95r. 4, The mineral resources and mineral industry of Virginia: Richmond, Va.,. Advisory Council on Virginia Economy, 96 p., 1951. 5. Report of radiometric reconnaissance in Virginia, North Carolina, eastern Tennessee and parts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama: U. S. Atomic Energy Comm. Rept. RME-3107, 33 p., 1955. 6. Uranium in Virginia: Virginia Minerals, vol. 1, no. 4, p. l-4, 1951. 7. Radioactiviry in Virginia (abs.), in Lppalachian Geological Society, guide* book, May 1955: lCharleston] Appalachian Geol. Soc., p. 43-44, 1955.

STRALEY, H. W., llI, see alsa Richards, F{orace Gardiner, 1. 1. (Richards, Florace G.). The Atlantic coastal plain: Internat. Geol. Cong.,^ 18th, Great Britain, 1958, Pt. 6, p. 86-91, 1950. 2. The folded Appalachians: World Petroleum Congress, 3d, The Hague, 1951, Proc,. sec. l, p. 36-40, 1951,

STUCKEY, JASPER LEONIDAS Talc, soapstone, and pycophyllite in the southeastern Unired States, iz Snyder' F. G., ed., Symposium on mineral resources in the southeastern United States: Knoxville, Univ. of Tenn. Press, p. 112-119, 1950.

SUBITZKY. SEYMOUR Summary of geology and ground-water conditions in the Fredericksburg" District, eastern Spotsylvania County, Virginia-a preliminary report: Virginia. Div" Geology Mineral Resources Cir. 4,32 p., 1955.

SUNDERMAN, HARVEY COFER, see also Brown, W. R., 4. 1. The "Atlartic Overthrust" in the Lynchburg area, Virginia: Thesis (Ph.D.),. Univ. of Wisconsin. 1951. 2. Reconnaissance examination of manganese deposits in the James River-Roanoke River district, Virginia: Virginia Div. Mineral Resources, open-file report,, 10 p., 1952. 3. Geology and mineral resources of the Scottsville Triassic Basin, Virginiar Virginia Div. Mineral Resources, open-file rept., 58 p., 1958; (abs.) Geol. Scc., America Bull", vol.68, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1884, 1957. lrsponl-erroN Crncur,en 19 55

SUNDHEIMER. PAUL \V. The use of geology in forest managemenr in the Jefierson National Forest, Virginia: Virginia Jour. Sci,, vol. 1, no. 4, p. 381, 1950. SUTTON, GEORGE H., see Drake, Charles Lum. SUTTON, ROBERT GEORGE Lithofacies map of Upper Devonian in eastern United States: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 41, no. 4, p. 750-755, 1957.

SWAIN, FREDERICK MORRILL, JR. 1. (Kraft, John Christman). Ostracode zones of lower Middle Ordovician in the eastern United States (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 67, no. 12, pt- 2, p. 1738, 1956. 2. Stratigraphic data and description of Leperditiidae, Aparchitidae, and Leper- ditellidae, Fr. 1, of Early Middle Ordovician Ostracoda of the eastern United States: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 31, no. 3, p. 528-570, lgi7. 3. (Blumentals, A.; Millers, R.). Stratigraphic distribution of amino acids in peats from Cedar Cr'eek bog, Minnesota, and Dismal Swamp, Virginia: Limnology and Oceanography, vol. 4, no.2, p, ll9-127,1959. TABtrR, STEPHEN Orogenic movements during Lafayette Time (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull. vol. 68, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1802-1803, 7957 .

TAGG, KATHLEEN McQUEEN, see Gazdik, Gertrude Christie.

TAPPAN, HELEN, see Loeblich, Alfred, Richard, Jr., t, 2,3. TATEL, HOWARD EDWIN 1. (Adams, L. H.; Tuve, M. A.). Srudies on the earth's crust usins waves from explosions: Am. Philos. Soc. Proc., vol.97, no. 6, p. 658469, D;3. 2, (Tuve, Merle Anthony). Seismic exploration of a continental crust, lz Poldervaart, A., ed., Crust of the earth-a symposium: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 62, p. 35 -50, 195 5.

TAYLOR, DOROTHY A", see Averitt, Paul.

TAYLOR, MELVIN HALL, JR. Pine Mountain fault-thrust or slide? lAppalachians] (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 66, no. 12, pt.2, p. 1625, 1955. TAZELAAR, JAMES FULTON l. A geological and geophysical survey of the Stony Point, Virginia, iron-copper deposit: Thesis (M.S.), (Jniv. of Virginia, 1958. 2. Remarks on carbonate-derived gossans near Stony Point, Virginia (atrs.): Virginia Jour, Sci., vol. 9, no. 4, p. 428, 1958. THOM, WILLIAM TAYLOR, JR. Position, extent, and struccural makeup of Appalachia: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol.48, no. 3, p.315-321,1937, .w. THOMAS, G. Salt desorption from halloysite: Nature, vol, 184, p. 1746, 1959. 56 VrncrNre DrvrsroN on MrNeneL Rssouncps

THOMAS, WLLIAM ANDREW Primary sedimentary features in the upper Mississippian of Mercer County, West Virginia and Giles County, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci.n vol. 10n no" 4, p. 297-298,1959, THOMPSON, THOMAS MARVIN Geology of the Clifton Forge area, Alleghany-Botetourt counties, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), Univ. of Virginia, 1955. THORNTON, CHARLES PERKINS The geology of the Mount Jackson quadrangle, Virginia: Thesis (Ph.D.), Yale Univ., 1953.

THORP, JAMES (Smith, Harold Theodore Uhr, Chairman, and others). [Map of] Pleistocene eolian deposits of the United States, Alaska, and parts of Canada: Geol. Soc. America and Natl. Research Council, 2 sheets, scale l:2,500,@0, 1952.

TIBBITTS, G. CHASE, JR., see also Sinnott, Allen, 6, 8, 9. 1. Exploratory drilling on the eastern shore peninsula, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no. 4, p. 306, 1954. 2. Quantitative studies of a Miocene aquifer on the eastern shore peninsula, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour, Sci., vol. 6, no. 4, p. 288, 1955. TILTON, GEORGE ROBERT l. (and others), Ages of minerals from the Baltimore gneiss, Maryland: Geol. Soc. Arherica Bull., vol. 69, no. ll, p. 1469-1474,1958, 2. (Wetherill, George W.; Davis, Gordon L.). Mineral ages from rocks of the Appalachian orgenic zone (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 69, no. '1.2, pt.2, p. 1653, 1958. TODD, RUTH (Gardner, Julia A.; Sohn, I. G.). Fossils from bore holes on the eastern shore peninsula, Virginia: U. S. Geol. Survey, open-file rept., 1I P., 1955. TOURTELOT, HARRY A. Radioactivity and uranium content of some Cretaceous shales, Central Great Plains: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 40, no. 1, p. 62-83, 1956. TRASK, PARKtrR DAVIES Geology of some American estuarine harbors: Am. Soc. Civil Engineers Proc., vol. 82, paper 956, Jour. Hydraulics Div., no. HY 2, 18 p., 1956. TRAUFFER, WALTER E. 1. Lone Star, Virginia; the nation's newest cement mill: Pit and Quarry, vol. 44, no. 7, p. 108-112, 119-122, July 1951. 2. Foote's operation lithium; plant at Sunbright, Virginia recovers lithium equiv- alents from spodumene processed at Kings Mountain, N. C.: Pit and Quarry, vol.47, no. 3, p. 86-93,1954. 3. Plant designed for eventual commercial production: Pit and Quarry, vol. 52, no. 6, p. 96-101, 1 l l, Dec. 1959. lxronr,reuoN Crncuren 19 ,7

TROLLINGER, WILLIAM V., see Pitard, Alden M.

TRUMBULL, JAMES VAN ALEN, see Johnston, John Edward. TUCKER, HELEN IONE, also as Tucker-Rowland, H. I. 1. The Atlantic and Gulf Coasts Pectinidae of the United States: Am. Midland Naturalist, vol. 17, p. 471-490,985-1017, 1936. 2. The Atlantic and Gulf Coasr Tertiary Pectinidae of the United States, sec. 3, Systematic descriptions: Mus6e, Royal d'Histoire Naturelle Belgique Mem. 2d ser., vol. 73,76 p., Brussels, 1938. TUREKIAN. KARL K. Additional trace element analyses of standard granite G-l and standard diabase W-1: Science, vol. 125, no. 3277, p. 745-7M, 1957.

TUVE, MERLE, ANTHONY, see Tatel, Howard Edwin, 1,2. TWENHOFEL, WILLLAM HENRY (chairman) (and others). Correlation of the Ordovician formations of North America: Geol. Soc, America Bull., vol. 65, no, 3, p. 247-298, 1954.

TWENHOFEL, WLLIAM STEPHENS (Buck, Catherine Lutz), The geology of thorium deposits in the United States: Internatl. Conf. on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (lst), Geneva 1955, Proc., vol. 6, p. 562-567,1956; U. S. Geol. Survey Prof" Paper 300, p. 559-t66,1956.

UCHIYAMA, LllI, see Goldberg, Edward D.

ULRICH, EDWARD OSCAR l. (Schuchert, C.). Paleozoic seas and barriers in eastern North America: New York State Mus. Bull. 52, p.633-663,1902. 2. (Cooper, G. A"). New genera and species of Ozarkian and Canadian Brachiopods: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 10, no. 7, p. 616-631, t936. 3. (Cooper, G. A,). Ozarkian and Canadian Brachiopoda: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 13,viii,323 p., 1938.

ULRICH, FRANKLIN P., see Murphy, Leonard M., 1,2,3.

U.S. ARMY. CORPS OF ENGTNEERS 1. Virginia Beach, Virginia, beach erosion control study: House Doc. 186, 83rd Congress, lsr Sess., 45 p., 1953. 2. Ohio River Basin; Pound Reservoir projecq Pound River, Virginia: U. S. Corps of Engineers, Design memorandum no, 3, geology and soils, 2 vols., 1959.

U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Soil reports accompanied by soil maps: 195l-1959. Bland (1954) Mecklenberg (1956) Culpeper (1952) Norfolk (1959) Fauquier (1956) Prince Edward (1958) Fluvanna (1958) Scot (1957) Lee (1953) Wise (1954) 58 VrncrNre DrvrsroN or MrNBnel Rrsouncns

U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Ground-water levels in the United States: (J. S. Geol. Survey Water Supply Papers (Dates represent the years concerned, not the years published) 1166 (1950),1192 (1951),1222 (1952),1266 (1953),1322 (1954), 1405 (1955), 1518 (1956-1958), 1803 (1959). UNKLESBAY, ATHEL GLYDE (Young, Robert S.). Early Ordovician nautiloids from Virginia: Jour. Paleon- tology, vol. 30, no. 3, p. 481-491,1956.

UREY, HAROLD C. (Craig, Harmon). The composition of the stone meteorites and the origin of the meteorites: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, vol. 4, nos. l-2, p. 36- 82. London. 1953. VAN HOUTEN, FRANKLYN BOSWORTH Clay minerals in sedimentary rocks and derived soils: Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 251, no. I, p.6l-82,1953. VERNON, ROGER CLAY Geologv of the Crozet-Pasture Fence Mountain area, Albemarle County, Virginia: Thesis (M.S..), Univ. of Virginia, 1952. VER WEIBE, WALTER AUGUST 1. Present distribution and thickness of Paleozoic systems: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 43, no. 2, p. 49 5 -54A, 932. 2. Present distribution and thickness of Mesozoic systems: Geo. Soc. America Bull., vol. 44, no. 3, p. 827 -864, 1933. 3. Appalachia-a landmass (abs.): Oil and Gas Jour., vol.50, no. 46, p, 168, 1952; Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 36, no. 5, p.924-925, 1952. 4. New light on the Appalachian geosyncline (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 63, no. 12, pt. 2,p.1374,1952.

VHAY, J. S., see Glass, Jewell Jeanette. VIOLINI, ROBERT DE, see Leonard, Frederick Charles, 3. VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, Geology Section Guidebook, 1956 field trip, May 12, 1956: Blacksburg, Virginia, Virginia Polytech' Inst', 15 p., 1956. (Two papers by W. E. Moore are cited individually.) VIRGINIA ADVISORY COUNCIL on the Virginia Economy'Water Resources of Virginia: Virginia Adv. Council on the Virginia Economy, Prelim. Rept., Comm. Water Resources, 150 p., 1952, VIRGINI"A. ADVISORY LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Water resources in Virginia; a feport of the Virginia Advisory Legislative Council to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia: Richmond, Va., Virginia Div. of Purchase and Print., 45 p.' 1958. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Physical test results of the Virginia Highway statewide aggregate survey: Commonwealth of Virginia, Dir'. of Purchases and Print', 68 p.' 1954. INpoRr,rarroN Crncuren 19 59

VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY Annual reports, 1955-1959, sections on oil, gas and coal production and de- velopmenr.

VIRGINIA DIVISION OF GEOLOGY, see Lppalachian Geological Society, 1. VIRGINIA DIVISION OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Minerals for industrial development: Richmond, Virginia Div. of Plan. and Econ. Devel., 13 p., 1956.

VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES New titanium plant: Virginia Minerals, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 1-7, 1958. VIRGINIA DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Notes on ground water in Virginia: Richmond, Virginia Di'l'. of Water Resources, 59 p., 1959. VIRGINIA SOIL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Water resources of Virginia; progress report: [Blacksburgl Virginia Soil Conserv. Com., 112 p. [1959J. VOKES. HAROLD Miocene fossils of Maryland: Maryland Dept. Geology, Mines and Water Resources Bull. 20, vii, 85 p., 1957. VORHIS, ROBERT CARSON Bibliography of pubtications relating to ground water prepared by the Geo- logical Survey and cooperating agencies, 1946-7955: U. S. Geol. Survey Water Supply Paper 1492,203 p., 1957.

WADSWORTH, MARSHMAN EDWARD, see Whitney, Josiah Dwight. WALKER. ALFRED C. A preliminary study of the occurrence of ground-water in crystalline rrcks of Albemarle County (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 2, no.4, p.345-346, 1951. WALKER, PERRIN An occurrence of oolitic chert in Rockbridge County, Virginia (abs.): Vir- ginia Jour. Sci., vol. 4, p. 261-262, 1953. WALLACE, JANE H. (Smith, Harriet Brown). Bibliography of U. S. Geological Survey Trace Elements and related reports to June 1954: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1019-8" p. 63-144,1955. WALTHIER, THOMAS NASH Uranium occurrences of the eastern United States: Mining Eng., vol. 7, no" 6, p. 545-547 , 1955. WANLESS, HAROLD ROLLIN 1. Pennsylvania correlations in the eastern interior and Appalachian coal fields: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 17, vii, 130 p.,7939. 60 VrncrNre Drvrsrox oF MTNERAL RBsouncrs

2. Regional variation in Pennsylvanian lithology: Jour. Geology, vol. 55, No. 3, pt. 2, p. 237 -253, 1947 . 3. Pennsylvanian isopach studies in the eastern and central United States (abs.): Geol. Soc. America BuIl., vol. 59, no. 12, pt.2, p. 13ffi-1361, 1948. 4, L*e Paleozoic cycles of sedimentation in the United States: Internat. Geol. Cong., 18th, Great Britain, 1948, Rept., pt.4, p. L7-29,London, 1950. 5. Geographic and stratigraphic distribution of Pennsylvanian coal in the United States (abs,): Econ. Geology, voL 47, no. 7, p. 778-779, 1952; Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 63, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1309, 1952. 6. Problems of the Pennsylvanian of the United States: Tulsa Geol. Soc. Digest, vol,24, p.56-61,1956. 7. Depositional basins of some widespread Pennsylvanian coal beds in the United States: Conf. on origin and constitution of coal, 3d., Nova Scotia 1956 [Proc.J, p.94-125, Nova Scotia Dept. Mines, 1956; discussions, p. 125-128. 8, Classification of Faleozoic coal measures (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 70, no. 12, pt. 2, p.1693,1959.

WARD, DEDERICK C., see Greene, William M. WARNER, LAWRENCE ALLEN (and others). Occurrence of nonpegmatite beryllium in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 3.18, 198 p., 1959.

WASHINGTON, HENRY STFPHENS Catalogue of the collection of meteorites in the Peabody Museum of Yale Universiqy: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., vol. 3, p. 83-87, 1897. \,I/ATTS, G. M. Behavior of beach fill at Virginia Beach, Virginia: U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Beach Erosion Board Tech. Memo, 113, 216 p., 1959.

WEBB, FRED J. l. Basal conglomerate in Mosheim limestone in Rich Valley, Smyth County, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 10, no. 4, p.296, 1959. 2. Geology of the Middle Ordovician limestones in the Rich Valley area, Smyth County, Virginia: Thesis (M.S.), V.P.I., 1959.


WELLER, JAMES MARVIN (and others). Correlation of Mississippian formations of North America: Geol. Soc. America BuII., vol. 59, no. 2, p, 9l-196, 1948. WELLS, DANA Lower Middle Mississippian of southeastern West Virginia: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists BulI., vol. 34, no. 5, p. 882-922, 1950.

WERNER, HARRY JAIY, see alro Bloomer, Robert O., 4. Preliminary .report on the structural geology of the Vesuvius quadrangle, Virginia (abs.): Am. Geophys. IJnion Trans., vol. 32, p. 333-334, 1951. lNronr,retIoN Crncuren 19 6l .WEST VIRGINIA GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SURVEY, see also Appalachian Geological Society, 2. 1. Log of field trip May 17-18, 1952. Joint meeting Appalachian Geological Society and Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania, Oil and gas section: Morgantown, W. V"., West Virginia Geol. and Econ' Survey, 29 p', 1952' 2. Log-of Appalachian Geological Society field *ip June 20-21, 1953: Morgan- town, W. Va., West Virginia Geol. and Econ. Survey, 27 p., 1953' WETHERILL, GEORGE W., see Tilton, George Robert, 2. WHALEY, H. H. (Pritchard, D. w.). studies concerning redistribution of sediments related to the construction of the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel system: chesapeake Bay Inst., Project "Tunnel" Repts., nos. l-5, 1955-[1957], WHALEY, RICHARD W., see Silverman, Maxwell.

WHETSTONE. G. \V., see Sinnott, Allen, 3. WHTTAKER, JOHN, C. Geology of Catoctin Mountain, Maryland and Virginia: Geol. Soc' America Bull., vol. 66, p. 435-464, 1955; Ph.D. Thesis, Johns Hopkins Uiriv., 1953' WHITE, AMOS M., see Overstreet, William C., 3. WHITE, GEORGE WILLARD Thomas Flariot's observations on American geology in 1588 (Virginia): Illinois State Acad. Sci. Trans., vol. 46, p' 129-132' 1952. WHITE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER 1. Blue Ridge Front-a fault scarp; Geol. Soc. America Bull. vol. 61, no' 12, pt' \ p. 13A9-1346,1950" 2. Post-Cretaceous faults in Virginia and North Carolina: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 63, no. 7, p. 7 45 -7 47, 1952. 3. Systematic drainage changes in the Piedmont of North Carolina and Vir- ginia: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 64, no. 5, p. 561-579, 1953.

WHITEMORE, J. W, see Forkner, Henry Robert.

WHITNEY, JOSIAH DWIGHT (wadsworth, Marshman Edward). The Azoic system and its proposed sub- divisions: Harvard Colege Museum Comp. Zool. Bull', vol' 7, p' 331-565, 1884.

WHITSON, R. E., see Humphris, Curtis C., Jr. WHITTINGTON, HARRY BLACKMORE 1. (Evitt, william Robert, II). silicified Middle ordovician trilobites (Virginia) : Geol. Soc. America Mem. 59, 137 p.,1954. 2. The Trilobite family Isocolidae: Jour. Paleontology, vol' 30, no' 5, p' 1193- 1198,1956. 3. Silicified Middle Ordovician trilobites-the Odontopleuridae: Flarvard Coll. Mus. Comp. Zaology Bull., vol. 114, no. 5, p' 153-288' 1956" 62 Vrncrnre DrvrsroN or MrNBner RBsouncrs

4. (Hunt, Allen S.). Growth of the cephalon Cryptoliilrus (Trilobita) (Vir_ (abs.): ginia) Geol. Soc. America Buli., vol. 69, no. 12, pt, 2, p. 1662, lglg. 5' silicified Middle ordo-vjcian trilobites-Remopleurididae, Trinucleiaae, Raphi- oph-oridae, Endymioniidae (Virginia): Harvard Coll. Mus. C"mp. 2ooiogy Bull., vol. 1 21, no 8, p. 373-495, 1959. WIER, CHARLES EUGENE Coal stratigraphy and resources studies, 1949_1957: Econ. Geology, vol. i4, no. 4, p. 629-665,19j9. WILLARD, BRADFORD Paleozoic continental phases of sedimentation in the northern Appalachians: Internat. Geol. Cong., 18th, Great Britain, 194g, Rept., pt. +, p.2gl37,London, 1950.

WILLARD, DAVID K., see Maclntosh, Charles A. WILLIAMS, CHARLES REGAN, rae Billings, Marland pratt. WILLIAMS, GEORGE KEMPTON An investigation of the iron deposits in the East River Mountain district: Thesis (M.S.), Virginia polytech. Inst., 1958. parrott, WILLIAMS, R. K., see William T., 8. WILLIAMSON, ALLEN D., see Huddle, John Warfield, 2. WILLIS, BAILEY fil":q:"S*phic maps of North America: Jour. Geology, vol. 17, p. 203 208, 253-256, 286_288, 342_343, 403_409, 424_428,503, 506-508; 600_602. 19b9. -WILPOLT, RALPH HENRY 1. Douglas _(Marden, W.). Description of 14 measured sections in southwest Virginia and eastern Kentucky: U. S. Geol. Survey open_file, orrpag"d, 1955? 2' (Marden,.Douglas W.). Geology and oil and gas possibilities of upper Mississippian rocks of Virginia, ,ooi...r, West Virginia, and eastern ^southwestlein Kentucky: U. S. Geol. Survey Sull. tOZZ_f, p. 5g7_656, 19i9. WILSON, CHARLES WILLTAM, JR. (Stearns, Richard G.). -Differential compaction origin of structure and thick belts in the Indian Bluff and Graves Gap groups of"the pennsylvanian (potts- ville) of Tennessee: Southeastern Ge"iofy, ,-1. l, ,ro. l, p. 39_49, 1959.

WILSON, JAMES LEE, see also Lochmtn_Balk, Christina. 1. Franconian Trilobites_of th.e central Appalachians: Jour. paleontology, vol. 3f, 5, p. 617-654, 195I (Part of Thesis yale Univ. (ph.D.), 19a9i' 2'- Upper"". cambrian stratigraphy in the centrar Appalacians: G.oi. so". Amer- ica Bull., vol. 63, no, l, p" ZiS_322, lgj2.

WOOD, ROBERT S. Lime industry in Virginia: Virginia Minerals, vol. 4, no. 2, p. l_g, 195g. I INponl-etroN Cmcuren 19 63

WOODWARD, HERBERT PRESTON, see also Appalachian Geological So. cieqy, 3. 1. Ordovician system of West Virginia: West Virginia Geol. Survey [Rept.1, vol. 21, 627 p.,1951. 2. A review of the deep Appalachian structural basin: Am. Petroleum Inst. Proc., vol. 34, sec. 4, p. 68-80, 1954; revised, New York Acad. Sci. Trans., ser. II, vol. 17, no. 2, p. 83-98, 1954. J. Harrisonburg to Bergton (Virginia), i.n Lppalachian Geological Society Guidebook, May 1955: lCharleston] Appalachian Geol. Soc., p.34-]9, 1955. 4. Problems of the deep Appalachian Basin: Petroleum Engineer, vol. 27, no' 3, 850-856, B58, 1955. 5. The Appalachian region, in Guzman-Jimenez, E. J., ed., Symposium sobre yacimientos de petroleo y gas: Internatl. Geol. Cong., 2fth, Tom. 3, p. 327-349, 1956; Summary, World Oil, vol. 145, no. 7, p.. 110-112, ll5, 1957. '6. Chronology of Appalachian folding: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 41, no. 10, p. 2112-2327, 1957 . '7. Emplacement of oil and gas in the Appalachian basin, in Weeks, L. G., ed., Habitat of Oil-a symposium: Tulsa, Okla., Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, p.494-5fi, 1958- 8. The Appalachian region: World Petroleum Cong.5th. New York, 1959, Proc. Sec. I, p. 1061-1079,1959. WOOLLARD, GEORGE PRIOR 1. (Bonini, William Emory; Meyer, Robert Paul). A seismic refraction study of the sub-surface geology of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and continental Shelf between Virginia and Florida: Madison, Wis. Univ., Dept. Geology, Geo- physics Sec., v. 128 p., 1957. 2. Gravitv-anomaly patterns in Virginia (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 68, no. 12, pt.2, p. 1885, 1957. 3. Areas of tectonic activity in the United States as indicated by earthquake epicenters: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., vol. 39, p' 1135-1150, 1958. WRAY, JOHN LEE Atlississippian Foraminifera from the central Appalachians: Thesis (Ph.D.)' Univ. of Wisconsin, 1956; (abs.) Dissert. Abs., vol. 16, no. 1'2, p. 1887,1956. YEAKEL, LLOYD STANLEY Paleocurrents and paleogeographv of the Tuscarora quartzite (Silurian; Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia): Thesis (Ph.D.), Johns Hopkins Univ., 1959. YOCHELSON, ELLIS LEON 1. Gastropods of the Middle Ordovician Peery and Murfreesboro formations of Virsinia and Tennessee: Thesis (Ph.D.), Univ. of Kansas' 1950. 2. (Bridge, Josiah). The lower Ordovician gastroPod Cermopea: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 294-H, p. 281-304, 1957. YOUNG, DAVID MARION 1. Natural gas development in southwestern Virginia, in Pttrceedings of the Technical Session, Kentucky Oil and Gas Association, June 5, 1953: Ken- tucky Geol. Survey Ser. IX, Spec. Pub. 3, p. 27-33, 1953. 6+ VtncrNre DrvrsroN oF MINERAL Rosouncrs

2. Natural gas production in southwestern Virginia: Petroleum Engineer, vol. 27, no. 6, B29-832, 1955. 3. Deep drilling through Cumberland overthrust block in' southwestern Vir- ginia: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol.4l, no. ll, p.2567-2573, 1957.

YOUNG, GEORGE M. (Bee, Raymond F.; Kean, Jefferson R.). Mineralogical studies of the Smith River, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 4, no. 4, p.262-263, 1953. YOUNG, ROBERT SPENCER, see also Bailey, Roy Alden; Brent, William Bonney, 1; Edmundson, Raymond Smith, 3; Fisher, Donald William; Hack, John Tilton, 5; Herbert, Paul, Jr., 1, 2; Miller, Buster Wallace; Nelson, Wil- bur A., 2; Unklesbay, Athel Glyde. 1. Note on a microstylolite in oolitic limestone, Virginia: Jour. Geology, vol. 61, no. 5, p. 47 l-472, 1953. 2. lhe geology of the Edinburg, Virginia-West Virginia quadrangle: Thesis (Ph.D.), Cornell Univ., 1954. (Edmundson, 3. Ray S.). Ocilitic limesrone in the Triassic of Virginia: Jour, Sed. Pet., vol. 24, no. 4, p. 275-279, lgi4. 4, Arthophycus allegbaniensrs as a guide fossil in northern \rirginia: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 29, no. 3, p. 550-j51, 1955; (abs.) Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. 5, no. 4, p. 257, 1954. 5. (Harnsberger, Wilbur T.). Geology of Bergton gas field, Rockingham County, Virginia: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 39, no. 3, p. 317-328,1955. 6. (Bailey, Roy A.). A mica peridotite dike near Front Royal, Virginia: Vir- ginia Jour. Sci., vol. 6, no. 4, p.282-283, 1955. 7. Lower Canadian Brachiopods from Virginia: Jour. Paleontology, vol. 30, no, 5, p. 1165-1169, 1956. 8. Sulfides in Virginia: Virginia Minerals, vol. 2, no. 1, p. l-7, 1956. YOUNG, W. H. Thickness of bituminous coal and lignite seams at all mines and thickness of overburden at strip mines in the United States in 1950: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Cir. 7642, 18 p., 1952.

YOUNG, W. K., see Mangold, Carl Rene, Jr. INronnrerroN Cncuren 19 65


ABSOLUTE AGE, DATES Southwestern Mountains: Cordova, R. M.,2- Diabase Mineralogy Loudoun County, Goose Creek, Triassic: Shadwell area, Catoctin formation, min- Rodgers, J.,2. eral associations, occurrence: Gian- Ignous rocks nini, W. F., 1. Virginia, northwestern, accsaory min- Stony Point area, gossans, derived from erals, evaluation of led-alpha meth- siderite, not sulfides: Tazelaar, J. F., ods: Jafiee, II. W.; Gottfried, D.,3. 2. Interpretation Hardware River, sediments and bedrock: Appalachians, metamorphic events : Kulp, Forkgen, P. E. J. L., 1; Long, L. E. Petrology Metamorphic rocks Blue Ridce, mafic feeder dikes of Catoc- Appalachians, Pa.leozoic metamorphisms, tin grenstone : Mack, T., 1. K age: Kulp, J. L.,2. Southwestern Mountains, greenatone: Minerals Cordova, R. M., 2, 3. Amherst County, northeru, allanite, Pre Structural geology cambrian : Rodgers, J., 2. Blue Rifue, Unicoi formation, overturned Blue Ridge beds: Cooke, H. 8., Jr., 1. Mary's Rock, K/Ar, biotite in gneiss : Yancy Mills (Hillsboro), po3t-Cretac@us Davis, G, L.; Tilton, G. R., 2. fault: White, W. A., 2. Mary's Rock, Rb/Sr and K/Ar, biotite in gneiss: Tilton, Q. R., 1. Mary's Rock, U/Pb, zftcon in gneiss: ALEXANDRIA (CITY) Davis, G. L,; Tilton, G. R., 2. Eng:ineering geology Foundations, Jones Point Bridge: Deu- ACCOMACK COUNTY terman, M. Arel gology Summary: Sinnott, A., 8. ALGAE Economic gology Arthrophg cus all e g hani ensi,s Titanium minerals, Assateague Island, Sbenandoah County, Silurian, Columbia bech sand, possibilities : Kuster, W. Furnace area: Young, R. S., 4. v. Geomorphology Carolina Bays, origin, eddy hypothesis: ALLEGHANY COUNTY Cooke. C. W.. 1. Argl geology Shore changes, Assateague Island, south- Clifton Forge area: Thompson, T. M. ern : Rude, G. T. Field trip log: West Virginia Gol. & Geophysieal surveys Econ. Sumey, 2. Magnetic, ground cf. airborne, northern: Iron district: Lesure, F. G. Kuehn, II. E. Rich Patch Valley: Smith, R. Il. Hydrogology Economic geology Ground water Iron, Clifton Forge district: Lesure, F. Hallwmd area, Miocene aquifer, test G. well : Sinnott. A.. 6. Maps, geologic 'WeU logs, analyses: Sinnott, A., 6. Clifton Forge iron district: Lesure, F. G. Paleontology Clifton Forge area: Thompson, T. M. Fossils, Miocene, Pleistoeene : Toild, R. Rich Patcb Valley: Smith, R, H. Stratigraphy Mineralogy Miocene-Pleistocene logs, correlation sub- Concretions, Millboro Shale, dscription: surface; Sinnott, A., 9. Roberts, C. E, St-uetural geolog:y Clifton Forge area, post-Cretaceous fault: ALBEMARLE COUNTY White, W. A., 2. Aral gology Crozet-Pasture Fence area: Vernon. R, c. AMELIA COUNTY Economic geology Economic geology Construction, highway aggre- Mica gates: Parrott, W. T., 1. Amelia district, occurrence, posibili- fron-copper deposit, Stony Point area: ties: Lemke, R. W. Tazelmr, J. F., 1. Rutherford mine, test drill holes: Hick- Led-zinc, Faber area, occunence, gene- man, R. C. sis: Giannini. W. F., 3. Pegmatite, Morefielil Mine, investiga- Gophysical surveys tions: Geehan, R. W, Stony Point area, electrical: Tazelaar, Mineralogy J. F.. 1. Albite, alteration, x-ray: Brindley, G. W. Hydrogology Collecting, Amelia district: Cusick, A. Ground water Feldspar, alteration, x-ray: Brindley, G. Crystalline rocks, mcurrence : Walker, w. A. C. Monazite, comparative studies : Molloy, 'Western, well data, rcources : Crms, M. W. w., rr, 2. Pegmatitic minenls, structure, origin, Maps, gologic Amelia district: Lemke. R. W. Crset-Pasture Fence ara: Vernon, R; Pe0rology c. Amelia district, pggmatite, origin, struc- Soapstone belt: Fairley, W. M. ture: Lemke, R. W. 66 VrncrNre DrvtsroN op MrNpner, Rnsounces

AMHEI{ST Emplacement, basin : Woodward, Il- COUNTY Dd Absolute age Problems of deep portion, basin: Northern, allarite, Preeambrian: Rodg- Woodward. I{. P. 4. ers, J,,2. portion, possibilitie, Economic geology Dep structural, basin: Woodward, I{. P., 2. Ceramic materials, aplite: Kelsey, V. V. Possibilitis: Straley, H. W., 3d, 2. , nelrcnite ore, resources: occurrences Appalachian Ruhlman. R. Posibilities, : E. Geol. Soc., 1. Geochemistry GeneraJ Piney River area, halloysite, salt reten- geology tion Thomas. G. Use of in forest management,. : W, Jefferson National For6t: Sund- Maps, mine:aI resourcs heimer, P. W. Soapstone belt, Hopkins, II. R., 4. Mineralogy Geomorphology minerals, Roseland Even erested ridges, evolution: Cooper, Titanium area : Hill- B. N., 1. house, D. N. Popular Petrology aceount: Davis, W. M. gneiss Geophysical surveys Roseland area, and anorthosite Gravity, Boug:uer anonalies, southern l intrusion: Hillhouse. D. N. Sears, C. E.,8. Partridge Run sediments, hard bedrock, provenance: Radioactivity, Blue Ridge and Pieilmont. Humphris, C. C. provinces : Stow, M. H., 5. Structural geology Maps, oil and gas Lynchburg euadrangle, "Martic Over- Deep well location, basin: Everhart, G. thrwt": Sundeman. H. C.. 1. M. Palontology ANTHOZOA Gastropoda, Cerqtopea, early Devonian: Yochelson. E. L., 2. Paleozoic Graptolites, Orclovician : Ruedeman, R., Corals, reference list, Virginia, world: Bassler, R. S., 2. Ordovician, Midille, faunal suites: Coper, G. A., 3, APPALACHIAN VALLEY Silurian, early {aunal distribution: Ams- Areal gology den. T- W. Route 11, geological features, guidebook: Petrology Cooper, B. N., 12. Dolomites, Cambrian-Ordovician, origin: Cooper, B. N.,7, 13. Enginering geology Metamorphic complex, thin section d* Materials, Iimestone, highway use, pet- scription, absolute: Long, L. E. rologic studies: Sherwood, W. C., 2. Stratigraphy Palontology Cambrian Brachiopoda Base: King, P. 8., 5 Chepultepec-Stonehenge f ormation s, Basal clastic sequence. correlations: Ordovician: Young, R. S., ?. Rodgers, J., 4 Ozarkian, Canadian: Ulrich, E. O., 2. Correlations: Roclgers, J., 5. Gosyncline, history : Yer Wiebe, W. A., N. Sp., Ordovician, Ozarkian: Ulrich, 4. E. O.2. Appalachia land- Gosyncline, relation'Wiebe, to Graptolithia, Athens shale, Ordovician: mags : Ver W. A., 3. Decker. E C.. 2. Ordovician system: Woodward, H. P., 1. Trilobita, Middle Ordivician, Champlain- Ordovician, eorrelation chart', North ian fo:mations : Cooper, B. N., 6 America : Twenhofel, W. I{. Stratigraphy Ordovician, middle formations, correla- Ordovician tion by Chazan and related brachio- Athens shale, age, graptolites: Decker, pods: Cooper, G- A., 4. c.8.,2. Paleozoic-Triassic (?), organic chronol- Athens shale, graptolite correlation: ogy: Woodward, H. P., 6. Decker. C. E.. 1. Paleozoic, cyclic sedimentation : Willard, Chepultepec Formation: Edmundson, B. R. S., 2. Pennsylvania, problems, basin : Wanles, H. R., 6. APPALACHIANS Precambrian, U.S.: Whitney, J. D. Regional, basin: Woodward, H. P., 8. Absolute age Regional, oil and gas reservoirs, basin: Metamorphic events, major, chronology: Woodwa'd. II. P., 5. Kulp, J. L., 1. Silurian, lower, lithofacies map: Ams- Paleozoic, metamorphic events, major, den, T. W. chronology: Long, L. E. Structural geology Paleozoic metamorphisms: Kulp, J. L., 2. Basin, structural properties of deep por- Ar€l geology tion: Woodward, H. P., 2" Popular account: Billings, M. P. Deformation in orogenic belt, cf . wst- Economic geology em Alps: Bucher, W. fI. Barite, occurrenca: Kesler, T. L. No:them, efiects of deformation: Gair, Manganese deposits, occutrences: Sears, J. E. C. E., Jr., 5. Orogenic chronology, structural evidence: Oil and gas, Woodward. H. P.. 6 Deep wells, basin: Eve-hart, G. M. Regional structure, basin: Woodward, Production, possibilities, histo:y, H. P.. 5, 8. basin: Wmdward. H. P.. 8. Tectonics, life cycle: Rich. J. L. Possibilities, basin: Woodward, H. P.. Tectonics, review: King, P. B., 3 Thrusts. folded: Stose. G. W. INronl.rerroN Crncur-.qn 19 67

ARLINGTON COLINTY Heavy minerals, Middle River drainage gology basin, county rck and mils, insolu- Enginering ble residue: Carroll, D., 3. Subsurface data: Darton, N. H., 1. Monazite, comparative studies : Molloy, Maps, geologic M. W. District of Columbia and vicinity: Carr, Psilomelane and p y r ol u sit e, Crimora M. E. S., 1. manganese mines: Marcin, E. J. Petrology Quartz crystal, smoky phantoms, Cnigs- Bedrock and unconsolidated formations: ville area, occurrence: Cross, W., Darton, N. H., 1. ll.. t. Stntigraphy Palontolo'gy District of Columbia and vicinity: Carr, Worms, Tectaculited, Chepultepec Lime M. E. S., 1. stone, Fishewille are : Fisher, D. StructuEl geology w. Bedrock surface: Darton, N. II., 1. Petrology Afton area, diabase dike: Hopkins, II. ASBESTOS R.. 2. Virginia Middle River drainage basin, county roek Bibliography, resou:ces: Avey, R. B. and soils, insoluble r6idu6 and Occurrences: Bowles, O. heavy minerals: Carroll. D., 3. Skyline Drive, dike like struclure: Mil- AUGUSTA COUNTY Ier, B. W. Areal geology South River tributaris, stram sand, Burketown klippe area: Flewellen, B. heayy minerals, statistical anal5nes: H. Canoll, D., 2. Craigsville area : Prutzman, W. J. Spottswmd are, clay: Allen, V. T. Derfield area: Beard, D, C, Staunton are, Lenoir Limetone, soil Mofiat Crek area: Rector, W. K. profile, clay minerals : Carroll, D., 1. Mount Solon area : Fara, M., 1. Pa:nassus area: Patterson, J. G. Stratigraphy Staunton area: Caskie, R. Ambler Precambrian, Catoctin Formation, fault breccia, Blue Ridge Parkway: Nel- Vesuvius district: Moods, R. E., Jr. son, Wayncboro area : Lowdon, J., 1. W. A.. 2. Economic geology Structuml geology Bauxite, original, Spottswood anea: North River Gap area, relation of dikes Allen, V. T. to thrust faults : Fan, M., Z. Bauite, Spottswood district, oceurrence : Bridge, J. BARITE General Appalachians, occurrenc€s, summary: Ke- Guidebooks, Harrisonburg area: Appa- ler, T. L. lachian Geol. Soc., 2. Piedmont, Jame River-Roanoke River dis- Photogeology, sedimentary strata, t'ict: G. H.,2, 6. Eapped, central : Browning, W. F., Virginia Jr. Deposits, bibliography: Dean, B. G. Geomorphology Wete'n, resourcea, distribution : Brobst. Caves, Grand Caverns, popular account: D. A. Norvell. C.. II. Effect of catastrophic floods, North BASINS, STRUCTURAL River area: Hack, J. T., 1. Erosion, chimney rcks, Mount golon Appalachian Basin are: Fisher, C. C.,3, 4. Deep portion, structural properties: Woodward, H. P.; 2, 4. Stream profiles, relation to basin geol- gro ogy: Hack, J. T., 3. oil and emplacement: Woodward, Gophyiical suweys H. P., ?. Aeromagnetic suvrey: Johnson, R. W., Scottsville Jr., 1. Triassic. Kingery, T. L.; Sunde:man. Ifydrcgeology H. C., 3. Waynsbo-o area, ground water : Low- don. J.. 2. BATH COUNTY Maps, geologic Areal geolo3y Burketown klippe area: Flewellen, B. Clifton Forge are, field trip log : W6t H. Virginia Geol. and Econ, Survey, 2. Craigsville area: Prutzman, W. J. Deerfield area: Bedrd, D. C. Deerfield a-ea: Beard, D, C. Geomorphology Middle . Rive.-North River d ra i n ag e Breathing Cave: Deike, G. I{., III.. basin: Carrcll, D., 3- Maps, geologic Mofiat Crek area : Rector, W. K. Deerfield area: Beard, D. C. Paraassus area: Patterson, J. G. Staunton area: Caskie, R. Ambler BAUXITE Vesuvius district : Moore, R. E., Jr. W'alaeboro area: Lowdcn, J,, 1. Augusta County Minbralogy Spottswood area Calcite, Staunton area, Iarge crystals: Petrosraphic studies : Al.len. V. T. Giannini, W. F., 2. Occurrence: Bridge, J. Clay minerals, Lenoir limestone, soil Virginia, profile, Staunton area: Carroll, D., Bibliography, annotatred : Fiscber, E. C. Clay minerals, vermiculitetype, soils, BEDFORD COUNTY studie: Hathway, J. C., 2. Ercnomic gology ' Cold Spring kaolin deposits: Caskie, R. Feldspar,

BEDFORD COUNTY-ConI. Hydrogeology ca subsurface : geologic Walker Mountain, ves, Maps, Lowry, E. J., 2. Otter River area : Diggs. W. E- geologic Roanoke quadrangle: Anclrews, L, 8., Maps, Jr. East R,iver Mountain district : Williams, Petrology G. K. Otter River area, gneiss : Diggs, W. E. Structura"l geology Stratigmphy Walker Mountain, c av es, subsurface Paleozoic, Roanoke quarlrangle: An- streams: Lowry, E. J., 2. drews, L. E. Precambrian-Ordovician, Smith Moun- BLUE RIDGE tain area: Nelson, W. A., 10. Absolute age Structural geology Mary's Rock, biotite and zircon: Davis, Lynchburg quadrangle, northern, G. L.; Tilton, G. R., 1, 2. "Martic Overthrust" : Sundeman, Areal geology H. C., 1. Cent:al: Bloomer, R. O., 4. Otter River area: Diggs, W. E. gmlogy Roanoke quadrangle: Antlrews, L. E., Economic Jr. Talc, occurrence, genesis: Stucky, J. L. Smith Mountain area: Nelson, W. A., Gomorphology 10, Blue_Ridge fault scrap: White, W. A., gluet Rialge Upland migrating Atlantic- BENTONITE Gulf divide: Dietrich, R. V., 1?. Yirginia,'Wetern, Floyd County area, esearpment, origin: occurrenee, genesis : Ros, C. Dietrich, R. V., 14. s. Northem, field trip: Betrand, K. J. Northern, inselbe-ge: Birot, P. BERYLLIUM Strasburg quadransle, map intelpreta- tion: Sharp, H. S. Rockbridge County Maps, geoJogic Irish Creek district, ccurrences : War- ner, Big Meadows-Stonyman area: Reed, J. L. A. C., Jr., 2. Central: Blomer, R, 4. BIBLIOGRAPHIES O., Mineralogy.Western Asbstos, rcources: Avery, R. B. flank, kaolin depeits : Caskie, Andalusite : Grametbaur, A. B. R. Alden. Barite, deposits: Den, B. G, Petrology Bauxite, annotated: Fischer. E. C. Big Meadows-Stony Man are, Catoetin Cml, Bureu of Mines investigations: Car- Formation: Reed, J. C., trr., 2, man, E. P. Catoctin grenstone, euhedral erystals, Coal, stratrigraphic, reource studie: Wier, compmition: Eades, J. L., 1. c. E. Stratigraphy Ground water, U. S. Grcl. Survey publica- Cambrian, Albmarle County area : NeI- tions: Yorhis, R. C. son, W. A., 1. Iron; Carr, M. E. S., 2. Elkwater Gap to Bie Meadows; Reed, J. Iron ore: Luttrell. G. W.- 1- C., Jr., 1. Kyanite: Grametbaur, A. B. Preambrian( ?), Catoctin Formtion, Limctone: Gazidik, G. E. Big Meailows-Stony Man area: Msngance: Pegau, A. A., 7. Reed, J. C., Jr.,2. Magnesium: Davis, R. E, Precambrian-Cambrian. central : Mineral depmits, hydrottrernal and mag- Blmmer, R. O., 1, 2; Nelson, W. A., matic: Ridge, J. D. Nickel: Pratt, E. M, gslogy OiI and gas wells, annotated: Iludtlle, J. Structural w..2. Albemarle County area, Cambrian : Nel- son, A., 1. Petrolm, cmde oil, ana.lysc: Blade, O. W. c..2. Blue Ridge Front: White, W. A., 1. Pyrophyllite: Gnmetbaur, A. B. Blue Ridge ccarpment, migrating At- Rare erths: Buck. K. L. lantic-Gulf divide: Dietrich, R. V., Salt deposits: Lang, W. B. .W. Sand, hish grade silica: Jaster. M. C. Central: Nelson. A., 6. Selenium: Luttrell, G. W., 2. Eastern s i de, .megash€ring, crustal: Sillimanite: Grametbaur. A. B. Keith, B. A., 1. Thorim: Buck. K. L. Northern, inselberge, landfom dwelop- Thorium, U.S. Geol. Sune5r reports : Sois- ment: Birot, P. ter. P. Tetonics: Cloe, 8., 1. Titanium: I.awthers, R., 1; Pegau, A. A., 4 ; Virginia Div, Mineml Resources. BOTETOURT COLINTY Topaz: Grametbaur, B. A. g:eoloely Tmce elements, U.S. GeoI. Suney reports : Aral J. II. Clifton Forge area: Thompsn, T. lI. Uranium: Soister, P. Clifton Forge iron ilistrict: Leure, F. G. Fincastle area: IIay, N. R. T. BLAND COUNTY Purgatory Mountain avea: Rowan, L. C. Economic gology Tinker Mountain-Fincastle area: Nichol. fron, possibilities: 'Williams.East River Mountain, R. F. G. K. Economic geology Manganse, Strange and Byrne mines. fuon, Clifton Forge district : Lsure, F. possibilitie: Moon, L B. G. INnon,r,rntror Crncuun I 9 69

Maps, eleologic Maps, minoal deposits Clifton Forge iron district: Lesure, F. Kyanite, Willis Mountain-Woods Moun- G. tain area: Espenshade, G. H., 6. Clifton Forge area: Thompson, T. M. Palontology Finestle are: Hay, N. R, T. Fauna, Ordovician Arvonia slate: Ap- Purgatory Mountain are: Rowan, L. C. plegate, S. P., 1. Roanoke quadrangle: Andrews, L, 8., Petrology Jr. Slate River sediments : Oref. W. R. Tinker Mountain-Fincastle ars: Nichol, R. r'. CAMBRIAN Petrology Appalachian Valley Fincastle area, coalse conglomerate, Brachiopoda, Canadian: Ulrich, E. O., Athens and Tellico formations : Kell- berg, J. M. Appalachians Stratigraphy Basal clastic requence, correlations: Paleozoic Rodgers, J., 4. Purgatory Mountain area: Rowan, L. Lower, base, stratigraphy: King, P. B,, c. 5. Roanoke quadrangle : Antlrews, L. E., Stratigraphy, correlations: Rodgen, J., Jr. 5. Structural geology Augusta County Roanoke quadrangle: Anclrews, L. E., Burketown klippe area, stratignphy :- Jr. Flewellen, B. H. Mofiatt Crek area, upper, stratigraphy: BRACHIOPODA Reetor, W. K. Ordovician Parnasus area, stratigraphy: Patter- Appalaehian Yalley son. J. G. Chepultepec-Stonehenge f o rm a t i on s : Staunton ar@, stratigmphy : Caskie R. Young, R. S., 7. Ambler. Oarkian: Ulrich, E. O., 2, 3. Yesuviue district: Mmre, R. E., Jr. Appalachians Wayncboro ar€, stratigmphy: Lowdon, Chazyan anil related: Cooper, G. A,, J., 1. 4. Blue Ridge Cambrian Albemarle County area, stratigraphy: Appalachain Yalley, Canadian: Ulrich, Nelson, W'. A., 1. E. O., 2. 3. Central, stratigraphy : Blmmer, R. O., E@oncha l,2. Cambrian, Wythe County, Austinville Central, correlatioas: Bloomer, R. O., 4. area, Shady Formation: Cooper, G. Botetourt County 4.. 2. Finestle area, upper, history: Hay, N. Mututella R. T. Cambrian, Wythe County, Austenville Frederick County ar@, Shady Formation: Cooper, Wincheter area, Conoceheague lime- G. A., 2. stone: Wilgon, J. L., 1, Tere-atuloid 'Wineheter area, trilobites, stratigraphy : Silurian, Devonian, Virginia, western: Wilson, J. L., 2. Cloutl, P. E., Jr. Lee County Rose Hill district, stratigraphy : Miller, BRECCIA R. L.. 4. Loudoun County Rmnoke, Bedford. Botetourt counti6. Mountain, stratigraphy : Roaaoke quadrangle, review: Andrews, Catoctin Whit- L. E., Jr. aker. J. C. Tectonic Northwestern, stratigraphy: Niekelsen, R. P. Rockingham County, secondary origin: Page County Herbert, P., Jr., 2. Elkton area, correlations, Chilhowie Western Yirginia, Max Meadows fault: Group: King, P.8.,2. Cooper, B. N.. 17. Piednont Northem, Everona Formation : Mack, BRYOZOAN T.,2. Ordovician Rockbridge County Le County, Ilagan ar€, Tyrone For- Mofiat Creek area, upper, stratigraphy: mation : Ross, M. B'. Rector, W. K. Sallings Ridge area, stnatigraphy: Bloom- BUCHANAN COUNTY er, R. O., 3. Vesuvius district, stratigraphy: M@re, Mineralogy R. E.. Jr. Met€odtes, Keen Mountain iron : Ifen- Rockingham County derson, E. P.,2. Burketown klippe area: Flewellen. B. H. Elkton at&, correlations, Chilhowie BUCKINGHAM COUNTY Group: King, P. 8., 2. Economie geology Harrisonburg quadrangle, stratigraphy: Cmmic materials Brent. W. B. Kyanite, explontion drilling, Willis Parnassus area, stratigraphy: Patterson, Mountain: Jone, J. O. J. G. Kyanite production: Herod, B. C., 2. Shenandeh Valley Kyanite d e p os its, properties, ues, Biostratigraphy, Trilobites: Lochman- Willis Mountain: Forkner. H. R. Balk. C. Kyanite, deposits, Willis Mountain- Nortrhern, Conocqrheague Formation, are 'Woocls Mountain area: Esnen- naceous beds, sedimentation: Nicho shade, G. H., 5. las. R. L. 70 VrxclNre DrvrsroN on Mruener RBsouncos

CAMBRIAN-Cont. CENOZOIC Tazewell County Coastal Plain Gratt n ar€, Graptolites, Nolichucky Echinoids, description: Cooke, C. W., 2. .Shale: Decker, C. E., 4. Pelecypoda, period of existence: Nieol, Virginia D.. 3. Central, Vesuvius quadrangle: Werner, Pelecypoda, population and distribution II. J. relations, marine: Nicol, D., 4. Southwctern, Gossan Lead district: Page County Stme, A. I. J. Elkton ara, deposits and roidium: King, Southwstern. Marion and Austinville P. B., 2. areas, Pleepongia: Okulitch, Y. J. Wythe County Rwkingham County area, brachiopods, For- Elktou arq, aleposits and reidium: King, Awtinville Shady 2. mation : C@per, G. A., 2. P. 8., Kent Window area, lower, stratigraphy: Spottsylvania County Marshall. F. C. Fredericksburg area, stratigraphy : Bums, J. R. Stafford County CAMPBELL COUNTY Fredericksburg area, stratigraphy : Economic gology Burns, J. R. Construction materials, limestone aggre- Virginia gate, Lynchburg area: Herod, B. C., Review, stratigraphy: Schuchert, C., 1. Jr. Paleobotany: Harshberger, J, W. Mineralogy Paragonite, trigonal, analyses, central: Dietrich, R. V., 8. CEPHALOPODS Structural geology Ordovician Lynchburg Quadrangle, northern, "Martic Roanoke and Shenandoah counties. Che- Overthrustl' : Sundeman, I{. C., 1. pultepe-Stonehenge transition unit : Unklebay, A. C. CARROLL COTINTY Economic geology CERAMIC MATERIALS Quartz orystal, Clinton Jackson deposit, Amherst County possibilities: Bell, J. E. Aplite: Kelsey, V, Y. Pyrrhotite ore, Great Gcsan Ied : Buckingham County Browning, J. S. Wills Mountain Pyrrhotite ore, Great Gmsan Latl, pro Kyanite, properties, uses: Forkner, If. duction : Dickson, R, H. R. Kyanite, exploration drilling: Jones, J. Sulfur, Great Gossan Lead, microscopic o. study: Coruiveau, M. P., 2. production: Mineralogy Kyanitg Herod, B. C., 2. Sulfides, Great Gossan Lead, micrmcopic Nelson County study: Corriv@u, M. P., 2. Aplite: Kelsey, V. V. Structural geology Prince Edward County Fancy Gap area, joint and quartz vein Baker Mountain, kyanite, prcperties, origin: Richard, B. H. uses: Forkner, H. R. ; Petar, A. V. Baker Mountain, kyanite, production: AverV, W. M.; Corriveu, M. P., 1. CAVES Virginia Auguta County Bibliography, selectetl, United States: Grand Caverns, popular account: Nor- Grametbaur. A. B. vell, C., II. Kyanite, occuruence: Furcron, A. S. Bath County Breathing Cave, origin and gologic re- CHANGES lations: Deike, G. H., III. OF LEVEL Bland County Coastal Plain Walker Mountain, subsurface streams: Ilolocene, s@ level variations: Marmer, Lowry, E. J., 2. H. A., 1, 2. Giles County Ilolooene, se level change: Marmc, New- River, mineralogy : Murray, J. W., H. A., 3. Terraces, studies: Iloward, A. D. New- River and Cane, spelothos, cal- Virginia cite and amgonite deposition : Mur- Orogenic movement, Lafayette Time : ray, J. W., 2. Taber, S. Shenandmh Valley Popular aceount: Black, R. E. CHARLOTTE COUNTY Smyth County Saltville area, hexagonal Maps, minera"l resources stalactite: Sny- Madisonville area, kyanite: Espenshade, der, F. G., 2. G. II. Valley and Ridge Gene:is, formations: Lowry, E. J.,3. Virginia CHESTERFIELD COUNTY Genesis, exploration reports: Dunn, J. R,. Paleontology Speleothms, types, formations, develop- GFnospems, Triassic, coal fomations, ment: Quinlan, J. tr'., Jr. Clover Bock, W., 2. 'Wythe llill: County Houellites uintupdcenais Boek n. sp., L. Y. Gardner cave,. fosil bones: Lowr?, Triassic, Winterpock are : Bck, W., E. J.. 1. t. lNronmetoN Crncur,en l9 11

CLAY MINERAI,OGY Production, mined-seam thicknm, 1950 ; Young, W. H. Areal studies Reseryes: Averitt, P, ; Brown, A.; Field- Amheret County, Piney River area, hal- ner, A. C., 1. loysite, salt retention: Thomas, G. Resenes, coke proaluction : Fieldner, A. w. c..2. Augusta County Rcources: Stow, M. 4, Cold Spring kaolin deposit: Caskie, R. II., Alden. Yirginia, Southwestern Staunton area, Lenoir Limestone, soil Characteristrics of c@l seams: Allen, R. profile: Carroll, D., 1. M., Jr., 2. Vemiculitetype. soils, studic: Hath- Mine rof shalc, mineralogy: Meyertons, way, J. Q., 2. c. T. 'Wanlcs, Cestal Plain Pennsylvanian, distribution : H. Chesapeake Bay area R., 5. Diagenesis, etuarine : Powers, M. C., Wise County I Preparation chamcteristics: Gray, T. E', Chlorite diagenesis, etuaries: Pow- l. ere, M, C.,3. Alteration. fresh to salt water en- COASTAL PLAIN vironmmt: Powers, M. C., 4. Rappahannock River. bottom sedi- Areal gology ments, diagenesis: Nelson, B, Dismal Swamp: Parrott, W. T., 19. W., Southestern, field trip log: Virginia Yo"k- Rit"" basin, sealiments and source Acad. Sci. materials: Brown, C. Q., 1. 2. Economic geology Floyd County, 'Willis area, halloysite, slt Construction materials, highway use: retention : Thomas. G. W. Panott, W. T., 12. Fluvanna County, Nason soil: Rich, C. Monazite, occurrenees: Overstreet, W. C., I.,2. Piedmont Oil and gas, possibilities: Andenon, J. L. Centml, Tatum loam soil, weathering I Petroleum, pmibilities: Richards, II. G., Rich, C. I., 3. 1, 2; Johnston, J. E., Straley, H. Northern, Tatum silt loam: Rich, C. f., w., III. Enginering geology Soilsl'clay fraction, derived from same Estuarine harbor, gologic factors, Nor- parent rock: Eade, J. L., 3. folk: Trask, P. D. Soils, clay fraction: Eades, J. L., 2. General York River basin, sediments and source V. P. I. research program, recent sedi- materials: Brom, C. Q., 1, 2. ments: Nelson, B. W., 3. Shenandoah Valley, Middle River basin, Geochemistry alluvial clays : Hathway, J. C., 1. Chesapeake Bay, bottom sediments, ra- Wythe County, Austinville district, com- dioactivity: Nelson, B. W., 3. position of clay-limonite overburden: Chesapeke Bay, natural waircrs, calci- Hole. G. L. um determination: Carpenter, J. II. Peat, amino acids, €tratigmphie distri- CLAYS bution, Dismal Swamp : Swain, F. Virginia M. Fire, occurrene: Chelikowsky, J. R. Geomorphology Resources, brick clays : McGill, W. M. Carolina Bays, met@ritic origin, east- ern shore: Sinnott, A., 4, COAL Chesapeke Bay region, submerged river Dickenson County system: Hack, J. T., 2. Preparation characteristics: Gray, T. E., Coasts, sea level changes : Mamer, H. A., Lee Coluntv Coasts, sea level variations: Marmer, If. Preparation characteristics : Miller. J. W. A,, 1. Montgomery County James River, oyster bars, changs: Mar- Lower Mississippian beds, analyses. min- shall, N. ing factors: Stevens, D. W. South of James River, terne6, Pleisto- Petrol,ogy cene : Moo"e, W. 8,. 6. Anthraxolite, genetic relation to cml vs Nonmarine features, Pleistcene : Price, oil: Dietrich. R. V., ?. w. A., 1. Anthraxolite, genetic relationship un- Shorelines, stable: Marmer, H. 4., 2. establisheil, Montgomery County: Shorelinc, type, environment and his- Dietrich, R. V., 11. tory: Price, W. A., 2. Tazewell County Shoreline features, ehanges: Johnson, D. Gemanium in ash: Stadnichenko. T. M. w. Yirginia Terraces, sea level changes, studies: Analyses; Aresco, S. J.; Parks, B. C.; Howard, A. D. Snyder, N. II. York-Jamc peninsula : Bevan, A. C. Ash ana.lyses: Selvig, W. A.. 1. Gophysical surveys Bibliography, U. S. Bureau of Mine in- Southeastern data: Skeis, D. C. vestigations: Carman, E. P. Northqn, Mohorovicic diecontinuity, Bibliography, stratigraphy, reources: seismic : Hart, P. J. Wier, C. E. Seismic, refraction, Yirginia to Florida : Carbonization: Selvig, W. A., 2. Wollard, G. P., 1. Dwelopments, production : Virginia Dept. Seismic, gravity, profils: Richards, E. Labor and Industry. G., 1. Historiel account of industry: Eaven- Southeastern, radioactivity, airborne : son. N. H. Moxham. R. M. 72 VrncrNle DrvrsroN op MrNener Rnsouncns

COASTAL PLAIN-Cont. Cenozoic, population and distribution relations, marine: Nicol, D- 4. Hydrogeology Pectinids, Tertiary: Tucker, H. I., 1, Fluoride content in grountl water: Sin- 2. nott, A., 3. Eastem shore, ground water, Tertiary, Petrology tet wells: Tibbitts, G. C., Jr., 1. Monazite deposits: Overstreet, W. C., 3. York-James peninsula, giround water, Chsapeake Bay quality, resources : Cedemtrom, D. J., Bottom sediments, setlimentation, transport: Ryan, J. D. York-James peninsula, ground water, Clays, estuarine and marine, detrital quality : Johnson National Drillss vs diagenetic fraction: Powas, M. Jour. c., 4. Clay, diagenesis: Powers, M. C,, 2. Maps, gologic Sand and gravel, shallow-water sam- Northern, Cretacous-Tertiary foma- pling : Silverman, M. tions : Darton, N. H., 2. Sediments, redistribution, related to Malrs, physiographic construction of Hampton Roads Eolian deposits: Thorp, J. bridgetunnel: Whaley, Holt. Minealogy Shells, undswater sediments, traction Bottom sediments, Chesapeke Bay: and accmulation zones : Powers, Ryan, J. D. M. C., 1. Clay minerals ehlorite diagenesis, Chea James Rivs qtuary, sediments, elay peake Bay are: Powers, M. C., 3. formation: Powers, M. C., 5, Fresh to salt water environmeDt: Rappahannek River, York River basins, Powers, M. C., 4. sedimentation studies : Nelson. B. Sediments, source, York River tribu- w.,3. tary basin : Brown, C. Q., 2, Rappahmnock River, sedimqts, clay- Sediments, source materials, York Ri- mineral diagenesis: Nelson, B. W., 2. ver basin: Brom, C, Q., 1. James River, York River, Yorktown Ifevy minerals, MiocenePleistocene sedi- Formation, heavy mineals : Perry, mflts, correlations, emtern shore: A. J. Sinnot!, A., ?. Stmtigraphy Havy minerals, Yorktown Formation, Chsapoke Bay area, submerged river Jame River-York River sediments l system, setiors, ag:e of fill: Hack, Perry, A. J. tr. T.,2. Soils, Benns Church ara, Norfolk, pro- Cretaceous, upper: Cederstrom, D. J., 1. file: Rich, C. I., 4. Cretacous, upper, paleobotanical analy- Paleontology sc, Potomac Group : Dorf, E. CrNtaeea. Miocene, Pleistmene : Rath- Cretaceous-Quaternary, lithology, York- bun, M. J. Jame peninsula: Cedentrom, D. J., Echinoide, Cenozoic, dccription: Cmke, 2. c. w..2. Cretacous-Quaternary, Jams River ba- Fauna, Miocene, Maryland, Virginia re sin: Roberts, I. K..2. lated: Vokc. H. Cretaceous-Tqtiary : Spangler, W. 8., 1. Flon, Cretaceous, lists: Dorf, .E, Cretaceous-Tertiary, correlations : Darton. Flora, Plei'stocene: Berry, E. IM., 1. N. H..2. Flora, Potomac Group, Otterdale Fm., Cretaceous-Tertiary, south@stern : silicified wood: Murata. K. J. Spangler, W. 8., 2. Fomminifera Cretacous-Pleistcene, summary: Mmre, Aquia Fm., lists and correlation : Page, w. 8..5. R. A. Geneml: Monroe, W. II.; Richards, II. Cretacous. Miocene. correlation charts : G., 1; Straley, II. W., 3d, r. McL€n, J. D,,2. Miocene. correlation with South Caro- Palocene-Emoe, planktonic: Leblich, lina: Malde, H. E. A. R., Jr., 2, 3. Miocene, bimtratigraphy : Malkin, D. S. Miocene, Yorktown Fm., York-James Miocene. northevn. Yorktown Formatrion peninsula: Mclean, J. D.,3. correlationa: Stephenson, L. W. PaJocene: Mcl,en, J. D., 1. Miocene, York-Jamc peninsula, York- Tertiary, tet wells, eastern shore: town Fomation: Mcl,en, J. D.. 3. Tibbitts, G. C., Jr., 1. Overlap, relation to Piedmont dminage Invertebrata, Tertiary, correlation with change: White, W. A., 3. South Carolina: Malde. H. E. Paleocene age( ?), Aquia Fomation, eor- Mollusca, Mieene, Yorktown Formation, relation: Page, R. A. York-James peninsula: Mcl,ean, J. PalerceneEocene correlation: Leblich. D., 3. A. R., Jr., 2. Pliocme or Pleistocene. Citronelle Forma- Ostracoda, Miocene, biostratigraphy: tion: Dmring, J. A. Malkin. D. S. Pleistocene, marine: Richsrds, H. G., 3. Ostracoda, Miocene, Yo"ktom Foma- Pleistocene, New Jersey to Florida: tion, York-James peninsula : Mclean. Richards, J. D.. 4. II. c.,4. Pelecypoda Pleisteene, south of the Jame Rivq: Mmre, W. E., 6. Miocene, Eulwa, taxonomy: Nicol, D., 1. Precambrian, Cretaceous, Ilolocme, Suf- Netinae, Tertiary: McNeil, F. S. folk higttway district: Parrott, W. Cenozoic, late, period of existence: T,.72. Nicol. D.. 3, York-James peninsula, history: Bevan, Glycmeris, Tertiary, mutantr, Yorktown A. C. Formation: Nicol, D,, 2. Structural geology Miocqe, cf, Europe, Chesapeake Bay Shelf, origin, structure, sedimentation: region: Mongin, D. Stetson, H. C. lNponnretrox Crncuren 19 t)

CONCRETIONS CRAIG COUNTY Yarieties Areal geology Alleghany County, Millboro Shale, de Clifton Forge iron district: Lesure, F. G. scription: Roberts, C. E. Economic geology Iron, Clifton Forge district: Leure, F. G. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Maps, geologic Albemarle County Clifton Forge iron district : Lesure, F. G. Highway use: Parrott, W. T., 1. Campbell County CRETACEOUS Lynchburg area, limestone aggregates: Herod, B. C., 1. Coastal Plain Coastal Plain Foraminifera, comelations, charts: Mc- Ilighway use, Sufiolk district: Parrott, Lean. J. D.. 2. Iil. T., 12. James River Broin, stratigraphy : Rob- Fairfax County erts, J. K., 2. Chantilly Crushed Stone Co., diabase ag- Northern structural relations: Darton, gregate: Traufier, W. D., 3. N. H.,2. Fluvanna County Paleobotany, stratigraphy : Dorf, E. Brmo Blufi are, lightweight aggregate Cenera.l: Cederstrom. D. J,, 1 ; Spangler, from slate, use: Oilways, 1. W. 8., 1; Straley, H. W., 3d. Ilighland County Southeastern, stratigraphy : Spangler, W. Highway use: Parrott, W. T., 2. 8..2. Piedmont Virginia Aggregates, petrology, highway use: Paleobotany : Ilarshberger, J, W. Schultz. W. R. Paleobotany, deciduous forest develop- Gnnitic rocks, quarries, mineral studies: ment: Bmun, E. L, Siminski. E. B. Paleogology: Levorsen, A. f. Pulaski County Radford Limestone quarry, aggregate CRUST mineralogical studie : McOutchon, Structure F. S. Dep -pe-netration, est-wct system, vir- Yirginia ginia, United Stats I Keith, 6. A., Aggregate reaction : Melville, R. L. 2. Aggrega'|rc, bighway use: Yirginia Dept. Ilighways CRUSTACEA Culpeper Highway district: Parrott, W, EsOrerids T., 10. Triassie, Chesterffeld County, classifica_ Richmond Highway District: Parrott, W. tion: Bck, W., l. T.. 9. Ordovician Lynchburg Highway District: Parrott, Shenandoah Valley: Ruedman, R., 1. w. T., 11. qluatemary^ Clay_and stone, analysc: Eckel, E. C., Coastal Plain, Pleistoeene: Rathbun, M. J. Qua"?.", highway use: Parott, W. T., 3,7, 9. CRYSTALS Southwctern, TVA region, sand, crushed stone, resources: Spain, D. L,, Jr. Calcite Rmkbridge County, Lone Jack Suarn- twinned : Ieswell, T. J. CONTINENTAL MARGIN Chert Geophysical surveys Montgomery County, Blacksburs area_ Geclmclines, seismic anal magnetic : Knox dolomite: Dietrich, R.-y., 1.' Drake, C. L. Seismic profila, Cape Henry, soutih: CULPEPER COUNTY Ilersey, J, B. Geophysical surveys Seismic, refraction, Virginia to Florida; Bealeton area, Triassie, correlation with Wollard, c. P., 1. geology, radioactivity: Guillou, Structural gslogy l. R. B., Shelf, stmcture, sedimentation: Stetson, Petrology II. C. Stevensburg area, oolitic limetone: Structural interpretation of seismic data: Young, R. S., 3. He6ey, J. B. Stmtigraphy Oolitic limetone, Stevensburg area : COPPER Young, R. S,, B. Albemarle County CYSTOIDEA Stony Point area! aurvey3 Tazelaar, J. F., 1. Ordovician Scott Rye Cove, new genera, Piedmont middle:^County, Jamc River-Roanoke River manganse Bassler, R. S., 1. district: Esnenshade, G. IL, 6. DEFORMATION Virginia Sulffdes-ore, @currence, distribution: Field studies Young, R. S., 8. Mechanism, Appalachians, northem: Gair, J. E. CORUNDUM DEVONIAN Emcy Alleghany County Nature, mcurrence, uss, Pittsylvania Clifton Forg-e area, stratigraphy: Thomp County: Friedman, G. M., 4. son, T. M. 7+ VrrcrNre DrvrsroN op MrNnnel Rpsouncos

DEVONIAN-Cont. Warren County, Front Royal ar@, mi€ peridotite: Youug, R. S., 6. Augusta County Swams Cmigsville area, stratigraphy : Prutzman, Yirginia, wetcentral, relation to geo- w. J. physical data: Johnson, R. W" Jr.' Deerffeld area, stratigraphy : Baril, D. 4. c. Bath County Deerfield area, stratigraphy: Beard, D. DOLOMITE c. Virginia Botetourt County Rsources, bibLiography: Davis, B. E. Clifton Forge area, stratigraphy: Thomp- Yirginia, wesfcmtral son. T. M. James River district, rcource : Eilmund- Le County son, R. S.,5. Rme llill district, stratigraphy: Miller, R. L.. 4. EARTHQUAKES Rockbridge County Yirginia Cmigsville area, stratigraphy : Prutzman' Augwt 2?, 1838, Virginia, central: Mac- w. J. Carthy, G. R., 2, Rockingham County 1948, Buckingham County, Charlottes- Bergton area, stratigraphy: Young, R. vi.lle area : Murphy, L. M., 1. s., 5. quadrangle, 1949, May 8, Richmond, Sept. 1?, Lee Ifanisonburg stratigraphy: County: Murphy, L. M., 2. Brent, W. B. Nov, 26. 1950. Buckingham CountY: Tazewell County Murphy, L. M., 3. Tannersville area, invertebrates, Hunt- Sept. 10, 1952. Charlottcville area: ersville Formation : Ciaramilla. P. S. Murphy, L. M., 4. Virginia, southwestern Feb. ?, 1953, Gmchland County, James Broad Ford Sandstone, stratigraphy: River ar€: Murphy, L. M., 5. Glover, L., III., 1. 1955, summary: Murphy, L. M., 6. Cumberland Overthrust block, shear zone, - Sept. 28, 1955, southwest Virginia: Mac- deep well reords: Young, D. M., 3. Carthy, G. R., 1. Mississippian boundary, stratigraphy: 1958, summary: Heck, N. II. Glover, L., III, 2. Epicenter alinements and tectonic ac- Virginia, western tivity: Woollard, G. P.,3. Correlation: Cmper, G. 4., 1. paleoeology: Southwestern, Telnesee related to Vir- Middle, Iithofacies, Cooper, ginia: Monelmaker, B. C. G. A.. 5. Terebratuloid brachiopods: Cloud, P. 8., Jr' ECHINOIDEA Trilobita. Phacopid: Delo, D. M. Coastal Plain Upper, lithofacies map: Sutton, R. G. Cenoloic, description: Cmke C. W., 2. DIAGENESIS ECOLOGY Clay Valley and Rifue Coastal Plain, Chesapeake Bay area: Terrestria"l, Brallier shale barrens, plants Powers, M. C., 2. endemic to them: Platt. R. B. Jams River stuary sediments : Powers, M. C., 5. EDUCATION Stylolites General Scottr County, Horton Summit area, Mis- V.P.I., geology program: Cooper, B. N., sissippian limestone, origin: Cooper, . 74. B. N.,3. V.P.f., palontology: More, W. E., 4. Shenandoah County, Conicville area, Co- ncohegue limestore, micro: Young, R. S., 1. ELECTRICAL SURVEY Albemarle Count5z DICKENSON Stony Point ara: Tazelaar, J. F., 1. COUNTY Rmnoke County Economic geology Buh-Hutchins ilemite deposit: Sears, C. Coal, preparation characteristics: Gray, 8., Jr.,2. T. 8., 2. . Wythe County Engineering geology Austinville area: McMurrv, fI. V. Pound Rservoi.r project, Pound River : U.S. Corps of Engineers, 2. ELECTRICAL METHODS DIKES Resistivity Application, subsurface reconnaissance, Albemarle County highway: Meador, J. P., 2. . Blqe Ridge area, feiler dikes of Catoc- tin lrreenstone, mafic : Mack, T., 1. Augusta Corinty ENGINEERING GEOLOGY North River Gap a-rea, relation to thrust Dams faults: Fara, M., 2. Dickenson County, Pound Reservoir proj- Staunton area, petrology: Caskie, R. ect : U.S. Corps Enginers, 2. Ambler. Founda tion Highland County Arlington County Norther!, petrology: Garnel, T. E., Jr. Subsurface data: Darton, N. H., 1. Petrology Alexandria (City) Shenandoah Valley: Cooke, II. 8., Jr., 2. Jones Point Bridge: Deuterman, M. V-irgiriia, west-bentml, roeh tylres : John- Fairfax County son, R. W., Jr., 3., Subsurface data: Darton, N. H., 1. INronr,r.ttroN Crncuren 19 75

Harbors Diabase W-1, analvses, invetigations: Norfolk, ctuarine, gologic factors : Fairbairn, I{. W., 1, 2' Trask, P. D. Diabase W-1, trace element content: Ilighways Smales, A. A.; Hower, J. J.; Concrete aggregate reaction: MelviUe, P' Turekian, K. K. L. Diabase W-1, Sr and Rb cont€nt: fler- Construction materials survey: Meador, ze. L. F.. II J. P., 1. Diabase W-1,'major elements, slrectre Construction materials, Piedmont I Par- chemical analyse : Dennen, W. H. rott, W. T., 18. Diabase W-1, rare elements, spetrG Geologists role: Parrott, W. T., 16. chemical analyss: Ahrens, L. H. Problems. deign and construetion, Yir- Diabase W-1, compcition; Goldieh, S. ginia: Pauott, W. T., 5. s Virginia Potomac River Gorge, metamorphic Bridge coring and eletrica"l resistivity rocks: Reed, J. C., Jr., 3. reports: Madors, G. S., 1, 2; Par- Upland gravel, Pliocene( ?), provenance: rott, w. T., 14, 15, 1?. Schlee, J. S. Bridge coring and quarrie: Parrott, Soils w. T.. 3, 4, 7, 9. Geneis, development from rock : Derting, Featurs of physiographic provinces: J. r.. Laurence, R. A., 2. Stratigmphy Materials propertic District of Columbia and vicinitv: Can, Coal, mine roof shales, Virginia, south- M. E. S., 1. western: Meyertons, C. T. Mason Neck are, popular account: Qam- Limestones, Cambrian-Ordovician, high- eron, C. C. way use, Appalachian Yalley, Pied- Upland gravel, Pliocene( ?) : Schlee, J. mont; Sheryood, W. C., 2. S. Shorelines Bedrock surface: Darton, N. I{., 1. Yirginia Beach, ermion cont:ol studies, U. S. Amy Corps of Engineers, 1. FAULTS Yirginia Beach, beach stabilization: General Watts. G. M. Lee County, Jonesville district: Milla, R. L., 3. EROSION Lee County, Kyles Ford quadrangle: Augusta County Greene, A. V. Mount Solon ara, chimney rocks: Fish- Montgomery County, Pilot Mountain er, C. C., 3,4. are: Dietrieh, R. V., 5. North River ar%, catrastrophic flood Piedmont: Nelson, W. A., 8. effects: I{ack, J. T., 1. Piedmont, rift structure, Triassic basin: Blue Ridge Bain, G. W. Northern, inselberg: Birot, P. Klippen Jame City County Rockingham County, Harrisonburg quad- Jamestown Island. shoreline retr€t : rangle: Brent, W. 8., 1. Cotter, J. L. Low angle Virginia Montgomery County, Radford area: ffer- Soils: Davis, R. O, E. genrode-, J. D. Virginia Bech, beach fill behavior: Pulaski County, Radford arq: Ilergen- Watts, G. M. roder, J. D. Valley and Ridge, review: Rodgers' J" 3. Virginia, aouthwestern, Pine Mountain ESSEX COUNTY fault, thrust or slide: Taylor, M. 8., Ilydrogeology Jr' Ground water rmources: Sinnott, A., 8. Major Augusta County, Mt. Solon area: Fara, FAIRFAX COLINTY M., 1. Areal geology Rockingham County, Mt. Solon area: Grcat Faltrs Park area : Johnston, P. M. Fara, M., 1. Economic geology Normal Construction materials, aggregate, Chan- Blue Ridge, Blue Ridge scarp: White, tilly Cnshed Stone Co. : Trauffer, w. A., 1. w. E..3. Piedmont. Scottsville Basin: Sunderman, Engineering geology H. C., 3. Subsurface tlata, foundations: Darton, N. Overthrust H., 1. Augusta County, Moffat Creek area: Geehemistry Rector, W. K. Diabase, granophyre sequence, uranium- Bedford County, Roanoke quadrangle: thorium: Gottfried, D., 1, 2. Andrews, L' E., Jr. Ilydrogeology Botetourt County, Fincastle area: Hay, Fort Belvoir, water wells : Sinnott, A., 2. N. R. T. Maps, geologic Botetourt County, Roanoke quadranelle: District of Columbia anil vicinity : Carr, Andrews, L. 8., Jr. M. E. S., 1. Giles County, Sinking Creek area: Fairfax and Seneca quadrangles: Benni- Hobbs, C. R. B., Jr., 1. son, A. P. Le CounW, Duffield-Stickleyville ara: Mineralogy Revilla, C. E. Zeolites, Centerville area, rare asem- Le County, Rme Hill district, fenster blage: Parrott, W. T., 13. area: Miller, R. L,, 4. Petrology Lee County, major, at depth: Miller, Bedrock and unconsolidated fomations : R. L.. 5. Darton. N. II.. 1. Montgomery County, Blacksburg, Shaws Centerville are ville area : D@ton, J. B' 76 VrncrNre DrvrsroN on .Mrr.rnnRr, RnsouncBs

FAULTS-Cont. FLUVANNA COUNTY Montgomery County, Barringer and fn- Economic geology gles Mt. windows I Gose, C. J.. Jr. Construction materials, slate, uses, Rockbridge County, Moftat Creek are: Bremo Bluff: Oilways, 1. Rector, W. K. Mineralogy Roanoke County, Roanoke quadrangle: II a rd wa r e River sediments, bedrock: Andrews. L. E.. Jr. Forkgen, P. E. Rmkingham County, Mt'. Jackson quad- Sulfur, native, galena molds in quartz, rangle: Tholnton, C. P. Columbia are" : Dietrich. R. Y.. 10. Scott Couaty, Duffield-Sticklelville area: Soil, Nason profile, propertie: Rich, C. Revilla, C. E. TO Scott County, major at depth : Miller, R. Pal@ntology L.. 5. Fauna, quad- Ordovician, Arvonia slate: Ap- Shenandoah County, Mt. Jackson plegate. S. P., 1. rangle: Thornton, C. P. Smyth County, Saltville fault, n€w con- cept: Nelson, W. A., 3. FOLDS Smyih County, Saltville fault, drill hole Anticlinal data: Nelson, W, A., 9. Alleghany County, Rich Patch Valley: Virginia, south-central, Lynchburg quad- Smith, R. H. rangle: Brown, W. R., 5 Augwta County, Craigsville area, asso- Yirginia, s o uthw es ter n, Cumberland ciated structurc: Prutzman, W. J. thrust, shear zone, deep well Augu3ta County, Moffat Creek area: reeords: Young, D. M,, 3. Rector, W. K. Virginia, western, Pulaskian-Max Mea- Ifighland County, Bolar and associated dows thrusts, tectonic breccia: structures : Ramsey, E. W. Cooper, B. N., 17. Rocktrridge County, Craigsville area, Washington County, Saltville fault : Nel- associated structures: P utzman. W. son, W. A., 3, 9. J. Wythe County, Kent window area, Pu- Rockbridge County, Mofiat Creek area: laski thrust block: Marshall. C. Rector, W. K. F. Rockbridge County, Sallings R:dge area: Reverse Blcomer, R. O.,3. Albemarle, Alleghany counties, post-Cre- Rockingham County, Harrisonburg: area, taceous: White, W. A., 2. Athens Formation, non-tectonic: Transcunent Lowry, W. D., 8. Blue_ Ridge, megashearing: Keith, B. A., Yalley and Ridge, southern, Sequatchie: Rodgers, J.,1. Virginia., cru"lal: Keith, Anticlinorium B. A., 4. Blue Ridge, central: Bloomer, R. O., 4. Loucloun County, Catctin Mountain, in- FAUQUIER COUNTY terpretation : Whitaker, J. C. Maps, geologic General Nokesville quadmngle: Bain, G. L. Appalachians: Stone, G. W. Petrology Augusta, Rockbridge cos., Vesuvius dis- quadrangle, trict, associated structures: Moore, Nokqville Triassic aliabase R. E.. JI. and associated country rock: Bain, Botetourt County, Fincastle area: IIay, G. L, N. R. T. Virginia, western, Ordovician, implica- FELDSPAR tions in Paleozoie sedimentation: Bedford County Lowry, W. D., ?. Bedford area, occurrence, use: Oilways, Major 2. Alleghany County, Clifton Forge area: Piedmont Thompson, T. M. Pegmatites, deposits : Parker, J. M.. III Appalachians, chronology: Woodwdrd, II. P., 6. Botetourt County, Clifton Forge area: FLOYD COTINTY Thompson, T. M. Areal geology : Dietrich, R.V., 1?. Giles County, Sinking Creek area: Gechemistry Hobbs, C. R. 8., Jr., 1. Willis area, halloysite, salt retention : Loundon County, northwestern: Nickel- Thomas, G. W. sen, R. P. Gomorphology Montgomery County, Pilot Mountain Blue Ridge crest, weathered gravel, area: Dietrich, R. V., 5. drainage changes: Dietrich. R. V.. Piedmont: Nelson, W. A., 8. 72. Piedmont, western, James River synclin- geologic: orium: Brown, W. R,, 3. Maps, Dietrich, R. V., 1?. Rockbridge County, Goshen Pass area: Mineralogy Rothenberger, J. A. Halry minerals, Little River sediments : Page, Shenandoah, Rockingham cos., Mt. Mangold, C. R., Jr. Jackson quadrangle: Thornton, C. P. Stratigraphy Yalley and Ridge, review: Rodgers, J., Cambrian, Poor Mountain area: Shuffie 3. 'Western,barger, T. E., Jr. Valley and Ridge, depressions, genesis, idealized section: Dietrich. R. environment : Lowry, W. D., 5. v.. 3. Synclinal Structural geology Piedmont, Batesville to Benue, metasedi- P@r Mountain area : Shuffiebarger, T. mentary rocks, belt, en echelon: 8., Jr. Gooch. E. O.. 8. INnonuatroN Cncuren l9 77

Augusta, Rockirrghanr cos., Mt. Solon Coastal Plain area: Fara, M', 1' Possibilities: Anderson, J. L. Giles County, East River Mountain: Lee County Chauvin, E. N. Rose llitl district, resource: Miller, R- L.,4. FOLIATION Rockingham County Bergton area, possibilitic: Harnsberger, Cleavag:e w. T., 1. Blue Riilge, central: Blmmer' R. O.' 4. - Berg:ton area, Devonian: Young, R. S.' Buckingham County, Arvonia slate: Ed- wards, J., Jr. Virginia Developments; 1949-1959: Riehards, JI' FORAMINIFERA G., 5; Virginia DePt Labor and In' Cretaceous dustry. Coastal Plain. correlation charts: Mc- Exploratory drilling, 195?-1958: Blanpied, Lean, J. D., 2, B. W., 1, 2. Itlisissippian Helium bearing, analyses: Antlerson, C' J. L' c. Virginia, southwetern : Wray, Stow, M' H" Ordovician Review: LeVan, D. C., 1; Roanoke County, Catawba area, @cur- Young, D' Ience: Moore, W, E., 2. Southwestern, developments: M., 1. Tertiary Soottt-si""o, production : Young' D' Coastal Plain M.,2. Miocene, correlation charts: Mclean, possibilities : Wi- J. D..2. Uppit wfi""i""ippian, Mclean, J. D., 1. Polt. R. II., 2. Pa.locene: Re*ources, Harnsberger, W' T', 2r Pal@cene,-Eocene, planktonic: Loeb- 1950: Huddle' J' lich, A. R., 1, 2, 3. *'"rr"-d"il"a before Yorktown Fm., York-James peninsula : ' w.' 2. Mclean, J. D., 3. GASTROPODA FRACTURES Ceratopea distribution' Gen6is Aooalachians,- - Ordovician, Tension, Wanen County, Riverton are' phylogeny: Yochelson, E. L-, 2. en ehelon, Athens limestone : Shai' Tazewell County nin, Y. E. Ordovician, Peery-Murfreesboro forma- Joints tions, correlation: Yochelson' E' L- Carroll County, Fancy Gap area, Lynch' geneis: Richard, B. H. Turyeiila pi'lsbrui' burg, Yorktown forma- Micene,-- -i1"". York County, FRANKLIN COTINTY - viviparous : Palmer, K' E' V' Turritellidae Mineralogy - po"."", Stafiord County' Potomac- Rive Paragonite, trigonal, analyses, southeast- ----it6" Aquia Fomation: BoYIes, E' ern: Dietrich, R. V., 8. o. FREDERICK COUNTY GEMS Eonomic geology Moonstone Limestone, M. J. Grove Lime Co.: Noril- --Coo"tttt"a mine, berg, B. Countv, Harris Mica Aral geology orthoclase: Sinkankas, J., 1. Northwstern: Appalachian Geol. Soe., 3. v raqlnla G"eneral description: Sinkankas, J., 2' Maps, geologic States: Schlegel' D' Northwestern: Appalachian Geol. Soc., 8. O""ott.t"e. United Paleontology M. Trilobita, Cambrian: Wilson, J. L., 1, 2. Fauna, St. Paul Group, Winchster to GENERAL Potmac River: Neuman, R. B' Forestry Petrology IJse of geology in management, Jefferson 'Winchester area, upper Camb:ian forma- National Forest: Sundheimer, P. W. tions : Wilson, J. L., 2. Maps Stmtigraphy Geologic, ind*: Bmrdman, L. Cambrian. correlations, Winchester ar@ : Research Wilson, J. L., 2. Sediments, V.P.I., programs, Rappahan- Ordovician, St. Paul Group, Winchester ' nock River and York River basins: to Potomac River: Neuman, R. B. Nelson, B. W., 3. Vireinia Geoloelical Survey GAS, NATURAL Ar=ms and problems : Stow. M. H., 3. Appalachians Basin GEOCHEMICAL PROSPECTING Flistory, production, possibilities : Soils Wmdward, H. P., 8. Wythe County, Austinville district, lead Emplacement: Wmdward, H. P., 7. indicators: Fulton, R. B., III. Properties of deep portion: Woodwartl, H. P..2. Possibilities: Wootlward, II. P., 5. GEOCHEMICAL SURVEYS Possibilities: Straley, H. W,, III' 2. Fairfax County Posibilities, oceurrence: Appalachian IJranium, diabase, granophyre sequence: GeoI. Soc,, 1. Gottfried, D., 1, 2. 78 VrncrNre Drvrsrox or MrNBner, Rpsouncns

GEOCHEMIC,A.L SURVEYS-ConI. Blue Ridge, New River. Rmnoke River basin: Dietrich, R. V., 1?. Louisa County Coastal Plain, estern shore, Carolina Metal content of water, Mineral Mine cf. Bays, met@ritic Austinville Mine : Brom, W. I[., 2. origin : Sinnott, d., Wythe County Erosion, water, Austinville Mine old surfaces, sand wsthering, Metal content of western Virginia: Lowry, W. D., 2. cf. Mineral Mine : Brown, W. II., 2' Shenandoah Valley, residual and alluvial depGits: Ilack, J. T.. 4. GEOCHEMISTRY Qua ntitative geomorphology Anthraxolite Drainage basin, morphology, Clinch Genetic relat'ion to coal vs oil. south- Mountain area, southwst Virginia: weste: n Virginia : Dietrich, R. Y., ?. Miller, V. C. Clays Shore features Formation, environment cbanges, equiva- Barrier island, change, Accomack Coun- lence, level concept, Jamc River es- ty, Assateague Island: Rude, G. T. tuary: Powers, M. C., 5. Beaches, erosion Virginia Beach : Watts, Natural waters B. M. Ca.lcium determination, Chesapeake Bay : Shoreline:, changes, Coastal Plain, United Carpenter, J. II. States : Johnson, D. W. Terraces. Pleistocene, southern Coastal GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS Plain: Mmre, W. E., 6. Coastal Plzin Southern, data: Skeels. D. C. GEOSYNCLINES Methods Appalachian Yirginia: Hopkins, I{. R., 1. Geologic history: Ver Wiebe, W. A., 4. Continental margin GEOMORPHOLOGY Geophysical investigations: Drake, C. L., Fluvial features Virginia Drainage changes, Lee County, Jonesville North America, general: Kay, G. M., 1. distriet: MiUer, R, L., B. Drainage changes, Floyd County, BIue GERMANIUM Ridge erest: Dietrieh. R. V.. 12. Drainage changes, slstematic. Piedmont: Geochemistry White. W. A.. 3. Coal, concentration in, Tazewell County: Menders, intrenctred, structural control, Stadichenko, T. M. Shenandoah County, Shenandoah River North Fork: Hack, J. T., E ; GILES COUNTY Fisher, C, C., 2. Arql geology Streams, profile, Augwta and Nelson East River Mountsin area: Chauvin, E. cos.: Ilack, J. T., 3. N. Terraces, strath, Piedmont, White, W. A., Economic geology Termces, Spotsylvania and Stafiord cc., Iron, Silurian, Rme Ifill Formation. East Fredericksburg are: Burns, J. R. River Mountain area, possibilitic: Yalleys, submerged, Chesapeake Bay Chauvin. E. W. area: Ilack, J.T.,2. Limestone, high calcium, Hoges Store Landform description area, pmsibilities: Shanholtz, W. If, Manganese, Stnnge and Byrnq mines, Appalaehians, comparircn with wct, possibilitie: popular aecount : Davis. W. M. Mmn, L. B. Blue Maps, geologic Ridge, Shenandoah Yalley, Stras- East River Mountain burg quadrangle, map interpretation : area: Chauvin, E. Sharp, H. S. N. Coastal Plain, Hoges Store area : Shanholtz, W. E. non-marine features, euat- Sinkirg Hobbs, ernary: Priee, W. A., 1. Crek area: C. R. 8., Coastal Plain, York-James peninsula: Jt., l. Bevan, A. C. Mineralogy Norfolk County, Dismal Swamp : Ilenry, Brushite, taranakite, Pig llole Cave: E. F. Murray, J. W., 3. Page, Rockingham cG., Elkton area: Calcite, aragonite, deposition, New River, King, P. K., 2. Canoe eave : Murray, J. W., 2. Page, Shenandoah @s., Mt. Jackson quad- Gypsum, Pig Hole Cave : Dietrich, R. rangle: Thornton, C. P. v., 15. Yirginia, physiographic province: Fen- New River Cave: Murray, J. W., 1. neman, W. M., 1, 2, 3; Joers, W. L. Petrology G. Sinking Creek area, IJpper Knox dolo Virginia, physiogmphic provinces, forest mite, chert-dolomite relationship, related : Bowman, I. Dietrich, R. Y., 9. Landform evolution Stratigraphy Accomack County Cambrian-Devonian, Sinking Creek area : Carolina Bays, origin, eddy hypothesis: Hotrbs, C. R. 8., Jr., 1. Cooks. C. W.. 1. Ordovician, Middle, limestone, Hoges Auglsq County,- North River area, ef- Store area : Shanholtz, W. H. fects of catast:ophic flood: liack, Structural gology J. T.. 1. New River Cave : Murray, J. W., 1. Bluerlidse, fault scarp 3 Whit€, W. A., Rich Creek area, sedimentary structures: Thomas, W. A, Blue Ridge. Floyd Counly area, escarp- Sinking Creek area, Saltville Fault zone: ment. origin: Dietrich, R. V., ft. Ilobbs, C. R.8., Jr.,1. INnonl.ltroN Crnculen 19 79

GOOCHLAND COUNTY Piedmont Occurrence, c@trols, crvstalline rocks : Geophysical surve'ys E., 2. geol- Geyer, C. H.; Lecrard, H. Aeroradioactivity, correlation with Roanoke County ogy: Guillou, R. B., 2. Resources, Roanoke-Sa1em district: Mineralogy Latta. B. F. Moonstone, orthoclse, Harris Mica mine: Southampton County Sinkankas, J., 1. Resources, Franklin area: Sinnott, A., 1, Spotsylvania County GOLD Resources, quality, Fredericksburg dis- Yirginia trict: Subitzky, S. Occurrence and distribu'bion: Maclaren, Virginia J. M. Geneal, problems: Cooper, B. N., 9. Occurrence, semi-popular account: Par- Bibliography, U.S. Gol. Survey publica- sons. A. B. tions : Vorhis, R. C. Gmeral situation in United States, de- velopment: McGuiness, C. L. GRAPTOLITHINA Rcources, rserves, generalized account: Cambrian Meinzer, O. E. Tazewell Coutty, Gratton are, Noli- Levels. 1950-1959: U.S. Geol. Survey, 3. chucky Shale: Decker, C. D.,4. Popular account: Daniel, J. H. Ordovician Resource, summary, quality: Lohr, E' Appalachian Valley, Athens ShaIe: w. Decker. C. E., 2. Resources: Yirginia Soil Conserv. Com. ; Appalachians, distribution: Ruedman, Virginia Div. Water Resources, 3 ; R., 3. Virginia Adv. Legis. Council ; Yir- Theal structures, relation to Coelent- ginia Adv. Couneil on the Virginia erata: Decker, C. E., 3. Economy. Triassie basins: LeGrand, H. GRAVITY SURVEYS Occurrence, Appalaehians Guidebooks Southern, determinating Bouguer anom- Alleghany, Bath, Ilighland cos., field trip alie : Sears, C. 8., 8. log : Wet Virginia Geol. Suryey, 2. Coastal Plain Appalachian Valley, Rte. 11: Cooper, Rwiew: Richards, H. G., 1. B. N., 12. Virginia I{arrisonburg area, Augusta and R@k- Anomalies, warp: Glennie, E. A., 2. ingham cos. : Appalachian Geol. Src., Anomaly map of United States : Lyons, 2. P. L., 1. Blue Ridge, northern: Bertrand, K. J, Appalachia: Thom, W. T-, Jr. Coastal Plain, southeastern, field trip Crustal structure, anomaly patterns: Iog : Virginia Aead. Sci., Geology Wmllard, G. P., 2. Sw. Isostatic anomalies: Bowie, W. ; Glen- Frederick County, Nortbwestern: Appa- nie- E. A.. 1. lachian Geol. Soc., 3. Loudoun County, I{arpers Ferry area: GROUND WATER Clms, 8., 2. field, Aceomack County Rockingham County, Bergton Gas Ilallwood area, test well, Miocene Aoui- log: West Virginia Geol. and Econ. fer: Tibbitts, G. Q., trt., 2. Survey,1. Roource, quality: Sinnott, A. Gymnosperms Sinnott, Pri,nareucaria Water well reeords, analyses: Triassic, Chesterfield County, Clover A.. 6. Albemarle County Hill area : Bock, W., 2. Rcoures, water well data, westeru : Cross, W., II, 2. HALIFAX COTINTY R*ources, crystalline rocks : Walker, A. Mineraloeiy c. Banister River, sediments: Berry, S. H. Augusta County Petrology Resourcee, analysc, Waynesboro area: Banister River, sediments: Berry, S. H. Lowdon, J., 1, 2. Coastal Plain Composition, fluoride content: Sinnott, HANOVER COUNTY Economic geology Exploratory drilling, Tertiary: Tibbitts, Rutile, ilmentite, new plant and mine : G. C., Jr., 1. Eng. and Mining Jour. Quality, factors afiect'ing, York-James Titanium, new plant, bibliography : Yir- peninsula: Johnson Nat. Driller ginia Div. Mineml Resources. Jour. Titanium, rutile, M & T Corp., westem: Resources. York-James peninsula: Ceder- Mining Eng. strom, D. J., 2. Palontology Esex County, resourcc, Tappahannock Pelecypoda, St. Mary's Formation, I{an- area: Sinnott, A., 8. over C, H. area: Nicol, D., 5. Fairfax County Resources, Fort Belvoir: Sinnott, A., 2. Isle of Wight County HEAVY MINERALS Remrces, Fmnklin area: Sinnott, A., 1. Augusta County Northampton County South River tributarie. sand variation, Resources, qualit'y: Sinnott, A., 8. statistial analyses: Carroll, D,, 2. Water well records, analyses: Sinnott, Middle River drainage basin: Carroll, A.. 6. D.. 3. 80 VrncrNre DrvrsroN oF MTNERAL RnsouncBs

HEAVY MINERALS-ConI. HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION Cmstal Plain Amelia County Chsapeke Bay, bottom sediments: AJbitg x-ray studies: Brintlley, G. W. Ryan, J. D. Eastern Shore, MiocenePleistcene: Sin- IGNEOUS ROCKS nott, A., 7. Eastern Shore: Doerhoefer, B. Diabase W-1 Fairfax Patuxent.w. Formation, petrology: Greene, County, Centerville area M. Composition: Goldich, S. S. Floyd County, Montgomery County, Little Composition, major constituent ele- River sediments : Mangold, C. R,., Jr. ments: Dennen, W. If. Ilalifax, Pittsylvania counties, Banister Geochemistry, strontium-rubidium con- River sediments: Berry, S. H. tent: I{erzog, L. F., II. Lunflburg County Petrology, modal vs. chemical analyse : Meherrin River sediments : Hinkle- J. L. Chaye, F. Piedmont Petrology, chemical, spectrehemical, Appomattox River sediments : Maccub- modal analysis: Fairbairn, FI. W.. bin, R. J. Petriiogv, preparation: Fairbairn, II- Rockbridge River tributarie: Davis, J. I[. w.,2. Virginia Petvology, chemical analyses: Schlecht, Nottroway River sediments : Pitard, A. M. w. G. Pamunky River seiliments : Figgers, R. Diabase L. Petrology, Nokesville quadrangle, Prince William, Fauquier countis : Bain, G. Rappahannock River sediments: Bowles, L. J. L. phases, Southwestern, New River sediments: Petrology, Loudoun County, Goose Maclntosh, C. A. Creek: Robertsons, D. S. Southwstern, Smith River sediments: Petrology, dike, Augusta County, Afton Young, G. M. are: flopkins, H. R., 2. General Absolute age, Virginia, northwest: Jaf- HELIUM fee. II. W. Yirginia Absolute age, accesso-y minerals, Vir- Occurrences in natural gas: Anderson, ginia, northw*t: Gottfried, D., 3. c. c. Gene"al description, northern HighlanC County: Gamer, T. 8., Jr. Petrology, dike like rocks, wet-central HENRICO COUNTY Virginia: Johnson, R. W., Jr.,3' Palontology Petrology, dike rocks, central Shenan- Pelecypoda, St. Mary's Formation, Rte. dmh Va.lley: Jobnson, R' W., Jr., 2- 301 north: Nicol, D., 6. Granites Petnology, relation to tectoaic map, southeastern Pieilmont: Pegau, A. HENRY COUNTY A.,6. Economic geology Pegmatits Monazite, ancient placer, Martinsville Petrology, Amelia C^untv, Amelia ilis- are: Mertie, J.8., h., 2. trict: Lemke, R. W. Volcanic asb HIGHLAND COUNTY Petrology, replacement bv calcite, Shen- Areal gology andoah Countv, Fishers Hill area: Southern Bolar anticline: Ramey, E. W. Bailey, R,. A. Elkins, W. Virginia to Clifton Forge: Volcanics West Virginia Geol. Survey, 2. General description, Catetin Fomation, Economic gology plateau , Blue Ridge, Big Mea- Construction materials, highway: Par- dows-Stony Man area : Red' J. C.' rott, W. T., 2. Jr.,2. Maps, geologic Southern, Bolar antictne: Ramsey, E. INDUSTRIAL MINERALS w. Buckingham County Petrology Wil]is Mountain deposits, exploration I Nortilrern, dikc: Gamer, T. 8., Jr. Jones. J. O. Monterey area, chert, Helderberg Foma- Virginia tion, genesis: McAndrews, H. James River district, west of the Bluc Ridge: Edmundson, R. S., 5. HISTORY Geologic observations INVERTEBRATA Thomas Harriot, 1588, Virginia: White, Quaternary G. W. Accomack, Northampton counties. Pleis- Virginia tocene, palmeology: Todd, R. Early scientific interests: Johnson. T. Tertiary C., Jr. Accomack, Northampton counties, Mio- cene, paleoecology: Todd, R. HYDROGEOLOGY General IRON Estimated use of water: MacKichan, K. A.llegheny County 4., 1,2. Clifton Forge district: Lesure, F. G. INponr're.rrox Crncuren 19 81

Albemarle County Virginia Stony Point ar€, survey : Tazelaar, J. Sulfide ores, occurtence, distribution: F., t. Young, R. S., 8. Augusta County Shenandoah County Ycuvius district, potential: Moore, R. Timberville area: Ilerbert, P., Jr., 1. E., Jr, Bland County LEE COUNTY East River Mountain tlistrict, Clinton Areal geology Formation : Williams, G. K. Dufreld-Stickleyville area : Revilla, C. E. Botetourt County Jonesville district : Miller, R. L., 3. Clifton Forge area: Lesure, F. G. Kyles Ford quadvangle, wetern: Greene, Craig County A. Y. Clifton Forge district: Lesure, F. G. Rqe l{ill district: Miller, R. L., 4. Giles County Economic geology East River Mountain area: Chauvin, E. Coal, preparation characteristics: Miller, N. J. W. Lee County Petroleum, carbonate cementation as sea-l- Rose Ilill district, resources: Miller, R. ing factor, Rose Hill field : Miller, L..4. R. L., 6. Page County Petroleum, Rose Hill field: Miller, R. L., Elkton area, occurrence: King, P. B., 2. Rekbridge County Petroleum, Rose Hill field analyses: potential: R,. Vesuvius district, Moore, Blade. O. C.. 1. 8., Jr. Petroleum, Jonesville district : Miller, R. Rockingham County L., 1, 3. Elkton area, @currence: King, P. B., 2. Maps, sol@ic Montgomery County Duffield-Sticklewille area: Revilla, C. E. Limonite, occurrence: Sears, C. 8., Jr., Jonesville district: Miller, R- L', 1. 3. Klyes Ford quadrangle, western: Greene, f ieamJnt A- V. Jame: River-Roanoke River district: Es- R. L., 4. penshade, Rose Hill district: Miller, G. H., 2, 6. Paleontology Lynchburg hematite and magnetite dis- Btyozoa, Tyrone Formation, Ilag:an area: trict: Hopkins, II. R., 3. Ross. M. H. Virginia Petrology Occurrences: Eckel, E. C., 2; Gouch, E, Duffield quadrangle, Harily Creek lime- o..2. stone: Ilarris, L. D., 1. Stratigraphic distribution: Mann, V. I. Stratigraphy Virginia, Squthwest Ordovician, Tyrone Formation, Bryozoan TVA region, occurrence: Eckel, E. C., 3. fauna, Ilagan area: Ross, M. H. Virginia, Western Silurian formations: Miller, R. L', 2' Central Oriskany deposits: Morrison, G. Structural geology A. Ma jor overthrusts at depth : Miller, R. Loy-grade associated with coal and flux Etone: Cooper, B. N-, 15. Resources : Carr, M. E. S., 2. Tazwell County LIGNITE East River Mountain district, Clinton Smyth County Formation: Williams, G. K. Brushy Mountain area, in colluvium: Washington County Sears, C. E., Jt., 4. Riverside Mine, magnetic hematite, origin: Cooper, B. N., 5. LIMESTONE Augusta County ISLE OF \,I/IGHT Craigsville area, cement rsources : Prutz- Ilydrogeology man, W. J. Franklin &rea, resources: Sinnott, A., 1. Appalachian Yalley Cambrian-Ordovician, letrology, highway use: Sherwood, W. C.,2. JAMES CITY COUNTY Bibliography Geomorphology High-calcium, Virginia: Gazdik, G. C. Jamstown Island erosion: Cotter, J. L. Frederick County M. J. Grove Lime Company, eapaeit! KAOLIN doubleil: Nordberg, B, Giles County BIue Ridge Iloges Store area, Middle O-dovician, pos- Western flank, possibilities: Caskie, R. sibilities: Shanholtz. W. H. Alden. Piedmont Piedmont petrology, genesis, Cambrian-Orilovician, highway Residual, eentral: Sand, L. B. use: Sherwood, W. C.,2. Rockbridge County LEAD Craigsville area, cement resources: Albemarle County Prutzman, W. J. Faber ara, occurrence, genesis: Gian- Roanoke County nini, W. F.,3. Lone Star cement plant : Traufier, W. Rockingham County Timberville area : Herbert, P., Jr., I ; Scott County Stephenson, R. C. Sunbright Mine, lithium equivalents: Valley and Ridge Trauffer, W. E., 2. Autinville, Timberyille tlistricts, origin: Shenandoah Valley, nort'hern, high elcium: OhIe. E. L.. Jr. Ames. J. A. 82 Vrncrxre DrvrsroN op MrNBnel Rnsouncns

LIMESTONE-Cont. Piedmont Smyth County Jamc River-Roanoke River district, re- sources: Espenshade, G. 8., 2, 6 : Rich Valley ayea, Middle Ordovician : Sunderman, H. C., 2. Webb, F., Jr., 2. R@kbridse County Virginia South beneficiation, : Lime uses Wood, River mine, mining .Westem,indmtrie, : R. S. Spurgeon, R. C. Jamc River district: Edmund- V*uvius district, prcibilities : Moore, son, R, S., 5. R. E., Jr Rockingham County LINEATION Elkton area, occurrence: King, P. B., 2. Regional Sherandoah Yalley Blue Ridge, tetonics, Harrisburg to Residwl concentrate: I{ack, J. T., 6. Asheville: Clms, E., 1. Virginia Occurrence: Ilofiman, J. N. LOUISA COUNTY Occurrences, production: Cooper, B. N., Geochemistry 8; Gooch, E. C., 3 ; Miser, H, D. Mineral Mine cf. Amtinville Mine. metal content of mine wate: Brom, W. MAGNETIC SURVEYS H.,2. Accomack County Northern, ground cf. airbome : Kuehn, LOUDOUN COUNTY II. E. Absolute age Augusta County Goose Creek, Triassic, diabase: Rodgers, Airborne: Johnson, R. W., Jr., 1. J..2- Coastal Plain Areal gology Continental margin : Drake, C. L. Catetin Mountain: Whitaker, J. C. Southern, data: Skeels, D. C. Ifarpers Ferry area, guidebook: Cloos. Piedmont 8.,2. Lynchburg hematite and magnetite dis- Northwetern, Nickelsen, R. p. trict: Eopkins, H. R., 3. Maps, geologic Roanoke County Catoctin Mountain: Whitaker. J. C. Bwh-Hutchin ilmenite deposiis: Sears, Fairfax and Seneca quadrangles: Ben- C. E., Jr., 2. nison, A. P. Rockingham County Northwestern : Nickelsen, R. p. Airborne: Johnson, R. W., Jr., 1. Minemlogy Yirginia Babingtonite, Goose Crek: Cosminsky, Northern, Fairfax quadrangle, airborne, P. R. anomalic : Balsley, J. R., Jr. Collecting, Gmse Crek, Arlington quar- West-central, airborne, relation to struc- ry : Morgan, F. ture: Johnson, R. W'., Jr., 4. Petrology Goose Creek, diabase: Robertson, D. S. MAJOR ELEMENT ANALYSES Structural geology Diabase South Mountain anticlinorium: Cloos, Fairfax County, Centerville area, Sr and w.,2. Rb contents: Ilerzog, L. F., II, LUNENBURG Ground water COUNTY Accomack, Northampton countie: Sin- Mineralogy nott, A-, 6, 8. _ Meherrin River sediments : Ilinkle, J. L. Coastal Plain, fluoride: Sinnott, A., 3. Petrology Roanoke County, Roanoke-Salm district: Meherrin River sediments: Hinkle. J. L. Latta. B. F. Spotsylvania County, Fredericksburg dis- MAGNESIUM trict: Subitzky, S. Virginia Reource, bibliographw 1 Davis. R. E. MARINE GEOLOGY Sediments MAMMALIA Shell accumulation, cores, Chesapeake General Bay, Continental shelf: Powers, M. 1. Fossil bones in L. Y. Gardner Cave. c., Wyttre County: Lowry, J., 1. NIECKLENBURG COUNTY MANGANESE Economie geology Appalachians Tungsten, Flamme district, occurrences: Reources, review: Sears, C. E., Jr., S. Espenshade, G. H., 1. Augusta County Stratigmphy Yesuvius district, potential: Moore, R. Precambrian, post-Paleozoic, Roanoke E. Jr, River section: Nelson. W. A.. 4. Bibliography Virginia : Pegau, A. A., 7. Bland Qounty MESOZOIC Staneie-Byrnes mines, possibilities : Spotsylvania County Moon, L. B. Stafford County, Fredericksburg zrea, Giles County Stratigraphy: Burns, J. R. Stange-Byrnes mines, possibiliti es : Virginia Moon, L. B. Distribution, thickness : Yer Weibe, W. Page County 4., t,2. Elkton area, occunence: King, P. 8., 2. Review, stratigraphy: Schuchert, C., 1. lNronnretroN Cncur,en 19 83

METAMORPHIC ROCKS Keen Mt., mineralogy: Hendemon, E. Feldspat: P.,2. Catoctin greenstone, euhedral crystals, Stone, Richmoncl, Sharpes, Forksville: C. composit'on: Eades, L., 1, Urey, H. J. General Petrology, Piedmont, west-central, Roek- - ffsh Cmke, Jr. Distribution, Virginia, North America: Conglomerate: H.8., LaPaz, L. Ceneral Falls, classificational, cataloet, world: General description, Piedmont, James Leonard, F. C.,3. River-Roanoke River district: Es- Falls, cordinate numbers, 10 from Vir- . penshaile, G, II., 6. ginia: Imnard, F. C., 2. General description, monazite belts, Pied- r.alls, statistical studies, Virginia, world: mont, Cmtal Plain : Overstreet, W. Leonaril, F. C., 1. c. History, chemistry, catalog of Academy General descript'ion, southwstern Yit- of Natural Sciences: Hamilton, S. II. gin;a. Gmsan Lead tlistrict: Stose, History, British Museum, Richmond, A. I. J. Staunton: Flight, W. Geneml tlescription, south-central Vir- Falls, multiple, index catalog, Virginia, *inia, Lvnchburg quadrangle : world: Lonard, F. C.,4. Brown. W. R.. 5. Petrology Petrology, Floyd County: Dietrich, R. V. Iron, metallography, Staunton, fndian 17. Valley: Peny, S. II. Petrology, structure, Fairfax County, Po- tomac River Gorge: Reed, J. C., Jr., MICA Gneiss Amelia County Petrology, Bedforil County, Otter River Amelia district, occurrencs, possibilities : aro: Diggs,'W. E. Lemke. R. W. Grenstone Amelia district, Rutherford mine, drill Petrology, Albemarle County, Southwest- holc, investigations: llickman, R. ern Mts.: Cordova, R. M., 3. c. Petrology, Albemarle, Orange counties, Piedmont Southwestern Mts. : Cordova. R. M.. General features, distribution: Jahns, R. 2. H., 3. Metasediments Pegmatites, deposits: Parker, J. M., IIf. Petrology, paragneissic, northern Vir- Pegmatites, uses, mining : Jahns, R. I[.. ginia: Mertie, J. B., Jr., 3. 2. Precambrian, Pietlmont, Batesville to Physical characteristics: Jahns, R. If.. 1. Benvue: Gmch, E. O., 8. .Resourcc, production : Gwinn, G. R. Schist Sandy Ridge district, outlying areas, de Petrology, Loudoun County, Catoctin posits: Griffitts, W. R. Mountain: Whitaker, J. C. Petrotogy, metapyroxenite, Piedmon! : Pegau, A. A., 1. MINERAL COLLECTING Augrrsta Count5r METAMORPHISM Crimora manganse mines, psilomelane, pryolusite: Marcin, F. J. Regional Staunton area. calcite, large crystals: Appalachians, major events, chronology: Giannini, W. F., 2. Kulp, J. L., 1; Long, L. E. Loudoun County, northwetern: Nickel- Amelia County sen, R. P. Amelia district : Cusick, A. Loudoun County Goose Creek, Arlington qua:ry, Morgan, METASOMATISM F. Replacement Goose Crek, babingtonite: Cosminsky, Spinel by hoegbomite, Whittles emery de- P. R. posit, Pittsylvania County: Fried- Piedmont man, G. M., 2. Garnet, localities : Crist, C. W. Virginia, localities: Pegau, A. A., G; METEORITES Dietrich, R. Y., 2, 4; Schoppe, L. Colleetions American Mmeum of Natuul l{istory, 6 MINERAL DATA pieces from Virginia: Reeds, C. A. Brushite British Museum, catalog : Prior, G. T. Giles County, Pig Hole Cave : Murray, British Museum, history, fndian Valley, J. W.. 3. Richmond, Staunton : Fletcher, L. Field Museum, 4 fmgments from Vir- Calcite ginia: Deposition, Gile County, New River, Fanington, O. C., l,2, 4. Canoe cav6 : Murray,'J. W., 2. Ifarvard Museum, description, weight: Cclestite Huntington, O. W. properties: Peabody Museum, Staunton: Washing- Wise County, Pharr, R. F. ton, H. S. Garnet Compmition Generai tlescription, Piedmont: Crist, , Ni, Co, Pd, Au, distribution, In- c. w. dian Valley: Goldberg, E. D, GypBum Fiagments from Yirginia : Farrington, Gils County, Pig llole Cave: Dietrich, o. c.. 3. R. V.. 15. Li-6, H-3, He-3, relatiorl to cosmlc radia- Hoegbomite ' tion, Norfolk : Fireman, E. L. Whittles emery deposit, Pittsylvania Ken Mt., density: Henderson, E. P., 1. County: Friedman; G .M.,2. 84 VrncrNre DrvrsroN op MINr,ner- RBsouncps

MINERAL DATA-Cont. Emery Pittsylvania County, Whit tles area: Iron oxide Friedman, G. M., 1, 3; Pegau, A. A., Pseudomorphs after pyrite, porphyoblasts, 3. Lynchburg gneiss, Piedmont : Pare, General R. K.. 1. Virginia, problems: Behre, C. II., Jr., 1. Pseudomorphs after pyrite, metacryst, Virginia, southwotern, Brushy Moua- Piedmont: Peare, R. K., 2. tain ara: Sears, C. 8., Jr., 6. Limonite Geochemical affinities Wythe County, Austinville district, in Gos:ans, derived from siderite, not sul- overburdm: Hole, G. L. fides, Albemarle County, Stony Point Monazite areat Tazelaat, J. F., 2. Comparative studic, Amelia, Augmta Iron counties : Molloy, M. W. A.llegheny, Botetourt, Craig counties, Clif- Moonstone ton Forge iron district: Laure, F. Gmchlancl County, Harris Mica mine, G. orthoclare. oceurrence: Sinkankas, Washington Co u n ty, Rivemide Mine, J., 1. magnetic hematite : CooPer, B. N., 6. Muscovite Iron ores Compmition, chromian variety, Prince Virginia, Southwestern, Lowmoor and Edward Co.. Baker Mountain : Die- Big Stone Gap : Earle, R. B. trich, R. V., 13. Kyanite Paligorskite Pieilmont : Furcron, A. S. Propertis, occur{ence, Rockbridge Coun- Kyanite quartzite ty, Glasgow: Laswell, T. J., 1. Prince Edward County, Willi,s Mt., Buck- Paragonite ingham Co., Wmds Mt.: Espen- Campbell, Franklin counties, trigcnal: shade, G. H., 5. Dietrich, R. V., 8. Lead-zinc Pegmatitic minerals Albemarle County, Faber area: Gian- Amelia County. Amelia district : Lemke' nini, W. F.. 3. R. W. Rockingham, Shenandoah counties, Tim- Quartz beryille district: Green, J., 2: Iler- Augusta County, Cmigsville area, smoky bert, P., Jr., 1. phantoms in crystal: Cross, W., II. Manganese Strontianite Piedmont, Jame River-Roanoke Rivq Propqties, Wise CountY: Pharr, R. F. district: Espenshade, G. I{., 6. Styolites Shenandoah Valley, residual concentrate: hockingham County, breccis, secondary Hack, J. T., 6. origin: Ilerbert' P.' Jr.,2. Virginia, southeastem states : Mi,ser, II. Sulfut D. Fluvanna County, Columbia area, nativ', Mica galena quartz: R. Amelia County, AmeJia district: Lemke, molds in Dietrich, R. W. v., 10. Piedmont, internal structure: Jahns, B. Ta'anakite MurraY' H. Gile County, Pig IIoIe Cave: Mississippi Valley type J. W., 3. Virginia: Behre, C. H., Jr.,2. Uniilentified mineral Timber- Monazite Prope-ties, Rockingham Countv, Piedmont Overstreet, W. area : Stow M, H., 2. Coastal Plain. : ville c., 1, 3. Zircon area, Ifenry County, Martinsville a-a, ancient Shenandoah County, Strasburg pLacer : Mextie, J. 8., Jr., 2. Martinsburg Shale, from bentonite: Carroll. D., 4. Ores in sedimentary rocks Zslits Rockingham, Page counties, Elkton area: Fairfax Countv, Centerville a!ea, rare King, P. 8., 2. assemblage: Parrott, W. T.' 13. Quartz cr5retal Southwestern Virginia: Mertie, J. B., Jr., 6, MINERAL ECONOMICS Structural controls Carroll County Yirginia to California, megasher zone : Pyrrhotite ore, recovery of lead, zinc, Keitb, B. A., 3. copper, Great Gmsan Led: Brown- Sulfides ing, J. S. Southwestern Viaginia, Great Gossan Phosphrte rocks Lead district: Stose, A. I. J. Mining, production, Nelson, Amhe:st Tin countic : Ruhlman. E. R. Rekbridge County, Irish Crsk district: Scott County Glm. J. J. Sunbright Mine: Evans, T. B. Zine-lad, Virginia, southwdtern Valley and Ridge, Austinville, Timber- Future developments: Virginia Div. Plan. ville districts : Ohle, E. L., Jr. and Econ. Devel. MINERAL EXPLORATION MINERAL DEPOSITS, GENESIS Genera.l Barite Review, southeaste- n stat6 : Laurence, R. Appalachians, magmatic: Kesler, T. L. A., 1. Rauxite Geochemical methods Augusta County, Spottswood area: All:n, Gmeml diqcussion, southastern states : V. T.; Bridge, J. Blms. F, D. INnonuetrou Cncur-en 19 85

Ore guides MONAZITE Piedmont, wesoern, monazite, placers : Overstreet, W. C., L,2. BIue Ridge Occurrence: Sers, C. R., Jr., 3. llenry County MINERAL RESOURCES Martinsville area, ancient placer: Mertie, Augusta County J.8., Jr.,2. Waynesboro area, review: Lowdon, J., 1. Piedmont Mofiat Crek are, possibilities: Rector, Western, exploration: Overstreet, W. C., w. K. 1.2. Ycuvius district, potential : Moore, R. Southern, occunences: Sears, C. E., Jr., E., Jr. 3; Twenhofel, W. S. Botetourt County Virginia Fincastle area : IIay, N. R. T. Occurrence: Mertie, J.8., 1, 4. Floyd County Rwiew, possibilitie: Dietrich, R. V., 1?. MONTGOMERY COUNTY Highland County geology Southem, review: Ramsey, E. W'. Aral Montgomery County Pilot Mountain ar€: Dietrich. R. Y.. 5. Radford area, possibilitic: Ilergenroder, Radford area: Ilergenroder, J. D. J. D. Economic geology Piedmont Coal, Lower Mississippian beds, aaalyses, Jamc River Basin, mining factors: Stevens, D. W. review: Brown, W. geologic R.. 1. Maps, Rwiew: Brown, W. R., 2. Pilot Mountain are : Dietrich, R. V., 6. Scottsville area, review: Sundqman, II. Radford area: Ilergenroder, J. D. c., 3. Mineralogy Pulaski County Heavy minerals, Little River sediments : Radforil area, possibilities: Hergenroder, Mangold, C. R., Jr. J. D. Limonite, malachitg occurrence, genesis: Rockbridge County Sears, C. 8., Jr., 1. Goshen Pass area, potential: Rothm- Paleontology berge:, J. A. Reefs, Ordovician, Rmnoke River Yalley: Mofat Creek ara, possibilities : Rector, Etheredge, F. D. w. K. Petrology Vesuvius district, potential: Moore, R. Calhoun Run, anthraxolite, origin: Diet- E., Jr. rich, R. Y., 11. Valley and Ridge Blacksburg ara. Knox dolomitesilica re- James Edmundson, lationships: Diehich, R. V., 16. River Basin: R, S.. Blackstlurg area, Knox Dolomitg, chert, hexagonal prisms : Dietrich, R. Y., Virginia l. General review : Stow, M. II., 4. Stratigraphy Jame River $asin, review: Roberts, J. Ordovician, middle, limestone, Ellet-Lus- K.. 1. ters Gate are: Gilbert, R. C. Map: Gooch, E. O., 9. Structural geology Production, history: Gooch, E. O., ?. Barringer and Engles Mountain windows, Sjmp6ium on southeastern United faulting: Gose, C. J. State: Snyder, F. G., 1. Blacksburg-Shawsville area, faults: Dea- Summary: Fisher, C. C., 1. ton. J. B. Southeastem Mineral Sympeium : Mc- Grain, P., ed. South-central, Lynchburg quaclrangle, re NELSON COUNTY view: Brown, W. R., 5. Economic Geology Virginia, southwestem Ceramic materials, aplite: Kelse5r, V. Y. Gosan Lead district, review: Stose, A. Phosphates, nelsonite ore: Ruhlman, E. I. J. R. Development, occurrencs : Yirginia Div. Geomorphology Plan. and Econ. Devel. Stream profiles, relation to basin geology : Hack, J. T., 3. MISSISSIPPIAN Maps, gmlogic Soapstone belt: Fairley, W. M. Valley and Ridge Price Sandstone, Poeono Formation, Maps, mineral resourcs plants: Red, C. B. Smpstone belt: Ifopkins, II. R., 4. Yirginia Mineralogy Paleogeology: Lworsen, A. I. Titanium minerals, Roseland area: Hill- Virginia southwetern house, D. N. 'West Petrology Correlation with Virginia foma- g:neiss tions: Wells, D. Roseland area, and anorthosite in- Devonian-Mississippian boundary: Glov- trusion: Hillhouse, D, N. er, L.,lII,2. Foraminifem: Wray, J. L. NICKEL Measured sections: Wilpolt, R. II., 1. Bibliography, Virginia, world: Pratt, E. Price Fomation, stratignphy : Glover, M. L., III, 1. St. Louis Limestones, correlatives: Santlers, J. E. NORFOLK COUNTY Upper, stratigraphy: Wilpolt, R. II., 2. Geomorphology Virginia, western Dismal Swmp area, soil conditions : Correlation: Weller, J. M. Eenry, E. F. 86 VlrcrNra DrvrsroN op MrNnner Rrsouncps

NORTI]AMPT'ON COL]NTY Cystoidea middle, new- geology Seott County, Rye Cove, Areal genera: Bassler, R. S., 1. Summary: Sinnott, A., 6. Fluvanna County Ilydrogeology Arvonia Slate district, paleontologv: Ap- Ground water, well logs, analyses: Sin- plegate, S. P., 1. nott, A., 6. Minera.logy Frederick County genesis: St. Paul Group, stratigraphy, paleontol- Ileavy minerals, Doehoefer, B. ogy: Neuman, R. B. Paleontology Giles County Fauna, Miocene, Pleistocene: Toild, R. Hoges Store area, atratigraphy: Shan- Stratigraphy holtz, W. H. Miocene, Pleistocene, logs, subsurface Lee Count'y correlation: Sinnott, A., 9. Hagan atea, Tyrone Formation, bryozo:n fauna: Ross, M. H. OIL AND GAS FIELDS Joneville district, stratigraphy: Miller, Bergtcn Gas Field: Young, R. S., 5. R. L., 3. Rose Hill district, stratigraphy: Miller, R. L., 4. ORANGE COUNTY Montgomery County Maps, geologic Ellet-Lusters Gate area, middle, strati- Southweste;n Mountains: Cordova, R, graphy: Gilbert, R. C. M.,2. Roanoke County Petrology Qatawba area, Foraminifem : Moore, W. Southwestern Mountains, greenstone: 8..2. Cordova, R. M., 2. Roanoke area, Cephalopoda, Chepultepec- Stonehenge transition unit, basal: Unklesbay, A. G. ORDOVICIAN Rockbridge County Alleghany County Collierstown area. Ostracoda, silicified" Cliftron Forge area, stratigraphy: Thomp- middle: Kraft. J. C. son, T. M. Lexington area, petrology, limetone : Rich Patch Valley, stratigraphy: Smitlt, Horowitz, A. S., 1. R. I{. Moffat Creek area, stratigraphy, lower: Appalachian Valley Retor, W. K. Athens Shale, age, graptolites: Decker, Vesuvius district, stratigraphy: Moore, Q.8., 1,,2. R. E., Jr. Brachiopoda, Chepultepec-Stonehenge for- Rockingham County mations : Young, R. S., ?. Burketown klippe are, stratigraphy : Brachiopoda, n. sp., Ozarkian: Ulrich, Flewellen, B. H. E. O., 2, 3. Ilarrisonburg quadrangle, stratigraphy: Chepultepec Formation, stratigraphy: Brent, W. B., 2. Edmundson, R. S., 2. Parnassus area, stratignphy: Patterson, T r i lob ita, Champlainian Formations : J. G. Cooper, B. N., 6. Shenandoah County Appalachians Strasburg area, Ostracoda, silicified, Brachiopoda, Qhazyan and related: middle: Whittington, II. 8., 1. Cooper, G. A., 4. Strasburg area, Trilobita, Lincolnshire Correlation chart. Norrh America : Two- limstone: Evitt, W. R., II, 1,2. hofel, W. II. Strasburg-Edinburg area, Trilobita, Faunal suites r Cooper, G. A., 3. middle: Whittington, II. 8., 1. Graptolithina, distribution: Ruedeman, Woodstock area, Cephalopoda, Chepulte- R., 3. pec-Stonehenge transition unit, basal : Gastropoda, Ceratopea, arly: Yochelson, Unklesbay, A. G. E. L.. 2. Shenandoah Valley Stratigraphy, West Virginia related : Bentonite region coneLation: Rosen- Wooalward, II. P., 1. krans. R. R. Augusta County Crustacea: Ruedeman, R., 1. Burketown klippe area, stratigraphy: Harrisonburg area, sections, middle: Flewellen, B. II. CooPer, B. N., 10' 11. Fishersville area, Tenaculiteil, Chepul- Ostracoda, Lincolnshire and Edinburg" tepee Fomation: Fisher, D. W. Fomations: Swain, F,. M., Jr., 1, 2. Moffat Creek area, lower, stratigraphy: Trilobita, protaspids: Evitt, W, R., II, Rector, W. K. Parnassus area, stratigraphy: PatteEon, Trilobita, middle, silicified: Whittington, J. G. H. 8., 3, 5. Staunton ar€, stratigraphy: Caskie, R. Smyth County Anbler. Rich Yalley area, Mosheim Iimctone : Vesuvius district, stratigraphy: Moore, Webb, F. J., 1. R. E., Jr. Rieh Valley area, stratigraDhy, middle: Waynesboro ar€a, stratigraphy: Lowdon, Webb, F. J., 2. Saltville area, Efna limetone: Whit- Botetourt County tington, H. 8., 2. Clifton Forge area, stratigraphy: Thomp- Tezewell County son. T. M. Gastropoda, Middle, Perry-Murfreesboro, Fincmtle area, lower, history : Hay, N. formations, correlation: Yoehelson, R. T. E. L., 1. Buckingham County Valley and Ridge Arvonia Slate district, pa.leontology: Ap- Dolomite bearing carbonate rocks: Hobbs, 7 plegate, S. P., 1. c. R.8.. 2. INponuerrox Crncur,an 19 87

Western, middle, stratigraphy : Kay, G. Cretaceous-Quaternary M.,2. Virginia : Ilarshberger, J. W. Yirginia 'W. Mississippian Trilobita, silicifiecl, middle: Evitt, R,., Valley and Ridge, Price Sandstone, Pocono Formation: Read, C. B. Virginia, southwestern Mesozoic Chepultepec-Longview f ormations : Virginia, unglaciatecl distribution, eastern Moore, E. W., 1. United States: Braun, E. L., 2. Eggleston, Fm., middle e orrelation: Pennsylvanian Fitzgerald, Fl. V., Jr. Virginia, western, coal flora: Lesque- Virginia, weste-n reux, L. Stratigraphy, age relations: Cooper, B. Quaternary N., 2. Coastal Plain, Pleistocene: Berry, F. W., Stratigraphy, folding implications: Low- 1. ry, W. D., 7. Virginia, unglaciated distribution, eastern Trilobita, Phacopid: Delo, D. M. United States: Braun, E. L., 2. Washington County Triassic Shortsville area, Mascot clolomite, old Chesterfield County, Clover Hill area, channeled depression: Harris, L. P. Primacqucqriqt Bock, W., 2. Wythe County Coutal Plain, Otterdale Forma?ion, si- Kent Window area, middle, stratigraphy: licified wood : Murata, K. J. Marshall. tr'. C. Taxonomic review, Virginia: Applegate, s. P., 3. ORGANIC MATERIALS Amino acids PALEOCLIMATOLOGY Peats, Costal Plain, Dismal Swamp: Quaternary Swain, F. M., 3. Wisconsin glacial stage, Yirginia, North OROGENY America: Dillon, L. S. Appalachians PALEOECOLOGY Chronology: Woodward, H. P., 6. Compresional mountains, origin, life Triassic cycle: Rich, J. L. Lacustrine, fluvial, Virginia: Applegate, Crust, belts, origin, development: Bucher, s. P.. 3. w. H. Devonian BIue Ridge Virginia, western, middle : Cooper, G. A., Megashearing: Keith, B. A., 1. 5. Quaternary OSTRACODA Yirginia, Pleistocene biogeography : Mar- tin. P. S. Coastal Plain Bictratisraphy: Malkin, D. S. York-Jamq peninsula, Yorktown For- PALEOGEOGRAPHY mation: Mclean, J. D., 4. Cambrian Rockbridge County Appalachians: Rodgers, J., 4, 5; Wilsor, Collierstown area, Edinburg formation, J.. 7..2. silicified: Kraft, J. C. Ordovician Shenandoah County Valley and Ridge: Kay, G. M., 2. Strasburg area, Lincolnshire and Edin- Paleozoic burg formations, silicified: Kraft, J. Appalachia lanilmass : Yer Wiebe, W. c. A.. 3. Shenandoah Yalley Appalachian gmsyncline: Ulrich, E. O., Ordovician, cf. Lake Champlain area: Swain, F. M., Jr., 2. Virginia, southwestern, structures, early : Ordovician, middle, zone: Swain, F. M., Moore, W. E., 3. Jr., 1. Silurian Valley anil Ridge, northern, palocur- PAGE COUNTY rents: Yekel, L. S, Aral geology Yirginia Elkton area : King, P. 8., 2. Atlas, North America : Schuchert, C., 2. Mt. Jackson qudrangle: Thornton, C. P. Maps, geologic PALEOZOIC Elkton area: King, P. B., 2. Appalaehians Mount Jackson quadrangle: ?homton. Foiding, chronology: Woodward, II. P., c. P. Petrology Botetourt County Alma area, limestone, dolomite, photo- Purgatory Mountain aM, stratigraphy : graphic study: Cooper, B. N., 16. Rowan. L. C. Shenandoah area, Bekmantown Forma- Tinker Mountain-Fincastle area, stratig- tion, lithology: Cordova, R. M., 1, raphy: Nichol, R. F. Stratigraphy Roanoke quadrangle, stratigraphy: An- Ordovician, Beekmantown Formation, drews, L. 8., Jr. Shenandoah area: Cordova, R. M., 1. Bedford County Roanoke quadrangle, straliigraphy: An- PALEOBOTANY drews, L. E., Jr. Cretaceous Giles County Coastal Plain, Potomac Group, lists: East River Mountain area, stratigraphy: Dorf. E. Chauvin, E. N. Coastal Plain, Potomac Group, silicified Sinking Creek area, stratigraphy: I{obbs, wood: Murata, K. J. C. R. B., Jr., 1. 88 VrncrNre Drvrsrox or MrNeRaI- Resounces

PALEOZOIC-Cont. P;LECYPODA I{ighland County Cenozoic Southern, Bolar anticline, lowq, stratig- Cmstal Plain, late, period of existence: raphy: Ramsey, E. W. Nicol, D., 3. Le County Eulma Kyles Ford quadrangle, wetern, stratig- Coastal Plain, Miocene, taxonomy: Nicol, raphy: Grene, A. V. D., 1. Montgomery County Ifanover, Henrico eounties, St. Marys Radford area, stratigraphy: Hergen- Formation, new localitie : Nicol, D', roder, J. D. 5. Page County Glgcgmeris anericana Mount Jackson euadrangle ; stratigraphy : Tertiary, Coastal Plain, mutant: Nicol, Thornton. C. P. D.,2. Pulaski County Miocene Radford area, stratigraphy: Hergen- Coastal Plain, Chcapeake Bay, cf., roder, J. D. Europe : Mongin, D. Roanoke County Noetinae liesanke quadrangle, stratigraphy: An- Cestal Plain: McNeil, F. S. drevs, L, E., Jr. Pectinidae Rockbridge County Tertiary, Coastal Plain: Tucker, E. f., Goshen Pass area, lower, stratigraphy: 1' Rothenberger, J. A. Population Rockingham County Distribution relations, Marine, Cmozoic, Bergton area, lower, stratigraphy: Coastal Plain: Nicol, D., 4. Ilarnsberger, W. T., 1. Mount Jackson quadrangle, stratigraphy: PENNSYLVANIAN Thornton. C. P. Appalaehians Scott County Basin, problems: 'Wanles, II. R.,6. Lee County Virginia Dufreld-Stickleyville area, stratigmphy : Paleogeology: Levorsen, A. I. Revilla, C. E. Virginia, southwat Shenandoah County Cml field, correlations Wanless, II. R., quadrangle, : : Edinburg stratigraphy l. Young, R. S., 2. quadrangle, Coal field. Pottsville strata, lithology: Mount Jackson stratigraphy: Mitchum, R. M., Jr. Andrews, L. E.. Jr. Correlation: Moore. R. C. Valley and Ridge paleon- Isopach studies : Wanlcs, II. R., 3. Jame River Basin, stratigraphy, Indian Blufi, Graves Group, Tenn., re tology: Edmuntlson, R. S., 1. lated to Virsinia: Wilson, C. W., Jr. Yirginia Lithologic vadation, Wise Fomation: Anthozoa, reference lists, world: Bassler, Wanles, R. R.,2. R. S., 2. Pottsville strata, sedimentation: Dap- Coal measures, stratigraphic classiffca- ples, E. C., 1. tion: Wanless, H. R.,8. Virginia, western Review, stratigraphy: Schuchert, C., 1. stratigraphy: Ver Appalachian'Wanless, cml basin, Systems, distribution, thicknes: II. R., 7. Wiebe, W. A., 1. Wise County Virginia, southwetern Appalachian Bxin, sandstones: Siever, Structures, earlv : Moore, W. E., 3. PARAGENESIS PETROFABRICS Tin Rockbridge County, Irish Creek district, Standstone cassiterite-bearing veins: Glass, J. Quartzose, wetern Yirginia : Lowry, W. J. D.. 6. PEAT PETROLEUM Coastal Plain Appalachians Dismal Swamp, amino aciils, distribu- Basin tion: Swain, F. M., 3. Emplacement: Woodward, H. P.. ?. Geologic problems: Wmdward, H. P., PEEBLES , llistory, production, possibilitic: Wood- Floyd County ward, weathtred Ir. P., 8. Blue Ridge crests, : Dietrich, Map, deep wells : Evehart, C. M. R. Y., 12. Possibilities: Wmdward, II. P., 6. Propertie of deep portion: Woodward, PEGMATITE rr. P., 2. Amelia County Possibilitis, occurrences : Appalachian Mmrefield Mine, investigations : Geehan, Geol. Sc., 1; Straley, H. W., III, 2. R. W. Cestal Plain Piedmont Possibilities : Andereon, J. L. ; Johnston, Feldspar, mica depmits, occurrence : ' J. E.; Richards, IL G., 1, 2; Stmley, Parker, J. M., III. H. W., III, 1. Mining, uses, mineralogy: Jahns, R. H- Lee County Jonesville district : Miller, R. L., 1, 3. General features, intemal structure: Rose Hill distxict, rsources : Miller, R. Jahns. R. H., 3. L.,4. Ridgeway-Sandy Ridge district, outlying Rose Hill district, analyses: Blade, O. areas, depcits : Griffitts, W. R. c., 1. INronmetrou Cncur-en 19 89

Yirginia Engineering geology Exploratory drilling, 196?-1958: Blan- Ilighway, construction materials 3 Par- pied, B. W,, 1, 2. rott, w.'.1., 18. Developments, 1949-1959: Richarrls, I[, Ilighways, limestone, petrologie studis, G., 5. Lvnchburg area: Sherwood, W. C., Developments, procluction: Virginia Dept. Labor and Industry. Ilighways, soil identification, aerial pho- Review: LeYan, D. C., 1. ; Stow, M. H. tographs: Stevens, J. C. Virginia, southwest Soils, clay fraction, derived from same PNsibilities, Upps Mississippian : Wil- roek: Eades, J. L., 3. polt, R. H., 2, Geochemistry Rcourees : Harnsberger, W. T., 2. Northem, Everona Formation: Mack, Rose Hill field, carbonate cementation as T.,2. soling factor: Miller, R. L., 6. Geomorphology Systematic drainage changes : White, W, PHOSPHATE Gophysical surveys Amherst Count^/ Lynchburg hematrite and magnetite dis- R6ourcs, mining: Ruhlman, E. R. trict, aagnetic: Ifopkins, H. R., g. Nelson County Hydrogeologv Reources, mining : Ruhlman, E. R. Ground water, occurrence, deseription: Virginia Geyer, Y. II. Origin, occunence: Jacob, K. D. Ground water, @currmce, summary: Le Grand, II. E.. 2. PHOTOGEOLOGY Maps, geologic Jame River-Roanoke River manganese Applications distriet: Espenshade, G. II., 6. Mapping, aerial sedimentary strata, Au- Ridgeway-Sandy Ridge distriet, outlying gusta County, central; Browniug, W. ar@s: Grifrtts, W. R. F., Jr. Lynehburg quadmngle: Brown, W. R., E. Piedmont Scottsville Basin, stratigraphy: Sunder- Soil identification: Stevens, J. C. man, H. C., 3. Maps, magnetic Lynchburg district: Ilopkins, I1. R., g. PIEDMONT Map, minenl Aral geology James River-Rmnoke River district: Es- James River-Rmnoke River manganese penshade, G. II., 2, 6. district: Espenshade, G. H., 6. Maps, tetonic Lynchburg Quadrangle: Brown, W. R., Lynchburg quadraugle: Brom, W. R., 2,5. Scottsville Basin: Kingery, T. L.; Sun- Mineralogy deman, H. C., B. Clay minerals, York River Basin : Brown, Economic gology c. Q., 1 ,2. Aggregate, petrologie studies, highway Clay minerals, Tatm silt loam, northern : use, northern : Schultz, W. R. Rich, C. I., 1, Feldspar, oceurrence: parker, J. M., Gamet, occurrences : Crist, C. W. III. Granite reks, quarries, mineral studie: Granitic rcks, quarries, mineral studie : Siminski, E. B. Sieminski, E. B. Ileavy minerals, Appomattox River, prov- Kyanite, geneis, occurrencG: Fureron, enance: Maccubbin, R. J. A. S. Iron oxide, pseudomorphs aft€r pyrite Manganese, James River-Roanoke River porphyroblasts, Lynehburg gneiss : district: Sundeman, E. A., Z. Peare, R,. K., 1., Manganese, iron, barite, Jamc River- Iron oxide, Fseudomorphs after pyrite Roanoke River district: Espenshade, metacrysts, schists, Lynchburg For- G. H.. 2. 6. mations : Peare, R. K., 2. Mica deposits, distribution: Jahns, R. II., Kaolins, residual, genesis, central: Sand, L. B. Mica depmits, properties: Jahns, R. If., Mica, Ridgeway-Sandy Ridere district, t. outlying areas: Grifrtts, W. R. Mica deposits, occurrencs: parker, J. Mica, weathering to vermiculite, cen- M.. III. tral: Rich, C. I., 3. Mica, rcourees : Gwinn, G. R. Pegmatite, general featrures: Jahns, R. Mica, Ridgeway-Sandy Rifue district, rr., 3. outlying areas: Griffitts, W. R. Pegmatites, @curences : Jahns, R. H., 2. Mineral rcources, James River basin. Soils, Appling, Cecil, Davidson, profiles: review: Brown, W. R., 1, 2. Rich, C. I., 4. Monazite, genesis, occurrences: Sears, Soils, clay fraction, relation to parent C. E., Jr., 3. rock : Eades, J. L., 2, 8. Monazite, occurrences : Overstreet, W. C., Vemiculite, properties, occurrences : Gooch, E. O., 5, 6. Monazite placere, western: Overstreet. Palontology w. c..2. tr'ishes, Triassic, eorrelation: Bock, W., Pegmatites, mining use : Jalrns, R. H., Pisces, Triassic: Applegate, S. P., 2. ShtJ properties, weathering characteris- Petrology tics : Kessler, D. W. Appomattox River sediments. genesis: TaIc, gensis, occurrences: Stuekey, J. Maccubbin, R. J. L. Catoetin Grenstone, euhedral crystsls, Vmiculite, occurrences, possibilities: composition: Eades, J. L., 1. Gooch, E. O.,5,6. Cmtml, kaolins, gensis: Sand, L. B. 90 VrncrNre DrvrsroN on MrNnner- RnsouncBs

PIEDMONT-Cont. Structural geology A., quarries, Smith Mountain area : Nelson, W. Granitic rocks, mineral studies: 10. Sieminski, E. B. Metaproxmite, description : Pegau, A. A., 1. PLACERS Monazite deposits: Ovestreet, W. C., 3. Monazite Northern, Everona Formation: Mack, I{enry County, Martinsville area: Mer- tie, J. 8., Jt., 2. Pegmatito, internal structure: Jahns, Yirginia: Mertie, J, 8., Jr., 1. R. H., 3. Pegmatitc, Ridgewav-Sandv Ridge dis- POPULAR AND ELEMENTARY tvict, outlying areas : Griffitts, W. p Appalachians Southeastern, granite, phvlites, relation Origin: Billings, M. P. to tectonic map: Pegau, A, A., 5. Physiogmphic, eomparison with tbe Rivanna River sediments: Horowitz, A. west: Davis, W, M. s., 2. Augusta County West-een tra l, Rockfish conglomerate: Gmnd Caverns : Norvell, C., II. Cooke, II.8., Jr., 3. Fairfax County Stratigraphy Mason Neck area, geologic history: Cam- Cambrian, Everona Formation, north- eron, C. C. ern : Mack, T., 2. Gomonrholog:y James River Basin: Brown, W. R., 1. Plant distiibution controls, Virginia, Ordovician, synclinal belts : Nelson, W. North America: I{owell, J. T. A., 5. Precambrian, Lynchburg Fomation, tur- PORIFERA Gooch, bidity currents, north-central: Cambrian E. O., 1. Yirginia, southwst, Marion-Austinville Precambrian, Rockf ish Conglomerate' Okulitch, Y' J. stratigraphic psition, central: Diet- area, Plospongia: rich, R. Y., 6. Precambrian-Cambrian: Nelson, W. A', POTASH 6, 7. Stafiord County Precambriaa-Cambrian, Mehum River Ilendemons Bluff, greensand deposits: metasedimentary rocks : Gowh, E. Byrd, M. F. o., 8, Precambrian-Ordovician, Esmont an il Arvonia slate district: Brown, W. R', PRECAMBRIAN Albemarle County Review: Brown, W. R'., 2' Crozet-Pasture Ferce area, stratigraphy : Triassic, James River Basin : Roberts, J' Vernon, R. C' K.,2. Appalachians Triassic, age of basins: Huene, F. V. Discussion of rocks in the United Stats: Structural geology Whitney, J. D. BatesvillJ to Benvue, infolded belts, Awusta Countv M ech um R i v er metasedimentary Vesuvius district, stratigraphv: Moore, rocks: Gooch, E. O., 8. R. E., Jr. Central: Nelson, W. A., 5, 6. Blue Ridge General features': Jahns, R. H., 3; Nel- Central. stratigraphv: Bloomer, R. O.' son. W. A., 8. 1,2, 4. Interpretation: Nelson, W. A.' ?. Bis li4edows-Stonv Man ar€, Catoctin James River s Yn cl in o r i um, western : Fomation: Red, J. Q,, Jr.,2- Brown, W. R., 3. Flovd Countv Review: Brown, W. R., 2. Siratigraphy: Dietrich, R. V.' 3, 1?. Triassic basins, rift structure' easte;n Loudoun County North America: Bain, G. W. Northwetern, stratigraphy: Nickelsen, Systematic drainage changes : White' W' R. P. 4.. O, -Mecklenburg CountY-section, noutok. l,iver stratigraphy: PISCES Nelson,'W. A., 4. Pietlmont Piedmont Triassic, correlations: Bock, W'' 3-' Batcville to Benvue, metasedimentary iiia"si", occurrence: Applegate, S. P"- 2.^ reks. infolded belt: G@ch, E. O'' 8' Central, Rwkfish Conglomeratrc, qtl"t!- PITTSYLVANIA COLINTY srathic pmition: Dietrich, R. V', 6' Nelson, W. A., ?' Economic gology Straiigmphv: uses: Fried- W."i-i""ft"i, Rockfi sh Conglomemte -and Emery, nature, oecurreDces, associated units' stratigraPhY : man, G. M.,4. 8., Jr., 3. Eme"y, genesis,-occurrence, north-central: Cooke. H. Page County Pegau, A. A., 3. Elkton ara, stratigraphv : Kins' P' B" --sanisterMineralogy River sediments: Berry, S' II-' Rockbr?ge CountY Hoegbomite, Whittles emerv ileposits: -t;;"fi" Moore' Friedman. G. M.' 2. distriet, s0ratigraphv: R. 8., Jr. -PetrologY -nmerV CountY.. deposits: Friedman, G. Mj, 3' Rekingham King, P' B" Banisier [iver sedimmts : Berrv, S' H'-1-' Elkton ar€, stratigraphv: Stratigmphy-i-""r.t*tti"" 2. - Sm il,h Mounta i n Virqinia-n-";i;;' -O rdov ic ian, Schuchert' C'' 1' area : Nelson' W. A., 10. stratisraphv: INron,tletroN Clnculen l9 91

Virsinia, southwet Virginia, southwest Gossan Lead district, stratigraphy: Stme, Crystalline, resources, genesis, proper- A. I. J. tiesr Mertie, J. B., Jr., 6. Virginia, south-central Lynchburg quadrang:le, stratigraphy : RADIOACTIVITY Brown, W. R., 5. Sediments PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY Cheapeake Bav, bottom: Jafiee, G' Sulfide deposit Economic geology Wvthe bountv, Austinville area: Keevil' Kyanite, Baker Mountain : AverY, W. N. B. M.; Corriveau, M. P., 1 ; Espenshade, G. II., 5; Forkner, H. R.; Petar' A. Y, RADIOACTIVITY SURVEYS Maps, geologic Appalachians Biker Mountain-Madisonville area: Es- tilue Ridge, Piedmont, reconnaissance: penshade, G. H., 4. Stow, M. H., 5. Mineralogy Coastal Plain Muscovite chromian, Baker Mountain: Southeastern, airborne: Moxham, R. M' Dietrich, R. V., 13. Culpeper Countv Biai:ton area. Triassic' correlation to PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY geology, airborae: Guillou' R: 8., 1' Maps, geologic Goochlaad- County ralriax ana Seneca quadrangles: Benni- Ai;;;.; co.relation with geologv: Guil- son, A. P. lou, R. B., 2. Nokesville quadrangle : Bain, G. L. Virsinia Mineralogy R-econnaissance : Stow, M. H.' 7' Manassas area, Triassic sediments : Nel- Virginia.' southwest - son, B..W., 1. C-out. teconnaissance: Snider' J' L' Petrology "ft"t. Nokesville quadrangle, Triassic diabase REEFS and msociated country rock: Bain' MontgomerY CountY G. L. -ci.l?]"i"", Roanoke River Vallev: Ether- PULASKI COUNTY edge, F. D. Areal geology Radford area: Ilergenroder, J. D. RIVERS Economic geology Blantl CountY Construction materials, from dolomite, Wa.lker Mountain, subsurface atreams: Radford Limestone Qurry: Me- LowrY, E. J., 2. Cutcheon, F. S. Erosion " County, Sal- Maps, gologic -;;;; _--ti.g" River, Rockbridge - Radford area: Ilergenroder, J. D. Ridge area: Bloomer, R' O', 3' Coastal' Plain PYRITE f"-"" niu"t, oyster bars, recent changes: Vireinia. southw6t Marshall, N. Gissan Lead District, genesis, produc- "-iiTioi"u"a'Meanders A. I' J. Shenandoah River' Nortl tion: Stose, ^-* f'"tt."'SU.""ndoah County: Hack, J' T.. 5. QUATERNARY ntongateO, incised, Shenandoah River' Accomack County --- frorttr Fork, Shenandoah County: Correlation, Pleistocene: Sinnott' A', 9' C., 2. R. Fieher, C. Pleistocene, palerecologY : Todd, Vallev and Ridge Coastal Plain Subsequent: Stow, M' H" 1' Citronetle F

ROANOKE COUNTY-ConI. Economie gology Paleontology Gas, natural, Bergton are, development: Cephalopoda, Chepultepec-Stonehenge Young, R. S., 5. fomations, Lead-zinc, Timberville area: Green, J., transition unit, basal, 2. Roanoke area: IInklesbay, A. G. gas, possibilitie, Foraminifera, Catawba area: Moore, 'W. OiI and Bergton area: &.,2. Harnsberger, W. T., 1. Timberville area : Herbert, P., Jr., 1. Stratigraphy possibilities, Cambrian, Poor Mountain area: Shufre Zinc, lead, Timberville dis- barger, T. E., Jr. trict: Stephenson, R. C. Paleuoic, Rmnoke quadrangle: Andrews, Zinc, stratigraphic and structural con- L. E.. Jr. , - trol, Timberville area : Green, J., 1. RoanokeSalem district, auuifers: Iatta, Geophysical suveys B. F. Aeromagnetic survey: Johnson, R. W., Jr., 1. Structural Geology Ilydrogology Poor Mountain area: Shuffiebarger, T. Tide Soring, ebb and flow, Broadway 8., Jr. area: Brent W. 8., 3. Roanoke quadrangle: Andrews, L. E., Jr, Maps, geo.logic Bergton a:ea: Ilarnsberger, W. T.. 1. ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY Burketown klippe area : Flewellen, B. Arel geology H. Elkton ara: King, P. 8., 2. Craigsville area : Prutsman, W. J. Harrisonburg quadrangLe Brent, Goshen Pass are: Rothenberger, J. A. : W. 8., Mofiat Creak area : Rector, W. K. 2. Vsuvius district Mmre, Mount Jackson quadrangle: Thornton. : R. E., Jr. c. P. Economie gology Timberville district: Ilerbert, p., Jr,, l. Beryllium, possibilities, Irish Creek dis- Mineralogy trict : Warner, L. A. Calcite, Manganse, production. twinned, crystals, Lone Jack mining, South Quarry: Laswel|I. J., Z. River mine: Spurgeon, R. C. Paligorskite, occunence, Glasgow area: Tin, Irish Creek district: Glass, J. J. Laswell, T. J., 1. Geomorphology Stylolites, brecia, secondary origin: Her- James River, Sallings Ridge area: bert, P., Jr., 2. Blmmer, R. O., 3, Unidentifi ed mineral, properties. Timber- Hydrogeology ville area: Stow, M. H., 2. Floods, peak discharge, central: Tice, Petrology R. H.. 1. Breccia, stylolite, secondary origin: Maps, gologic Herbert, P., Jr.,2, Craigsville area : Prutzman, 'W. J. Timberoille, district, sulfide minera.liza- Goshm Pass area: Rothenberger, J. A. tion: Herbert, P., Jr., l. Mofiat Creek area: Rector. W. K. Stratigraphy Veuvius district: Moore, R. E., Jr. Bergton area, Ordovician-Mississippian : Mineralogy Young, R. S., 5. South River tributaries, sands, analyses. Betts Quarry, Beekmantown Formation: Davis. J. Ir. Lowry, W. D., 9. Casiterite-bearing veins, Irish Creek tin Harrisonburg quadrangle, Cambrian- district, paragenesis: Glass, J. J, Ordovician: Brent, W. 8., 2. Paleontology Timberville district, Ordovician: IIer- bert, P., Jr., 1. Ostraeoda, siliciffeil, Edinburg Foma- Structural gology tion, Collierstown are: Kraft. J. C. Cmb Run anticline: Young, R. S., E. Petrology Harrisonburg Beekmantown dolomite, Murat- area, non-tectonic folds. chert. Athens Formation: Lowry, W. D., 8. Collierstown are: Edmundson. R. Harrisonburg area, s., 4. Beekmantown Foma- tion: Ipwry, W. D., 9. Oolitic'Walker. chert, Bufialo Crek, occurrence: Ilarrisonburg-Bergton area, regional, P, stratigraphic anomalies: Wrcdward- Limestone, Lexington area: Horowitz, H. P., 3. A. S., 1. Ifarrisonburg quadrangle: 'W. Stratigraphy Brent, 8., Sallings Ridge area: Bloomer, R. O., Ilarlisonburg quadrangle, klippen : Brmt, w. B., 1. Structuml geology Sallings Ridge area: Bloomer, R. O., 3. SALT Yirginia ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Bibliography, index map. Virginia, Areal geology United States: Lang, W. B. Bergton area: Ilarnsberger, W. T.. 1. Bselton gas field, field trip log: Wet SAND Virginia Geol. and Econ. Survey,1. Silica, grade, Burktown klippe area : Flewellen, B. II. high bibliography, Virginia, United States: Jaster, M. C. Elkton area: King, P. B., 2. petrology, Ilarrisonburg area, guidebook: Appa- Silica, resources, Virginia, wet- lachian Geol. Soc.. 2. ern: Lowry, W. D., 3. Mount Jackson euadrangle: Thomton, c. P. SCOTT COUNTY Mount Solon area : Fara, M., 1. Areal geology Parnassug area: Patterson. J. G. Dufreld-Stickleyville area : Revilla, C. E. lnnonuetroN Crncur-en 19 9J

Economic geology Petrology, Roekbridge County, Lexington Limestone, lithium equivalents, ae@very, area: Ilorowitz, A. S., 1. Sunbright plant: Traufier' W. E., Petrology, oolitic, Culpeper County, 2. Stevensburg ara: Young, R. S.' 3. Limestone, mining exploration, Sun- Petrology, Valley and Ridge, western: bright mine: Evans, T. B. Kay, G. M., 2. Maps, geologic Petrolob, Page County, Shenandoah Duffield-Sticklewille ara: Revilla, C. E. ara-Beekmantown Formation : Cor- Dufreld quadrang:le: Harris, L. D.' 2. dova, R. M., 1. Paleontology Lithofacim Cystoidea, Ordovician, new genera, Rye Appalachians, S i luria n, lower' map : Cove: Bassler, R. S., 1. Amsden, T. W. Petrology Frederick County, Winchester area, Cono Natuia.I Tunnel ara. limestone, dolo eocheague Fomation : Wilson, J. L., mitic, photographic studv: CooDer, 2. B. N., 16. Rockingham Countv, Betts Qurry, Beek- Ilorton Summit area, stvlolitesr Misis- mantown Formation : LowrY' W. D.' sippian limctone: CooPer, B. N.' 3. 9. Stratigraphy Smyth County, Porterfield Quarry: Sabol' Cambrian-Mississippian section, Duffiekl J. W. quadrangle: Harris, L. D., 2. Valley ancl Ridge, northern, Tucarora Silurian, western: Miller, R. L., 2' Formation: Yeakel, L. S. Structural geology Yirginia, southwct, Pottsville stmta: Duffield quadrangle: Harris, L. D.,2. Mitchm, R. M., Jr. Major overthrust at depth: Miller' R. L., Sandstones Petrology, cementation, Virginia, West- en; LowY, W. D., 10. SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Petrology, porosity, Virginia, Wstcrn : Bentonite Lowry, W. D., 6. Petrology, Wise County, Critical Fork Petrology, Virginia, North-CentraI, head. 'Wise Formation : Nelson, B. l-vtcirtu.g Formation : Gmh, D' w.,4. o., 4. Chert petrotogv, Southwestero Virginia coal Petrology field, PennsYlvanian: DaPPle, E. C', Highland County, Monterev area' Ileld- 2. derberg formations: McAndrews, II. Petrology, Wise County, Pennsylvanian: Lee County, Duffield quadrangle, svn- Siever, R. gmetic, Hardy Crek limestone: Provenanci, Clinch-Tuscarora, Valley and Harris, L. D., 1. Ridge: Lowrv, W. D., 1. Montgomery County, Blacksburg area' Knox Dolomite: Dietrictr, R. V.' 1' SEDIMENTARY STRUCTURES Bufialo Crek, Rockbridge CountY, Betlding oolitie: Walker, P' Vallel and Ridge, foreset, Clinch-Tusca- Rockbridge County, Murrat-Colliers- rora sandstone: LowrY, W. D.' l. town a rea, Beekmantown Dolo- mite: Edmundson, R. S.' 4. Crmsbedding Vallev' and Ridge, northern, Silurian' Carbonate rcks : Yekel, L. S' Petrology, Ordovician, dolomite baring, io""".ot" Fomation Valley antl Ridge: Hobbs, C. R. B', GeneraJ- Jr.,2. Vuiiu" and Ridge, dolomite bearing car- Cel bonate rocks: Hobbs, C. R. B.' Jr" Parks, B. C. Petrologv, Virginia: limestone: Conglomerate Virginia, Southwest, ilolomitic GJneral decription, Botetourt Countv' Lowry, W' D., 4. Fincastle area, Middle Ordovician: -SlumD structurs Kellberg, J. M. diiis-- countv, Rich Creek area, Missis' Dolomite sippian fomations: Thomas' W' A' Genesis. Appalachians, Cambrian-Ordo- vician : Cmper, B. W., ?' 13. SEDIMENTATION Cambrian-Ordovician General dccrilrtion, Cyelic limestones, Virginia, southwest : -'ippalachians, geosvncline, Cambrian: Lowry, W. D.,4. and Hobbs, C' Wilson, J. L., 2. Petrology,-Vallev Ridge: Paleozoic : Willard' B' R. 8.. Jr., 2. Appalachians, Petrolo cv. chert-dolomite relationship, Shenandoah Valley. northern, Con@c Gile CountY, Sinking Creek ara: eheague Formation, arenaceow beds: Hobbs, C. R. 8., 1- Nicholas' R. L' rela- Wanless, II' R', 4' Petrology,- Knox Dolomite, silica - Yirginia, Paleozoic: tioni. Montgomery CountY' Blacks- Vireinia.' --ville'strata' suthwestern coal field, Potts- burg a1e: Dietrich, R. C.' 16' Pennsylvanian: Mitchum' General R. M., Jr. Deoositional- environment, Augusta Coun- "Environment ty, B ath County, Deerfield are: g."i""-,- f.jai"g implicatioro, Orjgvrcial' Beard, D. C. --'--wl"i.t^ Virginia: Lowrv, W' D', 7' mon azite' belts, Genqal dlscription, Depressions,- depositional control, Valley Piedmont, Coastal Plain: Overstreet, and Ridge: LowrY, W. D- 6. w. c.,3. Estuarv, Coastal Plain, bottom sediments' Limestone provenance, transport: RYan, J' D' - Dolomitic, structure studv, from ,pbot& Reservoir, silting rate, New River South- graphs, Page, Scott counti* : CmPer, ---- Brom, C. B' B. N., 16. west.' Virginia: 9+ VrncrNra DrvrsroN on MrNnru.r Rpsouncos

SEDIMENTATION-Cont- Reearch River, Coastal Plain, Rappahannock Programs, Coastal Plain, Rappahannock River bmins, research program: Nel- River, York River basins : Nelson, son, B. B. W., 3. W., 3. Sand Stream tmnsport Beach, petrology, Virginia Beach: Al- Augusta, Nelson counties, stream proffJe: ford. J. R. Hack, J. T., 3. Heavy minerals, Piedmont, Scotsville Halifax, Pittsylvania Basin: Sunderman. counties, Banister River: Beryy, S. H. C.,2. H. Turbidity current! Provmance, Amberst County, Partridge Piedmont, north-centml, Lynchburg For- Run: I{umphries, C. C., Jr. mation: Gooch, E. Q., 1. Yirginia, western, roidual, weathering : Lowry, W. D., 2. SEDIMENTS uray SEISMIC SURVEY Provenance, Coastal Plain, Piedmont, Coastal Plain York River basin: Brown, C. O., 1, Continental margin, geosynclines : Drake, 2. c. L. Diagencis Continental margin,.Woollard, Yirginia to tr'Iorida, Coastal Plain, Rappahannock River: refraction : G. P,, 1. Nelson. B. W.. 2. Continental margin, Cape llenry to Environment Florida; Ilersey, J. B. Beach, Virginia Beacb, depositional: Northern, Mohorovicic discontinuity: Bershad, S. F. Ilart. P. J. Estuary, Chesapeake Bay, bottom sedi- Profiles: Richard, II. G., 1; Skeels, D. C. ments: Jaffee. G. Yirginia Estuary, Chesapeake Bay area, detrital Refletion quality map, Yirginia, United vs. diagenetic fraetion: Powers. M. States: Lyons, P. L.,2. c.. 4. Crustal studies, variations: Tatel, H. E., Estuary, Chsapeake Bay, bottom: Ryan, J. D. Crustal studie, Iower boundary, ex- Marine, Cheapeake Bay, shell accumula- plosive waves: Tatel, If. 8., 1. tion, cores: Powers, M. C., 1. River, Floyd, Montgomery counties, SHENANDOAH COUNTY Little, heavy minerals : Mangold, C. R., Jr. Areal gology River, Edinburg Suadrangle: Young, R. S., 2. Piedmont, Appomattox, heavy Mount Jackson Quadrangle: Thornton, minerals : Maccubbin, R. J. c. P. River, Lunenburg County, Meherrin geology River, Economic heavy minerals: I{inkle, J. L. Timberville district: Herbert, P., Jr., 1. River, Rockbridge County, South River. Geomorphology heavy minemls: Davis, J. H, Shenandoah River, Nodh Fork, elon- River, Pamunky River, heavy minerals: gated meanders: Fisher, C. C., 2. Figgers, R. L. Shenandoah River, North Fo.k, in- River, Nottoway River, heavy minerals : trenched meanclers: Hack, J. T,, 6, Pitard, A. M. Maps, geologic River, Rappahannock River, heavy min- Mount Jackson quadrangle: Thornton, erals: Bowles. J. L. c. P. River, Virginia. southwest, heavy min- Timberville district: Herbert, P., Jr., l. erals, distribution : Young, G. M. Mineralogy River, Virginia, southwet, heavy min- Zircon, Martinsburg Shale, Ordovician, erals, provenance: Maclntosh, C. A. insoluble reidue, Strasburg: area : General Carroll, D., 4. General dccription, Accomack, North- Palontology ampton counties, hevy minetals : Algae, Arthrophucus alleghaniensis, Kee- Doerhoefer, B. fer Formation, Columbia Furnace: G€neral description, Buckingham County, Young, R. S., 4. Slate River: Oref, W. R. Cephalopoila, Chepultepec-Ston ehen ge General description, Piedmont, Rivanna formations, transition unit, basal, River, mineralogy : Ilorowitz. A. S., Ordovician, Woodstock area: Ilnkles- 2. bay, A. G. Ostraeoda, silicified, Lincolnshire, Edin- Reilistribution related to eonstruction of butg formations, Strasburg: area: Hainpton Roads : 'Whaley, bridge-tunnel Kraft. J. C. H. H. Triiobita, Lincolmhire Limestone, Micldle Gravel Ordovician, Strasburg area: Evitt, Provenance, Fairfax County, Pliocene ( ?), w. R., II, 12. upland: Schlee, J. S. Trilobita, silicified, Middle Ordovieian, Methods Strasburg and Edinburg area: Whit- Sampling, shallow water, piston coring tingtm, H. B., 1. deviee, Cheapeake Bay : Silveman, Petrology M. Conicville area, Conococheague Lime- Provenance tone, microstylolite: Young, R. S., 1. Albemarle, Fluvanna counties, Hardware Fishers l{ill area, volcanic ash, Ordovi- River, mine-alogy, correlation with cian, replacement by cal€ite: Bailey, bedrock: Forkgen, P. E. R. A. Prince William County, Manassas area, Timberyille district, sulffde mineraliza- Triassic: Nelson, 8. W., 1. tion: IIerbert, P., Jr., 1. INronnrertoN Ctncuran l9 95

Strasburg area, Mosheim Formation : Bath County Sherwmd, W. C., 1. Dsfield area, stratigraphy, Beard, J) C. Stratigraphy Botetoud County Ordovician, Timbenille district : Herbert, Clifton Forge area, stratigraphy: Thonp- P., 1. son, T. M., Palozoic, lower : Young, R. S., 2. Lee County Structural geology Rose Hill district, stratigraphv : Miller, Shenandoah River, North Fork, elongateil R. L., 4. meanders: Fislrer, C. C., 2. Stratigraphy: Miller, R. L., 2. Shenandoah River, North Fork, in- Roekbridge County trenched menders: Hack, J. T., 5. Craigsville area, stratigraphv: Prutz- man, W. J. Rockingham County SHENANDOAH VALLEY Harrisonbutg quadrangle, stratigraphy: Dconomic gology Brent. W.8., 2. Limestone, high-calcium, northern, re- Scott County sources: Amer, J. A. Western, st:atigraphy: Miller, R. L-, 2. Manganese, residual concentrate: Hack, Shenandoah County J. T., 6. Columbia Furnaee area, Arthrophycus Gmmorphology alleghami,mais: Young, R. S.,4. Caves, popular account: Black, R. E. Valley and Ridee Rmidual and alluvial deposits, origin: Northern, Tmcarora tr'omation, PaIe' Hack. J. T.. 4. ogeography: Yeakel, L. S. Strasburg quadrangle, map interpreta- Yirginia, westem tion: Shanr, H. S. Tlrebratuloid brachiopods: Cloud, P. E" Mineralogy Jr. Clay minerals, Middle River basin, al- luvial clays: Ilathaway, J. C., 1. Pafeontology SMYTH COUNTY Crustacea, Ordovician: Ruedeman, R,., 1. Economic gology Ostracoda, Ordovician, cf. Lrke Champ- Lignite in colluvium, Brushv Mountain lain area: Swain, F. M., Jr.. 2. area: Sears, C. E., Jr., 4. Ostracoda, Ordovician, early Middle: Maps, geologic Swain, F. M., Jr., 1. Rich Valley area: Webb, F.' Jt.' 2. Trilobita. C ambrian, biostratigraphv: Mineralogy Lehnan-Balk, C. Staiactite, hexagonal, Saltville a:ee: Sny- Trilobita, Protaspods, Ordovician: Evitt, der. tr'. G., 2. w. R.. II. 3. Paleontology Trilobita. silicified, Middle Ordovician: Trilobita.- Middle Ordovician, Effna lime- Whittington, H. B., 3, 5. stone. Sa"ltville area : Whittington, Stratig'aphy H. 8., 2. Cambrian, Conococheaque Fo:mation, PetroJogy northern: Nicholas, R. L, Porterfield Quauy aI@ : Sabol' J. IM. Cambrian-Ordovician, Antietam-Reekman- Rich Valley area, Middle Ordovician, town section: Edmundson, R. S.,3. limstones : Webb, F., Jr., 1. Ordovician, bentonite reEional correla- Structural geologY tion: Rosenkrans. R. R. Saltviile ?ault, new concept: Nelson, W' Ordovician, Middle, Hartisonbu:g area: Coopers, B. N., 10, 11. SaltryilG fault, clrill hole data: Nelson' w. A.,9. SHORELINES Strat!graphy Ord;vi;iair, Mosheim limestone, basal dis- Changes Rich ValleY: Webb, F'' Assateague lgland, conformity, Accomack Countv, Jr., 1. southern: Rude. G. T. Ordovician, section, Rich Vallev : Webb' Coastal Plain, stable: Marmer, E- A.' 2. F., Jr.,2. Coastal Plain New Jcsey to Florida, Pleistocene : Riehards, H. G., 4. SOLS Types, environment, history : Price, W. Augrtta CountY A.. 2. --B-t"o.tor area, Lenoir limestone, profiIe: Carroll, D., 1. SLATE Genesis J. F. Piedmont Fairfax County: Derting, Properties, weathering characteristicsl Fluvanna CountY Kssler, D.'W. Prooerties, Nason, derived from musco- vite schist: Rich' C. I.' 2. Norfolk CountY SILURIAN Dismal SwamP: Henry' E. F' Alleghany County Piedmont Rich Fatctr Yallev, stratigraphv: Smith, --F".."t'rocks. identified by air photos: R. H. stratigraphy : Thomp- Stevens, J. C. Clifton Forge area, Geneis, clay fraction, derived from same son. T. M. oarent rock: Eade, J. L" 2, S' Appalachians loam: Rich, C' I', map, lower : Amsden, T. W. Nor"t'hern. Tatum silt iithofacies, 1. AuEusta County Prutzman' Vireinia-C-o"nmistrv, Craigsville area, stratigraphy: ' parent rock : w. J. weathering, Deerfield area, stratigraphv: Beard, D' Van Houten, !'. B. c. Relation to source: Marbut, C. F. 96 Vrncrmra DrvrsroN or MrNener, RBsouncBs

SOLS-Cont. Gastropoda, Pery-Murfreesboro Forma- Suneys and maps, 1951-1959: U.S. Dept. tions, correlation, description: Yoch- elson, E. L., 1. of Ag{iculture. Graptolithina, Gmchemistry: Jofiee. J. S. Nolichucky Shale, Cam- brian, Gratton area : Deeker, C. E., 4. SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY TECTONICS Ilydrogeology Franklia area, ground water resourcs: Areal studies Sinnott, A., 1. Appalachians, framework, review : King, P. B., 3. SPOTSYLVANIA Blue Riclge, Ilarrisonburg to Asheville: COUNTY Cloos, E., 1. Areal gology Page, Rockingham counties. Elkton area: Fredericksburg area : Btms, J. R. King, P. 8., 2. I{ydrogeology Rockingham County, northwest section, Fredericksburg district, ground water regiona"I structure, stratigraphic resourcs, suality: Subitzky, S. anomalies : Woodward, H. P- g. Maps, geologic Valley and Ridge, Middle Ordovician: Fredericksburg area: Burns, J. R. Kay, G. M.,2. Stratigraphy Yirginia, tectonic divisions: Eardly, A. P r e- Cretaceous-Quaternary, Fredericks- J.. 1. burg area: Subitzky, S. Yirginia, general, map of United States: King, P. B., 1. SPRINGS Virginia, active areas and erthquke Roanoke County epieent€rpa alinements: Woollard, G. Roanoke-Salem district, rsources: Latta, B. F. Yirginia, history: King, P. B., 4. Rockingham County Bredway area, Tide Spring, ebbing and TERTIARY flowing: Brent, W. 8., 3, Accomack County Virginia Miocene, correlation: Sinnott, A., 9. Mineral, descriptions, analyses: BelI, Miocene, paloeology: Todd, R. J.; Crook, J. K.; I{aywooil, J. K.; Coastal Plain Moorman, J. J. Aquia Formation, Paleocene (?): Page, R. A. STAFFORD COUNTY Chesapeake Bay region, Peleypods, Mio- Aral geology cene cf. Europe: Mongin, D. Fredericksburg area: Burns, J. R. Correlation, Citronelle Formation, PIio Economic gology cene or Pleistocene: Doering, J. A, Potash, grensand, occurrence, Fred- Correlation, paleontology, stratigraphy, ericksburg area, Byrd, M. F. with South Carolina : Malile. II. E. Maps, geologic Crustacea, Miocene : Rathbun, M. J. Fredericksburg area : Bums, J. R. Foraminifera, correlations, charts: Mc- Maps, mineral resourc* Lean, J. D., 2. Potash, greensand deposits: Byrd, M. I.. Foraminifera, Palocene : Mclean, J. D, Paleontology Turritellidae, Aquia Formation, Potomac Foraminifera, planktonic, Paleocene River area: Bowles. E. O. E@ene, Atlantic: Loeblich, A. R., Jr.,2, B. SULFUR Fauna, Miocene, Virginia related: Vokes, Carroll H. County Northern, structural relations: Darton, Gret Gossan Lead, microscopic study : Corriveau, M. P.,2. N. H.. 2. Gossan minc, production : Dickson, R. H. Northm, Yorktown Formation, correla- tions : Stephenson, L. W. TALC Northampton County, conelation : Sin- nott, A., 9. Amherst County Northampton County, Mioeene, pals- Soapstone belt: Ilopkins, H. R., 4. eology: Todd, R. Blue Ridge Ostracodea, M iocene, biostratigraphy : Genesis, ecurrenee: Stuckey, J. L. Nelson Malkin, D. S. County Pelecypoda, Noetinae: McNeil, F. S. Soapstone belt: Hopkins, II. R., 4. Peleypoda, pectinidae: Tucker, II. I., Piedmont 7.2. Genesis, ecurrence: Stuckey, J. L. Peleypoda, Glgcgneds, mutant: Nicol, D..2. TAZEWELL COUNTY Pelecypoda, Euloxa, St. Marys Forma- Economic geology tion: Nicol, D., 1. Iron, East River Mountain, possibilities: South of James River, Pleistocene ter- Williams. G. K. raceB: Moore, W. E., 6. Geochemistry Southeastern, stratigraphy: $pangler, W. Germanium, concentration in coal ash: 8.,2. Stadnichenko. T. M. Stratigraphy: Spangler, W. 8., 1. Maps, geologic York-James peninsula, stratigraphyi East River Mountain district: Williams. Cederetrom, D. J., 2. G. K. York-James peninsula. Yorktown Forma- Paleontology tion, Foramiuifera : McL@n, J. D., Invertebrate, Iluntersville Fomation, Dwonian. Tannersville area: Ciam- York-James peniroula, Yorktown Forma- milla. R. S. tion, Ostracoda:, J, D., 4. INponunrroN Crnculan 19 97

Fairfax County Correlation chart. United States: BF Pliocene (?), stratigraphy: Schlee, J. S. side, J.8., Jr. Ilanover County Paleotectonic maps: McKee, E. D. Ifanover C. H. area, St. Marys Forma- Review, paleontologY: Applegate, S. P" tion, pelecypods: Nicol, D., 6. I{enrico County Route 301 north, St. Marys Formation, TRILOBITA pelecypods: Nicol, D., 5. Stafford County Cambrian Potomac River ara, Aquia Formation, Frederick County, Wincheter are, Cono- Turritellidae: Bowla, E. O. cocheague Fomation, Middle : Wil- Yirginia son, J. L., 1. Deciduous forest development: Braun, Shenandoah Valley, biostntigraphv: E. L., 1. Lmhman-Balk, C. Maps, small scale paleographic : Mat- Craptouthus thew, E. D. Ordovician, Yalley and Ridge, Martins- York County burg shale, cephalon growth: Whit' Gastropoals, Yorktom Formation, vivi- tington, II. 8., 4. parous: Palmer, R. E. H. V. Encrintidae Ordovician, Virginia, silicifietl, middle: THORIUM Evitt, W. R.' II, 4. End,gmi,onud,ae Yirginia Oidovician, Shenandmh Yallev, silicified: Occurrence, southeastern states: Laur- Whittington, II. B', 5. ence, R. A., 3. H eJi,meri,nue, new sut family Ordovician, Shenandmh Countv, Stras- TIN burg area, middle: Evitt, W' R., II, 2- Rockbridge County Holilenin type Irish Crek district, vein mineralization: Ordovician, Smyth Countv, Saltville ara, Glass, J. J. Efina Limdtone: Whittington' H. 8..2. Raphiophoridae TITANIUM Ordovician, Shenandmh Vallev, silicified : Aecomack County Whittington, H. 8., 5' Assatsgue Island, beach sand, pmibili- Remopleuridae ties: Kuster, W. V. Ordovician, Shenandoah Vallev, silisified: Hanover County Whittington, H. B', .5 Montpelier area, new plant, bibliogmphv : Trinveleidae Virginia Div. Mineral Rcources Ordovician, Shenandoah Vallev, siliciffed : Montpelier area, new plant and mine: Whittington, II. 8., 5. Eng. and Mining Jour. Montoelier area, new rutile source: Min- ing Eng. TTINGSTEN Virginia Mecklenburg County Bibliography, world: Lawthers, R., 1. Hamme district, @currence : Espenshade, Occunence, production : Pegau, A. A., G. H., 1. Reserves, geology, mining: Lawthers, UNCONFORMITIES R., 2. Amherst County Bedford. Campbell counties, Lvnchburg TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSES quadmngle, Ordovician, Evin g t on Diabase W-1 Group : Sunderman, H. C., 1. Fairfax County, Centevville area : Ahrens, Smyth County L. II.; Hower, J., Jr.; Smalc, A. A.; Rich Yalley, Middle Ordovician: Webb, Turekian, K. K. F.. Jr,, 2. Shale Wise County, Big Stone Gap Formation, spetographic : Tourtelot, H. A. URANIUM v rrgrnra ' Favorable environments: Everbart, D. TRIASSIC L. Albemarle County Possibilitis, review : Stow, M. II., 6. Crozet-Pasture Fence area, diabase dike: Occurrence, southeastern state: Laur- Vernon, R. C. ence, R. A., 3, Chesterfield County Southwestern, occurtence: Walthier' T. Crustacea, estherids, classification: Bock, N. w.. 1. Primaraucaria. coal formations: Bock' RIDGE w.,2, VALLEY AND Piedmont Economic Eeology Basins, age, Huene, F. V. James River Basin, resources: Edmund- Basins. James River: Roberts, J. K., 2. son. R. S.. 1. Basins, Scottsville, stratig-aphv: King- Zinc. lead, Mississippi VaJlev tvpe, Aus- ery, T. L.; Sunderman, I{. C., 3- tinville and Timberville districts, Piscs, corelations : Bock, W., 3. geneis: Ohle, E. L., Jr. Pisces, occurrence: Appleg:ate, S. P., 2. Geomorphology Rift structure, eastem North America: Caves. origin and fomation : LowrY' Bain, G. W. E. J.. 3. Viysinia Streams, subsequent: Brmcoe, A. J. Conelation, eastem United States: Mc- Shale barrens, Brallier Sha1e: Platt' R' Laughlin, D. B. B. 98 VrncrNra DrvrsroN on MrNBner RBsouncns

VALLEY AND RIDGE-Cont. Ceramic materials, silicate, aluminm" Maps, geologic bibliography: Grametbaur, A. B. Copper, lead, zinc, sulfide ores, occur- Jamc River Basin: Edmundson. R. S.. rences: Young, R. S.,8. Paleontology Coal, ash analyses: Selvig, W. A., 1. Coal, carbonization : Selvig, W. A., 2. Plants, Price Sandstone, Pocono Forma- Cml, analyses of tippled and deliveredl tion, Mississippi: Read, C. B. sampls, Trilobita, Martinsburg Shale, Ordovician, 1948-1950: Snyder, N. H. growth: Coal, analyse of tippled and delivered cephalon Whittington, H. samples, 1951-1959: Aresco, S. J. 8., 4. Coal, analyses, petrography: Parks, B. Petrology c. Dolomitic carbonate rocks, Ordovician: Coal, oil and gas production, develop- Hobbs, C. R. 8., Jr., 2. ment:: Virginia Dept. of Labor and Northern, Tuscarora Formation, sedimen- Ind. tation: Yeakel, L. S. Coal, mined-seam thickness, 1950: Young, Stratigraphy w. II. Devonian, shale barrens, Brailler Shale: Coal, reserve, production: Fieldner, A. Platt. R. B. Pocolo c., l,2. Mississippian, Price Sandstone, Coal resources: Averitt, P.; Brown, A, Formation : Read, C. B. Coal, stratigraphy, tercurces: Wier, C- Ordovician, limestone, middle, wetern E. anticlines, correlation : Kay, G. M., Coal. historical account of industry: 2. Eavenson. H. N. Palozoic, James River Basin: Edmund- Construction materials, brick clay re- son, R. S., 1. source, possibilities: McGill, \{. M- Silurian, Tuscarora Formation. north- Construction materials, clay and stone, ern: Yekel, L. S. analyses: Eckel, E. C-, 1. Structural geology Construction materials, highway use: Fold depressions, depositional origin: Parrott, W. T., 3, 4, 6, ?, 8, 9, 10, Lowry, W. D., 5. 17,14, 15. Folds, faults, review: Rodgeru, J., 3. Dolomite, resources, occurrence: Davis, Faults, Pine Mt., Russell Fork cf. Se- R,. E. quatchie anticline, origin, southern: tr'ire clay, oceurrence: Chelikowsky, J. Rodge:s, J.,1. R. Gold. occ u rrence, distribution: Mac- VEINS Laren, J. M. Carroll County Gold, occurrence, semi-popular account I Fancy Gap area, Lynchburg gneiss, Parsons, A. B. quartz, joints: Iron, oecurrence: Eckel, E. C., 2; Gmch' in conjugate Rich- E. O.,2. ard. B. H. Iron, stratigraphie distribution: Mann' v. r. VERMICULITE James River Basin: Roberts, J. K., 1. Piedmont Limestone, high-ealcium, bibliographv: Occurrence, possibilitic: Gooch, E. O., Gazdik, G. C. 5, 6. Limertone, lime industry, usc : Wood' Virginia R. S. Occurrence: Hunter. C. E. Magnesium, resources, occurrence: Davis' R. E. Manganese, deposits, uses: Hofrman, J- VIRGINIA N. Areal geology Manganese, bibliography: Pegau, A. A.' General review: Blackwelder, E.; Moxon, C. ; Ruedeman, R., 2. Manganese, occurrences, production : Jame: Rivei Basin: Roberts. J. K.. 1. Cooper, B. N., 8; Gooch, E. O.' 3 ; Lynchburg Ilighway district: Parrott, Miser, H. D. w. T., 11. Mineral deposits, megashering zone, Richmond Highway district : Parrott, importance, Virginia to California: w. T.,8. Keith, B. A., 3. Earthquakes Mineral explolation, review: Laurence, September 10, 1952. Charlotteville: Mur- R. A.. 1. phy, L. M., 4. Mineral resourc*, classification: Behre, November 26, 1950, Buckingham County: C. H., Jr., 1. Murphy, L. M., 3. Mineral resources, review: Stow, M. I[., 1948, Buckingham County, Charlottes- 1. ville: Murptry, L. M., 1. Mineral resourcs, map: Cooper, B. N.' May 8, Richmond, Sept. 1?, 1949, Lee County: Mu-Phy, L. M., 2. Mineral resources, Production, history: February 7, 1953, Goehland County, Gooch, ?. James River area : Murphy, L. M., Mineral resourcG, summary: Fisher' C. c.. 1. 1957, summary: Murphy, L. M., 6. Mineral reources, symposium: Mc- Economic geology Grain, P.; Snyder, F. G., 1. Aggregates, highways, properties: Vir- Monazite, occurrences: Mertie' J' B.' 1. ginia Dept. of Highways. 4. Asbe:tos, reources, bibliography: Avery, Monazite, plaoer deposits: Twenhofel R. B. w.,5. Asbestos, occurrences: Bowlc, O. Oil and g:as, review: LeVan, D. C.' 1. Barite, bibliography: Dean, B. G. Oil and gas, developments, production, Bauxite, biblioeraphy: Fischer, E. C. 1945-1959: Richards, I{. G.' 5. InronnrerroN Crncur-en 19 99

Ore depmits, Misissippi Valley type: Soil analyses: Jofiee, J. S. Behrs C. H., Jr., 2, Geomorphology Petrcleum, natunl gas, wells drilled Caves, descriptions, origin, explorers re- prior to 1969: LeVan, D. C., 2. ports: Dun, J. R. Petmleum, natural gas, exploratory drill- Caves, spel,eothms, {evelopment: Quin- ing: Blanpied, B. W., 1, 2. lan, J. F., Jr. Phosphate, origin, occurrence: Jacob, James River, topography: Stow, M. H., K. D. l. Silie, high-grade, bibliographn United Plant distribution controls, North Amerl- States: Jaster. M. C. ca : Howell, T. J. Titanium, @curren@, production: Pegau, Physiographie provinces : Fenneman, W. A. 4.,2, 4. M., l, 2, 3; Joerg, W. L. G. Titanim, rserves, mining: Lawthers, Physiographic province, forest related: R.,2. Boman, I. Ifmnium, thorium, @currence, southast- Rivers, stream load relation to erosion: ern states: Laurence, R. A., 3. Allen, R. M., Jr,, 1. Uranium, favorable environments: Ever- SoiI ercion : Davis, R, O. E. hart, D. L. Gmphysical suneys Uranium, possibilities: Stow, M. IL, 6. Crust, seismic exploration: Tatel, H. E., Yemiculite, occurreuce: Ilunter, C. E. L,2. Xenotime, occurrence: Mertie, J. B., Jr., Electrical reistivity, highway construc- 4. tion: M@dor, J, P., 2. Zircon, resources, origin: Mertie, J. B., Gravity, isostatic anomalies: Glennie, E. Jr., 5. A., 1; Bowie, W. Enginering gol,ogy Gravity, anomali*, thory of warp : Concrete aggregate rsction : Melville, Glennie, E. A.. 2. P. L. Gravity, map: Lyons, P. L., 1. Ilighways, bridge coring, resistivity re Gravity, anomaly patterns, crwtal struc- porta: M@dorc, G. S., 1, 2; Patott, ture:'Woollard, G. P., 2. w. T., 14, 15, 17. Gravity, delin@tion, Appalachia: Thom, quarries: Ilighways,'W'. bridge coring, Par- W. T.. Jr. rott, T., S, 4,7,9. Methods: Hopkins, E. R., l Ilighways, construction material survey: Radioactivity, reconnaissance: Stow, M. Madors, J. P., 1. II., 7. Ilighways, construction problems: Par- Seismic-reflection quality map, review, rott, W. T., 5. United States: Lyons, P. L., 2. Ilighways, gologist's role: Parrott, W. Hvdrogeolog:y T., 16. Gensal problms, groundwater: Cooper, Highways, features of physiographic B. N., 9. provinces: Laurence, R.A'., .2 Genera.l rcoures : Virginia Soil Conserv. GENERAL Com. Bibliography, Bureu of Mine invetiga- General, estimated use of water in United tions of coal, 1950-1955: Carman, Statc: MacKiehan, K. 4., l, 2. F. P, General, r6ources, uses: Yirginia Adv. Bibliography, barite depeits: Dan, B. Couneil on the Virginia Economy i G. Yirginia Adv. Leefs, Council. Bibliogmphy, cmde oil, analyses : Blade, Ground water, popular account: Daniel, o. c.. 3. J. II. Bibliography, sall United States, index Ground water, bibliography: Vorhis, R; map: Lang, W. B. c. Bibliography, iron, resources, world: Lut- Ground water, resources : Yirginia Div. trell, G. W., 1. of Water Resources, 3. Bibliography, mineral deposits, hydro- Ground water, gmeralized account of themal, magmatic: Ridge, J. D. conditions, resenes, potential: Mein- Bibliography, selmirm, annotated, United zet. O. E. States: Luttrell, G. W., 2. Ground water, current situation, develop- Bibliography, trace elements reports, U. ment: McGuincs, C. L. S. Geological Survey: Wallace, J. II. Ground water levels. 1950-1959: U.S. ' Bibliography, uranium, thorium: Soiy Gol. Survey, 3. ter, P. Mineral springs, analyses: Bell, J.; Bibliography, titanium deposits, world: Crook. J. K. Lawthers, R., 1. Mineral springs, deseriptions: Moorman, Bibliography, thorium and rare-earths: J. Buck, K. L. Public water supply, summary, analyses: Catalog, petroleum, gas wells : LeVan, Lohr, E. W. D. C.,2. Triasic basins, origin of water system: Early scientifis interets: Johnson. T. LeGrand, I1. 8., 1, C., Jr. Water supply, deffeits : Yan Bavel, C. Geologic obsenations, Thomas Hariot, H, M. 1588: White, G. W. Maps, geologic Y, P. I. gology program: Coper, B. Index, status 1958: Bmrdman, L. N.. 14. Triassic units, post- and prepaleotec- V. P. 1., paleontological studies: Moore, tonic: McKe, E. D. w. E.,4. Maps, geomorphic Yirginia Geological Suryey aims: Stow, Physiogmphic provinees : Fenneman, N. . M. H.,3. M.,4. Gochemistry Maps, landforru Gas, natural, hdium bering, analyses: United States : R;aiz, E- J., 2. Anderson. C. C.. Maps, mineral resour@s Ore deposits, geochemical prospecting: Geneml: Cooper, B. N., 4; Gooeh, E. O., Bloss, F. D, 9. 100 VrncrNre Drvrsrou oF MTNERAL RBsouncos

VIRGINIA-Cont. Mesozoie systems, distribution and thick. ness: Ver Weibe, W. .{., 2. Maps, palogeographic Orogmie movements, Lafayette time: Atlas, North America: Schuchert, C.,2. Taber, S. Cambrian-Quatemary: Willis, B. Paleozoic coal merourc, stratigraphic Tertiary: Matthew, W. D. classification : Wanless, H. R., 8. Maps, geologic Palozoie, cyclic sedimentation : Wan- Mississippian-Cretaceow: Levorsen, A. I. les, I1. R., 4. Maps, physiographic Paleozoic system, distribution and thiek- Geniral: Raiz, E. J.,1. nos Ver Weibe, W. A- 1. Maps, tectonic Pleistocene, Wisconsin Stage, climate: General, United Stat6: King, P. 8., 1. Dillon. L. S. Mineralogy Paleogeographic maps, North America : Clay minerals, parent rocks, samples: Sehucbert, C., 2. Yan Houten, !'. B. Pennsylvanian, cml ares: Brom, A. Collecting, l@alities: Pegau, A. A., 6. Precambrian-Cenozoic: Schuchert, C., 1; Collecting, lcalities, porlular account: King, P.8., 6. Schoppe, L. Precambrian, Cretaceous, Holeene, Gemstones, general decription: Sink- Fredericksburg Highway district: ankas, J. 2. Parrott, W. T., 10. Gemstone, occurrence, United States: Triassic, eorrelation, United Stats: Mc- Sctrlegel, D. M. Laughlin, D. B. Eleavy minerals, Patuxent Formation, Triassic, correlation chart: Reside, J. provenance: Greene, W. M. B., Jr. Ifeavy minerals, Pamunky River sedi- Triassic system, paleotectonic maps : Me ments, provenance: Figgers, R. L. Eeavy minerals, Rappahannock River Kee, E. D. provenance: J. Structural gmlogy sediments, Bowle, Basement, defi4ition without age or rock L. tyrres: Sears, C. 8., Jr., 7. Heavy minerals, Nottoway River, sedi- penetration, provenance: M. Deep crustal east-west s5rs- ments, Pitard, A. tems, United States: Keith, B. .A'., 2. Mineral localities: Dietrich, R. V.,2. America G. xenotime 8., Geoslnclines, North : Kay. Monazite and : Mertie, J. M.. 1. Jr., 4. Megasher zone, Virginia California : Popular account: Dietrich, R. Y', 4. to B., Keith, B. A., 3. Xenotime and monazite: Mertie, J. Megashearing, crustal : Keith, B. A., 4. Jr., 4. Mer- Review, gmeral account : Eardley, A. Zircon, hafnium, zirconium mtios: 2. 5. J., tie, J. 8., Jr., Tectonio, history: King, P. 8., 4. Patreontology Anthozoa, Paleozoie, reference lists, Tectonic activity, earthquake epicenter world : Bassler, R. S., Jr., 2. alinements: Woollard, G. P., 3. Graptolithina, theel structures, rela- Tetonic divisions: Eardley, A. J., 1' tion to Celenterata: Decker, C. E., VIRGINIA_CENTRAL Paleobotany, Cletaceous- Quaternary : Earthquakes Ilarshberger, J. W. Aucust 27, 1833: Mc0arthy, G. R., 2. Plants, Mesozic-Pleistocene distlibution: Stratigraphy Braun, E. L., 2. Cambrian, Vesuvius Quadrangle, lower: Pleistocene ecology, biogeography: Mar- Werner. fI. J. tin. P. S. Structural geolog:y Triassic paleobotany: Applegate, S. P., Veuvius Quadrangle: Werner, II. J. Trilobita, silicified, Middle Ordovician: VIRGINIA_NORTHERN Evitt, W. R., II' 4. Wisconsin age, life zone: Dillon, L. S. Absolute age Accessory minerals, radiogenic lead, wst- Petrology Gottfried, D., 3; Jofiee, E. W. Coal, petrography: Parks, B. C. ern: Iron meteorites, metaUography, Staunton, Gophysical surveys Fairfax Quadrangle, aeromagnetic: Bals- Indian Valley: Perry, S. H. ley, J. R., Jr. Meteorites, dccription, weight: Hunt- Petrology ington, O. W. Monazite, Mertie, J. 8., Lynchburg Formation, rmorking centml: bearing rocks: Gooch, E. O., 4. Jr', 1. Paragneisses: Mertie, J. 8., Jr., 3. Nottoway River sediments, provqance : Pitard, A. M. Popular aceount: Dietrich, R .Y', 4. VIRGINIA_SOUTHWESTERN Rappahannock River seiliments, proven- Areal gology ance ; Bowle, J. L. Gossan Lead District: Stose, A. I. J. Soils, relation to source: Marbut, C. F. Earthquake Zircon- bedrock sourc6: Mertie, J. B., September 28, 1955: MacCarthy, G. R., Jr., 5. l- Soils Summary, Tennessee related: Money- Surveys and maps, 1951-1959: U.S. Dept. maker, B. C. Agriculture. Economic geology Stratigraphy Coal, chamcteristic of seam : Allen' R. Cretecsus-Quatemary, drciduous forest M., Jr., 2. dryelopment: Braun, E. L., 1. Coal, Pennsylvanian, distribution: Wan- General reviw: King, P. B., 4. lcs, If. R., 6. Gosynclines, North America : Kay, G. Construction materials, sand, crushed, M. 1. .,1 TYA region: Spain, E. L., Jr. INronmerrou Crncur.en 19 101

Mineral depcits, Brushy Mountain area : Ordovician, Chepultepec, Longview for- Seafs, C. E., Jr., 6. mations, limestone beds : Moore, W. Mineral resources, possibilities, devel,op- g.! I. ment: Virginia Div. Planning and Paleozoie, early structures : Moore, W. Econ. Devel. . E., 3. Natural gas, development: Young, D. M., Pakuoic, lithology, effects on geomorph- 1. ology, Clinch Mountain ara : Miller, Natuml gas, produetion: Young, D. M., v. c. 2. Pennsylvanian, eorrelations: Mmre, R. C. Oi.l and gas, resources : Harnsberger, W. Pqnsylvanian, southwestern coal fields : T.,2. Wanless, II. R., 1. Petroleum, natural gas, pmsibilities : Pennsylvanian, coal beds, Appalachian Wilpolt, R. 8.,2. Basin: Wanless, Il. R., 7. Petroleum, natural gas, wells drilled be- Pennsylvanian, Indian Blufi and Gravs fore 1950: Hudille J. W., 2. Gap Group, Tennesee related : Wil- Petroleum, natural gas, well logs: Hud- son, C. W., Jr. dle, J. W., l. Pennsylvanian, isopach studies: Wanless, Quartz, crystalline, occurrence: Mertie, H. R., 3. J. 8., Jr., 6. Pennsylvanian, lithologic variation, Wis€ Uranium, occurrences : Walthier, T. N. Fomation : Wanless, II. R., 2. Engineering geology Pennsylvanian, Pottsville strata, coal Coal, nine roof shale, propeaties: Meyer- field: Dapples, E. C., 1; Mitehm, tons, C. T, R. M., Jr. Gochemistry Structura.l geology Anthraxolite, genetic relation to coal vs Coal aras : Brown, A. oil: Dietrich, R. V., ?. Cmbeland overthrust bLock, shear zone Geomorphology in Devonian, deep well records: Clincb Mountain area, drainage basin: Young, D. M.,3. Miller, V. C. Dolomitie limestones, prelit"hification Geophysical surveys structures: Lowry, W. D., 4. CoaJ, sbale, radioactivity reconnaissance: Pine Mountain fault, thrust or slide : Snider, J. Ir. Taylor, M. II., Jr. Maps, geologic Paleozoic, €rly: Moore, W. 8., 3. Coal fields: Brown, A. Devonian-Mississippian boundary: Glover, VIRGINIA-WESTERN L., lrl,2. geology Gossan Lead district: Stme, A. I. J. Areal Maps, isopach Jame River district, west of the Blue Lithofacic, c@l field: Mitchum, R. M., Ridge: Etlmundson, R. S., 6. Jr. Economic geology Mineralogy Limestonedotromite, industrial, James Coal mine roof shal6: Meyertons, C. T. River district, west of Blue Ritlge: Heal'5r minerals, New River sediments, Edmundson, R. S., 6. provenance: Maclntosh, C, A. Barite resource: Brobst, D. A. Smith River sediments: Young, G. M. Iron, coal, fluxstone, rcources: Cooper, Quartz crystalline, propertis: Mertie, B. N.. 15. J. 8., Jr., 6. Iron, Oriskany deposits, e:

VIRGINIA-WESTERN-Cont. Northampton County 'Water wells, logs and recor

YORK COUNTY Yalley and Ridge Austinville and Timberville d is tr icts, Palontology genesis: Ohle, E. L. Yorktown Formation, Yorktown area: Palmer, K. E. I{. V. Virginia Sulffde ores, occurrence, distribution: ZINC Young, R. S., 8. Albemarle County Wythe County Faber area, occurrence, genesis: Gian- Austinville district: Brown, W. II., 1. nini, !Y. tr'., 3. Austinville di,strict, soil analysis m in- Rckingham County dicator: Fulton, B.8., III. Timbqville district, ecumences, geneis : Austinville district, occurrence: Oder, C. Herbert, P., Jr., 1. R. L. Timberville district, possibilities: Steph- enson, R. C. ZIRCON Timbwille district, stmtigraphic and Virginia structural control: Gren, J. gen€sis, Shenandoah County Resources, occurrencc: Mertie, Timberyille area, occurrence, geneis : J. B.. Jr., 5' Herbert, P., Jr., 1.