Dynamism in Islamic Activism Dynamism in Islamic 24-08-2006 10:14 Pagina 2
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Dynamism in Islamic 24-08-2006 10:14 Pagina 1 Dynamism in Islamic Activism Dynamism in Islamic 24-08-2006 10:14 Pagina 2 The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (wrr) was estab- lished on a provisional basis in 1972. It was given a formal legal basis under the Act of Establishment of June 30, 1976. The present term of office runs up to December 31, 2007. According to the Act of Establishment, it is the Council’s task to supply, in behalf of government policy, scientifically sound information on develop- ments which may affect society in the long term, and to draw timely atten- tion to likely anomalies and obstacles, to define major policy problems and to indicate policy alternatives. The Council draws up its own programme of work, after consultation with the Prime Minister, who also takes cognisance of the cabinet’s view on the proposed programme. Dynamism in Islamic Activism. Reference Points for Democratization and Human Rights is a translation of the Council’s report Dynamiek in islamitisch activisme. Aanknopingspunten voor democratisering en mensenrechten, Reports to the government nr. 73, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2006 (isbn-13: 978 90 5356 827 9). The report was translated from the Dutch by Kate Delaney. This report was completed under the responsibility of the seventh Council (2003-2007), which at the time had the following composition: Prof. dr. W.B.H.J. van de Donk (chairman) Prof. mr. dr. L. Hancher Prof. dr. P.A.H. van Lieshout Prof. dr. P.L. Meurs Prof. dr. J.L.M. Pelkmans I.J. Schoonenboom Prof. dr. J.J.M. Theeuwes Prof. dr. P. Winsemius Executive director: dr. A.C. Hemerijck Deputy-director: dr. R.J. Mulder Lange Vijverberg 4-5 P.O. Box 20004 2500 EA ’s-Gravenhage Tel. + 31 70 356 46 00 Fax + 31 70 356 46 85 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.wrr.nl Dynamism in Islamic 24-08-2006 10:14 Pagina 3 SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL FOR GOVERNMENT POLICY Dynamism in Islamic Activism reference points for democratization and human rights Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2006 Dynamism in Islamic 24-08-2006 10:14 Pagina 4 dynamism in islamic activism 4 Cover illustration : ANP / Robin Utrecht Cover design: Studio Daniëls, The Hague Layout: Het Steen Typografie, Maarssen isbn-13 978 90 5356 918 4 isbn-10 90 5356 918 9 nur 741 / 717 © wrr/Amsterdam University Press, The Hague/Amsterdam 2006 All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the written permission of both the copyright owner and the author of the book. Dynamism in Islamic 24-08-2006 10:14 Pagina 5 contents contents Summary 7 Preface 13 1Introduction 15 1.1 Background 15 1.2Goal, key questions, and definitions 17 1.3 Limitations 20 1.4 Elaboration of the research question and structure of the report 22 2The development of Islamic political thought 25 2.1 Introduction 25 2.2 Reform by return to the sources 26 2.3 Reform by reinterpretation of the sacred sources 32 2.4 Interpretation of the dynamism in Islamic thought 50 2.5 Conclusion 56 3The development of Islamic political movements 57 5 3.1 Introduction 57 3.2 Islamic political movements in the 1970s: background and characteristics 58 3.3 Islamic political activists in power 65 3.4 Islamic political movements in the political and social arena 73 3.5Interpretation of the political dynamism 92 3.6 Conclusion 103 4The development of law and legal systems 109 4.1 Introduction 109 4.2 Recent Islamization of law and legal systems 111 4.3 Islamic and universal human rights 134 4.4 Interpretation of the legal dynamism 141 4.5 Conclusion 150 5Policy perspective 153 5.1 Introduction 153 5.2 The world political situation 154 5.3 Reference points 159 5.4 Constructive engagement with the Muslim world 165 5.5 European and bilateral policy options for constructive engagement 174 5.6 Islamic activism in the Dutch democratic constitutional state 197 5.7 Conclusion 209 Dynamism in Islamic 24-08-2006 10:14 Pagina 6 dynamism in islamic activism Bibliography 215 Appendix 1 Comparison of the scores of Muslim countries with regard to political rights and civil liberties, early 1970s and 2003/2004 229 Appendix 2 Classification of Muslim countries by regime type – 2002 231 Appendix 3 Status of Islam and Sharia as a legal source in the constitutions of Muslim countries 232 Appendix 4 The Barcelona process, emp and enp 234 Glossary 237 6 Dynamism in Islamic 24-08-2006 10:14 Pagina 7 summary summary Background Since the 1970s, Islam has become an increasingly important political factor. The various manifestations of this phenomenon of ‘Islamic activism’ have led to considerable tensions and violent conflicts, not only within the Muslim world itself, but also in (relations with) the West and the Netherlands. The interrelatedness of what occurs outside and inside national borders means that what takes place elsewhere may also have consequences for the internal relationship between segments of the popu- lation. A climate of distrust and fear has arisen between Muslims and non- Muslims, and also within the Muslim community itself. Communication about ‘Islam’ now only takes place through intemperate images and inflated words, such as a ‘clash of civilizations’ or an ‘irreconcilability of Islam with democracy and human rights.’ Research question This report investigates the characteristics and dynamics of Islamic activism. It poses the question of whether, and in what respect, the manifestations 7 of this activism since the 1970s offer reference points for democratization and the improvement of human rights. It also investigates which policy perspectives for the Netherlands and Europe can contribute to a reduction of tensions surrounding Islamic activism in the longer term and can sup- port processes of democratization and the improvement of human rights. Goal With this report, the Council intends to formulate a policy perspective that will contribute to reducing the tensions with and within the Muslim world on issues of Islamic activism. The Council considers it essential that this perspective be based on factual knowledge of the developments and characteristics of this activism. At the same time, this report does not intend to be a description and analysis of all facets of Islamic activism, including its well-known negative manifestations. The research concen- trates on positive reference points for policy directed towards democrati- zation and human rights in Muslim countries. This report is directed towards the Dutch government. However, by their nature, the international developments discussed, demand efforts of inter- national policy. For this reason, the report primarily explores the policy options available to the eu. It is precisely within this larger context that the Netherlands can exert influence. However, reference points for the eu’s external policy also have implications for approaching Islamic activism within the Netherlands. Dynamism in Islamic 24-08-2006 10:14 Pagina 8 dynamism in islamic activism Approach The relationship between Islamic activism and democracy and human rights is examined along three dimensions, namely: • Islamic political thought, • Islamic political movements, and • Islamic law. Reference points The report concludes that Islamic activism does indeed offer reference points for democratization and human rights. Each of the three investi- gated dimensions shows, in this respect, great diversity and promising dynamism. Even though these are only tentative reference points and much uncertainty still exists, it is inaccurate to assume that ‘Islam’ in a general sense is at odds with the acceptance of democracy and human rights. On the level of Islamic political thought there are indeed many thinkers who reject important principles for the polity of the state, such as the sepa- ration of church and state, democracy, constitutional government, and human rights, as incompatible with Islamic principles and the supremacy 8 of Islamic law. Yet, alongside these opinions, which shape much of the image of Islam, there are increasingly more thinkers who strive for these same principles precisely on Islamic grounds. They turn away from dogmatic approaches that claim that the precepts of the sacred sources should be followed to the letter. Rather, they are more concerned with the spirit and expressive power of these sources in relation to current circum- stances. Thinkers holding such views can now be found in many Muslim countries – Indonesia, Malaysia, and Egypt, for example. This modernizing mode of thought can even be found in Iran, a country that has now had a quarter century of experience with Islamic theocracy. The recent history of Islamic political movements in the Muslim world also reveals a large degree of diversity and dynamism. Such movements do not form a homogenous, unalterably radical, and always violent threat. Transnational terrorism that concentrates on jihadist actions is, of course, threatening. Alongside this, however, there are a number of Islamic move- ments with very diverse aspirations, including groups seeking reforms within the existing political systems. Moreover, Islamic political move- ments in many Muslim countries have abandoned their initially radical attitude in favor of a pragmatic political standpoint. The movements most strongly oriented towards the political arena, such as the Muslim Brother- hood in Egypt, have shifted the most in the direction of accepting demo- cratic principles and norms. In doing so, they distance themselves from absolute truths and become familiar with the positive workings of demo- cratic principles and human rights. Dynamism in Islamic 24-08-2006 10:14 Pagina 9 summary In the last few decades many Muslim countries have been exposed to the pressure of introducing elements of Islamic law in national legislation.